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Social Media Management Hacks That Boost 50%

Productivityby Digitalmoz Sourcing Inc.

Social Media is everyone’s best friend

which makes it a smart investment for entrepreneurs.

An hour or two a day is all you need to make sure

that your campaign is performing at its peak.

Check these tips on how you can make the most of your time

in managing your social media platforms:

Make A Plan & Set Up Goals

Have a clear picture of what, why and for

whom your posts are.

Know your target audience and track

what social media channels they are

most active in.

Target your Audience


Be specific with who you want to

communicate with.

Aiming for a smaller but targeted audience will

ensure that your message is advertised to potential customers.

Keep It Simple

Always keep in mind your target audience – catch

their attention but do not overdo it.

The simpler it is, the

easier your message will be communicated and

understood by your market.

Automate Your Posts

Work smart. Post without a sweat. Make full use of tools

like Hootsuite.com that allow you to schedule

posts in multiple platforms

all at once.

Timing: Share Like A Pro

Take note of the time your community is

online to ensure your post has the biggest

impact and reach.

Boost your post with images.

Include hashtags your audience is using to connect your posts

to conversations about the same topic.

Build Relationships

Invest on real connections and

establish relationship that lasts.

Learn to listen, share, and participate, instead

of just posting updates

to be heard. Plant sincerity to

harvest loyalty.

If you feel like you need an extra hand in managing your accounts and keeping it updated, hire a

social media company to do it for you. Don’t be left out!


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