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Page 1: Silay City Watersports and Recreation Park (Chapter I)





This saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." has stood the

test of time. People have been saying it for ages; and for good reasons.

Working constantly and not allowing oneself to some occasional recreation will

simply just wear out the body. After all, life isn't all about work. There should be

a steady balance of work and play; and that's where recreation comes in.

“Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as

necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth

more than learning.” (Thomas Jefferson, 1790 ) 

Recreation, defined by Ambrose Bierce as, “A particular kind of dejection

to relieve a general fatigue”,is a term that denotes the refreshment of one's

body or mind after work that stimulates amusement or play. People have

become too busy to take out time to introspect, no time to interact, and have

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become so engrossed with work.Working can lead to increased stress, illness,

disease or more. People weren't meant to work themselves to death. There

should be a balance of work and recreation. Our bodies need rest, relaxation

and enjoyment every once in a while. As what American author, Edward

Bellamy, said, “If bread is the first necessity of life, recreation is a close

second.” Recreation is an activity, rather an opportunity to take a break, the

much-needed break from work.The more recreation one engages after work,

the happier and enjoyable life becomes.

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while

movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”  (Plato)

Recreational activities are widely popular across the globe. Some enjoy

exploring to beautiful places around the world whereas others take interest in

pursuing their hobbies as a means of recreation. Whichever way, recreation

needs to be made a vital component of the fast life of the present times!

“Life is best enjoyed when time periods are evenly divided between labor,

sleep, and recreation...all people should spend one-third of their time in

recreation which is rebuilding, voluntary activity, never idleness.”(Brigham


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In Nationwide polls, 89% of all Americans report that they frequently

experience high levels of stress and 59% claimed that they feel great stress at

least once a week. John Wanamaker once said, “People who cannot find time

for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.”Positive and

enjoyable recreation experiences can decrease stress and psychological

tensions. Leisure activities offer people with the opportunity to boost energy and

emotion not being released in other aspects of their lives. 

Family bonds are enhanced by the sharing of leisure time. Families that

do recreational activities together tend to be closer and improve their chances

of staying together.

There are a lot of activities to choose from with recreation. Some people

prefer to do adventurous sporting activities and experience the thrills and

excitement, while others prefer to light activities. Adventure and recreation in

Philippines has been a part of the Filipino culture. The tropical weather allows

Filipinos to spend most of their free time outdoors; children commonly play

outside with friends.

“There's something special about being on the water. Whether cresting a

wave in an outrigger canoe, paddling a kayak across a cliff-rimmed lake, or

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skimming the sea at full sail, a water outing delivers a wind-in-your-hair sense of

fulfillment and fun.” (Candyce H. Stapen)

The Philippines has plenty to offer when it comes to sporting, adventure

and recreation. Watersports provides exercises and thrills while being close to

nature, an advantage in a country with scenic places and a great diversity of

sea creatures. There are a lot of exciting activities to enjoy in the Philippines

with many beaches, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls as well as its coastal waters.

The well-built tourism infrastructure in the Philippines does an excellent

job catering for families and travelers. The Philippines’ expansive coastline

facilitates an ideal environment in which to enjoy nature. Some popular sports

include kayaking, rafting, boating with the views afforded while kayaking

between islets typically being breathtaking. For the more adventurous traveler,

the surf in certain places is on par with surfing strongholds like Hawaii and

travelers regularly show up to ride the waves.

Playing in the whitecaps is common anywhere in the Philippines where

there’s a stretch of sandy coastline. The resorts offer all types of equipment for

hire, ranging from snorkeling gear to sea kayaks. Surfing is also popular in the

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Philippines, and boarding enthusiasts usually head to Siargao Island just north

of Mindanao. Meanwhile, windsurfers pack their gear to Boracay Island, where

surf conditions are best on the east coast. For those who don’t have any

experience in watersports, hotels and travel agents can enroll visitors in

watersports lessons.

“You will be amazing how incredible the feeling is fighting to stay on your

feet. It’s like a battle with yourself with your fears. You can’t be afraid to mess

up, because it’s going to happen. You just have to let go and enjoy the

experience.”(Travis Stowe)

For all those adventurous types who love that adrenaline rush, cable-

riding water sports like wakeboarding, water-skiing, wake skating and knee

boarding, which are new in Philippines, is a thrilling option. Nothing can match

the excitement and fervour that the water sporting activities can offer.

“As you learn about the wakeboard, you'll want to know more of the lingo,

too.” (Sarah Winkler)

Camsur Watersports Complex in  Cadlan, Naga, Philippines is a world-

class six-hectare complex with a six-point cable ski system for wakeboarding,

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cable skiing, water skiing, knee boarding and wake skating. It is now widely

known as the best cable park in Asia. Nueva Ecija Governor Aurelio Umali

said, “Prior to the establishment of its Camsur Watersports Complex,

Camarines Sur was ranked as the 39th poorest province in the country but has

since emerged as the 10th richest province.” Tourists and water sports

enthusiasts from all over the world have flocked to seek out adventures in

CamSur. Not only does it cater to water sports enthusiasts, the CWC also

provides family recreational activities like the Lago del Rey family entertainment

and water sports facility where families can do swimming, kayaking, dragon

boating, aqua wall climbing or play water volleyball and water polo.

With its growing popularity, CWC has catered numerous high-profile

events, including the annual Summit Water CamSur Marathon and the Ultimate

Wake Championship, two of the country’s most important sporting events which

include athletes from as far as the United States, Europe, South Africa and from

all over Asia.

Silay City is currently developing their tourism and marketing strategy.

The city is dubbed as, “Seat of arts, culture and eco-tourism in Western

Visayas”. It is also one of the 25 major tourist destinations in the country as per

the Department of Tourism.“It has well preserved ancestral houses, collection of

steam locomotives, rich cultural heritage, untamed forest,appetizing hometown

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delicacies and people complement its thrust to become a leading winner

destination in the region.” (Mayor Montelibano)With the existing Bacolod-Silay

Airport, tourists will definitely want to come and visit to explore the wonders of

the city.

Silay City Mayor Jose Montelibano said that the new tourism concept will

boost the existing tourism program of Silay which includes future plans like the

development of swimming pool in Patag, board walk in Balaring, Watersports

facilities, Racing venue, open tourism resource learning facilities,  light railway

transit from the airport, etc.

The researcher is greatly interested in adventurous activities and

recreation. With the unforgettable experience in CWC influence of other places,

the researcher desires to share the excitement and thrills by bringing the

activities in Silay. Experiencing new adventures, blogger Travis Stowe said,

“You will be amazing how incredible the feeling is fighting to stay on your

feet. It’s like a battle with yourself with your fears. You can’t be afraid to

mess up, because it’s going to happen. You just have to let go and enjoy

the experience.”

Therefore, the researcher is highly interested to propose a Water sports

and Recreation Park to cater tourists, families, sporting enthusiasts and host

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events which will enable to develop the tourism strategy of Silay City. This will

be able to introduce water sporting activities like wakeboarding, which is new to

the people of Negros.


The main purpose of this research is to provide extraordinary,

proficient and suitable architectural design solution design for the proposed

“Silay City Watersports and Recreation Park” that will cater tourists and the

locals by introducing innovative activities to further promote tourism and

exposure to the local market.

This study specifically aims to answer the following:

Site Analysis

1. What is the current status of the present site for its conformity to the

land use and zoning regulations of the area?

2. What are the available utilities within the site?

Site Development

1. What is the type of site planning concept appropriate for the site?

2. What are the site requirements for this development?

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Building Function

1. What are the required amenities, facilities and spaces?

2. What are the sizes of the areas required?

3. What is the spatial organization of these requirements?

Building Aesthetics

1. What is the general aesthetic character appropriate for the structures

of the proposal?

2. What is the general design concept?

3. What is the aesthetic philosophy?

4. What are the design motifs?

Building Strength and Durability

1. What are the principles of construction to be adopted?

2. What are the materials to be specified?

Building Engineering and Utility System

1. What are the necessary engineering and utility systems to be


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The researcher has come up with the process that will be adapted in the

current thesis problem using the gathered data of the concepts and ideas based

from different authorities in order to provide a functional and well-planned


The paradigm below illustrates the sequence of the study, Silay City

Watersports and Recreation Park, which includes the Input (independent

variable) that will pass through certain processes (intervening variable) that

would eventually produce an output (dependent variable). The Site involves

major considerations including site analysis and site development. As for the

building function, space programming and schematic design is required while

integrating the concepts for appropriate design on the building aesthetics.

Structural design analysis and application of materials are applied for the

building strength, then assignment and layout for the building utility systems.

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I n de pe nd en t V ar i ab l eT he S i teS i te D ev e lo pm en tN ec e ss a ry a n d a p pl i c ab l e s i t e p l an n in g c o nc e ptF un c ti o nR eq u i re d s p ac e s a n d f a c il i t i es b y a u th o r it i e sA es t he t i csT h eo r i es o f s p ac e p l an n in g , p r i nc i p le s a n d c o nc e pt sA e st h e ti c p h i lo s op h y, d e si g n c o nc e pt s , p r i nc i p le s o f c om po s i ti o nS t re ng t hS t ru c tu r a l d e si g n p r i nc i p le sS pe c i fi c a ti o n o f m a te r i al sU t i li t y S ys t em sR eq u i re d e n gi n ee r i ng a n d u t i l it y s y st e msS pe c i fi c a ti o n o f m a te r i al s a n d

I n te r ve n in g V ar i ab l eM a jo r c o ns i de r a ti o ns

S i te D ev e lo pm en tS i t e a n al y s isS i t e- s t r uc t u re s t ud yS i t e u s e p r og r amF un c ti o nS pa c e p r og r am mi n gS pa c e a n al y s isA es t he t i csI n t er p re t a ti o n a n d t r a ns l a ti o n o f a d ap t ed c o nc e pt s i n t o v i su a l f o rm sS t re ng t hS t ru c tu r a l d e si g n a n al y s is a n d a p pl i c at i o n o f m a te r i al sU t i li t y S ys t em sA s si g nm en t , l a yo u t a n d i n s ta l l at i o n o f u t i l it y c om po n en t s

D ep en de n t V ar i ab l eF un c ti o na l a nd w el l -p l an ne d S i la y C i ty Wa t er s po r ts a nd R ec r ea t io n C en t er

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Figure 1.1 Paradigm of Conceptual Framework


Lago de Oro in Calatagan, Batangas is surrounded by palm trees with

some mangroves fringing the seashore. During low tide, the water recedes far

from the shore which uncovers a vast stretch of sand. The buildings are of

Mediterranean-style with white facades, arcades and tile roofs. The interiors of

these buildings are spacious and comfortable with pale rattan furnitures that

invite the guests to lounge and relax. The Site development plan of Lago de

Oro uses a clustered-type planning, utilizing the whole site in order to maximize

the space.

Caliraya Recreation Center in Laguna also employs the clustered-type

plan since this encourages communally shared activities. The main building

characterizes a Spanish style Architecture embodying red colored roof and

white classic exterior paint color approach has extravagant presence and

causes the building to look large, bold and attractive.

The main building, clubhouse, of Camsur Watersports Complex has a

tropical modern architectural character. It involves brown colored hip type roof

with white plain columns on the sides to support the foldable door systems,

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located along the front, left and right sides of the building, which is only used to

close the building at night. The front part of building includes a full service

restaurant and open entrance with no walls, only foldable partitions, welcomes

most guests. CWC also has a clustered type site planning which is very much

ideal for recreational facilities.


In order to accomplish the most suitable design for the proposed “Silay

City Watersports and Recreation Park”, the project will depend upon the basis

on the building and planning concepts alongside with the architectural design.

Stated below are the theories and concepts which will be used in this study.

A. For the Site Development

Cluster planning for the Watersports and Recreation Park will allow its

users to go around and be able to explore the majority of the site. This will

provide a greater potential towards the development of the entire site in order to

entice more people.

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Based on the book Architectural Theories of Design (2000), Cluster type

of planning is grouping of spaces by proximity or the sharing of the common

visual trait of relationship if often consist of repetitive cellular spaces that have

similar functions and all composition of spaces that are dissimilar in size, form

and function but related to one another.

Hence, the “cluster type” of planning is applicable to this kind of project

because it would be best that the different structures or areas are grouped

functionally so that it would cater the needs of its users. This concept will

improve the relationship of the different structures and facilities.

B. For Building Aesthetics

Ecological Architecture, also known as environmental design/architecture

combines aspects of landscape design with architecture. This building character

will compliment the outdoor scenes especially designed for leisure and sporting

activities whilst considering appropriate facilities for the users. Polish

philosopher, Henryk Skolimowski pioneered in the principles of ecologically

sound architecture. His concept deals with building materials and aims at

minimizing the use of not replenishable raw materials.  This means preferring

such building materials as wood, stone, earth and recycled material like used

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boxes and barrels, and naturally it necessitates a peculiar style of architectural

design as well.

Architecture today seems to be grasping the  latest trend “GO Green”

concept, also known as Green Architecture because of its efficiency and

sustainability. Many eco-friendly building techniques with aesthetics that match

the natural surroundings are now being incorporated in the designs.

This concept is also applicable to this study. Ecological architecture is

the most suitable character that works best for developments that are bounded

by nature and caters leisure facilities and outdoor activities. The character of

the structure will compliment the nature where recreation and sporting activities


C. For Building Function

“Form ever follows function”, coined by the less famous American

architect, Louis Sullivan, is a principle associated with modern architecture and

industrial design in the 20th century. It was shortened to “Form follows

function”. He pointed out that the style of architecture should reflect its

purpose. The principle is that the shape of a building or object should be

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primarily based upon its intended function or purpose. Architecture is an art of

creating beautiful spaces, of designing structures where form follows function. It

is an art based on the principles of Utility and Beauty.

With regards to the building function, the concept, Form follows

function, will be applied, initially by identifying the necessary spaces followed

by integrating it with the shape of the building.


The study of the proposed project entitled “Silay City Watersports and

Recreation Park” intends to introduce new innovative facilities to the locals and

tourists with advanced, effective and functional design. This study will be

beneficial to the following:

Silay City and the Province of Negros Occidental

This study may serve as a reference to whatsoever future

developments and plans that will be conducted by the city or the

province in relative to the tourism industry.

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To the Investors

The study will serve as a basis for the investors in promoting their

possible projects and ventures in the province.

To the Local and Foreign Tourists

This study is significant to the tourists as a reference for their

activities to be conducted during vacations or leisure.

To the Watersports Professionals and Enthusiasts

This study will serve as a guide for Watersports enthusiasts in

choosing the ideal location for a Watersports area for their needs. It will

also aid the professionals in selecting the perfect venue for their

watersporting activities and competitions. Aside from these, it will also

give them an overview regarding the purpose and significance of a

Watersports facility.

To the future Architecture Students

This study will aid the future students of our school La

Consolacion College- Bacolod, as there source for their research

studies. They could browse and get some ideas about Watersports and

Recreation Park.

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The purpose of this study is to provide an ideal Architectural Design of

the “Silay City Watersports and Recreation Park” located at Barangay E. Lopez,

Silay City Negros Occidental with the total land area of approximately fifteen

point six hectares (15.6 has.). This will include a cable park and man-made lake

to cater recreational watersport activities.

The study will focus on the conceptualization, general aesthetic and site

development planning for the required facilities. The main building, Clubhouse,

includes indoor gaming facilities, bar and restaurant, pro shop and souvenir

shop. Minor structures include the convention area, green house, information

and administrative office, rentable cottages, power house. Outdoor recreational

facilities such as cable park, beginners winch park, inflatable water facilities,

wall climbing and obstacle courses shall be included in the site development


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The study shall not include feasibility, marketing aspect, operational

expenditures and site selection. Project cost and financial viability will also be

excluded in this study.  This project is projected in the year 2020 and

the target development duration is three (3) years. 

This study will be achievable using the research methodology that

includes the survey questionnaire. The respondents for this said study will be

the local residents of Silay and Bacolod City. Proper design solutions according

to the said contents should be limited to that boundary.


The study is guided by the following assumptions:

1. Prior to the cost of the project, It is assumed that the owner is financially

capable with investors and guaranteed Return of Investment (ROI) within 10

years to support the project. Nevertheless, it is not probable to interfere in the

management of Silay City Watersports and Recreation Park. Other sources of

fund for this proposal will also come from  The Wake Park Project and Sesitec

through grants, donations, and sponsorships.

2. Additional revenues will be accomplished through running camps,

collaborating with local schools for watersports classes and partnering with

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Philippine Wake Camp and other recreation departments. There will also be

sponsorships from Republ1c, Stokedinc, O’neill, Rip Curl, LWA Wakeboards

and other pro-shops.

3. The project will necessitate hiring the residents of Brgy. E. Lopez and other

locals nearby to be trained and participate in the operation of this project for the

development of opportunities in the growing tourism district of Silay City.

4. It is presumed that the existing site has a bearing capacity that can sustain

the development.

5. It is assumed that the site is qualified for the land use and zoning regulations

of the area.

6. It is also ascertain that public utilities such as power, water and

communication are adequately obtainable in the site.

7. With regards to its accessibility, it is assumed that the site is readily

accessible to the users with a few minute ride from the city proper.

8. It is assumed that there will be no legal hindrance to the construction of this




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- (conceptual) an establishment or room with a counter at which drinks,

especially alcoholic drinks, and sometimes food, are served.

- (operational) A counter that serves drinks such as alcoholic beverages


- (conceptual) a simple house providing accommodation for travelers or

holiday-makers at a motel or holiday camp

- (operational) a one-storey lodging that caters guests staying at the

recreational park

Cable Park

- (conceptual) A man-made lake utilizing a horizontal cable, suspended

on towers and powered by a quiet electric engine, pulls water-skiers and

wake-boarders around a lake. The lake consists of slalom courses

and/or rails which is set up in a station format with multiple winches and

tow points allowing riders to choose what line they want to take.  

- (operational) A man-made lake with cable towers which is used to pull

people riding on wakeboard, kneeboard, wakeski, and the like.


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- (conceptual) A building that is occupied by a sports club housing a

locker room, pro shop, indoor gaming room, and restaurant.

- (operational) A structure used for social or recreational activities.

Convention area

- (conceptual) A place of assembly for gathering delegates or candidates

of an certain occasion.

- (operational) A building for hosting events and getherings of certain




- (conceptual) A piece of land with few or no buildings within or adjoining a

town, maintained for recreational and ornamental purposes.

- (operational) An area of land for the enjoyment of the public, for rest and


Pro Shop

- (conceptual) A retail outlet where sporting equipment, clothing, and

accessories can be purchased or repaired.  

- (operational) A retail shop selling watersport clothing and equipments.

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- (conceptual) An activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. 

- (operational) An act of relaxation, fun and enjoyment.

Recreation Park

- (conceptual) A place which is open to the public where meetings are

held, sports are played and there are activities available for young and

old people

- (operational) A place for recreational activities.


- (conceptual) A place where meals and drinks are served to the


- (operational) A place for dining.

Souvenir shop

- (conceptual) A store which sells  miscellaneous articles appropriate as


- A store selling souvenirs from the park

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- (conceptual) a term often applied to vacation rental properties

- (operational) luxurious living quarters that caters guests staying at the

recreational park


- (conceptual) A surface watersport which involves riding

a wakeboard over the surface of a body of water. It was developed from

a combination of water skiing, snowboarding and surfing techniques.

- (operational) A type of watersport that allows the person to ride a

wakeboard while being pulled by a cable.


- (conceptual) A sport played or undertaken on or in water.

- (operational) A type of sport occurring in the water as swimming, surfing,

wakeboarding, wake skating, etc.

Water Play Park

- (conceptual) Recreation play facilities used on the water for enjoyment

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- (operational) A water park with watersport inflatable toys such as

inflatable slide, iceberg, trampoline, etc. used for playing and recreation

designed for safety, durability and fun


- (conceptual) A powerful machine or instrument used for hauling or

pulling a cable.

- (operational) A mechanism at the tower cable used for pulling the cable


Winch park

- (conceptual) A lake, smaller than the cable park, for

beginner/intermediate wakeboarding and/or waterskiing.

- (operational) A smaller watersports cable park used by beginners and

inexperienced riders to practice watersports.

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