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Ancient China

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The First Emperor ~ShihuangdiQin Dynasty

Cruelty-Gave terrible punishments to criminals

Killed scholars

Exiled his own son

Important Facts:Started The Great

Called the “Dragon King”

Ruled 15-25 years

Tyrant, cruel

Terracotta warriors to protect the tomb

United China by making common

-Language -Canals-Calendar -Wheel on cart-Money-Writing-Measurement

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The Han Dynasty

Liu Bangʼs Dynasty lasted 400 years

He wanted his dad to live with him, he even built a village that looked exactly like the old village to make him feel like home

Later emperor, Wudi, asked Bactria (Afghanistan) for help with keeping the Xiongnu out of China

Discovered horses which created THe Silk Road

Silk was very special. China was the only place where it was made

The Silk Road was for traders to follow from China to countries in the Mediterranean

206 B.c to A.D 220 ~ Han Dynasty

China was so isolated from the rest of the world because of its geography. Ocean, desserts, and mountains made it difficult for people to come visit

This dynasty invented paper 1,000 years before the rest of the world did

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Tang Dynasty

Poetry and the Arts

All Tang emperors loved the arts

-Music -Calligraphy-Poetry -Painting

Famous poets~ Li Bo, Du Fu

Du Fu is really serious

Li Bo threw up on the emperorlater drowned

An Era of Glory

Tea was poplar....merchants became rich selling it

Paper money was invented

Invented printing and made first printed book\

An Explosive Discovery

Gun powder was invented by accident

invented fireworks

Gun powder was not use for war, but for firework

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Yuan Dynasty Kubilai Khan

Kubilai Khanʼs greatest achievement was the creation of a postal system and used calendar

Marco Polo, he came to study China so people know more informations

The China payed taxes to pay for the wars and money that Khubilai Khan used

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