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Page 1: Smarter Home Insurance Policy Wording · 2019-07-16 · 1 Policy Wording Smarter Home Insurance Neos Ventures Limited (company number 09941700) authorised and regulated by the Financial


Policy WordingSmarter Home Insurance

Neos Ventures Limited (company number 09941700) authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the independent body who regulates firms working in financial services (reference number: 752145).

Your policy is underwritten by Great Lakes Insurance SE (in respect of Sections 1-3). Great Lakes Insurance SE is a German insurance company with its headquarters at Königinstraße 107, 80802 Munich. Registered with the commercial register of the local court of Munich under number: HRB 230378 UK Branch office: Plantation Place, 30 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3AJ. Great Lakes Insurance SE UK Branch is authorized by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request.

Your policy is underwritten by ARAG plc (in respect of Sections 4 and 5) (company number 02585818) registered at 9 Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1NN (or appointed agents on its behalf) who is authorised under a binding authority agreement to administer this insurance on behalf of the insurer, AmTrust Europe Limited.

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Introduction How to Get Help Definitions General Conditions applicable to the whole of this Insurance Claims Conditions applicable to the whole of this Insurance Other Important Information applicable to the whole of this Insurance Section 1 Buildings Section 2 Contents Section 3 Personal Belongings Section 4 Home Emergency Section 5 Legal Cover General Exclusions applicable to the whole of this Insurance

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Navigating around your Policy

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In return for payment of the premium shown in the schedule, we agree to insure you, subject to the terms and conditions contained in or endorsed on this policy, against loss or damage you sustain or legal liability you incur for accidents happening during the period shown in the schedule.

When drawing up this policy, we have relied on the information and statements which you have provided us in the proposal.

The insurance relates ONLY to those sections of the policy which are shown in the schedule as being included.

This policy of insurance, schedule and any endorsement applying to your policy forms your insurance document. This document sets out the terms and conditions of the contract of insurance between you and us. You should read this document in full and keep it in a safe place.

Please read the whole document carefully. It is arranged in different sections. It is important that:

• you are clear which sections you have requested and want to be included; • you understand what each section covers and does not cover;• you understand your own duties under each section and under the

insurance as a whole.• you take care when answering any questions we ask by ensuring that any

information provided is accurate and complete (see Information you have given us for full details).

Please contact Neos on 0203 210 3000 immediately if this document or any information provided in your proposal is not correct or if you would like to ask any questions.


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How to Get HelpClaims

Customer Services


Legal and tax advice

In addition if you have purchased Legal Cover you also have access to the following helplines:-


To make a claim or to seek or provide further information on an existing claim or to make a complaint about a claim.

Sections 1-3 Buildings, Contents & Personal Belongings24 hours per day 7 days per week

Section 4 Home Emergency24 hours per day 7 days per week

Section 5 Legal CoverMonday to Friday (except bank holidays) 9am to 5pm. (For claims complaints under this section please ring 0117 917 1561 or email [email protected])

0203 210 3000

0203 210 3000

0117 917 1698

[email protected]

Please advise all claims by phone

You can download a claim form at www.arag.co.uk/newclaims

To make a change to your policy, ask a question about the cover or change the information you’ve given us or to make a complaint (other than about a claim)

Monday - Friday 8am -7pmSaturday 9am – 5pm

0203 210 3000 [email protected]

Technical support in connection with your Neos Supplied Equipment

Monday - Friday 9am – 7pm 0203 210 3001 [email protected]

If you have a legal or tax problem we recommend that you call our confidential legal and tax advice helpline. The advice covers personal legal matters within EU law or personal tax matters within the UK. Your query will be dealt with by a qualified specialist who is experienced in handling legal and tax-related matters. Use of this service does not constitute reporting of a claim..

Legal advice is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and tax advice is available between 9am and 5pm on weekdays (except bank holidays).

0344 571 7976

This helpline provides advice to help you keep your identity secure. If you suspect you are a victim of identity theft, our specialist caseworkers can help you to restore your credit rating and correspond with your card issuer, bank or other parties.

This service is available from 8am to 8pm 7 days a week

0333 000 2083


The above helplines are subject to fair and reasonable use. The level of fair usage will depend on individual circumstances.

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DefinitionsWherever the following words appear in this insurance they will have the meanings shown below.

Accidental Damage

Bodily Injury


Computer attack


Damage caused suddenly and unexpectedly by an outside force which has not been caused on purpose

Damage to persons caused by accident or disease

The main structure of the home and;

• fixtures and fittings attached to the home including permanently fitted flooring• domestic outbuildings and private garages• permanently installed swimming pools, tennis courts, drives, patios and terraces, walls, gates, paths, drives and fences and fixed fuel tanks you own or for which you are legally liable within the home. Cables and underground pipes providing services to or from the property• Cess pits and septic tanks

Buildings do NOT include:

• radio and television aerials, satellite dishes, their fittings and masts which are attached to the property • carpets

A set of corrupting, harmful or otherwise unauthorised instructions or code including a set of maliciously introduced unauthorised instructions or code, programmatic or otherwise, that propagate themselves through a computer system or network of whatsoever nature. Computer attack includes but is not limited to “trojan horses”, “worms” and “time or logic bombs”.

Household goods and personal belongings, money, high risk items and home office equipment up to the limits shown in the schedule that:

• you own;• you are legally responsible for (but not landlord’s contents);• belong to domestic employees who live with you

Contents includes:

• radio and television aerials, satellite dishes, their fittings and masts which are attached to the property• domestic oil in fixed fuel oil tanks up to the limit shown in the schedule which you have paid• carpets, but not permanently fitted flooring• personal belongings of visitors to the home (but not paying guests or lodgers), up to the limit shown in the schedule.

Contents does NOT include: • motor vehicles, caravans, trailers or watercraft or their accessories• any living plant or creature• any part of the buildings• documents of any kind except money, passports, driving licences and the title deeds to your home• any property insured under any other insurance

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The level of cover you have purchased under your Neos Home Insurance Policy as shown in the schedule

A person directly employed by you, solely to carry out domestic duties in your home and/or its garden.

Facts, concepts and information converted to a form useable for communications, interpretation or processing by electronic and electromechanical data processing or electronically controlled equipment and includes programmes, software and other coded instructions for the processing and manipulation of data or the direction and manipulation of such equipment.

The amount payable by you for each separate claim as shown in the schedule

A change in the terms and conditions of this insurance.

Upward movement of the ground beneath the buildings as a result of the soil expanding [or swelling].

Antiques, articles of gold, silver or other precious metals, audio equipment, camping equipment, compact discs, computer equipment, credit, debit, charge, cheque or cash cards, curios, digital versatile/video discs, DVD players/recorders, furs, guns and firearms, jewellery, mobile phones, money, pedal cycles, paintings, photographic equipment, portable electronic games, portable musical instruments, portable sports equipment, stamp, coin and medal collections, televisions, video and audio equipment and watches

Your principal private dwelling and the garages and outbuildings used for domestic purposes at the Risk address shown in the schedule.

Computer Equipment, Fascimile machines, photocopiers, typewriters, word processing equipment, fixed telecommunication equipment, books and stationary all owned or the legal responsibility of you and used in the running of your business. Home Office Equipment does not include business stock.

Downward movement of sloping ground.

Cash, cheques, postal orders, unused postage stamps, savings stamps and certificates, premium bonds, luncheon and gift vouchers, season and travel tickets all held for social, domestic or charitable purposes

Neos Ventures Ltd (company number 09941700) authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the independent body who regulates firms working in financial services (reference number: 752145).

The length of time for which this insurance is in force, as shown in the schedule and for which you have paid and we have accepted a premium.

Cover level

Domestic Employee

Electronic data




High Risk Items


Home Office Equipment




Period of insurance

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Pedal operated cycles and electrically assisted pedal cycles that are not legally required to pay Vehicle Excise duty for road use.

Clothing, jewellery, watches, mobile phones and gadgets like laptops and tablets, sports, musical and photographic equipment, luggage bags, pedal cycles and other items designed to be worn or carried. All items must belong to you or be your legal responsibility. The signed proposal form, Statement of Fact or any additional information supplied to us by or on behalf of you

Alteration, renovation or extension of the buildings but not routine maintenance or internal changes

The schedule is part of this insurance and contains details of you, your home, the sums insured, the excess, the period of insurance and the sections of this insurance which apply.

Downward movement as a result of the soil being compressed by the weight of the buildings within ten years of construction.

An unusual weather event with persistent high winds over 55mph usually associated with rain, thunder, lightning or snow.

Downward movement of the ground beneath the buildings other than by settlement.

The home is unoccupied when it is not being lived in.

Neos as administrators of the policy and

In Respect of Sections 1-3Great Lakes Insurance SE, a German insurance company with its headquarters at Königinstraße 107, 80802 Munich. Registered with the commercial register of the local court of Munich under number: HRB 230378 UK Branch office: Plantation Place, 30 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3AJ. Great Lakes Insurance SE UK Branch is authorized by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request.

In Respect of Sections 4 and 5ARAG plc (or appointed agents on its behalf) who is authorised under a binding authority agreement to administer this insurance on behalf of the insurer, AmTrust Europe Limited

The person or persons named as the policy holder in the schedule, their spouse or partner, children, parents and other relatives normally living with them.

Pedal Cycles

Personal belongings








We / us / our

You / your / insured

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General Conditions applicable to the whole of this insuranceFailure to comply fully with any of the general conditions listed below will prejudice you in the event of a claim, which may result in your claim not being paid and your policy void.

1. You must comply with all the terms and conditions of this policy. You must also take all responsible steps to prevent loss, damage or accidents and keep the home in a good state of repair. You must also take care to limit any loss, damage or injury.

2. The home must be maintained in a good condition, good state of repair and be structurally sound throughout the period of insurance.

3. You must inform us before you start any refurbishments, conversions, extensions or other structural works to the buildings or if there are any changes from those already disclosed to us.

Cooling Off Period

You may cancel your insurance provided you have not made a claim under such insurance by phoning Neos on 0203 210 3000 within 14 days of the policy start date or the date you receive full policy documentation. If you do cancel within such 14 day peri-od, we will refund the full premium paid as long as no claims have been made.


We can cancel this Insurance by giving you at least 14 days’ notice in writing at your last known address. Any return premium due to you will depend on how long this insurance has been in force and whether you have made a claim.You can also cancel this Insurance at any time by phoning Neos on 0203 210 3000. Any return premium due to you will depend on how long this insurance has been in force and whether you have made a claim. If we or you cancel the policy we will provide you with a prepaid package to return the smart home technology to us and ask that this is returned within 14 days of your cancellation date. If you do not return the technology, we will charge you as per the below structure:

Cover Level: Neos Good: £50 Neos Better: £200 Neos Best: £250

Mid Term Adjustment(s)

All mid-term adjustments will be calculated pro-rata.

Authority to Renew Condition

Where you pay the premium by direct debit or monthly payment if we are willing to continue providing cover and Neos advises you beforehand of our renewal terms, you authorise Neos to renew this policy, and any subsequent insurance on expiry, in accordance with our renewal terms at the time, unless you advise Neos otherwise before the renewal date.

Non-payment of premiums

We reserve the right to cancel this policy immediately on written notice in the event of non-payment of the premium or payment default if you are paying by instalments.

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Payments by Direct Debit

If the premiums are paid monthly by direct debit these will be collected on the cover start date of the policy shown in the schedule and on the same day of each following month. If one or more instalments have been paid non-payment of a subsequent instalment we will cancel this policy with effect from the due date of the unpaid instalment.

Data Protection Act 1998

You should understand that any information you have provided will be processed by us, in compliance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, for the purpose of providing insurance and handling claims, if any, which may necessitate providing such information to other parties.

Information You Have Given Us

In deciding to accept this policy and in setting the terms including premium we have relied on the information which you have provided to us. You must take care when answering any questions we ask by ensuring that any information provided is accurate and complete.

If we establish that you deliberately or recklessly provided us with untrue or misleading information we will have the right to:

(a) treat this policy as if it never existed; (b) decline all claims; and (c) retain the premium.

If we establish that you carelessly provided us with untrue or misleading information we will have the right to:

(i) treat this policy as if it never existed, refuse to pay any claim and return the premium you have paid, if we would not have provided you with cover; (ii) treat this policy as if it had been entered into on different terms from those agreed, if we would have provided you with cover on different terms; (iii) reduce the amount we pay on any claim in the proportion that the premium you have paid bears to the premium we would have charged you, if we would have charged you more.

We will notify you in writing if (i), (ii) and/or (iii) apply.

If there is no outstanding claim and (ii) and/or (iii) apply, we will have the right to:

(1) give you fourteen (14) days’ notice that we are terminating this policy; or (2) give you notice that we will treat this policy and any future claim in accordance with (ii) and/or (iii), in which case you may then give us fourteen (14) days’ notice that you are terminating this policy. (3) If this policy is terminated in accordance with (1) or (2), we will refund any premium due to you in respect of the balance of the period of insurance.


If you, or anyone acting for you, makes a claim which is fraudulent and/or intentionally exaggerated and/or supported by a fraudulent statement or other device, we will not pay any part of your claim or any other claim you have made or may make under this policy. In addition, we will have the right to:

(a) treat this policy as if it never existed, or at our option terminate this policy, without returning any premium that you have paid; (b) recover from you any amounts that we have paid in respect of any claim, whether such claim was made before or after the fraudulent claim; and (c) refuse any other benefit under this policy.

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Claims Conditions applicable to the whole of this insuranceFailure to comply fully with any of the claims conditions listed below will prejudice you in the event of a claim, which may result in your claim not being paid and your policy voided.

Your duties

In the event of a claim or possible claim under this insurance:

1. You must notify our claims department – of all incidents that may give rise to a claim as soon as practicable. This must be no later than 30 days from the date of the incident. If the incident is as a direct result of loss, theft or any malicious act, then the incident must be reported to the police by you within 24 hours of the incident to obtain a crime reference number. Sections 1-4 by telephoning 0203 210 3000 Section 5 by telephoning 0117 917 1698 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) or by downloading and returning the claim form at www.arag.co.uk/newclaims

2. It is your responsibility to prove any loss therefore we recommend that you keep receipts, valuations, photographs, instruc-tion booklets and guarantee cards to help with your claim.

3. You must not dispose of any damaged items before we have had the opportunity to inspect them unless you have been advised by us to dispose of them.

4. If any claim is fraudulent or intentionally exaggerated or if you or your representative gives any false or misleading state-ments, this may result in your claim not being paid and your policy voided.

5. If any premium that is due has not been paid at the time of any claim or incident giving rise to a claim, it may result in your claim not being paid and your policy voided.

6. We or our representatives will be entitled to enter your home or any building where any loss or damage has occurred and deal with the claim, we will also be entitled to defend or settle any legal action and take proceedings to recover compensation from any third party in respect of anything that is covered by this policy, we may do this in your name and for our benefit but at our expense.

7. You must forward to us, by registered post and within 3 working days, any letter, writ, summons or other legal document served on you in connection with a claim or possible claim, you must not answer any correspondence, admit, deny or negoti-ate any claim without prior written consent.

8. You must not admit liability or offer or agree to settle any claim without our written permission.

9. You must take care to limit any loss, damage or injury.

10. To help prove your claim we will require you to provide original purchase receipts, invoices, bank or credit card statements, instruction booklets, photographs, utility bills, pre-purchase surveys or plans and deeds of your home.

11. This policy is subject to English Law and any disputes in connection with this policy will be subject to English courts, if there is any dispute as to which law applies, it will always be English Law.

Defence of Claims

We may;

• take full responsibility for conducting, defending or settling any claim in your name.• take any action we consider necessary to enforce your rights or our rights under this insurance.

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Other insurance

We will not pay any claim if any loss, damage or liability covered under this insurance is also covered wholly or in part under any other insurance except in respect of any excess beyond the amount which would have been covered under such other insurance had this insurance not been effected.

Additional Claims Conditions applicable to Sections 4 and 5

Section 4 Home Emergency

In the event of a home emergency:

1. Please telephone the number shown above (lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) as soon as possible, providing us with your name, address, postcode, and the nature of the problem.

2. We will record your details and then decide on the best course of action to limit your loss and/or repair the damage. If the incident relates to an emergency covered under this policy, we will instruct a member of our emergency contractor network. Poor weather conditions or remote locations may affect normal standards of service.

3. If you are claiming for alternative accommodation costs you must obtain our authority to incur costs before booking some-where to stay. You will have to pay for the accommodation when you check out and send your receipt to us to be reim-bursed.

4. It is important you notify us as soon as possible of any claim, and do not call out your own contractors as we will not pay their costs and it could stop your claim being covered.

5. You must report any major emergency which could result in serious damage to the home or injury, to the Emergency Services or the company that supplies the service.

6. Your call may be recorded for training and security purposes and will be answered as soon as possible.

Section 5 Legal Cover

1. If you need to make a claim you must notify us as soon as possible.

2. Under no circumstances should you instruct your own solicitor or accountant as the insurer will not pay any costs incurred without our agreement.

3. Your completed claim form and supporting documentation can be submitted to us by email, post or fax. Further details are set out in the claim form itself. We will send you a written acknowledgment by the end of the next working day after the claim is received.

4. Within five working days of receiving all the information needed to assess the availability of cover under the policy, we will write to you either: a) confirming cover under the terms of your policy and advising you of the next steps to progress your claim; or b) if the claim is not covered, explaining in full the reason why and advising whether we can assist in another way.

5. When an advisor is appointed they will try to resolve your dispute without delay, arranging mediation whenever appropriate. Matters cannot always be resolved quickly particularly if the other side is slow to cooperate or a legal timetable is decided by the courts.

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Other Important Information applicable to the whole of this insurance Law and Language Applicable to the Policy

Both you and we may choose the law applicable to this Insurance Contract. Unless specifically agreed to the contrary this insurance shall be subject to English Law.The language used in this policy and any matters relating to it will be in English


We aim to provide a high level of service at all times. If you feel we have not provided the service you expect we want to hear from you to try to put things right. To help us understand your concerns and resolve the situation if your complaint relates to

• a claim under sections 1 – 4 please contact us on 0203 210 3000• a claim under section 5 please contact us on 0117 917 1561 • for all other complaints please contact us on 0203 210 3000

We will either acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt, or offer you our final response if we have concluded our investigations within this period.

If we acknowledge your complaint, we will advise you who is dealing with it and when we expect to respond. We aim to respond fully within 8 weeks. However, if we are unable to provide a final response within this period we will write to you before this time and advise why we have not been able to offer a final response and how long we expect our investigations to take.

If you remain unhappy with our final response, or we have not managed to provide a final response within 8 weeks of your complaint, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service for help and advice.

There are several ways you can contact them:

• Phone 0800 023 4567 or 0300 1239 123 • Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk • Email: [email protected] • Post: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR

You have six months from the date of our final response to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Your rights as a customer to take legal action are not affected by the existence or use of the complaints procedure mentioned above. However the Financial Ombudsman Service will not adjudicate on any cases where litigation has commenced.

Please quote your policy number in all correspondence.

Financial Services Register

The Financial Services Register can be checked by visiting the Financial Conduct Authority website on www.fca.org.uk or by calling 0800 111 6768

Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

Your insurer is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if your insurer cannot meet their obligations. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim. For Insurance you are covered for 90% of the claim, without any upper limit. Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available at www.fscs.org.uk or telephone 0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100.


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Section 1 - Buildings

This insurance covers the buildings for loss or damage directly caused by the following insured perils:

We will not pay:

1. Fire, lightning, explosion or earthquake a) the excess shown in the schedule

2.. Aircraft and other flying devices or items dropped from them a) the excess shown in the schedule

3. Storm, flood or weight of snow a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage caused by subsidence, heave or landslip other than as covered under Peril 8 of section 1c) for loss or damage to domestic fixed fuel-oil tanks in the open, swimming pools, tennis courts, drives, patios and terraces, gates and fencesd) for loss or damage to the buildings caused by frost

4. Collision by any vehicle or animal a) the excess shown in the schedule

5. Falling of fixed radio and television aerials, fixed satellite dishes and their fittings and masts

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage to radio and television aerials, satellite dishes, their fittings and masts

6. Escape of oil from a fixed domestic oil-fired heating installation and smoke damage caused by a fault in any fixed domestic heating installation

a) the excess shown in the schedule

7. Falling trees, telegraph poles or lamp-posts a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage caused by trees being cut down or cut back within the home

Cover included ONLY if shown in the schedule as Included

Please refer to your schedule to see the sums insured and cover that you have under this section

The following perils (1 to 11) are applicable to all policies where Section 1 is included:

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This insurance covers the buildings for loss or damage directly caused by the following insured perils:

We will not pay:

8. Subsidence or heave of the site upon which the buildings stand, or landslip

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage to domestic fixed fuel-oil tanks, swimming pools, tennis courts, drives, patios and terraces, walls, gates and fences unless the home is also affected at the same time by the same eventc) for loss or damage to solid floors unless the walls of the private dwelling are damaged at the same time by the same eventd) for loss or damage arising from faulty design, specification, workmanship or materialse) for loss or damage which compensation has been provided for or would have been but for the existence of this insurance under any contract or a guarantee or by lawf) for loss or damage caused by coastal or riverbank erosiong) for loss or damage whilst the buildings are undergoing any structural repairs, alterations or extensionsh) for loss or damage caused by new structures bedding down, settling, expanding or shrinking

9. Escape of water from fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage caused by subsidence, heave or landslip other than as covered under Peril 8 of section 1c) for loss or damage to domestic fixed fuel-oil tanks and swimming poolsd) for loss or damage to the buildings caused by wet or dry rote) for loss or damage to the building caused by escape of water from or freezing of water in water tanks, pipes, apparatus or fixed heating systems if the home has been left unoccupied or unfurnished for more than 60 consecutive days, unless the heating is switched on and maintained in operation during the period October to March inclusive or the water supply is turned off at the mains and the system drained.And If the cover level shown in the schedule is Neos Good we will not pay forf) loss or damage caused by the failure or lack of grout and/or sealant

10. Theft or attempted theft a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage:

i) caused by paying guests, tenants or youii) that happens after the home has been left unoccupied for more than 60 days

11. Any person taking part in a riot, violent disorder, strike, labour disturbance, civil commotion or acting maliciously

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage which you have caused, allowed, chosen to overlook or not reported to the policec) loss or damage caused by any person lawfully at the homed) for loss or damage unless involving forcible entry to or exit from the home or by deception

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This insurance covers the buildings for loss or damage directly caused by the following insured perils:

We will not pay:

12 . Accidental damage to cables, drains, glass and sanitary fittings:(i) cables, pipes, septic tanks and drain inspection covers you are legally responsible for which serve the home, including up to £1000 for the cost of breaking into (then repairing and backfilling) an underground pipe you are legally responsible for, to clear a blockage, between the main sewer and the home if this is necessary because normal methods of releasing the blockage are unsuccessful; (ii) fixed glass and sanitary fittings installed at the home. This includes glass in solar-panels, baths, shower trays, shower screens, bidets, wash basins

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for damage excluded under perils 1-11 of this sectionc) under (i) due to a fault or limit of design, manufacture, construction or installation.d) under (ii) for loss or damage that happens after the home has been left unoccupied for more 60 dayse) for damage caused by:

• subsidence, heave, landslip, settlement, shrinkage, vermin, insects, fungus, weather conditions or any damage which happens gradually;

• chewing, scratching, tearing or fouling by domestic animals;

• water entering the home regardless of how this happened;

• electrical or mechanical breakdown;• building alterations, renovations, refurbishment,

extensions or repairs;• paying guests or tenants.

13. Extended Accidental DamageWe will cover all other accidental damage to the buildings

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for damage excluded under perils 1-12 of this sectionc) for loss or damage that happens after the home has been left unoccupied for more 60 daysd) for damage caused by:

• subsidence, heave, landslip, settlement, shrinkage, vermin, insects, fungus, weather conditions or any damage which happens gradually;

• chewing, scratching, tearing or fouling by domestic animals;

• water entering the home regardless of how this happened;

• electrical or mechanical breakdown;• building alterations, renovations, refurbishment,

extensions or repairs;• paying guests or tenants.

The following perils are only covered if they are shown as included in the schedule

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Section 1 - Additional Cover

This section of the policy also covers We will not pay

A) Expenses you have to pay and which we have agreed in writing for • architects’, surveyors’, consulting engineers’ and legal fees• the cost of removing debris and making safe the building• costs you have to pay in order to comply with any

Government or local authority requirementsfollowing loss or damage to the buildings which is covered under section 1

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) any expenses for preparing a claim or an estimate of loss or damagec) any costs if Government or local authority requirements have been served on you before the loss or damaged) any amount over 20% of the buildings sum insured

B) Anyone buying the home who will have the benefit of section 1 until the sale is completed or the insurance ends, whichever is sooner.

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) if the buildings are insured under any other insurance

C) Loss or damage to the home caused by the emergency services attending the home upto the limit shown in the schedule

a) the excess shown in the schedule

D) Locks and KeysIf keys to external doors of the home, or alarm systems or safes fitted in the home are accidentally lost or stolen, we will pay to replace the locks or lock mechanisms up to the limit shown in the schedule in any one period of insurance

a) the excess shown in the schedule

E) Rent and alternative accommodation If the home is damaged by any cause listed in Section 1 and cannot be lived in we will pay for the undernoted costs from the date of loss until the home can be lived in again for: • reasonable additional costs which have to be paid for

comparable alternative accommodation for you and your domestic pets and horses

• rent which you still have to pay• rent which you would have received if you had been

renting out all or part of the home.Up to the limit shown in the schedule

F) Compulsory evacuation If a local authority prohibits you from living in the buildings following loss or damage to a neighbouring property we will pay reasonable additional costs which have to be paid for comparable alternative accommodation for you and your domestic pets and horses for a period up to 30 days from the date of compulsory evacuation.Up to the limit shown in the schedule for E) rent and alternative accommodation

a) the excess shown in the schedule

The following cover is applicable to all policies where Section 1 Buildings is Included

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G) Tracing and accessing leaks We will pay the reasonable costs for removing and replacing any part of the buildings necessary to find and repair the source of any: • escape of water from water tanks, pipes, and apparatus or

fixed heating systems of the buildings • escape of heating fuelUp to the limit shown in the schedule

a) The excess shown in the scheduleb) The cost of repairing the source of the leak unless caused by loss or damage covered under Section 1 perils 1-12.

H) Property Owners LiabilityWe will indemnify you for your legal liability as property owner for any amounts you become legally liable to pay as damages 1) as owner for any amounts you become legally liable to pay as damages for bodily injury2) damage to property caused by an accident happening at the home during the period of insurance We will not pay more than the limit shown in the schedule in all for any one accident or series of accidents arising out of any one event, plus the costs and expenses which we have agreed in writing.

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for bodily injury to you or any person who at the time of sustaining such injury is engaged in your servicec) for bodily injury arising directly or indirectly from any communicable disease or conditiond) for liability arising out of any criminal or violent act to another persone) for damage to property owned by or in the charge or control of you, or any other resident of the home, or any person engaged in your service. f) for liability arising directly or indirectly out of any profession, occupation, business or employment apart from property ownershipg) for liability which you have assumed under contract and which would not otherwise have attachedh) for liability arising out of your ownership, possession or use of:

1) any motorised or horsedrawn vehicle other than:i) domestic gardening equipment used within the home andii) pedestrian controlled gardening equipment used elsewhere

2) any power-operated lift3) any aircraft including model aircraft and drones or watercraft other than manually operated rowing boats, punts or canoes and model boats4) any animal

i) for liability in respect of any kind of pollution and/or contamination other than:

• caused by a sudden, identified, unexpected and unforeseen accident which happens in its entirety at a specific moment of time during the period of insurance at the home; and

• reported to us not later than 30 days from the end of the period of insurance;

in which case all such pollution and/or contamination arising out of such accident shall be deemed to have happened at the time of such accidentj) for liability arising out of your ownership, occupation, possession or use of any land or building that is not within the homek) if you are entitled to indemnity under any other insurance, including but not limited to any horse or travel insurance, until such insurance(s) is exhaustedl) the award of any court outside the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man

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Conditions that apply to Section 1 (buildings) onlyHow we deal with your claim

1. If your claim for loss or damage is covered under section 1, we will pay the full cost of repair as long as:

a. the buildings were in a good state of repair immediately prior to the loss or damage b. the sum insured is enough to pay for full cost of rebuilding the buildings in their present form c. the damage has been repaired or the loss has been reinstated.

We will take an amount off for wear and tear from the cost of any replacement or repair if immediately before the loss or damage the buildings were not in a good state of repair.

2. Matching Pairs and Sets

If your Cover Level shown in the schedule is Neos Good We will not pay the cost of replacing or repairing any undamaged parts of the buildings which form part of a pair, set, suite or part of a common design or function when the loss or damage is restricted to a clearly identifiable area or to a specific part.

If your Cover Level shown in the schedule is Neos Better or Neos Best We will pay the cost of replacing or repairing any undamaged parts of the buildings which form part of a pair, set, suite or part of a common design or function when the loss or damage is restricted to a clearly identifiable area or to a specific part upto the limit shown in the schedule.

Your sum insured

1. We will not reduce the sum insured under section 1 after we have paid a claim as long asyou agree to carry out our recommendations to prevent further loss or damage.

2. If you are under insured, which means the cost of rebuilding the buildings at the time of loss or damage is more than your sum insured for the buildings, then we will only pay a proportion of the claim. For example if your sum insured only covers one half of the cost of rebuilding the buildings, we will only pay one half of the cost of repair or replacement.

Limit of insurance

We will not pay more than the buildings sum insured for the home shown in the schedule, including any expenses you have to pay and which we have agreed in writing for Additional Cover A plus any amounts due under Additional Covers: E, F and H all subject to any limits shown in the schedule or this section.

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Section 2 - Contents

This insurance covers the contents for loss or damage directly caused by:

We will not pay:

1. Fire, lightning, explosion or earthquake a) the excess shown in the schedule

2. Aircraft and other flying devices or items dropped from theme a) the excess shown in the schedule

3. Storm, flood or weight of snow a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) property in the openc) for loss or damage to the contents caused by frost

4. Collision by any vehicle or animal a) the excess shown in the schedule

5. Subsidence or heave of the site upon which the buildings stand or landslip

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage which but for the existence of this insurance would be covered under any contract or a guarantee or by lawc) for loss or damage whilst the buildings are undergoing any structural repairs, alterations or extensionsd) for loss or damage by coastal or river erosion

6. Escape of oil from a domestic fixed oil-fired heating installation and smoke damage caused by a fault in any fixed domestic heating installation

a) the excess shown in the schedule

7. Falling trees, telegraph poles or lamp-posts a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage caused by trees being cut down or cut back at the home

Cover included ONLY if shown in the schedule as Included

Please refer to the schedule to see the sums insured and cover that you have under this section.

The following perils (1 to 10) are applicable to all policies where Contents is shown in the schedule as included:

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This insurance covers the contents for loss or damage directly caused by:

We will not pay:

8. Escape of water from fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage to the contents caused by wet or dry rotc) for loss or damage caused by escape of water from or freezing of water in water tanks, pipes, apparatus or fixed heating systems if the home has been left unoccupied or unfurnished for more than 60 consecutive days, unless the heating is switched on and maintained in operation during the period October to March inclusive or the water supply is turned off at the mains and the system drained.And if the cover level shown in the schedule is Neos Good we will not pay ford) loss or damage caused by the failure or lack of grout and/or sealant

9. Theft or attempted theft a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) any amount over the limit shown in the schedule for contents within outbuildings or garages at the home c) for loss or damage caused by you, your paying guests or tenants or any person lawfully at the home d) for loss or damage which you have caused, allowed, chosen to overlook or not reported to the policee) for money any amount over the limit shown in the schedulef) documents any amount over £2,500 in any one period of insuranceg) theft of pedal cycles unless in a building or securely locked to an immovable object.

10. Any person taking part in a riot, violent disorder, strike, labour disturbance, civil commotion or acting maliciously

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) for loss or damage unless involving violent and forcible entry to or exit from the home, or by deceptionc) for loss or damage which you have caused, allowed, chosen to overlook or not reported to the policed) loss or damage caused by your guests or tenants

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This insurance covers the contents for loss or damage directly caused by

We will not pay

11. Accidental damage to home entertainment equipment, mirrors and glass

We will cover accidental damage to:i. television sets (including digital and satellite receivers), dvd/video players and recorders, games consoles, home computers and audio equipment in the home;ii. receiving aerials, dishes and CCTV cameras fixed to the homeiii. mirrors, glass tops on furniture, fixed glass in furniture and ceramic glass in cooker hobs in the home.

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) games consoles, audio/visual equipment, laptops, tablets or computer equipment which are designed to be portable;c) digital/video cameras, satellite navigation systems, radio transmitters, mobile phones and hearing aids;d) any loss or damage that is not the direct result of the insured incident itself;e) loss or damage that happens after the home has been left unoccupied for more 60 days;f) loss or damage which is excluded under Perils 1-10 of this section;g) loss or damage caused by:

• fitting a battery incorrectly.• the process of cleaning, washing, repairing or restoring

any item;• electrical or mechanical breakdown• weather conditions, moth, vermin, insects, fungus,

damp, rust, wet or dry rot;• chewing, scratching, tearing or fouling by domestic

animals;• paying guests or happening while the home or any part

of it is lent, let or sublet;• water entering the home regardless of how this


12. Extended Accidental damage

We will cover

i. all other accidental damage to contents while in the home

ii. accidental leakage of domestic heating fuel or metered water up to the limit shown in the schedule

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) food and stamps;c) any loss or damage that is not the direct result of the insured incident itself;d) loss or damage which is excluded under Perils 1-10 of this section;e) loss or damage that happens after the home has been left unoccupied for more 60 daysf) loss or damage caused by

• fitting a battery incorrectly;• the process of cleaning, washing, repairing or restoring

any item;• electrical or mechanical breakdown• weather conditions, moth, vermin, insects, fungus,

damp, rust, wet or dry rot;• chewing, scratching, tearing or fouling by domestic

animals;• paying guests or happening while the home or any part

of it is lent, let or sublet.• water entering the home regardless of how this


13. Computer attack - to remove malware and reprogram computers and tablets, Wi-Fi routers or other internet access points including home Systems Attack, to restore devices connected to the internet, including smartphones, thermostats, smart appliances, and security and monitoring systems.

a) The excess shown in the scheduleb) Any consequential financial loss resulting from your details being stolen or accessed.

The following perils are only covered if they are shown as included in the schedule

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This section of the policy also covers We will not pay

A. Occupier’s, personal and employer’s liability We will cover your legal liability to pay damages and claimants’ costs and expenses for:

• accidental bodily injury or illness; • accidental loss of or damage to property;

happening during the period of insurance in: • the British Isles; • the rest of the world, for temporary visits;

and arising: • as occupier (not as owner) of the home and its land;• in a personal capacity (not as occupier or owner of any

building or land); • as employer of domestic employee

We will pay up to the relevant limit shown in the schedule for each incident. This means:

• the Employers Liability limit for claims made against you by a domestic employee where the accident happens as a result of or in the course of their employment by you;

• the Occupiers and personal liability limit for all other insured incidents.

We will also pay all your costs and expenses which we have already agreed to in writing.

Liability in connection with:a. you owning land, buildings or other fixed property;b. you living in or occupying land or buildings other than the home or its land;c. aircraft including model aircraft and drones;d. you (or anyone on your behalf) owning, possessing or using any motorised vehicle;e. caravans;f. boats, boards and craft designed to be used on or in water, other than those only propelled by oars or paddles or pedestrian-controlled toys or models;g. deliberate or malicious acts;h. the passing on of an infectious disease or virusi.dangerous dogs as defined in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (or any later legislation);j. any agreement unless you would still have been liable without that agreement;k. any trade, business or profession;l. loss of or damage to property which belongs to you or is in your care or control;m. bodily injury or illness to you.

For claims involving liability for bodily injury to or illness of a domestic employee working for you:

- exclusions (a), (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (k) will not apply;- exclusion (d) will not apply unless cover or security is needed under any of the Acts, Laws or Regulations which govern the driving or use of any motor vehicle in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands

B. Contents temporarily removed from the home

We will cover up to the limit shown in the schedule for loss of or damage to contents by any of the causes listed under perils 1-10 of Section 2 while temporarily removed from the home to:

(i) any bank or safe deposit, or any private home or building where you are living (including while attending full-time education), employed or working in the British Isles;

(ii) anywhere else in the British Isles.

a) the excess shown in the schedule

b) Under (i) and (ii) we will not cover:

• more than the limit shown in the schedule for loss or damage to contents in outbuildings and garages;

• loss or damage by theft, unless someone has broken into or out of a building by using force and violence or deception to get in.

c) Under (ii) we will not cover:

• loss or damage caused by storm, flood or other weather conditions to contents that are not in a building;

• loss or damage if contents have been removed for sale or exhibition or placed in a furniture depository.

Section 2 - Additional CoverCovers A – I are applicable to all policies where Contents is shown in the schedule as included

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C.. Contents in the gardenWe will cover loss of or damage to contents by any of the causes covered under Perils 1 – 10 of this section happening in the open within the boundaries of the home, up to the limit shown in the schedule..

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) loss or damage that happens after the home has been left unoccupied for more than 60 days;c) theft of pedal cycles unless securely locked to an object that cannot be moved.

C. Replacement locksIf keys to external doors of the home, or alarm systems or safes fitted in the home are accidentally lost or stolen, we will pay to replace the locks or lock mechanisms up to the limit shown in the schedule.

a) the excess shown in the schedule

E. Food in freezersWe will cover loss of or damage to food stored in a freezer in the home, up to the limit shown in the schedule, due to a change in temperature or contamination by freezing agents.

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) Loss or damage caused by a deliberate act, or strikes by the company (or its employees) supplying your power.

E. Emergency accessWe will cover damage to contents caused while gaining necessary access to the home to deal with a medical emergency or to prevent damage to the home upto the limit shown in the schedule

a) the excess shown in the schedule

G. Loss of rent and the cost of alternative accommodation If the home can’t be lived in due to damage covered under Section 1 Buildings Perils numbered 1 to 10 we will pay for:

i. rent payable to you or (if not otherwise insured) reasonable additional accommodation expenses your tenant has to pay;ii. reasonable additional accommodation expenses for you and your domestic animals until the home is ready to live in;

up to the limit shown in the schedule.

a) the excess shown in the schedule

H. Household removalsWe will cover contents accidentally damaged or stolen during professional removal from the home to your new permanent home (including while in temporary storage for up to seven days) within the British Isles.

a) the excess shown in the schedule;b) Money, jewellery, watches, items of gold or platinum, stamps and coins;c) Loss or damage to china, glass, earthenware and other items of a fragile nature unless they have been packed by professional packers.

I. Tenant’s liabilityWe will provide cover up to the limit shown in the schedule if you are legally responsible as a tenant for:

i. loss of or damage to the home and fixtures and fittings and contents belonging to the landlord by any of the causes listed under Perils 1 – 10 of this section;

ii. accidental damage to:

• fixed glass and sanitary fittings installed at the home. This includes glass in solar-panels, baths, shower trays, shower screens, bidets, wash basins, splashbacks, pedestals, sinks, toilet pans and cisterns;

• cables, pipes, septic tanks and drain inspection covers which serve the home.

Cover includes up to £1000 for the cost of breaking into (then repairing and backfilling) an underground pipe you are legally responsible for, to clear a blockage between the main sewer and the home if this is necessary because normal methods of releasing the blockage are unsuccessful.

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) Loss or damage

• excluded under Contents in the home;• that happens while the home has been left unoccupied;• caused by building work which involves alterations, renovations, extensions or repairs.

c) Under (ii) we will not cover damage to cables and underground pipes due to a fault or limit of design, manufacture, construction or installation.

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This section of the policy also covers We will not pay

J) Plants, Trees and ShrubsWe will pay to replace Plants, Trees and Shrubs in the garden at the home if they are damaged by Perils 1, 4, 9 or 10 of this section up to the limit shown in the schedule.

a) the excess shown in the scheduleb) Loss or damage that happens after the home has been left unoccupied for more than 60 daysc) Theft or damage caused maliciously by you, paying guests or tenants.d) Smoke damage caused gradually.

Cover J is only applicable if the cover level shown in the schedule is Neos Better or Neos Best

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Conditions that apply to Section 2 (contents) onlyHow we deal with your claim

1. If you claim for loss or damage to the contents we will at our option repair, replace or pay for any article covered under section 2.

2. Pairs, Sets and Suites

If your Cover Level shown in the schedule is Neos GoodWe will not pay for the cost of replacing any undamaged items which form part of a pair, set, suite or any other item of a uniform nature, design or colour.

If your Cover Level shown in the schedule is Neos Better or Neos BestWe will only pay for the cost of replacing any undamaged items which form part of a pair, set, suite or any other item

of a uniform nature, design or colour upto the limit shown in the schedule

Your sum insured

1. We will not pay any more than the sum insured for the contents of the home shown in the schedule plus any amounts due under Additional Covers: A, G and I and subject to any limits shown in the schedule or this section.

2. We will not pay more than the single item limit shown in the schedule for any one item, set or collection other than Furniture, Carpets, Curtains and Domestic Appliances unless listed separately in the schedule as a specified item. We will not pay more than the item sum insured for any specified item listed in the schedule.

3. We will not reduce the sum insured under section 2 after we have paid a claim as long as you agree to carry out our recommendations to prevent further loss or damage.

4. If you are under insured, which means the cost of replacing or repairing the contents at the time of the loss or damage is more than your sum insured for the contents, then we will only pay a proportion of the claim. For example if your sum insured only covers one half of the cost of replacing or repairing the contents, we will only pay one half of the cost of repair or replacement

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Section 3 – Personal belongings

What is covered What is not covered

Loss or damage to your personal belongings and money shown in the schedule anywhere in the world

a) The excess shown in the scheduleb) loss or damage to

• sports racquets, sticks, bats and clubs while in use;• items used for business or professional purposes;• bonds, stocks, shares and documents of any kind, other

than driving licences and passports;• motorised vehicles (other than pedal cycles), aircraft,

boats, sail boards, surfboards, jet skis, caravans, trailers and the parts, spares and accessories of any of these;

• any living plant or creature

c) loss or damage caused by:

• wear and tear, light, weather conditions, moth, vermin, insects, fungus, damp, rust, wet or dry rot, or anything which happens gradually;

• chewing, scratching, tearing or fouling by domestic animals;

• the process of cleaning, washing, repairing or restoring any item;

• electrical or mechanical breakdown;• confiscation or detention by Customs or other officials.

d) Theft of pedal cycles unless the cycle is in your immediate custody and control; or securely locked to an object that cannot be moved; or in a locked building. e) Theft from an unattended vehicle other than from a locked and concealed boot, concealed luggage compartment or closed glove compartment of a securely locked vehicle which has been broken into by using force and violence and then only upto the limit shown in the schedule.f) Theft, attempted theft or malicious damage caused by paying guests, tenants or you.g) Theft by deception, unless deception is used only as a way to get into the home.h) Loss in value.i) Any loss that is not the direct result of the insured incident itself.j) Any loss or damage covered by another policy.

Cover included ONLY if shown in the schedule as Included

Please refer to your schedule to see the sums insured and cover that you have under this section

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Conditions that apply to Section 3 (Personal Belongings) onlyHow we deal with your claim

1. If you claim for loss or damage to personal belongings we will at our option repair, replace or pay for any article covered under section 3

2. Pairs, Sets and Suites

If your Cover Level shown in the schedule is Neos GoodWe will not pay for the cost of replacing any undamaged items which form part of a pair, set, suite or any other item of a uniform nature, design or colour.

If your Cover Level shown in the schedule is Neos Better or Neos BestWe will only pay for the cost of replacing any undamaged items which form part of a uniform nature, design or colour

upto the limit shown in the schedule

Your sum insured

1. We will not pay any more than the sums insured for the personal belongings and money shown in the schedule.

2. We will not reduce the sum insured under section 3 after we have paid a claim as long as you agree to carry out our recommendations to prevent further loss or damage.

3. We will not pay more than the single item limit shown in the schedule for any one item, set or collection unless listed separately in the schedule as a specified item. We will not pay more than the item sum insured for any

specified item listed in the schedule.

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Section 4 – Home Emergency Cover included ONLY if shown in the schedule as Included

Additional DefinitionsWherever the following words appear in this section they will have the meanings shown below

Central heating boiler A boiler located in your home (or connecting garage).

Contractor The contractor or tradesperson chosen by us to respond to your home emergency.

Emergency Costs a) Contractor’s reasonable and properly charged labour costs, parts and materials b) Where necessary, alternative accommodation costs incurred under Insured event 8. The maximum payable by the insurer is £1,000 for all claims related by time or original cause.

Home emergency A sudden unexpected event which requires immediate action in order to: a) prevent damage or avoid further damage to the home, and/or b) render the home safe or secure, and/or c) restore the main services to the home, and/or d) alleviate any health risk to you.

Vermin Brown or black rats, house or field mice, and wasps’ or hornets’ nests.

Your Cover under Section 4

Following an Insured event which results in a home emergency we will pay emergency costs provided that all of the following requirements are met:

1) You have paid the insurance premium.

2) The claim is reported to us a) during the period of insurance and b) as soon as possible after you first become aware of a home emergency.

3) You always agree to use the contractor chosen by us.

What is covered What is not covered

We will indemnify you We will not indemnify you for any liability arising from or related to:

1. Main heating systemThe total failure or complete breakdown, whether or not caused by accidental damage, of the main heating system (including a central heating boiler, all radiators, hot water pipes and water storage tanks) in your home.

a) a main heating system (including a central heating boiler) which is more than 15 years oldb) LPG fuelled, oil fired, warm air and solar heating systems or boilers with an output over 60Kw/hrc) a central heating boiler which has not been serviced within the 12 months prior to the date of a home emergency claim.

2. Plumbing & drainageThe sudden damage to, or blockage or breakage or flooding of, the drains or plumbing system including water storage tanks, taps and pipe-work located within your home, which results in a home emergency.

a) the replacement of parts that suffer damage or the gradual process of wear and tear over time (such as dripping taps, washers or discs forming part of a tank, pipe or tap)

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3. Home securityDamage to (whether or not accidental) or the failure of external doors, windows or locks; which compromises the security of your home

4. Toilet unitBreakage or mechanical failure of the toilet bowl or cistern resulting in the loss of function provided that there is no other toilet in your home.

5. Domestic power supplyThe failure, whether or not caused accidentally, of your home’s domestic electricity or gas supply..

6. Lost keysThe loss or theft of the only available keys, if you cannot replace them to gain access to your home.

7. Vermin infestationBrown or black rats, house or field mice, and wasps’ or hornets’ nests causing damage inside your home or a health risk to you

8. Alternative accommodation costsYour overnight accommodation costs including transport to such accommodation following a home emergency which makes your home unsafe, unsecure or uncomfortable to stay in overnight.

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Exclusions that apply to Section 4 (Home Emergency) onlyYou are not covered for any claim arising from or relating to:

1. emergency costs which have been incurred before we accept a claim

2. an Insured event which happens within the first 48 hours of cover if you purchase this Section after the

commencement of this policy

3. emergency costs where there is no one at your home when the contractor arrives

4. any matter occurring prior to, or existing at the start of this cover, and which you believed or ought reasonably to

have believed could give rise to a claim under this policy

5. any wilful or negligent act or omission or any third party interference or faulty workmanship which does not

comply with recognised industry standards or manufacturer’s instructions

6. a main heating system (including a central heating boiler) which is more than 15 years old

7. LPG fuelled, oil fired, warm air and solar heating systems or boilers with an output over 60Kw/hr

8. the cost of making permanent repairs including any redecoration or making good the fabric of your home

a. once the home emergency situation has been resolved

b. arising from damage caused:

i. in the course of the repair or

ii. in the course of investigation of the cause of the Insured event or

iii. in gaining access to your home

c. the interruption, failure or disconnection of the mains electricity, mains gas or mains water supply

d. the replacement of parts that suffer damage or the gradual process of wear and tear over time (such as

dripping taps, washers or discs forming part of a tank pipe or tap)

9. your garage (except a central heating boiler located in a connecting garage), outbuildings, boundary walls,

fences, hedges, cess pit, fuel tank or septic tank

10. your home being left unoccupied for more than 60 days consecutively

11. goods or materials covered by a manufacturer’s, supplier’s or installer’s warranty

12. the failure of equipment or facilities which have not been installed, maintained or serviced in accordance

with legal regulations or manufacturer’s instructions, or which is caused by a design fault which makes them

inadequate or unfit for use

13. a claim covered by another policy, or any claim that would have been covered by any other policy if this policy did

not exist

14. subsidence, landslip or heave

15. a property that is not your main residence or that you rent or let

16. blockage of supply or waste pipes to your home due to freezing weather conditions

17. pressure waves from aircrafts or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speed

18. any terrorist action (regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence

to the liability) or any action taken in controlling, preventing or suppressing terrorist action. If the insurer alleges

that by reason of this exclusion any liability or loss is not covered by this policy, burden of proving the contrary

shall be upon you.

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Conditions that Apply to Section 4 (Home Emergency) Failure to keep any of these conditions may lead the insurer to cancel your cover, or refuse to pay a claim.:

1. Your Responsibilities

You must:

a. observe and keep to the terms of the policy

b. not do anything that hinders us or the contractor

c. tell us as soon as practicable after first becoming aware of any home emergency

d. tell us as soon as practicable of anything that may materially alter our assessment of the claim

e. cooperate fully with the contractor and us

f. provide us with everything we need to help us handle the claim

g. take reasonable steps to recover emergency costs that the insurer pays and pay to the insurer all costs that

are recovered should these be paid to you

h. minimise any emergency costs and try to prevent anything happening that may cause a claim

i. allow the insurer at any time to take over and conduct in your name any claim, proceedings or investigation

j. be able to prove that the central heating boiler has been serviced within the 12 months prior to the date of a

home emergency claim.

2. Our Consent

We must give you our consent to incur emergency costs. The insurer does not accept liability for emergency

costs incurred without our consent.

3. Settlement

You must not settle the contractor’s invoice or agree to pay emergency costs that you wish to claim for under

this policy without our agreement.

4. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

A person who is not party to this contract has no right to enforce the terms and conditions of this policy under

the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

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Section 5 – Legal Cover Cover included ONLY if shown in the schedule as Included

Additional Definitions Wherever the following words appear in this section they will have the meanings shown below:Appointed advisor The solicitor, accountant, mediator or other advisor appointed by us to act on behalf of the insured. Collective conditional fee agreement A legally enforceable agreement entered into on a common basis between the appointed advisor and us to pay their professional fees on the basis of 100% “no-win no-fee”.Conditional fee agreementA legally enforceable agreement between the insured and the appointed advisor for paying their professional fees on the basis of 100% “no-win no-fee”.Communication costsThe reasonable cost of phone calls, postage (including special delivery), image scanning, photocopying or credit reports where the insured has taken advice from our Identity Theft Advice and Resolution Service.Legal costs & expenses a. Reasonable legal costs and disbursements reasonably and proportionately incurred by the appointed advisor on the standard basis and agreed in advance by us. The term “standard basis” can be found within the Courts’ Civil Procedure Rules Part 44. b. In civil claims, other side’s costs, fees and disbursements where the insured has been ordered to pay them or pays them with our agreement. c. Reasonable accountancy fees reasonably incurred under Insured event 6 Tax by the appointed advisor and agreed by us in advance. d. The insured’s basic wages or salary under Insured event 8 Loss of earnings while attending court or tribunal at the request of the appointed advisor or whilst on jury service. e. The insured’s communication costs.Reasonable prospects of success1. Other than as set out in 2. and 3. below, a greater than 50% chance of the insured successfully pursuing or defending the

claim and, if the insured is seeking damages or compensation, a greater than 50% chance of enforcing any judgment that might be obtained.

2. In criminal prosecution claims where the insured: a) pleads guilty, a greater than 50% chance of reducing any sentence or fine or b) pleads not guilty, a greater than 50% chance of that plea being accepted by the court.

3. In all claims involving an appeal, a greater than 50% chance of the insured being successful.Where it has been determined that reasonable prospects of success as set out in 1., 2. and 3. above do not exist, the insured shall be liable to pay any legal costs incurred should they pursue or defend their claim irrespective of the outcome.Small claims courtA court in England & Wales that hears a claim falling under the small claims track in the County Court as defined by Section 26.6 (1) of the Civil Procedure Rules 1999; a court in Scotland that uses the simple claims procedure as set out by the Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, a court in Northern Ireland where the sum in dispute is less than £3,000 or the equivalent jurisdiction in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man where the policy applies.Territorial limitFor Insured events 2 Contract and 4 Personal injury: the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, countries in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland. For all other Insured events: the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.

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Your Cover under Section 5

Following an Insured event the insurer will pay the insured’s legal costs & expenses up to £50,000 (including the cost of appeals) for all claims related by time or originating cause, subject to all of the following requirements being met:

1. You have paid the insurance premium.2. The insured keeps to the terms of this policy and cooperates fully with us.3. The Insured event happens within the territorial limit.4. The claim

a) always has reasonable prospects of success and b) is reported to us i) during the period of insurance and ii) as soon as the insured first becomes aware of circumstances which could give rise to a claim.

5. Unless there is a conflict of interest the insured always agrees to use the appointed advisor chosen by us in any claim a) to be heard by the small claims court and/or b) before proceedings have been or need to be issued.

6. Any dispute will be dealt with through mediation or by a court, tribunal, Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service or a relevant regulatory body agreed with us.

A claim is considered to be reported to us when we have received your fully completed claim form.

Insured Events Covered

1. EmploymentA dispute with your current, former or a prospective employer relating to their contract of employment or related legal rights. A claim can be brought once all internal dismissal, disciplinary and grievance procedures as set out in the

a) ACAS Code of Practice for Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures, orb) Labour Relations Agency Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures in Northern Ireland

have been or ought to have been concluded.The insured is required to cooperate fully with ACAS regarding mediation and not do anything that hinders a successful outcome.

What is not covered under Insured event 1Any claim arising from or relating to:

1. a dispute arising solely from personal injury2. defending the insured other than defending an appeal3. legal costs & expenses for an employer’s internal

disciplinary process or an employee’s grievance hearing or appeal

4. an insured’s employer’s or ex-employer’s pension scheme

5. compromise or settlement agreement between the insured and their employer unless such agreement arises from an ongoing claim under the policy.

2. ContractA dispute arising out of an agreement or alleged agreement which has been entered into by the insured for

a) buying or hiring consumer goods or servicesb) privately selling goodsc) buying or selling your main homed) renting your main home as a tenante) the occupation of your main home under a lease.

What is not covered under Insured event 2Any claim arising from or relating to:1. a dispute with a tenant or leasee where the insured is

the landlord or lessor2. loans, mortgages, pensions, or any other banking, life or

long-term insurance products, savings or investments3. the insured’s business activities, trade, venture for gain,

profession or employment4. a contract involving a motor vehicle5. a settlement due under an insurance policy6. construction work, or designing, converting or extending

any building where the contract value exceeds £6,000 including VAT.

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3. PropertyA dispute relating to visible property which the insured owns following

a) an event which causes physical damage to the insured’s property including your main homeb) a public or private nuisance or trespass

provided that where any boundary is in dispute, you have proof of where the boundary lies.

What is not covered under Insured event 31. The first £250 of any claim under Insured event 3 b). This

is payable by the insured as soon as we accept the claim.2. Any claim arising from or relating to:

a. a contract entered into by an insuredb. any building or land other than your main homec. a motor vehicled. the compulsory purchase of, or demolition, restrictions, controls or permissions placed on your property by any government, local or public authoritye. defending any dispute under Insured event 3 a) other than defending a counter claim or an appealf. a dispute with any party other than the person(s) who caused the damage, nuisance or trespass.

4. Personal injuryA sudden event directly causing the insured physical bodily injury or death.

What is not covered under Insured event 4Any claim arising from or relating to:1. A condition, illness or disease which develops gradually

over time2. mental injury, nervous shock, depression or

psychological symptoms where the insured has not sustained physical injury to their body

3. defending any claim other than an appeal.

5. Clinical NegligenceA dispute arising from alleged clinical neligence or malpractice.

What is not covered under Insured event 51. Any claim arising from or relating to a contract dispute. 2. Defending any claim other than an appeal.

6. Tax A formal enquiry into the insured’s personal tax affairs, provided that all returns are complete and have been sumbitted within the legal timescales permitted.

What is not covered under Insured event 6Any claim arising from or relating to:1. tax returns where HM Revenue & Customs impose a

penalty or which contain careless and/or deliberate misstatements

2. business or venture for gain of the insured3. where the Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Scheme

Regulations apply or should apply to the insured’s financial arrangements

4. any enquiry that concerns assets, monies or wealth outside of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

5. an investigation by the Fraud Investigation Service of HM Revenue & Customs.

7. Legal defencea. WorkAn alleged act or omission of the insured that arises from their work as an employee and results in:

i. the insured being interviewed by the police or others with the power to prosecuteii. a prosecution being brought against the insured in a court of criminal jurisdictioniii. civil proceedings being brought against the insured under unfair discrimination laws.

b. MotorA motoring prosecution being brought against the insured.c. OtherA formal investigation or disciplinary hearing being brought against the insured by a professional or regulatory body.

What is not covered under Insured event 7Any claim arising from or relating to:1. owning a vehicle or driving without motor insurance or

driving without a valid driving licence2. a parking offence.

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8. Loss of earnings

The insured’s absence from work to attend court, tribunal, arbitration or regulatory proceedings at the request of the appointed advisor or whilst on jury service which results in loss of earnings.

What is not covered under Insured event 8

1. Loss of earnings in excess of £1,000.2. Any sum which can be recovered from the court or


9. Identity theft

A dispute arising from the use of the insured’s personal information without their permission in order to commit fraud or other crimes provided the insured contacts our Identity Theft Advice and Resolution Service as soon as they suspect that their identity may have been stolen.

What is not covered under Insured event 9

The insurer will not pay for any money claimed, goods, loans, or other property or financial loss or other benefit obtained as a result of the identity theft.

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What is not covered by Section 5 (Legal Cover)The insured is not covered for any claim arising from or relating to:1. legal costs & expenses incurred without our consent2. any actual or alleged act or omission or dispute happening before, or existing at the start of the policy and which the insured believed or ought reasonably to have believed could lead to a claim3. an amount below £1004. an allegation against the insured involving a) assault, violence, dishonesty, malicious falsehood or defamation b) the manufacture, dealing in or use of alcohol, illegal drugs, indecent or obscene materials c) illegal immigration d) offences under Part 7 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (money laundering offences)5. a dispute between your family members6. an insured’s deliberate or reckless act7. a judicial review8. a dispute arising from or relating to clinical negligence except as provided for in Insured event 5 Clinical negligence9. a dispute with us not dealt with under Condition 6, or the insurer or the company that sold this policy10. a group litigation order

11. the payment of fines, penalties or compensation awarded against the insured.

Conditions that Apply to Section 5 (Legal Cover)Where the insurer’s risk is affected by the insured’s failure to keep to these conditions the insurer can cancel your

policy, refuse a claim or withdraw from an ongoing claim. The insurer also reserves the right to recover legal costs &

expenses from the insured if this happens

1. The insured’s responsibilities

An insured must:

a. tell us immediately of anything that may make it more costly or difficult for the appointed advisor to

resolve the claim in the insured’s favour

b. cooperate fully with us, give the appointed advisor any instructions we require, and keep them updated

with progress of the claim and not hinder them

c. take reasonable steps to claim back legal costs & expenses and, where recovered, pay them to the insurer

d. keep legal costs & expenses as low as possible

e. allow the insurer at any time to take over and conduct in the insured’s name, any claim.

2. Freedom to choose an appointed advisor

a. In certain circumstances as set out in 2b) below the insured may choose an appointed advisor. In all other

cases no such right exists and we shall choose the appointed advisor.

b. The insured may choose an appointed advisor if

i. we agree to start proceedings or proceedings are issued against an insured, or

ii. there is a conflict of interest

except where the insured’s claim is to be dealt with by the small claims court where we shall choose the appointed


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c. Where the insured wishes to exercise the right to choose, the insured must write to us with their

preferred representative’s contact details. Where the insured chooses to use their preferred representative,

the insurer will not pay more than we agree to pay a solicitor from our panel. (Our panel solicitor firms are

chosen with care and we agree special terms with them which may be less than the rates available from

other firms.)

d. If the insured dismisses the appointed advisor without good reason, or withdraws from the claim with

out our written agreement, or if the appointed advisor refuses with good reason to continue acting for an

insured, cover will end immediately.

e. In respect of a claim under Insured event 1 Employment, 2 Contract, 4 Personal injury or 5 Clinical negli

gence, the insured must enter into a conditional fee agreement or the appointed advisor must enter into

a collective conditional fee agreement, where legally permitted.

3. Consent

a. The insured must agree to us having sight of the appointed advisor’s file relating to the insured’s claim. The insured is considered to have provided consent to us or our appointed agent to have sight of their file for auditing and quality control purposes.

b. An insured must have your agreement to claim under this policy.

4. Settlement

a. The insurer has the right to settle the claim by paying the reasonable value of the insured’s claim.

b. The insured must not negotiate, settle the claim or agree to pay legal costs & expenses without our written agreement.

c. If the insured refuses to settle the claim following advice to do so from the appointed advisor, the insurer reserves the right to refuse to pay further legal costs & expenses.

d. The insured must settle communication costs arising from Insured event 9 Identity theft in the first instance and make a receipted claim to us for reimbursement.

5. Barrister’s opinion

We may require the insured to obtain and pay for an opinion from a barrister if a dispute arises regarding the merits or value of the claim. If the opinion supports the insured, then the insurer will reimburse the reasonable costs of that opinion. If that opinion conflicts with advice obtained by us, then the insurer will pay for a final opinion which shall be binding on the insured and us.

This does not affect the insured’s right under the Complaints process detailed under Other Important Information applicable to the whole of this insurance.

6. Other insurance

The insurer will not pay more than their fair share (rateable proportion) for any claim covered by another policy, or any claim that would have been covered by any other policy if this policy did not exist.

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General Exclusions applicable to the whole of this insuranceWe will not cover:

a) Radioactive Contamination and Nuclear Assemblies Exclusion

We will not pay for

1. loss or destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever, or any loss or expenses whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss

2. any legal liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from:-

(i) ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel,

(ii) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.

b) War Exclusion

We will not pay for any loss or damage or liability directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through or in consequence of war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or confiscation or nationalisation or requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority.

c) Existing and Deliberate Damage

We will not pay for loss or damage:

(i) occurring before cover starts or arising from an event before cover starts

(ii) caused deliberately by you or by any person lawfully at the home

d) Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 Clarification Clause

A person who is not a party to this insurance has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this insurance but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from that Act.

e) Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contamination Clause

We will not pay for:

1. Loss or destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever, or any loss or expenses whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss;

2. Any legal liability of whatsoever nature;

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3. Death or injury to any person;

Directly or indirectly caused by nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological and/or radiobiological means, or

anything connected with those means, and which is the direct or indirect result of Terrorism, or anything

connected with Terrorism, whether or not such consequence has been contributed to by any other cause

or event, including steps taken to prevent, suppress, control or reduce the consequences of any actual,

attempted, threatened or perceived terrorism. Terrorism is defined as any act or acts including but not limited


i) the use or threat of force and/or violence; and/or

ii) harm or damage to life or to property (or the threat of such harm or damage) including, but not limited

to, harm or damage by nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological and/or radiological means caused or

occasioned by any person(s) or group(s) of persons, in whole or in part, for political, religious, ideological or

similar purposes including, but not limited to, the intention to influence any government and/or to

put the public or any section of the public in fear, or is claimed to be caused or occasioned in whole or in part

for such purposes.

f) Contamination and Pollution Exclusion

We will not pay for anything arising from pollution or contamination, unless caused by a sudden and

unexpected accident which can be identified, or by oil leaking from a domestic oil installation at your home.

g) Diminution in value

We will not pay for any reduction in value of the property insured following repair or replacement paid for

under this insurance.

h) Contractors Exclusion

We will not pay for any loss, damage or liability arising out of the activities of contractors. For the purpose of

this exclusion a contractor is defined as any person, company or organisation working at or on the property,

including where you are working in your capacity as a professional tradesman.

i) Electronic Data Exclusion

Unless you have cover for computer attack shown as included in the schedule. We will not pay for Loss,

damage, destruction, distortion, erasure, corruption or alteration of Electronic data from any cause

whatsoever (including but not limited to Computer attack) or loss of use, reduction in functionality, cost,

expense of whatsoever nature resulting therefrom, regardless of any other cause or event contributing

concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss.

However in the event of a fire or explosion resulting from any matter described above, this insurance will cover

physical damage occurring during the policy period to the property insured by the original policy.

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Should Electronic data processing media insured by this policy suffer physical loss or damage insured by

this policy, then the basis of valuation shall be the cost of the blank media plus the costs of copying the

Electronic data from back-up or from originals of a previous generation. These costs will not include research

and engineering or any costs of recreating, gathering or assembling such Electronic data. If the media is

not repaired, replaced or restored the basis of valuation shall be the cost of the blank media. However this

insurance does not insure any amount pertaining to the value of such Electronic data to the Insured or any

other party, even if such Electronic data cannot be recreated, gathered or assembled.

j) Faulty Workmanship Exclusion

We will not pay for: Any loss or damage arising from faulty design, specification, workmanship or materials

k) Wear and Tear Exclusion

We will not pay for: Any loss or damage caused by wear and tear or any other gradual operating cause

l) Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause

No insurer shall be deemed to provide cover and no insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any

benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such

benefit would expose that insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions

or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United

States of America.

j) Faulty Workmanship Exclusion

We will not pay for: Any loss or damage arising from faulty design, specification, workmanship or materials.

k) Wear and Tear Exclusion

We will not pay for: Any loss or damage caused by wear and tear or any other gradual operating cause.

l) Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause

No insurer shall be deemed to provide cover and no insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any

benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such

benefit would expose that insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions

or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United

States of America.

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Neos Ventures Ltd, 47 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3XT | e: [email protected] | neos.co.uk

Neos Ventures Ltd is a private limited company registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 09941700 Neos Ventures Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)- Reference no. 752145


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