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<\ smxxtm YOL. XXIV. "SQ. T.

¥^ ESTABLISH Et) MAY. 189S MANASSAS. VA-, F R I D ^ , JULY 19. 1918


service. They will be made to feet, ashamed when they face the men who come back ?rom pie iighting front—the ' m«a -who

vGoTernment Ehcpects Every In­divid u^ to Invest Not Leas

Tfian $20.00 Each.

= = T : I1.M A YEAR

1 S T SliBSrmJTE (T " on hand, when joil deed

were glad to offer their lives for patriotic service. These men did not stop to question the wis-L dom of acts of the administra­tion when danger threatened not only this cotintry but the world, but cheerfully went forth. The least aiqrone who is not in uni-

gjufw lfin&can.do in this critical pexw. itive ***** "* * ® country^s history is War "ivest a pwt of hia incooae fn

irginia, trovernment securities, rof many ' " ^ ''»'' ^"^ «^« *nd then it

sections of the sUte to respond "^^ ^ **»* * « returned heroes Ittierally to the investment M"*^ *•** *>"« *<> ^>°^ »boi^ to their savings olr a portion of •** **•<* ' '*" the people at hora^ tiiair earnings in Uncle Sam's ^^° «**« "P their luxuries while

_ _fflLn|(y bonds." —itSey f*tf<tri Hw fh niWt rrf " ~" ! to hdp"malre the woSd safe for

WOOB FOR COALliS r I^^V^ inerce. Board of Trade, or May-

Adminiatrator C fk. Moataffu* or, who are conversant with the

PrefMWBe* for FneL cooperation of the coal and wood oealers, and taken active steps

C. H. Montague! of RichmondiJ^ provide an adequate supply of aw»inted Wood Administrator ' ***>< ^"*'''*"" their city's needs, for Vh-ginia under SUte Fuel J*«t, without the rei dy Md ^uick Administrator Hany" F. Byrd, * ***** ^ o''*"the consinneiv tlie-

"It makes little diffo'ence to: _. ^i^t county this unenviable dis- i ^™o«"«yf thictionjdU go " Mr. Davenport SANITARY INSPECTION continued, 'but xt 18 as plam as, OF VIRGINIA TOWNS A. B. C, that all persons must peepare themselves for the per-

Itod of |Be-adjustment which will foHew WM ck>se of the hostilities now racing on the Eiyropean bat-ttiAelds. For this reason the

State Board of Healtlr Condaet-isg iBvestigatioo—^ReaoHa

to be PnMslMd.

. . , „ _ . Richmwid, Va., July 18.—Un- ' fgvermnent » « ^ g j g - ^ K » i d«. aj^-ffieeU^

has issued m appeal to the citi­zenship of tbia state caUtag upon the people to conserve coal by the substitution of wood for fu«t purposes, wherever and When­ever such substitution can be made. Administrator Montague is as insistant that-wood i ^ l be burned In ctti«a^:«« w«D % the rural districfs, although he real­ized that it is in the country sec­tions that wood will be more genendly burned. He has called 6n citizens of the urban sections, however, to provide themselves "Wtth WIHRT burnjers and {(TBura cut wo0d in open grates and in stovaa. In hia at«tement he ad-dreaaai . bimaell to the intdUr

Stunpa, not oidy to help fijuuee 4 ^ war, but to help people, tiie maasee, prepare themselves to m«et tibte reacti«A nineb is sure tAoome.

^* i>ere are two features of 9K*inS8 Stamps which pro-

iMe particularly for the r^ad-

vsrting (A all sorplus "Vht^ ^ , ^ ._ pgidbly_be saved in goverttmist' Ushed, «ach t»Wn wiB be ritod WBcnrlties. JlaaWttgegthe^BB^I^^^tiTriv'aBd^^^ of ii

Board of Health • sanftMy and health inapeetioa <tf VIrgiiya towns is now being cattAucled. inspectors started^ on tids work i mut three w«dts ag(y and they

ve ^ a^ cov«:ed greuad. T&ftir prelimiiiary re­ports im^ESte^ tliat tiw ^rasnte will t)r1i|tSirM*inir fi^v^ua^^

desired results cannot be accom llLlisbed.

"Buy ' your wood now an(| atore it. If you cannot obtain

m your dealer, or producer, full quantity you require,

your order f<»- the addi-naj quantity_you require. In





Seven Hundred GaUons RccmtJy Shipped io Ba]tinoi« by

State Authorities.

Wsaot at jthe citixensl^ of t ^ state. He Sftjrs:,

'If you wanted a, barrel eft white flour not get it. Wheat had'to be con-swved, other gfnon and fo6d

jBu^JTadoe were (Oombined with wheat and a substitute flour created. The rwulL^ajr hK<M#' flwy DM Ste as pMBnlDIC CO .OS-IB w.hite

Wh«n the final r^ort is pub= ^w*d.' bat-=it nouridies and in-

tarn of the prinei p»^phi» inttr- degfute standiJrd, ao th-t it wiH eat at Uie rate of 4 | e r « | ^ fee M i r drtiMhte ^ every

IbDow «ifryg> pDMibte. tBBMpnt the mt**^ n

and aUiea. will Itava the ther^y save.

ttitetrf thJelft wjtf^^g^erutetolfa)^ t|ie welfare of its own ciH-^oBow o n ^ tte art of ami^ f» \ aataasw-R as from other points


kamed. order thftt loc«d dfficlals

erjr mcBvidaal in the oooiitry, [may have ah . opportunity to wUdi means moi. women^ and "clean up" and coxreet ev ib^u* eUyren, be t h ^ white or ladE,. to iit^itfit not less ttian $2Q apiece in War Sirt ngB S t a n ^ How-eyeil nit is pbssffie im<kr UM {dim taaiiiiawA for the poblfe weal fmr indiirfdnalg. to invest up to and

may ^dst, the rating of towns will be deferred forlbe preset. As soon as sA jnsiiecfcvaaitautf His rst report,«letter is seittto the mayor of the town concerned togttth«»r with a copy of the re-


tarning but sh^)B, -lenptUKsf^ rifles,' maehfite-gmps, eannca^ ijwia, ytt^f^ pqaipyent for onr arihy imd'1b6 .j mMSs of omr tf*

stimce to your city, in ob-ing a sufficient supply of

to insure it against domes-privation, and Industrial s, and wiU also make your

miiy and yourself independent oi an aUu^mng' cpax

shortage, in the'coming fall and winter months.

Bottled whiskey, enough to fill seven barrels, is now being as­sorted at the station house in Alexandria. It is composed of quiirt, put and half pints, and aligrades^ The liquw was sm-ed at different times by the pro­hibition inspect(»ti.

A dispatch from Baltimore says: Virginia prohibitionists are as thrifty as they are prac­tical. They have a sUte Jaw which prohiyts the importation of a sale of liquor by cither a

Standa Third in the Eighth Cen-CnasioBal District in Sale

of War Savings Stamps.

jott will rentjer ^eat ' Wwwn nrrouisidar, but^th^^^k


E|Kttar of —#fwra)-of

New OSccra—Ap-tiw Jcnak


acted still another law which permits the state to dispose of the stuff to individual drinkers living without its boundaries. In enacting this law, however, they gave no c^sideration to thi> fuT fyattire;

Under the original law thie au­thorities seized quantities of-li­quor to be destroyed, bwt on sec­ond thought this was cMisidered unlTusinesslike." So Th^ amend­ed the law permittiiag sale of the confisieated liquor only to indi-vidu^s QUtside'df l^e state. T^ avotd goihgjOTjrecord as beiBf

Prince William's sates of War Savings Stamps up to July 1, with one-half of the year's campaign gone, total $60,511. with about $15,000 in pledges, toward the $250,000 goal which must be reached by December 31.

This county stands third in the eighth congressional district. Fauquier and Loudoun being in the lead. Virginia is to raise during the year the sum of $45,-000,000. which is ${^ per capita^.

- A regvhu: meeting of the Ma-niifwaa Cfaapt«r ^ tiw Amaricaa R4< C&)0fla was Iu£l j,t the.TowB SaB- 4^^ evening.- -tig churraao, Mr. G«c>rge G. Tyler, pnissi^ing.. The invocation was aurea as agiunst huns^, w h ^

thfe-baya.M^ the ienmt^otu^iMiui|i>a^ed :te^ after wiicb the raiinitea^^4he jK^etioip meeting were read by

by it was,made ' eJEecdbve'luimmittee' the eKecaBve~committee of the

electifln of the f oUo'inng ofiieers, a a committee nieetJBg held ear-lier In t.ip' rvpning; Rev. H. Q.

tyhifK^fg f 1 .nan afc War S^vijptm i po.rf TK^ "ifr^r'T wnwitiirn

lies, witit which they are going to - 1 ^ thi&rwaE. Th^se, jhdoa-triea, v^al to winoing the wftr in rvimmg und«r foEced draft and ~|kre himgrniy consomii^ eoi^. aKoe coid'and stfll mote coaL ;

'•Our destroyers, guarding

conStttEnsr *»•

when? that tidy sums may belaid aside j thdy are found to be a maaace to in War Savings Stamps fmr ]Hir-|be«d^, uid he is urged to cde w-Wltm^jai enwygwify, and to the, rafa> with the hwUt.h 'anthflantfea CQontiej idiere this spirit of u) correctiBg A»4«iii»g- evis, en-thrift has b e » absent tite-TeJKi-' forcing the sanitary rules and jBstnaent period, is goii^ to cause regolaticms and the ] a ^ pertaih-hatdah9 "od peihapa soffering.'ing to puUic health, and in tryr

T h e oinreat iasae ji^ Wai injrtoar(Muethepe(wietDana^_ SatvlnsiStuapaiioersotBBtatureiixation <a the dang«> that in- in value initil Jantwry 1. 192l,|heic8 in negkct of sanitatim.

-riwrid thn nnpn—Ttr urilW] t n tlrin way t>mny faiTii liriH

tiranaports. ondliMiting the for the U- B(M 'lEre" consuming coaL The transpcHts xarrying

the holder of War Savings Cer-jhave an oportimity to imiHDve takates may have t ton redeem- [its sanitary airangnnents. and ed a* w y poetoffice for the jthreby make a bettn'showing hi <uBo«ot invested with toterest at the final cqiKirt than would be the ^ rite of 1 cent per month for I aaaejf the remlta of thu tnv«ati

w r fiavfagi l y w a f rt»r.i^gatw>m«ii»te bemadoiwhHe at ing tlw period brid by the owncs-. Hfwwftw, it ii not the, wish that

once. l^e wag eriaio is pointed to by

vveators redeem U M T botdaaos I the health board aa emidiasiang - ^ ^ y Savi i^ Stuqir exavt'the imparQuye~cI~^tffie qiiei^ m eafiTof orsnt neeST Cnwe-ltiona. In one of its Icttos the qnently tiwae people who wiQ,board says: "At this tinw of iwve nothmg in the mj of re- war. when our govearnmeat ia ^ba leans tjmamt InmJ^sjB^- \ bending every eSort to the taak «nm«it after the war and tboae|of pottfag this coantry on a war


our soldiers mid the freie^tets carrying tfaeig^jHimliee, i^see thousand miks, are consuming coat.-; Oar Bftvy.'oiur'war iiidu»-tries and our ships, are gc^ig to W e all the coai they reqoire^ ev&ii it yoa and IJMHre to uae 4 iiiliMifate fad "and thereby re­lease, for wimdng tiw war, l o m

to bdm o(uaelve% under ntHmud eoBcBtfama.

" b Virgittia, thcTO ia ah abmv-danee «€ timber, whidi Can be coHvertBd into c^»A.i».wi «

Burr, vic^ chatrmw, to lAieeeed A&s.- George T. Lyon; Mr. G-Baymmid Rateliffe, treaaorer, to supceed t)ie late L, Frank Pi^tie, amd Ifr. Allbert J w cao. <d>air-iup , of the fiovnerqeommitteer to succeed Mk Ratdiffe^ Rev. An Stuart Gibson.was made a

of . the iaommittee on

and the total s i ^ and pledges for the first six montits of the campaign amount to $12,287,681 or $5.43 per capita.

The eighth congressional dis­trict ranks fourth in the state, with a per c^ita rating of $6.89 lo the $S:9I of the seveith, $&d9 of the ninth and $7.13 of the tenth, the banner district, which holds the only county (Bath) which has reached the $20 mark.

Per capita figures for the dis­trict are:

Fauquier, $15.09; _ Loudoun. $8.61 'r Prince Williiun, $6.02;

in the liquor busmess, whu^Tlso necKSsitated a wiiplesale HcenAe, the Btnte quietly sold the lot to .«»j^re^^^Lft Jiealer in^'Balti-more, and a consignment fit gg barrels, 7 boxes and 1 ^ oiMs eit jgood and bad rye hrrived'at a Baltimore dock a few days since.'

The saie'waa effected % xmaatiDjf the Uauac mt ti^^ but whtm the mtema} revoiue offiee held up the consigni for the increased tax of $2.10 pergallon th6 pun^user refused ^ ^ to^pay.- Now the ™te ^ in j ^ ^

Culpi^ier. $4.80; (hsnge, |B.6Tr Alexandria. , $3.56; . Fairfax, $8.46; Louisa, $2.07; ESng GeuiTie, $1.11; "StaflFord. no j * -pbrt;~ AlenBdria city/ ^I^St. TofaU for district, $5.89. ^ Frtnce Wmiam ^ales

are <Mvided as foDowa: -to i * e t^—*^^

AguevrviBe 2 1 4 ^

drflaa reittf ted tiie cer&aea^ of o^gimiiation of the Jennie {! Dean Bran^- was apfurbved. . ' JH^ i£»ry Larkin. chairman ^ the eoBomitlee &iq;winted to IHVvide ent^tainment^for. the drmfted nwn leavrng during the month, of July.^refiorted the phma'tif the committee.

Mrs. f. E. Haines and Moerta Lyan were piaeed

' ^ B » n i t * f I "f whM* ifiii-


A. E:

quamdmy and its agents in a fix. £a the first place, by selling to a dealer a state law waisi^ated. If diqxieed of to m^Mdual^ a license fee of $100, « wholesal­er's license, must be obtained and the tM paid besides.

. "Rie gtrvoiunent is unexora-b]e ctt tiiis pohrt?—no tax; no de-liyetyr The liqngg

Ch^ry Hill.. Dumfries—TT^ FeathcgrstOne Qainasvifie

Jo ]E^m> • • • MinhievJOe Mansfftias . NokesviUe . . .Neabsco . . . . . . Occoquan . . . Quantioo . 1 . . TboKu^^tmFF WaterCaB WdlinflttoL -:.

about l»,j900. The propositipn was made that as Oie liquor ' ^ ' ^ nef^be aoM, ft be iriBimea[y^|^g*j,|g^ to Norfdk,. whenoe~it o a n c ^ — " Here, agihi, howevcrj, the fed-

71LM ^fl.00


S.721.0V 248.Q»

l ^ e s

eoal Wood as a stdwtltirie for


*Dd IM^ the government wUle hdfii^ tlwmaelvca wiE be the Poorealof the poor-peoi^ after

"the war. AH. in this period ef

thy' and .weO-trained men to fii^t, it is the duty of every cit­izen to do his part to the limit of


can save' ditiona that breed merely through the

aside tar

"pnetlfit et sdf-denial which "^•Bs'that Bon-essentiala ami | anything duie to-pBesenL.aick

^^»ome most be laid the duration of the

, / *"I aae people who couhl have' P Wt thmr earnings into War Sav-

bga Stamps and who have net *ffl not only feel tiw pinch of

dirsrt banian an ,sny.oommnnity ttid on the WIK^ nation.^mi3^ -and own tiinber and wood-lota.

aad disease is patriotie ser-vice of-a very lufl^ orditfr'' ~

—Miss Othetto WiUiama daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, vHio has been confined

^^•^te in no unmistakable f ash--UHi that they lacked patHetic

with malaria] oe w i again.

fever, is aUe to

cape: Ow toBMof cori genamtea ipproximiadirai mo^heat as a owd and a'qoarfcr < seasoned wood, and m naaay ifistrieta a too of coal eoata leaa than a eoed of wood. Eat. tiireord and a QuarfiM'' («~wod3;~ valaniiri^ need, wleaaaa a ten of eeal, to Iwlpwin the war, and when coal

chairman, to asnst fririt

w the fririt effected

for the Vddiers, ae smne of the frntt k beginning to.detmorate.

KDs amoontiikg to |15<MW

I'M nw^mg eioaed with i dietien bv Rev. H. Q. Barr.


cannot be obtained, a supply at menta for tlw bencAtiir the Bed wood will prevent auifering.

pioduce enough Wood for~>oar own requirements and iModuce also irsorpftii to sie^ aT a rob-iSiiaEIe prfce, tSi HDP ieee terto' nato neighbor, or offer same to the nwric^a of the dty, or citict, doeeat to yon. These will be -a

weefce -demand for all yon produce. "Tf you live hi the dty buy,

and store, yonr wood, avtiiat it

Bidl Run Conndl, No. 15,0, A. Bted will give a eoocert day, Joly 22. at 8:16 p. m.. the lot eoraer Main and Center

&. M. finance, direc­tor. Tlw yoong hMlies of tiw Baptist (^ncBbjKilL

eral law intexpqsed. Undo' the Reed ameidmmit no Hquer may be shaved i i ^ dry tettitory, tw it mast raoaln in BaKmaon.— Alexandria Gaaette. .

Saya WUskcy Shipped Wa

Commwsi<mer of Piic^bition J. Si<fawy Peters Mondiy" night


. im4»

. 2,283.00 S27-00(_



M. r Lewis

set at rest aO disputes as t? tiw dJaperitiOH of 7W faBons of whlekey recentiy saiHWd by <te

^fSBSSr* -l^njato^ iaiige (frugconcerii

Croes and the hand.

Sehottiscbe. "The Akhama Cet-ton Slide.'

Popotar, "Carry On." Waltt, "On LoveJand." '_ SeWrtioB, "Snmrtime YOU'D Re-

Twihght March, -^ugk CaD." Finale, "When We Wmi Up the Watdi on the Rhine." "Stai-apangled B^ner."

PMers said that tlw whia-had bees dupped 'in eoo-

fmmity with the bws of the United Statea ioid the hiws of ^^finia. Tlijrliqate' wi» sold to a drug concern ra Btdthnm*. The levenue agfpta in- Batti-

did not understand m e r ^ aaked for

mere shipment and an e]q>lanatioo<

liquor in SaftuBlay,^

Recentiy part


cX the stodc keiit in the basement of tbrCity HaH which was tutued over to tte Commiseioner of Prt*ilM Sao OB June 2Q,

The marriage of Miss Ger-trade M. Button.and lieutrinairt Meniam &. Lewfa^ of v^ne. Va.. took idace July ISth, at the home of the gromn'a par? ents, the ceremony bmng

The hride, whelg;.^ gradu«t» ffigh

and ef Comd IKoiversity, is the hoow demonatratimi agent in GreenviBe coonty. The groem, who ia the eldsat son flf Mr. J. a Lewia, comity agent in Bnma-wiek eeonty. is stationed at Cai^ Lee prior to hia d^taitare

abihty tu aecuie a furlDU| niB=~ ceasitoted' having the Wedding at his home instead.of the home of ftp hri<i» in K « ^ YmJr •»«»«

The wedding was unusually pretty—the house being beauti:_ fully decorated with flowers and ferns. The bride looked rharm

.jsitt crepe with hand made laoe Be-m—.• . -*--B u^. -^ - . 1 — - - — ' « was aoM to H.ivj^Jaaght «> with pearls. —

t-wpwM-, A Brtye nnya-1«^ Mercer ShieW, draggsst at Sixth, sides the relatives of the groom and day Strseta, to be sold on the iM escriptioD of a physician. —Fvedertdksbaf TVee


there wars present Pr^caeor and Mrs. H. F. Button, parent* ^^the bride, and Misa Dorothv Button, her sister, ftom Farm-indale. Long Island, N. Y. X.

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ADVERTISEME^rr Navy Y||rds, Government Print- tauifht in its public seheols—and mand the mo«t earnest consider-nmUtSCIIfiV AI FYAMRPIA I " ^ OtSee »nd oUier deiwrt-iwere dome ^lis «veB • y«mr af-tiWWOIariH A m m i W R m inaitt. If yoB c»iLjafctB.opOT In ter ye went into war wtth-Geiv LAKNt AND TRADE COUNQL y°^^ owxwtloH te the hoggmg|miaiyr-:A member <rf « » Board

^ f thi« iK«tH«wi, jii«t gn to th« ftf Education of i^at dt; , a Mur-poUs- and in the quiet of the entiy an enussary of the Kaijs«r booth, vote your"'honest sentf-' himself, had the amazing bravtft ra«Qt and give aome one els$ a do to characterize American cit-chance to fill the "office of (im^iaeB* a&_ ''hkskheads'' because

Remember, you eim they wanted ttieG<^rman tongue only defeat Carfin ] ^ vofeag for White. No sidelights cut any figure this time. Try the gen< tleman from Loudoun, and if he does no better, let him pate to

thixiwnvottt-rf the^choois. Why

the class of "has beens" where our present Congressman should go right now. Vote as you think and vote for White.


E. B. White, (^ Loudoun The.Worlfing Maiifuad.Farmers

Candidate for Congress • Alexandria,y«^ July 10.—The

Alexandria Trades and Labor Couweil ai ita regalar Tuesday night in this city, iman-imousiy endorsed E. B. White of Loudoun county for Cotngreas.-

LETS TOTE FAIR An Alexandrian's Views on the

Coming Prinuiry.

.The position (ti Congressman

By Edward Mott Woolley VLemhei, Author'a CommittMi Amor-

There is a word in the German language, "verboten," which means "forbidden." His Imper­ial Majesty, the Kaiser, is fond of using it on his subjects. The Kaiser, remember, deals with "subjects,"' not with^ citizens as we know the temi in America/

Now that we are at war with the-Kaiser and with Germany, it « high- time thatwe, take o»r[^jnited own word "forindden" and a i^^ from aB3 - atrict-iHTniS"^^<Ma-

or. It enaUe&lhe aspirant for ., . t xu / higher-^r^^SlBffifi^^^^fi-^^^-^^^^?^^.^^ fight for theni. GenrEpprHmi^ ton served ^his 4>e<q]le in ^he lower house and in a ^ort time was elected SeAatioar; John S. Barbour did Jikewiae.-Ability in leadership soon rewarded both of them. Hon. £: K Meredith and John F. Bdxey died before they had a ireasonable chance. This position of C<mgr«8maa does not belong to QXie iMuiieu^ lar section of our distriet. We can not easily recall when Lou­doun, the richest county in our district, was represented in the halls of Congress. Hunton waiB from Fauquier, Meredith was from—Prinfec Wffinaiir~1ftixey from Culpeper, Liee horn Fair­fax, and B-arbowr and^CaiiiOL from Alexandria. If, Mr.' Car-lin, with his enormous stra iegy, has failed to get in ^ e Senate or in the Governor's chair iB4en years, isn't it time to arithoa , in justice to the other g o o d m ^ ^ our district7-t»-t*lrr a hmrk nnati Is it possible > that thttne enough sense of furness in aU the p<>oplft of a gr f» t hiy emm.

munity to elect another just as worthy a Democrat, and from a section which has not had the honor. Laying aside any 'attaek on Mr. Cariin, is it possible that because a great many i ecqple are employed under th^ Goverunent that they feeFoiniqwUed to vote for Mr. CarGii. The wai ha» nothing to do with i t . No min under God's sun is a atrongur supporter of Mr. Wilaan th«a Mr. Carlin's opponent, Mr. EL B. White. If this was. the support-of Senators Martin and Swanaoa wa; nccoaoary all three wqoM lia 1 n for Mr. Cariin.. But as neith-vr have turned a hand the votora ran take it to mean that Mr. Car-i.n's eiectton is of little eoo fm, 'list so as good^tf—t a hatter man fills his voters, and remembCT thi^ ftia ..< not an Alexandzia office, aad : you insist, on voting for aa

.\lexandrian because be A

because be is an sooner or later the

ither sections^ our district will nsp trr its mlfoK Ahd check our mad career. Let's tote fair and

men our soiqx>rt - I^<}arlin has failed in his desire to be a Sena-t or o n GdVemW In tea yean a

ly give way to better timbfer. The trouble is his desire to get rich has stifltd his political am bition. He has suceeeded in one and failed in the otter. Alexan­drians, you who are employed in


Inconsistency of Teaching Ger-in the PubUe Schools of this Country.,

this eity didn't throw out and in­terne this man himself, is be^ yond understanding. He is a dangerous enemy to American patriotism, and he ought to be put where he cannot talk. But at least the answer of the Board to his remarks was to stop the teaching;, of German in the schools.

Why do we permit any news­

man language. _ t l i e 7 mcbhsistency of our teaching German in tiie public schools of .this couiitry is gro­tesque. We._are- fighting tiie GerjniUiB to the detUATThe Al-UevJ-o whoitt we are aput, have* ttieta hemmed in with a Uo<ck-ade. - We ire doing everything in our power to cut them frpiQ supidies. Qver on the bloody fields of f'rance the Ger­mans are kBUng oaar boys with shells, knives and gas. We are fightiipcg them to'savo the Dcm

home and the personal contact of - »^v i f^ t« •»*•» £aneente^ We.need not attempt tts impcs^ siUe; nor need we be wraasona-ble. In times of peace we have admitted the German peo|de to TOUT country, and TOth^thejirthey lHt>u^t their language. Many

ocracy of the world, and.they are fis^ting f * Autocracy. Yet we ale dtttperately teaching 'ow^ childFen the German language!

As one excuse for tfaia we are told that certain.iuiguages are required for admission to some' of the odlieipeB, and that boys'and giris who are now taking Go*-maipt. will lose points, or be una­ble t6 enter the coH^ge, if tiiey drop thfa lfnprii«p[»r; If th i s JS

American' parents rise up in th^r~mig: and force the revocation of an oattandisn ruung. Any col-lege that refuses to adtanit a atu^ dent because he has dropped German, iii. iiie preparatory • coiirses ou^t to Idse ,it8 caste 4md-be an: outlaw amcsis edoca- . ti(mal institutions. But, as a matter of fact, such a situatfam^ a incMweivaMe. The universi-ties and eoOeges wiO make no such mlms.\l%ey eoul^t do so and retain thehr patriotie standing. J^!^'have ample evi dexkcefrosn many cdlegee-that

maeed e»n<fsiisif~By: fttrvcat patrkHa.

We are tdd bv pro-Germans that* we .need to study tins lan­guage 80 that we may read-the scientific botdcs. This is camMk flage. Box up the Goman boola tlinic at the Charity Ho^ttal, in the libraries! Catering to the

piace.^-Wake B|>,[w>wny wifi never Inreed patriots. We are cutting kxise from Ger-many,''at least far the period of UBScSRe the war. What wip haPPen when peace is nnaUy re-estabtlsherf heed not concern this question now. To drag in' any such ar-gament m time ot waf to dlrtoy ^ alty of the rankest kind. ilvt Wif Ig uvcrraad


itarinn wippreieed, we can taik wTQi reason about studying the-^ertnm language, hi the mean- gently that msr

rrtngrrtwimttti ho nbftuM willing-1 time it IS an abomination,, and we are net j(Hng tojhayv it. To say that we aeed it mem it ab­surd and traitorous.

I. know of one smaH eity where the taxpayers gave up $4,060 a year t» have German

man language here in America— during the period of the war? Does the Kaiser permit English or French publications of any sort in Germany? We are told that English and French are both "verboten," but. here in Amierica we still permit the pub­lication of newspi ;>er8 in the German language, and various German societies seem to have the undisputed right to issue pamphlets, reports, and what­ever printed matter they please, in German.

Of course it would be an im­possible task to—supi»«S8 the spoken Qerinau tongue . in the

States, so far as the

ation. - ^'^^frserious effect of hi^-fev-er is not well understood. From one to twd months and some­times much longn-, the. patient suffers from symp^ms which depress his vitality and lower his energy. Asthma and jiron-(ihltir are complications in a large number of eases. We have had two cases of hernia from vi­olent sneezing, one case of mas­toiditis and other complicaticms of minor importance. Marked nervous depression is common among hay-fever sufferers.,

'^bout 90 per cent of the fall cases of hay-fever in the eastern | emment. and southern states are due to the common and giant rag­weeds, the remainder being due

J^J^J*!^!** W»«— tnn Tl W<1 V> f l i r t ft W

v w i m r tntTj ixitsrvzi tsiuur and a few other weeds. The golden rod, roses and rosin weed, associated with hay-fever in the public mind, are not responsible. Vernal hay-fever is due princi­pally to the pollen of the grasses, in' addition to that of certain weeds. Only in ce;i»in locali­ties are the pollens from tiees responsible.

"The remedy evidently is the control of weeds. As it is im­practicable to destroy'aU weeds, it is important to know the dis-

prevention of hay-fever should include municipal, state and fed­eral lawf,^ _ Qt^ ordinances should not only be enacted against weeds, but should spedr fy that when the property-hold­er does not cut his weeds, the city may havethe work done at his expei(ise7 "

"State laws should-specify that land within Dne mile of citife should not be aJldwed to reach the pollinating stage, and, in the case of rag^weeds, this distance should be five miles.

'The real solution of tSe My-fever problem, however, is with­in the power of the federal gov-

If farmers should be compelled to destroy hay-fever weeds on their farms* the result wouT not only be an enormoue reduction- of- such- weeds* but would also be of great benefit to the farms, as the United States Department of Agriculture has repeatedly shown that millions of dollars are lost annually from the neglect of weeds.

'When we realize the great amount of suffering thatmay-bcf^ prevented, and the great im provement in the efiiciency of our asricultural methods that would be effected by the sanie means, the enactment 6f such laws should he atrnngly urged

of the older generation do not know Ehigfish, or else they know it imperfectly. We cannot at-

tb f<Hve E^o^sh in a day upon'such persons ambng them-sdyes, but'we cin prev^strHii issuance of ai^ German Ktein^ ture.. We>c»njHBDhibit the viie of the Genaaar

tance to which their pollen may be carried- One mUe is suffi­cient protection from most of flyn jinlln^g that i.yii«a onrlV ^fY"

fever. The common ttig-weed, however, should be excluded to MiMtftfivejnilttLfrom populated areas. ~ ^ ~

"Legislation f6r the effective


The way to make two .glades of grass grow^-where one ddes now; Byr the celebrated Ma»»-neeium iame from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twenty-five years, and out produced them all, and the reason for it is because it con­tains Magnesium and Oxide of Iron in right proportion to Cal­cium Car^nate, and the United States Agricultural Department in Year »x>k 1901, page 161, states that Magnesium is abso­lutely necessary to plant growth and nothing else will take its place. Said orders to.Corowell Suw>Iy Co., Manasaaa, Va. y A. S. Robertson, Wellington; Y*;; M. RoUins, Bckt»v. vL, or luact to us and same wiUlanLprampt at­tention.

Leesburg Ume Co.,, h e B. V. WHITE. Manager

by all those interested in reliev­ing mankind fh>m the oppres­sion of this distressing diseaee.'


•CarfMenterhig and Painting ^ W#ffcXiaira^ ^ ^

.: A£A Prte« Rcaaonahli ^

he meetings. . It is not becwse of malice or wanton hatred that we Aouid do this. We lyive no such feel-inga against. j^£.peQple of Gor-

man. descent in this 'country —r provided theyare loyal to Amer­ica.-^.' V .•••••- ' -. *•

But the us<e of German in thie sehdoiB; ra .puUic gathaings,;or in pont beyond question, giving comfort and .aid to the enemy. (^ thu' sruuud we rainat «ip-


Le^vfattHB AstaltePass Lnrs Fer Destractini of-Discaae- '

TBfMAi" " - - _ -

IUehmoiidr~ Va-, ^7 . i^-^ tioed newB for tofferers trt -news-hay fever is found in a {dan cently laiSRJied to make-the pre-vaitioa. <i that disease a natjcaK al aa w«A • • s statjLJsd toe^ proUcsD.

retched the State Bwri T * Health, Dr WinUm .« Kapp»--grdl, presidait of ^ Aowiican Hay-Fever Prevention Assoda-tio«,and chief of the Hay-Fevar

New Orieana, eanaes ef the Ihies what he considers

fo be taken to

.the ODt>

as the that

bring relieg.

r i i i . M :

BemFd *3efoir« (be wnr,__a

g:iiidied Preoch Ofificer, Ocnefsl iMaitrot. wtoie a, series of «r> tides m die 'EC1K» de Paris- lo

. warn Prano^ tiiat in case ef war, the. French nieat industiy wbald i>e qnahte to sapfiy tbe Freocfa anajr m tbe fasid^ w * ^ fr^ meiat.—owing espedsQy to the lade of mbdnrn fefr^fcfe ating |dants and ufTtfrigotatiDf^' tcan^wrtatioD,—and too, owing to tiwdefiaaciigij^in the asftiaQal


i jafe ef Cenetenr Work

FBSr lUTNlUL RANI. inatnWAtSP iJamoeiMatT oir lanT

UiirntD STATts, iJuiD omViso

-•paLacToas-I *.«.w»:


flMHp% DODSLanSTUAB* " ^ 1 •**«• te sU t«i lmi,to


Having detorrained te devote onr whole time to th* Tbwti la« ^ iy

tnent was made oy a representative, of the Allies BOW in the Ilmted States.

Another represental

Among etlMT thioga, Dr. SC1N»> pergreQ says:

**rha« is no preventable dis-ease' oi serious importance that hasrecqyed so little attention as laay-rev^. Although ranlang~M o n e 01 u i v ^BOS% COVRnMn 09 XS6 non-tast diseases, i t is «iiy

haw been made for its

''Records show that aboot T)er CTMil uf the pupuiaiiim uf the United States is subject to hay-fever, so that the number, about one milhcMi, is sufBdoit to de-

ol the AMics said recently: *iiiat the i i a v been of tiie greatest poa-

coDtrifautsd • iiliiMHt-^ggiasv piusstuUuu uf lbs vnrf

Swift& Con^Mny,tISwA.

^^osineaib vre here­by: jMidt aO property foz end req^rt tfegse having^t5|^^__^ ^^y-jj^niu LiBi saTiia—wita—as=^— i pmnptty.:

We vnadM t> «M1 UMf with a» li wm giv* th*. hMfaHM « v bMt

• C J. Qw.Kr. SteliM

CO. • a .

/^ • ' ^ - ^ ^ i t^Peop ieWaa lVMr Ejgga audi Bntfcatw

^ l > y P t e e e i n M t : | p

^ . c e n t s up

Send for catalogue and partic n ^ Metal Carriers ?rin last, lor ytaia—no brtakaga. No. wraiying or labelling necessary

DUUN&MARTMCO. WAftHINarON. o.c / __-

Manassas Transfer Co, W. a ATHIT, PfoyWte.

Page 3: smxxtm - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... ·

JTAUA i S i n A B


III iausut jMmJ fMiimnC*^ he.

Eotored at the Post Office at Manassas. Virginia, i^ Second Class Mail Mattw

SihiiiitfiM, $L00 A Tear k MOHIllixoT&L few" haa lince been fwjpid county

Friday, inly 19,1918'


NAtlON. From the Fairfax Herald.

• Some weeks ago the Fairfax Herald fell constrained, from a sense of public- duty, to iidvocate the re-nomination of Hon. C. C. Carlin. Since- then we have watched with interest the prog­ress of the campaign, and have been confirmed in the belief that not only would it be a great mis-

snpldaiit Mr. Caziin at this time, but titat a vast majority of the

- voters of the disMct wre. cf jthe same opinioo.

No man'could h^ve served the distrki with greaW auecess or idUUty than Mr. Catlin. Among th« liaany things that he has been c^efiy instrumental in accom-

. pl^dMw ior tiie district may ,be nidntioEiedrthe new bridge across the Pot^unae-ftt^Georgetown; the locatum of the big ship buildi&g

-i phmt —at- Aiexaadria, ~cofltu« somy miflioBS of doOars, and i ^ ^virbtg tiie ^xpeBditure of aboi^ M jnilBott aa^ a iu(g'annoaiiylo <ijieftrtfe; the estaMishmgnt -of inl^iu7 training camps at Bel-til^, Qa«atice, Cftmp Humphrey

• ipit other poliita, anff the p«y ' tfM}t by the felWkl govemm«it

^ •JAnumenLble claims for dam-. UpSs to churches and private parties during, the Civil War, Irhieh idl (trevions, thoagh eam-eit, ietBoKts faadfidSiBd^ iKcom^ Ittih, to say nothing of number-lites otiua: matters uf vital impor-

cially low freight jales by the railroad companies while the faFGaefs had to ay the fegultf tariffs on all their produce when they shipped it to market. This practice by the railroads in ac­cording special priviletgea to a

stamped by Congress as crimi' nal and the • railroad officials would now be punished by fine and imprisonment for s u c h m offense. Mr. White was certain­ly not promoting the interests of t hie' farmers when he availed hiniself of "specuirprivileges to a favored few" at their expense.

Federal Fuel Adminiik^tor Garfield made a H>«cial sppoal to Fuel Administrator Byrd to withdraw his resignation, which he had offered so as to enlist in the militai^ service of his coun­try, and the latter consented to remain at his post. Mr. White held the position of State Food Administrator and resigned to enlist in the services of Mr. W l ^ , who was running for of-

staff, and stated that bolh of these gentlemen were opposed to my eandidacy. not mention the other an;)oiiitee,|ocean and protected by our nitvy.

PLAY IN THE WAR Why-did yoaj-^ Separated by 8»000 miles of I with scarcely room ^

Hon. Cecil Connor, Common­wealth's Attorney of LoudouB. who is my campaign managw

Very truly yours, (Signed) E. B, WHITE.

Copies to the press of the eii^th congre88i<nuU district.

The article did not undertake to _ _ - -- flee, and declined toi withd»w ^tate the position of the Hw.j facade aU blotched whefc the hlB resignaaon: * - i ; ^ ^cecil Connor in the present con

Mr. Wlute is miming as ~a democratic candidate, and yet it has been openly charged and not denied that Tie voted ^or M« Kin- ^gnt that he is your campaign ley for president.

Taking all these things into cwisideration—^what Mr. Carlin has done and whait Mr. White has done and not 'done—we fail Cross of your offer'to give them

fortune to the eifi*th district t© J^-Jee one aingie valid reason - Sff-tK) provided you faH to car-why th»Hi«opie-of the: ^ghth

triet that space w # not pennit UB to ouiraerate. :

^ Patjick^aary said, just prior - Ig <i>» Bevoftrtacmary-iHuiy-what-a^vocajting resistance to the aidtfaer country in its effcHrts to «ikferee (qn>resslve lavs: "I have hot <«ie liunp by which my feet «•« ^luded, and ^^t is the l i ^ t df gqierieniee." Judged by this safe ani i[iae standard, let ua aee *-iriiat the presoit fight acainst Mr. Qarlai has de;vd-«9ed.

district should turn Mr. C sriin' out and put Mr. WhiUin. Mr; White tt "oajfe of the favored few" who can detect the shadow of excuse for such a thing or who jWuld aMi anj advwtage to beMerivedfrom iwA. a co^rse^

Less than our years ago (Oc­tober 27,. 1914) President Ym-son, in a commnnicatioB to State tlhiiinnan EllyajMj, said:

"It is a t«ai pieasiire to ^leakior-those who-hftv« stood by the cause off the people and manifested in tfVBgy prautiual way Uieir

Tflipportoff^a^ proireAlf^'^ legislation. .Caiain|y Uri. Caz^ i a ^ e of them.' His , quality haa beewL twrtwt ' W his.valuable servifie, eapeci^. alfy in anti-trust legislation.

' It would seem to xae little . more Chan justice to him .Hliat his c(Hustit«enits should

return lum to the Bouse and thus express their appro^val of his course on the day of electiOP. % i ^ ftaanring k

Leesburg, Va. Dear Sir:—I have your letter

of the 11th instant, relative to an article in the Culpeper Expo­nent, which, discussing your al­leged failure to vote for your countyman, the Hon. Westtoore-land Davis, in the Gubernatorial Prinmrrof 1917, Efiizitedoilt the fact that ^ o Loudoun county members of Governor's Davis' staff were not supporting you in your candidacy for Congress.

"^^ L^I^SF^^^^K'^^*^'^ " *«"i"i ">''»> »o closely *"' " that they makS a*very thicket.

our civilian population can dur ing this wir iumtioua toliive in the same security as In peace

' uflnosr zfiei Hun invacusrs' are not in our midst. We are spared the agony that came to the wo­men and children and old men of Belgium and France and SerUa and the other overrun countries.

tween them. They-were all new, of painted wood, alike except for the. n^sfii «nH tha agKi thir teen to eighty-four. But they aU bor«-the same sinitter da te -August 22, 1914 / "

"The Gezinans began to pil­lage and bum the houses, 676 of themr then they turned all the inhabitants into t^e street, pro-

ceased that n^ghi, there were more than 400 dead; their bodies

7 women, 400 uni" children. And the gravei> are there hear by, in the cemetwy, and the *aafi given aw frem Ifl to 84."

The part that these dvi l i i^ idayed in the war was to ^acixtfc to the.civilized w<»1d the reali­zation of what it would mean for Gemian arms to conquer. In playing their part they gave

Culpeper, Va., July I5i 1918, While thus secure from harm we miscuously marching them, their lives in the most cmel way must not forget that the civilian lafcout. i t went on—fo^ populations of these desolated, hours; they were given no food

test for the reason that the writ­er did npt know what Mr. Con­nor's position was. Your state-'

for Loudoun county -V .

manager was news

I have notified the treasurer of the Culpeper County Red •

rj?* your own county m tcue i»ri-mu7 of August 6th.

Now as to your second propo­sition to the effect that, yon will give another $Si0.00 to the Red Cross of Culpeper county in the _ event thsA your eaqyected major­ity over Mr. Carlin in Lou(k>un county>do^ not exceed the ma-JcHity that. Mr. Curlin. i eceivea ^ his home ai$ "of Alexandria, provided I agiiee targivt 9260.00 to the 9«ne cause in £he event tfai^ your- Loudoun county ina^ jority dpee not exceed Mr. Carr lin'smajori^in Alexandriacity. I ageqpt the i)ft>tfnmtou ju^ wi t fehderfiilly and Inimediat^^lnrn over to tlie Red Crbsa of C^d ) -ee camj^ the sam ai $2fj4te) H Mr. Ga^'Fmatfottty ill iSmaa^ dria c i ^ i8-:notulargeE. tbaktile

ciwtinuatUHi of' his serviciBa by which he' will be' aible to-give the tountzy the bepefi t of his "xi alffy" more " anai

Mr. While pokes as the fann-«n' candidate, haviqg sdected, 1i »M»if for that hohOT, wheueas

tiiiilktod. thst Ur^Ctatmswrn vmn land andraiatw MggM'—txeOssa, Va ^ JuBrll. 1918. crops tiian Mr. White.

Mr. White,, although a tliymaa, mada the buflc «f his fortune as a )^»colator and not a> a fanner.

Mr. White did nU vote for IPeateordttid Davis for (>over-' Mr, at MHigl Qie latto-was ruB-

tlM fannerf, eaa^date I a fdlow-eouBtyman of

Mr. White. 'Gov. Davis haa recently pab-

Waiientoil la which he st|it488 thaiHie

vf l taka no sides in tUa^^on'

the toea* weuM eeem to indk^e he ^oea nSt reeofste

IM S e ilu'uiei'8'^ai^-date.

Mr. White testified before a committee of Congress that "While in the grun busine8tf<ni St. ^©ois, he was "one of the favor-

^wf'few* wh^ were accorded'spe-

m<»e effect vdy fnminKHiffa W months - •

"WOODRO W JinLSON." What the President said of

Mr. Cariin's usefulness then, i4>-plies with even greater, force now, with ids added acptoience and greater '-services reaideried. It ia laSIaH to belittle the record or try to defeat the nan who de-. served -and won such * trfinte

countries are as much our allies aa are their fighting men. Let us realize more deeply thmr tragedies.

Read this testimony of Brand Whitlock, who as our minister to-Belgium knows what it means for a land to be occupied by Ger­man troops:

'Tamines is a little mining tov(rn on the Sambre. The little churth stands on the village green overkwking the river, its

bullets and grapeshot spattwred against it. And in the little graveyard beside the church there are hundreds of new-made graves, long rows of them, each with its small wodd^i cross and its bit of flowore. "^e crosses I ing lines,

or drink. During a halt they forced them to Ue beneath the machine guns, then they lined them up agaiastthechurch wall an^ performed a mock execution. About 600 men were massed in St. Martin's Square, on the river bank, and their wives, mothers, daughters were assemUed by the soldiers to witness ihe scene.

"They lined up their victims in three rows idong the Sambre and tumMed 150 of them head over hews mte the river, shov­ing back with their bt^onets those who attempted to cliilg to the bank. Only four or five e^ caped by sjvimming. During this first execution the machine guns were trained on the remain-

cuuld devise. What part will our civilian

popdiation play in the war? Will it go along living as it did be­fore the war, or will it glory in the opportunity to sa^e in the tremendous task of defeatin|r civilization's enemy? Eac;h hi-dividual must decide that ques­tion. He can prolong the worid'a agbny or. he can save—save and sacrifice—to the utmost of hte ability and with his savings buy War Savings Stamps that there may be more money, labor, and materials to bade up those who fight and die not only for nit, but for an who, love freedom.

You can at least be in the sec­ond line of defense-'he a war saver.

"A V s i E m i IN NEKiy

When Are has devastated year boMie or fimett «d ' _^

viagB 9t ycBT^

majority that ydu ^Iconfidently. expect to receive in yoOr omi' county of Loudmm. '

Not being so well endowed wjHi this worhfs goods'as you, CoL White, ~never having been (me of the "favored few" of the jC^boapoakc and (Miin Boilroadi

WEOVIIM have giene iq» tttamrt»f-thei| yan ap-predate tke vahie of aa InsaEaBee

umA pajB its kdeea prewptly ana seiB >e« en yoor feet agahb Hurt's the miyUad we repreaeat. »« W; N.

fnqn Wooflrow Wikcm.

4>Pl^M^ONATIOM8 ^ 0

OooB of eadi. county in UM. CBI-triet that ia;carried.hy yam in

— the iOT>h)adijmg-ttttrfhi

Hiili t'lWIffr

Mr. Raleii^ T. (keen,~ Calpeper,ya.

Dear Sir:—I undovtand that you atated in ^jfcatl iaaue of your pi Mur that I would net car­ry m^own county in the prea-eift cbngiesBioaal contest: If I do not carry Loudoun county in this eootest, I wiU make a. pees mt to the Red Cross «f O i l p i ^ county of |2S0.00. '

Again,. I will agree to give 1860.00 to thc-Red Cro ie^

Xoudoi uumity if I do nef eaw; un (iounty by n larger ma-

AieMmndaim-^yr will agree to give the aame amounttoThesaine cause if I do carry my home county by a larger^majority tjian Mr Carlin carries his home city.

In the same article you men­tioned only two at the appointees

as you stated of yours^ twelve months ago, I hesitate to commit mjpself to the possibility of mak-ing--sa^ ]iU: eZjCQn6^hu the Red Gross, iMit having confi­dence Jn the judgment and pK-triotism of the peof^ of the; eis^th; district, I sulHnit you the fcdtowing i«4iQatyon and 1 ^ that y^u give' your juisw$c to psess you did your first letter to Hie.- EHminatiBg Akxandria Eity and Loudoun county, I wOl eoiitn1>ut«: |2Bd.0O i e the BeJT



rca JE u 31


Finliii War, Farst in Peace,

ut^»2b0.00 to Uie RedCwimf each county in,tha-distridUtfaft^ la ctfrle^ 1^ Mr. Carlio-

kteapectfuOy, RALEIGH T. GREEN.

Negro • home demonstratien agents of Om Uwted State* De­partment of Agriculibue and the state agricultural cflfleges tan

peoi^ in -the South. There are 202 of - these trained woridng under the direction of

lewlen r>f buiue d«m-enstration woHf '^^'f "" <mly hetp the negroes in their hunes;

<l9o give inatruetion to we-t-who are reyular cooks. la­

the homes they teach gardming, inning, <&7lngrT>rihihg, podP try raising,- bee kefpjng, aofd house and furniture repairing, white in the work grvea to cooks greater emphasis ia put on food preparation and food and ftl8

from Loudoun on the {3overaor*s I conservation.


FIRST l*nnt to Simdhr Your^ Wants ana Firrt for tfae Interests of In , Fktrons ^ ,

^HeHational Bank ef Manassas Al t e v NdghhsM

;B S J 94


Page 4: smxxtm - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... ·

BRIEF LOCAL NEWS —Mr. J. M. Bell had the mis­fortune while cranking: his ma-

-•^^ftttf. E. R. HAH, who w^» fh'nf nn Thiiff'^ny oh the sick list for several daya, is now able to be out again

proved the appearance of hU re»-ideijce on Quanr Road jjr the he hM arrived safely overseas. erection of a new pnch,

—Mr. E. K. MitcheU has ac­cepted a position as guard in the nm State War and Navy Build-inc in Washington, and entered upon hia duties Tuesday.

—^Whiie temporarily absent Monday afternoon some one en­tered Mr. Harry Ck>mweU's home and sUAe a goki-piated Gillette safety razor. Mr. Comweil oc­cupies the Gallehue property near the atone quarry,

have his nose broken, v

—From a letter to his mother I of Mr,

Pierey will be glad to know that

—Mr. Bmest Utterback has sold hia pn^Mrty, c<Mmw Center and West streets, to Mr. J. B. H. Hayden, the* conaiderati<ai, we understand, being $5,000.

ministers of distinction have in previous years b^n members of this, association. Dr. VV. F. Broaddus was the first modera­tor.


-iHifr -house near Minnieville,

—T«j of the Prince William boys embraced in the last draft left on Tuesday evening for Cam{> Hymphreys, and oh the f oUomng morning ten of the col­ored youth d^tarted for Camp Lee. __^_ _

—The Boy Scouts of the Ma­nassas Troop will hold a meeting Saturday night, July 20, at 8:30 o'clock, at the Town Hall. Plans and reports will be turned in of war work and the date of the camping trip set. It is desired that every member be present.

—Rev. H. Q. Burr, secretary-treaaurer of the Lyceum Fceti-

Russell, near Minnieville, was struck by lightning last Friday and considerably damaged. It wais insured by the Bsxal Insur­ance Co., represented by the W. N. Lipscomb Insurance Co., Inc.

~ —The annual convention of the Woman's Missionary Union, Potomac Baptist Association, will be held at Falls Church July 24-25. Every Woman's Mis­sionary Society is' entitled to two delegates, the Y. W. A., R. A. and Sunbeams .one delegate

The Junior Cirlcles A and B of the Red Cross will hold a lawn fet« Saturday aJri t-JMi the cor-J.^ .-^-^-^ . . . . ^ . ner otMain and Center s t / w t s T ^ ^ " * "«»* *»»••**"»« " *

you ever saw of dare^vU deeds. Abo one reel of News and one reel of cartoons.



Come out and help the Red Cn»8 by making this a success.

You will have a cluuce to try K-Si -S'our luek at the jrmb bag.

Contributions for the melting, pot will be received at this time^

each. ViaitinrH arc cordially in ^<«« August 16 to 2S, inclusive

Rev. Gypsy S«itfc to be » | dean Camp MeetiBff.

The many friends in Loudoun and Fauauitnr of the Rev. .Gypsy Smith, will be fl^ad to learn, that he will again this year assume charge of the religious services at Camp Meeting. Mr. Smith will be at the meeting from its opening unffl it closes, the dates set ft! r holding the camp, beiss. ^





. . in . .


This remarkable piwto-piay is net only a signal triomph fo^ 'MisiB Clark, but it i s a decid^ aUp forward for motimi pictnrcs

= — « ^ ! C t A r - - "

vited.. All expecting to attend sliould send their names to Mra. G. W. Hauxhurst, Falls Church, Va., chairman hospitality com­mittee. X.

—The RBV. Pfufesaor S. A. Widlis took the services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Hay-market, last Sunday morning and at Ewell's Episcopal Chapel in the afternoon of that day.

sociation of Pennslyvania s t a t - l ^ ^ ^ r " ^ *^^*^^*""' in a fhtsf tho rTKi«f«««„. ~-?TM^ at-bot* services. Dr. WaUis

val committee, has received a letter from the Chautauqua As-

in^ that the Cboiutauqua tit Ma­nassas will be he|d during the week of October 7tii. _ _ _ !

—Rev. H. Q. Burr, as a dele­gate from Grace Methodist Church, attnided the session of the Baltimore Cohferoace Sim-day School Ccnventim, which was held in Staunt<» Ju^ 9-11. While in that section he Tinted amohg the membera of W^i^^^^,„„t^L,^^-^^,:^^~^^^

hargi atms«*8lSitt nid ^ < « ^ « M « t t r » « m « a pro-mere Fishersville.

— The dnfe^ Cross Horse Show to be hdd un der Hu: auHplcea oif tlift LOOdenn Horse and Colt Show Aap iPiy tion at Leesburg, lurae changed from August 27th and 28th to Thursday and j^ridi^, September 5th and fith. in arte: not to conflict with the Rockyille show.

—On Tuesday night. July iB, the young men leaving for camp the following morning will, bei •---entertained hy iht, Mn^y^B.. trst aHMUttt haV»^ Cross Chapter at the Presbyte­rian manse. An infomud^ pro-refreshments starved to tiie.boy8. Ice cream will be soM to otiten as at previous re(iq>ti€auL~ AH friends of the S(^iers are invit­ed to be present. "

—Mrs. CrC. Bush, who with her husband spent a number ef years as^^nissionary in AfrkaR» %viil address the Epworth League and congregation of GraeeMeOt-odiat Church next &iadiiy even­ing at 8 o'clock. 'DM^public ia (ordially invited. . A trevt is bt store for all whu niHiB. W ^ g 4ft Africa

whu uiUMl. Mr. and Mrs. iBoBlr

were supported by the fipWorth Leagues nf SoHthera Methed sm.

-A special grand jury in the 1 rporation court of Aiex«Mfaia rptiimed a true UQ on an inctiet-xent against James A. Davia, (olored, charged with the mur-nrr of J. C. GheDwrse, a ststg prohibition inspector, £obine(» MonctH>e, attorney for Davis, de> murred to the indictnient and nioved to quash. His motion was argued wi Wednesday befoaJMansfleld, clerk. Among the .fudge L. C. Baiiey and pverruled prominent member* expected to

was accompanied by Miss Wal-Ua. It is understood that the: Hev. g. E. Bui ^ras, of Bnms^ mck, Md:, has been caUed to Haymarket parish, which hna been vacant for some ttineir^Al exandria Gazette.

—Mr. Bo^unin Lowe, a wdl known and h i | ^ respected dit-i«en of near Indepouiatit Hill,

fr<«i: cancer of Vff Lowe had

ui OK oompatian of Wa lmirolthiog fior a BttnA«r of yeMs-HCM-. the town of Ilhle-peuckua HHl4Uid his lou bbth' aS

rfifiBlsjmii'WifekmJKsi will be severely felt by his community. Mr> Lowe was about imty years ^Mfuk-Th^ ^meral took idaee wn We&esday. %

.r-^>>ntributions for the com-

After an actual expenses of the meeting have been paid, what re­mains over and above will be di­vided equally between the Lou­doun and Piedmont chapters of the American Red Cross.^ Mr. C<He, nmch to the regret, of his friends, will not be with Mr. Smith this year.—The Loudoun Tilfaes. ^-


. . i n . . "• •THE CONQUEROR"

A gripping drama pictoring the career of Gen. Sam Hea8t<m. Three hundred Indiamt, their ehirfa, Mexican soldiers, U. S. Cavalryman and Texas Rangers. A pietore that will go down in tm snnals of filmdom. This is something werth your while.

SPSeiAli^ r-

During the late summer, l)r E. S. Willard will give a public lecture in Manassas on "Osteop­athy as a Profession." The time and place will be announced lat­er. Dr. Willard was a professor for ten years in one of the lead­ing osteopathic culleg«8, and "fie" is helping in the general move­ment to fill the student ranks de-plfitedJar. the war. Also he is a licensed osteopath in Virginia and while in Manassas wUl c(»i. duct sveral public clinics. WiU all those interested in 08te^». thy address him, care of "The Manassas JoumaL ft-4t'


. . h i . . •nVEE l y m y BETTY"

he was last^'seen here Jn the 'Sawdust Ring"—this chamUng

'Eridngle Star. Abo a Comedy, THEIR DO­MESTIC DECEPTION." ._ Mbtbee; Saturday Only, 3:15.

Female nurse or attendant for a sanitarium for Nervous and Mental diseases. Salary, ^ . 0 0 a month with board and laundry.

S. Lord, Etamford, 8 ^


Lost.—425.00; two ten-dollar bills and one five. Lost some­where on the route from B. C. Comwell's place of business to ^pJJehue'sj down railroad to rear of Central Garage; back by Wagener's to postoffice, thence to Bakery, where money was missed. Reward of $6.00 if >e-iumed to Journal (^3ce.


' Blacksburg, VIrgfala Fifteen degree courses in aKriculture, enjrineering, gMiwal science and

applied science; two'year course in agricultuTe, farmers' winter course, train-^iJ^^IB^fPV P^f«:i^ o7 agriddton asd. indintrial rahrm^ *«ti- •^.ih^r^ <»* trades reserved officisrs training conw.

Apply to Registrar for catalogne. 3. D. EGGLESTON, President.

Tenehers* Examhiatfam.

For the Destitute Across the Sea

Messrs. F. E. Ransdell and C. JJtfeetze are soliciting donations of flour to load a car at Manassas

<'—•*' M*a« axa^4j^__anMnM ^ftBIIIHim*

at an eariy date for the sufferinr tlwis must ijptify the Diviaion v omen and children of Frahce. Dr. H.B. Hutchison, offlernr

don, load^ a icar of 2S0 barreto last Sunday- for the same pktr-poa& These 'donati<msju« to be made through 'tmt locid; mifls, mearehanta, or hi any other w«y

-Azrangemaits have abeady been ccmtidefaed -fMn^ day:-4es-

itftbiseyeni ^Makezjtolaiafte wffljie preheat and iixe U^tfne Band of Quantieo will lend ite.

fiut kits which are to be givoi to the Prince William- men going

Fecetyed tiy the Bed Cross from the foHow-injg persons: Mrs. J. L.- Bn shong, Mrs. J. P. Lyon. Mrs. Beavers, Min-Hildred L. Har reQ. the Misss Metz, Mrs. E. L. Honibi^er, Miss Vi<^ DavtBiOid Mrs, B; T. H. Hodge. The Bed Cross 'organiKatitm - throufl iout the county are miiking the kita for the hoyi front thea- reepec-xive cutttinunitics '' As many .oii' th^ fri^ds a( the soldiers have expressed a wish to hdp in giv' ing the kits, the Red Cross has

1918-19: . Duntbiea.—^Prine^Mtl, MUM

•JBleaoor Lewis; aaristant, Mrs.-Netta A. ^>eake..

MinmeviBe;.--)iit$ Ode, M. Greoi.

Xoplin. -Mr8. Entma Carter. _ Tbonitatk—ibs, . H i ^ . : 4^

Davis.. ' Quantieo. — Miss Auue C

DvdsL^ ^ • Chnry-BilL—Opoi.. Calnn BraKh (cokcefP

turns mny

<fireet to^the Manaaaas Ch^^ter w nearest Red Croea Brandi.

*| — The sixty-third session of the Potomac Baptist Assodatiea will b« hdd in the First B^ittrt Church in Alexandria, Va* be-ginmng Wednesday, Aogost 14. The aasddstioa indo muuUai maweiimm amy-two fhnrrhea. It is expected that 20Q.pefnon8 win attend tiM een-voitien. Rev. Dr. E. B. Jack­son is moderat<« and Jamea R.

and the trial set for August 12. The mnrder of Shelhorse occur­red J aasJSuJShsU&^^sasoad to MMoat in the arrest of Davis on a tndn just as it was enier-liig Alejupidrte.-Davte Janiped from the train after the shoot­ing and was c^>tured after a Hhort chase.^ When arrested he bad nenrly |1,S00 in his posses­sion.

wescnce td iaqpov 4iM» jaeawH3U 0v31 particulars, with the naineB of aH who ctmtribate, win befpiib-liabed next week. \~

Appointment of ."FMidMrB. •.':

^eDussfi district school board, heJd Jt 10th. the foBowing-

The summer examinations for teachers will be held in the Ben­nett Building, Manassas, Va., on Jjoly 25th-26th.

All iq>plicant8 who desire to take the high_sduM>I examina-

Snperintend^t not later than July 1st, and state the names'of the subjtets tat which t h ^ sire questions. If v^roptx noti(M is. not givoi the high school questions can not be detained. >

CHA& R. MCDONALD, Division Siqieaebtendent; Gahies-- viHe, Va. ; —> ft-td

CQW5.— Fresh, cows tmd springers at private sale every Mondayst onr yard in Nokes-ville. The kind you dairymen want; the kind that never'seen a silo, nd the kind i ^ t go riffht to woi^ when you 8t«rt to feed them. Come early, as we have the kind jUiat go quick Will take your dry •fceek-in exchange when you wish it.' Calvin Ap^ Irietira * Son, No^esvilllel, Ya.8*


0 ^ to atigxwB^^ • summer nionths, and any tiitae< Drop uie s Hue and ~|ni drop you

For^lJe.—Geiser traction en­gine, 15-h<»ve and Geiser saw mill, fuUy equipped; .rapid re­ceding headlocks, saw dust tdow-er, an. in fine condition; can be seen at work any time. For fiu^her information, write or phone The Jnuma! nffiftA. S-4

BREAD is made fnMn best materials, baked in an up-to-date oven, handled hy neat, clean, care­ful workmen. Ask for i t -accept no other. We aBo ha^e a nice QUICK LUNCH COUNTER where yoo can -satisfy your i^petite. Fall ttne of confeeti<HMt7,

J.MBELL ffjESfi niAy w«g|JhM Nl^iro

«f tbe eoosty T I M Jonaid wffl


locn are wanted fur wood for the above schools, eaeept Min-niewBe, which has btau sup plied. Aifalress D. & CUne, Oak, Dufflfritt,Var

attend are Dr. Boatwii^t, Rich­mond, former Lieut. Gov. J. Tay JOT KHyann, E>r. Loire, of tinrfiR^ -max, rvtm^Xffgn, vt«a«) Chtti

K ^ B T E R N C 0 4 . L B 6 S MANASSAS. TA.

OFFESft ,1 Fnnryfisf M H S U e a w t . lead

sag l» A. R dsgi yrafesioHd schoels «f Uirivanitj

t . Ptmt-ymar Sehoel cMirsa. wkick t»bsat ««t exaaimatkm.

«. riejv eovrsei in' ISC, Hone Nuitiug, Hatattes

CwMainliim Problems. 4. Saperier advantages ia Mi



ogn missis board and Rev. Dr G. W, Daniel, of Richmond. A iraniber of inteieaUng discus-Yiiirt Ptwetfaa. sions are planned and the asso-t A fwaUty of eoHege and unirersity ciation ™ill he prtnentad with a rradoatca—tnuned to teach. New

Painting aad General Ait, sion and Busiaaas Tisiiiiwg

6. MiMtaiy Ttaiidi^






Ufffaam »«4L ^X2r raiSS <»P C»CK AND sq iAICH FUEDS

«rii£flU Try it-you wiD want more

Farm Machinery SEPARATOES


LH. C.

flag representing the young men of the church who have respond-

jBd to the can. to the oelert. I t e y

buildings and complete equipment Pall term will open September 26th Inquire «f UERVIN U. BOOP, Pb. D

M a n a s s a r F w T ^ and U e m e B t •EVERYTHING FOR THE fARM

^^^^ JRILLS CORN PLANTERS • « . « — • * * * * ) WS WEBER WAGONS



Page 5: smxxtm - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... ·

X A\*MJ.r^ A « ^ \J Mu A Xt^t X 7 J . O iMfc MAJ>A!StSAS JOURKAL, MANASSAS, VIRGINU 't,


Miss Bell Winter, of Middle-burg, was a Manassas visitor Wedneadiyr,

" Mr. and Mrs. Morse and son were week-eQd guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. H w f f . - - ,

Mrs. W. P. Wilson, of AJdie, k has been visituaf her mother, ^ ^Irs. T. O. TayliMrt

Mrs: John T. Sbepheoson, of M»rkh»m, is vi«tiaff her raothw, Mrs. 9*»ie A. Melt.


Mi«8 Austin, of Baltimore, is visitinir at the hami Mrs. W. W. Davies.

Mrs. Jessie Anthony, «f Phila­delphia, is spending a few days

f with relatives m-towB. «

Mr. Byron Hixson, of Wash-infton, visited his fanrther, Mr. L. £ . Hixaon, Sunday.

Mr. Harry Adams, of Wash-iagton, visited his'sister, Mrs.' B. B. Larkin, Sunday.

Mrs. Burr and daughter, with -Mr* .F. B. Smith, wer9 Wash^ ington visitors Tuesday.

Mrs. W. K. Jordan and Miss Loretta McGill, of Haymarket, were in town Wednesday. >

Judge.arid Mrs. J. B. T. Thorn­ton have returijed from'Remlik. j^^^,^.^

Dr. L. F. Hough and his daughters, Mrs. Benjamin Les­ter Jacobson and Miss Marj one

THE K A I S E R ' S T S E A M e»

Ifougli, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hough, who has been the guest of rdat iv^ at The FUdas.

Mrs. O. D. Waters, accom­panied by her children, Anna Weir and O. Dalmey, left the first of the week for a month's visit to her' parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. LcmxweU, at Gasa^ way, W. Va.

a «tory lim­it may seem.

How the great Kaiaer BUI hftd a won­derful dream.

He WM dreaminy nf AIU^ . . h.. 1.y in his bed,

Wl>«n fail dream twitfijud altont and he dreamed he waa dead,

la a very fine coftn ha waa lyinc in - BUt*.

Tfao' thoosanda Were round Um, none mouiued o'er Ua fate,

Hlk MKtl biuMd abovt sad it* found to U i W e ,

That he and hia aoUiara w«i* downad to b« loat.

He wouldn't believe it, M to Heaven went strai^t.

M. Qt,bo-F.fird, a son-of- Alid.»rr1yad tt the >l>ee and toeelied - ^

Miss May Meetze, of Colum­bia, S.'€., has been the guest of her uncle, Hon. C. J. Meetze.

iC^^ Suwfl Brawner. nf Broad

the Rev. J. JC Efird, formerly pastor of the Lutheran Chqrch at Manassas, was a visitor here oh Thursday. Mr. Eilrd is con-nected with the American ^ g a r iReflning Company and his home i i in AtlaoU, Ga. Bev. J. K. £flrd and wife are k>cated at Lake City, Fla.

President and Mrs. Hervin U Roop, of Eastern College, have as their guests this w ^ their two brothers-in-law and their families. Dr. Waiter G. Clippin-ger, president of Ottobein Uni­versity, Westervllle, Ohio, and Dr. B. F. Daugherty, of Leba­non, Pa. Mrs. Clipplnger and Mrs. Daui^erty are ^sters of Dr. Roop. _ -

load at the jratt: "Hey, Peter, get buay, quick, open the

doer, " - See Who's her*, it's the Kaieer, make

everything roar. Baat the druma. Mow the faoma, have

a swell banquet made. TaU God I have eoma, and wall have

a parade."

Saint Peter looked out, then in voice

Said, "Try down below, Bill, you cant get in here."


ron viRoiNiA. ^.^BIlSEiESS^JLQCAI^

Informetien Antf Ruling*, The foUowla. s u t . g . ^ , ^ . ^

wnwrai* United Butmm iti^AAmmt^ *«»atle« e« tke Stth e< J « M :

Tke eetrtllehmen* e( BMT tratglit by -tke Rlrflwar iUsUaiatratioa

aaeeeaiuted a ehaage la the 0«v »rtoa baals «ir wkoat After

•••atdenuiaa a( aU faeten t ^ gead iHilaletraUea aaao—aee «iM »rtae

at vartMM Mikala W tta eT:.

Ma. X Noftkera Ma. 1 Umt4 Wiatar K*. 1 Xed Wtaler M*. 1 Dwwoi Na. 1 Ma«4 Wklto


Five Ccnta. a Liae Fint Tkne Cmt» SabeeqweK.

it«re piMle al«rra«eas acpraved for' I atorace bjr


tb* Oraia CarfOMtloB la atop* aa

Prtae baal* «sr BaiUaMi*. Norfolk ,•»« Newiport News Ik taed at 9tM%.

T** baata for No. t wheat wlM be «e. ••law N*. 1. ead (be baab fw No. I U. b*»»w No. I. Oradee below No. S vlU be 4«aH with an umtt:

It to aoveetad that the ebaages la 'rederal OradlBg Btaodarda wiu tkrow •wre wheat lata blgher gnulee than laat yaar. Tbe *haaa«a la prie* are w*rk*d ml aa. nearly aa poealbie to

Persons having lots in Manas­sas Cemetery that neerf clean­ing, also fence painted, ^p ly to Mr. R. S. Smith, Marmnffag yg.

Lost—Bunch of seven or e i ^ t keys; finder win be rewarded upon their return to the owner Mi?B Mary Larkin, Manassas, Va. 7

For Sale.—One large gray horse; one Ford tuonng car,1917

^-jmodel, good condition; also can fill orders for new Chevrolet cars in thiairface and vicinity. D. C. Cline, M. D., Dumfries, Va., Box 65. 7 ^

Do your "bit" for Liberty. .ow much-can >.uu caii' Can

all you can. Can all the fruit and vegetables you cmi—help "can the Kaiser." Raise all the feglj'uu ean for man and be»s{.

jw~ buckwheat after wheat sow ^ rye. indispensible to the pboik try raiger if w a ^ r l y fed. I will sell you home-growp seed and tell you how to feed. On sale at Prince William Pharmacy. W. L Steere, Manassas, Va. 6-tf


MRS. HQDGE, teacher o< Voice, Piano and Expression,

.4wiU give a six weeks' suinmer course to a limited number of pupils, beginning Monday, June 28. Mrs. Hodge will be at home on that Monday afternoon to ra-ceiv^^pi ls . 6 ^

' T. t.-b.t." said the Kaiswi.-nfuu'n, - S S H S g S . ' ' ^ ' ^ *" " " " '


Run, visited friends and relatives in yanaaftaft during ther week.

I>E. J^'Mai^e Lewis is-eojo]^ iiig 4 vacation of a' week on ten days in Middleaex eounlyy ^ l i s asne.

Vbea, Ome% Wdl , of WdHng; . . fam, and ifiss: Mary Scnit , 0 of Alexandria. MarMudS, luive iKsne to VaAiaD, mya. - '_ _.

Mra. a E. SimmMis udfiuni-

at 0iBcse4mte vaJt i ^

JtH. JIt BHsmft autitoiuthtg cf_: Ifonris.., QUa.* aw visiting lira. CL E..3taunnia» Mrs, Pair's

MUb DuhB, f^medy of the f«e i^ of E « ^ ^ Cidleger-ia a ime^ at the IIOEM of Mrs. An-

Sugag Gid<fingg, of Sii-

Res.JW. L. ^feflf, <rf CMbott; and Dr. J. W. Cammack, <rf Rich­mond, were guests at "Oak-shade," ^ e home of Mr. G. W ISBffley, the firsf of tbe wee

MisaLaura Bond, of Washing ton, is « gurat. this week, of rel a t iv^ in the neis^borhood.

Mr.- Bender aoid Miss lender, spent the pMt

week<eqd with Hisa May C^arri-son.

Jfr. G. W. SWriey"wa»_a; Ma­nassas viait4r twi "RiariKiky.

With tte passmg of H r i Mary Pow^, iBJOie ninety-third jcear o* her age, at. hex hopm near

very uncivil, Don't you know that I am a friend of

the Devil, And III go with pleasure." So away

he did go, -^ • A whistling Uke Hell .to make a big

show. Wheif he came to the do<» he waa flit

ed with diamay, For while waiting outeide, he heard

Satan say, "Look here, boys, take notice. 111 give

you all wamiQg, ^ ^ ;' I'm expectiag Ilia Kaliai' down here

Tha ether elaaaee of wheat thoee ateaUoaed above as oquivtleau WW be dealt with oa the foUowing

Bat dont let him in, for to mjB it la clear. • .

my ^ h and •cabs here,

if once he geta i s . Jn'Il go tlgliai% aboitt.

So giv« him the 1 ^ hat' and Udc. hiiS _ _ r i ^ t o a t . " _ 1 '

^OK. Satasi (tear fttaH)," the Kaiser thmi eried,

"Sxeoae me far Ustenaig wUfe wtAt-faig ootaide,

But i^eaae.let ma in, fw wliare oan I

'"- v>r "Indeed," said tlie BevB. ^Tla d w m ^

if I kiwwJ ^ h ; plaaae-let BM la. ^ 11a f Mfaig

qotte eold. . . -

P t a K e W i l l i m J J ( ^ one of its oldest and best-loved * * ' -<g|ii<ma. Hyr funeral serviea,}' ? '*! "^" "i^ tt ^ ^ J ^ ;«»>

t^^peiag^ mUiM visiting at the Siome (rf her uaeie, Mr< E. B. GMjBjUgg. ~' •-•-'•'

, by her pas­tor. Rev. W. U Naff, en Wednes­day^ was attended by a l a ^ number erf fi^eada and xelatives. IntermmfuTl&ifiocfa ise^rtefy, Mrs. Pow^ajH3t_BOTm acted a»

The -elaaa oT Dark Bard Winter wlU be booght at tt. above Hard Winter; Dark Northern Spring at I.e. above Horttera Spring; Aatber Dnmm at

« t afcttve Dnraas; while T^l«w Hard Winter wiU, be bought at'Jc. under Hard Winter; Red ftprlag at Se. under Northern Sprtag; X«d Walla at 7c. aader Red Winter; Red Durum at Tc. ander Duramr-Soet WMle at Je. n o ^ Herd wnite. an« White Hiib at 4cl •nder ^ard White.

Certota p»rts «f the Inter-m^untalB territory do not receive full eosapen-

• inMiiiL iniiiweees Uflaei Xnt ^bove arrangemeBte and. therefore, Bpedal amngMaeato by which the Oraia Corporation assaaios tbe peftMtlon direct^ ia ffeli tfwrS^fliQr b« the anblect-or-anothar aaaooate-

- »ent^' "

For Sale—SSTi/g acres timber land situated about five miles from Manassas, on improved highway; 115.00 per acre; terms to suit, J. M. B§11 and J. H. Burke. 1J^

Wanted—10,000 cords of pulp wood. Highest cash price paid.

Wanted.—To buy bees in full colonies or swarms; they muat be reasonable. Louis F. Mellott. 618 6th street, N. E., Washinc-ton, D. C- T**

Waoted--60,000 white oak <a;oeBties. See us and get prices. M. Lynch A Co. 2S-tf

wwu. xiigaesi casn price paidU,^**"farSrttJBg, $1.00 for 16, on delivery; mea8uremen{iBtakeaiT|o-per 100, CRno fancy WUte from wagons. Give us a caH be- i~** chickens J. J. Conner, 4 1„ - ^ u Conner. 61 Manasgaa, Va. 89-tf

__ wagons. _ fore you sell."~E


Emp^a la is .laid upon the tact that the above la the baals upea wUeh-the Oraia Corpotatlon i s prepared ~ to bay vheat at the above maiketa.

There Is «o UMttatloa ttpM the ttU-dep of Bflie er traders 4o bay or sail Whan aarkat. the taffls betag aader TMtitetloatta reaeet.ihe flnrsninnibt prioe With tha tttM. Hmitattona apoa

'•CBlr. • - - . : • , - ; • ' •

For Rent.—Flat on Main street; four rooms and bath; newly papered; electric lights. Rent $10.00 per month. Apply to R. B .SprinkeL -Bl-tt—

For Sale—100 fine whitej^g-hom hens, pullets last fall; guar­anteed to be free from disease and-ta be ag goo^ as any birds obtainable. Oscar C. Portner, Manassas, Va. a-tf

Lefl^oma, $1.50 per 15.

-ners. Va.

$ 9 ^ per 100 or Bhie riMxm win--Ai—5fowig^ I B F


Fire Insurance—If you a i« afraid of Mutual Ass^mentsL try our old line companies, u you don't like the increasing (M line rates, try our Mutual. Tak> your choice. We represent both kinds. Austin Corporation. 58

Wanted.-^-Palp wood eattera; two years work^ good wacca'SBt two^good lieascs for cBtters te stay in close by the timber.. . F . R. S a o n l o i , Meat Matket, Ma-

{•arm for saJe or


>Lhie MjaterrgptleaiaJallk '

Kine^lee, who ha* been the gueiit of ber aunt, Mrs: R S. gyMMa, h ^ retarined tp

ib$. T.VA. Gnor and JGss Delia Cocktell, of Amar^o, Tex-a« a«K visilxas Mra. £Ilen Steele

~ ^id|fai. HwsrW; Bowant:

¥i>» Helen Moore, Miss Mar-—ttret-feith-and

with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. ffibba.

Mr. Afl ton Simpsoo, ^-otte-time resident of Manassas/ was a visitor <» ^ndajr. He is new


pallbeaaiwrf The regular July meeting of

the Community League will be

Wednesday evomtg, the 24^^

tai; tte aKtllii wire advised that'prises la «xeeaa.p( th* roirowtag waald .be «n»idere4. n iadading aaTeasoaaWa tBofta: —^ r-

>re(wpott News. NmlWfc apd Balis' itore, Flottr..4l«in; Feed. ^XH. •' la alMdag aales at pmau not listed.

^ the asIB eaa tgnre the proper relative >m»MMiabie price, by dedoctlng the ^ »gnlarly nsad ieeal .frelglit rate be-

C. C. Dunn and dauj^ter, D^Mrotfiy, visited Son-day at \tit home <tf i i in . (%tMk

-- J>uni^' '. ...y :.:,,_.. ..., ._... ^ ;_": Mrs. Fred Hjriber and Mrs. J

C. Dunn were in ijuantleo M<»-

•Wmiyna Siisinesa trip to Washiiigl<m Frw day, returning Saturday.

Mrs.- 6e(»rgia Comwdl and daughter, ^ Edith, called Momlay \A see ICss A. M. Dmm;

We dont latlaBn here.wAth'ridiea aad _ ".wealth,; T.

Here's aa^^mr and mirtdiei^ go mako dall f9r yoBrsetf. - ^

more on tile shdf,. i i _ - ; . .. -

^^ S > W l B ^ ^ - ^ > ^ ' ^ t l * * lAova-ajuned tennlaia ^iiinte . . , Friend F » a s Jo^*ph.^. ^^ilBlf their fnrtght Mtea, 1^ mflUag.

, , „ . . SNT aatarally baaed. This dedaetlaa " » » r h» te»«l*ao!nftLjiis»ift JKUjiit tt^t^ut wfll give a pilee. balk aOI,

aw<Ae_fanaweat. -, > f r n - i a i l ia«l| tr 1k«a the addltlaB

'"^ iBAVgPLgNTY^^^^ TOR NIP SEED and KALE S E l ^ Jalr2&th is the4ayteaewthea>. Ov fltoek ef mmt^KBS^ COMPUBTE—TIN CANS, JAg lops. w^w^m^aotlatm ^ . A S S E S . . ^ Wr want Eggs,: finitter,. Chkk<i. ens 1 aiything yon have te JEwfl. C^ae to see Ob and biiy War fiatintn fitaaigs,.—.- ——


Alrf dream. I ahaS to thia bettmlB e( tae r«««arly rate fcMs tkm ariU la

«ai<t: "What-a nevw forget, I Vrice

That I woaldnt ga to H.»v».. i knewlfcili^t rate tnm 'nkm ariU <prite^wdH- - ~ ^ I"** ''™ «*^ ttarelatlva

Bat J nef^ once ttiea^ rii get kiel^ • lotf t of HeU." > V ^-HEUBNB WT CHANN.


Tha time baa new arrived

JSaQjt-Bat.jdeBT.te«tber, tt, mate i t BOW.

School^ )!e«shingtin.

heeo visiting her n^thor, R. S. Saaith. hsft Wednesday, ac-compMiied by bar mother Ho visit juatives in Washington.

Mrs. H. B. Smith, of Hi^ewdl, Y*i, has neturnad to bet iHmie, «fter a viat^of T w e ^ at the

fyilpiiiniAl home by Burr.

Tliere wffibe a Bed Crosa (H^ ganixed-st Poreat Hill Ouirdt

'emng at 7.80 u'lJwit by the Rev. Mr. Beard.

Mr. J o s ^ . A b d l , Mrs. Geo^ C o m w ^ and Miss Ariullah Dunn visited at Camp Lee S i ^

Ovet. natioa needs ooT iMlli, Oar alUea aaed ttw aana, H we aeUeva a vietinrj AaibiaattlM

And asw«faidoari Tha atosoi^ to f«il,

- S a J m

' ntjy^i

U e ^ t Frederick H. Cox has *>«««i bansferred from Camp ^ to Camp Meade, Md. Mrs.

— ^ ^ f f U r a v u i t t o h e r h u e b a B d *t Qipmi Lee; is at her hosM in Mamaaaa for the present.

Mr. aad Mrs. Hull, of CJeve-y ^ d , O.. and Mrs. Henry -, of^^^.

"Sshmgton, were the week-«nd- ExBpnsea actoal coat. 7nes{g of Rev. and Miir Stuart Best location Gibson, of the rectory. Mrs. ''***' *»'**' conditiOT«. Hull is the sister «f Rev Mr ^«" '"*• ^^^^ eatalogae and gen Tiko ^ ^ * ' • aral informatJ<». write E. H. EUS-

-^''**^"- SELL. Prudent. 9-71

day and were the goeeta of Mr. Reuben Abell. Mrs. Cornwdl's brother. Wfe Oh gbul to say he was weQ, but jKry hoime-ddk.

Messrs. Geo. Carter, Wifliain Coopar-and ITila WilliaaM wev» vlaiton of Kemp Wtfliania Sun­day at Camp Lee.


.^ fnzp iah all Ql oar dnny jmuid, A»d » e * to fbed tlbit starvng i » a

ILUnnKATIOIf: Oa baala of priae above: SappoalBg freight froas patat ia lee. per barrel, this

tbe rolativa f lSA. n e t

ariB la MjUag a eale at a peiat tak Jqga fraWkt rate ftoat «i | l arate. pet >«—^ thia wMdd glv* a i«latt*«

aba eg WM. .ff^BHUCBB. -^aaaaara la wlO

J M ^ aa ragarla (•odytf^M.aa te tta ab«va aehedala.

An dWOMBtlato aoL In4 «r jwlblBg ftailasss aad aO pack-a»e aMersatlala shagd be •alaf^lned as at pnaeat preaerfbed.


Pprfeeaieaal traiaiac for Pi<tiaiali<a f»» ho ia Mb.



• ^ = ^

When we, Uke poor RaUaad Aad Servia, migtrtrbe

Flo MQflF ( n S Q MM S W

So let OS e a ^ aad aQ Look toe«raathf*aeiL H a * w» way l a w a nflCrvbOVV WX WV"flB1ISt tan.

f Bave^wa on JOB WORK ?

I days It M writ to k advaaes bath tks aad the east Aak KH7KNAL.

ftsr Nvic LgE, rott; AC-cauBsetxaoi lOAS.'m *SL-

HARRT P. DAVIS Maaafwaii, Va.

aooooooooQoooooooooooooooo Ui ^

» • vnt tt togatMr again wttMa taa iriaatas. n t e m^ eaanet faa dsaa aotiida a muhhii aka* wm

Jf^*^" * e a ^ aad aajr asnaiater 'mSr'WB'^i'iiSr ta wrMda wifli Oa w w p H f a W b t a d M i a t M f i S te o S

a«ato tawa. fivaa if ran are aet ia UM Market fbr a aaa-' xitnt now, eotaa in aad «»—iW a sastfatw tfcat k a U k *

la •iJiiiiti Hn X1U.U-I • — ^ »»» » MM ay

Page 6: smxxtm - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... ·

PAGE SIX iri£> mAi^J\JOJ\^ j\fKJ^^e%.iLi) !niVi-^.nsxi^o, \ IIWMII^IA

r i / \ i T r i n | k J U T 7 \ p r f A 1 1 can not accept trainin« at a di»-i l U f U l i l l n u l ^ i v i U i l i ^ f a a e e from th«r homw. Those

TO YOUNG WOMEN 25,000 W M M B Was ted to Evafl

in tMf UaiiM Statw Stu-daat Norse Rea*nr«.

:who register in the D^erred class will be assigned only after the Pr^crred class is exhausted.

THe govNDtnent relies <MI the jiiatndtjfm of tiioee who enroll to fill oMt Prtferred cards if they possibly can. thus volunteering to go where they are most The government is calling for

25,000 ^oung women to join the \ needed. United SUtes Student Nurse Re-j Nobody wttt t e assigned .to serve and hold thraoselves in, any schools whose conditions of readbiess to tndiTftr service as*tndning are not approved by the nuraes. $***« Board of Nurse Exam-

The war is creating an un- iners. ^•ecedented demand for trained, Terms of training.—The term nurses. Only those who have, of training varies from two to taken the full, trainihg course three years, according to the re-are eligible for service with our qiiirements o^ . the particular forces overseas. These nurses i school to which the student are being drawn largely from our nurse may be sent. No course hospitals at home. Their places I takes less than two years npr must be filled by student nurses enrolled for the full training course of from two to three ypjira. Rvary you^g woman who enrolls in the United States Stu­dent Nurse Beserve is releasing

more than three. What the training course pre­

pares.—At iH^sent every woman who completes satisfactorily her training in any accredited school i s eligible-for service«i an Army

a nurse for service at the front > nurse at the front and stands a and swelling the home army, chance of being assigned to duty which we must rely on to act asj absroad. At this same time she our second line of hospitid-de- will be (qualified' to earn her liv-fenae. Uppn the health of the ing in one of the noUest profes-American people will depend the sions op^n to women. It should spirit o/^their fighting forces. {be remembered, furthermore.

Age.—Th6 call is for women that her usefulness will begin betweoi the ages of nineteen and 'not when she graduates from the thirty-five. _ ... . [training school 'but as soon as

Quaiacationg.—Intelligent^re-j she enters it. Practical nurs-sponsible wcHnen of good educfrtting woric is a part of the work tion and sound health are want-: of every trainihg school, and. the ed—the pick of the country. A' student purse is. not only lenm college e^ieation is a valua|>lejiBg to fl^e but serring her asset, and muUiyTiotqHtals wiH erantry f r a T ^ oaliiM^ ' give credit for it.' Credit will I Flnaaeea'—The student nurse also be given for a ipecial scien-j jiets faw faoatti. lodging, and toi-tific equipment or fot-4»wliflu-'tj(„ ^iWe at iH«ctieany every nary training in ntmriny. rach as tr»iAi»g_l^tinril, Cjmit jn moat that given in spefiial courses now, cases r e c c e s a snwQ'nmaner-being conducted by Ttinops e<^ ation to cov4r the cost of books leges and schocda.-Some jichod^ and umforma. After spadua-on the other hand, do not. even . ^ ^ gi]^ Ii3g an en^ iiing eapacity require a full fai|^i-achocA ^^V^*- 4^ from $100^ to $300 « montit. tion. -'• '. I Privnte<hity noraer now receive

Enrollment.—Womeir wiD be' gh average of from $100 fe $120 inmr Tin f>prf"^"^y to onraM in a the United States Nurse Reserve m ' ^ ^ ^^fTom^^^$E0 to^'^9^ three ways: ^ ~ T ~ t g i a ^ irod


Under and by virtue of a decree entered by the circuit court for f^ince WilliuB county, at the June, 1918, term, in the chan­cery suit therein pending styled Hutchison and Sinclair, trustees vs. Jas. Luck, jr. et ab., the un­dersigned commissioner of sale will offer for sale by way of pub­lic auction, SATURDAY, AUGUST i, 1918, at ten o'clock, a. m., on the prem> ises, all of that certain tract or parcel of land, in Coles district, Prince William county, about two miles below Independoit HiU, on the Quantico road, co'a-ustiag" 6f about two hundred acres, of which the late Edith Ldck died seized and j^ossessed.

This farm has on it an or­chard, dwelling, bams and necesr sary oatbuildmgs, well, water, etc., and will Qiake a very 4kair-able farm home.

TEEMS OF SALE.—O n e-third cash on the day of sale^ and the residue on-one, two and three years time, the deferred payments to be evidenced by the purchasiar's interest^ bearing note, and the title to be reserved til! (he purchase money is fully paid.

Possession to be given as soon as the sale is confirmed by the court. -

If any of Ihe land is rented out at the time of safe, the sale is subject to the right of tiie ten­ant; the purchaser, however, to receive the rent from the time of sale. The taxes are to be ap-pmlioned between thjB.jmr6haBer and. the commissipncrs - fen* the year. • -



cuit court for Prince William county, will offer for sale at the same time, (HI the same terms, thi following thre^ several tracts of land«f whidi the late clerk's oSce in Deed Book 66, James Luck, sr., died seized and possessed, adjoining the first above deaKribed tract of 200 acres:

A -raACT OF 80 ACRES Known as the Uhlig land, pur­chased by Jas. Luck, sr., of Se-lina Williams and husband.

IHACT OF 31 AOEUBS More or less, purchasi|l by Jas. Luck, sr., of J. B. Johnson and wife.;

T R X C T OF 554 V4 ACRES More or less, purchased by the said Jas. Luck, sr., of J. B. Nor­man and wife.

For further information, ap­ply to the undersignde trustew.


7-4 Trustees.

March 27. 1907, from A. T. Holtzman and W. C. Wibert and wife to O. D. Foster and S. Eu­gene Foster of record in same

^ ^ ^ Humui miHitlmf wlih-twrcr Students . urtule cm duty;inrtituti<« nnrsa

that <Aft bn trained, not only

lL^^9ji i^'^:g^^L?l'va,^gT^:RgrM;p.ip4 circuit court for Prmoe Wflliam county, do. certify tiiat bond has b e ^ «xeeuted-as ryquirod tqr:|te above decree. •

GEO. G. TYLBJt, O e r t

SALE LUC^ (V omieR • L A N 0 [

The undersai^Md tnnteea, under and by virtue of a deelwe tater-ed June, 1918; in the suit of TTM f**'**" f*"* ffiwrimi-j t r t ^ 1MT»>K whA ^ \ ^

tees, ^ IxuA. e i als., by the eg-

PUBLIC SALE! By authority of a certain deed

of trust from H. D. Gibson and wife to the undersigned trustee, dated the 13th day of December, 1913, and recorded in the clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Prince William County, Va., in Deed Book 64 and page 306 aiul being requested by the holder of the noted therein secured, I will sell at public auction, to the his^est bidder, in front of the courthouse of Prince "( lliam County, at Manassas, Va., on MONDAY, the 22Bd W of July, 1918, at 12 o'clock, M„ the fol­lowing described tracts of land, to-wit: j ^ - ^ " ,

FIRST—579 acres, naorp or teas, beinig Oie same fooperty ecaveyed to S. Eugene Foster l ^ Ferman R. Homfer and Mary Honier by -dead of data April ?f,. 1911, of reeord in the clerk's of­fice of Prihee Winiam County,,

page 267, containing aggregated acres of aft -the said-^raets^ of land of M 4 1 a » e a and 2314 perches, more or less, together with all improvements thereon, rigfts and |«KvIl«««r hiddent thereto.

TERMS OF SALE.—€Mh sufficient to pay off balance due on notes of $12,480, with inters est from November Zi, 1918, taxes and costs of sale.

Tliis is a valuable tract of land situated about seven miles from two raikoad stations on the Southern railroad, in Prince William County, Va. The tract contains much valuable timber, a UiTge number of railroad ties, and is estimated to contain a large amount of pulp wood.

For further information write or ai^ly to the undersigned trustee, or to Wm. K. Goolrick, Attorney at Law, Fredericks­burg, Va.

D. GORDON GOULDMAN, 5-t8 Trustee.


PRBSBTTKiUAN PnabjrtMia& amrefa, B«f.

AUwd SMkr. pMtor. Snndmy—Sawiay School at 9:46 a.

m. — -Prtmcbinz at 11 s. m. lijr, ifr.

Enkine Harvey, of Waahiagtoo. W«di«Hday-T<^)Wr ttmtint at S .

m. Leader, Mr. W. I. Stmn.

LUTHKRAM ^ ' Bethd LoUMtaa Chnefc. 9m. 9*-^

gar Z. PMOS, paatar. v 4 Ouaday 8ana«y Behatl at U

e^doek. iWifhing at 8 p. m.

BAPTIST * Manaasaa Baptet Chnreli, Mm, T.

D. D. CHuk, pastor. Sunday—Sunday SCIMMI, 9.46 a. m.;

Btoming MTviea, 11 o'aloek; R T. P. U., 6:46; •vaaiac Mrriee at 1-M.

Wednwrlty—Pray wiiieHag at 7:80 p. m.

SECOND—143 acres of land, mm?e or teas, _bang the s u a e piwipafty eoaveyei'WB. Kigiene Footer by SaUie M. Barger, by deed of April 20,1910^ recorded in the suDoe cleric's offioe, m Deed iflookSO, page 612.

THERD-^Three (3) parcds of laiM^ omtaming togtitbof: 4SU acres, maii« or less, and two (2) parada of land, fowtahttng 292

WoocTa SMda. Sow

CowPe2is AflerHarmlag&wGrops

rufim* elieuM naiie ovary P'vp-aratian to aew all tho OMV HEAa peialMo after fcaweUwg arala arepa thio year, • • M to Iwereaae Uie fer-Utlty and prodMoU*»w»ee of Utair tanda far erope fe foHow.

TJ^JSowinc of Cow Peaa a t i h e L a s t Worldnff of Corn

lii alao to be atroiHrly reoowmetided. «H«Mre who kave prarillced tkte -•Wm UMI* «aa aa«Mh« «r 4le« «aaa-la earn Ineriaen ttie: yield of •era,

— - a awaaa a

Wrtto tor rooB's «Ror-•d lafer

T.W. WoodA Sou,

(EDAR WAMD Wanted.—Cedar, red or wiate.

Wiite.ior^daflBiuA jakea., , B . *B ma, Va.


(dorlgg the wv Bflt aflfer H, esjie-

(1) As engaging to hold tium-' lai^idr;; and pi^^i&^iealth niur-selves in readiness uA& Aprfl 1, aes frtan ?100 to |250 a month. 1919, to accept aaaignmoattJffli^^i^oot maintoiance. There is nurses' training schools. These I QQ danger of the earning capad-women will be sent to the scho<^; ty ©f nurses being towered after as fast as vacancies ,ocCatr.|the war aids oa account of the Those ©f nnp«yir.i- qi «ti<yKiH«|iU: ^^Jg^^ miinhfr ^n win t h ^ be will be ^ven preferaiee, and it qaj^jifi^ fQJ. the prote^ion; the is. of course, poauUe, that not country will iwed aU the nurses e\eiyone who enrolls wiO be ae-cepted. • ' • - •.'—-—^—

(2) As desirin* to became cj Qiy f„ reamstructiOT woitk. candidates for the Army Nurs-iEvoa if *the war ends within ing School recentiy_ e s t ^ h e d tt,,Be yy^rn fTrry itiidnnt nvttr by authority oi tneWar w®art-»| ,^11 be aWe to~^comidete her ment, with bnufi^ s c A o ^ in «-]jbnyningLand will be needed. iect^d military b<»Pi t^^ . ."" | AaThonoiable. s e r V k e ^ l ^ o -

(3) A s e n p t g m g t o h j ^ t h e m - i ^ ^ t ^ ^ j ^ ^ j p j ^ ^ .elves m readiness untdApnl 1.; i a g ^ i tJia httraing p<ofeasion has 1919. to accept "8«E^n»entsJo i ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

a c iv ihan^fanauunrsc^i^^,^ needa^evety nurse i t can the Army Nunnng ^chooL j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^„

T W United States Stadeast

cither a civiL

Those who so enroll will be caB-

e.i where the ^ J ^ ' ^ l n , ^ Beaerve is the equivalent Th* govenunent- fc^e^tfcat j f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the great Natioaal majonlv of tnose^raa-Ci0al<WWra ~ .>_.• .r t

•' • ' Anny tnining campa f w aol diex*. Hie gownmettt wiO reiy

Ma. 'Sseasea



i i f i t I ^ ^

Nurses' There are 1,579 nnrsea' train-

ng s<?hools m ttaa^- oowntty»-Their need is as mealLaad fai-;Iterative as that of-the Army School of Norsng. Tboae who • nroll for these W^HOCHM wiD be assi^ed as vacancies occur.

The enrollment £ard WiD indi-< are two clasaea of regiatranta—^ Preferred and""DiS^liC' The Preferred ctasa wiUbathoae who are ready to accept aaJBgmnent to whatevo'hoepital the govon-ment directs them, althougi^ they may state what ^ w u n g

it hdUfk to eaic~7dr I thoae injured and disablod in oar haaafUuua war indoatiiaa, saafl to make ttemadvea ready to aerre when the time cornea 'B"fkiSy trainad nursea, « ther abnad or at ouiBe^ Let wt

U a a u a i i tha t's ca l fa the

sc^hool they t>refer to fae *erit 16. Those w!k> register in the Pre^ ferred class will be astignad . firet, and-^Jl poaiible •iihi a } J M r i i r M l P r r a i g l l B i M r i J W tion will be given to Uieir pnsf-erence as stated. TIM Deterred class ia composed of tteo<i who limit their pledge of service— that-ia, who will JttQt,engage to go escept to certain hospitals.

those who, fisr fiBBOr reasena,|



Geo. D^Raker


mi ttm; ami fkm


Bcv. Baraatt GriaMley'a A* Bdlehavan. fovrOi Saaday, 11 a. a . WaedUaa, seeaMl ai

daya, 8 p. m. flatebar Memorial,

11 a. m. and 7:M |i. m. Oak Dale. tUzd Saaday, 11 a. at .

and faat Sonda^, ?fM p. ai. — Anbnra. Srst Soadsy. 11 a. B . aai

third Soaday, 7-M p. m.

Bev. Dr. Cammadc wiD pveadi te the Baptist Church at BvedtaviUa Sunday, July 21, at 8 p. m.

PRDfltlVX BAPTIST Piriaiitiva Baptist Chareh, Eldar T.

S. Daltoo, paator. _ Sarvieaa avary fourth Soaday at U

a. m. aad tha Satarday pratadli^ at

CATHOUC An Saints' OatboHe C^axtA,Jtmm-

Fathaf William GOl, pastor. * Ifaaa at 8 » m., fint aad tUrd Saa-

days. Saoond and f otg<it )9Baday» at 10.-80 a. tt., toaoirad by >anedirtiaa tt tba Btaaaad SaeramaBt.

Maaa will be caiebimtad at dairt a. Snaday ntondna, 3wa»9$, at Lor-

iacOl, Hsymailcet, aad at 11 dUaek iitat UmfnKmaag at Waxreatea.'

SoaOi, HMaaaas, Bav. B. Q.

Sowky Sehapl at 9:a a. IL Prawddac evpy Saaday at 11 f. •

aad'Sp^jB, Kpteft T ^ f a rt T:a» y. wk.'

_ aHrHMin, engy ainday at t V.« . ifaat Oandai •< P W Pj

4aya> a p. ak • QaiaaaVlDa' flial

i d i l l h ' -t « -—-»•

S p. a t aad ftU

'Mjm, l |p. at Wrwlaaar

7:M p. a . d B y a , l l a . a L ;

BartiiaTi-JlTat and tWrt Oaadsara,

Rich'a New Styia Book «r

Ilaiatcatea aercfalof the i bevota tUafal



Pledge yourself to aave to the utmost and to buy a amount of War Saving! StaiW»_ ^ each month.

Page 7: smxxtm - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... ·

F X^tLM^n •., ^\JtJ M.




Kreso Dif No. 1 A t H » * l l t l o« tt K M M Di* ' • • >

EaaaMT (iood for afl UK Stod W* wfll wmd f m tia> a boakM • •

tk* trestBiMtt of • « • • • , aeaaau or pitek nuriT krUultts, aon mootk. •<«.

W* will amd y«a trw » koeUct oa kow U> buUd • boc wallow. wUah will kaep boc* c l c u aad healtkr.

W* will MBd jen. ti— m booUat • • how to keepfoor koa* tmf boai ia-Mot paraalM u d d t w u t

Witt* lar tkHB-tkw u * tns-

Kreao DtpN*. f iaeMf » « « c . • Rclubte 'UM BooBOiBicu*

Mr Sd^ la Ortilnl FMkMM kr



(By Waiter S. SB ONDM

The ffreat PnuUisn gfnerml «{ all time was Frederick the Great Left at tlie head of a marveilous army and with a full treasury by his irascible father, Frederick Willi«m I, wfa» -fiere thao ORce had threatened to execute him, he decided upon war, as he him^ self frankly admits in his own writings, "in order to be talked about."

A great war with Austria was the result, which devastated Eu­rope for seven years and spread to every quarter of the globe. It was deliberatdy ptotted by Fred­erick with no Other purpose than that of increasing the territory

Hof Prussia. In his youth his father had given the following wntten instructions to his tu tors: ''Above all let both tators exert themselves to the utmost t/vinapi"' Viim with a lov<» of anl-

PriBM WWamVhMxwu^ef.

tir Eat Ky line embraces Staple

MBi ftnicy€foeraries' Qgeenswargrlfa and

— Emuiielware——"


D.J.ABRINGTON MAMftssAs. s vmuiaA

Torrheathec heart ttutt paU } iv tniat In T««kinK tube and irocia hard,

AD valiant d^at that'tMiilda on doat, AAd guarding calte a«t t|hee i*

gaard— -For itantlc boaat and <ooli«li word,

Thy Mercy on Thy people, Lordt"




Not liudi nantag Should Be Done b Jvly Bat AttcatiM

Otreii to KHUBg W e e ^


diery and carefully'impress upon his mind thai, as nothing can confer honor and frame,upon a prince except the sword, the mooareb who seeks not his sole satisfaction in it must ever ap-niar a contemptibk character in Va& eyes of the workL"

"TSelwurs 'ot rtedertck ^^^


—Under By virtoo of a cortatp deed ot tnust executed by The Qnmtico ComiMny, of record -m deet^book 70, pages 24-5, and dated July iX IWY, in th^ cleric's ( See of Prmee WiUikm ebonty, and alab an order of-the cireiiit court for the a^feaaid eoimty sutetituting the' lOdar-ngaedas trustee in said deed of trtmL whKl ""*"** ^"j g°tered at the June term, 1918, of said .eoort,.4he undersigned sob^ti-tated trustee, having be«n re­quested so to do by the hoUer df

netea. mcntioHfed in—said tmst, in file p a y o u t «of which default has teen m«de, wUl seB at pnUie aod^ii. to the hifl^esl hidtlfT, in ifynrrtMire wMf rtid dnd of tnu^ UB ~~- •, / ; SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1918, 1^ twelve o'cloek, m., <» the pnoniaea, at Qnantico, aforesaid eoDaty,.Virgiiii», aU tiiat eotaiB piece or pared of land lying oo Qaaatico €^«ek. Prince Wffliata Cuttuly, Virgiiiii^ kuuwu as pat» of " H U M Penn. Point," aad bounded by said C r e ^ a maiirii, aad the landa tii the Quantioo Conqiany. (the Lan^rarin laad)^

Ikaown also as the Wept nK»«or less,


i tnat-as wrilaa the deed from Geo, H, Horlrtnan to aaid XMo^

vand also a viiX of <hMuitig> pany land in deed book d

^ M s S-S is aforeaand flfflee. TEBliS CASH.

FlffiD^ P. RUSSEUit ^ -Sabstitiitsd Trastee.

J. P. Eertiii, AAcY. 6^

Great oiade Prussia tiie greatest state in Germany. The next st«p was to make her the great-est jwwer in Eun^ye. Thi^Ebi-porer William I and Otto vrai

lofBktodi Iron," did by thrpe Short, teiti-

^ {JHc/warB agafeat BqMraB*-iB 1864, agaimst Austria and ihe SoutM«ennan imi^ in 1866, and against France^ 187A:

t'tiunia's a « t ibm; wiudi the presoit Kaiser, TIHlUam II, idans dikD talcfr idaoe ooder hiftieact-exship^ u the Maite^ ^ t h e World. j T t e oewn |>wf w thmi' u*

WJffM Mid MUBI distaht-si no great deciaiop can _ b^^c^

Through the Bureau of Nagi-gation the Navy Department is now collecting photographs of all men of the service who have lost their lives in service against the enemy. To perp^ti ate the memory of these men who have made tiie sacrilice their pictures are to be preserved in the vari­ous training stations of the coun­try. Secretary Daniels has re­quested that these photographs be sent to the Department by the next of kin.

As rapidly as these pictures are received copies are made and the originals returned to the owners. A photograph of each man is then forwarded to—the training atation where he beyan his career in the service. There a meqiorial gallery of honor or a hero's'corner is formed so that for sdl time the faces of the men

supreme sacrifice may be hon-orefd by the youths of the future s«it to the station for training.

tteiaaveiF T>eesi tost in We present war who have not received requests for pictured .are-asked to mail them to the Department for tMs ine-

An i»cturei sKrald^be

W. Bajneia, Director AgnculLuiv, AgricnUiizal High School.

It is comparatively easy for-the hoioe gardener to produce vegetables during the spring and eariy summer, but the really ef­ficient and patriotic gardener is the one who, by successive and companion cropping , produces the maximum amount ofvegeta-Hes during the entire jawing s^umn. Too often we find that the garden is allowed to run to seed and is given up to the weeds, especially during the months of July and August, when weeds make their strong­est efforts in the strugs^e for ex-istenfce.

Since the first killing frost is not expected in this section until some time between October IS and 25, it is safe to inclndein the fall garden such vegetables as lettuce, spinach, turnips, p&NAey, multiplier onions, radishes, car­rots, and beets, provided they are planted at the proper time. Not much planting should be

of the Navy who have made the dMieduratg July, but every op


portunity shoukL be taken for killing weeds and preparing the seed bed for the August idant-

men^-whe-harepng; season Much might be said-about fiie

proper succesdni of crops,; though it is essentifd prindpidly to remember that a aecwd plairt-ing Of the siune ercq) or a closdy

after they bera marked with the ^le first because the same dis-

Basoe, 4>ruaeh-^theHiarviee and tnuliinr station the yoimg man entelred after enUstment. These should be addressed to tl» R^ eniiting Divirioa,' Bureau of

forth IgJt^fen without Geraaany and tiie' GearmU Etfipover.' (Kaisor's Speech. Kid. July 3, 1900.)

*'QvBt German Fatherland, to wjuch I hc^e it win be gninted * * * ft> become in Jhe iufaire as clbsdy united, as powetf^, and as aitthoritative as aace. the Bomap worid-eminre was t aad thai, i"»t as iiiUHi i^^iiing they said X;tvfat Itumanua sum,' hero-after, at some timie in the fu­ture they win 8*yTiuna_^ter-inafi «ltl»!ii.'" (KaiML'B OiMndr

^ Rector & Co. H A Y M A R K E T . VA.


H famkliad ftttiug

' iBsfe yea wn

. ttMi^rsttiiwMtekaaw hi alfnee M k tike «MHt7 • •1 the eMt Aik THK IMMDIAL.


SaalbaiX. October 11. IMOL) —"Our next WW wS be 1m^ for .the highest interests of our country and of mankind. 'World power or downfallf will be oor

m«iy aad the ifezt Wtf> ^ U ,

K e ^ your eyes and euv open. Take nothing for granted. Ac-eept no thein~eX6^ tbdee backed by :£iiet9^—Your energy and Moi^

P.16C)-"The Gemam peoide are so

situated Hi 'Emoge ^ a t they oidy to ran and take what-

B»« they reqa&e. TbAky it ia ^o^ Gu uiiM^ t» fiee fnsea a Eo* roimai "pSiet fo a wwU power, Puyie policy promfMd by Ihv

taijan dreama are imbedlity. Statesmanahi^ Is business. The Gonan peojite are always fight because tiiey numbCT 87,000,000 aeolk.'' (TaimeidMT. OTDSS-Dsateehland. ffa.-2Sft:2Sl.J

nt people shsokl aric 9s whethtf we in _ worid-power that overtops the other world powen'su gieall^ that Germany would be t h e o i ^ real world power, the reply must be that the win to world power

j » jfimit.!' „lGn*?w»ky,.Di« aeoe Deotachland, 1914.)

FM" WMW power, then, did Germany pursue the fatal poli-cjes <rf mflitariBm which flnafly resulted m the frt^llu! Boi ' caust now raging-m Eoropi

Navigation, Navy 4>epar^enit, Washington. D> C Whaii^c^ led. the photogn^ wiB' be v^ Inirned to the~Bradl^ Mth «K o<

edpies.—-^ • ". ...——••


tard-.. fi^low root .crops such as Irish potaioes, beets, pwrsn^. or earrots, w those grown for fruits sodi,as Qsnatoes, pe|>-pers, and mekms. The practice of cumiianHia eJOflilhig M illus^

Ciovmiuh0Dt~~re6bkdB-slhiw "ftat tTalcd by sowing a cn^ of dwatf this is a heeded precaution. Be ever watchful of these people whom all cf»lliied cuuutiies liow

Every German and Austrian in tibe United States, anlem known by ye>n Pf <4ose associa' tiim to.be iabwdntely loyal, should be tr t * afi'a potential spy

digtrnut an^^Tr™ « if>n»hiiiy-fc»y

ma^ sa»e tiie )ife of your SMiryeor husband, your bR^Oier or the Uvea td masir ttat are dear to others. Oor whole oo«n^

man and AnBtrtei ^ ies who are transmitting infotnatuB tp 6^ enaaies. Hany of these ai weridng ia s m ^ town* and r^-ral seetKms whete hemefiAs

.Km^i^t»wmia~i»m h»

aMe to this., and many Ameri-can pgtfriots are today outui yuig wate^r gravea, dae to «UHUy{wilt sckm seeifting informatioB in Aiueriean homea..' Watch the spreadiag of any form of Gennan ^o^agaada. LiateB for any disloyal word wtteted. Note

jouf hnewledge pgouiptiy to-tte Departasent of Justice or The Army Intelligence Bbreao. This is your patnooc <faity. TBff

been wrecked, we are reminded of the w^emn pn^o* of Ep-ling^ "Secesskm^":

Irm oiF <mr addicrs «lqKad upon [ yfyrtafrkfit ^"^ ^ it. Laws have just been passed by oor Congress throu^ which we can now readrafi guilty par-

It tk tte Haa ia oar^midst

against when we moat era*

^ " ' " I • . i|l ^ I • • • . • I " ' ^ • . • ^ ^ M ^ » ^ ^ — ^ • » ! —• » — — ^ — ^ I M — — I I - • • "

Home I^essed and

, Lamb, Veal and Pork


Paid for Countnr Produce and l ive Stock ^


mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmml^ r

eases~4md insects t&t affect one win affectjdl. Far exanplej to^ matoes, eggrplants, and peppers should not f(dIow each other; neither shbuld : £lAibage. follow .caufiflower, Brussdl ^ sprouts^ mostud,^^ kale. Bariy beans may be followed'by catfesge; to-matoes by iqwnarh, pdustard, ex

eaijj. uihUiige by taiSi

Jewelry^ Sporting Goods When you think of purchasing-a watch, a ring, a scarf

or brooch pih, or other jewelry, remember We can sui^ly your wants. Most anything in the

sporting goods line will be found here— ., atan^lractiTe prksBi,

Waicli Repms ad FittiBg « Qasset

Hb. X

Inmtkmt amt Manaetaa, Yirgs^

Henry K. Fielcr& Co., I j i ^ 9i^;ie% LaA^^Di^ Sisk

BliiMb and BofldingjAbtediili^

'wKrn nffii T No.' l i s M. Baion Street

caMwufe kafe. spinach, <«• mps-

eariy peas between the rows of ~ late turnips; removing a idant of eiijly Win bauis at <r evtsyloghteien mdies u i d f a c ­ing a late cabbage jriantt or idanting: Hubbsrd sqaash (win-

eea cue hills xst sweet eom. Do m»t aDow any of the garden -land to remaiit i<fle, even though any early crop has beat' Tonisved igid it is not im^ica-Ue to follow it with a wjccession '<aw^ FlUt cow jieas or Crim-aiai ttorer to tura vuiut fee-the in^Kovemeat of the soO.

Efficient gardening demands wA oidy a coataaal war <n weeds bat on plant iliseeeea and insects~a8 wdL Iiuecte that

tM> frady td l <rf titt aaainga:«£|«ii«w^-MeeeBtrDSBd-^ potaoo-ffc _ } T -WLMLajl ^ oarHi^^id saddle nsects by dust-

4 « g their bedics. BofdtauT Witw tuie is effective in the prevention of noet ftiagous <BsihaBrl sodi 'a

blight. A limited amooat of this' fungmde, to-

^ g e t h a r with "BbM^ Leaf keroecae emotskin, Paris green, arsenit of autTimA areenat of lead b ke|»t as a' part of the

-Hcpen all- equQuncat—s»-within Hi«h Seheoland will distrib-

ut«d IB MtaAU quantities fmr the purpose «€ detnoBstratin^ their efficiency. TKl>lea «howing the latest safe dates tor ptanung

fan gardCT, and for the proper" saecession of

be obtained upon re-crops can est

Beading of this ugly purpose «i |tm the watch. I^adbttn Tbnea. wkidt the peace of the worid has

A few who think they are win­ning the war single-handed could

ffifl^ School. Don't fafl to make every reasooaUe. effort to have an t^Sgaeat dO-year-round gar­den' that win make yoa indqwn-deat of the market'for vegeta-


P R I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D .

Vtetory: No. I l l N. Lde Street. AL£XANI>RIA . VA

SAIflTAKT tire ia hei wcatheE. AH •Mate arc pttDtectad frsai the: •miyfly^

THIS stateaient has heca reitcr-ated hi Ihnw 1 iJiiMaii weekaf^ ter wwk, bai we waat yba to


' reahie that what we have t c t twyaa i sa

AteFPT. Thetejg-. haportaat toyaaa

i ; y e v aeiglibor wiy stel i a i phased with aqr service, tt

•rr-.^-wfflde-asl V'lNPNlBSS. I1


Page 8: smxxtm - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... ·

— (

Our Feed Supply is Compkie Fmdil « » « w a .oMi be •ilranced—better Ig «»

kMe Bitock UMonGniDS.Bc'tr D^^Suone Feedy Cottoii Seed ineal


Cora ami Oatft. Ako a uHiHiirtr stock of Poultry

Mim C4>nk I . M^OBtjojr, of

her P « R B U at BcUfair retnmmc to WaaitiBCton

•ftcnoiaB. t o Q u B t k o bjr her fanxther. Lav

jfiM FVioie. Xr. and M n . H. I^ Tubfas kad

Caiap Lee last Tknsd^r. afla-

aa thar mat* Soadaj fneadfr^fraa WM|ra«tcRL ._

ifiiari Majr and EoA Lack n-ceatiT vicited tiw MiMCS at their h o s e ia tlie raHtj.

Mrs. L. D. Doaohoe aod M M Harriett DOWM niart TlnmdaT ID tfTTrf^". and visited at tSe ' iKKine of l b . aod I f n . Wi J. Ashbjr. . Hr /TUT f i ~ «f motored UL Kopp Kadqr Qoon.

Mr. AltOB P. HefaBca bosness trip fe» BcBfnr Mffls Taeflday

MnL^RTTT -risited her Brooks, at FafiMaOL:

Corpocala S^aB. ai of Headquarters Reft^ Quantiea, guestM at tlw hdaMS'«< Mr. P. M. C<^ and Mr. T. J. W«

Misaes! Bay Lode Walter, FriMeft ind Btik mood

hr bMH^rattkat

very popalar paster of Cliftaa B^tiat ChBck^ w J apcapir tlie po^xt of tkat cJuutfa next day at 8:30 p. m.

WcJiare had a few w a n t diTS and folte a csod deal of darag He

Mr. Besj . Lowe <fied at home, Monday manaog, Jutf IS, after a lingering iBaea*- «f months. The terred at BeBeharca Tuesday aftonooit' -* Fteeral services were eoadaeted by Kev. Bamett Grimriey, «f pastor of ^BlSKksrmi OnaSt: The Odd F enemies were h e l d ^ flfe £tt-wfaicb ftd

He leaves to timdy death his and fivednUrea.

The paTnwairis-WiQ Betzer, Gedirie Capai.Thaa,

SermoDd Storfce aa V\ oodyard- •

The sympathy ct the neighborhood is extcaded la O a bereaved faimly.

An importaat :ng of the AmericaB BeS C^iir" «3r~ 1* held at H<rfmes Sehaol rjght. All «i to be preaent.

R«v. Alford his last riiurch ration, the vail-SaHsfattiua.* sermon the Lonf s observed.

The yooagpegptels meeting I flB^g.»»,^y ?iri7 ?7th

Qalf. mt. Xarria Wihna, v h a is aa aaastaat secp^ary i s the Y. M C A . mi. who tea had

V a , his peets soea «• «» t* Ftmee «• work thtta.

farm EKmhcth Hajneoek ea-tcrtained at aa afteraoon tea on

at apoa.oNf aatfl BiihiVht; proeeads for the beaeftt of the Ked CiMS. Cooie, everyfaedy. and doat ftmet TBBT

Mz. aad M m B. E. LaHaiTae ami eUidrm aad Mrs. Y. A. La-Hayae viiitod ait Mr. C B. darha's the w«ek-ead.

Mrs. V. A. LaHoyne expects btr poreh Satanfaiy aftowMo in to vt the

^Fhe Qaafi ^SkOfT

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