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Page 1: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha

In This Issue: Calendar 2


Beha’Alotecha 3

June Gala Wrap Up 4

Hebrew Day

Happenings 5-6

Preschool Pages 7

Soille Community

Page 8

Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool

3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300 www.hebrewday.org

June 9, 2017 Parshat Beha’Alotecha 15 Sivan 5777 Light Candles 7:38 pm

Page 2: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu June 9, 2017 - 15 Sivan 5777

Calendar of Events

Head of School: Rabbi Simcha Weiser [email protected]

Assistant Head of School: Rabbi Meir Cohen [email protected]

Director of School Operations: Estelle Workman [email protected]

Director of Enrollment: Beth Licha [email protected]

Dean of Students: Giovanna Reinking [email protected]

Preschool Director: Rachel Eden [email protected]

Business Manager: Klara Lapp [email protected]

Director of Development: Joyce Arovas [email protected]


Geoffrey Berg

Members at Large:

Josh Cohen Iliana Glovinsky

Moises Eilemberg Gavin Horn

Allen Gruber Hilary Kleinman

Yonina Kaplan Philip Silverman

Michael Leeman Yvonne Venger

Marilyn Williams Marcia Wollner

Missy Wrotslavsky Brian Zimmerman

Our Administrative Team: Board of Directors:


June 12 - 16, 2017 7th Grade Finals June 13, 2017 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Antique Steam Engine

Museum 4th Grade Living Timeline Presentation, 2:00-3:30 pm 7th Grade Early Dismissal at 1:00 pm June 14, 2017 7th Grade Early Dismissal at 1:00 pm Kindergarten Otiot Party, 2:00-3:30 pm June 15, 2017 7th Grade Early Dismissal at 11:15 am

June 16, 2017 Last Day of School Early Dismissal at 12:00 pm


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Page 3: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu June 9, 2017 - 15 Sivan 5777

Parshat Becha’Alotecha OVERVIEW: Parshat Beha’alotcha (Numbers: Ch 8 – 12) Aharon is taught the method for kindling the menorah. Moshe sanctifies the levi'im to work in the Mishkan. They replace the firstborn, who were disqualified after sinning at the golden calf. The levi'im are commanded that after five years of training they are to serve in the Mishkan from ages 30 to 50; afterwards they are to engage in less strenuous work. One year after the Exodus from Egypt, G-d commands Moshe concerning the korban Pesach. Those ineligible for this offering request a remedy, and the mitzvah of Pesach Sheini, allowing a "second chance" to offer the korban Pesach one month later, is detailed. Miraculous clouds that hover near the Mishkan signal when to travel and when to camp. Two silver trumpets summon the princes or the entire nation for announcements. The trumpets also signal travel plans, war or festivals. The order in which the tribes march is specified. Moshe invites his father-in-law, Yitro, to join the Jewish People, but Yitro returns to Midian. At the instigation of the eruv rav - the mixed Egyptian multitude who joined the Jewish People in the Exodus – some people complain about the manna. Moshe protests that he is unable to govern the nation alone. G-d tells him to select 70 elders, the first Sanhedrin, to assist him, and informs him that the people will be given meat until they will be sickened by it. Two candidates for the group of elders prophesy beyond their mandate, foretelling that Yehoshua instead of Moshe will bring the people to Canaan. Some protest, including Yehoshua, but Moshe is pleased that others have become prophets. G-d sends an incessant supply of quail for those who complained that they lacked meat. A plague punishes those who complained. Miriam tries to make a constructive remark to Aharon which also implies that Moshe is only like other prophets. G-d explains that Moshe's prophecy is superior to that of any other prophet, and punishes Miriam with tzara'at as if she had gossiped about her brother. (Because Miriam is so righteous, she is held to an incredibly high standard). Moshe prays for her, and the nation waits until she is cured before traveling. (C) 2017 Ohr Somayach International - All rights reserved.

DRASHA: The menorah has been one of the symbols of the Jewish people from time immemorial. It remains so today as well, it being one of the major symbols representing the Jewish state of Israel. The original menorah was cast and fashioned from one solid, large piece of gold. According to Jewish tradition, the construction of this great artifact was so detailed and complicated that it was beyond the ken of human talent and ability. It was created miraculously, simply by somehow taking this great piece of gold and throwing it into a fire. From the midst of the fire sprang forth the menorah in all of its grandeur and beauty. The menorah represented the light of Torah, of G-dly wisdom and holy erudition. It represented not only light that illuminated the outside world and society but rather it spoke to Israel of an inner glow that emanated from the soul and from the physical senses of human beings. In the words of the great rabbis of Torah: “does the Lord require its light?” The menorah itself was situated in the structure of the Temple in such a way that most Jews were never able to actually see it and benefit from its glow. So it was that the light, so to speak, was really not on public display and was and is an inner light that made the menorah so symbolic of the Jewish people and its beliefs. Believe it or not, Judaism is truly more concerned with the spirituality and holiness of the individual rather than on outward appearances and public displays of piety. Human beings instinctively treasure light and abhor

darkness. Darkness covers evil deeds and nefarious plots. The animals of prey prowl at night in the dark. In a world of secrets, darkness is the most accessible cover. The menorah came to dispel such darkness. It is the light that was meant to reach all of humankind and to illuminate the otherwise dark recesses that lurk within us. It is no wonder then that this light was deemed to be an eternal one, constantly lit in the Temple and renewed day in and day out. In our modern world, genius or the activity of ideas and innovation is often represented by cartoonists as a light bulb going on in our brain. This is because the flash of brilliance is always characterized as somehow seeing the ‘light.’ The initial creation of the universe, so to speak, is itself described as the beginning of light. The menorah carries with it this message of light, holiness and of hope and optimism. That is why there can be no more fitting symbol for the Jewish people and for Israel than that of the menorah. In King Solomon’s wisdom, he constructed ten additional menorot to adorn the Holy Temple. The subtle message here is that there can never be enough light, for it nurtures our souls and guarantees our eventual success in physical and spiritual terms. Shabat shalom. Rabbi Berel Wein © 2017

Page 4: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu June 9, 2017 - 15 Sivan 5777

June Gala Wrap Up Emily Einhorn, Honoree

Ask your child what part of their class's silk art they created... every child has their own specific area that they contributed and they're all so proud of their work! Head to https://squareup.com/store/SSDHDS to purchase your 12" x 12" calendar or you can pay directly to Estelle or Vonnie. Cost is only $40 for TWO calen-dars, or JUST $18 EACH if you buy more than 3. It's $25 for one, but why would you take just one?!?! :)

Thank you to Our Underwriters! We are extraordinarily grateful for the generous support from the following Underwriters who made this event possible!

Jozef & Tamara Adato Moris & Rebeca Adato City of Hope Moises Eilemberg Dr. Daniel & Emily Einhorn Estee Einhorn Max Einhorn Leo & Robin Eisenberg Uri & Belinda Feldman Karen Fisher Erez Gargir Selwyn & Hilary Isakow Jewish Community Foundation Adam & Tara Klein Susan & Bob Lapidus Leichtag Foundation Daniel & Jennifer Levy Luis Maizel North Island Credit Union Monica Handler Penner Raphael’s Party Rentals Roger & Debbie Rappoport Robert Rubenstein & Marie Raftery Colin & Nancy Seid Syd & Denise Selati Dr. Joel & Faye Snyder

Thank you to our Volunteers! Sharon Amsalem

Stefan Bain Nancy Barker Judy Beraha Sara Boniske

Shauna Breskin Malke Brookler

Lori Carnot Vanessa De Lara

Ora Duben Maggy Dujowich Ingrid Emanuel

Chaya Ertel Mindi Estrada

Ivan Farca Alison Ferry

Elie & Tova Goldschmidt Rachelk Guenniche

Judith Halperin Sharon Hefetz Alysa Kaplan

Yonina & Danny Kaplan Yiftach Levy & Jennifer

Tabak-Levy Paula Matthews

Ray Mills Ilana Podolsky

Sarah Price-Keating Jenny Raz

Debbie Rappoport Bobbe Reitman Vicki Rosenberg

Julie Rupp Sherry Saavedra

Moshe Segev Isaac & Devorah Soncino

Esther Solomon Susan Weiner Malka Weiser

Kimber Wrosch

Page 5: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu June 9, 2017 - 15 Sivan 5777

Hebrew Day Happenings

Stanley B. Kunin Memorial Award for Academic Excellence Each year, our Middle School faculty meet as a group to determine the outstanding graduate(s) to be presented with the Stanley B. Kunin Award(s) for Academic Excellence. This award was first presented by Dr. Bernard Kunin in June, 1971 to Monica Handler, then a 6th grader. The listing of recipients is a very distinguished group of young men and women. Most recently, Kunin Award Winner Adam Goodman (2000) was named as law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. At graduation on Sunday, Ahuvah Liebman received the 2017 Kunin in General Studies and Tzivya Rosenberg received the 2017 Kunin in Judaic Studies.

Presenting the

Hebrew Day School

Class of 2017

Each graduate delivered a

speech highlighting their Hebrew

Day experience over the years.

Common themes included a

sense of community and

friendship, gratitude to their

teachers and the value of the

education they received at

Hebrew Day. We are proud to

call this eighth grade class


Special Awards Besides the Kunin Award for Academic Excellence, there are a number of special Awards recognizing the achievements of students in this year’s graduating class. Some are subject specific, such as the Zanville Science and the Brookler Talmud Award. Others are based on extra, outside-the-classroom accomplishments, such as leadership, good character, community service and sportsmanship. The full list of awardees are below: Zanville Science Ahuvah Liebman

Jaffe Chumash Tzivya Rosenberg

Brookler Talmud Yosef Kaplan

Soille Yahadut Chaya Leos

Successful Me Leadership Award Akiva Cohen

Breitbard Sportsmanship Dahlia Levy

Weiser Keter Shem Tov Tomer Segev

Snyder Community Service Akiva Cohen

Page 6: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu June 9, 2017 - 15 Sivan 5777

Hebrew Day Happenings

Such a experience working with the second grade

students on the Gala Video’s Music Background.

Aaron Rubin came in to record the students to the

song they learned with me. They were incredible!

-Mordy Estersohn

Look at all that glitz and glamour! What did the Jew-ish people save their wealth for? The vessels of Ha-shem in the Mishkan (Tabernacle) in the desert. The 6th grade girls learned about the beauty and essence of the traveling “house” of G-d through the last Torah portions in the book of Shmot (Exodus). They learned the precision, detail, care and devotion that went into every aspect of it. As they end the year they are learning the value of connecting to something higher than themselves. So proud of their growth! - Morah Malka Weiser

Second Grade Fairy Tale Ball could be heard down the halls laughing This year parents out loud at the second grade’s performances! The tortoise stole the show when he was accused of poisoning the Hare to win the race. Mrs. Shumate did a great job with the second grade class along with her assistant Samantha House. Thank you also to the rest of the second grade team and all the parents for all your hard work.

Page 7: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu June 9, 2017 - 15 Sivan 5777

Preschool Pages

Page 8: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu June 9, 2017 - 15 Sivan 5777

Soille Community Page Mazal Tov to…

...Eleazar Dujowich on becoming Bar Mitzvah and to proud parents Maggy and Samuel Dujowich and grandparents Sofia and Alfredo Dujowich.

… The Torah High School 2017 graduating class: Stephanie Attia, Nicole Eichner, Zahava Goodwin, Lillian Liebman, Malky Palti, Siena Rappoport and Talya Stehley .

… The SCY High 2017 graduating class: Ezra Arovas, Dan Benaroch, Elijah Genin, Isaac Lapp, Joshua Segal, Betzalel Vanderhoof and Adam Wechsler.

...Josh Segal (HDS Class of 2013) on being named Valedictorian of the Class of 2017 at the SCY High graduation (Below right picture).

...Ezra Arovas (HDS Class of 2013) on being awarded the Ben Torah Award at the SCY High graduation (Below left picture).

Page 9: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School · Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool 3630 Afton Road · San Diego, A 92123 · 858-279-3300 June 9, 2017 Parshat eha’Alotecha

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