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Social media is an amazing amplifier. But most people use it wrong.

Check out the graphic above. Social media’s job is to attract attention and draw future clients to your website. Your website’s job is to convert those people to free consultations. Because most people won’t take action right away, you need a net—your email list. These people need to receive regular con-tent if they are to know, like and trust you.

Social media is not an end in itself. Success is not determined by audience size but by affinity—the audience’s willingness to buy from you.

Your second goal on social media: Post often on the platforms your clients care about.

You must know which platforms your clients like, and then you should post on them often. You’re better to identify two platforms and work hard on them than to try and cover every platform all the time. Inconsistent posting is the most common social media problem for gym owners.

Your third goal on social media: Quantity over qual-ity. You’re better to post something every day than to post one really amazing thing every month. That’s how social media works.

In this workbook, I’ll give you the steps to identify which social media platforms to use, what to post, how often to post and how to set up your safety net.


Social Media

Business Email List




How Social Media Works


1.1. Identify which social media platforms Identify which social media platforms your clients use most.your clients use most.

2. 2. Publish to the top two platforms Publish to the top two platforms three times per week each.three times per week each.

3. 3. Focus on getting leads Focus on getting leads to book free consultations with you.to book free consultations with you.

4. 4. Set up an email list Set up an email list to nurture those who don’t book.to nurture those who don’t book.



The virtual world is infinite. It’s easy to get lost.

Should you spend time on Facebook, TikTok, Insta-gram, YouTube, Clubhouse, Twitter, Quora, Reddit, Pinterest, Strava, Zwift or any of the other new plat-forms where you can make connections?

Any platform can produce brand awareness. And any can lead a potential client from awareness to inter-est. Together, platforms can also be paralyzing. So we’re going to focus on just two and become really consistent before we consider adding a third.First, identify your very best clients—your Seed Cli-ents. (For instructions, click here.)

Then share this two-question survey with them:

1. On average, how much time do you spend on these platforms?

PlatformNone/ almost none

Less than 5 minutes

a day

5-20 minutes

a day

20+ minutes

a dayFacebookInstagram



2. Where do you get news and stories about our gym?

□ Facebook □ Instagram □ TikTok □ Snapchat

□ Clubhouse □ LinkedIn □ YouTube □ Twitter

The survey responses should guide your output. Remember: It doesn’t matter what platform you or other gym owners prefer. You must drop lines where your fish are swimming.

1. Set up accounts on the two platforms your clients use most often.2. Make sure you link the platforms to your website.3. Publish to those platforms three times a week for the next three months.

You’ll find our top tips for the most effective platforms for conversions at the end of this book, including:


Remember: Your website is your stage. Social media is not your stage. Social media is just your amplifier.

Make sure people can get from your social posts to your site.

If you’re a Two-Brain client, we’ve built your con-tent for you. Open the Roadmap and go to Audience Building, Milestone 2 to download over 300 done-for-you (but editable!) graphics for your social plat-forms. In Audience Building 4, you’ll find an editable content calendar and distribution plan.

The key to success on social media is to understand your audience.

The top strategy on any platform is this:

1. Find the most common questions people are ask-ing on the platform.

2. Write or record answers to the most common questions and post them on your website.

3. Respond to questions on social platforms with a link to your website. You can do this by directly en-gaging with people via comments or direct messages (the latter is more powerful). Or you can do it by



making posts that promote your content and direct people to view it on your site.

4. Convert people from your site to book a consulta-tion or join your email list.

To that end, the advice below has less to do with “what kind of pics should I post?” and more to do with pulling people from a social platform to your site. Because, in the end, it doesn’t matter exactly what you post or how big your audience is on Facebook; what matters is how many people cross the chasm from Facebook to your site and take action there. 

Remember, if you’re a Two-Brain client, we’ve built mountains of content for you already.

You’ll find 300 done-for-you, customizable graphics for your social media platforms on the Roadmap in Audience Building, Milestone 2. They are organized in specific campaigns and will fill your platforms for almost an entire year.




Facebook has more active users than any other social platform. If you didn’t do the survey above, play the odds and wager your clients are on Facebook. (We still recommend you do the survey rather than guess.)

• At minimum, post three times a week to your Face-book page. If you have fewer than 50 clients, post to your personal profile as well.

• One of the weekly posts should be a story about a client. Add the post to your Facebook story.

• Respond to every comment or question on your post. Boost the posts on your Facebook page that

generate conversation.

• Twice per week, update your story. Note who watched it, then message those people and ask how you can help them. Encourage them to book consul-tations.

• If you have a lead magnet to share, use it.

• Some gyms have success starting a local “health and fitness” group for their community. But these groups require constant monitoring and content pro-duction to work. If you can spend 10 minutes twice per day answering questions and sending DMs to people, a group can help you grow your business.


The acquisition of Instagram by Facebook made plac-ing ads and sponsoring posts much easier. But getting people off Instagram and onto your website is tough: The graphics-driven format is addictive, and most direct links are buried in the bio of the poster.

• Make sure you get a contact button on your profile by setting your account to “business” and entering your information: Instructions.

• Then create a clear path to action with a “book” action button that will allow people to book appoint-ments quickly and easily: Instructions.

• Post at least three times per week. Two-Brain clients can access over 300 premade and editable

Instagram posts on our Roadmap: Audience Building, Milestone 2.

• Use the link in your bio to direct people to your website. Instagram only allows you to use one link, so create an Instagram landing page if you publish regularly and need to feature more than one piece of content. Here’s our Instagram landing page.

• Top tip for 2021: Look at the people who watch your Instagram story or like your posts. DM each of them. Copy our brief message below if you need a template. Link them to your website’s free consulta-tion page on the third message and ask them to book time to speak with you in person.

DM: Are you interested in improving your fitness in 2021?


Read our full review of Clubhouse for gym owners here.

• Clubhouse doesn’t have a native way to have a private conversation (a DM or messenger function), so most users share their Instagram and Twitter profiles. When they take the stage, they’ve learned to say, “If you want to chat later, just DM me on Instagram.”

• A better idea that’s rapidly growing in popularity: Send people to a domain off Clubhouse that’s easy to remember. There’s a huge surge in registrations of .club domains right now, as Clubhouse influencers say things like: “Want to suggest a topic? Just go to name.club and fill out our form!”“Want to speak in our club? Pitch your idea by filling out the form on fitnessbusiness.club!”

When people visit your website, your first goal is to have them book a consultation. But most people won’t want to sign up for a consultation the second they reach your site. They don’t know enough about you yet. So you need to keep the dialogue going.

Email allows you to carry on the conversation with potential clients until you can convince them to buy. This is why email converts better than any social me-dia platform.

To entice people to sign up for your email list, you can use “lead magnets.” You can see more than a dozen examples—and start a conversation with us—here: Free Tools.



Send people an email at least once per week.

Start with our “10-Word Email”:

• Subject line: Quick question• Body: Are you still interested in improving your fitness in 2021? Then write “love letters” not “sales letters”: Instructions.

Remember, If you’re a Two-Brain gym, you can find a host of emails to copy and paste on the Roadmap: Client Journey, Milestone 4.

Here are 10 sample topics pulled from the most common questions asked about fitness on Quora. Answer them in letters to your mailing list.

1. Will lifting weights make me bulky?2. Can I gain muscle mass and get shredded at the same time?3. I am 29 and I’ve never worked out. Will I be able to get a good physique and muscle mass even if I start at this age?4. What are some fitness and nutrition hacks to build muscle fast?5. How do I get six-pack abs as quickly as possible?6. Can you do CrossFit if you’re overweight?7. Does weightlifting affect your joints once you are above 50?8. What workout routine is best for your core muscles on a daily basis?9. Can you get six-pack abs from running?10. What’s the hardest part of getting fit?

Social media can grow your business.

It can also shrink your business by drawing your attention away from the more important things—re-tention, client care and sales. It’s easier than ever to find yourself looking back on your day and thinking, “Where did those 12 hours go?” because you get lost on social media. We exhaust our attention scrolling through hundreds of posts—and so do our potential clients.

Remember: Attention is a step in the marketing pro-cess; it’s not the goal. Read “How Many ‘Likes’ Do You Need?”

Keep it simple. Before you worry about ads, boosted posts or setting up a profile on that new platform,


post consistently for months on the two platforms your clients really care about. Back that plan up with regular messages to your mailing list. That’s all you need to do in the beginning.

Find where the fish are swimming and cast your line there over and over instead of trying to cover the whole ocean.

Action Items

□ Identify which social media plat-forms your clients use most.

□ Publish to the top two platforms three times per week each.

□ Set up an email list and send a message once a week.





Copyright © 2021 Two-Brain Business™

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