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Jedzebel (888-268-5326) www.jedzebel.com

The Magic Skirt (Skirt/Top/Dress - all in one)


Style 4

Hold up the skirt behind your neck

Tie the straps in the front

Tie the straps again at your lower back

Tie the top layer in the front

Style 3

Hold up the skirt Skirt yourself and place the loop hole in

the middle

Insert the straps into the loop hole and tie

them behind your neck

Lift up both edge of the outside layer and

tie together

Style 2

Hold up the skirt Skirt yourself and place the loop hole in

the middle

Pull straps under your arms and tie them behind your back

Lift up the outside layer and insert both edges into the loop


Style 1

Place skirt behind your back

Bring the left strap under your chin

Cross the right side of the skirt to the left

under your chest

Place the left strap into the loop hole

Tie both straps in the back

The Magic Skirt

Jedzebel (888-268-5326) www.jedzebel.com

Style 5

Hold the skirt in front Insert one strap into the loop hole and tie the straps together

Lift up the front layer of the skirt

Tie the front layer behind your back

The Magic Skirt

Style 8

Place skirt behind your back Cross the straps in

frontTie the straps behind

your neck

Style 7

Hold up the skirt Skirt yourself at the hip Insert one strap into the loop hole

Tie both straps off to the side, on your hip

Style 6

Hold up the skirt Skirt it around yourself Cross the straps in the front

Tie the straps behind your neck

Jedzebel (888-268-5326) www.jedzebel.com

Style 9

Style 10

Style 11

Style 12

Hold up the skirt in front

Place skirt behind your back

Tie the skirt under your chest

Hold the skirt behind your waist

Pull the left strap your waist

Pull the right layer across and tie the


Gather the top and tie across your hips

Lift up the outside layer

Fold the outside layer over your chest

Tie the outside layer behind your back

Tie the straps in front with the panels over-


Pull the straps behind your neck

Insert the straps through the loop hole

and tie

Cross the straps in the back

Pull straps under arms and tie behind your


Jedzebel (888-268-5326) www.jedzebel.com

The Magic Skirt

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