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Page 1: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing


Page 2: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

Ø U l t h e r a p y i s N o n S u r g i c a l F a c e L i f t T r e a t m e n t - U l t h e r a p y ( H i g h I n t e n s i t y F o c u s e d U l t r a s o u n d ) T e c h n o l o g y , t h e a g i n g e f f e c t s w i l l s h o w o n t h e s k i n l i k e t h e w r i n k l e s a n d t h e e y e - b a g s . I t i s t h e s i g n a l s t o a l e r t y o u y o u r c o l l a g e n a n d e l a s t i n a r e l o s i n g f r o m y o u r b o d y . T h e c o l l a g e n i s t h e k e y s t r u c t u r a l c o m p o n e n t t o s u p p o r t y o u r s k i n .

W o r k T h e o r y

Ø U l t h e r a p y ( H i g h - I n t e n s i t y F o c u s e d U l t r a s o u n d ) w h i c h i s t h e n e w t e c h n i c a l f o r f a c e l i f t i n g a n d t i g h t e n i n g .

Ø U l t h e r a p y i s d e l i v e r e d i n t o t h e d e e p s k i n a n d c a u s e t h e r m a l c o a g u l a t i o n t o S M A S ( S u p e r f i c i a l M u s c u l a r A p o n e u r o t i c S y s t e m ) . I t c a n p r o v i d e t h e s k i n t i g h t e n i n g a n d r e j u v e n a t i o n h a p p e n s g r a d u a l l y w i t h t h e t i m e .

Ø U l t h e r a p y t e c h n o l o g y d e v i c e g i v e s e f f e c t i v e , s a f e a n d p a i n l e s s s k i n t i g h t e n i n g .

Page 3: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing




emove the traces of age such as dumbness and roughness, and let skin rejuvenate

ffectively shrink pore, make skin texture more delicate and glossy

trengthen and tighten relaxed skin with remarkable tightening effect

nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively.

illing in shrinkage and loss of collagen vacancies to enhance the relaxation profile

ake skin tender, white and youthful

E f f e c t

Page 4: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

A p l i c a t i o n S c o p e




Treatment Depth

Treatment Length





Power Source

Machine Size & Net weight

Package Size & Gross weight

Trolley Size & Net weight

Trolley package Size & Gross weight

High Intensity Focus Ultrasound



DL1.5mm DL3.0mm DL4.5mm (Standard)DL6.0mm DL8.0mm DL10.0mm DL13.0mm DL16.0mm (Optional)

5 -- 25mm

0 -- 10mm

0.2 -- 2.0j



AC 110V~220V~50Hz/60Hz

400X350X335mm & 8.5Kg

525X445X465mm & 12Kg

540X480X790mm & 10Kg

680X680X330mm & 15Kg

Page 5: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

S y s t e m i n t r o d u c t i o n

Main console

Aiming light

Handle connector

Handle support


Page 6: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

A d v a n t a g e s

l Completely non-invasive and non- ablative to the epidermis layer

l No down time, and make- up can be wearied only in 15 min after the treatment

l Fast operation time , full face and neck treatment only takes 40-60 minutes

l Long lasting result, 2-3 year can last only with one treatment

l No pain, painless , safe and no side effects, anesthesia procedure is unnecessary before the treatment

l Flexible treatment, one single treatment achieves instant result

l High quality, low consumables

Page 7: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

T r e a t m e n t T i p I n t r o d u c t i o n

Item Description

1 Top label Tip transducer and relevant information

2 Treatment indication Treatment range and treatment sensor



Page 8: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

T r e a t m e n t T i p I n t r o d u c t i o n



6.0mm 8.0mm 10.0mm 13.0mm 16.0mmT y p e : U LT R A L I F T - S

Page 9: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

T r e a t m e n t s c o p e

Ful l face neck

F a c e

Ful l face neck

F a c e

Ful l face neck

F a c e


B o d y

1 . 5m m

3 . 0m m

4 . 5m m

6 . 0m m


B o d y

Back legabdomen

B o d y

Abdomen and legs

B o d y

Abdomen and legs

B o d y

8 . 0m m




Page 10: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

It suit for 30 to 60 years old customer who want to reduce the

pore size and looks younger.

W h o i s s u i t a b l e f o r U l t h e r a p y t r e a t m e n t ?

It suit for 30 to 60 years old customer who want to reduce the

pore size and looks younger.

w h e n y o u w i l l s e e t h e t r e a t m e n t r e s u l t ?

Q&AQ & A

Page 11: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

Q&AQ & A

80% effect comes from the after treatment recovery, it's

depend on patients skin property and recruitment of cell-

repairing factor (such as DPHP)

( If patients age more than 30 years old, the collagen will loss

more and more seriously, so before treatment, they need

drink some Special repair of collagen ACMETEA so that can

help regeneration of collagen fibers)

During these time, If Patients didn't support enough collagen

timely, due to the deficiency of regeneration collagen will

result in hollow cheek.

why some clients have good effect of face lifting, but some clients have hollow cheek after treatment?

Page 12: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

Q&AUsually the treatment results of Ultherapy treatment can last

2-3 years. Ultherapy treatment has a little damage on

Subcutaneous, so we don't suggest a patient accept Ultherap

y treatment too frequently, we suggest the interval time is ab

ove 2 years.

If a patient undergo Ultherapy treatment too frequently, what risk he will take ? what is the suitable interval time for Ultherapy treatment?

After the treatment, the patient can do the daily life. There is

no special considerations. The treatment area maybe swellin

g, but don't worry, it will disappear after a few hours.

How to do the postoperative care after Ultherapy treatment?

Q & A

Page 13: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

O p e r a t o r i n t e r f a c e

Page 14: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

T r e a t m e n t p r o c e d u r e

Choose good parameter doing treatment accordingly

Step 2 Step 4

Deeply clean the skin

Step 1

Draw the line confirm treatment area

Step 3

Smear Ultrasound Gel

Page 15: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

B e f o r e a n d A f t e r T r e a t m e n t

Page 16: SKIN TIGHTENING SYSTEM - beautycliniclaser.com€¦ · skin with remarkable tightening effect nly one time care is needed to smooth wrinkles and improve them comprehensively. illing

Welcome to consult more!

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Tel: 86-15028586078 Email: [email protected]


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