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Page 1: Social Media for Lawyers - Getting Started Without Getting In Trouble

Social Media for LawyersGetting Started

Without Getting in Trouble


LLCblog • healthblawg.com

twitter • @healthblawg Social Law LibraryMay 15, 2014

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You can use social media

effectively and stay on

the right side of the


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“On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog”.

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“Why Do You Rob Banks?”

Willie Sutton:

“Because That’s

Where the Money Is.”

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Social Media is People …

Transforms monologues

into dialogues

Democratizes information

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Marcomm in the 21st century is radically different from the recent past

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Facebook Nation is the third largest nation in the world

global warming sex facebook

Google Trends

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Markets are conversationsMarkets are conversations

MICROSITE: www.accu-chekdiabeteslink.com

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People want to engage

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But many attorneys tend to be very conservative about these things

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Is social media right for lawyers?

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PS:It Works

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Open-book ethic of social media v. the legal establishment’s sense of decorum

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You must plan effectively in order to communicate effectively

• <measure twice cut once kind of pic>

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Who is your target?

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Influence requires trust, and trust requires engagement

Authentic interaction

Genuine Engagement Trust Influence

No shortcuts.No matter what your reasons for engaging via Web 2.0, you must develop trust in order to gain influence

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So how do we do this?

Monitor, rinse & repeat

Objective Description

Listen Monitor your customers’ conversations

Engage Participate in two-way conversations

Energize Make it possible for customers to help you and each other

Support Support customers and enable them to support each other

Embrace Help customers work with each other to come up with ideas to improve services

Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff, Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies, April 2008

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Specialized tools for specific uses

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What is a Blawg and Why Should I Care?

Blawg Review

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Just do it.

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Learn the ropes

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Blogging requires making some technical choices … and then forgetting about them

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Blog Carnivals

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Google juice in action






Health Blawg

The New Republic

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From blogging to microblogging . . .

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Facebook: Over 1 Billion Active Users

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• • •Facebook

for Grownups

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Do you need another social network?




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Is video right for you?

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Communication With Client or Prospective Client; Endorsements

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Beware: Identifying clients by “friending”

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No Friending Adverse

Witnesses By Proxy

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Give and you shall receive

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Don’t forget:

Grow the

top of your sales funnel

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Social Media in Your Future

Curation Communication

Engagement Community

Dear Reader

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Learning to fly

David Armano, SVP Edelman Digital http://darmano.typepad.com/ 3.22.10

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Your social media strategy is ready to evolve

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Text version of similar presentation with live links

http://j.mp/SoMe4Lawyers(case sensitive)

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