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Download - SINO Eco Events

  • Dear Sino-Eco members and friends:

    The debate earlier this year on the Tibet issue concerning a letter published in the Frontiers among the Sino-Eco members and the two subsequent write-back letters showed the responsibility and love of ecologists overseas for the country we forever call home. Coincidently, Dr. Changhui Peng and other scientists from China had another article recently published in Science on the efforts by the Chinese government on protecting the Tibet natural resources.

    Sino-Eco members played key roles on organizing several major academic events in China between May and June, which include the Eco Summit and China EcoVision Lecture Series in Beijing, the Fourth International Symposium on Modern Ecology Series (ISOMES) at University of Inner Mongolia in Hohhot, and the Advanced Ecology Lectures" at Fudan University in Shanghai. Our members also helped organize the Editorial and Publishing Workshop in Ecology and Environmental Sciences. We have recently concluded the Eco-essay collection; with about 30 essays of various topics submitted.

    Notable In the evening of May 27, 2007, the Sino-Eco delegates attending Eco-Summer celebrated Professor Yang Hanxis 90th birthday. Later they had a joint meeting with Dr. Wang Rusong and Aoyang Zhiyun, the President and Secretary General of Ecological Society of China, discussing further collaboration between the two organizations.

    More recently, many Sino-Eco members attended ESA-SER joint annual meeting in San Jose, California between August 6 and 10. About 40 members and scholars from China gathered at a local Chinese restaurant for a dinner party. New and old friends enjoyed the moments of chatting and relaxing.


    Ben Gu, Ph.D.

    President, Sino-Eco

    Message from the President Inside This Issue

    5 Sino Eco Get-together at ESA

    2,7,9,16 News

    15, 17 Events

    2 Hot Links

    12 Zoom in Africa

    4 Recent Publications

    11 Job Opportunities

    17 New Members

    17 Poem

    Executive Committee

    President/Committee Chair Dr. Ben Gu

    (South Florida Water Management District)

    Vice President Dr. Yiqi Luo

    (U of Oklahoma)

    Science & Policy Coordinator Dr. Qinqin Liu

    (CA Dept of Water Resource)

    Public Relation Dr. Weixing Zhu

    (Binghamton University)

    Newsletter/Web Editor Dr. Frank Chang

    (Las Vegas Valley Water District)


    Dr. Hong Liu (U of Florida/USDA)

    Past President

    Dr. Changhui Peng (U of Quebec at Montreal)

    ISSN 1938-7881 VOLUME 20 ISSUE 2 September 2007



    2007 5 22-27 70 1400


    70 1300

    Sino-Eco Sino-Eco 4

    Sino-Eco Newsletter Assigned ISSN

    Sino Eco Newsletter has recently been assigned an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). The benefits of using an ISSN include: the ISSN results in accurate citing of serials by scholars, researchers, abstracters, and librarians; it is eminently suitable for computer use in fulfilling the need for file update and linkage, retrieval, and transmittal of data; it is used in libraries for identifying titles, ordering and checking in, and claiming serials; it simplifies interlibrary loan systems and union catalog reporting and listing. The ISSN for Sino Eco Newsletter is 1938-7881.

    Dr. Ping LU has new contact:

    Dr. Ping LU

    Senior Plant Ecophysiologist

    EWL Sciences

    Postal address: PO Box 39443,

    Winnellie, NT 0821

    Road address: 482 Stuart Highway,

    Winnellie, NT 0820

    Tel +61 8 8922 5217

    Fax +61 8 8922 5260

    email: [email protected]

    Hot Links Provided by Dr. Ben Gu:

    Beijing Ecological Declaration


    Dr. Yiqi Luo and other scientists in China were interviewed about the

    causes and strategies against dust storms in China in this science paper.


    :2004 06 http://qkzz.net/Announce/announce.asp?BoardID=18300&ID=157286

    Provided by Dr. Yufu Cheng Cover story from Business Week (July 23, 2007): Broken China.


    Dr. Yufu Chen joined a

    Chinese NGO Innovation Center for

    Energy and Transportation (ICET) in

    Sept. 2006


    Dr. Changhui

    Peng just completed

    a field trip to Tibet in July


    From the Editor The next issue of Sino-Eco newsletter will be published around the Christmas in 2007. It is time to think ahead and send in your contributions to share your experience and achievement.

    We welcome your continued contribution on:

    1. News from our members such as relocation, graduation, award received and promotion etc. And major recent ecological / environmental events from China and around the world;

    2. Reports from meeting/workshop/conference/field trip;

    3. Recent publications;

    4. Ecological photography/literature (photos and essays);

    5. Announcements.

    6. Professional development, job announcement and interview techniques, etc.

    Web site development and enhancement is also underway.

    We are looking for volunteers to work on the newsletter and website enhancements. If you are interested, please send me an email at [email protected]. I am sure it will be a fulfilling experience where you can learn new skills while helping the Sino-Eco community.

    Frank Chang

    Newsletter and Web Editor

    Cottonwoods were exposed as Lake Powell is at the lowest recorded levels

    By Ian Parker


    Ben Gu:

    1. Sten, J., Wang, Y., Gu, B. and Newman, J., 2007. Distribution and turnover of carbon in natural and constructed wetlands in the Florida Everglades. Applied Geochemistry 22: 1936-1948.

    2. Guo, Q., Z. Wu, M. Qian, and B. Gu. 2007. The roles of porous coral sands in initial enrichment of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 7:525532.

    3. An, S.Q., B. H. Gu. C. F. Zhou, Z. S. Wang, Z. F. Deng, Y. B. Zhi, H. L. Li, L. Chen, D. H. Yu and Y. H. Liu. 2007. Spartina invasion in China: implications for invasive species management and future research. Weed Research 47:183-191.

    4. Yang Q, Chen ZH, Zhao JG, Gu BH 2007. Contaminant removal of domestic wastewater by constructed wetlands: Effects of plant species. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49:437-446.

    Changhui Peng:

    1. Peng, CH., Ouyang, H. Gao, Q. et al. 2007. Building a Green railway in China, Science, 316: 546-547. http://www.sino-eco.org/pdf/peng_sci_2007_427.pdf

    2. Wu, HB, Guiot, J., Simon, B., Guo, ZT, and CH Peng, 2007. Dominant factors controlling glacial and interglacial variations in treeline elevation in tropical Africa, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of United States of America (PNAS), 104: 9720-9724.

    3. Kun Tan, Shilong Piao, C.H. Peng, Jingyun Fang, 2007. Satellite-based Estimation of Biomass Carbon Stocks for Northeast Chinas Forests between 1982 and 1999. Forest Ecology and Management: 240,114-121.

    4. Zhang, J. Ge, Y., Zhou, X., Jiang, H., Chang, J., Peng, C.H., Jiang, B., Yu, S., 2007. Carbon storage by the ecological service forest in Zhejiang Province, Subtropical China. Forest Ecology and Management, 245: 64-75.

    Jiquan Chen:

    1. Zhang, W.L., S.P. Chen, J. Chen, L. Wei, X.G. Han, G.H. Lin. 2007. Biophysical regulations of carbon fluxes of a steppe and a cultivated cropland in semiarid Inner Mongolia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 146: 216-229

    2. Noormets, A., J. Chen, T.R. Crow. 2007. Age-dependent changes in ecosystem carbon fluxes in managed forests in northern Wisconsin, USA. Ecosystems 10: 187-203.

    3. Cheng,, X., R. Peng, J. Chen, Y. Luo, Q. Zhang, S. An, J. Chen and B.Li. 2007. CH4 and N2O emissions from Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis in experimental mesocosms. Chemosphere 68: 420-427.

    4. Li, Q., J. Chen, M.K. Bresee, J.A. Rademacher, and J.J. LaCroix. 2007. Areas influenced by multiple edges and their implications in fragmented landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management 242: 99-107.

    5. Cheng, X., S. An, J.Chen, B. Li, Y. Luo, J. Chen, S. Liu, and Y. Liu. 2007. Spatial relationships among species, aboveground biomass, N, and P in disturbed prairie communities. Journal of Arid Environment 68: 652-667.

    Lixin Wang: 1. Wang, L., G. S. Okin, J. Wang, H. Epstein and S. A. Macko. 2007. Predicting leaf and

    canopy 15N compositions from reflectance spectra. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L02401, doi:10.1029/2006GL028506.

    2. Wang, L., P. DOdorico, S. Ringrose, S. Coetzee and S. Macko. 2007. Biogeochemistry of Kalahari sands. Journal of Arid Environments, doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2007.03.016 (in press)

    3. Wang, L., P. P. Mou, J. Huang and J. Wang. 2007. Spatial variation of nitrogen availability in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest of southwestern China. Plant and Soil (in press).

    Recent Publications






    ESASino Eco

    Triple Wu









    San Jose

    2007 San Jose ESA Sino-Eco


    11 Sino-Eco

    2007 5 29 -31


    Sino-Eco members Tang Jianwu, Gu Binhe, Dong Quan, Guo Qinfeng, Zhu Weixing,

    Wu Jianguo, Han Xinguo, Wu Meiyin, Zhang Xiaochuan, Jiang Lin, and Director,

    Beijing Institute of Botany Ma Keping






    1994 9 80


    19951998 5

    1999 6

    20022005 6

    8 16

    2007 14



    The 2007 National Summer School of Ecology for Graduates sponsored by Ministry of Education and National Science Foundation of China

    The 4th Advanced Ecology Lectures at Fudan University June 3 18, 2007

    Jiquan Chen ([email protected])

    This years lectures have several new features, including:

    Topics focusing on challenges to the global ecology community (e.g., NEON from Dr. Jerry Franklin, global water crisis from Dr. Robert Naiman, and global change from Drs.

    Yude Pan, Changhuai Peng, and G. Gutman).

    Hands-on experiences (e.g., experimental designs from Dr. Malcolm North and manuscripts development from Dr. Jiquan Chen). To meet the needs of increasing

    interests in applications of micrometeorological methods in ecological research such

    as those of the US-China Carbon Consortium (USCCC) and FLUXNET communities, Dr. Kyaw

    Tha Paw U provided theoretical and practical lectures on eddy-covariance methods. We

    were fortunate to have Richard Stone of Sciences news editor to share his view of What

    are expected from Science?

    Evening sessions on professional development with two psychologists -- Phyllis Franklin and Gayl Gutman to discuss the challenges facing woman scientists.

    A roundtable discussion on challenges facing graduate education in China. Dr. Yiqi Luos participation significantly enhanced the level of discussion. A report based on this

    discussion will be generated and submitted to the Administration of Higher Education

    (China) next fall.

    The lectures were officially sponsored by a joint program between the Administration of Higher Education and the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (one of about 10

    teams selected by the program).

    The lectures were populated with over 110 graduate students, postdoctoral research associates,

    and junior scientists across China (including one from Taiwan). An obvious change of this years

    class was the English level of students. They are amazingly good! Regardless of diverse lectures

    and topics given by English, students seemed to follow and had developed very active

    interactions with the instructors outside the classroom. Fudan University was honored to

    receive over a dozen of books authored by our instructors.

    The university plans to renew and enlarge the Fudan Ecology Team from overseas for another 3

    years to continue the lectures and cooperative research. For interested parties in

    participating future lectures and related activities, please contact me (419-530-2664) or Dr. Bo

    Li ([email protected]). More details on the lectures can be found at:



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    ICET, Joined by Sino Eco Member, Won Grant Sino Eco Member, Dr. Yufu Chen, joined a Chinese NGO - Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation

    (ICET) as a senior program officer in September 2006. ICET (http://www.icet.org.cn) aims to fight the green house gas emission in China through promoting environment friendly vehicles (fuel efficient) and fuels (low carbon alternative fuels). It has also set up a new California Corporation (GreenFields International Inc., http://www.greenfieldsint.com), where Dr. Chen is Chief Executive Officer, to conduct green projects (Biodiesel, fuel ethanol and biofertilizer) with the emphasis in China.

    iCET have recently won the bidding for developing Low Carbon Fuel Standards and Policies in China (Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Developing and Promoting Low Carbon Fuel Standards and Policies in China) from the UK GOF.


    ICET is the only entity from China that got funded this round.

    Successful Projects are from Brazil, China, Global/Caspian, Global/Middle East, Kazakhstan, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and USA.



    Colgate University, New York Position: Assistant Professor of Biology/Plant or Ecosystems Ecologist Date posted: 9/3/2007 Biology: Plant or Ecosystems Ecologist. Colgate University. The Department of Biology seeks a tenure-stream Assistant Professor to start August 2008. Ph.D. or expectation of completion this academic year required; teaching and postdoctoral research experience desirable. The successful candidate will: contribute to a foundation course entitled "Evolution, Ecology, and Diversity"; teach elective courses in plant ecology and in their area of specialty; and contribute to interdisciplinary and University-wide programs (including Environmental Studies). The appointee will join a biology faculty deeply committed to a strong, research-oriented program involving undergraduate students and will add to this effort by offering a research tutorial in their area of interest. The department offers excellent teaching and research facilities, including a new greenhouse and access to diverse local field sites. Please forward a letter of application with curriculum vitae, transcripts, and separate statements of teaching philosophy and research interests to Dr. Timothy McCay, Chair Ecology Search, Department of Biology, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York 13346-1398 and also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to this address. Review of applications will begin October 16 and continue until the position is filled. We intend to begin interviewing candidates by the beginning of November. Colgate University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Developing a diverse faculty and staff furthers the University's academic mission for our increasingly diverse student body. Applicants with dual-career considerations can find postings of other employment opportunities at Colgate and at other institutions of higher education in upstate New York at http://www.upstatenyherc.org. Contact Dr. Timothy McCay, Chair, Ecology Search, Dept. of Biology, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY 13346-1398 University of Nevada, Reno Category: Faculty position of: Biology Deadline: 10/15/2007 Description & Requirement Academic year Assistant Professor in ecology. The department has targeted EECB (ecology, evolution, and conservation biology) as one of its two strategic foci for growth. The department's EECB faculty have well established excellence in conservation biology, conservation genetics, behavioral ecology, and evolutionary ecology. The successful candidate will be provided with a competitive start-up package and will be expected to maintain a nationally recognized, extramurally funded research program. Research training of graduate students is expected. Teaching responsibilities will include teaching and mentoring of both undergraduates and graduate students (Ph.D. and M.S.) The area of specialization is open. Nevada remains one of the least studied parts of North America, and there are many ecological and conservation challenges in the Mojave Desert, the Great Basin, and nearby California. Diverse funding opportunities exist for research on these challenges. The Department has ~ 620 majors, ~ 45 MS and PhD students, ~ 24.5 state-funded faculty, and averages ~ $4 million/yr in extramural awards. Reno sits on the eastern flank of the Sierra Nevada in close proximity to desert and montane field sites and to Lake Tahoe. Reno was recently rated one of the best small cities in the US for overall quality of life. Required Qualifications: Ph.D. degree or equivalent in Biology or related field; postdoctoral experience; teaching experience at university level or potential for strong teaching skills. Research interests can be in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. Please apply at http://www.unrsearch.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=52553 Internal Job Code: 70264

    Job Opportunities












    1000, ,,






    Department of Environmental Sciences University of Virginia 291 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901, USA E-mail: [email protected]


    Space Imaging's IKONOS satellite on March 31, 2002.



    Chilliwatch out




    (Woodland savanna),



    Safari Lodge ,

    Pula, , , ,













    Okavango Delta,

    Okavango ,









    big five in Africa,




    Landscape Ecology and Forest Management Conference

    September 16-18, 2008, Chengdu, China

    Interested to see the Giant Pandas' natural habitats and the beautiful Jiuzhaigou? Here is an opportunity in 2008. You are invited to join us for the Bi-Annual Landscape Ecology Conference to be held in Chengdu, China between September 16 and 18, 2008, and followed by a 3-day field trip to the gorgeous Western Sichuan. For more details of the conference, please visit the conference webpage at: http://research.eeescience.utoledo.edu/lees/IUFRO/2008MTG/ The web pages will be updated frequently from now as new information arrives. Please feel free to contact conference coordinators and scientific committee members if you have any questions or suggestions for the conference. You are encouraged to register at: http://research.eeescience.utoledo.edu/lees/iufro/member/default.asp for future update about the meeting. Abstracts for the International Conference on Landscape Ecology and Forest Management (for both oral and poster presentation) need to be submitted to Dr. Richard Lucas at [email protected] by December 15, 2007. The abstract, which should be no longer than 400 words, should:

    Provide a rationale for the work and its importance. State the aims of the work. Briefly outline the methods used. Summarize the main results obtained. Provide conclusions and recommendations.

    Up to five keywords and a short bibliography for the lead and presenting authors should also be provided and references should be included where appropriate. All presenters should use the template which can be downloaded at http://research.eeescience.utoledo.edu/lees/IUFRO/2008MTG/Abstract.doc Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft word format only. Please indicate your presentation preference as Oral or Poster and, where appropriate, the Symposium. All presenters must register by the early registration deadline of 15 March, 2008 or their presentations may be removed from the conference program. Notification of acceptance will be given by 15 February, 2008. Oral presentations will be 20 minutes including questions and answers. Sino Eco is a co-sponsor of the meeting. http://www.sino-eco.org/pdf/2008mtg_02.pdf Provided by Dr. Jiquan Chen and Dr. Ge Sun

    Upcoming Events

    Call for Working Papers on Poyang Lake

    [email protected].


    5 25 90


    "" ""




    On August 8. SINO Eco members had a dinner get-together in

    San Jose during the annual ESA conference. We thank Dr.

    Qinqin Liu and Dr. Changzhi Huang for organizing the party.

    2007 8 18

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    Welcome New Members

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