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  • CO





    This is a MINI tutorial for SKIN CLEANING PART 1 of 2.

    As beginners this will help you get started in cleaning up your images for clients.

    Remeber this is not for making a bad picture better... there is no cure for that...this is for enhancing your already beautiful image to a professional level beforeit goes to PRINT or WEB.

    This is not a process that should be rushed and it does not come easy. Please takeyour time and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

    Lighting is key when choosing an image to be PHOTOSHOP(-ed). The better the image is, setting up the shot and calculating the lighting, the easier it will be to clean an image.

    I hope this helps! Best Photoshop Wishes!

    With any questions or concerns or even if you are just stuck please dont hesitate tocontact me. All of us who use ADOBE have a Reference Contact List. It takes less time to ask than to search Help / Google / Some tutorial you cant understand.

    Cortney Jacksontel. [email protected]

    Part 2: SKIN SMOOTHING (Highlights and Shadows Area)HAIR SELECTION & CLEAN UP MAKE-UP APPLICATION (Blush, Lipstick, Eye Shadow)SAVING File for Print, Web, Review Proofing

    OTHER TUTORIALS:Basic GOOD Business Practice (Forms, Files, Contracts)Website DesignPortfolio Presentation (Web & Print)Illustrator 1 (Basic), 2 (Design), 3 (Typography) , 4 (Portraits), 5. LOGOs, 6. AdvancedFlash Animation TimelineInDesign BOOK Layout Photoshop: 3D, Masking, Tools Review, Merging Multiple Photos, and many more.


    1. Open Image in PS

    2. Layer Menu > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object *Advantages: to be able to use smart filters and also allows full potential of the file to be used after youve used it or minimized it or transformed it.

    3. Copy Original Layer

    4. Select Menu > Color Range > Select Skin (T-Zone or Highlighted Area) Remember to hold down the Shift key to selected multiple points You can also control the Tolerance/Fuzziness (The Range on the selection) depending on the photograph 40-70 is a good range.

    5. Add Mask to the Original Copy Layer

    6. Make sure the Thumbnail (Right side of layer) is selected and apply FILTER > NOISE > DUST AND SCRATCHES NOTE: This will not work if you have applied the filter to the mask (L Side)

    7. Remember not to make it too blurred... you want no more than Radius: 4 or 5 really 2 or 3 Threshold: 2 or 3

    8. Select the MASK (L Side) :: Brush tool (B) :: Select a Brush from your brush menu :: Make sure its small and SOFT (0% - 20% Hardness) :: Paint with BLACK to get ride of the effect of FILTER or Paint with WHITE and add the effect to the area Any White area in the MASK is what the FILTER will be applied to.

    9. The Filter should NOT effect: Lips, Eyes, Jewlery, Hair, Eyebrows

    10. Make a new Layer > Rename it SPOTTING (This is to clean up blemishes & Spots) TAKE YOUR TIME this is where you will spend most of your time & ZOOM in Everything looks ok when you see it at 16.7% Look at it at 400% and then decide. 11. Clone Tool (R Bracket Key will make your brush BIGGER :: L Bracket Key = SMALLER) SAMPLE: All Layer (MUST BE SELECTED ON TOP MENU) You can change the Opacity: (55%-75%) & Flow: (75% -90%) Depending

    Brush(D) for default colors (Black & White)(X) to toggle forground/background

    12. Select an area close to where you are spotting away the blemish by holding down the (ALT / OPTION) make your selection and release start painting blemishes away key trick: Make multiple selections as you go and stay close around the area you are cleaning. The Plus sign is showing you the path which is being smapled. Benifit of having a WACOM or DRAWING TABLET: the brush is pressure sensitive and will allow you more control and better blending Changing Opacity = Controling the thickness of the paint Changing Flow = Amount of paint on the brush

    13. Healing Tool (Band aid tool) : Works somewhat like the cloning tool, but instead of cloning the pixels exactly it will try to merge the selected pixels and area you are painting on. This is a good tool to use in conjuction with the clone tool not inplace of. Remeber to have: SAMPLE: All Layers A Soft Brush with adjusted oplacity and flow That you are working on your SPOTTING LAYER Works well cleaning up contours of the face

    EYE WHTENING: (Slightly Different than I showed you in class... a little easier)

    14. Create a new Adjustment Layer found at the bottom of your layer pallette > Hue / Saturation > (on the Masked area Left Side) FILL with Black either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color) Reminder: (D) will set your colors back to default

    15: USING the LASSO TOOL as best you can trace around the eye Holding SHIFT down to selected both eyes

    16. Once you have made your selection (Ants Marching) (Dont worry it does not have to be perfect) On your masked layer (RIGHT SIDE) fill selection in with WHITE either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color)

    17. Double click on Hue/Saturation (Right Side) Change to REDS > Reduce Saturation There will be areas around her eyes that are now too desaturated... thats ok! Next Spet will fix that.

    18. Using the BRUSH TOOL (B) paint with BLACK on the MASK (RIGHT SIDE) to clean up the areas you dont want to loose Saturation. Remeber to have your brush in Normal Mode & Opacity & Fill closer to 100%


    20. Layer Menu > New Layer > Name it Eye Contrast > MODE = Overlay > Check box which says Fill with Overlay 50% Grey

    21. Brush Tool (B) > (D) for default colors 21 a: PAINT with BLACK using MODE: Overlay (Soft Brush) Opacity: VERY Low (15%-25%) Flow: Low (30% -50%) And paint Black areas of EYE... around the eye, Lashes, As if you were putting on Eyeliner 21 b: PAINT with WHITE (With Same Settings) (just hit (X) which will toggle the colors from Black to White And paint the WHITE area of the eye THIS IS WHERE HAVING A WACOM/DRAWING TABLET COMES IN HANDY THE PRESSURE DRAWING WILL MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE Remember: Dont go to far or else shes start looking like an Alien. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!


    22. New Layer > Name it Lips Contrast > MODE: Overlay > Fill With 50% Grey

    23. Brush Tool > MODE Overlay Low Opacity & Medium Fill Paint Lips... Increasing Contrast = Saturating lips Change Color to WHITE and paint teeth > Dont go too far or it will look like Ross in that episode of Friends If you feel like its too much still... then just adjust the LAYER Opacity in the Layers Palette

    24. MAKE A NEW SET/GROUP > put all of you correction layers into this new group This will able you to toggle between your corrections and original image Also this is good practice in keeping yourself organized. #1 Rule in All Designers PRACTICE & WORKFLOW

    25. Same PSD file format so if you need to make any changes or adjustments it is easy to do so. Keep all your images and PSD files on an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. These images can get really big and slow down your system.

  • CO





    This is a MINI tutorial for SKIN CLEANING PART 1. As beginners this will help you getstarted in cleaning up your images for clients.

    Remeber this is not for making a bad picture better... there is no cure for that...this is for enhancing your already beautiful image to a professional level beforeit goes to PRINT or WEB.

    This is not a process that should be rushed and it does not come easy. Please takeyour time and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

    Lighting is key when choosing an image to be PHOTOSHOP(-ed). The better the image is, setting up the shot and calculating the lighting, the easier it will be to clean an image.

    I hope this helps! Best Photoshop Wishes!

    With any questions or concerns or even if you are just stuck please dont hesitate tocontact me. All of us who use ADOBE have a Reference Contact List. It takes less time to ask than to search Help / Google / Some tutorial you cant understand.

    Cortney Jacksontel. [email protected]


    1. Open Image in PS

    2. Layer Menu > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object *Advantages: to be able to use smart filters and also allows full potential of the file to be used after youve used it or minimized it or transformed it.

    3. Copy Original Layer

    4. Select Menu > Color Range > Select Skin (T-Zone or Highlighted Area) Remember to hold down the Shift key to selected multiple points You can also control the Tolerance/Fuzziness (The Range on the selection) depending on the photograph 40-70 is a good range.

    5. Add Mask to the Original Copy Layer

    6. Make sure the Thumbnail (Right side of layer) is selected and apply FILTER > NOISE > DUST AND SCRATCHES NOTE: This will not work if you have applied the filter to the mask (L Side)

    7. Remember not to make it too blurred... you want no more than Radius: 4 or 5 really 2 or 3 Threshold: 2 or 3

    8. Select the MASK (L Side) :: Brush tool (B) :: Select a Brush from your brush menu :: Make sure its small and SOFT (0% - 20% Hardness) :: Paint with BLACK to get ride of the effect of FILTER or Paint with WHITE and add the effect to the area Any White area in the MASK is what the FILTER will be applied to.

    9. The Filter should NOT effect: Lips, Eyes, Jewlery, Hair, Eyebrows

    10. Make a new Layer > Rename it SPOTTING (This is to clean up blemishes & Spots) TAKE YOUR TIME this is where you will spend most of your time & ZOOM in Everything looks ok when you see it at 16.7% Look at it at 400% and then decide. 11. Clone Tool (R Bracket Key will make your brush BIGGER :: L Bracket Key = SMALLER) SAMPLE: All Layer (MUST BE SELECTED ON TOP MENU) You can change the Opacity: (55%-75%) & Flow: (75% -90%) Depending

    Brush(D) for default colors (Black & White)(X) to toggle forground/background

    12. Select an area close to where you are spotting away the blemish by holding down the (ALT / OPTION) make your selection and release start painting blemishes away key trick: Make multiple selections as you go and stay close around the area you are cleaning. The Plus sign is showing you the path which is being smapled. Benifit of having a WACOM or DRAWING TABLET: the brush is pressure sensitive and will allow you more control and better blending Changing Opacity = Controling the thickness of the paint Changing Flow = Amount of paint on the brush

    13. Healing Tool (Band aid tool) : Works somewhat like the cloning tool, but instead of cloning the pixels exactly it will try to merge the selected pixels and area you are painting on. This is a good tool to use in conjuction with the clone tool not inplace of. Remeber to have: SAMPLE: All Layers A Soft Brush with adjusted oplacity and flow That you are working on your SPOTTING LAYER Works well cleaning up contours of the face

    EYE WHTENING: (Slightly Different than I showed you in class... a little easier)

    14. Create a new Adjustment Layer found at the bottom of your layer pallette > Hue / Saturation > (on the Masked area Left Side) FILL with Black either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color) Reminder: (D) will set your colors back to default

    15: USING the LASSO TOOL as best you can trace around the eye Holding SHIFT down to selected both eyes

    16. Once you have made your selection (Ants Marching) (Dont worry it does not have to be perfect) On your masked layer (RIGHT SIDE) fill selection in with WHITE either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color)

    17. Double click on Hue/Saturation (Right Side) Change to REDS > Reduce Saturation There will be areas around her eyes that are now too desaturated... thats ok! Next Spet will fix that.

    18. Using the BRUSH TOOL (B) paint with BLACK on the MASK (RIGHT SIDE) to clean up the areas you dont want to loose Saturation. Remeber to have your brush in Normal Mode & Opacity & Fill closer to 100%


    20. Layer Menu > New Layer > Name it Eye Contrast > MODE = Overlay > Check box which says Fill with Overlay 50% Grey

    21. Brush Tool (B) > (D) for default colors 21 a: PAINT with BLACK using MODE: Overlay (Soft Brush) Opacity: VERY Low (15%-25%) Flow: Low (30% -50%) And paint Black areas of EYE... around the eye, Lashes, As if you were putting on Eyeliner 21 b: PAINT with WHITE (With Same Settings) (just hit (X) which will toggle the colors from Black to White And paint the WHITE area of the eye THIS IS WHERE HAVING A WACOM/DRAWING TABLET COMES IN HANDY THE PRESSURE DRAWING WILL MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE Remember: Dont go to far or else shes start looking like an Alien. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!


    22. New Layer > Name it Lips Contrast > MODE: Overlay > Fill With 50% Grey

    23. Brush Tool > MODE Overlay Low Opacity & Medium Fill Paint Lips... Increasing Contrast = Saturating lips Change Color to WHITE and paint teeth > Dont go too far or it will look like Ross in that episode of Friends If you feel like its too much still... then just adjust the LAYER Opacity in the Layers Palette

  • COR





    This is a MINI tutorial for SKIN CLEANING PART 1 of 2.

    As beginners this will help you get started in cleaning up your images for clients.

    Remeber this is not for making a bad picture better... there is no cure for that...this is for enhancing your already beautiful image to a professional level beforeit goes to PRINT or WEB.

    This is not a process that should be rushed and it does not come easy. Please takeyour time and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

    Lighting is key when choosing an image to be PHOTOSHOP(-ed). The better the image is, setting up the shot and calculating the lighting, the easier it will be to clean an image.

    I hope this helps! Best Photoshop Wishes!

    With any questions or concerns or even if you are just stuck please dont hesitate tocontact me. All of us who use ADOBE have a Reference Contact List. It takes less time to ask than to search Help / Google / Some tutorial you cant understand.

    Cortney Jacksontel. [email protected]

    Part 2: SKIN SMOOTHING (Highlights and Shadows Area)HAIR SELECTION & CLEAN UP MAKE-UP APPLICATION (Blush, Lipstick, Eye Shadow)SAVING File for Print, Web, Review Proofing

    OTHER TUTORIALS:Basic GOOD Business Practice (Forms, Files, Contracts)Website DesignPortfolio Presentation (Web & Print)Illustrator 1 (Basic), 2 (Design), 3 (Typography) , 4 (Portraits), 5. LOGOs, 6. AdvancedFlash Animation TimelineInDesign BOOK Layout Photoshop: 3D, Masking, Tools Review, Merging Multiple Photos, and many more.


    1. Open Image in PS

    2. Layer Menu > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object *Advantages: to be able to use smart filters and also allows full potential of the file to be used after youve used it or minimized it or transformed it.

    3. Copy Original Layer

    4. Select Menu > Color Range > Select Skin (T-Zone or Highlighted Area) Remember to hold down the Shift key to selected multiple points You can also control the Tolerance/Fuzziness (The Range on the selection) depending on the photograph 40-70 is a good range.

    5. Add Mask to the Original Copy Layer

    6. Make sure the Thumbnail (Right side of layer) is selected and apply FILTER > NOISE > DUST AND SCRATCHES NOTE: This will not work if you have applied the filter to the mask (L Side)

    7. Remember not to make it too blurred... you want no more than Radius: 4 or 5 really 2 or 3 Threshold: 2 or 3

    8. Select the MASK (L Side) :: Brush tool (B) :: Select a Brush from your brush menu :: Make sure its small and SOFT (0% - 20% Hardness) :: Paint with BLACK to get ride of the effect of FILTER or Paint with WHITE and add the effect to the area Any White area in the MASK is what the FILTER will be applied to.

    9. The Filter should NOT effect: Lips, Eyes, Jewlery, Hair, Eyebrows

    10. Make a new Layer > Rename it SPOTTING (This is to clean up blemishes & Spots) TAKE YOUR TIME this is where you will spend most of your time & ZOOM in Everything looks ok when you see it at 16.7% Look at it at 400% and then decide. 11. Clone Tool (R Bracket Key will make your brush BIGGER :: L Bracket Key = SMALLER) SAMPLE: All Layer (MUST BE SELECTED ON TOP MENU) You can change the Opacity: (55%-75%) & Flow: (75% -90%) Depending

    Brush(D) for default colors (Black & White)(X) to toggle forground/background





    12. Select an area close to where you are spotting away the blemish by holding down the (ALT / OPTION) make your selection and release start painting blemishes away key trick: Make multiple selections as you go and stay close around the area you are cleaning. The Plus sign is showing you the path which is being smapled. Benifit of having a WACOM or DRAWING TABLET: the brush is pressure sensitive and will allow you more control and better blending Changing Opacity = Controling the thickness of the paint Changing Flow = Amount of paint on the brush

    13. Healing Tool (Band aid tool) : Works somewhat like the cloning tool, but instead of cloning the pixels exactly it will try to merge the selected pixels and area you are painting on. This is a good tool to use in conjuction with the clone tool not inplace of. Remeber to have: SAMPLE: All Layers A Soft Brush with adjusted oplacity and flow That you are working on your SPOTTING LAYER Works well cleaning up contours of the face

    EYE WHTENING: (Slightly Different than I showed you in class... a little easier)

    14. Create a new Adjustment Layer found at the bottom of your layer pallette > Hue / Saturation > (on the Masked area Left Side) FILL with Black either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color) Reminder: (D) will set your colors back to default

    15: USING the LASSO TOOL as best you can trace around the eye Holding SHIFT down to selected both eyes

    16. Once you have made your selection (Ants Marching) (Dont worry it does not have to be perfect) On your masked layer (RIGHT SIDE) fill selection in with WHITE either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color)

    17. Double click on Hue/Saturation (Right Side) Change to REDS > Reduce Saturation There will be areas around her eyes that are now too desaturated... thats ok! Next Spet will fix that.



    15 16


    18. Using the BRUSH TOOL (B) paint with BLACK on the MASK (RIGHT SIDE) to clean up the areas you dont want to loose Saturation. Remeber to have your brush in Normal Mode & Opacity & Fill closer to 100%


    20. Layer Menu > New Layer > Name it Eye Contrast > MODE = Overlay > Check box which says Fill with Overlay 50% Grey

    21. Brush Tool (B) > (D) for default colors 21 a: PAINT with BLACK using MODE: Overlay (Soft Brush) Opacity: VERY Low (15%-25%) Flow: Low (30% -50%) And paint Black areas of EYE... around the eye, Lashes, As if you were putting on Eyeliner 21 b: PAINT with WHITE (With Same Settings) (just hit (X) which will toggle the colors from Black to White And paint the WHITE area of the eye THIS IS WHERE HAVING A WACOM/DRAWING TABLET COMES IN HANDY THE PRESSURE DRAWING WILL MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE Remember: Dont go to far or else shes start looking like an Alien. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!


    22. New Layer > Name it Lips Contrast > MODE: Overlay > Fill With 50% Grey

    23. Brush Tool > MODE Overlay Low Opacity & Medium Fill Paint Lips... Increasing Contrast = Saturating lips Change Color to WHITE and paint teeth > Dont go too far or it will look like Ross in that episode of Friends If you feel like its too much still... then just adjust the LAYER Opacity in the Layers Palette

    24. MAKE A NEW SET/GROUP > put all of you correction layers into this new group This will able you to toggle between your corrections and original image Also this is good practice in keeping yourself organized. #1 Rule in All Designers PRACTICE & WORKFLOW

    25. Same PSD file format so if you need to make any changes or adjustments it is easy to do so. Keep all your images and PSD files on an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. These images can get really big and slow down your system.

  • CO





    This is a MINI tutorial for SKIN CLEANING PART 1. As beginners this will help you getstarted in cleaning up your images for clients.

    Remeber this is not for making a bad picture better... there is no cure for that...this is for enhancing your already beautiful image to a professional level beforeit goes to PRINT or WEB.

    This is not a process that should be rushed and it does not come easy. Please takeyour time and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

    Lighting is key when choosing an image to be PHOTOSHOP(-ed). The better the image is, setting up the shot and calculating the lighting, the easier it will be to clean an image.

    I hope this helps! Best Photoshop Wishes!

    With any questions or concerns or even if you are just stuck please dont hesitate tocontact me. All of us who use ADOBE have a Reference Contact List. It takes less time to ask than to search Help / Google / Some tutorial you cant understand.

    Cortney Jacksontel. [email protected]


    1. Open Image in PS

    2. Layer Menu > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object *Advantages: to be able to use smart filters and also allows full potential of the file to be used after youve used it or minimized it or transformed it.

    3. Copy Original Layer

    4. Select Menu > Color Range > Select Skin (T-Zone or Highlighted Area) Remember to hold down the Shift key to selected multiple points You can also control the Tolerance/Fuzziness (The Range on the selection) depending on the photograph 40-70 is a good range.

    5. Add Mask to the Original Copy Layer

    6. Make sure the Thumbnail (Right side of layer) is selected and apply FILTER > NOISE > DUST AND SCRATCHES NOTE: This will not work if you have applied the filter to the mask (L Side)

    7. Remember not to make it too blurred... you want no more than Radius: 4 or 5 really 2 or 3 Threshold: 2 or 3

    8. Select the MASK (L Side) :: Brush tool (B) :: Select a Brush from your brush menu :: Make sure its small and SOFT (0% - 20% Hardness) :: Paint with BLACK to get ride of the effect of FILTER or Paint with WHITE and add the effect to the area Any White area in the MASK is what the FILTER will be applied to.

    9. The Filter should NOT effect: Lips, Eyes, Jewlery, Hair, Eyebrows

    10. Make a new Layer > Rename it SPOTTING (This is to clean up blemishes & Spots) TAKE YOUR TIME this is where you will spend most of your time & ZOOM in Everything looks ok when you see it at 16.7% Look at it at 400% and then decide. 11. Clone Tool (R Bracket Key will make your brush BIGGER :: L Bracket Key = SMALLER) SAMPLE: All Layer (MUST BE SELECTED ON TOP MENU) You can change the Opacity: (55%-75%) & Flow: (75% -90%) Depending

    Brush(D) for default colors (Black & White)(X) to toggle forground/background

    12. Select an area close to where you are spotting away the blemish by holding down the (ALT / OPTION) make your selection and release start painting blemishes away key trick: Make multiple selections as you go and stay close around the area you are cleaning. The Plus sign is showing you the path which is being smapled. Benifit of having a WACOM or DRAWING TABLET: the brush is pressure sensitive and will allow you more control and better blending Changing Opacity = Controling the thickness of the paint Changing Flow = Amount of paint on the brush

    13. Healing Tool (Band aid tool) : Works somewhat like the cloning tool, but instead of cloning the pixels exactly it will try to merge the selected pixels and area you are painting on. This is a good tool to use in conjuction with the clone tool not inplace of. Remeber to have: SAMPLE: All Layers A Soft Brush with adjusted oplacity and flow That you are working on your SPOTTING LAYER Works well cleaning up contours of the face

    EYE WHTENING: (Slightly Different than I showed you in class... a little easier)

    14. Create a new Adjustment Layer found at the bottom of your layer pallette > Hue / Saturation > (on the Masked area Left Side) FILL with Black either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color) Reminder: (D) will set your colors back to default

    15: USING the LASSO TOOL as best you can trace around the eye Holding SHIFT down to selected both eyes

    16. Once you have made your selection (Ants Marching) (Dont worry it does not have to be perfect) On your masked layer (RIGHT SIDE) fill selection in with WHITE either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color)

    17. Double click on Hue/Saturation (Right Side) Change to REDS > Reduce Saturation There will be areas around her eyes that are now too desaturated... thats ok! Next Spet will fix that.

    18. Using the BRUSH TOOL (B) paint with BLACK on the MASK (RIGHT SIDE) to clean up the areas you dont want to loose Saturation. Remeber to have your brush in Normal Mode & Opacity & Fill closer to 100%


    20. Layer Menu > New Layer > Name it Eye Contrast > MODE = Overlay > Check box which says Fill with Overlay 50% Grey

    21. Brush Tool (B) > (D) for default colors 21 a: PAINT with BLACK using MODE: Overlay (Soft Brush) Opacity: VERY Low (15%-25%) Flow: Low (30% -50%) And paint Black areas of EYE... around the eye, Lashes, As if you were putting on Eyeliner 21 b: PAINT with WHITE (With Same Settings) (just hit (X) which will toggle the colors from Black to White And paint the WHITE area of the eye THIS IS WHERE HAVING A WACOM/DRAWING TABLET COMES IN HANDY THE PRESSURE DRAWING WILL MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE Remember: Dont go to far or else shes start looking like an Alien. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!


    22. New Layer > Name it Lips Contrast > MODE: Overlay > Fill With 50% Grey

    23. Brush Tool > MODE Overlay Low Opacity & Medium Fill Paint Lips... Increasing Contrast = Saturating lips Change Color to WHITE and paint teeth > Dont go too far or it will look like Ross in that episode of Friends If you feel like its too much still... then just adjust the LAYER Opacity in the Layers Palette

  • COR





    This is a MINI tutorial for SKIN CLEANING PART 1 of 2.

    As beginners this will help you get started in cleaning up your images for clients.

    Remeber this is not for making a bad picture better... there is no cure for that...this is for enhancing your already beautiful image to a professional level beforeit goes to PRINT or WEB.

    This is not a process that should be rushed and it does not come easy. Please takeyour time and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

    Lighting is key when choosing an image to be PHOTOSHOP(-ed). The better the image is, setting up the shot and calculating the lighting, the easier it will be to clean an image.

    I hope this helps! Best Photoshop Wishes!

    With any questions or concerns or even if you are just stuck please dont hesitate tocontact me. All of us who use ADOBE have a Reference Contact List. It takes less time to ask than to search Help / Google / Some tutorial you cant understand.

    Cortney Jacksontel. [email protected]

    Part 2: SKIN SMOOTHING (Highlights and Shadows Area)HAIR SELECTION & CLEAN UP MAKE-UP APPLICATION (Blush, Lipstick, Eye Shadow)SAVING File for Print, Web, Review Proofing

    OTHER TUTORIALS:Basic GOOD Business Practice (Forms, Files, Contracts)Website DesignPortfolio Presentation (Web & Print)Illustrator 1 (Basic), 2 (Design), 3 (Typography) , 4 (Portraits), 5. LOGOs, 6. AdvancedFlash Animation TimelineInDesign BOOK Layout Photoshop: 3D, Masking, Tools Review, Merging Multiple Photos, and many more.


    1. Open Image in PS

    2. Layer Menu > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object *Advantages: to be able to use smart filters and also allows full potential of the file to be used after youve used it or minimized it or transformed it.

    3. Copy Original Layer

    4. Select Menu > Color Range > Select Skin (T-Zone or Highlighted Area) Remember to hold down the Shift key to selected multiple points You can also control the Tolerance/Fuzziness (The Range on the selection) depending on the photograph 40-70 is a good range.

    5. Add Mask to the Original Copy Layer

    6. Make sure the Thumbnail (Right side of layer) is selected and apply FILTER > NOISE > DUST AND SCRATCHES NOTE: This will not work if you have applied the filter to the mask (L Side)

    7. Remember not to make it too blurred... you want no more than Radius: 4 or 5 really 2 or 3 Threshold: 2 or 3

    8. Select the MASK (L Side) :: Brush tool (B) :: Select a Brush from your brush menu :: Make sure its small and SOFT (0% - 20% Hardness) :: Paint with BLACK to get ride of the effect of FILTER or Paint with WHITE and add the effect to the area Any White area in the MASK is what the FILTER will be applied to.

    9. The Filter should NOT effect: Lips, Eyes, Jewlery, Hair, Eyebrows

    10. Make a new Layer > Rename it SPOTTING (This is to clean up blemishes & Spots) TAKE YOUR TIME this is where you will spend most of your time & ZOOM in Everything looks ok when you see it at 16.7% Look at it at 400% and then decide. 11. Clone Tool (R Bracket Key will make your brush BIGGER :: L Bracket Key = SMALLER) SAMPLE: All Layer (MUST BE SELECTED ON TOP MENU) You can change the Opacity: (55%-75%) & Flow: (75% -90%) Depending

    Brush(D) for default colors (Black & White)(X) to toggle forground/background





    12. Select an area close to where you are spotting away the blemish by holding down the (ALT / OPTION) make your selection and release start painting blemishes away key trick: Make multiple selections as you go and stay close around the area you are cleaning. The Plus sign is showing you the path which is being smapled. Benifit of having a WACOM or DRAWING TABLET: the brush is pressure sensitive and will allow you more control and better blending Changing Opacity = Controling the thickness of the paint Changing Flow = Amount of paint on the brush

    13. Healing Tool (Band aid tool) : Works somewhat like the cloning tool, but instead of cloning the pixels exactly it will try to merge the selected pixels and area you are painting on. This is a good tool to use in conjuction with the clone tool not inplace of. Remeber to have: SAMPLE: All Layers A Soft Brush with adjusted oplacity and flow That you are working on your SPOTTING LAYER Works well cleaning up contours of the face

    EYE WHTENING: (Slightly Different than I showed you in class... a little easier)

    14. Create a new Adjustment Layer found at the bottom of your layer pallette > Hue / Saturation > (on the Masked area Left Side) FILL with Black either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color) Reminder: (D) will set your colors back to default

    15: USING the LASSO TOOL as best you can trace around the eye Holding SHIFT down to selected both eyes

    16. Once you have made your selection (Ants Marching) (Dont worry it does not have to be perfect) On your masked layer (RIGHT SIDE) fill selection in with WHITE either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color)

    17. Double click on Hue/Saturation (Right Side) Change to REDS > Reduce Saturation There will be areas around her eyes that are now too desaturated... thats ok! Next Spet will fix that.



    15 16


    18. Using the BRUSH TOOL (B) paint with BLACK on the MASK (RIGHT SIDE) to clean up the areas you dont want to loose Saturation. Remeber to have your brush in Normal Mode & Opacity & Fill closer to 100%


    20. Layer Menu > New Layer > Name it Eye Contrast > MODE = Overlay > Check box which says Fill with Overlay 50% Grey

    21. Brush Tool (B) > (D) for default colors 21 a: PAINT with BLACK using MODE: Overlay (Soft Brush) Opacity: VERY Low (15%-25%) Flow: Low (30% -50%) And paint Black areas of EYE... around the eye, Lashes, As if you were putting on Eyeliner 21 b: PAINT with WHITE (With Same Settings) (just hit (X) which will toggle the colors from Black to White And paint the WHITE area of the eye THIS IS WHERE HAVING A WACOM/DRAWING TABLET COMES IN HANDY THE PRESSURE DRAWING WILL MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE Remember: Dont go to far or else shes start looking like an Alien. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!


    22. New Layer > Name it Lips Contrast > MODE: Overlay > Fill With 50% Grey

    23. Brush Tool > MODE Overlay Low Opacity & Medium Fill Paint Lips... Increasing Contrast = Saturating lips Change Color to WHITE and paint teeth > Dont go too far or it will look like Ross in that episode of Friends If you feel like its too much still... then just adjust the LAYER Opacity in the Layers Palette

    24. MAKE A NEW SET/GROUP > put all of you correction layers into this new group This will able you to toggle between your corrections and original image Also this is good practice in keeping yourself organized. #1 Rule in All Designers PRACTICE & WORKFLOW

    25. Same PSD file format so if you need to make any changes or adjustments it is easy to do so. Keep all your images and PSD files on an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. These images can get really big and slow down your system.

  • COR





    This is a MINI tutorial for SKIN CLEANING PART 1 of 2.

    As beginners this will help you get started in cleaning up your images for clients.

    Remeber this is not for making a bad picture better... there is no cure for that...this is for enhancing your already beautiful image to a professional level beforeit goes to PRINT or WEB.

    This is not a process that should be rushed and it does not come easy. Please takeyour time and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

    Lighting is key when choosing an image to be PHOTOSHOP(-ed). The better the image is, setting up the shot and calculating the lighting, the easier it will be to clean an image.

    I hope this helps! Best Photoshop Wishes!

    With any questions or concerns or even if you are just stuck please dont hesitate tocontact me. All of us who use ADOBE have a Reference Contact List. It takes less time to ask than to search Help / Google / Some tutorial you cant understand.

    Cortney Jacksontel. [email protected]

    Part 2: SKIN SMOOTHING (Highlights and Shadows Area)HAIR SELECTION & CLEAN UP MAKE-UP APPLICATION (Blush, Lipstick, Eye Shadow)SAVING File for Print, Web, Review Proofing

    OTHER TUTORIALS:Basic GOOD Business Practice (Forms, Files, Contracts)Website DesignPortfolio Presentation (Web & Print)Illustrator 1 (Basic), 2 (Design), 3 (Typography) , 4 (Portraits), 5. LOGOs, 6. AdvancedFlash Animation TimelineInDesign BOOK Layout Photoshop: 3D, Masking, Tools Review, Merging Multiple Photos, and many more.


    1. Open Image in PS

    2. Layer Menu > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object *Advantages: to be able to use smart filters and also allows full potential of the file to be used after youve used it or minimized it or transformed it.

    3. Copy Original Layer

    4. Select Menu > Color Range > Select Skin (T-Zone or Highlighted Area) Remember to hold down the Shift key to selected multiple points You can also control the Tolerance/Fuzziness (The Range on the selection) depending on the photograph 40-70 is a good range.

    5. Add Mask to the Original Copy Layer

    6. Make sure the Thumbnail (Right side of layer) is selected and apply FILTER > NOISE > DUST AND SCRATCHES NOTE: This will not work if you have applied the filter to the mask (L Side)

    7. Remember not to make it too blurred... you want no more than Radius: 4 or 5 really 2 or 3 Threshold: 2 or 3

    8. Select the MASK (L Side) :: Brush tool (B) :: Select a Brush from your brush menu :: Make sure its small and SOFT (0% - 20% Hardness) :: Paint with BLACK to get ride of the effect of FILTER or Paint with WHITE and add the effect to the area Any White area in the MASK is what the FILTER will be applied to.

    9. The Filter should NOT effect: Lips, Eyes, Jewlery, Hair, Eyebrows

    10. Make a new Layer > Rename it SPOTTING (This is to clean up blemishes & Spots) TAKE YOUR TIME this is where you will spend most of your time & ZOOM in Everything looks ok when you see it at 16.7% Look at it at 400% and then decide. 11. Clone Tool (R Bracket Key will make your brush BIGGER :: L Bracket Key = SMALLER) SAMPLE: All Layer (MUST BE SELECTED ON TOP MENU) You can change the Opacity: (55%-75%) & Flow: (75% -90%) Depending

    Brush(D) for default colors (Black & White)(X) to toggle forground/background





    12. Select an area close to where you are spotting away the blemish by holding down the (ALT / OPTION) make your selection and release start painting blemishes away key trick: Make multiple selections as you go and stay close around the area you are cleaning. The Plus sign is showing you the path which is being smapled. Benifit of having a WACOM or DRAWING TABLET: the brush is pressure sensitive and will allow you more control and better blending Changing Opacity = Controling the thickness of the paint Changing Flow = Amount of paint on the brush

    13. Healing Tool (Band aid tool) : Works somewhat like the cloning tool, but instead of cloning the pixels exactly it will try to merge the selected pixels and area you are painting on. This is a good tool to use in conjuction with the clone tool not inplace of. Remeber to have: SAMPLE: All Layers A Soft Brush with adjusted oplacity and flow That you are working on your SPOTTING LAYER Works well cleaning up contours of the face

    EYE WHTENING: (Slightly Different than I showed you in class... a little easier)

    14. Create a new Adjustment Layer found at the bottom of your layer pallette > Hue / Saturation > (on the Masked area Left Side) FILL with Black either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color) Reminder: (D) will set your colors back to default

    15: USING the LASSO TOOL as best you can trace around the eye Holding SHIFT down to selected both eyes

    16. Once you have made your selection (Ants Marching) (Dont worry it does not have to be perfect) On your masked layer (RIGHT SIDE) fill selection in with WHITE either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color)

    17. Double click on Hue/Saturation (Right Side) Change to REDS > Reduce Saturation There will be areas around her eyes that are now too desaturated... thats ok! Next Spet will fix that.



    15 16


    18. Using the BRUSH TOOL (B) paint with BLACK on the MASK (RIGHT SIDE) to clean up the areas you dont want to loose Saturation. Remeber to have your brush in Normal Mode & Opacity & Fill closer to 100%


    20. Layer Menu > New Layer > Name it Eye Contrast > MODE = Overlay > Check box which says Fill with Overlay 50% Grey

    21. Brush Tool (B) > (D) for default colors 21 a: PAINT with BLACK using MODE: Overlay (Soft Brush) Opacity: VERY Low (15%-25%) Flow: Low (30% -50%) And paint Black areas of EYE... around the eye, Lashes, As if you were putting on Eyeliner 21 b: PAINT with WHITE (With Same Settings) (just hit (X) which will toggle the colors from Black to White And paint the WHITE area of the eye THIS IS WHERE HAVING A WACOM/DRAWING TABLET COMES IN HANDY THE PRESSURE DRAWING WILL MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE Remember: Dont go to far or else shes start looking like an Alien. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!


    22. New Layer > Name it Lips Contrast > MODE: Overlay > Fill With 50% Grey

    23. Brush Tool > MODE Overlay Low Opacity 5%-10% & Medium Fill 45% - 60% Paint Lips... Increasing Contrast = Saturating lips Change Color to WHITE and paint teeth > Dont go too far or it will look like Ross in that episode of Friends If you feel like its too much still... then just adjust the LAYER Opacity in the Layers Palette

    24. MAKE A NEW SET/GROUP > put all of you correction layers into this new group This will able you to toggle between your corrections and original image Also this is good practice in keeping yourself organized. #1 Rule in All Designers PRACTICE & WORKFLOW

    25. Save PSD file format so if you need to make any changes or adjustments it is easy to do so. Keep all your images and PSD files on an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. These images can get really big and slow down your system.





  • COR





    This is a MINI tutorial for SKIN CLEANING PART 1 of 2.

    As beginners this will help you get started in cleaning up your images for clients.

    Remeber this is not for making a bad picture better... there is no cure for that...this is for enhancing your already beautiful image to a professional level beforeit goes to PRINT or WEB.

    This is not a process that should be rushed and it does not come easy. Please takeyour time and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.

    Lighting is key when choosing an image to be PHOTOSHOP(-ed). The better the image is, setting up the shot and calculating the lighting, the easier it will be to clean an image.

    I hope this helps! Best Photoshop Wishes!

    With any questions or concerns or even if you are just stuck please dont hesitate tocontact me. All of us who use ADOBE have a Reference Contact List. It takes less time to ask than to search Help / Google / Some tutorial you cant understand.

    Cortney Jacksontel. [email protected]

    Part 2: SKIN SMOOTHING (Highlights and Shadows Area)HAIR SELECTION & CLEAN UP MAKE-UP APPLICATION (Blush, Lipstick, Eye Shadow)SAVING File for Print, Web, Review Proofing

    OTHER TUTORIALS:Basic GOOD Business Practice (Forms, Files, Contracts)Website DesignPortfolio Presentation (Web & Print)Illustrator 1 (Basic), 2 (Design), 3 (Typography) , 4 (Portraits), 5. LOGOs, 6. AdvancedFlash Animation TimelineInDesign BOOK Layout Photoshop: 3D, Masking, Tools Review, Merging Multiple Photos, and many more.


    1. Open Image in PS

    2. Layer Menu > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object *Advantages: to be able to use smart filters and also allows full potential of the file to be used after youve used it or minimized it or transformed it.

    3. Copy Original Layer

    4. Select Menu > Color Range > Select Skin (T-Zone or Highlighted Area) Remember to hold down the Shift key to selected multiple points You can also control the Tolerance/Fuzziness (The Range on the selection) depending on the photograph 40-70 is a good range.

    5. Add Mask to the Original Copy Layer

    6. Make sure the Thumbnail (Right side of layer) is selected and apply FILTER > NOISE > DUST AND SCRATCHES NOTE: This will not work if you have applied the filter to the mask (L Side)

    7. Remember not to make it too blurred... you want no more than Radius: 4 or 5 really 2 or 3 Threshold: 2 or 3

    8. Select the MASK (L Side) :: Brush tool (B) :: Select a Brush from your brush menu :: Make sure its small and SOFT (0% - 20% Hardness) :: Paint with BLACK to get ride of the effect of FILTER or Paint with WHITE and add the effect to the area Any White area in the MASK is what the FILTER will be applied to.

    9. The Filter should NOT effect: Lips, Eyes, Jewlery, Hair, Eyebrows

    10. Make a new Layer > Rename it SPOTTING (This is to clean up blemishes & Spots) TAKE YOUR TIME this is where you will spend most of your time & ZOOM in Everything looks ok when you see it at 16.7% Look at it at 400% and then decide. 11. Clone Tool (R Bracket Key will make your brush BIGGER :: L Bracket Key = SMALLER) SAMPLE: All Layer (MUST BE SELECTED ON TOP MENU) You can change the Opacity: (55%-75%) & Flow: (75% -90%) Depending

    Brush(D) for default colors (Black & White)(X) to toggle forground/background





    12. Select an area close to where you are spotting away the blemish by holding down the (ALT / OPTION) make your selection and release start painting blemishes away key trick: Make multiple selections as you go and stay close around the area you are cleaning. The Plus sign is showing you the path which is being smapled. Benifit of having a WACOM or DRAWING TABLET: the brush is pressure sensitive and will allow you more control and better blending Changing Opacity = Controling the thickness of the paint Changing Flow = Amount of paint on the brush

    13. Healing Tool (Band aid tool) : Works somewhat like the cloning tool, but instead of cloning the pixels exactly it will try to merge the selected pixels and area you are painting on. This is a good tool to use in conjuction with the clone tool not inplace of. Remeber to have: SAMPLE: All Layers A Soft Brush with adjusted oplacity and flow That you are working on your SPOTTING LAYER Works well cleaning up contours of the face

    EYE WHTENING: (Slightly Different than I showed you in class... a little easier)

    14. Create a new Adjustment Layer found at the bottom of your layer pallette > Hue / Saturation > (on the Masked area Left Side) FILL with Black either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color) Reminder: (D) will set your colors back to default

    15: USING the LASSO TOOL as best you can trace around the eye Holding SHIFT down to selected both eyes

    16. Once you have made your selection (Ants Marching) (Dont worry it does not have to be perfect) On your masked layer (RIGHT SIDE) fill selection in with WHITE either: APPLE/COMMAND + Delete (for background color) or ALT/OPTION + Delete (for foreground color)

    17. Double click on Hue/Saturation (Right Side) Change to REDS > Reduce Saturation There will be areas around her eyes that are now too desaturated... thats ok! Next Spet will fix that.



    15 16


    18. Using the BRUSH TOOL (B) paint with BLACK on the MASK (RIGHT SIDE) to clean up the areas you dont want to loose Saturation. Remeber to have your brush in Normal Mode & Opacity & Fill closer to 100%


    20. Layer Menu > New Layer > Name it Eye Contrast > MODE = Overlay > Check box which says Fill with Overlay 50% Grey

    21. Brush Tool (B) > (D) for default colors 21 a: PAINT with BLACK using MODE: Overlay (Soft Brush) Opacity: VERY Low (15%-25%) Flow: Low (30% -50%) And paint Black areas of EYE... around the eye, Lashes, As if you were putting on Eyeliner 21 b: PAINT with WHITE (With Same Settings) (just hit (X) which will toggle the colors from Black to White And paint the WHITE area of the eye THIS IS WHERE HAVING A WACOM/DRAWING TABLET COMES IN HANDY THE PRESSURE DRAWING WILL MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE Remember: Dont go to far or else shes start looking like an Alien. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!


    22. New Layer > Name it Lips Contrast > MODE: Overlay > Fill With 50% Grey

    23. Brush Tool > MODE Overlay Low Opacity 5%-10% & Medium Fill 45% - 60% Paint Lips... Increasing Contrast = Saturating lips Change Color to WHITE and paint teeth > Dont go too far or it will look like Ross in that episode of Friends If you feel like its too much still... then just adjust the LAYER Opacity in the Layers Palette

    24. MAKE A NEW SET/GROUP > put all of you correction layers into this new group This will able you to toggle between your corrections and original image Also this is good practice in keeping yourself organized. #1 Rule in All Designers PRACTICE & WORKFLOW

    25. Save PSD file format so if you need to make any changes or adjustments it is easy to do so. Keep all your images and PSD files on an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. These images can get really big and slow down your system.





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