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Tuesday 17th of February 2015 Vallauri Carpi, work-in-progress This meeting-interview is the last one of the series We wish we can find another reason to meet again. We heard them speak huge concepts, through the bashfullness of some and through the fierce challenging spirit of others which is such a must and such a classic in those years! We are early as we enter the school, a proof of our impatience, and we wait for the students. These boys and girls have agreed to see us in the afternoon, despite they weren’t compelled to… so we thank them, as we thank the other schools for their precious time and their wonderful welcome to us (we are extremely sorry that they weren’t more) We introduce ourselves and we explain why we put in place all of this, from our point of view.. we start with the questions to know theirs. “the theme is wonderful, it had us chasing information on the internet to know who Kronos was, it was tough, but interesting, wide, we felt free to express ourselves” “Ziegler’s video… impressive.. he’s good…” “the time is too short?.. no… the less time you have the more you feel the challenge.. we’re gonna make it…we still miss some materials but one week is a lot!!” “We’ve always worked as a group, it was fair as each of us had a specific know-how to bring in. One’s idea was then taken in charge and realized by the others too through personal changes.. a virtuous circle” We saw the teachers turn pale after listening to some badly conjugated verbs.. but we also saw them
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carrying the same proud of a mother when her son makes her feel uniquely lucky. There’s so much inside them… so much that we can’t hope to ever tell everything and tell it all correctly!! We take the contents and hold them close, because it’s not true that today’s young ones don’t feel like doing anything. The age doesn’t help, and the free time is a lot.. still. But if you throw a point in front of them in a shorter time than you can think it becomes a full romance. Good luck to you too. May the best man win… even if, honestly, we’re relieved not to be part of the jury…because we’d choose all of the students and all of the projects!!
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October/November 2014 One year ago, more or less, it was 2013. An idea. Ideas are the core of actions, but before the so called actions come to life, they’re confined down there. Inside an idea. The desire to play a game, a collaboration, a creative challenge. A step backwards in the constant chase at the latest technology, which is spreading across the globe, just to get back to craftsmanship, just to get one’s hands dirty, just to give attention to the opportunities that, across the youth, can sky rocket a young artist anywhere. A contest for students, and everything that needs to be told accordingly, in those years, dazed by the approach to maturity, transposed in colors, or black and white on a wall. The school is there, more than you could think. The youths are there, bringing the thrill of the First Times. The teachers, which we personally thank a lot, are at the forefront, proud to be there as the very students themselves. Snatt Lab is there. Let’s move forward…
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Thursday 23th of October 2014 Greggiati high school (Mantova) It’s 'Thursday, October 23rd, it is a beautiful day and we are heading to Ostiglia, close to Mantua. Today we will be guests of Greggiati high school, who asked us for availability to meet the students, talk to them and answer their questions and the professors’...this will be our first in person chat with the young ones, our first taste of how it’s going to be like... and it feels kind of weird, it feels like breaking away all of a sudden from theory and starting to build something tangible with your bare hands, it feels like stopping daydreaming about something and doing it....It's definitely a good feeling, but we do not know what to expect quite yet. Truth is though, that things turn out to be far easier and more spontaneous than what we could expect, as we can just sense it right away after Professor Galafassi welcomes us in the spectacular computer room and introduces us to the class. The atmosphere is chilled and we all feel relaxed watching our ice-breaking Zio Ziegler’s video, that is the perfect tool to incept the topic of the contest and the challenge that we are bringing with us.... The footage, played in front of a selected group of youths internally chosen by the classes themselves, proves to be eloquent as always, as, apart from its eye-catching property, it brings to attention some of the most fundamental concepts to us. We hope that by witnessing this the youngsters can absorb the teaching that to play the game at your own risk in life is important, and that if you do that, you must be consistent and earnest and keep the pledges you take, otherwise you won’t be taken seriously yourself, and above all, that the outcome and the potential advantages you’ll get
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from it, will mostly be proportional to the effort you have pursued your purpose with. Ok, the video is over.... what now? Now here come the questions. After duly speaking about the timelines and the rules, we dive into the main topic. It turns out that the students are really hyped up about the subject of the contest, the one involving the time stream, and the change in the common conception of taste and aesthetics. Right away from the first questions we sense that the potential is good, and that they are thinking of possibilities we couldn’t even figure out... and we have no interest at all in slowing them down, on the contrary, we try to succeed in delivering the message that everything is in their hands, that they can give free rein to their creativity, and that’s where they can make a big difference, inventing, surprising and breaking free from the usual forms, as only the young minds are able to do! For now everything’s still blurry, all of their ideas need to shape up in a clear form, jam with the ones of their classmates, on and on until they slowly give birth to a successful common project. But the gears are spinning already... it’s just a matter of time.
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Tuesday 28th of October 2014 Toschi high school (Parma) It is the 28th day of an unusually warm and sunny October, as early in the morning we reach Toschi High School, whose scenic background is always a pleasant and addictive view. We find ourselves inside of a towering building, in a charming and majestic location and we can’t help but hoping for a happy ending for this meeting, as the interest the school has manifested towards our project could go either way, depending on our presentation. Here we are, in front of the Principal’s office, were we find a few professors whose classes are directly involved in learning the know-how of the techniques we chose for the contest! So we start our presentation and answering the related questions, that become progressively more and more detailed, curious and interested, breeding inside us the hope for a positive feedback. Once out of the magnificent building , we carry an enthusiastic feeling with us, as we know that the message of who we are and what does our project long to be has been received loud and clear from the professors, the same way that their initiative and interest about our proposal have got to us. We could almost state that we “sense” that they’re going to bet on us and on our challenge… Tuesday, October 24th… an exchange of excellent impressions.
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Wednesday 29th of October 2014 Vallauri high school (Carpi) Galvanized and fast paced in this clear morning of October we reach Carpi, a northern Italy hamlet, mostly popular for its tight bond with Italian apparel and the “made in Italy” trademark. Vallauri professors are there waiting for us, and deliver to us a warm and friendly welcome. Once the customary introductions are over, we get to know better the reality of this school by going through a series of brochures and pictures showing the students’ projects across the years; after a quick view of the Doucme? contest we establish together the vital steps to be taken for this new path to be successful. The faces we see in front of us are thrilled, hyped up and most of all ready, they’re ready to start this new journey and this challenge, a brand new inducement for them. The time comes for us to say goodbye, but not before setting a new date, this time directly with the students, to be able to meet them, have a chat and answer their questions. We take leave from this scenic location and drive back to our headquarters, with one more positive experience to be lined up next to the others we went through, up to now.
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Wednesday 25th of November 2014 Vallauri high school (Carpi) It’s November 25th, Tuesday, and as promised we get back to visit Vallauri high school, to meet the students this time, carrying the questions and the enthusiasm proper of who’s about to enjoy a “good story”.. First they’re a little shy, and show some of the reluctance proper of who’s afraid to make a mistake by speaking their minds, but then they start telling us a little bit about the things that they have in store, and ask us questions accordingly, about how far they can go in twisting the theme and bending it to have it fitting a personal taste or idea, or how far they can re-think the techniques involved to obtain an unique layout. A young boy enquires us about the possibility to realize with his classmates an enlightened panel exceeding the maximum sizes allowed by the contest, because he wants every detail to be noticed… “because this way it looks better” he says to us!....obviously, for a matter of equality this is not feasible, but we’re pleased he asked, they’re driven to create. In the final minutes, we end up with fireworks, watching Zio Ziegler at work at Snatt’s… while the footage plays on, the students are very excited, as they are seeing that young Californian artist taking care of a 250 square meters wall as if he was sketching a mark or two on a paper sheet… This view super charges them up, and incepts inside them a sensation of concreteness and feasibility of something that just minutes before looked impossible to realize. See you soon Vallauri .
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Wednesday 17th of December, 2014 Toschi high school (Parma) Today, a step away from Christmas Holidays, in a freezing cold day (so Christmas like). we are receiving a visit in the afternoon, as 2 professors from Toschi high school are coming over interested in acknowledging our reality; Dressed up with jacket, winter cap and gloves we take them for a visit to see the walls that could be turned into artworks from the future winners of the contest. By the look on their faces we can see they were not expecting such a big location, with such large blank walls almost looking like they were made on purpose to host marvelous creations, so they take a camera and start putting together up their own report for their students to be aware of the task, once they get back. Excited to see the outcome of all this say good bye to the teachers from Toschi..
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January 2015 Finally, we have all the schools registered .. High schools G. Greggiati in Ostiglia ( MN ) , Blaise Pascal in Reggio Emilia (RE), G. Romano in Mantua (MN) , P. Toschi in Parma (PR), and G . Vallauri in Carpi (MO) .. have bet on our project .. The idea .. The title .. The invitation draft... The rule book draft.. The race against the clock and the bureaucracy to collect the green lights from the schools It feels like we started this yesterday ..... instead we’re dragged into the new year already.. the year that actually sees the creativity and the courage of this new generation under the spotlight, and why not, this new year could also reveal new talents and potential artists. The wait for the for the first drafts is sky-high .. the project titles we saw on the forms opened the door to many different interpretations, increasing our curiosity !! Eager to live together the highlights of this journey, we await for the next step : the delivery...
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January 2015 again Work-in-progress Questions and interviews to the protagonists In the loads of operational and procedural meetings we’ve been in in these months, we’ve often questioned ourselves on whether if we had chosen the right theme, techniques, modes and leadtimes. If we hadn’t rather concentrated on a personal idea of ours instead of actually fitting in the shoes of the actors whose film was playing. Were there more techniques to be added? News, concepts to be explored deeply? (later on, we’ll learn from the students that, the more unknown knowledges our task would have demanded, the more they would have applied to learn them and succeed) Had we left too much choiche in letting them personally decide if regrouping together or carrying on the challenge by one’s self? And Zio Ziegler’s video, played in every school… what did it ignite behind the astonished eyes of the students? What thoughts did it unleash? Apprehension? Competition? Dreams? You know how things go? At some point, one gets tired of asking himself thousands of questions without any certain answer to hold on to. Moreover, let’s just say it: we really fancied the idea of seeing you all again. Let’s go then. 5 questions and the request to be allowed to hop by for a check point (which is a more sofististicated way of saying “show us what you’ve got until now”
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There you go then: here’s the heart of our future interviews. What did watching Zio Ziegler’s footage trigger inside you? What do you think about the theme chosen for the contest? Do you prefer to work as part of a group or by yourself? Better? Worse? What did you personally add to this contest? And what have you taken from it? 5 Techniques. Even if more can be added, were they few or many? Others suitable to the contest that you can think of? See you soon guys. Get your answers ready.
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Friday 23th of January 2015 (work in progress visit to Greggiati of Mantova) It is not an easy task to describe what happened this morning at the Greggiati high school in Mantua It doesn’t even seem real, just a couple of months after the contest was on, the concrete and operational side has taken over, the students are completely committed to the task, becoming part of an ideal combination, professors and students all driven towards a common purpose, working together to achieve a goal giving the best they’ve got and trying to lay it out in an unconventional way as well. The boys and the girls are probably not necessarily thinking victory-wise in this moment, instead they’re trying to show their inner message to the jury. The chats and interviews are very interesting, we are travelling backwards to the past, as during the work hours on these projects they don’t need technology anymore, it is just used as a useful support, and not as the main subject anymore. These youngsters don’t run away as the bell rings, instead, they stay and have discussion with us, they explain their doubts, tell us their first impressions on the contest and the feelings they got while putting together their work.
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The trembling hands of this girl, as she was showing a sketch of hers… that’s where you can tell the importance of this thing from… that’s where you recognize their enthusiasm, their focus on developing the projects The scenario is a bunch of super busy young minds giving all they have and getting their hands dirty, being excited while doing this. It feels a bit weird as this adventure runs fast forward, since noticing the life force they put out in what they do makes us wish we could witness it constantly. It works as a motivation for us too, and leaves a sweet taste in each one of us.
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Our timeschedule is not being followed, we get lost in this place, and can’t leave.. Wonderful. We’re very sorry when we have to go, time is merciless, but just to us, because these young ones..well it was them who actually ate Kronos indeed! We wish everybody good luck. See you soon guys, we can’t wait for it.
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Thursday, 12th of February 2015 Blaise Pascal Reggio Emilia, work-in-progress We’re hungry. Hungry to see, to listen, to live students teachers and classes again. Nostalgia of school, of expanded times, of chances, of lightness. Nostalgia of class laughs, of solidarity, of copied home-works and of skill that, unconsciously , increases. But saying “unconsciously” is probably not correct… The deadline for the delivery it is just about here and maybe we should leave everyone alone... but we still have questions for them, opinions to trade and more pictures to take. We have this diary waiting for more pages. The hospitality from the teachers and the students has never lacked, and once again we’re guests. The 5 questions defined as the “heart of the interview” push the youths to amplify the topics. They feel free to let their opinions loose and they often speak without the need of asking. They tell us about themselves and about what they’re doing: the differences, the shared factors, the limits they suffered and the spaces they could fill with some of their own ideas, time and new knowledge.
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They tell us about the researches done to acknowledge who the hell was Kronos.. about the works they’ve done at school and at home, the groups and the debates related. The pessimist, the mediator, the idealist, the technician. Who works on computer graphic often would whish to dirty their hands. The time probably was too short, or maybe it has passed by too quickly. Working alone would have been easier maybe. Having more choices with no boundaries seems to be many students’ wish. Life experiments. It’s amazing watching these boys and girls, what an idea this contest has been. We’re thinking of the next one already, but…don’t tell this anybody!!!
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Friday 13th of February 2015 Toschi Parma, work-in-progress It’s the 4th work in progress meeting we’re in already, and we already know what to expect when we meet the students on their battlefield.. That’s why we’re happy. Going there and witnessing the birth of the artworks, their evolution, and the explanation of how they were built is a personal satisfaction which leaves aside the contest carried on by our company. At 8 am we enter at Toschi high school and we start meeting with different groups from different classes, each of whom was assigned a different working technique, according to an internal decision from the school. Here we feel like we’re in wonderland… projects on lighted installations, varying from a luminescent female silhouette inside a large sphere made of clothes, looking like an artificial goddess from an incoming future, to a representation of the evolution, across the years, of the society tastes and concepts of beauty, showing yesterday’s women body against today’s through astonishing lighted bodies, so different and distant, but linked by that omnipresent line which is time. What’s behind their works is brilliant, sensitive, personal and original, and the preparation work, research and documentation is huge. We can notice it just because we’re here, as this doesn’t show by just watching the final result…
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It’s a must for them to attach the history of their works once they present them, the way their eyes see what they did.. We’d miss so much if nobody explained them to us.. really. The graphic works are even more astonishing, here we travel through the greatest systems and the meaning of life… we’ve created a monster! A boy tells us about his drawing, beautiful, complicated and full of deep implications concerning the balance of the forces within the universe, the cyclicality and inevitability of events.. and this goes on for about 10 minutes!! Another girl introduces her presentation saying that in order to acquire some more knowledge about the 2 key words of the contest, clothing and time, she did a little research on fashion and Einstein’s theories and quantum physics… Honestly we don’t know what to say.. Unfortunately today time is running out and the students to speak with too many. We fly by another class which is working on a very particular format. It’s like an embossed design with pre-established colours, being so the base structure basically the same for everybody, it’s up to them to flavour their works with their respective personalities. We chat a bit and ask some questions, we are interested in knowing what they think of all this. They’re so many, but the feeling is that despite the concerns and the doubts, everyone is here because he wants to.
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What we really do feel is a huge shame is the idea that there will be an internal selection before they get to us. We wish we could see them all and save them on our computers, just to look a them again anytime we want. After almost 3 hours of full immersion in this world we greet them all, as we wrote down their thoughts, took pictures and witnessed their marvellous works.
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What did you think when you watched Zio Ziegler’s video? He’s a genius. It’s the story behind the theme that impresses me, it’s about more than just a brush. What a trip, impressing, astonishing…. A mistake, I’ll erase it with whitewash. He had it all in the back of his mind, we don’t. You feel inept, he has style. His video make us think big. Zio Ziegler’s words inspired us greatly. Stimulating and very intense, scary but willing to accept the challenge. Very impressive works, with a free mind, if he can do it so can I.
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Your thoughts on the Competition’s subject I was disoriented, I had to do some research, I didn’t know who Kronos was. It’s hard to find a connection between the two themes, evolution is not an easy thing to represent. At first we were doing manger scenes… I felt comfortable with mythology. The title’s abruptness created a wall for me that I had to break down. A bunch of ideas, there’s no time. Versatile, different from modern projects, it brings you back in time. I had the possibility of learning new things because I had to first understand before inventing.
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Your thoughts on the Competition’s subject I was disoriented, I had to do some research, I didn’t know who Kronos was. It’s hard to find a connection between the two themes, evolution is not an easy thing to represent. At first we were doing manger scenes… I felt comfortable with mythology. The title’s abruptness created a wall for me that I had to break down. A bunch of ideas, there’s no time. Versatile, different from modern projects, it brings you back in time. I had the possibility of learning new things because I had to first understand before inventing.
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What does the project give you and what do you give the project? Limits I don’t have much will and the professor knows it. I put forth my ideas and realized that maybe I can do something. It made me curious, thirsty for information, time – I skipped school mornings to take part in the project afternoons. A limit is being judged for a personal creation and interpretation. I gave my time and commitment to it. It gave me the possibility of manifesting a social protest through the theme. I would have given an extra month on the project. Fashion awareness – we had to do some research on the subject. We never did anything like this before. Realization is the hardest part. I gave it my personality. The fact that our professors gave us the drive to work effectively. We are ideas, commitment, perspective, our own mind frame. I felt free. An exit.
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Sufficient techniques or should they be integrated with others? Had there been unknown techniques, we would have had the opportunity of learning them. There was a wide choice of techniques to choose from.
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Name of this work: THE FASHION DISTRICT

Student name: Matteo Devicenzi, Matteo Iotti, Valentina Cremaschi, Francesca


To represent the fashion flowing through the years, we decided to show different

characters inside their own houses, during one of their normal daily activities.

We decided to use a urban frontal view, and to focus the attention only on one point,

as if we were looking through a magnifying glass.

The laundry threads are a sort of bridge among windows from which different people

from different historic periods look out, from 700’ to the latest days, standing as the

society trends at their own time.

We have Mary Antoinette and Garibaldi, the only “famous” characters among the

others, while the rest are common people in common activities.

Elements put on th threads are typical of their period, such as corset, feathers

necklace and so on.

From a stylistic point of view we decided to exclude stencil technique and anything

else that would mean an extreme simplification of images.

We had a look on different street art world and the ones that inspired us the most

were “Etam Ecru”, a couple of guys of Polish origins that became famous for their

huge works and the amazing impact of their images.

Brilliant colors and bizarre ideas are they key elements, we tried to give the same

idea of colors, and the particular use of the shadows they use.

Our work would be mainly a painting with acrylic colors to achieve shiny layout


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