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14th October, 1938.

(W 13544/104/98)

Private and Personal.

Since the Delegation ret from Geneva

we have "been In touch with Sir Herbert Emerson. He Is

making excellent progress after his operation, and he

hopes to "begin very soon to take up the threads of his

work as High Commissioner, and to he fit for full-time

work "by the 1st December.

2. He is of course already carefully considering

the question of appointments to his staff, and we are

anxious to help him as much as we can in this connexion.

As regards the post of Deputy High Commissioner, we have

told him that M. Kullmann of the League Secretariat

would like to "be considered for the appointment, that

we ourselves think that he is well qualified for it and


Monsieur J. Avenol.

that we are in favour of hie appointment. Sir Herbert

is naturally anxious to know your opinion "before taking

any decision, and we understand that he is writing to

you on the subject.' I thought that you would probably

like to know that we would support M. Kullmann* s

appointment, if you were ready to recommend it to Sir


We understand that Sir Herbert hopes to

appoint Duncannon as one of his Secretaries, to take

charge of the German section, if Duncannon is willing

to take the job.

y/fa, — uM

. i ft

t ', __

r " Geneva, October S6th, 1938

Private and Personal.

Dear Randall,

Thank you for your letter (W.135^/104/93)

of October l4th. Sir Herbert Emerson has written to

me In regard to the questions which you raised In

your letter and I have Informed him that I shall be

able to give him a final opinion aft-r I have had

the opportunity of consulting Abraham who will be back

here at the beginning of November.

Yours sincerely

(s) J. Avenol.

A.W.G. RAIiDALL Esq. Foreign Office,

London, S.W.l.

Geneva, November let, 1933-

Private nnd Personal

Dear Randall,

With further reference to ny letter of October

26th , Je decided that « 1. better to «newer the ,,eetlono

Sir Herbert Enereon ha» put to me verbally rather than J

" a n d ! have a,*ed Abraham to S= over at the beEl„„lnE

Of next week to see Sir Herbert.

He ,111 go and Bee you after he has'Been Sir

Hubert, probably on Wednesday 9th November.

Yours sincerely,

(s) J. Avenol.

a .w .g . Ra n d a l l Esq-»Foreign Office,

London, 3.W.1-

îo j 37788^^ —

r Geneva, November 1st, 1933- 1X

Dear Sir HiWith further reference to my "Letter of Qctober

13th, I have come to the conclusion that it would be more

satisfactory to answer the questions you nut to me verbally

rather than by letter.I have therefore asked Major Abraham to go over

to England to see you. He will arrive In London next Honday,

November 7th, and could go to Sevenotite to Fee you on Tuesday ath. Perhaps you will let him know whether this Is convenient

Abraham should not be delayed so ling.I trust that the progress in your recovery con­

tinues satisfactorily.Yours sincerely,

I am looking forward to seeing you when you can

come to fleneva, but I feel that an interview with Major

(s) J. Avenol

Sir Herbert Emerson, G.C.I.E. Little Paddock,

Dradbourne Road,Sevenoaks (Kent)

20A/35482/35482 ^rtunBirrARŸ-UttMifflAI::''

» . 3t.rr of ta. P'ri* comlMlonar for Refus»” -

Ixo.pt for th. High Commleeloner, t u S.or.t«rl.t ha.

no information r.garding t u oompo.ltlon of hi, staff nor

the terme of their contracts.

2. The High commie,loner himself was appointed b, the

1938 Aeeembly, the appointment having been made for five

year. a. from January let, 1939. It therefor, expired on

Deoember 31et, 1943. I oan trace no record either

in the Registry file, or In the proceeding, of the Supervisory

Commission a. to the prolongation of hie mandate. He

continued In fact and the Sup.rrlec.ry Commi.aion voted ble

budget yearly. Th. la,t Assembly pa.,.d e resolution on

April 18th according to which th. High Commis.loner ".hall

remain In office until th. .nd of th. year 1946 or euch

earlier date a, may appear to th. Board desirable".

3. Th. reeolutlon of the H a t Aeeembly concerning th.

payment of Indemnity. to dismissed .taff appll,. only to

the Secretariat. Th,lr extenalon to th. High Cc-ml.sloner

and his staff would r.qulr., in my vl=«. a d.cislon of the

Board of Liquidation.

4. i attach for your approval a draft letter to Sir

Herbert Emerson.


Geneve, August 12th, 1946. y


,v-r;Dear Sir Herbert,

In the absence of the Seoretary-General, who is away from Geneva on short leave, I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated August 7th, and would like to give you some preliminary information on the questions put by you as regards the indemnity on the termination of contracts.

Personally, I think that the matter will have to be referred to the Board of Liquidation as the Assembly Resolution speaks only of the Secretariat Staff.

The voluntary contribution of the Secretariat officials has been reduced by a decision of the Super­visory Commission by 50 # as from April 1st,1946, con­tracts of all League officials having been terminated as at July 31st,1946. New contracts have now been given to those whose services have been retained after that date and the voluntary contribution is no longer being applied after July 31st by the Secretariat. This is in accord­ance with an understanding reached with the Supervisory Commission.

I will submit your letter to the Secretary- General on his return so that he can give you more precise information on the first point raised in your letter.

Believe me, dear Sir Herbert,

Yours sincerely,

Sir Herbert Emerson, G.C.I.E, K.C.S.I.,C.B.E. High Commissioner for Refugees under the Protection of the League of Nations,

^9, Hill'Street, Berkeley Sq, ÿ>ilan w T--------------


My deer Emerson,


OEHIVA, August ^4th, 1946v


I heve before me your letter dated August 7th, the reoelpt of whlob has already been provisionally acknowledged by ateneek.

1. I share ateneek's flews that the extension to yourself and your staff of the lust ,esembly's resolution concerning the payment of Indemnities would require a speolal decision by the Liquidation Board, the resolution us passed applying only to the Secretariat staff. I shall therefore. If you so desire,be pleased to put the nutter before the Board et Its next sess-on.

2. as, according to the Assembly resolution passed onApril 18th, the "High Commledloner for Refugees shall remain in office until the end of the year 1946 or such earlier dateus nay appeir to the Board desirable", I thin* the Bo&rd would wish to be Informed of the steps you have taker- with a view to terminating the contractu or your staff and I should o« grateful If you would let ne hnve thin Information In due «°”” ®- It would also be useful If you would let me have • ^ îv.?fry®^î-lo- staff, Indicating their salaries, the beginning of th*lr servloa and the terms of their contracts, especially as regards the termination clauee.

3. The matters mentioned under paragraph (2) will no doubt fall under the arrangements Indicated in the last paragraph of your official letter of August 7th.

With kindest regards.Yours sincerely,

(s) Sean Lester

31r Herbert Emerson, O.C.I.I.,K.C.S.I., C.B.Ï.

Lb ague of Rations High Commissioner l'or refugees,

19 Hill Street, berkeley Square,London. y..l._

L is t e d e s P i è c e s C o n te n u e s



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