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Page 1: Social Media Learning

Are you giving the “Kolaveri” energy to

your Social Media needs?

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What is Social Media?“Social media is the interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.”“Social media differ from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence.”“Social media technologies take on many different forms including magazines, Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, micro blogging, wikis, social networks, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking.”

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Why Social Media?Social Media is not a place for fun, sharing photos and videos. The volume of audience present in Social Media makes us to expose, build a reputation, market our products and services easily.People obtain information, education, news, and other data from electronic and print media. Social media are distinct from industrial or traditional media such as newspapers, television, and film as they are comparatively inexpensive and accessible. They enable anyone (even private individuals) to publish or access information. Industrial media generally require significant resources to publish information as in most cases the articles goes through many revisions before being published

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Why Social Media?In traditional method – As a business owner, You use Newspaper / Magazines to introduce, promote, build brand of your products and services. How much a small advertisement will cost in the traditional method? Challenge here is that we don’t know how many would have seen it out of several lakhs of people buying it. We are still using this method without utilizing our money in a proper way.

In Social Media – You will have to spend meager amount that you spent for your traditional methods, yet you will grow powerful because of the viral effect it posses. Boost your business / services by introducing, building your brand, find new people and engage them to dominate the new world.

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What does Kolaveri and Gangnam Style teach us?

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What went Viral in Social Media?Not only Kolaveri and Gangnam Style, Housing association's social media campaign went viral.Blentec Kitchen viral information.Old Spice advertisement.Burgerking Chicken.Fun Theory by Sweedish Media.Whooper Sacrifice.Bullseye Gives.Vitamin water etc.,

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Who needs Social Media?Social Media is best suited for;Business Owner (Products / Services).Sales and Marketing Professionals.HR and Recruitment Professionals.Trainers and Teachers.Job Seekers etc.,

It is the best place to build your organization information, personal information, brand reputation for your products and services, understand your employee behavior, recruit new professionals, mentor students and finally to connect with industry experts to grab jobs.

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Is Social Media means Marketing?This is one of the myth that people has in their mind. Social Media term don’t only represent Marketing. It is the combination of brand building, connecting with people, engaging with them and promoting our needs in the platform.It is not only about creating an account, page or a group.It is not only about generating likes for your pages.It is not only about connecting with new friends.

You need to know the art of when, what, where, why and how you have to share information in Social Media. Sharing photos, videos, tagging friends will not take your viral. You need to have a strategy for Social Media.

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Is Social Media means Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter?There are several hundreds of Social Media sites in Internet. Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter are part of the huge mass. There are hundreds of Social Media sites available in Internet - One is a micro blogging, another one is a micro tweeting, another one is a collaborative platform, another one is a professional connect, the other one is a video platform, then a text based blog site. You need to have a strategy to find your right social media channel. The information / method that needs to be handled in a micro blogger should not be used in a video platform. Like wise a collaborative platform info will not suit a professional site. Platform is purely based on your information that you wanted to share it with the people.

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How long will it take to become familiar in Social Media?It is all based on finding the right strategy, information and social media channel for our content. For many, it has clicked in one attempt and for others it took several attempts to find the right strategy.What is the right strategy in Social Media?There is no fixed formula for the term “right strategy”. It is all based on the trail and error method. Best thing with Social Media is that your trail and errors won’t be too costly like your traditional methods. No one can guarantee that Social Media will work for all the business needs and will work for it as well. No harm to try yourself once in Social Media….

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What a business owner can do in Social Media?Build better brand – Via Company Page, Account and Information. Audience get to know updates on the products and services.Find target audience – Get connected with the person you need to be connected.Engage with audience – Interact with your target audience using the social platform.New Connections – Your existing connections will introduce you to the target audience.

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What a Sales / Marketing Professional do in Social Media?Build better brand – Via Company Page, Account and Information. Audience get to know updates on the products and services.Find target audience – Get connected with the person you need to be connected.Engage with audience – Interact with your target audience using the social platform.New Connections – Your existing connections will introduce you to the target audience.

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What a HR / Recruitment Professional can do in Social Media?Build better brand – Via Company Page, Account and Information. Audience get to know updates on the Job Openings, Recruitment and Engagement.Share Jobs – Distribute jobs in the social media platform to find the passive candidates.Employee Engagement – Get connected with employees over social media to engage them on a productive platform.Employee / Candidate behavior – Find out what your employees / potential candidates are doing in Social MediaNew Connections – Your existing connections will introduce you to the target audience.

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What a Trainer / Teacher can do in Social Media?Build better brand – Via Company Page, Account and Information. Audience get to know updates on the Training Materials.Training Information– Distribute your training details in the social media platform to find the potential students.Find target audience – Get connected with the person you need to be connected.Engage with audience – Interact with your target audience using the social platform.New Connections – Your existing connections will introduce you to the target audience.

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What a Job Seeker can do in Social Media?Build better profile – Share the profile with the prospective recruiters.Achievements – Know how to channelize your achievements in Social Media.Find target companies – Get connected with the target recruiter you need to be connected.Engage with audience – Interact with your target audience using the social platform and grab more opportunities.

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What does Hirington do in Social Media?Hirington’s Social Media modules for Business Owners, Sales / Marketing Professionals, HR and Recruiters, Teachers and Trainers and Job seekers are unique and 100% practical. We help you to enrich your potential to the needed target audience through Social Media. First time across the globe, we do excellent auditing services on your present Social Media strategies to find its efficiency. We do consulting services for your / your client’s Social Media needs.In-person, Online and Weekend Learning are applicable.

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