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Social Media & Hospitality

Prepared for HP Hotels


Why Social Media?

Social Media Shaping Travel Decisions

• Availability of information via different channels of social media has changed hospitality marketing.

• Real-time decisions are being made using social media more than any other consumer category – and it’s growing.

• As a hotel, how can you use social media to drive traffic, engage with customers and find new prospects?

People are talking about travel

• Review sites are the main hub of those conversations: Orbitz, Expedia, TripAdvisor, Priceline, Yelp, Travelocity.

• Different conversations are happening in different places• Blogs – Personal travel experiences• Forums – Seeking specific answers• Social Networks – Connections and referrals• Twitter – Property discounts and dialogue

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Social Media

1. It takes effort.

2. It can be hard to digest.

4. You will not become “Internet Famous.”

3. It’s a distraction.

5. Because it’s trendy.

5 Reasons You Should Use Social Media

1. Your customers already are.

2. So are your prospects . . .

4. It’s the world’s largest focus group.

3. And your competition.

5. Because it’s free.


Don’t burst in screaming

You are a person

Bring Something

Listen more than you talk

Don’t drink too much

Don’t focus on the popular guy (or girl)

Make meaningful connections

Have fun

Virtual Visits

Why Virtual Visits? In a world where . . .


What’s more believable? This . . . .

. . . Or this?

. . . Or authentic customer reviews?

Talking Tools

What is Twitter?

• Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to post and read other users’ updates (Tweets).

• Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters or less that are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who are following them.

• Tweets can be sent via the Twitter website or any number of devices and third-party applications.

Why should I care about Twitter?

• Engagement

• Education

• Real-time Access

• Branding


Facebook (for your hotel)

• Opportunities for engagement• Fan photos• Fan videos• Contests

• Opportunities for exposure• Interviews with staff• Photos from events• Unique content, like places to visit nearby

• Be a Page, not a Person (or a Group)

Post regularly, but add value each time

Your staff are people, too

Showcase your personality

Share the excitement

Engage your fans

Support your community

Link to fun (but relevant) places

In Summary

• Yes, social media influences actual travelers making actual decisions

• You should be active on Facebook and Twitter, connecting to customers and prospects . . . along with your staff

• Listen . . . before you talk

• Proper tools and training can help you maximize resources and social engagement

Contact Us

Jeff GoldscherExecutive Vice President, Marketing & CreativeAquarius SE(240) 547-3492 (o)(240) 475-8174 (m)@jgoldscherhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/jgoldscher


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