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Page 1: Site Speed Fundamentals

Site Speed Fundamentals

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What is Site Speed?

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Site Speed -> Page Speed

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Time until page gets fully loaded.

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Time until user can start interacting with page.

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Why is Site Speed important?

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Need for speed is proven

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http://www.nngroup.com/articles/response-times-3-important-limits/Jakob Nielsen on response time limits

0.1 seconds make user feel that the system is reacting instantaneously

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http://www.nngroup.com/articles/response-times-3-important-limits/Jakob Nielsen on response time limits

0.1 seconds make user feel that the system is reacting instantaneously

1 second is the limit for the user's flow of thought to stay uninterrupted

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http://www.nngroup.com/articles/response-times-3-important-limits/Jakob Nielsen on response time limits

0.1 seconds make user feel that the system is reacting instantaneously

1 second is the limit for the user's flow of thought to stay uninterrupted

10 seconds is the limit for keeping the user's attention focused on the dialogue

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Site speed has an impact on conversion rates ...

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… and other business metrics

● bounce rate

● cart size

● revenue

● time on site

● page views

http://www.soasta.com/whitepapers/time-is-money-the-business-value-of-web-performance/Time is Money, The Business Value of Web Performance, Tammy Everts

● user satisfaction

● user retention

● organic search traffic

● brand perception

● productivity

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However sites are getting bigger

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But next billion users will access Web ...

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… through feature phones, like a Nokia X2-01, ...

https://brucelawson.github.io/talks/2015/velocity/velocity-AMS.pdf Top Handsets: India

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What does Site Speed depend on?

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Latency and bandwidth mostly

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LatencyTime from source sending a packet to destination receiving it

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LatencyTime from source sending a packet to destination receiving it

BandwidthMaximum throughput of a logical or physical communication path

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Submarine fibre links 70 Tbit/s


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Last mile Leipzig cable 5 Mbit/s

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Last mile Bangladesh 2G EDGE network 500 Kbit/s

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Site speed depends most on network latency

and round trip times (RTT) ...

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New York



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New York



Distance 2235 km

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New York



Distance 2235 kmRTT 42.45 ms

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New York



Distance 2235 kmRTT 42.45 ms

Speed of light in vacuum = ~300 km/msSpeed of light in optical fiber = ~200 km/msRTT = 2236 km * 1 ms / 200 km * 2 = 22.36 msDeviation = 22.36 ms / 42.45 ms - 100 = 47,32%

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New York



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New York



Distance 13822 km

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New York



Distance 13822 kmRTT 194.23 ms

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Site speed depends on DNS lookup, TCP handshake

and TCP slow-start

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Application Layer

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Network Interface Layer

Short reminder - TCP/IP Network Model

TCP/IP Layers


TCP/IP Protocols




Ethernet Token RingOther Link-Layer



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Loading a basic Web site ...

we need DNS

● to resolve domain name, i.e. www.spreadshirt.com, to IP address

we need HTTP

● to load HTML and depending resources like CSS, Javascript and Images

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Application Layer

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Network Interface Layer

DNS Protocol Stack

TCP/IP Layers


TCP/IP Protocols




Ethernet Token RingOther Link-Layer



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Application Layer

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Network Interface Layer

HTTP Protocol Stack

TCP/IP Layers


TCP/IP Protocols




Ethernet Token RingOther Link-Layer



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Protocols are wrapped in each other


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Each protocol adds additional overhead


Ethernet header … (uncompressed)

IP header … (uncompressed)

TCP header … (uncompressed)

HTTP Header … (uncompressed)

HTTP Payload … (compressed or uncompressed)like HTML, Javascript, CSS, Images

1460 byte payload1480 byte payload

1500 byte payload

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Three-way handshake startsTCP connection

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Data exchange starts via TCP slow-start

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How many round trips do we need for loading a Web page?

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Round trips required

DNS lookup1 RTT

TCP handshake


HTTP Request1-n RTTs

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How many round trips are required for loading www.speadshirt.com from different locations?

DNS TCP handshake HTTP request Sum

Dallas - New York 42.45 ms 42.45 ms 2 x 42.45 ms 169.80 ms (4)

Dallas - Sydney 194.23 ms 194.23 ms 2 x 194.23 ms 776.92 ms (4)

spreadshirt.com = 500 byte (header) + 24 kb (compressed payload) = 25 576 byte segments = 25 576 byte / 1460 byte = 17,5 = ~18initial congestion window (segments) = 10 (instead of 4 see link) -> 14 600 byte

https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6928Increase of initial congestion window from 4 to 10

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Why don’t we use multiple TCP connections to parallelize things?

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Number of TCP connections per domain is limited


Browser Connections per Domain Max Connections

Chrome 46.0.2490 6 10

Safari 9.0.1 6 16

Firefox 42.0.1 6 17

Internet Explorer 11 13 17

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Each additional TCP connection comes at a cost!

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Site Speed depends on processing time

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DNS lookupInitial connection(TCP handshake +

Client send)

Time to first byte(Server processing)

Content download(Client receive)

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Site Speed also depends on critical rendering path (CRP)

and page load times

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Render tree construction works as follows

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Problem is that CSS is render blocking

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2 critical resources

2 or more round trips for the minimum critical path length

9 KB of critical bytes


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Next problem is that WebFonts block text painting

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And Javascript is parser blocking

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3 critical resources

2 or more round trips for the minimum critical path length

11 KB of critical bytes

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The difference is ...

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But wait. Does the whole page need to be rendered?

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Viewport Above the fold

Below the fold

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User can start interacting with page

Page is fully loaded

Page starts loading

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How can we measure Site Speed and its business impact?

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Which metrics are available?

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Core metrics overview

time to first byte

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Core metrics overview

time to first byte start render time

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Core metrics overview

time to first byte start render time

above the fold time

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Core metrics overview

time to first byte start render time

above the fold time page load time

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Metric detailstime to first byte start render time page load time fully loaded

above the fold time

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Metric detailsbackend frontend

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Metric detailsDNS lookup

Init TCP connectionServer processing

Content download

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Metric detailsNumber of resources and transfered bytes +

order of resources

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How can we continuously measure Site Speed?

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Generic testing with WebPagetest

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Synthetic monitoringwith Rigor

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Real user monitoringwith SOASTA

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How can we optimize Site Speed?

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How do we find out what needs to be optimized?

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Focus on important pages

● pages that drive in traffic

● pages where people browse and search

● pages that have impact on business metrics

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Compare to competition

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Focus on frontend rather than backend

backend frontend

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Focus on important resources

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Have a look at third party content

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Have baseline measurements in connection to business metrics in place

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Find out what to optimize

Start with free tools like

● WebPagetest


● PageSpeed Insights


● Chrome Developer Tools


Consider to buy tools like

● Zoompf


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Which optimization rules exist?

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Basic Optimizations

● Avoid landing page redirects

● Reuse connections

● Reduce HTTP requests

● Reduce DNS lookups

● Improve server response times

● Leverage caching

● Enable compression

● Minify resources

● Optimize images

● Shard dominant domains

● Serve static content from cookieless domain

● Make Javascript and CSS external

● Optimize CSS delivery

● Prioritize visible content

● Flush document early

● Remove render-blocking Javascript

● Use asynchronous scripts

● Reduce DOM complexity

● Optimize CSS

● Optimize Javascript

● ...


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Live Demo

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HTTP/2 is on its way and will make some optimizations obsolete

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Key take aways

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Key take aways

● Latency, bandwidth and TCP/IP network model are limiting factors

● Look at frontend times if you want to improve user experience

● Understand critical rendering path and page load times

● Setup baseline measurements in connection to business metrics

● Optimize in iterations and compare results (or better run A/B tests)

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