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Page 1: Social search training 2: Twitter

Twitter searchSocial Search Training Continues...

Page 2: Social search training 2: Twitter

Is Twitter journalism?

Page 3: Social search training 2: Twitter

Is Twitter journalism?

Twitter can be a very useful journalism tool — if you know how to use it.

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Connected or not…

Search topics, people, photos, videos, trends (hashtags)…

What am I looking for?

Or go “Advanced” and get specific.

Near and far…

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What am I looking for?

TO LOCALIZE, add a city here

TO WIDEN YOUR SEARCH (default is 15 miles), adjust the range at the end of this line

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What am I looking for?

1. LOCALa. people (sources)b. conversations (trends)

2. REACTIONa. To major events (earthquakes, celebrity deaths,

Dorner-level news)b. “holy shit” (people use expletives when big news


** Stolen from (with all due respect/props to) Steve Buttry

Twitter search scans several or a few very specific parameters across the entire Twitterverse, so you can find:

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BONUS (non-searchy) APP: bufferapp.com● Want in the convo? Be part of (or lead) the convo● Get maximum exposure (on a loose deadline)

○ Target time slots (and add your own)● Can also time Google Plus posts (pages only)

APP! twXplorer.knightlab.com● Find your best hashtag● Find related Twitter searches/hashtags● Identify trending topics among your lists

Get into the conversation

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Thanks for playing.@GNAdv | beyondtetris.net


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