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Marketers are Budgeting and Betting on Social Media in 2010-11One thing MarketingSherpa consistently looks at to determine if a tactic is established or emerging is how people are spending and planning to spend on it. In this case, there are only two tactics that reflect a rising budget.

4Critical Barriers to the Adoption and Integration of Social MediaNow that we know the drivers, lets look at the barriers to social media

Critical Barriers to the Adoption and Integration of Social MediaNow that we know the drivers, lets look at the barriers to social media



7To begin, lets take a look at some of the most popular social media networks and tools, with a quick primer on whats good and not-so-good about each of them.

8 Facebook is, by numbers alone, the most popular social networking site today, with more than 350 million registered users. Its a site that lets people share updates, photos, videos, articles, and more with Friends, who they have to approve to be in their network. Businesses and organizations can create Fan Pages, which other Facebook users can become fans of, just like they do sports teams, musicians, and celebrities.

Whats good about it? The user base is huge, and that means many of your customers and constituents are already there. Its easy to use. Multimedia content can be integrated with your profile. You can separate your personal and professional use.Whats not so good about it? You have limited ability to customize your Fan Page. Fan Pages do not have email alerts; you will have to check to see if there is any activity. ( Unless you deploy Social Monitoring System) Its a closed environment only Facebook users can become fans or friends of your business or organization.Unless you Deploy custom apps9 Twitter is a social networking service that allows users to communicate with their Followers. Its open to anyone, so you can follow or be followed by people you know and people you dont. Users choose a handle that is their user name preceded by the @ symbol, and communicate via short messages and updates (called Tweets) that have a maximum length of 140 characters. Tweets can be very easily Retweeted (RT) and shared with the simple click of a button. Whats good about it? The Timeline (or the Twitter feed) is public, which can help to give your business or organization greater exposure in web search results. The site is more open than Facebook, so its easier to build a community of potential customers you dont personally know. Fans can follow you without you having to reciprocate. There is a quick way to share links to content. Users are very vocal, so if they are happy with your business or organization, theyll say so.Whats not so good about it? The site is text only pictures and video are shared through secondary links. Its challenging to say something of significance in only 140 characters. Lots of noise. With so many identical-looking Tweets, its hard to make a single one stand out in the crowd. Spammers are increasingly targeting the service. Users are very vocal, so if they have a problem with something, theyll say so.

10 LinkedIn is the more professional social network of the Big Three. It lets users create what amounts to an online resume and connect with other peers be it friends, colleagues, or other business associates through online networking. Businesses and organizations can also set up profiles on the site; many businesses use it to recruit (and check references) for new hires. Whats good about it? The six-degrees nature of the site allows you to reach out to people through already existing connections. Profiles are straightforward and connections can be easily made. Not a lot of noise and clutter. Allows for Question and Answer inquiries with a professional slant.Whats not so good about it? Its the smallest of the Big Three social networks, though its population is growing. Its a more stodgy environment, which doesnt convey fun. Job seekers are more active on the site than those already employed. People use the site for purely professional purposes, so marketing messages are not always welcome

11MySpace was one of the first social networking sites to rocket to popularity. Today, the site is populated mainly by younger users; the majority are under the age of 35, according to Quantcast.Whats good about it? Pages are highly customizable. Its great for sharing or promoting music.Whats not so good about it? The user base is shrinking. Many pages are amateurish and poorly designedBlogsA blog, by definition, is simply a content publishing tool that displays your posts in cronological order, with the most recent on top and earlier ones below. Your content can be whatever you wish: opinions, education, news, product reviews, etc. Whats good about them? They provide an easy way to manage articles and content. Each new post adds a new web page and increases your web presence and helps your search engine optimization. Blogs can serve as an archive for your newsletter content.Whats not so good about them? Blogs must be updated somewhat regularly to derive value. They take more time than Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, etc. to keep current. (unless you integrate with site) Templates through free services can be limiting. Employing an advanced design requires some knowledge of HTML and CSS.

12Foursquareis a location-basedsocial networkingwebsite,softwareformobile devices, and also a game. Users "check-in" at venues using amobile website, text messagingor a device-specific application.[1]They are then awarded points and sometimes "badges."



Social Media Should Complementcurrent web initiatives not compete against them

151. Content. The material on your site needs to be relevant to your audience. Together, social media and SEO analytics tell you what content is most important.2. Link Building. How many people are linking to you? Who are they? Link building is an essential piece of social media. As your content earns links, your SEO ranks increase.3. Search Queries. How many people are searching on your keywords? Social media drives more people to

THE THREE SECRET SYNERGIESThere are three secret synergies between Search Engine Optimization and social marketing. These synergies are common aspects of social media and SEO, but when they work together, they create the power that drives social media and SEO success. 16Content

You may have heard the phrase Content is king. Nowhere is this truer than in social media. Following are a few guidelines to help you select and create the right content for your audience.Write a Quality Headline

Follow with a Great Opening

Be Conversational

Dont Be a Salesman

Use Pictures/Video ( These two are the most share content in social media

Be a Resource( Give reviews, product demos, customer service)

17Decoding a successful social strategy.The sad fact is that many major brands fall short when it comes to engineering a true social media strategy. I have had many conversations with my colleagues and we all can agree that a Facebook strategy is much more than simply offering a weakly branded Facebook application where you pick your five favorite ice cream flavors. It's about creating awareness of one's brand, interaction with one's brand, and then evangelism of one's brand. It's about creating a connection, a bond, and then forging that bond with information and content. It's about sharing, listening, and then sharing some more. It is a dialogue, not a monologue.Lots of big brands take pride with the numbers of "likes" they have on their Facebook page. Many brands engage advertising or creative agencies for the sole purpose of increasing their fan base on Facebook. The question is, once a brand reaches the desired milestone of ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or even 1 million fans...then what? What are they truly aiming for? Now that a brand has all of these people "liking" them, what are they going to tell them?This is where a lot of brands fail to deliver. They don't disseminate any information once they have a participant as a "fan." There is no follow up, no dialogue, no participation. It is just an occasional arbitrary update pimping out the latest product or service. This is a fail, which often results in a loss of advocacy.A lot of the same points above could be said about a big brand's involvement with Twitter as part of their social strategy. Many brands come to Moxie desiring a presence on Twitter merely because everyone else is doing it. We guide our clients with strategic recommendations, but many companies aren't fortunate enough, or do not seek, such guidance. Many brands tweet too much, focusing on quantity as opposed to quality. They also offer nothing more than sales messages instead of giving the participant, or follower, exclusive information that they wouldn't normally find on a website or news wire.So how do you create a meaningful and lasting social media relationship with your fans?

18Keep your fans engaged.

Keep your fans engagedA good starter for major brands when creating a social strategy is to formulate a plan. Figure out how you are going to create awareness of your brand. Are you going to create an advertising campaign driving participants to your Facebook fan page as opposed to a website or micro site? Are you going to buy a promoted tweet on Twitter? Are there going to be web banners promoting your product or service? Or perhaps a brand wants to create a banner campaign solely promoting their Facebook page. Either way, a plan is in order. One must decide what the objectives are, what they are trying to promote, and how to first engage users.Once a participant arrives at your Facebook fan site how do you keep them there? How do you procure them as a repeat visitor? How do you stay in touch and create a dialogue? There are several methods, but perhaps the most popular is "like-gating." Like-gating is the act of offering a participant valued content but then only making it available to them after they "like" your branded Facebook page. After they click the "like" button, the exclusive content is revealed to them and they are free to interact with the page and exclusive content

The exclusive content given should be entertaining, informative, or useful. Some brands use exclusive video clips to reward their participants while others offer games, applications, or just access to information. Regardless of what a brand is delivering, it must be pertinent and desirable to that participant.19Engage in consistent and meaningful conversation.

Engage in consistent and meaningful conversationIn order for a brand to keep a participant engaged, they must continue to deliver content to them on a regular basis. It is bad practice to engage a fan and then maintain radio silence. On Twitter, youmustrespond to engagement. When a person mentions your brand, acknowledge them and continue the conversation. When a person gets no response, they stop engaging. It works the same way in the real world. Your loyal fans will lose interest quickly and move on to find a brand that values what they have to say.Make distribution of information part of your Facebook social plan. Create a matrix or schedule and keep that participant engaged and informed. Ask the participant questions and let them have a voice. This speaks volumes to a consumer and makes them feel. For example in yuma airshow site we build a schedule of postings and press releases to be released day by day. 20Engage in consistent and meaningful conversation.Engage in consistent and meaningful conversationIn order for a brand to keep a participant engaged, they must continue to deliver content to them on a regular basis. It is bad practice to engage a fan and then maintain radio silence. On Twitter, youmustrespond to engagement. When a person mentions your brand, acknowledge them and continue the conversation. When a person gets no response, they stop engaging. It works the same way in the real world. Your loyal fans will lose interest quickly and move on to find a brand that values what they have to say.Make distribution of information part of your Facebook social plan. Create a matrix or schedule and keep that participant engaged and informed. Ask the participant questions and let them have a voice. This speaks volumes to a consumer and makes them feel. For example in yuma airshow site we build a schedule of postings and press releases to be released day by day. 21Turn participants into evangelists.

Turn participants into evangelistsFinally, brands must learn how to turn participants into evangelists. This is the hardest yet most important challenge of any major brand attempting to execute a social strategy. It can be done in several ways but the best methodology is to just to put your best idea forward.The philosophy "build it and they will come" comes to mind when speaking about Facebook and Twitter endeavors. Big brands shouldn't try to force something viral. They shouldn't try to encourage shares or a pass-a-long mentality. Brands should work hand-in-hand with their agencies to just come up with the best idea they possibly can. Make it original, make it fun, make it memorable, and make it count. If brands create something truly unique, it will be seen and create a "spread fast" reaction organically that, in turn, will gain recognition and lead to evangelism. In the example above video a patron commented and critique a video game review a MCX employee did and gave us tips, and was then engaged to come do his own video reviews for us. He ended up doing about a dozen of them and were highly rated by our users. This turned our target market into our personal brand evangelists. 22Link BuildingYour site needs lots of relevant, trusted links from a variety of sources before your site will rise in the natural search results.

Using Web AnalyticsWe were able to determine who was linking to us and enabled us to engage them to add additional links23Search QueriesSometimes, when companies engage in social media and online social networking, they dont see any immediate, track able results. Using the right SEO strategy for a content it enables similar content to appear.

Proper SEO tagging enables to cross promote similar content of ours.Our similar content appears in search due to correct SEO strategy24MCCS YUMA STRATEGY


Most Social Media Implementationsrequire the user to navigate to multiple social networks to join the conversation, and also require more and keep them up 2 personnel to manage all these networks26YoutubeWebsiteEmailFacebookTwitterSocial Ecosystem


XML FeedXML FeedXML FeedXML FeedMost interactions in networks are automated in order to maintain equal messaging across ecosystemUsers can join conversation from official site without need of going to other network28HOW CAN MCCS YUMA PROGRAMS JOIN THE CONVERSATION29Provide ContentPhotosCheck out Camera From MarketingReturn day after event

Video ( Schedule time slot to shoot video) Suggest Surveys or sweepstakes Start Discussions (Facebook)Educate Patrons of Social Media OutletsListen & Respond to messaging regarding your programUpdate Fans on EventsFoursquare -Develop foursquare initiative to interact with patrons

CurrentlyNear FutureManage Blog this will be available with new CMS systemSend out TweetsRespond on Comment API in own site

30What is Marketing's Responsibility in Social Media Strategy31Ensure Content is Search Engine Optimized (SEO)Photos (SEO Tag, Optimize, Brand Content)Video (Shoot, Edit, Tag, & Brand Content)Suggested Surveys ( Program and Implement )Monitor & Optimize Ecosystem base on latest technological developments.Listen to interaction between MCCS depts and patrons and R & D tools to automate the conversation(APPS) Educate Program managers on latest trends of Social Media OutletsCreate Events on Facebook based on approved special events calendar.Measuring effectiveness Provide analytics reports to departments in order to shape the conversation.Brand ProtectionOfficial WebsiteLogosOFFICIAL Social Networkshttp://www.facebook.com/mccsyumahttp://twitter.com/mccsyumaWorking on additional twitter lists (MCFTBYUMA,CYTYUMA.SMP, and others.http://www.flickr.com/photos/mccsyuma/http://www.youtube.com/user/mccsyuma

Implement Management Automation Tools for Social Media ManagementConversation Monitoring

32Rules of Engagement33


According to a new survey of 1,400 CIOs of companies with 100 ormore employees, 54% now completely block employees fromaccessing social networking sites at work. Another recent report indicated that 8% of companies in the UShave fired staff over social media misuse35

In the above example this posting was posted to Facebook. What is interesting is that the poster happens to be a lane maintainance person at the bowling alley. The question to ask is. Is the in the position to know the financial reasoning business decisions where made? Probably not. But to the 150+ friends that saw his posting it sure seemed like it what does that do to our image?36Stick to your area of expertise and provide unique, individual perspectives on what's going on at MCCS YUMA and in the world.

Post meaningful, respectful commentsin other words, no SPAM and no remarks that are off-topic or offensive.

Always pause and think before posting. That said, reply to comments in a timely manner, when a response is appropriate.

Respect proprietary information, content, and confidentiality.

When disagreeing with others' opinions, keep it appropriate and polite.

Know and follow the MCCS YUMA Code of Ethics,Privacy Policyand Employee Forum Guidelines.

Rules of EngagementYou should make sure that your online activities do not interfere with your job or work commitments.Installation level policy being written to take into account various other orders that include (Web Utilization, HR, PII and others)37-We do not allow graphic, obscene, explicit or racial comments or submissions nor do we allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone or any organization.

-We do not allow solicitations or advertisements. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency. Similarly, we do not allow attempts to defame or defraud any financial, commercial or non-governmental agency.

-We do not allow comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity.

-You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided.

(Patrons Only) Also, the appearance of external links on this site does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of the USMC or Department of Defense.


Facebook Rules of Engagement38Tools AvailableOfficial MCCS Yuma FacebookEvent Updates Discussion ForumWall UpdatesEmail list registration ( APP)MCCS YUMA iBar (DEMO)MCCSiTV- Virtual TV channel (Studio time available Mon & Tues 10am-12, Must give 1 day advance notice to marketing) Nutshell Mail-Social Network updates in Inbox.PPC Paid Advertising File DownloadFoursquare Campaign

Future tools AvailableOfficial MCCS Yuma FacebookBlog Integration on Face Book & WebsiteLive Video StreamingEvent Ticketing ( Special Events)More Custom AppsHootsuite Multiple Twitter Account Management system39Lets Create Your AccountsFacebookNutshell Mail


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