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Page 1: SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED SMSeLINK · creang an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity. Mo va on: ... to a small rented apartment and started working



Volume 3, Issue 1 Jan 2015 - Mar 2015

Page 2: SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED SMSeLINK · creang an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity. Mo va on: ... to a small rented apartment and started working


Chairman’s Message

Dear Readers, We just closed our Financial year 2014-15 on the expected lines inspite of adverse economic environment, poli cal scenario, government policies, etc. as compared to our compe tors. As we march into the new Financial year, pinning hopes on favorable economic policies and business scenario, it is more important for us to introspect more on our performance during the last year. Moving forward, we should prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead and plan, budget and strategize our plans to achieve our targets for the Financial year 2015-16. This, of course, needs ardent commitment from every individual. I am very op mis c that Financial year 2015-16 is going to be a different year, with the Government giving more thrust on Infrastructure projects. Having made a huge budgetary provision for Infra sector, the Government is taking ini a ves to revive the Financially stressed projects and also to raise funds for new projects. Opening up of Infra sector is also going to throw more challenges to us by way of increased compe on. We need to gear up to face these challenges through building our capability and remaining compe ve by op mizing costs and improving value addi on to clients. I expect every employee of our Group to perform the assigned du es with passion and commitment. Best Wishes! Abhay Sanche Chairman

Page 3: SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED SMSeLINK · creang an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity. Mo va on: ... to a small rented apartment and started working

Contents :

1. Chairman’s Message ……………..01

2. Index ………………………..…….…....02

3. Editorial……………………..…….…...03

4. Celebra on……………………… 04-05

5. From the Ver cal :

Accounts & Finance …....06-07



6. Training…….……………………………11


Page 4: SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED SMSeLINK · creang an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity. Mo va on: ... to a small rented apartment and started working

Leadership through Emotional Intelligence: What dis nguishes great leaders from merely good leaders? It is not IQ or technical skills, but it is Emo onal Intelligence (EI)– Daniel Goleman, author of the book “Emo onal Intelligence”

According to him, the following set of skills is the key to success for a leader.

Self-awareness: Understanding one’s own emo ons, strengths, weaknesses, needs, drives and values and the impact of these on others. This skill enables people to understand how their feelings affect their own as well as others’ performance.

Self-regula on: Controlling one’s nega ve emo ons, feelings and impulses. This skill helps in crea ng an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity.

Mo va on: Drive to achieve just for the sake of achievement which does not get affected by external factors such as rewards or status. This skill provides tremendous energy to improve and do things be er. This helps them to show op mism even in the face of failures.

Empathy: Though ully considering others’ feelings along with other factors, while making decisions. However, it does not mean adop ng other people’ emo ons as one’s own trying to please everyone. This skill helps in retaining and developing talent.

Social Skill: Managing rela onships to move people in desired direc on. Enables them to network, build and lead teams, and lead changes effec vely.

Though IQ and technical skills are important elements in the making of a leader, Emo onal Intelligence is twice as important for the leader to be more effec ve.

Emo onal intelligence is not something which cannot be learned. However, it takes me and needs commitment.

Each of us is born with a certain level of the above EI skills. But we can strengthen these skills through persistence, prac ce and feedback from people.


Compiled By :

Mr. Pravin Umathe

Ms. Lekha Jalan

Mr. Chandrakant Waikar

Mr. Venkatakumar R.

Mr. Sahadevan Nambiar

Mr. Satyanarayana


Dr. Ila Tiwari

Mr. Dhiraj Telrandhe

Ms. Lekha Jalan

Mrs. Shweta Bhoyar

Editorial Board :


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Republic Day Celebra on 2015

At Corporate Office, Nagpur and MEPL Ranjangaon

Family Day Celebra ons at SMS Envocare Ltd & MEPL, Pune


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Na onal Safety Week Celebra on 43rd Na onal Safety Week was celebrated during 4th and 11th March 2015 at Maharashtra Enviro

Power Limited

MEPL, Ranjangaon MEPL Bu bori, Nagpur

Women’s Day Celebra on at Corporate Office, Nagpur

Rangoli Compe on Clockwise Par cipants – Jayshree Jadhao (Winner), Kalpana Sura-

war (Runner-Up), Ketkee Dahake & Lekha Jalan

Snacks & Gi s for all the women

Salad Decora on Compe on Clockwise Par cipants – Rinky Shewate (Winner), Shweta Bhoyar (Runner-Up),

Sangam Chawande & Monica De


Page 7: SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED SMSeLINK · creang an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity. Mo va on: ... to a small rented apartment and started working

Accounts & FinanceAccounts & FinanceAccounts & Finance

WHO WILL CRY WHEN YOU WILL DIE? Though the tle is taken from a bestseller which talks about the journey of life, our story deals with a harsh fact of life……. DEATH. And your choice of whether you wish to leave your dear ones crying, a er you are gone. The story goes like this….. Radha was a young girl in her early twen es. A er doing her MBA and working with a stock broking firm, she got married to Rahul and shi ed in Bangalore. Rahul was an IT engineer, working for a mul na onal so ware company. It was two years since they were married and life was all fun. Rahul had a he y pay package, so Radha stayed back at home and spent her me cooking and socializing. Rahul believed in work hard and party harder. So every weekend was full of fun. They par ed a lot and went out for holidays twice every year. It was one fine a ernoon when Radha was planning for their next holiday, came the news of Rahul’s accident. He was hit by a speeding truck and died on the spot. It took a month for Radha to gather herself and look ahead in life. A er being married for two years to the best man on the earth, there she stood, all alone, lost…. She got a call from her mobile company that her bill is outstanding since two months and if not paid, it will get disconnected. And then there were series of such calls, from the credit card division, from the home loan sec on and so on. Rahul had three bank accounts and had made some investments in Mutual Funds and Fixed Deposits. But Radha hardly knew how to access them. Rahul, being a tehcie had everything in his laptop. All his account details, login ids, passwords, etc. were safely kept in a password protected excel file. Even the laptop had a password, which Radha could not keep track of, as the office policy required password to be changed every 30 days. And the laptop had crashed in the accident. For his life insurance, his mother was the nominee. She had passed away a year back. All his bills including the telephone and electricity bills came on his email accounts. Radha didn’t had access to them, so the mobile services, credit cards were all unpaid. They had recently purchased a new house, and its EMIs were heavy. The loan company suggested taking insurance, but Radha and Rahul both denied, as that would have increased the EMI unnecessarily. Radha thought that she already had been through a lot of agony when she was iden fying the dead body, filing FIR and ge ng the death cer ficate. But the real ba le began therea er. Radha had to run from pillar to post to get the succession cer ficate, no objec ons from all heirs and establish the fact that all assets of Rahul were to be transferred in her name. How ever, she had to let her house go, as repaying the loan was beyond her capacity. She shi ed to a small rented apartment and started working again. That was the only choice le with her. Thankfully they had their marriage registered; else, proving things would have been beyond possibility for Radha. I am sure no Rahul would like to leave his Radha in this lurch. Was there a way by which Rahul could have saved Radha from these troubles? The answer is Yes! Here are some important aspects which all of us should examine, to protect the Radha’s in our lives:


Page 8: SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED SMSeLINK · creang an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity. Mo va on: ... to a small rented apartment and started working

Accounts & FinanceAccounts & FinanceAccounts & Finance

Check your nomina ons: The facility of nomina on is available for several facili es like Bank Accounts Fixed Deposits, NSC Bank Lockers Demat Accounts Insurance (Life, Vehicle or Property) Investments PF & Pension

It is a normal prac ce that we put nomina ons for the first me for all these above items and forget about it. Many of the above facili es are taken by an individual before his/her marriage. Kindly check all your nomina ons and update them so that the right help is received by the right person.

Passwords: Banks do advise not to share your passwords with anyone and we keep on changing passwords frequently. But for your dear ones, ensure that one of your kin either knows where to get the passwords or can manage things without passwords Investments: We make several investments in FDs, mutual funds, ULIPs, etc. but generally none of our family members are aware about it. Keep a list of all the investments you have made, in hard copy, with your kin and keep on upda ng it. Ensure that you had made proper nomina ons for them. Will: Sounds absurd, but is extremely helpful. And the most important one. Even at the age of 25 one should make a Will and get it registered. This saves your kin from providing indemnity bonds, notariza ons, affidavits, get sure es and NOC from other heirs. A nominee does not get money if someone else’s name is men oned in the Will. Insure your liabili es: Whenever taking a home loan, insure it. It actually doesn’t costs much. In case of mishap, the insurance company pays your en re loan amount, and your family is not forced to leave the home. Insurance in case of death, permanent disability and even loss of job is available in the market. Term Plan: For persons aged below 35, term plan is a boon. You can get insured for more than a crore by paying nominal premium. The prudent prac ce is to take a term plan cover equivalent to 20 mes of your annual pay. So if you are earning 5 lacs every year, you need a term plan of one crore. The best part is this should not cost you more than 3% of your annual earning. PPF: If you have 10 lacs in your PPF account and you do not have a nominee, even a er ge ng succession cer ficate, your heirs can claim maximum Rs. 1 lac out of it. So, nomina on for PPF is extremely essen al. Had Rahul followed the above seven steps, he would have fulfilled all the seven promises of his marriage. Have you fulfilled all your promises? Check fast before it’s too late.


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E & CEE & CEE & CE

SMS Envocare Ltd., Nagpur participated in “Indexpo 2015”

Consultancy division of SMS Envocare Ltd. Nagpur par cipated in Vidarbha’s largest Plant, Machinery & Consultants show – “Indexpo 2015” held during 13th-15th Feb’15 at Reshimbagh ground, Nagpur. Industries from various sectors such as Safety & Material Handling Equipment, Construc on & Mining, Infrastructure Consultancy, Industrial Goods Supply & Manufacturing etc. par cipated in large numbers. Such kind of ac ve par cipa on will definitely help in prolifera on of our brand and reach the target market on larger scale. Credit goes to Dr. Ba alwar & his team for the en re supervision & execu on.


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E & CEE & CEE & CE

Create a Zero-Waste Society

“Zero Waste means designing and managing products and processes to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them. Implemen ng Zero Waste will eliminate all discharges to land, water, or air that may be a threat to human, animal or plant health. ” -Defini on of Zero Waste as adopted by the Zero Waste Interna onal Alliance Humans are the only species that create waste. This calls for a Culture Change by embracing the mindset of minimum material & energy consump on to create a Zero-waste society. Why not to take an Eco-Oath of turning off the lights, computers, cell phones and other appliances to realize & appreciate life’s minimum requirements. You can reduce your water footprint by 25 percent by changing the way you brush your teeth, water your lawn, wash your utensils/clothes or switching to more efficient plumbing or appliances. To maintain materials’ u lity, source separa on of re-usable products and components, various recyclable materials, food & garden waste and residual waste should be done. Zero Waste municipali es in Europe are showing that source separa on of waste can achieve recycling rates of 80 to 90%. Go Paperless! At work and at home you can cut out nearly all paper use. The remaining items can be recycled or reused. You can even start contac ng all the companies sending you mail and ask them to send electronically. Reduce your shopping trips and keep a shopping list. The less you bring home, the less waste you’ll have to deal with. Take ac on against open burning of municipal solid waste. The leaf li er contains organic ma er which has a large amount of carbon that turns into harmful gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide on burning. Waste causes great loss of value and resources. Waste minimiza on helps to reduce the environmental impact associated with waste disposal. Think about how much be er shape our planet would be in if we all consumed less and took less from the earth.

Burn Calories, Not Fossil Fuels!


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Are great employee quali es fast disappearing in the workforce? If it is, then you should quickly see if you can adapt some of these and make yourself compe ve. Some great employee Quali es that bosses appreciate include: MANAGING YOURSELF: Manage yourself by knowing your roles and responsibili es in your company. In addi on, learn to know what it takes to go a step beyond what your current role entails. Do you know your key strengths you can play up? Weaknesses you should seek to lessen via training or even self Learning. MANAGING YOUR BOSS: Perhaps one of the most important great employee quali es is being able to manage your boss. It means knowing his likes and dislikes, and how he works. Learn how to break bad news to him, prepare him for mee ngs and the unexpected. MANAGERIAL ATTITUDE: Even if you are in the lower rung, make sure you have a managerial a tude. Behave like a manager and see to it that things are done the way they are supposed to be done. S ck to melines; follow up with next steps a er every mee ng, have progress reports ready even if they are informal ones like an email. MANAGING YOUR TIME: Priori es your work and manage your me well. Do not procras nate on work especially when they involve cross department par cipa on. Your delay will affect other people’s work. WORK TO GET RESULTS: Work with objec ves in mind. Work towards the aim that everyone who is involved in a project big or small has a role. Everyone must contribute towards that goal. You must learn to get results and expect high performance of yourself. OUTDO YOURSELF: Great employees have the stamina to do outstanding work. They set the pace for others to follow. Be the best that you can be. Even if you fall short of perfec on, your near perfect would have pushed you further than you would have thought possible. CAN DO: Bosses trust people who have a “Can Do" a tude in approaching work. Ever worked with someone who is always so nega ve and a million other excuses and reasons why things won't work? Do you catch yourself making the same mistake? Have the Courage and pa ence to work things out even if it sounds very challenging. STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE: In everything you do, strive to be the best you can be. Take the ini a ve to ensure that things are going right and spend me doing what everyone else takes for granted. ENJOYS WORK: Peter Drucker, the management guru said, "Those who perform love what they are doing”. A boss can feel whether employees enjoy their work or otherwise. Someone who enjoys their work will naturally bring their best to work. CONTRIBUTE POSITIVELY: A great employee takes personal responsibility for everything they do. Contribute posi vely to the organiza on. Take ini a ves, give sugges ons, or even be the silent hero who solves challenges quietly, that is how a great employee works. WORK RELATIONSHIPS: Being nice to people and have great working rela onships across departments and ranks is one of the important great employee quali es. Do you have these great employee quali es? Perhaps you already have them and what you need is a plan to bring them to be no ced. If you don't, start to see which of these quali es you can adopt and start on first. It will help you move up the corporate ladder a li le easier.


Page 12: SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED SMSeLINK · creang an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity. Mo va on: ... to a small rented apartment and started working


First Aid, Basic Life Support & CPR Training by FAITH, Thane

(05.03.15) – First Aid Training was given to the employees with the aim to make employees more aware about first aid; CPR etc. The program was conducted with the help of slide show, films, prac cal’s etc. About 25 employees par cipated in this program. All employees par cipated were given a booklet of first Aid. They will also get cer ficate for the first aid. The cer ficate will be valid for 3 yrs.

Industrial safety training by Mr.Ravindra Pathak (Safety professional) on 05.03.15

– In this training program, the employees were trained about general safety rules, safety prac ces to follow while working in the industry. The major focus was on chemical safety, electrical safety & transport safety. Power point presenta on was given along with the clippings & safety videos.

Fire & Safety training with demo by Mr. Ransingh (Sharma fire & Safety Services)

In this program all areas related to fire such as what is informa on about fire, its causes, fire triangle, types of fire, types of fires ex nguishers, importance of fire figh ng, fire hydrant & its handling were covered. In the last topic use of fire ex nguishers on live fire was demonstrated. The employees par cipated were asked to ex nguish the fire with the help of different ex nguishers.

About 50 employees par cipated & the response was very good.

Quiz Compe on has been ini ated In Finance & Accounts Department for the learning of employees

by Mr. Sushant Mukherjee @ Corporate Office, Nagpur.


Page 13: SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED SMSeLINK · creang an environment of trust within the team, contribu ng to higher produc vity. Mo va on: ... to a small rented apartment and started working

Volume 3, Issue 1 Jan 2015 - Mar 2015

SMS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED IT Park, 20 STPI, Gayatri Nagar, Parsodi, Nagpur–440022




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