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Page 1: Solid Edge Community Open Source Initiative

Solid Edge CommunityOpen Source Initiative

Page 2: Solid Edge Community Open Source Initiative

Why Is Open Source Important

• As community members, we find ourselves answering the same questions and solving the same problems over and over.

• Open Source allows us to organize and share our collective knowledge.• Collectively, we are smarter than we are as individuals.• Sharing code encourages others to share.• It is highly likely that problems you’re facing have already been solved!• Decrease API ramp-up time for new customers and partners. This is one of the keys to

success for Solid Edge.• Increase developer productivity with ready built examples, libraries & templates.• Best practices by example.

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• Solid Edge Community (GitHub)• github.com/solidedgecommunity

• Interop.SolidEdge (NuGet Package)• nuget.org/packages/Interop.SolidEdge

• SolidEdge.Community (NuGet Package)• nuget.org/packages/SolidEdge.Community

• SolidEdge.Community.Reader (NuGet Package)• nuget.org/packages/SolidEdge.Community.Reader

• Solid Edge Samples• solidedgesamples.codeplex.com

• Spy for Solid Edge• solidedgespy.codeplex.com

• Solid Edge Community Templates• visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/fd1878fc-6520-4eeb-95e5-1b8b27da875e

Open Source Projects Overview

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Solid Edge Community (GitHub)• Solid Edge Community

Organization Page• All project code repositories

in one location• Culmination of years of

knowledge• Collaboration

• Issue tracker• Pull requests

• IT’S OPEN SOURCE!• Use as-is• Fork repository• Take what you need for

your own projects

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GitHub Fork Merged Into Master

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Interop.SolidEdge (NuGet)• Single assembly containing

all relevant Solid Edge APIs• .NET 2.0 assembly• .NET 4.0 assembly

• Embed Interop Types disabled

• Reduces compile-time

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Interop.SolidEdge (NuGet)

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SolidEdge.Community (NuGet)• Community provided

enhancements to the Solid Edge API

• .NET 4.0 assembly• AddIn support• Extension Methods• Custom Interop Services• Custom MSBUILD target

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SolidEdge.Community (NuGet)

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SolidEdge.Community.Reader (NuGet)• Standalone assembly for

reading Solid Edge files• Derived from closed source

PowerToys for Solid Edge• No dependencies on Solid

Edge• * Fonts may be required

for some operations• Has been used in production

environment for 10+ years

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SolidEdge.Community.Reader (NuGet)

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Solid Edge Community Templates

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Solid Edge Community Templates

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Solid Edge Community Templates

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GitHub Issue Tracker

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Samples for Solid Edge (CodePlex)

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Spy for Solid Edge (CodePlex)

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“Using open source is easy, but making open source is hard.”Scott Hanselman

Closing Thoughts

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