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Please leave reading guides in the Gallery – but write down and visit the project blog.

INTRODUCTIONThe following reading guide features extracts from stories submitted by people in response to their photographs. More text will be available in a forthcoming book and on blogs. (The photographs will not necessarily appear in this order on the gallery walls.)

Sometimes seeing all the broken buildings and forest caused an intense longing for pre-cyclone days. This is one of the reasons I started photographing joy.-June Perkins

1. SADNESS IN HER HAIRWhen trauma hits, I truly believe, it’s a natural process to reflect and to sometimes feel like you’ve lost your way. For me, there are moments like this in everyday life and they certainly surfaced with great force when we lost our family home from a whopping big wave. We still shake our heads when we think of our feelings of despair in the days and even weeks following Cyclone Yasi. In that brief time, it felt like there was no smile from within.-Carolyn Bofinger

2. THE JOURNEYThe memory of that Yasi filled night is something that will never be fully erased, but the kindness since shown is something that with time will be more powerful.- ’Ute Angels’ ABC Open Blog - June Perkins

3. KINDNESS HANDS This was taken as we packed up our house and left for a new home. –JuneI tackled the move in some of my ABC Open blogs.

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4. GUITAR MAGIC/GAMEBOARD/MISSION BEACHEven after the cyclone Benjamin could be found finding solace with his guitar. I looked back through my photographs of the last year and found this. Music has played an important role in our family finding happiness no matter what.-June

5. WOMEN OF STRENGTH Quotes from the Women pictured in the collage.

Pictured Sal Badcock, Jo Baker, Moala Sitapa, Jenny Ottone, (centre) and Premier Anna Bligh and Donna Jones.

I have been inspired by so many of the women of our community -June Perkins

The launch was an experience of healing and a reminder of hope. Reminding me and I am sure many others that amidst all the destruction and loss at the hands Yasi the true story and true spirit of Yasi is one of true kinship, resilience and the road to recovery.-Moala Sitapa (Moala is pictured in the middle with Jenny Ottone at the launch of True Spirit of Cyclone Yasi)

Another ute angel was Jo – she offered to have our family stay with her for a while, when we were house hopping trying to find out our accommodation situation. We laughed a lot at her house as everyone shared funny stories. -June Perkins

A lot can change in a year, and although Anna Bligh is now no longer Premier many locals will never forget the powerful speeches she gave before, during and after Cyclone Yasi. – June

Thank you to the people that helped during and after the cyclone, especially Mr and Mrs John Dick and family.-Donna Jones

12 months ago we were taping windows, packing away anything of value and trying to make it waterproof. Getting the bathroom ready with essentials and mattresses and wondering "What are we in for??"-Jenny Ottone

6. NEIGHBOURS AND NEIGHBOURS SMILE/ WITHINWe went to see how the Dores were. We found them with their neighbours out in the garden. People were sharing stories, and the kids all played a game of cricket. Nicole told us a story about her orchids.

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7. NEIGHBOURS I had a tree in my garden that had orchids growing on it. The lady that lived up the street in the little blue house that got destroyed during the cyclone had given the orchids to me a couple of years earlier.

It was a beautiful little area of my garden but the tree had been broken off and the orchids were strewn around the place. I don't know where those orchids that I had were from or if they were mine but I had no place to reattach them to so I was offering them to the neighbours rather than placing them on the big pile of rubbish out the front. -Nicole McClymont

8. CHAINSAW OPTIMISM - After the Cyclone we felt a strong need to drive and check up on people we knew in the Cassowary Coast, so we headed around to several people’s houses in Tully and Feluga. One home was that of the Hardy’s.

Mr Hardy was already out in his garden cleaning up with his chainsaw. I don’t know what made me take this picture, something about his Chainsaw Optimism. –June Perkins

9. LOOK FOR TRAINS/TURNING TO THE SMILE WITHIN Even now there is rebuilding, so whilst we have joy we remember those still rebuilding…

10. UTE ANGELS 1Whenever I picture angels now they will be dressed in shorts and t-shirts and loading up anything they think salvageable for us. - June Perkins, ’Ute Angels’ ABC Open Blog

Lydia was just one of many of our Ute Angels, along with the Dores and several of my husband’s work mates. – June Perkins

11. LILLIAN’S STORYThe devastating part of Cyclone Yasi was coming back to Murray Upper and seeing the damage left behind. It bought tears to my eyes as we came into Tully, and words cannot express how I was feeling. -Lillian Galipo

12. BOUNCING BACK COLLAGE: HAYLEY WARNERPhoto albums and video cameras in the Cassowary Coast are full of images and footage of visits by national and global talents. They brought much joy wherever they went. -June Perkins

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13. BOUNCING BACK COLLAGE: GUITARIST IN LIGHT/AND OTHER PIECESBounce Back Concert, held in April 2011 as a cheer up and benefit concert.

14. MEETING DAMIEN MARTYN 1 AND 2 AT BOUNCE BACKDuring the bounce back concert, our son got to meet Australian middle-order batsman, Damien Martyn who signed his hat and shirt.  Martyn was pleased to hear that a love of cricket had helped kept a very scared young man that little bit less focussed on the cyclone and instead on something a little more normal. – David Perkins

15. DARE TO DREAM: MADDY MEETS HAYLEY WARNER This photo is of my daughter meeting the gorgeous Hayley Warner. It was an absolute delight meeting Hayley is so fun and vibrant and even shared her pizza! She was one of the many wonderful people to come to Tully to show support for our community-Renee Schluenz

16. THE HUG 1 AND 2Watching Hayley Warner sing was magical. What a beautiful soul she is. As is typical in Tully, the day of the Yasi Bounce Back concert was raining -Emma Gardiner

Hayley and I interacted quite a bit during her set and she seemed really drawn to me.

After one of her songs, which I probably sang a little too loudly and danced a little too........what's the word......she pointed to me and said "I don't know you but you seem like a really happy person. If anyone needs a hug, go and see that lady!"

So, to keep it going I looked around for someone to hug. I saw my friend Lillian Galipo standing close by with her sisters and she put her arms out to hug me. -Emma Gardiner

17. THE PRINCELY GIFT: PORTRAIT OF ANNE KENTI thought a handmade cassowary which I make and sell in my shop might be an interesting gift from the Cassowary Coast; but didn’t think I’d be close enough to hand it to him. A lady standing next to me took a close up photo of him receiving the Cassowary. -Anne Kent

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18. PRINCE WILLIAM’S VISIT TO TULLY: MEETING AN ART CASSOWARY1 AND 2How many of us have photographs of Prince William? A lot! Hope you enjoy some of mine. Emma Gardiner has shared a few of hers on the blog; she went to the Cardwell visit of the Prince.

19. PRINCE WILLIAM ARRIVES. SEQUENCE OF 3 PICSSo I have so many photographs of the Prince William visit to Tully, from the showground view. There were so many to choose from but I like the sequences from the continuous mode of my camera.

20. PRINCE WILLIAM Various – I love the idea of a special pie! I have so many crowd shots of this visit to Tully, locals may even find themselves in some, I have had these on display at Ezy photos in the digital frame.

21. ABC OPEN FILMING IN MURRAY UPPERABC Open have been great, and documented stories of people who went through the cyclone for the Aftermath project. This photo is ABC open in action with my son, catching him flying a kite for a documentary on our cyclone experience and the aftermath.

22. OPERATION ANGEL 1: COLLAGELater I went to cover Operation Angel’s visit and to document the story of Pam and Joe on the night of Yasi. I found a resilient, strong, grateful and thoughtful community. It was full of community angels.-June Perkins

It was a simple get together, a low key visit for Jacqueline to come and meet the community that Operation Angel had sent goods to. A big spread of food was prepared and the school and the neighbourhood turned up as well.-June Perkins

23. RAY OF LIGHT BETWEEN STRONG WOMEN: OPERATION ANGEL VISITThis photograph of Danielle Stephens with Jacqueline Pascarl is one of my favourites of the visit of Operation Angel. I love the way the ray of light falls between two very strong women.-June Perkins

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Yet beyond that carnage was the sea. Twinkling jewels caught in sunlight as gentle waves rolled up onto the newly sculptured beach. A stunning vista created by the same destructive forces that had swept all away. No, not everything, for cradled in the salty sludge a small crystal glass sat.-Danielle Stephens

Please know that our thoughts are STILL with you all, and that we are sending hugs and admiration for your fortitude, #community and wonderful #friendship. -Jacqueline Pascarl, Operation Angel

24. RESILIENT MOTHERS The words say it all - this photograph is of a lovely Mum from the Lower Tully community. Michelle always has a smile on her face and friendly word for everybody. I could have put many more mothers on the wall.

25. PAM AND JOE 1Watching nature cover her scars with green leaves and bright flowers is solace for us.We try not to show it but we both have more ups and downs than is usual. I know we require a little more recovery time. We need to be gentle and tolerant with each other and with our traumatised community. -Pam Galeano

A video of Pam and Joe’s cyclone story can be found in the aftermath project. http://open.abc.net.au/posts/pam-joe-and-the-mighty-yasi-00fi7yg We may share some of these videos at the film night.

26. NATURE OF LIGHTPhotograph Sunset – Featured in True Spirit of Cyclone Yasi . I loved photographing sunsets during the recovery process. Bernadette asked to include this photograph in her book because it softened the stories of the cyclone and reminds us to stop and look at beauty.

27. WRITING INSIGHTI thought I was unaffected by Cyclone Yasi until I recently realised that things are only now what I would describe as ‘normal’. There is a lot to gain from these experiences - helping and connecting with others; a sense of togetherness develops, a shared resilience formed and foundations reinforced. -Lydia Valeriano

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28. JOY OF MUSIC: PORTRAIT OF SAL BADCOCK AND BUTTERFLY PICTUREMy life has been forever changed and shaped by Cyclone Yasi and the events following. Yet within the whirlwind of emotion lurks hope and light. Joy surfaces when I sing and share my voice and my songs with others. If I can make just one person smile, then I have succeeded. -Sal Badcock

29. TARA AND JEN & THE WRITING TABLE - OPENING MISSION BEACH COMMUNITY ARTSThe opening of the Mission Beach Community Arts Centre was a positive step towards recovery for Mission Beach after all we’d been through since Yasi. Tara and I put a lot of effort into setting up the Licuala Writers’ table.-Jennifer Morton

30. BACK ON TRACK COLLAGE1 CARDWELLJulie Headlam comprehensively photo documented the visit of Back on Track to the Cassowary Coast to local schools, Cardwell, Kennedy, Tully, Mission Beach, Feluga State, Tully Highschool and St Clares.-June Perkins

You can find my video on this on ABC Open in the Aftermath project - http://open.abc.net.au/posts/back-on-track-94uv7bh

31. BACK ON TRACK COLLAGE2 – VARIOUS SCHOOLS When you see a child's face illuminate while singing and when you hear children cheering as their friends awkwardly handle a basketball or score a basket and you observe the smiles of teachers and parents the proof of achievement is written all over their faces.-Brendan Porter, quoted in ‘Back on Track’ June’s ABC Guest Blog

32. CHRISTINE’S ANCHOR/ANCHORED AT CHRISTINE’S.I created the anchor because I needed something to fight back after the cyclone.   I saw some people up the road had a small wooden anchor in their yard and I was with my neighbour and I said “Maybe we should all anchor our houses down.” And then I noticed all the rubbish in my neighbours’ yard so I picked out a drain pipe and a few bits and pieces from her place and out of the cyclone rubbish I made the anchor. – Christine Jenkins

33. THE STRUGGLE GOES ON Jenny Giuffrida said she liked that she looked so strong in the photograph I took of her on the visit of Operation Angel. She was amazed that she had such a

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determined look in her face. Perhaps it was her crossed arms made her look tough and resilient. I found people like Jenni very inspiring, quiet backbones of the community they make more of a difference than they realise.

Operation Angel sent much needed goods in for distribution when people had lost everything in Cyclone Yasi.

34. COMMON BONDSWe met beside the North Queensland Cardwell beach overlooking Hinchinbrook Island, on what I think was the first hottest day of the summer. Umbrellas poked the sky; chairs sat those of us middle aged under the sponsored Bendigo Bank tarp. - Kate Campbell Lloyd, Launch of Cyclone Yasi Our Stories.


During the eye time stands still and we become aware of our own smallness. Then everything changes. Palm trees topple, beaches erode, man returns to the ocean. Nature’s wisdom can seem cruel. Its essence is the impermanence of everything. A new season shows us the world anew. Regrowth makes the heart leap with joy. Hope sails in on an autumn breeze.  Every sunset is a jewel. Every sunrise is a new beginning. Love’s memory a blessing.-Kerstin Pilz – (Kerstin’s whole piece is very moving, this is just an extract as all of them are.)

36. COMMON BONDS – PLUS PHOTOGRAPHS FROM LAUNCH OF CYCLONE YASI OUR STORIES. It takes a lot of courage to write stories of trauma for the future, and yet we climb out through these writings into positive days and environments. Many of us look forward to the future, whilst acknowledging the past.

37. MURRAY UPPER CHRISTMAS (3 PHOTOS)We have made new memories since Cyclone Yasi – and one of these was Christmas at the Local Store in Murray Upper run by Emma Gardiner. It was hilarious watching the adults enjoying the lolly scrambles as much as the kids. Of course they shared out whatever they caught with the kids. -June Perkins

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38. FRIENDSHIP JEAN AND DINABefore the cyclone I was thankful for the lovely home I had, the wonderful children and their families, my friends my work and many other things.  However, after the cyclone I discovered a different kind of thankfulness.  We were battered but alive, we needed to carry on and rebuild our lives. – Jean Vallianos

Jean wrote a long thankyou note, it is currently on the smile within blog. I think she sums up the thankyous many in our area would like to make.

I’ve been friends with Jean from when we were single. We go back a long way. I’ve been in Tully sixty years. I’m sure I’ve known Jean for over fifty years. We are friends; we are like sisters. Whenever we’ve got meetings I always take her with me. I chauffer her. I love it. She’s a beautiful friend. -Dina Miloni

39. GARDEN THERAPY; COLLAGE/TEXT AND INDIVIDUAL PICTURE OF DINARebuilding our garden has made me feel great. The day after the cyclone there was nothing left. I lost all of my garden, all my birds and all my fish – just everything, flowers, I love my flowers. But we’ve rebuilt again. It’s starting to look beautiful and makes me feel light hearted. –Dina Miloni

40. SMILE WITHIN AYYAMIHA – PORTRAIT OF MOTHER AND DAUGHTERLima has been a great friend, here she is with her creative and kind daughter at a community celebration. She looked so happy after a tough year and she always knows how to smile and comfort others. Warrina Lakes was a delightful place to spend this celebration.

41. CANE AND LIGHT1You can find glimmers of light anywhere if you look.

42. VISIT TO THE FARMFriendship is such a solace, and it was great visiting Pam’s farm and spending time with her extended family. Friends have played a vital role in each other’s recovery in the cassowary coastal region.


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The next few photographs are of things I love to capture whilst wandering around with my camera, some were taken for the ABC Open close-up project, which got me thinking about the world close-up. I take a lot more photographs like this since this ABC Open online project.

44. CATERPILLARSA lovely lady in Murray Upper knocked on my door and said I think there is something you want to photograph. These appear every year at the school. So off I went, and I even made a little film about them too. I often feel like a caterpillar when I am creating and go through all the same phases as one. I love this photograph because it was a gift from a neighbour for letting me know they were there.

45. SOLITUDE IN GREEN (BUG ON LEAF)One of my entries for ABC Open’s up-close. Nature is resilient and so are people.

46. STUDIES OF GREEN 1 –FARM FENCE-LINEEvery breath of green gives me solace. What gives you solace?

47. STUDIES OF GREEN 2 GRASS BLADESYes, even a grass blade can be inspiring!

48. HULL HEADS TWELVE MONTHS ONThis area was so wrecked building wise, but it is so beautiful and is recovering – there are so many beaches to choose from and everyone has their favourite spots.

49. BROKEN BUT NOT BEATEN- 3 D WORK (YASI BRINGS OUT LIFE’S POETS)Many I know choose poetry both private and public to assist them to come to terms with the aftermath of the cyclone. This piece is inspired by our region’s poets, including Glen, Pam, Kate and Barbara.

50. CREATIVITY: A WAY FORWARD – THREE TIER COLLAGE (INCLUDES GLEN PERFORMS)Glenn likes to write poetry that is both serious and fun. He arose to the challenge to read at a Poet’s Brunch of the Licuala Writers held at the Mission Arts opening expo, even though he wasn’t sure whether to or not. Someone ‘twisted my arm,’ and a

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man from Cairns admiring didgeridoos who was there watching me being persuaded to go up to read said ‘Go on, do it, I’ll get up too.’ He accompanied Glenn to the microphone, in an act of solidarity; the two of them performed a funny poem with his new mate accompanying on didgeridoo. - June

51. BUTTERFLYButterflies in North Queensland are amazing. Some people want a festival for them, and that would be so fitting. They give hope when they appear after disasters and for that I pay them tribute. I also love dragonflies !

52. FRIENDSHIP’S FLOWER: DIGITALLY ALTERED PHOTOGRAPH/COLLAGEDI love to do digital collages, this is just one example. It is of two lovely girls at the Bounce Back concert, expressing joy and happiness to be alive and to be together with community.

53. A SMILE APPEARS: TEXT AND PORTRAIT JENNY GIUFRIDDAInner strength is found when you thought all hope was gone. A smile appears as you realise what is truly important and what really matters. I can get through this. I can help others. I can share my story. I can tell my family every day that I love them with that all that I have; for that Cyclone Yasi I am thankful. -Jenny Giuffrida

54. FOLLOW YOUR DREAM 1 – MARTHA DICKMANI took this photograph of Martha Dickman at the 2012 Australia Day Celebration in Tully – and you could see her optimism and talent shining through. She sang the National Anthem brilliantly.-June Perkins

The inset is of Martha performing at the bounce - back concert earlier in 2011, performing with Phil and Britt.


Thank you Murray Upper, Mission Beach, Feluga, Cardwell, Lower Tully and Tully communities for being strong, resilient , and allowing me to share photographs of your gorgeous faces.ABC Open for attending and supporting this launch and film night.

Gerard Family, Pam Galeano, Ezy photos and Jean Vallianos, Licuala WINQ and Loving Nature, for sponsorship of this project.

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Cassowary Coastal Council, for sponsorship of a community film night coming up May 10th. Lower Tully School, Carmel Dore, Emma Gardiner, Lillian Galipo , for assistance in locating people in the photographs.

Jacqueline Pascarl for her work in assisting the area, with the inspiring team of Operation Angel.

Pam Galeano, David and Ben Perkins, Tahirih Twyford, Julie Headlam and Lillian Galipo for additional photographs.

My family for all their love and care.

All those who helped us whose photographs and stories are not included. You know who you are.


June Perkins is a local resident and guest blogger for ABC Open. She has created this exhibition in tribute to the resilient and joyful people who have assisted her family and many others in the road to recovering from Yasi and dreaming fantastic futures.

You can find out more about this on guest blogs at ABC Open especially in the Aftermath project and on her own Pearlz Dreaming blog. June’s goal currently is to share and discover stories and images of the Cassowary coast to share locally and beyond - and to encourage others to. She hopes more people will get involved with ABC Open and tell new stories about new futures.

http://open.abc.net.au/posts/tags/June%20Perkinshttp://pearlz.wordpress.com http://open.abc.net.au/projects/aftermath-08vh8ac#/discover


Please direct all queries to June [email protected] to organise your prepaid/ pre-order and or sponsorship for this book.

This exhibition is like walking inside the potential book. You can read more about this project on the project blog smilewithin.blogspot.com which also features additional stories, photographs and the journey to create this exhibition and book.

Please register your interest, preorder, and sponsor this community book for us to preserve our happy memories for the future in the year after Yasi.

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