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Page 1: Small Dungeons 1 - Alcarin.com · Small Dungeons 1 Small Dungeons is ©2005 Jan Willem van den Brink ... Each dungeon has a background, ... The young green dragon Forvel attacked


Small Dungeons 1Small Dungeons is ©2005 Jan Willem van den Brink

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IntroductionSmall dungeons is a series of site-based adventures, that should fit most any campaign world. Each ofthese dungeons is intended for a party of four adventurers of the appropriate level, who gain one levelduring the adventure.Each dungeon has a background, adventure hooks, information on scaling the adventure, and completestatistics for unique creatures. All dungeon areas are provided with a description, and tactics ofcreatures are given when needed.All of these things are given in very brief terms, however, providing the information needed to run theadventure, and leaving ample opportunities for the GM to adjust the dungeon.

ContentsForvel’s Lair; 1st-level dungeon………...2Deep Dwarf Caves; 2nd-level dungeon… 4Cult of the Undead; 3rd-level dungeon….7Arhinon’s Tomb; 4th-level dungeon…….10Open Game License……………………..13

Page 2: Small Dungeons 1 - Alcarin.com · Small Dungeons 1 Small Dungeons is ©2005 Jan Willem van den Brink ... Each dungeon has a background, ... The young green dragon Forvel attacked


Forvel’s LairIntroductionForvel’s Lair is a generic, site-based adventure intended for four1st-level PCs, but it can be modified for higher-level PCs (seeScaling the Adventure).

Scaling the Adventure2nd-level PCs: The Disable Device DC of the poison dart trap is25 (CR 2). The bandits in area 1 are 1st-level fighters. Replacethe weasels with one dire weasel. The Reflex save DC of the pittrap is 20 (CR 2). All unnamed kobolds are 3rd-level warriors(CR 1/2). Add one goblin to area 5. Drabluki is a 2nd-levelsorcerer. Add one wolf to area 7, two troglodytes to area 8, andone kobold to area 9. Forvel is a very young dragon. Double alltreasure.

Adventure BackgroundThe young green dragon Forvel attacked a tribe of goblins andtook over their lair with his band of kobolds and troglodytes.Forvel’s minions hunt elves to feed their master, and the dragonhas forced a group of human bandits to steal for him, so he gets abig hoard fast.

Adventure Hooks- The PCs are hired by a robbed person, and follow the trail ofthe thieves to their den.- An elven friend or relative of a PC has gone missing, orsomeone hires them to find a missing person. When the PCs gointo the woods to search for the elf, they find tracks of koboldsthat lead to Forvel’s lair.

Finding the LairTracking the thieves or kobolds requires a Survival check (DC10). The length of the trip and possible encounters in the woodsare left to the GM’s discretion.

Lair General InformationUnless noted otherwise: Simple wooden doors, 1 in. thick;hardness 5; hp 10; Break DC 10; no lock. Hewn stone walls, 3 ft.thick; hardness 8; 540 hp; Break DC 50. Ceilings 7 ft. high. Nolights, except in area 1.

0) Entrance (EL 1)The tracks lead straight to a hill with a wooden door set into theside.

Trap: A trap has been build into the hillside next to the door.It is triggered when someone stands in the square in front of thedoor.Poison Dart Trap: CR 1; Atk +8 ranged (1d4 plus poison, dart);poison (bloodroot, DC 12 Fortitude save resists, 0/1d4 Con plus1d3 Wis); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 18.

1) Thieves’ Den (EL 1 1/2)By the light of the flickering oil lamp you can see that the threeunsavoury individuals in this filthy room use it as living andsleeping quarters, and kitchen.

Creatures:Bandits (3): Male Human War1; CR 1/2; Medium Humanoid(Human); HD 1d8+2; hp 5, 7, 8; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16,touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +1; Grp +3; Atk/Full Atk +4melee (1d8+2/19-20, longsword) or +2 ranged (1d6/x3,shortbow); AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 13,Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +1, Hide -2, Intimidate +3; ImprovedInitiative, Weapon Focus (longsword).

Possessions: Studded leather armor, heavy wooden shield,longsword, shortbow, 20 arrows.

Tactics: The bandits attack intruders, but when two of themhave been killed or knocked unconscious, or all three have beenreduces to half hit points or less, they surrender. They can(truthfully) tell the PCs that they have been forced to steal for agreen dragon called Forvel lately. They believe Forvel can

magically trace them if they try to escape. The bandits don’tknow anything about the dungeon beyond their den, except thatForvel and his gang hide there. They know there are between sixand twelve kobolds, and at least one troglodyte, and they’reaware of Forvel’s lust for elven flesh.

2) Weasels (EL 1)Four aggresive weasels jump forward when you open the door tothis narrow room.

Creatures: The kobold use their pets as second guard post,since they don’t trust the bandits.Weasels (4): hp 1, 2, 2, 4; see MM.

3) Hallway (EL 1)Trap: The square marked with a P is a pit trap.

Spiked Pit Trap: CR 1; DC 15 Reflex save avoids; 20 ft. deep(2d6, fall); pit spikes (Atk +10 melee, 1d4 spikes for 1d4+2each); Search DC 18; Disable Device DC 15.

Development: The kobolds from area 4 come in to attackintruders if they hear someone falling in the pit.

4) Kobold Guards (EL 1 1/2)Six rotting sleeping rugs lie in this room. The air is thick with thestench of the rotting flesh. The half eaten body of an elf lies inthe center, and parts of several goblin bodies lie in one corner.

Creatures:Kobolds (6): hp 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 8; see MM.

Tactics: The kobolds are terrified of Forvel and fight till thedeath. They try to move into flanking positions as soon aspossible.

5) Goblin Survivor (EL 1/3)The door to this room is barred from the inside. The Break DC is20.

The stench coming from this room is overwhelming. Inside is aravenous and exhausted looking goblin, standing amid blood-stained pieces of smashed furniture. A pile of kobold and goblinbodies that have been gnawed on lies in one corner.

Creature: The goblin is the sole survivor of the tribe that dugout the lair. He’s been drinking blood and eating flesh from thebodies of the fallen kobolds and goblins for days. The koboldsare successfully starving him to death.Swozr, Goblin: hp 3; see MM.

Tactics: Swozr throws a javelin at the first PC to enter theroom. When he notices they’re not kobolds, he’ll beg them notto kill him. He offers all information he has in exchange forletting him go unharmed. Swozr doesn’t know anything aboutthe current inhabitants, except that there are at least eightkobolds, including a female who can ‘throw spears that are notthere’ (Swozr’s way to describe Magic Missile). He does knowthe exact layout of the dungeon.

6) Kobold Leader (EL 1 1/2)Two sleeping rugs lie against the west wall of this room. A crudewooden bed is pushed against the east wall. There’s a three-legged table with two stools and a chair in between. A dozen orso goblin heads have been pinned to the north wall.

Creatures:Kobolds (2): hp 4, 6; see MM.Drabluki, Kobold Gang Leader: Female Kobold Sor1; CR 1;Small Humanoid (Reptilian); HD 1d4+5; hp 8; Init +1; Spd 30ft.; AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +0; Grp -6;Atk/Full Atk -1 melee (1d3-2/19-20, dagger) or +2 ranged (1d3,sling); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL LE; SV Fort+2, Ref +1, Will +2; Str 6, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha13.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +3, Concentration +4, Knowledge(arcana) +2, Spellcraft +2; Toughness.

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Spells Known (5/4; save DC 11 + spell level); 0 – daze,mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost; 1st – mage armor,magic missile.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds are dazzled in brightsunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Possessions: Dagger, sling, 10 bullets, 6 gp, 8 sp.Note: Drabluki’s weasel familiar died in the fight with the

goblins.Tactics: Drabluki’s henchmen enter melee combat and will

try to keep the PCs away from Drabluki, so she can cast herspells.

7) Wolf (EL 1)The door to this room is held closed with a latch on the outside.

A bestial stench comes from this room, that holds a feral wolf.

Creature: The kobolds decided to starve this goblin-pet todeath.Wolf: hp 11; see MM.

8) Forvel’s Trog Guard (EL 1)A large sleeping rug lies on the floor, which is littered withpicked bones and other refuse. There’s an overwhelming stench,spread by the troglodyte inhabitant.

Creature:Troglodyte: hp 15; see MM.

9) Forvel’s Servants (EL 1/2)This room holds nothing but two filthy sleeping rugs, and theirkobold owners.

Creatures:Kobolds (2): hp 4, 5; see MM.

Forvel’s Lair Map:

10) Forvel’s Lair (EL 3)Five dead elves are piled up against the west wall of this largechamber. In the center lies a small dragon, on top of a heap ofcoins and items.

Creature:Forvel: Male Green Dragon, Wyrmling; CR 3; Small Dragon(Air); HD 5d12+5; hp 35; Init +4; Spd 40 ft., fly 100 ft.(average), swim 40 ft; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk+5; Grp +2; Atk +7 melee (1d6+1, bite); Full Atk +7 melee(1d6+1, bite) and +5 melee (1d4, 2 claws); SA Breath weapon;SQ Blindsense 60 ft., immunities, keen senses, water breathing;AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int10, Wis 11, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8,Listen +8, Search +8, Spot +8; Improved Initiative, Multiattack.

Breath Weapon (Su): 20 ft. cone of acid; damage 2d6,Reflex half DC 13.

Immunities (Ex): Immune to acid, paralysis, and sleep.Possessions: Bag of tricks (gray), wand of detect secret

doors with 47 charges, masterwork longsword, masterworkthieves’ tools, two potions of cure light wounds, arcane scrollwith burning hands, bullseye lantern, 1,838 gp, 9,211 sp, and12,312 cp.

Tactics: Forvel ferociously defends his hoard, but he’llsurrender and beg for mercy when brought down to less than 10hit points.

Page 4: Small Dungeons 1 - Alcarin.com · Small Dungeons 1 Small Dungeons is ©2005 Jan Willem van den Brink ... Each dungeon has a background, ... The young green dragon Forvel attacked


Deep Dwarf Caves

IntroductionDeep Dwarf Caves is a generic, site-based adventure intendedfor four 2nd-level PCs, but it can be modified for lower- orhigher-level PCs (see Scaling the Adventure).

Scaling the Adventure1st-level PCs: Replace the trap in area 1 with a poison needletrap (CR 1, see the DMG). Reduce the number of orcs in area 1to one, and in area 3 to two. Replace the monstrous spider with amedium one. Reduce the number of vipers to one. Replace thecheetah with a hyena. The chest in area 8 is not trapped. Replacethe skum with a locathah. Reduce the number of dwarves in area12 to two. Tharlok is a 3rd-level sorcerer. Reduce all treasurewith 50%.3rd-level PCs: There are six orcs in area’s 1 and 3. Khorg is a4th-level fighter. Replace the monstrous spider with an ankheg.Add one viper to the chest in area 5. Replace the brown moldwith a violet fungus. Replace the cheetah with a polar bear.Replace the trap in area 8 with a poisoned arrow trap (CR 3, seethe DMG). Add two dwarves to area 12. Tharlok is a 5th-levelsorcerer. Add 50% to all treasure.

Adventure BackgroundFour months ago, the deep dwarf Tharlok – a charismatic butevil sorcerer – found a piece of parchment with a detaileddescription of a summoning ritual. The ritual would permanentlybind a very powerful earth elemental to whoever carried it out.Although it was extremely dangerous, Tharlok decided he wouldtry to summon the elemental, because with it, he could take thepower his rival, the cleric Ruengarf, controlled. Ruengarf sawTharlok leave the deep caves with a group of warriors to find thecomponents needed for the ritual. Ruengarf smiled, since he hadput the fake ritual in place for Tharlok to find. He expectedTharlok would die soon.But Tharlok is still alive. He has gathered all components, andhas excavated an underground complex, as described onRuengarf’s piece of parchment. Most of his companions didn’tsurvive, and the sorcerer hired orcs to make up for this loss.

Adventure HookTharlok’s orcs were ordered to hunt for food. They ‘hunted’ thecattle and orchards of nearby farmers. The farmers know wherethe orcs come from, and hire the PCs to attack their lair. Theypay each PC 75 gp up front, and 75 gp when the job is done.

Deep Dwarf Caves General InformationThe caves are located several miles from the outskirts of afarmer’s community. The details of the surroundings are left forthe GM to decide. Unless noted otherwise: Simple woodendoors, 1 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; Break DC 10; no lock.Ceilings 6 to 8 ft. high. All area’s are unlit.

Entrance Level0) EntranceA steep slope has been dug out here. It leads down to a woodendoor, some fifteen feet below.

1) Orc Guards (EL 1 1/2)Trap: The door to this room is locked (Open Lock DC 20,

Break DC 15), and trapped. Khorg owns the key to the lock.Poison Needle Trap: CR 2; lock bypass (Open Lock DC 30);Atk +17 melee (1 plus poison, needle); poison (blue whinnis, DC14 Fortitude save resists (poison only), 1 Con/unconsciousness);Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 17.

This unlit room holds a crude table with five stools about itthat’s littered with food scraps. Three orcs start screaming assoon as you enter. They raise their falchions and attack.

Creatures:Orcs (3): hp 4, 5, 7; see MM.

Tactics: The guards scream during the fight to alarm theother orcs.

Development: The orcs from area 3 arrive in three roundsafter they first hear a fight going on in this room (no Listencheck required). Khorg arrives after six rounds.

2) StorageThis room contains baskets with different kinds of fruit, two deadpigs, a dead sheep, and several empty buckets.

3) Orc Quarters (EL 2)There are four bunk beds in this room. A weapon rack holdsthree javelins and a falchion.

Creatures:Orcs (4): 3, 5, 7, 7; see MM.

Tactics: These orcs respond to calls for help as described inarea 1.

Treasure: One of the orcs has hidden a pouch under his bed(Search DC 15). It contains a bloodstone (worth 30 gp), 7 gp, 13sp, and 15 cp.

4) Khorg, Orc Leader (EL 3)In the center of this room stands a round table, with an emptymug and a plate with some picked bones on top of it. A sturdywooden bed with a straw mattress in it is pushed against the farwall. There’s a small chest in front of the bed.

Creature:Khorg: Male Orc Ftr3; CR 3; Medium Humanoid (Orc); HD3d8+12; hp 26; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed16; Base Atk +3; Grp +7; Atk/Full Atk +9 melee (2d4+6/18-20,masterwork falchion) or +4 ranged (1d6+4, javelin); SQDarkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref +2,Will +0; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6.

Skills and Feats: Intimidate +2, Listen +2, Spot +2;Alertness, Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (falchion).

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs are dazzled in bright sunlightor within the radius of a daylight spell.

Possessions: Breastplate +1, masterwork falchion, javelin,the keys to the outer door and the chest.

Tactics: Khorg responds to calls for help as described inarea 1.

Treasure: The chest is locked (Open Lock DC 25, hardness15, 30 hp). It holds a gold necklace with a red garnet (worth 300gp), three silver pearls (worth 100 gp each), an arcane scroll ofbull’s strength, 67 gp, 71 sp, and 93 cp.

5) Spider (EL 2)The door to this room is held closed with a latch on the outside.

There’s a large chest in this room, with an enormous spiderright in front of it.

Creature: One of the components for the ritual was: ‘Fivehairs, taken from a living spider that’s at least ten feet across.’Large Monstrous Spider: hp 22; see MM.

There are five vipers in the chest (see below), that lie on top ofall kinds of flowers and plants. The venom from these vipers andthe leaves and petals from the flowers and plants are needed forthe fake ritual. The PCs might notice the following when theyfind these: the name of each plant and flower (Knowledge(nature) DC 5; see area 13 for a list of names); the plants are notvaluable (Appraise DC 20); none of the plants grow nearby(Knowledge (nature) DC 10); the plants all come from verydangerous area’s (Knowledge (nature) DC 20).

Creatures:Tiny Vipers (5): hp 1 each; see MM.

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6) Brown Mold (EL 2)When you open the door, you notice an intense cold coming fromthe small room behind it. The room contains nothing but a patchof brown mildew on the floor, and a ten foot pole with a hook inthe corner by the door.

There’s a patch of brown mold with a diameter of 5 feet on thefloor here (see the DMG), which is a component for the ritual.Tharlok occasionally ‘feeds’ it a torch, and harvests pieces of itwith the pole.

7) Cheetah (EL 2)The door to this room is held closed with a latch on the outside.

There are some picked bones and an empty bucket on the floorin this foul-smelling room. It’s fairly obvious that the cheetah inhere doesn’t get fed very often.

Creature: The ritual requires hairs from a living cheetah.Cheetah: hp 19; see MM.

Summoning Chamber Level8) Summoning CircleAfter descending some twenty feet via the spiral staircase, youreach a large cave. There are four wooden doors in the wall. Inthe center is a large red circle with several multicolored symbolsin it. There’s a large chest against the wall on your left.

A Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 5) reveals that there are noreal arcane symbols in the circle.

The chest is locked (Open Lock DC 25, hardness 15, 30 hp), andtrapped (see below). It contains: a large net (used for controllingthe spider and the cheetah), an Y-shaped stick (for capturing thevipers), three torches, 20 tindertwigs, a dozen red candles, awooden bowl with a pounder with a small pounder, five flasks ofacid, and a large bottle filled with a blood-like fluid (blood froma harpy), and a large silver bowl (worth 75 gp).

Trap:Poisoned Dart Trap: CR 1; lock bypass (Open Lock DC 25);Atk +8 ranged (1d4 plus poison, dart); poison (bloodroot, DC 12Fortitude save resists, 0/1d4 Con plus 1d3 Wis); Search DC 20;Disable Device DC 18.

Secret Door: A Search check (DC 20) is required to find thedoor.

Development: If the dwarves in area 12 hear any noise here,they’ll think it’s the orcs bringing food and water to the kitchen.The dwarves will only check it out if they hear somethingunexpected (like a language other than Orc, or the PCs fightingwith the skum in area 9). If Tharlok hears something like that, oris warned by the other dwarves, he prepares for a fight asdescribed in his entry (see area 13), and then uses the secret doorin an attempt to attack the intruders from behind.

9) Skum Prisoner (EL 2)The door to this room is an iron door (2 in. thick; hardness 10;hp 60; Break DC 23), held closed with a bolt on the outside.

There’s a shallow pool of murky water in this room. A hideouscreature – half man, half fish – is sitting in it.

Creature: A successful Knowledge (dungeoneering) check(DC 12) identifies this creature as a skum. ‘Water in which askum has bathed’ is required for the ritual.Skum: hp 11; see MM.

Tactics: The skum, whose name is Slirz, doesn’timmediately start a fight, since he has learned the hard way thatTharlok and his fellows are more powerful than he is. When thecreature notices that someone else has entered his prison, he’llstart begging for his release, in Aquan. If negotiated with, theskum is willing to do anything he can for the PCs if they promiseto release him. He doesn’t know much about the dwarves, only

that one is a powerful magic user, while the others are simplewarriors. He thinks there are five dwarves.

10) CreviceIt smells terrible in this room. There’s a large, natural lookingfissure in the back.

The dwarves use the crevice both as loo and refuse dump.

11) KitchenIn the center of this room is a large fire-pit, with a cauldron on atripod above it, and a crack in the ceiling as chimney. Plates,knives, forks, spoons, pots, and pans are placed haphazardly ontop of a table that’s pushed against the left wall. Underneath thetable are three buckets with water and a basket filled with fruitand vegetables. Large chunks of meat hang on hooks from theceiling in the back of the room.

12) Deep Dwarf Quarters (EL 2)The front section of this room is dominated by a large table withsix chairs around it. Further towards the back lie five strawmattresses. There’s a wooden door in the wall at the far end ofthe room.

Creatures: A lot of the companions of these dwarves diedwhile gathering components for the ritual. Now that Tharlok isapparently unable to summon a powerful earth elemental, andhas hired the despicable orcs, they’re on the verge of abandoninghim.Deep Dwarves (4): hp 5, 5, 7, 9; see MM.

Possessions: All together, these dwarves carry 8 gp, 24 sp,and 40 cp with them.

Tactics: These dwarves are clever fighters. In combat, oneor two of them will try to eliminate the threat of spellcasters withranged weapons, while the others all attack the same opponentwith their waraxes, from as many angles as possible. See area 8for more information.

13) Tharlok (EL 4)The text below assumes the PCs haven’t found the secret door,and enter this area via area 12.

There’s a small table with a chair against the wall to your right.A leather bound book lies on top of it, with a piece of parchmentnext to it that looks like it has been crumpled up and folded outagain several times. There’s a wooden door in the wall to yourleft, with a large chest next to it. A comfortable looking bed ispushed against the back wall.

Creatures:Tharlok: Male Deep Dwarf Sor4; CR 4; Medium Humanoid(Dwarf); HD 4d4+8; hp 20; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 13, touch 12,flat-footed 11; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk/Full Atk +4 melee(1d8+1/x3, masterwork spear) or +4 ranged (1d8+1/x3,masterwork spear); SA +1 on attack rolls vs. orcs andgoblinoids; SQ Darkvision 90 ft., empathic link with Runti, lightsensitivity, share spells with Runti, stability, stonecunning, +3 onsaves vs. poison and spells and spell-like effects, +4 dodgebonus to AC vs. giants; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3; Str12, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 16.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +7, Concentration +6, Listen +1,Spot +1; Alertness (as long as Runti is within arm’s reach),Combat Casting, Dodge.

Spells Known (6/7/4; save DC 13 + spell level); 0 – daze,detect magic, mage hand, read magic, prestidigitation, ray offrost; 1st – mage armor, magic missile, shield; 2nd – web.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Deep dwarves are dazzled in brightsunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Possessions: Bracers of natural armor +1, cloak ofresistance +1, masterwork spear, key to the chest in area 8.

Tactics: If he has a chance to prepare for a fight, Tharlokcasts mage armor, and shield. These spells also affect Runti. Incombat, he’ll try use web to keep a distance between him and hisfoes, and then attacks them with his magic missiles.

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Runti: Weasel Familiar; CR –, Tiny Animal; HD 4 (effective);hp 10; Init +2; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2; Grp –12; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d3-4,bite); Space/Reach 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA Attach; SQ Deliver touchspells for Tharlok, improved evasion; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4,Will +5; Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 5.

Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Bluff +1, Climb +10,Concentration +3, Hide +11, Move Silently +8, Spot +3;Weapon Finesse.

Attach (Ex): If a weasel hits with a bite attack, it latchesonto the opponent’s body and automatically deals bite damageeach round it remains attached. An attached weasel loses itsDexterity bonus to Armor Class and can be struck with a weaponor grappled itself. To remove an attached weasel throughgrappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the creature.

Secret Door: The secret door is clearly visible from this side.

Treasure: The book on Tharlok’s ‘desk’ is his diary, and thepiece of parchment is the fake ritual (see below). The chest islocked (Open Lock DC 25, hardness 15, 30 hp), it holds a cloakof elvenkind, four screaming bolts, a potion of enlarge person, adeep green spinel (worth 200 gp), three white pearls (worth 150gp each), a healer’s kit, 178 gp, 251 sp, and 293 cp.

The piece of parchment: This holds the details of the ritual thatrequires: five hairs taken from a living spider that’s at least tenfeet across; seven drops of viper venom; a pound of leaves of thejungle ivy, tar-plant and spotted eucalyptus; half a pound ofpetals of the silver lotus and deepriver daisy; a pitch of brownmold; and three hairs taken from a living cheetah. This should allbe grinded to dust and mixed with an ounce of each of thefollowing fluids: water in which a skum has bathed, acid, and theharpy’s blood. This mixture should be put in a silver bowl andplaced in the center of the summoning circle, with four burningred candles around it. Then “n’gathm–scrwumha’ahg, yrw”should be read out loud to summon an elder earth elemental andbind it to whoever said the words.There is a drawing on the parchment of the summoning circleand caves in which it should be drawn. It matches these cavesperfectly.

Deep Dwarves Caves Map:

Excerpts from Tharlok’s DiaryThese are the most interesting entries in Tharlok’s diary:

Four months ago – I’ve found a piece of writing that willchange my life! A way to summon a mighty earth elemental, andbind it to me. You better beware Ruengarf!

The next entry is dated three months later – Finally, I haveall the components for the ritual. Unfortunately, twelve clansmendied while gathering them. But there is no time for mourning. Istill need to excavate a cave. I’ve hired some orcs to keepintruders at bay and provide us with food while we’re busydigging.

Ten days ago – The caves are ready and the summoningcircle is done. Tomorrow will be the big day!

Nine days ago – The summoning failed. I’ve checkedeverything, but I don’t know what caused the failure. Oh, this isfrustrating!

Four days ago – I’m beginning to suspect something awful.Maybe someone set me up, probably Ruengarf. I’ve doneeverything as described on the piece of parchment I found, butnothing happened. Is it just me, or does the handwriting reallyresembles that of Ruengarf? I cannot tell.

Yesterday’s entry – After two more tries, I’ve come to thehorrible conclusion that the ritual is fake. Oh, how will I ever tellthis to the others, whose friends died collecting the components?Who almost died themselves several times! No matter what, Iwill live the rest of my life in shame. A dishonored, clanlessdwarf. Oh, the horror.

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Cult of the Undead

IntroductionCult of the Undead is a generic, site-based adventure intendedfor four 3rd-level PCs, but it can be modified for lower- orhigher-level PCs (see Scaling the Adventure). The adventurementions Khorugh, an evil deity of undead, but he can bereplaced by a deity from any campaign world if desired.

Scaling the Adventure2nd-level PCs: Reduce the number of hobgoblins in area 1 totwo. The bugbears in area 3 have 7 and 8 hp (EL 2). There are nohobgoblins in area 4. Replace the zombies with a troll skeleton.Reduce the number of lacedons to two. The trap in area 8 hasSearch DC 20 and Disable Device DC 18 (CR 2). Reduce thenumber of cultists to two. Replace the dire ape with a direbadger. Replace the skeleton in area 14 with a bugbear zombie,and the trap with a CR 1 basic arrow trap (see the DMG).Nydris is a 4th-level cleric. Reduce all treasure with 35%.4th-level PCs: All hobgoblins are 2nd-level warriors. Add onezombie to area 5, and one lacedon to area 6. The trap in area 8 isa poisoned dart trap (CR 4, see the DMG). Replace the shadowwith a wraith, and the dire ape with a dire boar. The trap in area14 is a poisoned arrow trap (CR 3, see the DMG). Nydris is a6th-level cleric. Add 35% to all treasure.

Adventure BackgroundFive years ago the necromancer Tzamial died. Since then, hislone tower stood unoccupied, until one month ago a cultworshipping Khorugh, the evil deity of undead, moved in. Acouple of days ago, a band of hobgoblins and bugbears, led by atroll, decided to make the tower their base of operations. Theyencountered the cultists and attacked them. The troll was slainand one of the bugbears became leader of the goblinoids. Heparleyed with Nydris, the leader of the cult, who agreed on atruce. The goblinoids now inhabited the tower’s ground floor,but will move out when they’re fully recovered from the fight.Both other floors are the domain of the cult.

Adventure Hooks- A collector hires the PCs to get Tzamial’s Tome of Undeadfrom the tower. He’s willing to pay 500 gp for the book. Hedoesn’t know anything about the tower’s current inhabitants, buthe tells the PCs that Tzamial’s undead minions might still bethere.- One of the PCs (a paladin, cleric, or druid) is asked toinvestigate rumors about Khorugh–worshippers who have settledin Tzamial’s tower.

Tzamial’s Tower General InformationThe tower is built miles from the nearest settlement, on the bankof – and partially in – a river. The surroundings are left for theGM to decide. Unless noted otherwise: Simple wooden doors, 1in. thick; hardness 5; hp 10; Break DC 10; no lock. Masonrywalls, 1 ft. thick; hardness 8; 90 hp; Break DC 35. Ceilings 11 ft.high. All area’s except 11 and 15 are unlit.

ArrivalThe tower is built from dull grey stone, and stands partially onthe bank of a river, and partially in the river. It is about 16 yardshigh. The tower features a single wooden door, but no windows.On the bank of the river is a small heap of garbage that spreadsa foul stench.

Ground Floor1) Entrance (EL 2)The lock in the door to this room has recently been destroyed.

Four straw mattresses lie on the floor of this smelly room. Twokegs with a broken door on top of them form a crude table in thecenter. On top of it lie a couple of picked bones and four emptywooden mugs. The four hobgoblin owners of these mugs scream‘alarm’, and jump forward to attack.

Creatures:Hobgoblins (4): hp 4, 7, 7, 8; see MM.

Tactics: The hobgoblins scream alarm while fighting.

Development: The bugbear and hobgoblins from area 4arrive in three rounds after they first hear a fight going on in thisroom (no Listen check required).

2) HallwayThe stones in this empty hallway are stained with blood.

3) Wounded Bugbears (EL 3)Two bugbears with bandages jump up from their blood-stainedmattresses as you enter the room, and quickly grab theirweapons.

Creatures:Bugbears (2): hp 11, 13; see MM.

Tactics: These bugbears are wounded and do not respond tocalls for help from others. They are quite capable of fighting,though.

Note: The EL of this encounter is reduced by 1, since thebugbears have reduced hit points (full hit points: 16 and 17).

4) Bugbear Leader (EL 3)Two dirty straw mattresses lie on either side of the door. A crudetable with three stools is put in the center. There’s a bed againstthe back wal, with a small chest underneath it.

Creatures:Bugbear Leader: hp 17; see MM.

Possessions: Key to the lock on the chest.Hobgoblins (2): hp 6, 7; see MM.

Tactics: The creatures in this room respond to calls for help,as described in area 1.

Treasure: The chest is locked (Open Lock DC 25, hardness15, 30 hp). It holds a Pearl of Power (1st-level), 32 gp, 51 sp,and 68 cp.

5) Stairs (EL 4)The blood-stained stairway in this abominable smelling room isguarded by two zombies made from bugbear corpses.

Creatures: Nydris animated two of the bugbears slain in thefight and posted them in this room to make sure the goblinoidswill stay on the ground floor. They’ll attack anyone but thecultists. The undead can’t leave this room.Bugbear Zombies (2): hp 35, 48; see MM.

First Floor6) Stairs (EL 3)You reach the top of the stairs, where three rotting corpses arefeasting on three rotting corpses.

Creatures: The cultists put their dead in this room, so theycould later be animated by Nydris. The three lacedons, that livedin the river, are the last surviving creations of Tzamial. They’rethe only ones that weren’t killed during the thorough cleansingof the tower by a group of paladins, who did not check the riverfor undead beings. They climbed through the shaft in area 7when the stench of the bodies reached them. The cultistsconsider the lacedons a blessing from Khorugh and don’t takeaction to get rid of them.Lacedons (3): hp 11, 14, 14; see MM (ghoul entry).

7) LooThe seat of the wooden loo in this room is broken into pieces. Adark, triangular shaft is visible underneath.

The fifteen feet long shaft ends in the river, three feet below thesurface. Climbing it requires a DC 15 Climb check.

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8) Hallway (EL 3)Trap: The door to the hallway is not locked, but a trap is

build into the wall next to it. It is triggered when someone standsin the square in front of the door.Hail of Needles: CR 3; Atk +20 ranged (2d4); Search DC 22;Disable Device DC 22.

You enter an empty hallway with three other exits.

Development: If the cultists in area 11 hear the trap go off(Listen DC 15), they prepare for battle.

9) KitchenThere’s a large wooden table with eight chairs in this room. Thefar wall features a large hearth, with shelves on both sides thathold all kinds of kitchen utensils. On the left is an open pantrywith some foodstuffs stored in it.

Nothing of value can be found in this room.

10) Shrine (EL 3)An eight feet tall statue of a hideous creature dominates thisroom. It is completely black and looks like the rotting corpse of ahuman with the head of a grinning jackal, four deformed arms,and entrails – or perhaps tentacles – spilling from its stomachonto the ground. The creature is seated on a huge gravestone.Blood-red symbols are painted on the floor, walls, and even theceiling of this room.

The statue is that of Khorugh, deity of undead. A successfulKnowledge (religion) check (DC 15) reveals this.

Creature: A week ago Nydras discovered what he thought tobe a ritual that would turn someone into a lich. He tested it onone of the eager cultists, in this room. The cultist was killed, butinstead of a lich he became a shadow. The creature attacksanyone who enters the room. The cultists are still debatingwhether they should destroy or revere it.Shadow: hp 19; see MM.

11) Cultists’ Quarters (EL 4)A dozen black candles illuminate this room. Four bunk beds areplaced against the walls. There’s a long, low table with eightstools in the center. Four stools are currently occupied by armedand armored men. They all have a red sign painted on theirbreastplate.

Creatures: A successful Knowledge (religion) check (DC15) reveals the signs to be the unholy symbol of Khorugh.Cultists (4): Male Human Clr1; CR 1; Medium Humanoid(Human); HD 1d8+5; hp 8, 9, 10, 11; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18,touch 11, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +0; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk +2melee (1d8+2, morningstar) or +1 ranged (1d8/19-20, lightcrossbow); SA Rebuke undead; AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +1,Will +4; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +5, Knowledge (arcana) +2,Knowledge (religion) +4, Spellcraft +2; Improved Initiative,Toughness.

Spells Prepared (3/2; save DC 12 + spell level); 0 – cureminor wounds, detect magic, guidance; 1st – magic weapon,protection from good*.

*Domain spell. Deity: Khorugh. Domains: Death (1/daydeath touch, see the PHB); Evil (cast evil spells at +1 casterlevel).

Possessions: Breastplate, heavy steel shield, morningstar,light crossbow, 20 arrows.

Tactics: When they have time to prepare for battle, thecultists cast protection from good, magic weapon, and guidance.

Second Floor12) StairsYou reach a large, empty landing with three exits.

13) Dire Ape (EL 3)The door to this room is locked (Open Lock DC 20, Break DC15). Nydras owns the key.

A bestial stench fills the air in this room. There’s an enormoussnarling ape, fuming with anger right in front of you.

Creature: The cult caught this dire ape some time ago, andNydras decided he could use it for experiments. The animal iscompletely mad now, and has a –1 penalty on saves againstmind-affecting spells (such as Calm Animals). It attacks anyonewho enters the room.Dire Ape: hp 34; see MM.

14) Treasury (EL 3)The door to this room is locked (Open Lock DC 30, Break DC15). Nydras owns the key.

There’s a large wooden chest against the back wall. A nine feettall skeleton in front of the chest steps towards you, ready tostrike with its claws.

Creature: This troll was the leader of the goblinoids beforethey encountered the cult. He guards Nydris treasury now, andcan’t leave this room.Troll Skeleton: hp 40; see MM.

Trap: The chest is not locked, but it is trapped.Inflict Light Wounds Trap: CR 2; 1d8+1, DC 11 Will save halfdamage; Search DC 26; Disable Device DC 26.

Treasure: The chest contains a handy haversack, a horn offog, an elixir of sneaking, four black pearls worth 550 gp each,1,879 gp, 2,196 sp, and 2,712 cp.

15) Nydris (EL 5)Bookcases line all walls of this large room, that is illuminated byfour torches. In the center is a large desk with a tall humanbehind it. The man wears a full plate with a blood-red symbol onit, and he wields a morningstar.

Creature: Nydris is trying to find a way to become a lich –the ultimate goal in life for him and the other cultists – but hewill not find it in Tzamial’s tower.Nydris: Male Human Clr5; CR 5; Medium Humanoid (Human);HD 5d8+10; hp 33; Init +3; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk/Full Atk +7 melee (1d8+3,morningstar +1) or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SARebuke undead; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8; Str 14,Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Knowledge (arcana) +4,Knowledge (religion) +8, Spellcraft +4; Improved Initiative,Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (morningstar).

Spells Prepared (5/5/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level); 0 –detect magic (2), read magic (2), resistance; 1st – cause fear(14), cure light wounds, entropic shield, shield of faith, summonmonster I; 2nd – bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, curemoderate wounds, death knell (DC 16)*; 3rd – animate dead*,cure serious wound, magic circle against good.

*Domain spell. Deity: Khorugh. Domains: Death (1/daydeath touch, see the PHB); Evil (cast evil spells at +1 casterlevel).

Possessions: Ring of sustenance, cloak of resistance +1, fullplate +1, heavy steel shield, morningstar +1, light crossbow, 20arrows, keys to areas 13 and 14.

Tactics: When Nydris hears intruders in the other rooms,he’ll cast magic circle against good, shield of faith, bull’sstrength, bear’s endurance, and entropic shield. When the PCsenter the room, he doesn’t waste time talking to them, butimmediately attacks.

Treasure: Arcane scroll of command undead, arcane scrollof ghoul touch, arcane scroll of ray of enfeeblement, foureverburning torches, Tzamial’s Tome of Undead (see below).All other books aren’t valuable and do not contain very usefulinformation (those that did were destroyed by a group ofpaladins, but Nydris doesn’t know that).

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Tzamial’s Tome of UndeadTzamial’s Tome of Undead was hidden by the necromancer,along with his scrolls. The paladins overlooked the false bottomin one of the drawers of the desk, but Nydris didn’t.Someone who studies the book in its entirety gains a +2 bonuson Knowledge checks related to common undead (those in theMM) and a +1 on checks related to other undead (at the GM’sdiscretion). Studying the book takes 24 hours minus the studyingperson’s Intelligence modifier. A person cannot spend morehours studying per day than 8 + Int modifier.Tzamial’s Tome of Undead is worth 500 gp.

Tzamial’s Tower Map:

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Arhinon’s Tomb

IntroductionArhinon’s Tomb is a generic, site-based adventure intended forfour 4th-level PCs, but it can be modified for lower- or higher-level PCs (see Scaling the Adventure).

Scaling the Adventure3rd-level PCs: Reduce the number of derro to one. Replace bothpairs of bugbears with an ogre. Zyndriël is a 2nd-level fighter.Reduce the number of gnolls to three. There are no spikes in thepit trap in area 11. Replace the ettin skeleton with a trollskeleton. Replace the hellcat with a chain devil. Reduce alltreasure with 25%.5th-level PCs: Replace the trap in area 1 with a fireball trap (CR5, see the DMG). Add two bugbears to area’s 6 and 7. Zyndriëlis a 5th-level fighter. Add one gnoll to area 9. The pit trap in area11 is 80 ft. deep. Add one animated table to area 13. Replace thehellcat with an erinyes. Add 33% to all treasure.

Adventure BackgroundDuring his life, the eccentric wizard Arhinon acquired greatwealth. He didn’t have anyone to leave it to, and decidedsomeone who was he deemed worthy should get it. At the end ofhis life, Arhinon built a large tomb, filled with dangerouscreatures and traps. Anyone who could find the tomb andsurvive the dangers, deserved to get the wizard’s treasure.Just before he died, Arhinon spread the word about what he haddone with his money, and gave some clues about the location ofthe well hidden tomb. Many tried, but no one could find thetomb. With the passing of the years, Arhinon, his tomb, and hisclues were forgotten. Until a couple of weeks ago, when a groupof adventurers discovered the tomb by chance.

Adventure Hooks– The PCs hear about the recently discovered tomb that’s said tohold a great treasure, and decide to go see for themselves.– The adventurers who uncovered the entrance to the tomb arestill inside after several weeks. Friends and relatives are worried,and hire the PCs to go in and – if possible – rescue them.

Arhinon’s Tomb General InformationThe exact location of the tomb is left for the GM to decide. It fitsbest in a remote area. Stone doors, 4 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 65;Break DC 23; no lock. Secret doors, Search DC 25 to find.Masonry walls, 5 ft. thick; hardness 5; hp 540; Break DC 60. 12ft. high ceilings. All area’s except area 8 are unlit.

EntranceThe entrance to the tomb is a square pit, ten by ten feet. Thirtyfeet below is the landing of a flight of stairs that descends furtherinto the darkness.

Climbing the walls requires a DC 20 Climb check.

1) HallwayA number of smaller corridors lead away from this largehallway. There are four pits, twenty feet deep and with spikes atthe bottom. One holds a dead gnoll. At the far end of the hallwayyou see a double door. Each door is a four feet wide, nine feethigh slab of stone. There’s a text carved into both doors.

The doors are fake, they’re actually part of the wall. A Spotcheck (DC 25) will reveal that (Stonecunning applies). The‘doors’ radiate magic (strong; DC 30, Conjuration). There aretwo riddles on each door, with a large keyhole right beneaththem. The four colored keys (see area’s 6, 8, 10, and 14) must beplaced in the right holes, as indicated by the riddles. If the wrongkey is put into a hole, the trap is triggered (see below). The fourriddles are:The top of the left door – “Beware! Locks abhor crooked keys!”(answer: the first letter of each word spell black).The bottom of the left door – “White slowly moves through thiscolor very often. Sometimes it holds all colors.” (answer: Whiteclouds drift through a blue sky. Sometimes, it holds a rainbow).

The top of the right door doesn’t hold a riddle, but the Draconicword for red.The bottom of the right door – “Pull from the left, half of whatyou need. Pull from the top, and it is complete.” (answer: Blue(from the left) mixed with red (from the top) gives purple).If the keys are all put in the right holes, the doors disappear, anda portal opens up, leading to area 15, which lies several milesbelow the rest of the tomb. The portal is invisible, though, and itlooks as if there’s a hole in the wall between to adjacent area’s.The portal remains open for two and a half hours. Then, thedoors reappear and the keys are automatically teleported to thefour pedestals.

Trap:Burning Hands Trap: CR 3; spell effect (burning hands, 5th-level wizard, 5d4 fire, DC 11 Reflex save half damage); SearchDC 26; Disable Device DC 26.

2) Satyr (EL 4)There’s a satyr sitting on a pile of bones in this room.

The three lion skeletons in this room were destroyed by theadventurers who first discovered the tomb

Creature:Satyr: hp 22; see MM.

Possessions: Pan pipes.Tactics: The satyr, whose name is Jepri, intends to charm

and rob whoever manages to open the doors and take thetreasure. He regularly checks the hallway, and has so farmanaged to remain unseen. Jepri will try to charm anyone whofinds him, but he doesn’t shy a fight if necessary. He flees ifbrought down to less than 10 hp.

3) Empty RoomThe floor and walls of this empty room are stained with blood.

4) Derro (EL 5)The door to this room has been smashed to pieces.

There’s a feet deep pit in this room. Two creatures that look likehalf-dwarves, with pale skin and hair stand next to it. They stareat you with completely white eyes, cackle like madmen, andattack.

The pit is twenty feet deep. Three dead bugbears and a deadderro lie on the bottom.

Creatures:Derro (2): hp 16, 17; see MM.

Tactics: The derro were allied with the bugbears, until theystarted pushing them into the pit. The insane beings don’t have aplan right now, but attack anything they see. They found thesecret door, but keep it closed, for no particular reason.

5) Empty PedestalThis room holds nothing but an empty pedestal.

6) Bugbears (EL 4)In this room lie several rotting parts of what seem to have beentwo ogres, and a more recently deceased bugbear. Two livingand breathing bugbears jump to their feet and attack.

The bugbears destroyed the two zombies, and took the key fromthe adjacent room.

Creatures:Bugbears: hp 15, 18; see MM.

Possessions: A large blue key that radiates magic (strong;DC 30, Conjuration). It is needed to open the portal (see area 1).

Tactics: These bugbears got separated from their fellowsafter the fight with the derro. They try to keep an eye on both thederro and the humans in area 8 (they think there are still twoadventurers alive), and wait for them to make a first move.

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7) Bugbears (EL 4)Two bugbears are sitting on a heap of pieces of wood. A humanwith a crushed skull and a dead cat lie in one corner.

The wood comes from several destroyed animated pieces offurniture. The human was a sorcerer, the cat his familiar. He wasone of the adventurers who discovered the tomb.

Creatures:Bugbears: hp 14, 18; see MM.Possession: A wand of burning hands, a potion of cat’s grace, anarcane scroll of lightning bolt, a masterwork quarterstaff, 10 gp,22 sp, and 28 cp.

Tactics: Like the bugbears in area 6, these try to keep an eyeon the derro and adventurers. They have discovered the secretdoor.

8) Zyndriël (EL 3)A single torch burns in this room. In the center of the room lies ahuman – a woman – who appears to be dead. She has a verypale skin, her eyes are closed, and she has several wounds in herstomach. Behind her stands a very tired looking, armed andarmored man, as if he’s standing guard.

Creature: Zyndriël is the last survivor of the group ofadventurers who discovered the tomb. The woman on the floor ishis companion Tarlina, a druid. Zyndriël managed to drag herinto this room after the last fight with the bugbears, but she dieda couple of minutes later.Zyndriël: Male Human Ftr3; CR 3; Medium Humanoid(Human); HD 3d8+6; hp 18; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22, touch11, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk/Full Atk +7 melee(1d10+2/19-20, masterwork bastard sword) or +5 ranged(1d8+2/x3, masterwork composite longbow Str 14); AL CG; SVFort +5, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12,Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Listen +4, Search +3, Spot +4; Cleave,Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Initiative,Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard sword).

Possessions: An everburning torch, a full plate armor, aheavy steel shield, a masterwork bastard sword, a shortbow, 20arrows, and a large purple key that radiates magic (strong; DC30, Conjuration). It is needed to open the portal (see area 1).

Tactics: Zyndriël’s companions were all killed in fights withundead, animated objects, gnolls, and bugbears. He has no wateror food left, and he hasn’t slept more than one hour in the pastthirty hours. He wants only one thing: to leave the tomb. He hasthought about giving the key to the bugbears, in return for a safepassage out, but he doesn’t trust them. If the PCs talk to him, andgain his trust, Zyndriël gladly gives them the key if they arewilling to help him get out.

9) Gnolls (EL 4)The rotting corpse of a minotaur lies in one corner of this room.In the center, four gnolls sit on the floor, around a pile of pickedbones.

The minotaur zombie was destroyed by the adventurers who firstdiscovered the tomb. One of them, a human rogue, has beenslain and eaten by the gnolls.

Creatures: These gnolls came to the tomb not to hunt fortreasure, but for food.Gnolls (4): hp 8, 10, 11, 14; see MM.

Possessions: A potion of spider climb, a masterwork rapier,a climber’s kit, 26 gp, 35 sp, and 52 cp.

10) Aranea (EL 4)About a dozen pieces of wire lie on the floor in this room. Ahorrible creature lurks in one corner. It looks like a large spiderwith two small arms below its mandibles, and a big hump on itsback.

The wires are parts of several broken razor-wire traps.

Creature: A PCs who makes a successful Knowledge(arcana) check (DC 13) recognizes the aranea, and knows thatit’s a shapechanger.Aranea: hp 23; see MM.

Possessions: A large black key that radiates magic (strong;DC 30, Conjuration). It is needed to open the portal (see area 1).

Tactics: The aranea, whose name is Charl’Cha, intends tostay away from fights. It tries to keep an eye on the others in thedungeon – including the PCs – from hidden places; constantlymoving (the creature can be encountered anywhere). Whendiscovered, it runs away and hides, using its web ability to gain ahead start. It will only attack if it knows for sure the victimpossesses a key, and is severely weakened (like when it has justbarely survived a fight). If captured or cornered, the araneaprefers talking to fighting. It will try to join a powerful group,giving information about the dungeon in return for a share of thetreasure. If seriously threatened, it will use the key to bargainwith for freedom, and leave the dungeon as soon as possible.The aranea knows there are four gnolls in area 9, and ananimated table in area 13. It has seen a group of four bugbearsfighting two human adventurers. The aranea has not seen thesatyr or derro yet. It is aware of the secret door to the emptyroom across the corridor.

11) Trapped Room (EL 4)This room is empty.

Trap: The square marked with a T is trapped.Spiked Pit Trap: CR 4; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 60 ft. deep(6d6, fall); pit spikes (Atk +10 melee, 1d4 spikes per target for1d4+5 each); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20.

12) Ettin Skeleton (EL 5)A large skeleton with two skulls lies in one corner of this room.When it suddenly stands up, it stoops a bit to avoid hitting bothskulls against the ceiling. It raises its morningstar and attacks.

Creature:Ettin Skeleton: hp 65; see MM.

Tactics: The skeleton is bound to area’s 11 and 12.

13) Animated Table (EL 3)There’s nothing but a large table in this room.

Creature: The table is animated.Large Animated Object: hp 52; see MM.

Tactics: The table is unable to leave this room.

14) PedestalThere’s a pedestal in the center of this room. On top of it lies alarge, red key.

The key radiates magic (strong; DC 30, Conjuration). It isneeded to open the portal (see area 1).

15) Tomb and Treasury (EL 7)When they step through the portal, the PCs activate a spell thatsummons a hellcat.

On a dais against the back wall of this large room rests a stonecoffin. In front of the dais lies a large pile of coins, gems, anditems. In front of the pile stands a nine feet long, ghostly lion.

There’s one word inscribed in the lid of the coffin: ARHINON. Itcontains nothing but the skeletal remains of the wizard.

Creature: A successful Knowledge (the planes) check (DC18) reveals that the creature is a hellcat.Hellcat (Bezekira): hp 60; see MM (devil entry).

Treasure: a bag of holding type II; a heavy steel shield +2;an amulet of health +2; gloves of dexterity +2; a divine scroll ofrestoration; arcane scrolls with the spells: displacement, gaseousform, hold person, and invisibility sphere; a fire opal (worth1,000 gp), three golden pearls (worth 100 gp each), 10 mossagates (worth 20 gp each); 51 pp, 502 gp, and 5030 sp.

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Arhinon’s Tomb Map:

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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards").All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/ortrademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content;(b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material includingderivative works and translations (including into other computerlanguages), potation, modification, correction, addition,extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment orother form in which an existing work may be recast, transformedor adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent,lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwisedistribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanicand includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines tothe extent such content does not embody the Product Identityand is an enhancement over the prior art and any additionalcontent clearly identified as Open Game Content by theContributor, and means any work covered by this License,including translations and derivative works under copyright law,but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity"means product and product line names, logos and identifyingmarks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters;stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses,formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic andother visual or audio representations; names and descriptions ofcharacters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas,likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments,creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects,logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark orregistered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by theowner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludesthe Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos,names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributorto identify itself or its products or the associated productscontributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g)"Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit,format, modify, translate and otherwise create DerivativeMaterial of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means thelicensee in terms of this agreement.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Contentthat contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Contentmay only be Used under and in terms of this License. You mustaffix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. Noterms may be added to or subtracted from this License except asdescribed by the License itself. No other terms or conditionsmay be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using thisLicense.

3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content Youindicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to usethis License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide,royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of thisLicense to Use, the Open Game Content.

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You arecontributing original material as Open Game Content, Yourepresent that Your Contributions are Your original creationand/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed bythis License.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update theCOPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the

exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open GameContent You are copying, modifying or distributing, and Youmust add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder'sname to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open GameContent you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any ProductIdentity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except asexpressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with theowner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not toindicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark orRegistered Trademark in conjunction with a work containingOpen Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark orRegistered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in OpenGame Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownershipof that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity usedin Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest inand to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You mustclearly indicate which portions of the work that you aredistributing are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents maypublish updated versions of this License. You may use anyauthorized version of this License to copy, modify and distributeany Open Game Content originally distributed under any versionof this License.

10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of thisLicense with every copy of the Open Game Content YouDistribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertisethe Open Game Content using the name of any Contributorunless You have written permission from the Contributor to doso.

12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to complywith any of the terms of this License with respect to some or allof the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, orgovernmental regulation then You may not Use any Open GameMaterial so affected.

13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically ifYou fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure suchbreach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. Allsublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to beunenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to theextent necessary to make it enforceable.

15. COPYRIGHT NOTICEOpen Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of theCoast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards ofthe Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, SkipWilliams, Rich baker, Andy Collins, David noonan, RichRedman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E.Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Small Dungeons 1 Copyright 2005, Jan Willem van den Brink


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