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NARRATIVE TEXTThere are many different

types of narratives. 1. Fable2. Legend3. Romance4. Mystery5. Adventure6. Historical fiction7. Science fiction8. etc

Social function :

To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways;

Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn find a resolution

Model Narrative Text 1 : Fable Once there was a Hare who used to laugh scornfully at a Tortoise because he plodded along so slowly. "You never can get anywhere with those short legs of yours. Look at my long legs! They're so swift no one would dare race me." All the animals of field and forest were tired of hearing the Hare brag. At last the Tortoise said, "If we were to run a race, I'm sure I would beat you." The animals were astonished for they knew the Tortoise was the slowest of them all, and the Hare, bursting into loud laughter, cried, "What a joke!” That slowpoke thinks he can beat me! Come on, Mr. Tortoise, you shall see what my feet are made of. Why I can beat you before you are even half-started!" "You'd better not be too sure," cautioned the Tortoise All the big and little animals gathered to watch the race. At the signal the Hare leaped forward in a great bound and soon left the plodding Tortoise far behind him on the dusty road. Looking back, the Hare could not even see the Tortoise after a little while. "Hum-m, I've as good as won this race already," the thought, "There's really no reason to hurry." So, as the sun was very warm, he decided to rest a bit under a shady tree. "I'll come in away ahead of that Tortoise, anyhow," he told himself. Soon he was sound asleep. The little rest stretched into a good long nap. Meantime, the Tortoise jogged steadily along on the hot, dusty road, ever so slowly, but surely, and soon he passed the Hare who was still peacefully sleeping. Quietly the Tortoise plodded on nearing the goal. When the Hare finally woke up with a start, he saw the Tortoise just reaching the finish line far ahead and he could hear all the animals cheering the winner. Boastful and careless, the Hare had lost the race. Now he would never again be able to count on his speed. Moral of the story: Perseverance wins the race






Past Tense




Model Narrative Text 2 : LegendMALIN KUNDANG

Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatera, lived a woman and her son, Malin Kundang.

Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby, and he had to live hard with his mother.Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong child. He usually went to the sea to catch fish, and brought it to his mother, or sold it in the town.

One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship which was

being raided by a small band of pirates. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed.Many years later, Malin Kundang became a wealthty merchant, with a huge ship, loads of trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful wife. In his journey, his ship landed on a beach. The villagers reconigzed him, and the news ran fast in the town: Malin Kundang became a rich man and now he is here. His mother, in deepful sadnees after years of loneliness, ran to the beach to meet her beloved son again.

When the mother came, Malin Kundang, in front of his well dressed wife, his crews and his own gloriness, denied to meet that old, poor and dirty woman. For three times she begged Malin Kundang and for three times yelled at him. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly peasant!" Then he ordered his crews to set sail.

Enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail.

In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologized. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, fell on a small island, and suddenly turned into stone. http//www.st.rim.or.jp/~cycle/#second


Teacher’s Information

LegendStory handed down from the past . Legends are often based on

historical events or people but are not true history or doubtful truth.





Doubtful truthlocationSetting in the past

Hard live

Untrue historical events

Tragic ending/Happy ending

Model Narrative Text 3 : Historical Fiction - TROY Through time men have waged war. Some for power, some for glory, some

for honour. and some for love.In ancient Greece. the passion of two literature’s of most notorious lovers. Paris prince of Troy and Helen , Queen of Sparta ignited as a war that would devastate civilization. When Paris spirits away from her husband, King Menelaus, it was an insult that could not be suffered. Familiar pride dictated that an affront to Manelaus was an affront to his brother, powerful King of the Mycenaeans , who soon united all the massive tribes of Greece to steal Helen back from Troy in defence of his brother’s honour.

In truth, Argamemnon’s pursuit of honour was computed by his overwhelming greed-he needs to conquer Troy to control seize of the Aegean, thus insuring the supremacy of his already vast empire. The walled city under leadership of King Priam and defended by mighty prince Hector, was a citadel that no army had ever been able to breach.

One man alone stood as the key to victory or defeated over Troy – Archilles , believed to be the greatest warrior alive.Arrogant, rebellious and seemingly invincible, Archilles had allegiance to nothing and no one, save his own glory. It was his insatiable hunger for eternal renown that led him to attack the gates of Troy under Agamemnon’s banner – but it would be love for Brisies, Prince Hector’s Cousin that ultimately decided his fate.

Two words would go to war for honour and power. Thousands would fall in our suit of glory. And for love, a nation would burn to the ground.

<Channel4.com/film TroyE4>

Historical FictionHere are the features of typical historical

fiction text.ORIENTATION




Description of aperiod in history

Good versus evil Description of lifeIn the time

Characters survivethe chaos of the timeThe end of the war

Loss and destruction

A setting in the past

Good met evil Action related toHistoryCharacters’ lives affected by the events of history



Who are these characters?

1. Hector2. Paris3. Helen4. Menelaus5. Argamemnon6. Archilles7. Priam

Model Narrative Text 4 : Romance - A Story of Cinderella.

Once upon a time not so very long ago a young girl named Sam Martin lived in the San Fernando Valley with her widowed father. He delighted in reading her fairy tale stories every night, as well as teaching her good values, including standing up for her. He was an a successful diner and one day, married again to give Sam a mother; a woman named Fiona who had daughters of her own, fraternal twins Brianna and Gabriella. And then Sam’s father died in the Northridge earthquake, leaving her alone with her stepmother and two stepsisters. With no will found to speak of, Fiona took over the house and the diner, relegating Sam to live in the attic.

Fast forward eight years; Sam had grown up into a pretty young senior in a high school (who was often lost in the crowd) , and must balance mounds of schoolwork, working at the diner, and taking care of her spoiled stepmother’s every whim. While Sam disliked being made into a slave, she tried to keep her stepmother happy in order to get money to attend Princeton. She had a text message secret admirer who she communicated with on a regular basis. Along with her best friend Carter they attended the school’s Halloween dance incognito, where Sam was set to meet her secret admirer for the first time. Dressed in a never-before-been-worn wedding gown and mask, she was loaned by friends, including fairy god mother Ronda who had worked at the diner since Sam was still a child. Sam was ready to meet her Prince Charming.

When Sam discovered that her secret admirer was non other than popular quarterback, Austin Ames she was sure anything between them would never work out; After all. Why would the most popular boy in school be interested in her? They played ‘20’ questions, she gave him 10. And Austin learned some things about her; just when he was about to lift her mask and discovered her identity, Sam cell rang and she ran away, leaving her cell phone behind. Austin began searching the school to discover his Cinderella’s identity; Austin although jock–popular boy on the surface, longed to be a writer and attended Princeton ( his dad wanted him to be a USC man like him). But can he convince the elusive Sam that he liked her for herself. And when fellow seniors discovered who Austin’s Cinderella really was, things could get ugly. They mocked her as a diner girl. And this really hurt her heart.

Carter tried to encourage Sam to be strong. He asked her to go to the soccer match where Austin played as quarterback. When most of the spectators cheered for Austin, Sam wanted to leave the match for she couldn’t stand looking at Austin. She wanted to get out of soccer field. Sam could not concentrate in playing the game. Knowing that Sam was leaving the soccer field, he ran after her to explain what really happened. Then they hugged each other happily.

One day when Sam felt that she could not stand to live with her stepmother anymore, she came to Ronda her fairy godmother to stay with her. Fortunately, Sam found a will dropped from the fairy tale book given by her late father saying that all the house and the diner belonged to her.

Since then her stepmother and stepsisters worked at the diner and Sam happily continued her study at Princeton together with her prince Austin Ames.

Teacher’s ExplanationRomanceThe romance narrative typically tells of two lovers who

overcome difficulties to end up together. Here are the usual features.





Exotic setting:Sunset, beach, Moonlight,Dance floor

Boy met girlhurt & painjealousy


Marry, and live happily ever after

Male and femalewho is looking for loveCharacters introduced

Development of relationship

Boy got girl

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