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Page 1: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Page 2: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Style Yourself Confident is a different kind of website.

I’m not going to tell you what you should wear and how you should look because no-one knows how you want to look and feel – only YOU!

But if you’re ready for the Look Good/Feel Good factor you’re in the right place.

You can't change your natural coloring or your bone structure, Nature decided that at the moment of conception, but it’s easy to discover the COLORS SHAPES and STYLES that help you to look your best - whatever your age shape or size.

Making the most of yourself isn’t rocket science, you just accentuate all the good points that NATURE gave you and disguise or camouflage the bits you’re not happy with. It’s a bit like doing a jigsaw!

Cleverly, Nature left you with lots of positive messages. I call it BODY TALK! Listen to your BODY TALK and it will show you how everything fits together.

Have the confidence to take what works for YOU and your LIFESTYLE and reject what doesn’t.

I’m a retired teacher and Image Consultant (I hate that title) and I share my knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of STYLE MAKEOVER.

I’m a wife, mother and grandmother, I certainly don’t have a perfect figure or a big bank balance but I whole-heartedly believe that every woman deserves to feel good about herself.


Page 3: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Style Confidence has nothing to do with FASHION but everything to do with


Page 4: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE



Page 5: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


All of these things make YOU who YOU are!

Enjoy and make the most of what nature gave you with face and figure. I’m going to show you how to accentuate the POSITIVES and eliminate the NEGATIVES!

So put yourself in control and DO IT YOUR WAY!

By putting yourself in control and feeling comfortable in your skin, STYLE CONFIDENCE is within your grasp!

Page 6: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Body Talk no. 1 - Your Natural Coloring / COLOR ANAYSIS Your first BODY TALK message is hidden in your coloring. Your eyes, hair and skin tone all have natural colors and they will point you towards a whole spectrum of colors that allow you to look your best.

This is COLOR ANALYSIS and I show you several different ways to discover your own Color Family.

There are 10 Color Families

You might have a Tonal or a Seasonal Color Family. The 6 Tonal Color Families are just how you might describe yourself: Light, Deep, Cool, Warm, Bright or Muted/Soft – and the 4 Seasons are a mix of these characteristics.

Every Color Family has a whole spectrum of colors; but YOUR Color Family will have the very best shades of each ready to bring your natural coloring to LIFE!

Why does this work?

Nature provides a color palette for every living thing. Have you ever looked at a landscape and seen colors that clash? Or spotted a wildflower that isn’t at one with its surroundings? Nature knows the colors that will make you look your MOST ATTRACTIVE!

Page 7: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Color in Nature is organic

Color in nature is completely organic and works from the INSIDE OUT. The COLOR FAMILY of the rock structure itself is echoed in that of the shrubs, plants and wildlife that live and depend on it creating complete HARMONY.

COLOR ANALYSIS works in exactly the same way for us, from the INSIDE OUT!

Your Color Family, too, is organic (genetic) and shows you a whole spectrum of color shades to echo and complement your natural coloring. When you choose clothes and makeup in these shades you WILL look your most attractive.

Want a shortcut to COLOR then you need PERSONAL COLOR ANALYSIS online!

Color Analysis – the perfect start to STYLE CONFIDENCE!

Page 8: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Body Talk no. 2 - Your Body Structure / BODY TYPE The second BODY TALK message lies in your bone structure. Your firm body frame and the relationship between your HIPS and SHOULDERS decides your generic BODY TYPE.

Whether you gain or lose weight your BODY TYPE stays exactly the same. There are just 5 basic body types and remember it’s always:

SHAPE not SIZE that counts!

Would you put a square tablecloth on a round table? Of course you wouldn't because the shapes don't fit!

A square tablecloth on a round table looks awkward while the round tablecloth drapes and looks elegant!

Page 9: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


It works in exactly the same way on the firm structure we call a BODY FRAME.

2 basic Hip Shapes - CURVED or STRAIGHT will direct you to either a CURVED Body Type or a STRAIGHT Body Type. Although there is the odd anomaly most body frames follow this pattern.

It doesn’t matter in the least what shape you are – identifying your Body Type will help you to find clothes that fit and flatter.

Identify your HIP SHAPE and BODY TYPE or there is a ridiculously easy QUIZ!

Page 10: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Body Talk no. 3 – Your own unique BODY SHAPE Although the 5 basic BODY TYPES are a great starting point, everyone’s actual BODY SHAPE is unique! No-one’s measurements are exactly the same.

Being more aware of your shape and dressing accordingly means that you can address individual parts of your body to either disguise or improve the way YOU like to look. So your unique shape is the message for BODY TALK no. 3.

It’s frustrating to say the least…

… but there are very few women who can buy off-the-peg clothes with a perfect fit. You see we’re not made in a mold to fit into pattern sizes 8, 10 or 12 so most of us have certain FIGURE CHALLENGES when trying on clothes.

Your Horizontal Body

What fits one woman will be wrong for another. Some parts of your body may conform to a regular fit while others are completely different. Some bits you like and some bits you don’t like.

Page 11: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


One woman will relish having a generous bust while another will want to minimize her assets. One woman enjoys being petite while another longs to look taller. We’re all different and there are many ways YOU can change the look of your figure with the shapes you choose to wear.

What every woman wants, whatever her shape size or age, is to look in the mirror and FEEL GOOD about herself.

Your Vertical Body

So don't blame yourself or your figure, dress for your shape, and be prepared to make a few adjustments if necessary to achieve the best possible results.

DRESS FOR YOUR SHAPE, address your own figure challenges and put yourself in control to FEEL and LOOK your best – BODY TALK no. 3.

Page 12: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Body Talk no. 4 – Your Personal STYLE and LIFESTYLE

The way you choose to dress is dependent on your PERSONAL TASTE.

It’s often said that FASHION is what you buy but STYLE is what you do with it! Style is not about following a trend, it’s a way of LIVING.

Your look may be classic or edgy, crisp or fancy, ladylike or outrageous. There’s no right or wrong way to dress – your look only has to work for YOU and YOUR LIFESTYLE!

Your PERSONAL TASTE is important, your likes and dislikes are the instinctive messages that provide you with a feeling of COMFORT and CONFIDENCE. That’s BODY TALK no. 4.

The most Stylish Woman…

….you know probably has a look that you find easy to admire. She may not be the most fashionable of women but she's surprisingly CONSISTENT in her choice of clothes.

She's found a look that suits her body shape, is appropriate for her lifestyle, it makes her feel confident and comfortable, and she STICKS WITH IT!

You don’t have to put a name to it, it’s called STYLE CONFIDENCE.

Page 13: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE


Got it! What is STYLE? Style is CONFIDENCE! So once you’ve found your Colors and know your Body Shape

Your creativity will BLOSSOM!

Although we recognize and admire the style of others, most of us find it surprisingly difficult to identify our own STYLE PERSONALITY.

You don't have to dress in the latest fashion to be stylish - but you do have to feel COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT in what you’re wearing.

Throughout your life...

your personality, lifestyle and taste have all been influenced by family, lifestyle, health, emotional stability, education, finance, opportunities, media, fashion... Phew! All these factors played a major role in molding you into who and what YOU ARE, what you THINK, how you FEEL about yourself and how you LOOK!

Not really surprising then that, often, the way YOU LOOK has just sort of happened – rather than from any choice you’ve actually made!

Your style doesn’t have to have a NAME, you don’t have to fit into a particular category and there should be no pressure to conform to any SPECIFIC LOOK. YOU have the freedom to be WHO and WHAT you want to be! That’s your BODY TALK no. 4.

Page 14: SO - REA DY TO STYLE YOURSELF CONFIDENT? · 2020-05-02 · knowledge and experience on the Style Yourself Confident website so you have the tools to explore your own kind of S TYLE



The world as a whole often regards the older woman as invisible but it's easy to take back control of the way you look and feel with a little FUN, flexibility and plain old fashioned COMMON SENSE.

There’s plenty of that on my website!

So let me help you to find the SHORTCUT TO STYLE that Nature designed for you because it's never too late for discover the style that's right for you!

There is no better designer than Nature" Alexander McQueen

© Pamela Graham 2020


“I find most women are like me, don’t want to look like fashion models, just want a bit more confidence”


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