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Protects our body against external environment, our skin that enables us to the heat balance of and our

sense of touch in the first period of its life is more subtle, delicate and sensitive to microorganisms. The

newborn’s body is covered with a blanket called vernix caseosa at birth. This cover, while helping

adaptation to the external environment is protective against skin thin skin to lose moisture. Therefore,

after birth baby just should be wiped. Umbilical cord leave until around the mouth and genital area should

be cleaned with special wipes and also should be avoided irritate washing.

When washing baby hair and body cleaners should be specially designed products for baby skin and should

not be over-used. After the bath dry skin should be moisturized with special product again. While cleaning

the baby clothes should be used soap and soap powder and rinsed with water. If possible, it should be dried

in sunlight. Because Diaper area is a closed place, skin irritations may occur. To protect the integrity of the

skin should be applied specific protective products and diapers should be changed frequently. Do not use

talcum powder. If irritation does not improve with these measures, spread and increase its violence should

be consulted for the differentiation of other diseases to dermatologist. Babies should not be exposed to

direct sunlight for long periods.




Skin Care

Dark discoloration on the skin can be naturally. It also can occur later in life as sun stains, age stains,

pregnancy stains, acne stains, freckles, stains that are formed after any injury, benign or malignant skin

tumor. The diagnosis of stains before stain treatment planning must be done correctly. Stains should be

evaluated by a dermatologist.

Before treatment planning, the diagnosis of stains must be done correctly. Stains should be evaluated

by a dermatologist. Distinction of a skin tumors and a simple sunspot must be made correctly in terms

of the treatment plan. While sunspots are treating by cosmetic reasons only a skin tumor may require

surgery, medication or monitoring.

Acne is a skin disease of pilosebaceous unit. The

problem sometimes can be experienced in adolescence

or may be systemic problems accompanied by excessive

lubrication or hormonal abnormalities due to unmet

improper care products such as .Sometimes they can be

taken into the statement of infectious agents. If acne is

unhealed may be dark stains on healing areas or

experienced severe acne can leave scars after deep

treatment resistant. Acne scars can shake the

confidence of some people therefore may adversely affect social life.

Laser Stain Treatment



Laser Applications


Our skin is a part of our body which we can follow while we get older. Our skin starts to get older since the

moment we born, but at this moment our skin continues to evolve till the age 20, but after age 20 it starts to

get older. Our skin always gets older, but we start to get in a hurry when we notice the creases. Today working

is done to slow down pr resist the process. To be in the right implementation in this process is only possible

with know better changes and acting factors in the skin. Genetic and environmental factors affects the skin

aging. Changing the effects of genetic factors on aging process is not possible for now.

Studies have shown that racial differences affect the aging process. In aging effective environmental factors

are sun rays, irregular and improper diet, smoking, alcohol use and life away from exercise, stress can be

ordered. With effect of this environmental factors can be accelerate or slowed down the onset of the genetic

aging process. Photodamage are the main environmental factors. Photoaging is an exaggerated form of

temporal signs of aging as a result of excessive exposure to UV. Because of photoaging can be seen skin

thickening, coarsening, loss of elasticity, pale yellowish discoloration, deep and numerous wrinkles, staining,

an increase in the appearance of capillaries. In aging process, 1% loss of the collagen protein that forming the

basic structure of skin observed in any age . Decreased collagen synthesis, wound healing speed and

disorganization decreases. While in the young skin blood flow is faster, skin temperature is higher in the aged

reduction of skin blood flow and skin temperature is remarkable. Aged skin has also been dried, thinned and it

is less flexible. Increased losses in elastic fibers, the amount of collagen is reduced. Measures can be taken to

stop the aging process of the skin with a more youthful appearance should be against the cause that triggered

the process. Application serving to enhance skin quality applications for the temporary stopping time should

be combined. Continuous combined treatment, choosing the right topical treatment in other word the

accuracy of the home treatment, proper nutrition, regular exercise and to stay away from bad habits may be

able to prolong the skin aging process.


Aging Skin Care





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