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Page 1: Sociology Project #1

BY: Rebecca Stephenson


Page 2: Sociology Project #1

1) How does television influence the way children behave in society?

2) Why do American’s spend many hours watching television in a week’s time? Does the amount of television watched have an affect on how energetic one is?

Page 3: Sociology Project #1

1) Why do teenage girls feel the need to show so much skin out in a public place?

2) Does the group of friends teenage girls have influence the way they should dress ? Or are they influenced from television shows or Hollywood?

Page 4: Sociology Project #1

1) Why does people of the Catholic religion have more children than those of other religions?

2) What influences the amount of children a woman has in American society? (i.e. institutions, religions, etc…).

Page 5: Sociology Project #1

1) Why do more children in the United States have a problem with obesity than in other parts of the world?

2) If being obese is hazardous to the body for Children and other people in America; Why do American’s have the tendency to eat out more than one time a week?

Page 6: Sociology Project #1

1) Does shopping allow a woman to cope and escape the stresses of the outside world?

2) How much time does a woman spend inside a shopping store on a weekly basis? Is shopping only popular for women in American society or in other parts of the world?

Page 7: Sociology Project #1

1) Why are American’s interested in the famous life of Hollywood? Why do American’s spend their time reading about other people’s lives?

2) Does Hollywood have an influence on teenagers and how they should be pursued? (i.e. a person’s weight, how they should look.)

Page 9: Sociology Project #1

1) Does the use of the internet as a source of information, decreased American’s interest in reading a book?

2) Do American’s read more books than other nations of the world?

Page 11: Sociology Project #1

1) Why is money so essential to the American people?

2) Why do American’s believe you need a lot of money to be happy in life, when the people who do have money are still unhappy? Is it because having money is security?

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