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Page 1: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips: Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

You see them all the time — that fast pitch softball team this is always touting its great win-loss record. They place an article in the local newspaper, or you go to check out their website, and there's a list of tournaments they've won and their record is something unbelievable like 64-5. Yet you've seen them play, and you know their players, and they just don't seem that good.

Page 2: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

Some coaches do it on purpose, because for them it's all about the win-loss record. They are known for sandbagging, i.e. playing in tournaments or leagues that are below the caliber of their teams to rack up easy Ws. Or they play to win in games where everyone else is trying to develop their weaker players.

Page 3: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

Others do it more accidentally. Sometimes you don't know how good your team is going to be so you pick tournaments or leagues you think are right, only to find out you're better than you thought.

Page 4: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

Here's the thing, though. If you're winning every tournament you enter, you're probably not challenging your players enough. Winning a tournament should be an accomplishment, not a regular expectation. You want to play the best competition you can handle, so at the end of the day it takes your all to come out on top. Anything else is cheating the players.

Page 5: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

How can it be cheating them when it feels so good to win? Because they're not developing at the level they should. In order to be the best you have to play the best. If you're playing teams you know you can beat easily it's like power lifting with light weights. It looks good, but it doesn't do much to make you stronger.

Page 6: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

I've known coaches who loved to win so much that if their Ace player (usually a pitcher) wasn't able to make it to the tournament one weekend, he/she would bow out rather than risk losing. Why would you do that?

Page 7: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

Sure, you might suffer some losses, but so what? Without Ms. Ace there the other players would be forced to step up. And you never know — you might find some gems in there; the other players might step up in the face of the tougher road, making the team stronger over all. But you'll never know if you won't take that risk.

Page 8: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

Sure, winning is fun, and it definitely beats losing. But playing below the level that challenges you is like looking at the last few pages of a mystery novel before you finish reading the rest of the book. It takes the excitement out of the outcome.

Page 9: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

Now, I'm not saying go into tournaments that are over your head. That's no fun either. But you want to play at a level that pushes your players to give their all — and that could result in losing even if they do.

Page 10: Softball coaching tips   building your record vs challenging your team

154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 4A1 Contact Us - 1-866-589-0439


Softball Tips Hitting Tips

Softball Coaching Tips Building YourRecord vs Challenging Your Team

That way, if you do win, you'll know you really did something special. And that beats a great record against weaker opponents any day of the week.

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