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UNDERSTANDING OF THE DEEN (AL-ISLAM)Intermediate Islamic (FIQH) course in English

Conducted by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail

LESSON # 2 [d]LESSON # 2 [d]

Using text & curriculum he has developed especially for Using text & curriculum he has developed especially for Muslim converts and young Adult English-speaking Muslims. Muslim converts and young Adult English-speaking Muslims.

““To seek knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male & female)”To seek knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male & female)”

All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015))


"O my Lord! Let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honour, and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honour; and grant me from

Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)”(Qur’an: Isra’: 17: 80)

REFLECTIONSREFLECTIONS from Al-Qur’an from Al-Qur’an

Surah Fatir : 35: 3-7Surah Fatir : 35: 3-7Surah Infitar: 82: 1-19Surah Infitar: 82: 1-19

Updated 12 SEPTEMBER 2015

PARTPART # 2 # 2(Aug-(Aug-20152015))

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““And the acts of obedience (And the acts of obedience (AD-DEENAD-DEEN) most loved (by Allah) ) most loved (by Allah)

are those that are performed by its doer, are those that are performed by its doer,

MUDAW-WAMAMUDAW-WAMA (regularly done or consistent).” (regularly done or consistent).”

((Hadith reported by Bukhary and MuslimHadith reported by Bukhary and Muslim)


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““This religion (Al-Islam) is easy (This religion (Al-Islam) is easy (YUSRUNYUSRUN), and any one who ), and any one who

tries to make it (tries to make it (SHADIDSHADID) hard (upon himself) will be defeated ) hard (upon himself) will be defeated

(i.e. he will fail to become consistent)”(i.e. he will fail to become consistent)”

((Hadith reported by Bukhary Hadith reported by Bukhary )


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““Fulfil the personal religious obligations (Fulfil the personal religious obligations (FARDHFARDH’) that has ’) that has

been fixed by Allah (upon Muslims), and this will make you to been fixed by Allah (upon Muslims), and this will make you to

become a person of become a person of TAQWATAQWA (righteous and God-fearing).” (righteous and God-fearing).”

((Hadith reported by TabaraniHadith reported by Tabarani))


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Or, could it be that we are still affected by “PAPERCHASE SYNDROME” ?


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PREVIOUS LESSONAll Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015))

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“Whomsoever that Allah wishes for him goodness, He will

make him a FAQIH (learned) in matters of the

religion(Deen); and for everything there is a pillar, and the

pillar of this religion is AL-FIQH – (the profound

understanding of the Deen); a learned scholar (of the Deen)

is more difficult upon satan than a thousand worshippers.”

((Reported by Bukhary and MuslimReported by Bukhary and Muslim))

All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015))

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““When people leave (set aside) the affairs of their When people leave (set aside) the affairs of their

DEENDEEN – religion, because of their concern in improving – religion, because of their concern in improving

their worldly matters, then Allah will open upon them their worldly matters, then Allah will open upon them

much danger (harm).”much danger (harm).”

((Hadith reported by AhmadHadith reported by Ahmad))

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“O YOU who have attained to faith! Do not put yourselves forward

in the presence of [what] Allah and His Messenger [may have

ordained], but remain conscious of (and fear transgressing

against) Allah [TAQWA]: for, verily, Allah is all-hearing, all-


(Qur’an: Hujurat: 49: 1)All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015))

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“The best amongst you is the person who

studies the Qur’an and who teaches it (to others)”

(Hadith reported by Bukhary)

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Break into groupings (of not more

than 8 person in each).

Do brief introduction of each other.

Proceed to discuss

“Salaam .. Nice to get to know you. …. So …….What have we learnt?”

All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015))

Interacting with the Qur’an and reflecting deeply its message Interacting with the Qur’an and reflecting deeply its message

((TADABBURTADABBUR) is one of the important acts of worship. In building ) is one of the important acts of worship. In building

profound understanding of the Deen, we need to prioritize the profound understanding of the Deen, we need to prioritize the

reciting and reading from its verses. reciting and reading from its verses.

Reflect on Reflect on ( Surah Fatir: 35: 3-7 Surah Fatir: 35: 3-7 )

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“O mankind, remember the favour of Allah upon you.

Is there any creator other than Allah who provides

for you from the heaven and earth? There is no deity

except Him, so how are you deluded?”

(Qur’’an: Fatir: 35: 3)

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O people, that is, the people of Mecca, remember Allah’s grace to

you, in His making you dwell within the [Meccan] Sanctuary and

preventing raids against you.

Is there any creator (min khāliqin: min is extra; khāliq is the

subject) other than Allah (read ghayru’Llāhi or gharyri’Llāhi, as an

adjectival qualification of khāliq, ‘creator’, either concordant with

the [oblique] form [of min khāliqin] or concordant with the

syntactical status [thereof];

the predicate of the subject [is the following]) who provides for

you from the heaven, rain, and, from the, earth?, All Rights Reserved © Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2015))

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

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vegetation (the interrogative is [actually] an affirmative, that is to

say, ‘there is no creator or provider other than Him’).

There is no god except Him. So how then do you deviate?, how

are you turned away from affirming His Oneness (TAUHEED)

when you already affirm that He is the Creator (KHALIQIYYAH)

and the Provider (RUBUBIYYAH)?

Tafsir al-Jalalayn

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“And if they deny you, [O Muhammad] - already

were messengers denied before you. And to Allah

are returned [all] matters.”

(Qur’’an: Fatir: 35: 4)

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And if they deny you, O Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصملسو هيلع هللا ىلص with regard to your

coming with [the message of] Allah’s Oneness (TAUHEED),

resurrection, reckoning and punishment (‘ADL-WAL-AAKHIRAH),

verily [other] messengers before you were denied (RISAALAH), in

this respect, so be steadfast as they were steadfast;

and to Allah all matters are returned (ILALLAA-HI TUR-JA-U’L-

UMUUR) , in the Hereafter, when He will requite the deniers

(KAFIRUN) and grant victory to the messengers.

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“O mankind, indeed the promise of Allah is truth, so

let not the worldly life delude you and be not

deceived about Allah by the Deceiver.”

(Qur’’an: Fatir: 35: 5)

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O mankind! Indeed Allah’s promise (WA’-DALLAH), of

resurrection and of other issues, is true.

So do not let the life of this world (HAYAA-TUD-DUN-YA) deceive

you (FA-LAA-YU-GHOR-RAN-NAKUM), from believing in [all of]


and do not let the Deceiver, Satan, deceive you concerning Allah,

on account of His forbearance and respiting [of sinners in this


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“Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an

enemy. He only invites his party to be among the

companions of the Blaze.”

(Qur’’an: Fatir: 35: 6)

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Truly Satan is an enemy to you (SHA-TWAA-NA – ‘ADUW-WUN-


(FAT-TA-KHA-DZU-HU - ’ADUW-WAN) So treat him as an enemy,

by being obedient to Allah and do not obey him;

he only summons his faction (HIZ-BAHU), his followers in

disbelief, so that they may be among the inhabitants of the Blaze,

the fierce Fire (AS-HAA-BIS-SA- ‘EER).

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“Those who disbelieve will have a severe punishment,

and those who believe and do righteous deeds will

have forgiveness and great reward.”

(Qur’’an: Fatir: 35: 7)

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Those who disbelieve (KAFARU), theirs will be a severe

chastisement (‘AZAA-BUN-SHA-DEED);

but those who believe (AA-MANU) and perform righteous deeds

(‘A-MILUS-SWO-LI-HAAT), theirs will be forgiveness (MAGH-FIRAH)

and a great reward (‘AJRUN –‘AZEEM)—

this is a declaration of what [fate] will be for the adherents of

Satan and what will be for his opponents [respectively].

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“WHEN THE SKY is cleft asunder, and when the

stars are scattered, and when the seas burst

beyond their bounds, and when the graves are

overturned – every human being will [at last]

comprehend, what he has sent ahead and

what he has held back [in this world].”

(Qur’’an: Infitar: 82: 1-5)


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“O MAN! What is it that lures thee away from

thy bountiful Sustainer, who has created thee,

and formed thee in accordance with what

thou art meant' to be, and shaped thy nature

in just proportions, having put thee together

in whatever form He willed [thee to have]?”

(Qur’’an: Infitar: 82: 6-8)


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“ Nay, [O men,] but you [are lured away from

Allah whenever you are tempted to] give the

lie to [Allah’s] Judgment! And yet, verily, there

are ever-watchful forces over you, noble,

recording, aware of whatever you do!

Behold, [in the life to come] the truly virtuous:

will indeed be in bliss,”

(Qur’’an: Infitar: 82: 9-13)


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“ whereas, behold, the wicked will indeed be

in a blazing fire – [a fire] which they shall

enter on Judgment Day, and which they shall

not [be able to] evade.

And what could make thee conceive what

that Judgment Day will be?”

(Qur’’an: Infitar: 82: 14-17)


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“ And once again: What could make thee

conceive what that Judgment Day will be?

[It will be] a Day when no human being shall

be of the least avail to another human being:

for on that Day [it will become manifest that]

all sovereignty is Allah's alone.”

(Qur’’an: Infitar: 82:18-19)



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