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  • 1. Solar System
    By: William Meng

2. Revolve?
Revolve means for a smaller object to move around a larger object.
Planets revolve around the sun.
3. Rotation
Rotate is similar to spinning. When a planet rotates, its spins itself on its axis.
The Earth Rotates
4. Difference between Inner and Outer Planets
Inner planets are inside asteroid belt, Outer planets are outside of asteroid belt.
Inner planets are smaller than outer planets
Inner planets are mostly made of rock, outer planets are mostly made of gas.
5. Craters in inner planets?
There are more craters in the inner planets because suns gravity attracts asteroids from the asteroid belts to the inner planets.
6. Orbit
Orbit is the path a planet/satellite follows when it revolves around a larger object.
This Satellite orbits around the sun.
7. A Planet
A planet needs to have:
Large enough so the gravity is strong enough to make the planet round
Orbits around the sun
Cleared out its path
8. Dwarf Planets
Dwarf planets were declared to be the class of objects that have a large enough mass to become round due to gravity and are in orbit around the sun, but have not cleared out its orbital path around the Sun
Pluto, Ceres, and Eris are the three dwarf planets.
9. The 13 planets?
10. Solar System Picture
11. Your Journey Around Solar System Begins Here.
12. Mercury
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun
Thin atmosphere due to weak gravity.
Helium and sodium are found on its atmosphere.
Impact cratering, volcanism, and tectonic activity shaped Mercury.
13. Venus
14. Earth
15. The Moon
Moon. Earths only satellite and companion
16. Mars
Ancient bacteria and other small signs of life suggest that there was once life on Mars
Atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide
Olympus Mons is a large volcano on Mars.
Two satellites are Phobos and Deimos.
17. Asteroid Belt
18. Jupiter
Jupiter rotates very fast. This allows its poles to be flatter and round in the center.
Hydrogen, helium, sulfur, and nitrogen make up its atmosphere.
The Great Red Spot is a large hurricane on Jupiter.
Jupiter has 63 satellites.
19. Saturn
Hydrogen and helium make up Saturns atmosphere.
Saturns rings are believed to be formed by its moons
The ring is composed of dust and ice.
Saturn could float in water due to its low density.
Seasons in Saturn last 7 years.
20. Uranus
Uranus tilts at 98 degrees. It seems like it rotates on one side.
Hydrogen, helium, and methane make up its atmosphere.
It has 27 known satellites.
21. Neptune
Ammonia, helium, and methane make up its atmosphere.
Neptune has 13 known satellites.
Triton is Neptunes largest satellite. Astronomers think that it was captured by Neptunes gravity and forced it to revolve around Neptune.
22. Pluto
Charon, Nix, and Hydra are Plutos three moons.
Scientists learned using a spectroscope that there was methane frost on Pluto and water frost on Charon.
Charon shares atmosphere with Pluto.
23. Ceres
It takes 4.6 Earth years for Ceres to make one revolution.
Ceres was once considered an asteroid because it was in the asteroid belt.
Its surface is covered with a mixture of water ice, carbonates, and clays.
24. Eris
Xena was Eris original name.
It takes 557 Earth years for Eris to make one orbit around the sun.
Dysnomiais Eriss moon
It did not clear out its orbit, so it could not be a planet.
26. Special thanks to:
Google images
Yahoo images

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