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  • 8/8/2019 Social and Behavioural Science - How Academia & Industry Can Play Their Part


    Social andBehavioural


    Countering theterrorist threat:

    How academia and industrycan play their part

  • 8/8/2019 Social and Behavioural Science - How Academia & Industry Can Play Their Part


    This booklet is or everyone inacademia, industry and otherresearch organisations whosework on social and behaviouralscience could help counter theterrorist threat to the UK.

    nternational terrorism is acomplex social phenomenon.Application o social andbehavioural science canmprove our knowledge andunderstanding o terrorismand its consequences. Socialand behavioural science candirectly inorm strategy, policyand operations and help ensurethat the Governments responses robust and eective.

    Foreword 02

    Section 1: Social and behaioural

    science in CONTEST 04

    CONTEST: International terrorism

    and the UK 04

    CONTEST: Science and technology 05

    CONTEST: Social and behavioural

    science 06

    Ethical considerations 06

    Section 2: Ke challenges 07


    Improving decision-making with

    intelligence data 08

    Understanding capability,

    vulnerability and attack

    indicators in terrorist organisations. 09


    Rening our understanding

    o radicalisation 10

    Developing eective Prevent

    interventions 11


    Identiying suspicious behaviour 12

    Improving protective security 13


    Understanding crowd behaviour

    during terrorism incidents and

    emergencies 14

    Improving the operational

    eectiveness o emergency

    response teams 15

    Cross-cutting challengesReducing alse positives in

    our counter-terrorist work 16

    Communicating with the public,

    stakeholders and communities 17

    Understanding the economic

    and social impacts o terrorism and

    counter-terrorism interventions 18

    Section 3: How to get inoled 19

    Im in academia or industry

    with a bright idea. Who should

    I contact? 20

    How does the Government

    gain scientic advice on

    counter-terrorism? 22

    How is the Government

    communicating with academia? 24

    How is Government communicating

    with industry? 28

    Where can I look internationally

    or inormation and unding? 29

    What should I do next? 31

    Glossar 32

    End notes 33



  • 8/8/2019 Social and Behavioural Science - How Academia & Industry Can Play Their Part


    his document, which has been

    roduced by the Oce or Security and

    ounter-Terrorism in the Home Oce,

    the second in a series linked to the

    cience and Technology Strategy or

    ountering International Terrorism,

    ublished in August 2009. Each o

    hese booklets provides more detail

    bout the security challenges we ace

    nd explains the role that the sciences

    an play in tackling them.

    The intention o these documents

    is to engage academia and industry

    to reduce the risk to the UK and its

    interests overseas rom international

    terrorism, so that people can go about

    their lives reely and with condence.

    That is the stated aim o CONTEST, ourcounter-terrorism strategy, which we

    revised and published in March 2009.

    The rst o these booklets set out

    how some o the security challenges

    we ace can be addressed through

    the use o technology and the physical

    sciences. This booklet considers the

    role o social and behavioural science.

    It also identies sources o unding

    and explains who to contact or more

    inormation and advice. I hope you

    nd it useul.

    Admiral the Lord West of Spithead GCB DSC

    Parliamentary Under-Secretary o State

    Home Oce

    Adiral the Lord West o Spithead GCB DSCParliamentary Under-Secretaryo State Home Oce




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    Section 1Social and behaiouralscience in CONTEST

    CBRN strategy will be released shortly and published at


    ONTEST: International terroris

    nd the UK

    he 2009 National Security Strategy1

    entied international terrorism as the

    most signicant immediate security

    hreat to the UK. While terrorism is not

    ew, the current threat is dierent romhose we have aced beore in its scope,

    apability and ambition. Contemporary

    ternational terrorist organisations

    ave an international cause, plan and

    onduct attacks in and rom a range o

    ountries and aim to infict signicant

    vilian casualties. Many seek to

    ecruit people in this country. Some

    rganisations aspire to use Chemical,

    iological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN)

    materials as weapons*.

    he nature o the threat and the

    overnments response is set out in

    he revised UKs Strategy or Countering

    nternational Terrorism (CONTEST),

    ublished in 20092 (a brie review o

    he rst year o the revised CONTEST

    trategy will be published shortly).

    he aim o CONTEST is:

    to reduce the risk to the United

    ingdom and its interests overseasom international terrorism, so that

    eople can go about their lives reely

    nd with condence.

    CONTEST is based on a set o principles,

    refecting our core values, the lessons

    we and others have drawn rom our

    experiences o terrorism to date, and

    the broader security principles set out in

    the 2009 National Security Strategy.

    We regard the protection o humanrights as central to our counter-

    terrorism work in this country and


    Our response to terrorism is and will be

    based upon the rule o law.

    We will always aim to prosecute those

    responsible or terrorist attacks in this


    We will tackle the causes as well as

    symptoms o terrorism.

    We will work towards reducing support

    or terrorism and preventing people

    becoming terrorists: without popular

    support terrorism is unsustainable.

    We will be responsive to the threat

    that can be created by rapidly evolving


    We recognise that partnerships in this

    country and overseas are essential

    to our success and that these

    partnerships depend on openness and


    The threat we ace crosses our borders

    and is international in scope. We will

    depend upon our allies as they will

    depend on us.

    CONTEST is based on our workstreams,

    each with a clear objective:

    Pursue : to stop terrorist attacks.

    Prevent : to stop people becoming

    terrorists or supporting violent


    Protect : to strengthen our protectionagainst terrorist attack.

    Prepare : where an attack cannot be

    stopped, to mitigate its impact.

    Work on Pursue and Prevent reduces

    the threat rom terrorism while work

    on Protect and Prepare reduces the

    UKs vulnerability to attack. Together,

    they reduce the overall risk rom

    international terrorism. The revised

    strategy also emphasises a number o

    priorities common to all the our main

    workstreams: one o these is science

    and technology.

    CONTEST: Science and technolog

    In August 2009, the Government

    published the UK Science and

    Technology Strategy or Countering

    International Terrorism3. The strategy

    outlines how science and technology

    (including social and behaviouralscience) can better enable us to

    pursue terrorists, prevent radicalisation,

    protect essential services and

    inrastructure and prepare or a terrorist

    attack. It also sets out our objectives

    or the next three years:

    To use horizon scanning to understand

    uture scientic and technical threats

    and opportunities and inorm our

    decision making on counter-terrorism.

    To ensure the development and

    delivery o eective counter-terrorism

    solutions by identiying and sharing

    priority science and technology


    To enhance international collaboration

    on counter-terrorism related science

    and technology.

    Section 1


    Section 1



    Countering the terroristthreat: Social andbehaioural scienceHow academia and industrycan play their part


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    he strategy commits the Government

    o producing a series o brochures or

    cademia, industry and other research

    rganisations about science and

    echnology in counter-terrorism. The

    rochures outline our research and

    evelopment requirements.he rst o these brochures was

    ublished alongside the strategy and

    entied counter-terrorism challenges

    hat could be addressed by technical

    cience4. This brochure explains the

    hallenges that may be addressed

    hrough the application o social and

    ehavioural science.

    ONTEST: Social and behaioural


    ocial and behavioural science includes

    many separate disciplines including

    ociology, psychology, criminology,

    nthropology, economics, political

    cience and communication studies.

    he common themes o social and

    ehavioural science are, respectively,

    the study o society and the manner

    which people behave and impact

    he world around us5; and the study

    the actions and reactions o peoplehrough observational and experimental


    pplying scientic method to such

    omplex subjects requires a range

    approaches including surveys,

    uestionnaires, interviews, ethnographic

    tudies, ocus groups and observations.

    hese approaches generate both

    ualitative and quantitative data which

    an be used to draw conclusions about

    ociety and the individuals within it. In

    his context, quantitative approaches

    deal with numerical measurements

    whilst qualitative approaches deal

    with how people understand their

    experiences. Providing the methods

    used are robust, both qualitative

    and quantitative approaches are

    equally valid.Social and behavioural science is

    essential to understanding why

    individuals and groups behave as they

    do, knowledge o which is essential

    or countering terrorism. There are

    challenges related to social and

    behavioural science in all parts o

    CONTEST and Section 2 o this brochure

    describes these in detail.

    Ethical considerations

    Work carried out by social and

    behavioural scientists on behal o

    Government is carried out in accordance

    with strong ethical principles, such as

    those laid out in the Government Oce

    or Sciences Universal Ethical Code

    or Scientists6 and the Government

    Social Research Services guidance.

    Researchers ollow the guidelines and

    ethical codes o their proessional

    organisations and where appropriate,studies have ull independent

    ethical review.

    This section outlineschallenges or UK counter-terrorist work that may beaddressed by social andbehavioural science.

    In each part we have identieda core challenge, some oits associated social andbehavioural eatures, and thesocial and behavioural workthat could help us in the uture.

    Section 2Ke challenges

    The section is structured around each

    o our main workstreams o our counter-

    terrorist strategy:

    Our Pursue work depends not just on

    understanding terrorist intent and

    planning, but also on eective analysis

    and decision making during complexand ast moving counter-terrorist


    For Prevent to make a dierence

    we need to understand why people

    become radicalised, how and where

    we can intervene most eectively in

    the radicalisation process and how

    we can then assess our progress and

    identiy best practice: in this context,

    radicalisation is the process by which

    people come to support violent

    extremism and, in some cases, to

    participate in terrorist groups7.

    Our Protect work will benet rom

    accurate detection o suspicious

    behaviour, whether rom an individual

    in a crowd or an employee inside

    a key organisation. Our protective

    security measures depend not only

    on new technology but also on a

    better understanding o associated

    human actors.

    For our Prepare work we want to

    understand more about crowd

    behaviour during an emergency

    incident and about how the response

    o the emergency services can then

    be made more eective.

    Section 1


    Section 2

    Key challenges


    Countering the terroristthreat: Social andbehaioural scienceHow academia and industrycan play their part


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    he Pursue workstream aims to reduce

    he terrorist threat to the UK through

    he detection and investigation o

    errorist networks and the disruption

    their activities. Terrorists operate in

    ecret and intelligence is vital to detect

    nd disrupt their activities. In the pastve years there has been a rapid and

    gnicant increase in intelligence

    esources at home and overseas,

    or the intelligence agencies and the

    olice. These resources have been

    rganised into new structures which

    nsure unprecedented interagency

    ollaboration, recognised internationally

    s a model or successul joint working.

    proing decision-aking with

    ntelligence data

    he Challenge:

    ntelligence and law enorcement

    gencies identiy and disrupt terrorist

    ctivities. But the investigation

    individuals engaged in a covert

    onspiracy to commit a crime is

    herently challenging. Inormation is

    mbiguous, complicated, constantly

    volving and not always accurate.

    ecisions must oten be made inast-moving and complex situations.

    Ke challenges:Pursue

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    Inormation about terrorist activities

    comes rom numerous sources,

    including digital (e.g. inormation in

    ocial databases, phone records,

    online activity), human (e.g. rom

    members o the public, inormants andthe security agencies) and orensic.

    Investigations are oten carried out

    across multi-agency and sometimes

    multi-national teams.

    Decision-makers must take account

    o public saety, political, legal, ethical

    and practical concerns.

    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able

    to apply existing or new research

    to develop:

    Eective methods o eliciting and

    assessing inormation.

    Improved methods or recording,

    searching and displaying digital


    Techniques that acilitate and enhance

    eective decision-making in multi-

    agency teams.

    Eective training to enhance

    investigational skills.

    Understanding capabilit,

    ulnerabilit and attack indicators

    in terrorist organisations.

    The Challenge:

    We also need to constantly improve

    our understanding about how terroristorganisations work how capability

    develops, what capability creates

    most risk, what infuences the choice

    o target, how behaviours may reveal

    intent, and what determines motivation.

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    Terrorist groups operate in secret

    and their activities are oten hard

    to distinguish rom those o the law

    abiding public.

    Terrorist attacks are usually planned

    and conducted by groups rather than


    Terrorist activities are infuenced both

    by actors external to the group and by

    internal group dynamics.

    A terrorist group must develop and

    maintain motivation and capability,

    whilst remaining hidden rom law

    enorcement, the attention o

    communities and, sometimes,

    rom riends and amily.

    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Understand how terrorist groups

    develop the technical and psychological

    capability to conduct an attack and

    how this might be infuenced bygovernment actions.

    Identiy actors which infuence a

    terrorist groups choice o method and

    target o attack (e.g. individual, social,

    ideological, security and broader

    political actors).

    Identiy how terrorist behaviours

    change as they move into attack phase

    and how those behaviours might be

    identied and distinguished rom the

    activities o innocent members o the


    Understand how and why terrorists or

    terrorist groups develop and lose the

    motivation to conduct an attack, what

    the indicators o these changes might

    be and the associated implications or

    government policy.

    Section 2

    Key challenges

    Section 2

    Key challenges


    Countering the terroristthreat: Social andbehaioural scienceHow academia and industrycan play their part


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    Ke challenges:Prevent

    reventing individuals rom supporting

    r engaging in terrorism is one o the key

    bjectives o CONTEST.

    he most signicant international

    errorist threat to this country currently

    omes rom individuals and groups who

    ttempt to justiy murder by reerence todistorted interpretation o Islam and

    ho try to recruit people to their cause

    om among Muslim communities. But

    the recent past other international

    errorist groups have targeted dierent

    ommunities here and have justied

    lling on other grounds.

    he numbers and percentiles o people

    ho are recruited to violent extremism

    re very small. But the impact they can

    ave is disproportionately large.

    omestic violent extremist groups (e.g.

    om the ar right) are also active in this

    ountry. They have their own message,

    xploit a dierent community and seek

    dierent range o targets.

    efning our understanding o


    he Challenge:

    iolent extremist groups would not beble to operate without recruiting people

    ho are vulnerable to their extremist

    message. We need to better understand

    ulnerability and the processes o

    adicalisation. It is particularly important

    o understand the comparative infuence

    ideological, psychological and social

    actors operating in this country and

    n this country rom overseas8. The

    overnment can continue to identiy

    ppropriate responses and evaluate

    he impact o existing counter-

    adicalisation projects9.

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    Radicalisation is occurring or a range

    o reasons

    Ideology (both extremist and violent

    extremist) and ideologues play a

    key part.

    But people appear to be vulnerable orreasons which are more psychological

    than simply political.

    And very local grievances may be as

    important as protest against global


    Group behaviour can be a important

    actor: recruitment may precede


    Communities in this country are

    subject to infuence rom here and


    Prevent works in an area o high

    political sensitivity: it can wrongly be

    construed as a critique o Muslim


    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Understand the reason or and

    process involved in the transition rom

    extremism to violent extremism.

    Explore the techniques used byradicalisers and determine who and

    what makes an eective recruiter.

    Develop a greater understanding o

    the needs and challenges aced by

    communities who are targeted by

    radicalisers and establish what actors

    have made and still make communities

    resilient to violent extremism.

    Develop an understanding o the

    comparative infuence o international

    and domestic actors on the

    radicalisation process.

    Investigate the role played by new

    and conventional media (notably the

    internet) in the radicalisation process.Understand how perceived or real

    grievances are used by radicalisers

    to justiy violence.

    Deeloping eectie Prevent


    The Challenge:

    We need to develop eective ways to

    challenge the radicalisation process.

    Some interventions, which have been

    developed to address this challenge

    in this and other countries, seek to

    change behaviours (i.e. disengagement);

    others aim to change attitudes (i.e.

    de-radicalisation). Some aim to do

    both. Government is already unding

    interventions and best practice is

    emerging. But we need to do more.

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    Measuring attitudinal or behavioural

    change can be dicult.

    Evaluating outcomes is more

    problematic than measuring process.

    Many eective international

    interventions have developed outsidegovernments and in some cases in

    other policy areas.

    Data on the extent o radicalisation

    internationally and trends up and down

    is not consistent or always reliable.

    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Capture best practice rom around

    the world, notably in communities and

    Non-Government Organisations.

    Understand the comparative merits o

    approaches based on attitudinal and

    behavioural change.

    Understand what works rom other

    elds o intervention such as health

    and crime, and investigate their

    application to preventing radicalisation.

    Improve methods o outcome

    evaluation drawing on knowledge o

    successul assessments in other elds

    Better understand the broader globaltrends: how prevalent is radicalisation

    to violent extremism?

    Section 2

    Key challenges

    Section 2

    Key challenges


    Countering the terroristthreat: Social andbehaioural scienceHow academia and industrycan play their part


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    Ke challenges:Protect

    ne o the objectives in CONTEST

    to reduce the vulnerability o the UK

    nd its interests to terrorist attack.

    his is the purpose oProtect. It

    equires protection o critical national

    nrastructure, crowded places, the

    ansport system, our borders, andur interests overseas; and protection

    gainst threats rom insiders.

    educing our vulnerability to terrorist

    ttack involves developing ways to

    dentiy terrorist behaviours and the

    eployment o counter-measures

    hat deter, disrupt and minimise the

    arm caused by those engaging in

    errorist activities. In responding to

    his challenge we need to ensure that

    ecurity measures command public

    onsent, minimise intrusion and do

    ot create disproportionate disruption

    o everyday lie.

    dentiing suspicious behaiour

    he Challenge:

    n individuals behaviour may contain

    ues as to their intent. We need

    o develop techniques that enable

    entication o terrorist actions and

    ehaviours in a range o contexts:

    hese might include crowded places,

    ey inrastructure locations or security

    heckpoints, such as the airport or UK

    order. Any approach must be proven,

    minimise intrusion and enable people to

    o reely about their day to day activities.

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    There is no unique set o behaviours

    or prole that always reveals terrorists

    or their intentions.

    Many behaviours which may be thought

    suspicious can be entirely innocent

    Crowded places present high-volumemovements o people.

    Insiders have legitimate access

    to their organisations assets and

    premises which they can exploit or

    unauthorised purposes.

    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Improve understanding o the

    behavioural indicators o concealment

    o small arms, explosives or other

    materials associated with attack


    Develop methods and approaches

    that might acilitate the detection o

    terrorist research, reconnaissance

    and attack planning, or help rustrate

    and deter such activities.

    Improve systems and human

    processes to automate the detection

    o these indicators.

    Iproing protectie securit

    The Challenge:

    Protective security requires eective

    monitoring, detection, searching

    (e.g. o people at transport hubs) and

    response (e.g. to a suspect package).We need to improve these processes.

    We also need to improve the design

    and management o environments to

    make them harder targets or terrorists.

    And we need to make it easier or

    the public and employees to ollow

    security instructions, ensuring minimal

    disturbance and intrusion.

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    Repetitive security procedures are oten

    poorly understood and sometimes are

    circumvented or ignored.

    Operators become subject to

    complacency, atigue and boredom.

    Large numbers o people requireprocessing at checkpoints.

    Most positives will be alse.

    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Develop techniques that promote

    security awareness and vigilance

    amongst employees, notably in

    national inrastructure organisations.

    Develop ways to improve the

    attention and response-time o

    security personnel.

    Combine the social and physical

    sciences to optimise the perormance

    o security personnel and improve

    the design and management o

    vulnerable sites.

    Develop techniques that help the

    public to understand and ollow

    security measures.

    Inormation about the Governments approach to reducing

    the vulnerability o crowded places to terrorist attack will

    be published shortly and can be ound at http://security.


    Section 2

    Key challenges

    Section 2

    Key challenges


    Countering the terroristthreat: Social andbehaioural scienceHow academia and industrycan play their part


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    Ke challenges:Prepare

    hePrepareworkstream aims to mitigate

    he impact o a terrorist attack where

    cannot be stopped. This includes

    ork to manage an ongoing attack as

    ell as to recover rom its atermath.

    ective Prepare work means ensuring

    hat capabilities are in place to dealith a range o terrorist incidents, that

    here is continuity or swit recovery

    our critical national inrastructure

    ollowing an incident, and that crisis

    management structures are appropriately

    quipped and trained. It is essential

    hat emergency services can respond

    ectively to a wide range o incidents

    nd recover as quickly as possible.

    nderstanding crowd behaiour during

    erroris incidents and eergencies

    he Challenge:

    he behaviour o crowds ollowing an

    cident can determine its impact.

    rowd behaviour may help to alleviate

    otential problems: members o the

    ublic may be the rst responders on

    he scene and appropriate action may

    elp to save lie or prevent injury. But a

    rowd may create additional problems:

    anic and chaotic behaviour may hindervacuation, the handling o casualties

    nd public health interventions. We

    eed to understand the reaction o

    rowds to dierent situations and

    ow to respond.

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    Multiple situations causing variable

    levels o ear and public concern (or

    example radiation, biological, chemical


    Multiple audiences, some with existing

    relationships to others in the group(e.g. amilies).

    Complex links between group and

    individual behaviour.

    Varying levels o leadership.

    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Enhance our understanding o how

    crowds behave in emergencies.

    Understand the implications

    o collective resilience or the

    management o crowds.

    Collect evidence regarding the

    relationship between communications

    and crowd behaviour.

    Provide clear guidance about the

    relative importance o pre-event and

    post-event (early) communications.

    Provide clear guidance about the

    impact o eective command and

    control on crowd behaviour.

    Develop communication tools andstrategies or managing crowds.

    Iproing the operational eectieness

    o eergenc response teas

    The Challenge:

    Emergency Response Teams (Police,

    Fire and Ambulance Services), provide

    crucial assistance during the earlystages o an incident and will help

    determine long-term recovery. We need

    to understand the actors which make a

    team eective, including coordination,

    communication, command and

    control, and training. We also need to

    understand the expectations and needs

    o people at the scene o an incident,

    and the roles and actions o Emergency

    Response Teams.

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    No two emergency situations will be

    exactly the same. There will be a

    degree o uncertainty about every

    emergency situation.

    Multi-agency response teams have

    dierent priorities, training andexpectations.

    Group behaviour occurs among

    those involved in an incident and in

    Emergency Response teams.

    There are varying levels o eective

    leadership in command, control,

    advice and coordination roles during

    and ollowing an incident. Emergency

    advice may come rom multiple


    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Develop training to improve the

    eectiveness o Emergency Response


    Understand the impact o eective

    leadership, communications and

    coordination on the operational

    eectiveness o Emergency Response


    Understand how the expectations othose aected by an incident will t

    with the capabilities o Emergency

    Response Teams.

    Section 2

    Key challenges

    Section 2

    Key challenges


    Countering the terroristthreat: Social andbehaioural scienceHow academia and industrycan play their part


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    Ke challenges:Cross-cutting

    ome challenges apply across more

    han one o the CONTEST work-streams

    nd may impact on all aspects o

    ounter-terrorist work in the UK.

    educing alse posities in our

    ounter-terrorist work

    he Challenge

    Many activities and characteristics

    terrorists are common to those

    innocent members o the public.

    Methods o detecting possible terrorist

    ctivity can produce many alse alarms.

    We need to nd ways to reduce them.

    ommon eatures o the challenge:

    The number o terrorists is very small

    compared to the number o people who

    pass through any security system.

    There is a very high cost (human,

    social and nancial) to the UK i a

    genuine positive signal is missed

    There is also a lower but still

    substantial cost or each alse

    positive to which we respond

    Rapid expert judgements need

    to be made repeatedly.

    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Develop ways to help security experts

    and ront-line workers to understand

    and improve their own judgements

    and decision making

    Reduce the number o alse positives

    by improving our processes or the

    detection o signicant signals

    Reduce the impact o alse positives,

    and the chance o missing a true

    positive, by improving our processes

    or investigating and reacting to

    apparently signicant signals.

    Counicating with the public,

    stakeholders and counities

    The Challenge:

    Communicating with the public,

    stakeholders and communities is a vital

    part o our counter-terrorism work. Usedwell, communications can protect the

    public rom terrorist attacks by keeping

    them inormed and alert, aware o both

    the threat we ace and the measures we

    have in place to manage it.

    Communications can deliver a clear and

    persuasive statement o the reasons

    or Government policy, in particular

    around questions o balancing public

    saety with the protection o individual

    human rights.

    Communications can also create

    resilience to terrorist propaganda.

    Eective communications o this kind

    depend on an understanding o actors

    which make violent extremism attractive

    or protect communities and individuals

    against it.

    Dierent audiences can react in a

    range o ways to the same message.

    Understanding how messages should

    be constructed and the eects theycan have are vital to Governments

    continuing dialogue on counter-terrorism

    with the public.

    Common eatures o the challenge:

    Delivering clear and consistent

    messages which are also fexible

    enough to reach multiple audiences

    that hear the same message in

    dierent ways

    measuring and infuencing complexattitudes on counter-terrorism issues

    across a wide range o audiences,

    where these attitudes are privately

    held and sensitive

    Some o the populations we need to

    understand better i we are to reach

    them successully are small, dicult to

    access and already heavily surveyed.

    How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Develop robust ways to understand the

    relationship between communications

    and attitude and behaviour change,

    and to measure the eect o counter-

    terrorism communications in changing

    attitudes or behaviour (or example

    public understanding o Government

    counter-terrorism policy or o levels

    o threat, or community resistance

    to radicalisation)

    Understand the right (and wrong)audiences or communications aimed

    at changing attitudes to violent


    Understand the relative importance o

    broadcast press, other media sources,

    communities, groups and individuals

    in communicating Government policy

    relating to the CONTEST strategy or

    shaping support or or resistance to

    violent extremism.

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    Key challenges

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    Key challenges


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    Section 2

    Key challenges

    nderstanding the econoic and social

    pacts o terroris and counter-

    erroris interentions

    he Challenge:

    alculating the wider impact o terrorist

    vents is a complex problem as suchvents are low-probability and high-

    mpact (also known as shocks). They

    an cause signicant loss o lie. They

    may also have nancial and social

    mpacts resulting rom disruption and

    amage to inrastructure, rom loss o

    ondence and enorced change o

    estyle and work patterns.

    he aim o CONTEST, the Government

    ounter-terrorist strategy, is to reduce

    he risk to the UK and its interests

    verseas rom international terrorism,

    o that people can go about their lives

    eely and with condence. But counter-

    errorism policies inevitably also have

    ome economic and social impact.

    is essential that we understand

    oth the eects o terrorism and

    ounter-terrorism in order to develop

    he best policies or addressing the

    hreat we ace.

    ommon eatures o the challenge:The risk rom terrorism is low-

    probability but high-impact which

    makes it dicult to compare to the

    costs o tackling it.

    A balance needs to be drawn

    between measures intended to

    preserve our right to security and

    our rights to privacy.

    People will experience and respond to

    counter-terrorist measures in dierent

    ways and have variable understanding

    about them.

    In common with many other policies,

    counter-terrorist work will have

    unintended consequences.How can industry and academia help?

    Industry and academia may be able to

    apply existing or new research to:

    Understand the cost o shocks

    (low-probability, high-impact events),

    and how society responds to them.

    Understand the priorities people

    attach to privacy and security.

    Understand how people value

    protection rom potential terrorist

    attacks in dierent circumstances,

    rom everyday commuting to attending

    major events.

    Understand how this changes with

    any shit in public perception o the

    likelihood and eect o a terrorist


    Improve our estimates o cost-benet

    ratios or individual policies.

    Identiy the direct impact o counter-

    terrorist measures and policies on

    individuals and communities.Assess societal attitudes towards

    counter-terrorism measures and


    Understand how interventions

    will eect the complex dynamics

    o the social systems and predict

    at least some o the unintended


    In this section we explain howacademia, industry and otherresearch organisations canengage with Government andother relevant bodies. We setout what we are doing to developour links with academia andindustry bodies engaged insocial and behavioural science.

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    Key challenges


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    he Oce or Security and Counter

    errorism (OSCT) was set up as part

    the Home Oce in March 2007. It

    upports the development, direction,

    mplementation and governance o

    ONTEST. It also delivers those aspects CONTEST that all to the Home Oce.

    n relation to science and technology,

    cluding social and behavioural

    cience, its role is to coordinate and

    rect research and development

    elevant to counter-terrorism. OSCT

    eriodically releases open research

    alls in counter-terrorism science and

    uns the INSTINCT programme, which

    ms to improve the Governments

    bility to be an eective customer o

    novation. The Science and Technology

    eam in OSCT will help academics or

    epresentatives rom industry access

    he relevant department and provide

    urther inormation about research calls

    nd INSTINCT.

    mail: [email protected]



    The Centre or the Protection o National

    Inrastructure (CPNI) is the Government

    body responsible or protective security

    advice to owners and operators o the

    UKs Critical National Inrastructure.

    CPNI aims to ensure researchersunderstand security needs in order to

    stimulate and give direction to uture

    research eorts. CPNI will also identiy

    existing research that relates to their

    own research interests. CPNI works

    directly with individuals and research

    groups, supporting/unding council

    activities and commissioning work

    rom university consultancies.



    With terrorist threats becoming

    increasingly sophisticated and diverse,

    science and technology is playing an

    ever more important role in the planning,

    preparation and prosecution o military

    and security operations. The Counter-Terrorism Centre serves as a hub to

    make the most o resources in the MOD.

    While the primary objective o the Centre

    is to ocus on MOD requirements, it can

    also help other government departments

    engaged in domestic counter-terrorism.



    The Home Oce Scientic Development

    Branch (HOSDB) is a core part o

    the Home Oce that helps to apply

    technology to reduce crime and counter

    terrorism. It provides expert advice

    and support to the Home Oce and its

    partners on any issue relating to science

    and technology, creating new and

    innovative technical solutions.

    HOSDB helps the Home Oce meet its

    strategic objectives in policing, crime

    reduction, counter-terrorism, border

    security and identity management.

    Examples o HOSDBs work include:

    providing technical know-how to

    improve video and CCTV operations.

    developing techniques or identiying

    and detecting chemical and biological


    developing techniques or ensuring

    the physical saety o government and

    other key buildings.

    developing techniques or detecting

    hidden weapons and explosives

    evaluating methods o passenger


    Although not directly involved in socialand behavioural science, HOSDBs work

    oten touches upon this area, especially

    as regards human actors.


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    OSAC is the overarching scientic

    dvisory committee at the Home

    ce. Chaired jointly by the Permanent

    ecretary and an independent member

    the Committee, HOSACs membership

    omprises individuals nominated by

    earned societies rom both the social

    nd physical sciences and the Chairs o

    he other science advisory committees

    the department. HOSAC currently has

    everal sub-committees, including the

    BRN advisory sub-committee and the

    urveys, Design and Statistics sub-

    ommittee. HOSAC annually advises on

    he Home Oces science and research

    ans and on a range o work across the

    epartment. Last year the Committee

    dvised on the Science and Technology

    trategy or Countering International



    The Government Oce or Science

    (GO-Science) is led by the Government

    Chie Scientic Adviser (GCSA).

    GO-Science works to ensure that

    Government policy and decision making

    is underpinned by robust science andengineering evidence and long term

    thinking. The GCSA reports to the Prime

    Minister and Cabinet and works with all

    Government departments. GO-Science

    also supports the community o Chie

    Scientic Advisers (CSAs) across

    Government. There is a CSA in all major

    science-using departments and they are

    responsible or the quality o science

    advice in their area. This includes

    seeking independent advice on scientic

    and ethical issues. CSAs have a mix o

    expert backgrounds, including natural

    science, engineering and social science.


    There are our umbrella bodies within

    Government that oversee work in social

    and behavioural science:

    The Goernent Social Research

    Serice (GSR) provides governmentwith objective, reliable, relevant and

    timely social research. It also supports

    the development, implementation,

    review and evaluation o policy and

    delivery and ensures policy debate is

    inormed by the best research evidence

    and thinking rom the social sciences 10.

    The Goernent Statistical Serice

    (GSS) is a decentralised community

    which is spread across most

    Government Departments, the Oce

    or National Statistics and the devolved

    administrations in Scotland and

    Wales. The primary unction o GSS

    is to collect, analyse and disseminate

    ocial statistics11.

    The Goernent Econoic Serice

    (GES) is a similar community covering

    economists working in Government12.

    The Goernent Operational Research

    Serice (GORS) is a community o

    operational researchers which seeks

    to maximise the benets Departmentsobtain rom deploying OR skills in the

    design, implementation and evaluation

    o their policies and strategies13.

    Associated with the above umbrella

    bodies are proessional social and

    behavioural scientists, who are

    embedded in departments across

    Government, and who specialise in

    counter-terrorism research. These

    scientists work collectively to enhance

    the evidence base or CONTEST and to

    improve the delivery o the CONTEST



    The Home Oce has skilled specialist

    sta including social researchers,

    statisticians, economists, operational

    researchers, engineers, physical

    scientists and veterinarians who provide

    support or all aspects o the Home

    Oces remit.

    Home Oce scientists and researchers

    provide objective, scientic advice to

    help evidence-based policy decisions

    and support the delivery o our policies.

    This includes high quality economic

    analysis and operational research to

    understand the costs and benets o

    Home Oce policies and initiatives.

    In addition, our scientists have two

    important unctions regulating the use

    and practice o science through the role

    o the Forensic Science Regulator and

    implementing the Animals (Scientic)

    Procedures Act 1986.

    The Home Oce carries out its own

    research and uses external academic

    review to ensure quality is maintained.

    Many o the departments social

    researchers are embedded in policy

    directorates and agencies to promote

    close collaborative working with policy



    Section 3

    How to get involved

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    he Research Councils are an important

    oute or Government to access the

    ider research community that we

    eed to deliver the science we require.

    overnment has, or some time, had

    ery productive relationships with aumber o Research Councils. We also

    ave a long-standing concordat with the

    conomic and Social Research Council

    ESRC) and have recently put in place a

    oncordat with the Arts and Humanities

    esearch Council (AHRC) to ormalise

    hese relationships.

    We work with the Research Councils to

    vestigate areas o common interest

    both research and regulatory roles

    hrough, or example, providing expertise

    o contribute to research programmes or

    hrough joint unding programmes.

    esearch Councils UK (RCUK) is a

    artnership between the seven

    K research councils (RCs). RCUK

    oordinates the delivery o multi-

    sciplinary research in six priority areas.

    One o these is Global uncertainties:

    security or all in a changing world.

    The RCs will work together to address

    ve interrelated global threats to

    security Poverty (and Inequality and

    Injustice), Confict, Transnational Crime,

    Environmental Stress and Terrorism.RCUKs mission is to optimise the ways

    that Research Councils work together

    to deliver their goals, to enhance the

    overall perormance and impact o

    UK research, training and knowledge

    transer and to be recognised by

    academia, business and government or

    excellence in research sponsorship. 14

    Councils within RCUK that undertake

    social and behavioural research include:

    The Econoic and Social Research

    Council (ESRC), which is the UKs

    primary research council or unding

    economic and social science

    research. The ESRC strategic plan or2009-2014 identies security, confict

    and justice as an area o particular

    challenge in the social sciences.

    As their plan states The challenge

    is about understanding the causes

    o insecurity, including criminal and

    terrorist activity, and developing

    eective means or promoting

    security, addressing vulnerabilities and

    encouraging resilience. Research will

    explore the contemporary drivers o

    insecurity; why competition sometimes

    develops into violent confict; the

    nature o contemporary conficts, how

    they might be resolved and the eects

    mitigated; and how social injustice

    perpetuates insecurities. It explores

    how notions o sel, community rights,

    ethics and competing ideas o justice

    can be incorporated into new ways

    o predicting, managing and avoiding


    Previous work by ESRC has included

    work with AHRC (see below) and

    the FCO to better understand

    radicalisation and violence, and

    research into new security challenges

    including confict in cities, the

    globalisation o private security, the

    role o military orce in the security

    o civil society, and psychological

    dimensions o human security. Future

    work will include work on the causes o

    non-violent versus violent responses

    to social injustice and improving

    resilience in communities.



    The Arts and Huanities Research

    Council (AHRC), which unds research

    to improve understanding o humanculture and creativity. Previous

    programmes have included work

    to understand how individuals and

    communities develop their ideas and

    belies about security and insecurity,

    why some ideas and belies lead to

    confict, violence or criminal activity,

    and whether there is an acceptable

    balance between national security

    and the protection o civil liberties

    and human rights.


    The medical Research Council (mRC),

    which promotes research into all areas

    o medical and related science with

    the aims o improving the health and

    quality o lie o the UK public and

    contributing to the wealth o the nation.


    Although these are the primary research

    councils concerned with social and

    behavioural science, human sciences

    cross into the work o all the Research

    Councils in the UK. The remaining

    RCs are:

    Biotechnology and Biological Sciences

    Research Council (BBSRC).

    Engineering and Physical Sciences

    Research Council (EPSRC).

    Natural Environment Research Council


    Science and Technology Facilities

    Council (STFC).

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    AURIL is the Association or University

    Research and Industry Links.

    Organised by university sta, its

    membership comprises around 1,400

    academics, nearly 100 universities,

    and other research establishments andcompanies. We use AURIL as one route

    to the research base in UK universities.

    We encourage researchers who would

    like to contribute to counter-terrorism

    research to join AURIL.



    he UKs universities are renowned or

    orld-class research, and so have an

    mportant role to play in developing the

    ocial and behavioural understanding

    e need to protect the UK. In addition

    o working through the researchouncils, we are keen to engage directly

    ith universities and other research

    stablishments to ensure that we are

    making the best use o research in

    he UK. We use a variety o inormal

    nd ormal contacts to achieve this,

    cluding academic liaison, networking

    t conerences, issuing ormal contracts

    or research work, open research calls

    nd exploring opportunities or joint

    orking on specic projects.

    he Government has links with many

    cademic institutions in the UK. These

    stitutions have a large amount o

    xpertise, particularly in social and

    ehavioural science. Over the last ew

    ears several have ounded institutes

    pecically concerned with security and

    ounter-terrorism and we will continue

    o work with these organisations.


    Unico is the UKs leading representative

    body o proessionals realising the

    potential o university and public sector

    research through commercialisation.

    It provides a orum or the exchange

    o best practice in knowledge transerthrough conerences and other events.

    Its membership includes over 90

    universities and other public sector

    research organisations.



    We will continue to work closely with the

    relevant learned societies, working with

    them on matters o mutual interest and

    prioritising research. The Royal Society

    has taken a positive interest in counter-

    terrorism issues and we have workedclosely with them. With respect to social

    and behavioural sciences we will work

    with the British Academy, the Academy

    o Social Sciences and other social

    science learned societies.

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    SCT works with industr through

    ariet o routes including trade

    ssociations, ehibitions, industr

    ries and the Technolog Strateg

    oard. In counter-terroris, our ain

    oute to industr is through RISC.


    RISC provides a ocal point or the

    Government to communicate with

    industry about its counter-terrorism

    needs. RISC is an alliance o suppliers,

    trade associations and academics,

    representing over 2,000 companies

    ranging rom prime contractors and

    global leaders through to small and

    medium enterprises and start-ups.

    The trade associations are:

    A|D|S, the trade body advancing UK

    AeroSpace, Deence and Security

    industries ormed rom the merger o

    the Association o Police and Public

    Security Suppliers (APPSS), the

    Deence Manuacturers Association

    (DMA) and the Society o British

    Aerospace Companies (SBAC).

    the British Security Industry

    Association (BSIA).

    Intellect (the UK trade association

    or the technology industry).

    We will continue to work with industry

    and academia through other routes.

    These will include industry liaison,

    responding to enquiries, networking at

    conerences, exhibitions and eventsand through exploring opportunities

    in existing science and technology




    The Department o Homeland Security

    works to secure the United States

    against threats. This includes counter-

    terrorism, border security, immigration,

    and disaster response.

    The department has a Human FactorsBehavioural Science Projects section o

    its science and technology work. These

    projects develop and apply the social,

    behavioural, and physical sciences to

    improve identication and analysis o

    threats, to enhance societal resilience,

    and to integrate human capabilities into

    the development o technology.

    The UK Government is working with the

    DHS on some o these projects and

    more inormation can be ound on the

    DHS website.





    START is a US Department o Homeland

    Security centre o excellence based at

    the University o Maryland. It uses state-

    o-the-art theories, methods, and data

    rom social and behavioural science toimprove understanding o the origins,

    dynamics, and social and psychological

    impacts o terrorism.

    START conducts cutting-edge research

    related to the terrorist threat and

    includes the ull range o disciplines

    within social and behavioural science,

    including sociology, criminology,

    political science, psychology,

    communication, geography, economics,

    and anthropology. The work also

    includes experts in public policy, history,

    public health, oreign languages, and

    engineering. The research team provides

    the homeland-security community and

    the public with insights about how and

    why terrorist groups orm, about the

    decisions and behaviours o individual

    terrorists and terrorist groups, and

    about how societies can best respond

    to and prepare or terrorist threats.


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    he EU invests in several research

    rogrammes in security and resilience.

    hese include:

    Framework Programme 7 (FP7):



    European Security Research and

    Innovation Forum (ESRIF):


    the European Justice Research Area:



    European Technology Platorms (ETPs):



    O the above EU research programmes,

    FP7 has in the past awarded most

    unding to UK organisations. Security is

    one o the ten themes o FP7.

    The Security theme will award 1.4

    billion or the seven year period2006-2013 or research related to a set

    o security topics dened by the EU. The

    topics are usually announced ormally

    in July, inviting responses by November.

    Most bids are rom consortia;

    consortium members may come rom

    the private sector, the public sector or


    The bids submitted in 2008 led to the

    provisional award o around 14 million

    to UK organisations.

    The UK Government contributes to the

    debate that leads to the selection o

    topics, but plays no part in determining

    which proposals are selected or

    unding. We encourage you to

    participate in bidding or this unding.





    We have set out in this booklet the wide range o challenges that social and

    behavioural science can address. I you are in academia or industry and are working

    in this area or have the potential to support our securit y and counter-terrorism work,

    we want to hear rom you.

    I you are unsure about which is the best department or body or you to contact in the

    rst instance, please get in touch with the CONTEST Science and Technology Unit inthe OSCT. We will be happy to advise you

    Email: [email protected]


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    security.homeoce.gov.uk/counter-terrorism-strategy Section 5.07

    security.homeoce.gov.uk/counter-terrorism-strategy Section 5.258

    security.homeoce.gov.uk/counter-terrorism-strategy Section 9.299








    End notes

    32 33

    bbreiation meaning

    |D|S Aerospace Deence and Security

    HRC Arts and Humanities Research Council

    PPSS Association o Police and Public Security Suppliers

    URIL Association or University Research and Industry Links

    BSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

    SIA British Security Industry AssociationBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear

    ONTEST The United Kingdoms Strategy or Countering International Terrorism

    PNI Centre or the Protection o National Inrastructure

    SA Chie Scientic Adviser

    T Counter-Terrorism

    HS Department o Homeland Security

    MA Deence Manuacturers Association

    PSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

    SRC Economic and Social Research Council

    SRIF European Security Research and Innovation Forum

    TP European Technology Platorm

    U European Union

    P7 Framework Programme 7 (an EU programme)

    CSA Government Chie Scientic Adviser

    ES Government Economic Service

    ORS Government Operational Research Service

    O-Science Government Oce or Science

    SR Government Social Research Service

    SS Government Statistical Service

    OSAC Home Oce Science Advisory Committee

    OSDB Home Oce Scientic Development Branch

    NSTINCT INnovative Science and Technology IN Counter-Terrorism

    MOD Ministry o DeenceMRC Medical Research Council

    ERC Natural Environment Research Council

    SCT Oce or Security and Counter-Terrorism

    C Research Council

    CUK Research Councils UK

    ISC UK UK Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers Community

    BAC Society o British Aerospace Companies

    TART US National Consortium on the Study o Terrorism and the

    Responses to Terrorism

    TFC Science and Technology Facilities Council

    Glossar End notes


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    Crown copyright

    Produced by the Oce or Security

    and Counter-Terrorism, a Directorate

    o the Home Oce, March 2010



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