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Page 1: Sociology Secondary Deviance Projectpshs.psd202.org/documents/twulf/1523446989.pdf · You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation. ... Countess Elizabeth


Secondary Deviance Project

Now that we have discussed primary and secondary deviance you are going to become an expert on a secondary deviant. You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation.

Each portion of your project must be fully developed. As a general rule this should require at least five sentences for each section. Each section will be located on a separate slide in the presentation.

Each Slide = 4 points for content, 1 point for editing

Works Cited = 3 points (three entries required on slide 9)

Graphics = 5 points (10 images worth 1/2 point each)

Title Slide = 2 points (title, name, class period)

Total = 45 points

Page 2: Sociology Secondary Deviance Projectpshs.psd202.org/documents/twulf/1523446989.pdf · You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation. ... Countess Elizabeth

Part 2: Background

Introduce your deviant by providing biographical background information.

Include any available information on their background, origins and experiences from

before their deviant behavior became known. Especially pay attention to any red flags that may signal future problems. Red flags could include examples of how they were socialized as children or any early

trouble they got into. DO NOT discuss their primary deviant behavior (the one that

made them famous) in this section.


General Background: 2

Identify & Explain Red Flags: 2

Editing: 1

Page 3: Sociology Secondary Deviance Projectpshs.psd202.org/documents/twulf/1523446989.pdf · You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation. ... Countess Elizabeth

Part 3: DevianceDescribe their deviant behavior. It is not necessary to touch upon every gory detail, but you must provide a

summary covering the types of crimes, basic methods, motivations and

victimology. Be sure to cover the entire scope of their deviant

behaviors—don’t just focus on one crime if they committed many.


Complete Overview of Behaviors: 4

Editing: 1

Page 4: Sociology Secondary Deviance Projectpshs.psd202.org/documents/twulf/1523446989.pdf · You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation. ... Countess Elizabeth

Part 4: OutcomesExplain the result of their deviant behavior as far as punishment.

What formal and/or informal punishments did they receive? There could be different outcomes for different crimes, be sure to cover as

many examples as possible.


Formal Puishments: 2

Informal Punishments: 2

Editing: 1

Page 5: Sociology Secondary Deviance Projectpshs.psd202.org/documents/twulf/1523446989.pdf · You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation. ... Countess Elizabeth

Part 5: Functionalism 1

Identify the element of Strain Theory (consult your notes) that you feel best fits this person. Explain how this element is the best fit and

support your answer with examples.


Correct Explanation: 3

Supporting Example: 1

Editing: 1

Page 6: Sociology Secondary Deviance Projectpshs.psd202.org/documents/twulf/1523446989.pdf · You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation. ... Countess Elizabeth

Part 6: Symbolic InteractionismA. Apply the Differential Association Theory to explain your deviant’s actions.

Support your explanation with examples.

B. Explain how Labeling Theory can be used to explain your deviant’s actions. Support your explanation with examples.

Both response choices must be based upon events that took

place BEFORE their major deviant behavior began.


Correct Application: 2 (x2)

Example: 2 (x2)

Editing: 1

Page 7: Sociology Secondary Deviance Projectpshs.psd202.org/documents/twulf/1523446989.pdf · You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation. ... Countess Elizabeth

Part 7: Victim DiscountingThere are two ways of looking at this topic depending on your deviant and

available information. Choose the one that fits your topic.

1. (A) Why was your deviant able to get away with their activities for as long as they did? (B) Did elements of society place lesser value on the victims?

2. (A) How/why did the deviant choose their victims? (B) Did the deviant view them to be of different value for some reason?

POINTS (A) = 2 (B) = 2 Editing: 1

Page 8: Sociology Secondary Deviance Projectpshs.psd202.org/documents/twulf/1523446989.pdf · You will choose one secondary deviant and complete a PowerPoint presentation. ... Countess Elizabeth

Other topics can be explored with teacher approval.

SERIAL KILLERS Harold Shipman (killer doctor) Caligula (Roman emperor) Ariel Castro (imprisoner)

Aileen Wuornos Leonard Earle Nelson Pablo Escobar (drug lord) Josef Fritzl (imprisoner)

Albert Fish Wayne Williams Andrew Kehoe (school bomber) Lucky Luciano (mob)

Andrei Chikitilo Genene Jones (killer nurse) Josef Mengele (death camp doctor) Tom Horn (Old West)

Edmund Kemper Robert DeSalvo Timothy McVeigh (OKC bomber) John Dillinger (bank robber)

Dennis Rader (BTK) Luis Garavito Robert Hanssen (spy) Lee Boyd Malvo (D.C. sniper)

Carl Panzram David Berkowitz Joe Gliniewicz (crooked cop) Bugsy Siegel (mob)

Ed Gein Bela Kiss Vlad Tepes (the Impailer/Dracula) El Chapo (drug lord)

Lonnie Franklin (Grim Sleeper) Peter Kurten Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) Bernard Madoff (finance)

Henri Landrau (Bluebeard) OTHER DEVIANT FIGURES Drew Peterson The Rosenbergs (spies)

H.H. Holmes (H.W. Mudgett) OJ Simpson Joaquin Guzman (El Chapo)

Jeffrey Dahmer Andrew Cunanan (spree killer) Ilse Koch (death camp worker)

John Wayne Gacy Bonnie & Clyde Aldrich Ames (spy) CELEBRITIES & ECCENTRICS

Ted Bundy Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg Eric Rudolph (bomber) Michael Jackson

William Heirens Richard Speck (mass murderer) Leopold & Loeb (thrill killers) Andy Warhol

Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer) Charles Starkweather (spree killer) Jesse James (bank robber) David Bowie

Countess Elizabeth Bathory Billy the Kid (Old West) Anders Behring Breivik (Neo-Nazi) Mike Tyson

Richard Ramirez Henry Lee Lucas Al Capone Howard Hughes

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