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Page 1: simpleguide simpleview Mobile - The Tourism Society Mobile...mapping DMOs can leverage ... Our tablet sites have a unique design and content strategy, taking ... increasing the value

guidesimplesimpleview Mobile

StudieS have found that 80% of cuStomerS abandon a mobile Site if they have a bad uSer experience.2

For travelers on the ground, a mobile website can be a complete guide to your destination, providing information about its attractions, restaurants,

Visitors On-The-Go

transportation options and more. And by 2013, more people will use their mobile devices than their personal computers to get online.1

Stay ahead of the curve! Mobile solutions will help you to continue being a source of quality, easily accessible information about your destination.

my deSKtop Site loadS on mobile deviceS.

iSn’t that enough?

Unless your site offers a mobile-friendly experience, it could cause visitors aggravation and to leave it for another resource.

With your members and partners relying on solid referrals and exposure, a “one-size-fits-all” mentality with your Internet presence may end up hurting your organization in the long term.

Why chooSe SimplevieW?

true crm integrationYour mobile site’s direct connection to simpleview’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system keeps your partner listings up-to-date and updated in one location.

proof of roiWith real-time updates to the Member Benefits Summary, your partners can instantly see how often visitors viewed and interacted with their listings.

free revenue StreamS Destination Travel Network - our revenue-generation division - can maximize partners’ exposure with targeted mobile advertising, increasing their traffic and developing a new funding source for the DMO.

playS Well With otherSIf you want to add a third-party application into your mobile site, our development team is highly experienced in detailed integrations.

mobile factS:• Theuseofmobiledevicesfor


• 79%ofTravelersusemobiledevicesToplanTripswhileTravelingToThedesTinaTion.

- Destination Analysts’ July 2012 State of the American Traveler report

1 Gartner, 2010

2Limelight Networks, 2011

Page 2: simpleguide simpleview Mobile - The Tourism Society Mobile...mapping DMOs can leverage ... Our tablet sites have a unique design and content strategy, taking ... increasing the value

multidevice SiteS

Apple. Google. Microsoft. People have a variety of choices for their mobile device. With a Multidevice Site, you can rest assured that your site looks and acts as it should across all mobile devices, regardless of which one a customer chooses to use.

Unlike an app, a Multidevice Site provides a universal mobile experience without locking you into an operating system. Rich features such as photo tours, weather feeds, coupon modules and more are only a sampling of choices your DMO can add to provide visitors with a site filled with information and is fun to use.

multidevice SiteS offer:

partner liStingSHelp visitors learn more about your partners by listing their contact information, posting photos and grouping them with filters. With the “Click-to-Call” feature, visitors are empowered to ask questions, make reservations and more!

Social linKSHave a Facebook Page, Twitter account or other social networks as part of your marketing mix? Link them on your Multidevice Site and help visitors join in the conversation!

mappingDMOs can leverage the integrated power of a phone’s mapping capablities to help visitors find the best restaurants, hotels and attractions in a destination.

calendar of eventSLet visitors know what’s happening in your destination with a full list of your upcoming events, which they can sort by category, date and other fields.



- Destination Analysts’ July 2012 State of the American Traveler report

mobile factS:

deStination travel netWorKProvide additional exposure for your partners, all while developing a new revenue stream for your DMO, through online advertising opportunities.

did you KnoW? TherearemoremobilephonesonTheplaneTThanTvs.- Jupiter Research, 2011

Page 3: simpleguide simpleview Mobile - The Tourism Society Mobile...mapping DMOs can leverage ... Our tablet sites have a unique design and content strategy, taking ... increasing the value

mobile cmS

With simpleview’s Mobile CMS - an addition to our tourism industry-focused content management system - updating and optimizing your mobile site is an easy process. Regardless of the team’s technical skill level, they can develop new navigation items and add information onto pages without having to code or program the site.

Instantly create new pages, optimize your content and preview your layouts with simpleview’s Mobile CMS.

mobile cmS offerS:

inStant previeWMobile CMS takes the guesswork out of updating your mobile site too, allowing you to see changes exactly as they will appear on a mobile device. Our Preview feature reacts as you make edits, giving a real-time view on how content will be rendered on a specific device, including iOS, Windows Phone and Android.

unlimited page creationCreate unlimited pages and navigation items, providing endless possibilities of customization. and opportunities to share images, text, links and more.

Worry-free W3c complianceEven if everybody at your DMO is adding, deleting and editing content, we’ve built your mobile sites to industry standards and compliance. Quick load times with cutting edge features - no worring about breaking the site.

mobile SeoPosition your mobile site for a successful launch with Mobile Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services.

Our setup package includes optimizing your site’s content for searches, submitting your site to relevant portals and directories, helping your site serve search requests from mobile devices and more!

After the initial setup, our team can provide monthly reports that provide easily understandable information on traffic, search engine rankings, click-thru rates and other important statistics.In the second quarter of 2012, Google

received more than 1 billion global searches per day. As those numbers continue to trend upward each quarter, it is increasingly important to develop a strong presence on popular search engines.

our Seo pacKage offerS:

niche induStry KnoWledgeOur team of Search Engine Marketing analysts and developers provide optimization and pay-per-click services to dozens of DMOs across the globe.

tailored campaignSWith sure-fire techniques and tactics, the chances of being found greatly increase when using our team’s expertise around your DMO’s specific, tailored needs.

croSS-engine optimizationHelp your visitors find your mobile site on all popular search engines, including Google, Yahoo! and Bing. As new options arise, our team will evaluate each search engine and help optimize your content for it.

Page 4: simpleguide simpleview Mobile - The Tourism Society Mobile...mapping DMOs can leverage ... Our tablet sites have a unique design and content strategy, taking ... increasing the value

tablet SiteSAccording to research coming from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, more than 19 percent of U.S. adults own a tablet computer. From the iPad to the Kindle Fire, tablet sales are increasing faster than many experts expected and are close to outpacing PC sales. All of these statistics translate to one fact – your visitors are using tablets to learn about your destination.

Both your desktop and mobile websites will display on a tablet device, however, neither is optimized for the unique experience tablets offer your audiences. Our tablet sites have a unique design and content strategy, taking your desktop site’s functionality and optimizing it for tablet dimensions.

mobile meetingS SiteSWith a simpleview Mobile Meetings Site, you can give attendees all of the updated event information they need on their smartphones and tablets. As an element of your bid, you can make your proposals more competitive, increasing the value that you bring to meeting planners as a DMO.

Meeting planners and coordinators can also offer dynamic content for each stage of their event – initial schedules before attendees come, social feeds to help event attendees communicate in real time and downloadable materials once everybody has gone back to their offices.

core event informationLet attendees learn when sessions start, find out about presenters and get in touch with event sponsors.

touchable experience

on-the-go optimization

SticKing to StandardS

Present your destination with touchscreen gestures and in the way that tablets are used — in downtime, often at night and as a true laptop device.

As tablets are easily to pack into a suitcase or backpack, travelers are using them more and more. Integrate your mobile-related content to find visitors find their way through custom maps, tablet-friendly forms and more.

Show off your carefully designed tablet site that was developed by brillant, tech-obsessed mobile developers and designers who maintain mobile use standards and look to the horizon for changes.

Want a demonStration of SimplevieW’S mobile Suite? Contact your simpleview Account Manager!

E-mail [email protected] or call our team at (520) 575-1151 to start the process.

attendee informationProvide attendees customized profiles for networking, maps to key locations, social feeds to join in the conversations and more.

event & liStingS feedS Highlight your sponsors, partners and surrounding businesses.

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