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Page 1: Software Engineering Lecture 8: Quality Assurance.

Software Engineering

Lecture 8: Quality Assurance

Page 2: Software Engineering Lecture 8: Quality Assurance.

Today’s Topics Elements of Software Quality Quality Control & Assurance The Cost of Quality Defect Amplification & Removal The Formal Review Process Software Reliability & Safety

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Software Quality Assurance

The goal of SE: “to produce high-quality software”

Question: “What is software quality?”

Poor definition:“Something you worry about after code has been generated”

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SQA Principles Quality management approach Effective SE methods / tools Ongoing technical reviews Multi-tiered testing strategy Control of documentation, updates Standards compliance procedure Ongoing measurement, reporting

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Variation Control

One goal is to minimize variation:• Among products, product versions • Process results (estimated vs. actual)• Behavior (defects noted over time)

Challenge: constantly evolve the product without degrading its reliability, functionality, etc.

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What is Quality? Quality of design

• Requirements analysis• Specifications• Architectural design, detailed design

Evaluating the product• Does design follow requirements?• Does implementation follow design?• Does product meet performance goals?

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Quality Control Inspections, reviews, tests:

• Each module meets requirements?• Feedback to development process• Automated, manual, hybrid tests

Key: All modules must have defined and measurable specifications for output evaluation

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Quality Assurance

Auditing and reporting functions Goals:

• Provide management with information on product quality• Trigger identification & resolution of quality problems

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Software Quality Assurance

Conformance to:• Explicitly stated functional and performance requirements• Explicitly documented development standards• Implicit characteristics of professional software

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SQA [2]

Three important points:• requirements are the foundation for measuring quality• specified standards guide the development process• implicit requirements (e.g., maintainability)

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The Cost of Quality Prevention costs

• quality planning• formal technical reviews• test equipment & training

Appraisal costs• “first time through”• single project, historical evolution• equipment calibration & maintenance• testing effort

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The Cost of Quality [2] Failure costs include:

• Internal failure costs (before release)• rework & repair• failure mode analysis

• External failure costs (after release)• complaint resolution• product return and replacement• help line support• warranty work

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Cost of Correcting Defects Relative costs to find and repair a defect increase

dramatically:• From prevention to detection• From internal vs. external

IBM example:• Prevention = ~$90/defect• Field fix = ~$25,000/defect

18x more expensive!

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SQA Activities Independent person or group

“...large classes of errors escape the originator more easily than … anyone else” [FRE90]

Prepare SQA Plan• Evaluations to be performed• Audits and reviews to be performed• Standards applicable to the product• Error reporting and tracking• Documents produced by SQA• Amount/type of feedback to developers

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Types of Reviews Informal discussion of technical problems Formal presentation to customers / management /

staff Formal technical review (FTR)

“code walkthrough” Find errors before they become defects!

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Reviews [2] Design activities introduce 50-65% of all errors Reviews can uncover up to 75% of all design

flaws Substantial cost savings in development and


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Defect Amplification Model

[from SEPA 4/e]

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Defect Amplification: No Reviews

[From SEPA 4/e]

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Defect Amplification: w/Reviews

[From SEPA 4/e]

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Defect Removal

Percentage of Costly DefectsIs Higher (66% vs. 93%)

[From SEPA 4/e]

Cost Before testMuch Greater (34% vs. 7%)

Total Cost of DefectsMuch Greater

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The Review Meeting 3-5 people Advance preparation

(< 2 hours per person)• Review software, read documentation

Meeting duration less than 2 hours Constraints limit focus of each meeting (e.g., single

component) Improve likelihood of uncovering errors

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Review Meeting [2] Agenda:

• Introduction by developer• Walk-through with Q/A• Review “issues list” is created• Decide whether to:

• accept module without modifications• reject due to severe errors

(repeat review at a future time)• accept with revisions (no further review)

• Summary Report / Action Items

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Review Guidelines “Review the product, not the producer” Set and maintain agenda Limit debate and rebuttal Enunciate, don’t solve problems Take written notes Insist on advance preparation

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Review Guidelines [2]

Allocate resources for reviews Conduct meaningful training Review your early reviews!

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Causes of Defects Incomplete / erroneous spec Misinterpret customer communication Intentional deviation from spec Programming standards not met Error in data representation Inconsistent module interface Error in design logic

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Causes of Defects [2] Incomplete / erroneous testing Inaccurate / incomplete documentation Error in implementation of design Ambiguous / inconsistent UI

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Statistical QA Collect info about defects Trace defects to causes, tabulate Prioritize (e.g. “80/20 rule”) Move to correct problems Create error index for each module, weighting

more heavily those errors that were discovered later

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Software Reliability

“Probability of failure-free operation of a module in a specified environment for a specified time” [MUS87]

How to define “failure”? Annoying vs. catastrophic Varying effort to fix

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Reliability Measures Mean time between failures (MTBF) Obscure defects occur rarely Some defects never detected Defects that are more frequent and costly are most


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Software Safety

Identify hazards Prioritize (probability, severity) Design to minimize hazards Execution modeling:

• Fault tree analysis [VES81]• Real-time logic [JAN86]• Petri nets [LEV97

Poka-yoke devices:

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