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Page 1: Solaria (Solar System) Chronicles
Page 2: Solaria (Solar System) Chronicles




There occurred a great disagreement & polarization of the els/elohim into 2 factions: those that

had chosen to be served themselves by their minions & subordinates, gratifying their egotistic

selves; & those that had chosen to remain to serve the Master Plan of the Creator of All that Was,

that Is, & that will Be. The elohim of Maldec was 1 of the former.

Settling down in the planet Maldec, the elohim called in the ancient texts of the Babylonians as

Ba'al or Lucifer indoctrinated its inhabitants in the ways of serving the self, gratifying materiality

almost without regard for the well beingness of the human soul; using, exploiting, abusing others

for the sake of one's selfish ends & pursuit of happiness. This psychic program by Lucifer was

done through means of putting their newborn infants in suspended animation inside the dark

"awakening caverns" of Maldec, until they developed into puberty. Maldecians are almost 8 ft.

tall, have creamy white complexions, have blue eyes & golden blonde hair, or what we can refer

here on earth as the Nordics. They are called by the Earth natives as the “Radiant Ones”, or the

“Watcher Race”.

The benevolent teacher race from Uranus chanced upon this race of people early in their stage of

soul evolution of being indoctrinated to the ways of self-gratification. Arriving with their

starships, they taught the Darmins (Maldecians who are not ‘indoctrinated’ by the elohim

Lucifer) about the sacred numbers & mathematics. Darmins were motivated by the desire to gain

personal wealth and loved material things, but found it exciting to acquire such things by using

their knowledge & by physical work if necessary. A darmin would never break his/her word. It

was these honest traits that attracted the great teachers to Maldec. During the period that the

great teachers from Uranus resided on Maldec, more & more quains ("ordained ones" to the

ways of Lucifer) awoke. They demanded many things from the teachers, things that the loving

teachers were not ready to give prematurely. One day a quain named Ordo-Sambilth demanded

that his teacher, Frocent of Uranus, (teach) tell him something about the sacred numbers. The

teacher replied that it would be covered over the course of a month or so later. In a rage, Ordo-

Sambilth strangled the Uranian. The Uranian reaction to this crime was to pack up & leave the

planet Maldec, never to return. During their preparation for departure, they were attacked by a

number of quains who wanted to obtain any written material about the sacred numbers that had

not been previously imparted.

The Uranians, acting in self-defense, killed 2 of the attacking quains. No more Uranians were

killed or injured. The act of killing another human being was devastating to the ultimately benign

Uranians, who collectively felt ashamed to the depth of their souls. During their stay on Maldec

they had contacted other races such as the Gracians. After these other explorer groups returned

home & learned of the events that had taken on Maldec, they too became remorseful. The

Uranians later refused to procreate as penance for their actions on Maldec. Today no more than

18 Uranians live in physical bodies in the molar (3 dimensional) level of the universal life field

on the planet Simcarris which orbits the 8th planetary position of the sun/star you call Thurbal

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(Thuban, also known by its Bayer designation Alpha Draconis (α Draconis, α Dra)) in the

constellation Draco, or the Dragon.

Meanwhile, after the departure of the great teachers from Maldec, the military order of the krates

(Maldecian soldiers & generals) was formed & Maldec’s world leaders began to form plans for

the conquest of the local solar system. This plan was put into operation on the very 1st day that

the space-traveling Gracians arrived on Maldec & willingly offered to transport Maldecian

scouts & emissaries to the other 2 oxygen breathing worlds of the solar system, Sarus (Earth) &

Wayda (Venus).

Maldecian leaders’ plan for conquest was long ranging, & because the gentle folk of Wayda

would have offered only minimal resistance, they were placed 2nd on the list after Sarus, whose

people were expected to become adversarial when the noose was eventually tightened. In other

words, the Earth was to act as the Maldecian proving ground, & the expected various reactions of

the people of Earth were to provide Maldec with data that would assist in the development of

methods that would assist in the development of methods that could later be employed to bring

other off-world races under Maldecian control.

Upon the Gracians’ quest for their ancient teachers, the Uranians, they went to this solar system

& into the Hamp radiar (Uranus), knowing from their ancient records that the home planetoids of

the teachers circled that particular blazing globe. Gracians are in average 7ft. tall, have fair

complexions, likes to wear plumed hats, feathered head ornaments, & are wearing sandals. They

traveled from planetoid to planetoid of that radiar & found only beautiful forms of plant life, but

no sign of animal life or any form of human construction. Then they found the 4th planet at that

time, Maldec, with several large cities whose buildings & layout were designed & constructed on

the order of the sacred numbers. The Gracians landed & established contact with the people of

that world…….

….The Maldecians were very disappointed to find that the learned Gracians & the highly

technical Nodians did not have the same goals as the Maldecians did. A secret study was

conducted by the Maldecians to determine why they didn’t & to determine if they had any

weaknesses the Maldecians could exploit for their benefit.

……Some have spelled the name Maldec as Maldek with a k & not c. The ‘k’ sound in the

universal Sol-Tec language has a very harsh meaning – notice the way it is used in the English

words kick & kill and that it is represented silently in the spelling of knife. Spelling Maldec with

a k is very insulting to the Maldecians. The name “Maldec” is where the mathematical term dec-

i-mal originated, meaning “those who have fractionalized (decimalized) the One…

...One of the 1st things the Gracians noticed was the absence of Maldecian children below the

age of sexual maturity. We eventually learned that at birth a Maldecian infant is visited by one

who speaks for the elohim of that planet. If the child meets the ‘standards’ set by the Maldecian

el, it is allowed to live. If the child does not, it is put to death. Those who are allowed to live are

psychically attached to the conscience of the el, where they remain in suspended animation until

sexual maturity. They come out of their hibernation fully nourished, grown & educated in the

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ways of every Maldecian who ever came before them. The Maldecian children, who rarely

awaken early from their induced sleep, are considered royalty & quite exceptional (such as the

case of Marduk). The Maldecians did not want any off-world child to be born on their planet

because such a child’s living presence in the planet’s biosphere would disturb the growth of their

own sleeping offspring.

... The Maldecians are able to understand the meaning & importance of sacred geometry. They

were lacking a few key factors that the Gracians understood quite well, & [the Gracians]

wondered why the ancient teachers hadn’t taught it to them. THEIR LACK OF THIS



…If the stolfa (Gracian priests who levitate stone blocks used for construction) provides too little

life force (in the required frequency for levitation), the object will not become weightless. If too

much energy is applied, the stone will shatter to dust – as happened to the planet Maldec. A

Gracian primary student could have told the Maldecians that would happen. The Maldecians had

not told the Gracians of their intention to send vril energy from Earth to Maldec by way of the

Great Pyramid of Giza(h). They told (the Gracians) that they wanted to build the pyramid for

totally different purposes. Those “benign” purposes had interested the Gracians & they wanted to

be part of their manifestation, so the Gracians eagerly cooperated.

The Nodian arrival in the local solar system (they came from planet Nodia which occupies the 3rd

planetary orbit of the star we call Polaris, therefore can be designated as Alpha Ursae Minoris A-

3, in the constellation Ursae Minoris or Small Dipper) & their contact with the people of Venus

(Wayda) put a hold on Maldecian plans to build a pyramid on Venus at that time. Nodians have

brown tan to dark tan complexion, in average 7 ft. tall, & have silver white to silver gray hair.

The companion star of Polaris or what we call on Earth as Alpha Ursae Minoris Ab is actually

the gigantic Ampt radiar, occupying the 4th

planetary orbit & is orbited by its only planetoid

Vitron. Vitronians are very much similar to Nodians in appearance but the only difference is that

they have a lighter complexion than Nodians. Nodia has a surface area 26 times greater than

planet Earth but only has the gravitational strength comparable to our planet Mars. Vitron has a

surface area 30 times larger than planet Earth. But since the gravitational field of Ampt radiar is

comparatively weak, Vitron's gravitational pull is only minutely stronger than that of Earth. The

Maldecians feared the Nodian presence & must have burnt out their mental circuits trying to

figure out what to do about them. The people of Gracyea admired the Nodians’ technical

successes, but originally found them very uptight about some things the Gracians cared little


…..Basically, the Maldecians claimed that the constructions they proposed for Earth, Mars, &

Venus were originally part of a ‘plan’ that the ancient teachers from Uranus imparted to them

before leaving them alone to ponder the reason why. Because the ancient teachers had left the

Gracians to develop spacecraft & other useful things on our own, we readily accepted as fact that

they had done the same thing with the Maldecians.

The Maldecians told [the Gracians] that they had always known about the “ancient plan”, but

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wanted to be sure that their cultures could get along. Furthermore, the teachers had told them that

people from other worlds they had contacted would come & help them fulfill the divine plan.

They also told that when the buildings were completed, the teachers would return. The Gracians

believed everything they said – after all, why would they lie about such holy things? [The

Gracians] were very happy to be part of the plan of the ancient teachers & did everything they

could to materialize it…

…It is also the teacher race from Uranus who had taught the early Martians how to select their

supreme ruler they called the zone-rex & who had placed them on the path to greater spiritual

development. The place called the Citadel (Cydonia), in which the Martian zone-rex resided in

that 1st lifetime, had also been built by those of Uranus.

…In honor of their ancient Uranian teachers, the Gracians carve in the plain of Cydonia of Mars

the face of one who was the chief of those teachers who first came to their home planet. His

name was Sormel. It was their hope that this monument would please the teachers and bring

them back to visit Gracyea wherever they are. They wanted to see them, their Gracian students,

were carrying forward their divine plan. The Martian zone-rex (planetary supreme ruler)

approved of this monument to the teachers. The Maldecians secretly did not approve, but could

do nothing about it at the time. If the Maldecian plan for the pyramids had been successful, they

probably would have destroyed the great face of Cydonia or disfigured it in some way. It would

have been a diabolical thrill they would have been unable to resist.

….It was quickly realized that the astrastone capstone that the Maldecians provided the Gracians

to place on top of the Great Pyramid on Earth had been somehow acquired from Bantivail 3.

Bantivail is 1 of the 5 brightest stars in the open star cluster Pleiades, & were not specified by the

galactic citizens as to what Earth astronomers called it (Alcyone?). The Gracians, during their

association with the Maldecians, had not known about the existence of the 5-star system &

played no part in shaping the capstone. These facts, added to the fact that the Maldecians

originally had not developed any form of space-traveling vehicle, & the question of who

provided the tremendous amount of psychic energy to cut the stone so precisely in the required

shape for the pyramid capstone also adds to the mystery.

….It was expected that the native people of the Earth would react to this event, the transference

of Earth’s reserve vril energy to Maldec, in a number of hostile ways. It was estimated that after

a short period of time, the loss of the Earth’s vril energy would cause the native Earth people to

become physically tired & confused. The Earth people who performed certain jobs would not be

able to work, so they would have to be replaced immediately by darmins & Simms.

Simms are tall, thin, gentle race who became servants of the Maldecians, from the planet Simm

which orbits the star Druma or Lalm. Planet Simm occupy the 2nd planetary position of Lalm,

the planet Gracyea occupies the 4th orbit, which is the home of the Gracians. The Gracians are

the students & protégé of the Uranians, & also the master engineers & builders of the pyramids

in Giza(h), Teotihuacan, Mars & in other places such as Venus. The star system Druma or Lalm

is located a few light years beyond the star system Tau Ceti, behind our solar system’s field of


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It was also expected that many Earth people would die from psychic shock because they might

become disconnected from the consciousness of their parent el. Some Maldecians were very

concerned with the unknown factors that could influence the aftermath. …..It has been

speculated that the building of the great pyramid & the destruction of Maldec was permitted by

the Creator of All that Is in order to disconnect the el of Maldec from the Maldecian newborns &

save them from any malevolent psychic indoctrination. …After Maldec was destroyed, any

newborn Maldecians (those who had never before experienced human life) came to be called

chaire-salbas (those on an uncharted path). There are about 35,000 of these Maldecians living

today on a number of different worlds located in other solar systems. The Federation is presently

assembling the chaire-salbas into 1 body on a moon of Uranus so they can form a civilized

society that can be the basis of a new Maldecian culture composed of all types of Maldecians

who wish to pursue the ways of the forces of light…

...The Maldecian construction of the great pyramids on Earth was a small part of the plan to

conquer & control the physical universe. Maldecians were aware that there were people that

originated from els who shared Lucifer's agenda & with whom they would someday unite when

they encountered them in the 3-dimensional state of life. There are indeed millions multiplied by

many more millions of these cultures that have already united & are fanatically bent on

conquering the physical universe & those who oppose them. This alliance is sometimes referred

to as the Confederation or the forces of darkness.... ...After tremendous torment & anguish, many

Maldecians (both darmins, and quains or ordained), have opposed the malevolent psychic

program of their el & have switched their consciousness to the opposing side of the wheel, & in

doing so have joined with the forces of light. Beware, for there are those Maldecians (who

outnumber the converts) who still believe in racial superiority & practice the ancient ways. They

can be found today among those of dark-force worlds that ravage certain parts of the universe &

cast a lustful eye at the planet Earth…

The central figure in the Maldecian plan to subjugate the entire solar system is a demigod youth

named Marduk. Marduk awoke (from the awakening caverns) & took up 3-dimensional life after

sleeping only 7 months. He was cared for in his infancy by Misshemoo, the daughter of the

supreme ruler of Maldec, the priest king Mic-Corru. Marduk was to play 1 of the most important

roles in the transference of the Earth’s vril energy to Maldec by way of the great pyramid of Mir

(Egypt). It was for this reason that he was on the Earth & awaiting the day he would perform his

`holy duty’. Marduk was at the time about 15 Earth years of age. Living with Marduk was Prince

Andart, who was also 15 years old & who deliberately performed as Marduk’s mental adversary.

You might say that Andart was the counterpart of what you call the devil’s advocate. It was

Andart’s job to argue the case of the forces of Light & keep Marduk mentally sharp concerning

his “divine” mission. These 2 young men were carrying on the same 3 dimensional debate that is

still going on to some degree in the macro level of perception between the els (elohim) of dark &

the els of light.

And on that fateful day of summer solstice, at high noon or 1200 GMT, four days after the great

pyramid’s capstone ceremony & 2 days after the unveiling of the Sphinx, the vril transference

process was commenced. A pillar of brilliant red fire (energy) shot from the building’s capstone

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into the heavens for miles, & was rapidly turning black. There was a brilliant white flash of light

that came from the direction of the constellation Orion. The flash of white light was produced

when the planet Maldec exploded. The Earth shook violently, the surrounding air was filled with

smell of burning sulphur, the pyramids became very hot, driving away those gathered around it.

Thousands of river animals & birds run & fly in every direction. Their cries were deafening. The

river Nile turned red with blood as the birds were devoured by crocodiles & other amphibious

predators. The pillar of fire continued to reach skyward for many more hours & then gradually

receded. The sky was a dark & dismal gray in color. Lightning was occurring continuously, but it

did not rain.

“… Somencar also told me that he was 1 of those who took the vessels of soil & water into the

pyramid & placed them as instructed in the 27 pairs of slots in the curbs of the (Giza pyramid's)

Grand Gallery. The vessels were alternated water of Maldec, soil of Earth, water of Earth, soil of

Maldec. Two of the Watcher (Maldecian) elders stood side by side, 1 by each slot, & held his

vril stick inside his assigned vessel…”

“… As was our custom, we gathered on the roof of the temple to pray & make music. We were

of such an age that women gave us honor by walking among us unveiled. The plaza below was

filled with visitors from many other worlds who came to hear the words of the Watchers

(Watchers - one of the names given to the Maldecians by Earth dwellers). They would be

disappointed this day, for the Radiant Ones (Maldecians) had all left to assemble in the Land of

Mir to view the Great Pyramid they had raised for the sake of glory. The day before, a legion of

gaily robed elders of the watcher race had arrived from their world, which is called Maldec. I

myself watched servant Simms come & go from the Maldecians’ spacecraft for the purpose of

seeing to their comfort. At dusk I watched my wife, Dovinta, as their silver craft rose, appearing

first as a moving star, then passing out of sight over the eastern horizon. It was the day of the

summer solstice, & there would be much feasting & merrymaking throughout the night. We of

the temple would not join the revelry, but would talk & enjoy the starry sky till dawn. Nearing

the 11th hour of the night there was a great light that appeared in the northern sky, & our spirits

were stabbed with spears of foreboding & overwhelming concern. The light grew larger &

brighter, and birds flew in circles, frightened from their nests by the deafening sounds of other

animals & perhaps by the silent sounds made by the souls of men. By dawn the only sounds

heard were the inquiring voices of those who gathered below. In many languages I heard them

ask, “What caused the great light? What did it mean? Was it an omen?” Then the high priest

Savacanopy spoke to those who had gathered & advised them to come into the temple or seek a

quiet place to pray, waiting for the Watchers to return, for they were wise in the ways of heaven.

As he departed, I heard him murmur a prayer requesting of God permission to cry.....”

...At the exact time of the summer solstice, each pair of Watcher elders, without removing their

sticks from their vessels, tipped them toward each other until they touched. When this was done

the Earth shook violently & a red pillar of whirling fire rose from the pyramid’s apex. Those on

the surrounding plain were terrified & cried out to God. They also saw a great light from the

direction of the constellation Orion's Belt. The pyramid became very hot, driving away those

gathered around it. The pillar of fire continued to reach skyward for many more hours & then

gradually receded. A circle of dead Watchers (one of the names given to the Maldecians by Earth

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dwellers) were found later in the white tent. They had stripped naked & had taken their own


It was nighttime in Miradol (Teotihuacan) when the Maldecians sent the holy creative energy of

Earth to their home planet Maldec. When their home world shattered, the completed buildings of

Miradol sent a deafening screech that was hardly bearable by those of us not native to the Earth.

To the Maldecians the tone was overwhelming. They walked about bumping into things &

wailing, sounding collectively like a crying baby. Women & female animals in the area were

tormented by the sound & felt a primal urge to help them. Some women had to be physically

restrained from going to their aid. Throughout the night, the streets of Miradol were filled with

wild female animals en-route to the Maldecian encampments. The skies over the Maldecian tents

were filled with female birds & bats. The Gracians on Mars also related telepathically to those in

Miradol that their finished constructions also issued a loud screeching sound when Maldec

exploded. Marduk was blown into microscopic pieces, as was the planet on which once lived the

people who thought him an infallible god.

The next day the krates, by order of their commander Rolander, went on a killing spree. Their

victims were anyone who had anything to do with the construction of the pyramids. They blamed

the disaster on the Gracians, not on their own arrogant stupidity… they encircled the city of

Miradol & closed in, killing anyone in their path. They performed their killing using swords,

spears & axes & ejected liquid poisons from their finger injectors, which were in the form of

cobras. They also used poison gas that killed everyone instantly except themselves. The

slaughter took over 2 days & nights.

For the meantime, prince Andart, the darmin prince who is the debating partner to the demigod

Marduk, temporarily took over Her-Rood’s position, the Maldecian governor-general to Earth as

the latter was drunk & speaking in an incoherent manner. The Maldecian elders, those who had

not took poison & several of whom were of higher royal rank than Andart & prince Sant, ordered

prince Sant “Tell that darmin, Andart, to immediately cease giving orders like a quain prince. Put

Her-Rood back in charge no matter what his physical & mental condition is. We are declaring

martial law. Rolander & his brother Sharber are to be considered the highest ranking krate


…The tyrannical Maldecian rule continued on. Marduk’s psychic essence (soul) & body were

imprisoned in the pyramid for a VERY long time, due to some universal law (& to be freed after

some time thru the assistance of Imhotep between the Earth’s time periods 3336 – 2613 BC,

during the reign of the Third Dynasty. Imhotep was an adviser to King Djoser during that reign).

The majority of locally based Gracyean space fleet (local to our solar system), situated on

Maldec, were also wiped out when Maldec exploded. Remaining Maldecians living on Earth

have begun a program to impregnate every healthy female living on the Earth, no matter what

world she came from. They offered food & shelter to any woman who will allow herself to be

impregnated by a Maldecian male or by artificial insemination. When the child is born & turned

over to be raised by the Maldecian governing powers, the woman will receive some type of

material reward. Women who do not agree to take them up on their offer are eventually rounded

up & forced to bear half–breed Maldecian children against their will. Several hundred million

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Maldecians perished when their planet exploded, but about 10 million of them survived because

they were on Earth during that time. Knowing that the father determines where the psychic

essence of the child comes from (native planet of the father), the Maldecians devised their plan

to reembody those of their kind who had lost their lives when their world was destroyed. They

wanted to do this as soon as possible.

…Because the planets & radiars of the Sol system did not feel the 1st hand effects of the

destruction of Maldec until many years later, little attention was given to those who expressed

concern or were scientifically capable of predicting the eventual aftermath. When the

doomsayers (who proved to be right) warned that the Sol system would eventually begin to

adjust to the loss of Maldec’s mass from its midst, they were scoffed at. The leaders of the major

Nodian trading houses took these warnings seriously, making private studies & designing

contingency plans based on all possible disastrous scenarios….

…The Nodians forecasted that things were going to turn very bad on Earth. The surviving

Maldecians intended to continue to rule the people of Earth, but this was not the worst of what

was expected. Nodian scientists were forecasting that Earth was in for geological changes &

calamities. Arrangements were being made with other solar systems to receive any & all people

who would leave the ill-fated world. Some of these worlds are Mollara, the 2nd

planet of the star

Carrdovan or Task (Earth astronomers call this star Electra, therefore designated on Earth as

Electra-2) in the Pleiades star cluster, & Simcarris, the 8th

planet of the star called on Earth as

Thuban (Alpha Draconis-8 or Thuban-8) in the constellation Draco. Planet Mollara is inhabited

by fair-skinned people about 3.5 feet tall. It is also 1.8 times larger than planet Mars & at that

time has a native population of about 9 million.

Meanwhile, the planets & the radiar system of the solar system are now beginning to assume

new orbits & experience upheavals & changes detrimental to their inhabiting lifeforms. Only

Earth seemed to be maintaining its natural orbit, so those who wished to leave the other worlds

of the system were being moved to the Earth for safety. Other planets & radiar systems are

feared to spiral into their doom by crashing into the sun:

• Sovia (Mercury) was ripped away from the Relt radiar system due to a change in the sun's

gravitational pressure field when Maldec was destroyed, upsetting the gravitational balance of

the solar system. In its shattered form (asteroids) Maldec does not provide a concentrated mass

for perfect solar gravitational balance.

• The other planetoid-like bodies that now encircle the (Saturn) Sumer radiar (about 8 of

considerable size) out of ~200 observed, 61 with secure orbits, & the ring system are actually

pieces of the planet Maldec & chunks of its now-frozen atmosphere.

• The bodies Pluto & its moon, Charon were ejected from the Trake (Neptune) system after the

disastrous event & now orbit the central sun. Two other planetoids of Trake took up orbits

beyond Pluto & Charon & are now called, as they were originally, Banlon & Nylo.

• Jupiter (Relt radiar) is originally twice its present distance from the central sun when it was

dynamically functioning as a ‘sun’ to its planetoids, as well as the other radiar systems Sumer

(Saturn), Hamp (Uranus), & Trake (Neptune).

…. It was nearing the time for the Sumer radiar’s (Saturn’s) energy bands to begin their waning

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cycle. Suddenly the inhabitants of Sumer planetoids felt very ill & faint. The once predictable

movement of the radiar bands stopped for about 20 minutes, then they moved rapidly to their

normal location during that time of day. At their normal point of recession, the bands of energy

waxed & waned for another period of time, then corrected their position again & again. This

stopping & catch-up action of the energy bands went on for about 90 Earth hours & then

returned to normal. The Babs (ruling council of all the Sumer planetoids) announced that this

phenomenon was caused by the explosion of Maldec. They wondered how such a thing could

have happened. Nearly 80 Federation craft left Omuray to inspect the physical condition of the

other worlds in the solar system & to return to their home world. The majority of these craft

never returned. The crews of those that did return related that the uncountable pieces of the ill-

fated planet were moving at very high velocities in every conceivable direction, & currents of

energy were producing very erratic forces; thus any attempt to pass through them was

impossible. Dents, cracks & scorch marks on the hulls of the Federation spacecraft emphasized

their terrifying accounts.

After a short time (about 2 ½ Earth months) Omuray suddenly had a constantly pacing

companion in the form of a large Federation space vehicle (mothership) called the Commiva.

This craft had a diameter of about 6 miles (tiny compared to present-day motherships). Four

spacecraft from this mothership landed at the nearly deserted Federation base…. …The Babs

stared for days at the face of the radiar, seeking the El’s instructions. When the divine message

finally came, it essentially said: “Tell the people to start packing.” What appeared to be an

impossible task was begun. It was not just the movement of people from 1 planet to another, but

every type of plant & nitrogen breathing animal (including every form of microbe) had to be

prepared for transport in order to be preserved. It was concluded that after the strongest of the

various species were selected for transport, all others of their particular species would be left

behind to perish.

Even though they knew of the dangers that lay ahead, a minority of people of the Sumer (Saturn)

planetoids preferred not to prepare for emigration, but elected to die with their particular world

when the time came. Other events prevented a large number of willing emigrants from leaving.

Those who eventually left the slowly dying planetoids numbered about 3.8 million… …About 3

Earth years after the destruction of Maldec, small pieces of the planet began to take up orbits

around the Sumer radiar, some of them staying permanently. The meteor bombardment occurred

in almost all the planets & moons of the solar system, & up to this day we see some of those

huge impact craters solar system-wide. Earth was more preferred for human, faunal & floral

emigration of the solar system’s different lifeforms not just because it is the only planet

maintaining its natural orbit around the sun, but because the light of our central sun is composed

of spectral energy better suited to the biology of its natives than would be the light of a different

sun. The only thing that the animal & human immigrants have to contend against upon arrival on

Earth was their conversion from breathing nitrogen into oxygen. Inhabitants of Mars, as well as

the planetoids of radiars Relt, Sumer, Hamp & Trake are nitrogen breathers. Venus, Earth &

Maldec inhabitants are oxygen breathers. Additionally, the impact of those Maldecian meteorites

in the planets & planetoids of the Sol system cause great dusts to rise into their atmospheres, not

just considerable loss in human, animal lives. This also made their winter seasons or night times

much cooler due to the sunlight being blocked by dust clouds…

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….Eventually the Cre’ator complex in the planetoid Vitron began to fill with Trakians

(Neptunians) training to become expert telepaths, esperers (remote viewers), and illusionists just

like their skates who are their governing council & are tattooed master illusionists and educators.

They will eventually be employed by the Trading House of Cre’ator for initiating first contact

with non-telepathic races, or their illusions will be a valuable tool for confusing the trading

house’s enemies during a hostile military encounter. The recently arrived Trakians brought with

them their eyewitness accounts of the destruction of the planet Maldec. They also narrated the

mass migrations under way of the human populations of the planets & planetoids of the solar

system. They are all going to just everywhere, but mostly to Earth. The Trakian planetoids were

totally devoid of native Trakians, most of whom had been employed by either a Nodian trading

house or by the recently formed Federation. Ironically, the nearly vacant Trake planetoids were

the last to feel the detrimental effects caused by the destruction of Maldec, so the House of

Cre’ator & the Federation used the planetoids of the Trake as storehouses and staging areas for

supplies they would eventually move to Earth to aid the hordes of refugees. While this was

happening, specimens of the plant & animal life of the Trake planetoids were being gathered by

crews of Sumerians (Saturnians) & taken away for preservation in safe havens located outside

their home solar system.

…During nighttime on Mars, one would see 2 very bright stars in the sky that were actually 2

large spacecraft that were placed in orbit by the newly formed federation. These craft were

providing mass that exerted drag on the planet’s magnetic poles. This was done to slow down the

unnatural wobbling motion the planet was beginning to exhibit. If left unchecked, the planet

would have continued to wobble faster & faster until it reached the point where it would have

flown apart. The 2nd

reason for exerting drag on the magnetic poles was to stabilize the planet’s

orbit, which was becoming more distant from the sun with every solar cycle. In other words, the

Martian year was getting longer & longer. The average travel time from Mars to Earth during

those times is three-and-a-half Earth days, using a far less advanced & sophisticated

interplanetary craft. Several years after the Martians were evacuated from their planet, the

Nodians replaced their orbiting spacecrafts with 2 artificial moons that were designed to handle

the planet’s wobble & solar orbital problems. From Greek mythology these artificial moons were

known on Earth as Phobos (fear) & Deimos (terror) which are the names of the 2 ferocious dogs

of Mars, the ancient Roman god of war (Ares to the Greeks) that are chained at the gates of


…Approximately 81.75 Earth years after Maldec was obliterated, the second great evacuation of

the Martians from Earth to the Pleiades, in the 2nd

planet of the star we call Electra (federation

name is Task, or Carrdovan which means “the dragon star” after the Martian zone-rex or

planetary supreme ruler, Rancer-Carr – “the red dragon”) took place in an off-world station

named Petrimmor’s station, named after the human from planet Moor who founded it & is

facilitating it. Nodian spacecraft of every size & model began to land at Petrimmor’s station,

numbering in the hundreds or even a thousand. Some of these vehicles would act as shuttles to

carry Martians to larger spaceships waiting in orbits circling the Sumer (Saturn) radiar. Those

smaller ships that were equipped with interstellar propulsion systems would join the larger ones

& form a fleet before departing for Mollara. While this operation was under way shiploads of

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Martian animals that had never been on Earth joined the fleet. All Martian animals of any type

were left behind for the Sumerians living on Earth to either remove later or humanely destroy at

their own discretion.

When the Nodian spacecraft left the solar system they were later filled to capacity with nearly 1

million surviving Martians out of about 29 million living on Mars before the destruction of

Maldec. Another 1.4 million were left behind on Earth because there were not enough Nodian

spaceships to transport them to Mollara. Not openly mentioned was the fact that the sudden

environmental impact of more than a million Martians joining the native population of Mollara

would have been very detrimental to the planet. The Nodians could also have transported

probably a fifth of those left behind, but decided to give those who actually went to Mollara a

better chance... …It took about 9 Earth months to travel from Earth to Mollara… …The Nodians

were, in their minds, being practical. At that time, they were planning to invade the Earth &

subdue the Maldecians. They saw 1.4 million Martians as ground-based allies…. …They

secretly began to organize & arm those Martians (as they did with the Sumerians and Trakians

then living on the Earth) into military groups led by Nodians such as Abdonel the Coate-Grol

(meaning “the sun cat” in Martian language). These groups were also assigned Trakian telepaths

who kept them periodically in communication with Nodia. …Today, the Martian population on

Mollara is about 258 million and the Mollarans number some 417 million.

….The winds on Wayda (Venus) began to become hot, dry & forceful, eventually picking up

hurricane speeds that they lifted up the roofs of some shelters & blew small aircars from where

they are parked. The hot, hurricane winds continued to blow throughout the night. In the

following days, the magnitude of the damage becomes apparent. A census was taken of those

who could respond, & it was determined that more than 600,000 people of Wayda & much

animal life had died as a direct result of Maldec’s explosion. Planet Wayda is in great danger and

the newly formed Federation of the worlds assembled the entire population of the planet in a

number of its bases there, to be evacuated into Earth. These dangers are presently known as the

runaway greenhouse effect in Venus’s atmosphere where the average surface temperature is now

462 °C (863 °F). The flight from Venus to the planet they called Teen (Earth or Sarus as it was

called during those times) took 11 Earth hours.... …The 1.1 million Venusians (Waydians) that

originally came to Earth were reduced to about 390,000 due to the effects of the diseases

acquired on Earth – especially sexually transmitted ones, death prior to bringing to full term a

child fathered by one type of alien or another, and as well as thru starvation. The females of their

world were constantly approached for sexual favors, & their menfolk were physically harassed in

an attempt to intimidate them. When food became scarce, those who had the food supply in their

control increased their demands on them as well as on other types of off-world immigrants.

Several types of immigrants fought back, but the Waydians who had never experienced the ways

of those who follow the dark side of life were at a loss about what to do at the situation…. The

various off-world militias attempted to teach the Waydians to defend themselves, but they would

rather become slaves or die before they would hurt anyone. There was no place known at that

time anywhere in the universe where the Waydians were more suited to live than the Earth, & in

order to do so in peace, something had to be done, against the Maldecians especially.

The Nodian named Ostrocran then asked for volunteers (recruits from different races residing on

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Earth as well as emigrants from the planets & radiars of solar system), most especially the skates

from planetoids of Trake radiar, who would go to Earth & telepathically keep the Nodian

Trading House of Cre'ator & the newly formed Federation apprised of the ever changing

conditions there & anything about the Maldecians & their activities. They were led by Abdonel,

a Nodian who was convincingly disguised as a Martian, even down to the Mohawk-style haircut,

which was considered a badge of honor among Martian warriors. He would have fooled anyone

were it not for the white roots of his black-dyed plume. The Martians called him the Coate-Grol

("the sun cat"). And so they formed the Earth underground fighters spying on the Maldecians.

(Skates are originally the governing council of all the Neptune’s planetoids, tattooed master

illusionists/educators who could draw power from the macro level of perception of the Universal

Life Field where the elohim interact)

…. With each lightning strike into an aircar attempting to lower their altitudes, the outer hulls of

the crafts glow reddish orange & cause their interiors to fill with pungent toxic fumes. Searches

and rescue missions cannot be done safely this way, so they have to raise their altitudes above

the clouds where there are no lightning. From a great height of an aircar, high above & beyond

earth’s atmosphere, one will see an unforgettable sight of millions of lightning strokes occurring

at the same time. The display was awesome. The Earth appeared to be ablaze beneath while at

the same time very strong hurricane winds, torrential rains, which were later followed by

hundreds of exploding volcanoes & seemingly non-stop earthquakes shook the single continent

we call Pangaea, which several millions of years later form the continental layouts more closely

resembling our global map of today.

A series of upheavals on Earth, which is called The Great Catastrophes, followed some 80 years

after the explosion of Maldec, & lasted for about 1750 years. This was due to the passing of the

Earth thru a Deuterium cloud that was produced by Maldec’s explosion




2207520000.1411723842./254958857994372). The earth paleontologists refer to this time period

in Earth’s paleo-history as the Great Permian-Triassic Extinction event. Also the debilitating

condition which is called by the galactic citizens as the Frequency Barrier



2207520000.1411723683./261218984035026) plagues this planet as well as the local solar

system. When they transmitted the vril energy to their planet thru the pyramids, it shattered. This

is similar to an opera singer who, in sustaining a note, shatters a glass goblet. Because the energy

originated from Earth, the planet experienced feedback that caused key strata in the Earth's crust

to fracture & separate. It also caused the molten core to begin vibrating erratically, sending out

energy waves that were not harmonious with the bioelectrical activity of the human brain. These

detrimental waves generated by the Earth's core are collectively referred to as the Frequency

Barrier. The feedback phenomenon was similar to what is observed when a live microphone is

held close to a connected audio speaker. Its presence on the Earth prevents humans living on the

planet FROM USING THEIR HIGHER MENTAL FREQUENCIES (100 % mental abilities)


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…the Earth presently hosts 62% of all living Martians, 92% of all living Maldecians, 100% of all

living Reltians (Jupiterians), 37% of all living Trakians (Neptunians), 84% of all living

Sumerians (Saturnians), & 77% of all living Waydians (Venusians). The Earth also hosts persons

who physically stem from thousands of off-world races, but their individual numbers are very

low compared to Earth's overall population.

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