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Page 1: Solidworks software



Submission in the partial fulfillment of the required of

The 8th semester curriculum degree of B.TECH. (M.E)





Software Training




Uni. Roll no. (1239176)


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3.1) Solid Works 3.2) Scope of Application 3.3) Mechanical engineering 3.4) Design 3.5) Commands



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It is great pleasure to present this report on software training undertaken by me as part of my Mechanical Engineering curriculum.

I am thankful to Punjab Technical University for offering me such a wonderful challenging opportunity and I express my deepest thanks to all coordinators for providing all the possible help and assistance and their constant encouragement.

It is a pleasure that we find ourselves penning down these lines to express our sincere thanks to the people who helped us along the way in completing our project. We find inadequate words to express our sincere gratitude towards them.

First and foremost we would like to express our gratitude towards our training guide Mr. MANGU SHARMA for placing complete faith and confidence in our ability to carry out this project and for providing us his time, inspiration, encouragement, help, valuable guidance, constructive criticism and constant interest. he took personal interest in spite of numerous commitments and busy schedule to help us complete this project. Without the sincere and honest guidance of our respected project guide we would have not been to reach the present stage.

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INFOWIZ is leading strategic IT Company offering integrated IT solution. INFOWIZ is having rich experience managing global clients across various business verticals and align IT strategies to achieve business goals. The various accreditations that we achieved for every service, we offer reflect our commitment towards the quality assurance.

INFOWIZ is a 7 years young organization with an ISO Certification & a member of Confederation of Indian Industry ( CII membership number – N4654P ) . We also provide the off shore companies of US, UK, France, Ireland, Canada and Australia with quality and timely Web and SEO services.

INFOWIZ is an organization which is established in the field of Web Development (PHP & .NET), JAVA (Core as well as Advance), I-phone & Android Applications, Embedded systems (AVR, PIC & ARM), ROBOTICS and Networking (MCSE, CCNA & RHSE), Mechanical Engineering (CRDi, CATIA, VVT, VCR, ABS, CRUISE CONTROL, PRO-E, SOLID WORKS). Civil Engineering ( AUTOCAD, STAAD-PRO, REVIT). Finance , HR-Marketing.

Our skilled team of professionals make sure that the product is developed as per the customer’s needs and keeping the customer informed about the development of their project from time to time. We do not only emphasize on formulating an attractive solution to our clients but also believe in providing a workable solution. INFOWIZ offers research based Search Engine Marketing products that help achieve greater insights to customer’s online business. Our Research & Development arm offers SEO tools for SEM professionals.

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INFOWIZ also provides Technical Support & Consultancy to Software Companies like JIA Group, Newzealand, Sagitech solutions Panchkula, Jarcinfotech Mohali, Info-net Solution Delhi, web it solutions, Speedinforays etc.


Type Of Project: SolidWorks

Specific Technology keywords:-For designing and analyzing the various structures of mechanical like, Bolt, Shafts, Assembly of two or more things

Project type keywords

The intention of creating this project is to Analyzing Designs and

Enhancements in Design . The following are the tasks performed by the system:

Provide Better designs.

Provide information about the test.

Allotting different types of designs according to the needs of the user

Useful for giving test in a quick time.

The main idea to develop this project is to provide the administrator a very light

and easy way to handle his all the customers and providing them a very easy way

to get the better designs.

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What is SolidWorks ?

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What is SolidWorks?

SolidWorks mechanical design automation software is a feature-based, parametric solid modeling design tool which takes advantage of the easy to learn

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Windows™ graphical user interface. You can create fully associative 3-D solid models with or without constraints while utilizing automatic or user defined

relations to capture design intent.

2.1 Feature-based

Just as an assembly is made up of a number of individual piece parts, a SolidWorks model is also made up of individual shapes/forms known as features.

The SolidWorks interface allows near intuitive creation of geometric features such as bosses, cuts, holes, ribs, fillets, chamfers, and draft. As the features are created

they are applied directly to the work piece. Features can be classified as either sketched or applied.

Sketched Features: One that is based upon a 2-D sketch – only this type can be used as a base feature.

Applied Features: Created directly on the solid model. Fillets and chamfers are examples of this type of feature.

To illustrate the concept of Feature-based modeling, consider The part shown at the right:

Fig. a, b

The part shown at the fig:

This part can be visualized as a Collection of several different Features – some of which add Material, like the cylindrical boss, And some which remove material, like the blind hole.

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If we were to map the individual features to their corresponding listing in the Feature Manager Design tree, it would look like this: fig a, b

Fig. 2Fig 2.0: Features mapped from their position in the Feature Manager design tree to their position in the model seen in the graphics window

Parametric The dimensions and relations used to create a feature are captured and stored in the model. This not only enables you to capture your design intent, it also allows you to quickly and easily make changes to the model.

Driving Dimensions These are the dimensions used when creating a feature. They include the dimensions associated with the sketch geometry, as well as those associated with the feature itself. A simple example of this would be a feature like a cylindrical boss. The diameter of the boss is controlled by the diameter of the sketched circle. The height of the boss is controlled by the depth to which that circle was extruded when the feature was made.

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Relations: These include such information as parallelism, tangency, and concentricity. Historically, this type of information has been communicated on drawings via feature control symbols. By capturing this in the sketch, SolidWorks enables the user to fully capture your design intent up front, in the model.

Solid Modeling

A solid model is the most complete type of geometric model used in CAD systems. It contains all the wire frame and surface geometry necessary to fully describe the edges and faces of the model. In addition to the geometric information, it has the information called topology that relates the geometry together. An example of topology would be which faces (surfaces) meet at which edge (curve). This intelligence makes operations such a filleting as easy as selecting an edge and specifying a radius.

Fully Associative: A SolidWorks model is fully associative to the drawings and assemblies that reference it. Changes to the model are automatically reflected in the associated drawings and assemblies. Likewise, you can make changes in the context of the drawing or assembly and know that those changes will be reflected back in the model.

Commands in Solid Works:-

1.) Line2.) Rectangle3.) Rib4.) Sweep5.) Slot6.) Relation7.) Re-design

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8.) Control9.) Extrude10.) Loft is useful for building a surface through dissimilar profiles or bounding a four sided shape using the option of guide curves.

11.) Fill is a “catch-all” for areas that cannot be defined using Loft and Sweep. It should be the only consideration when needing to “fill” 3 sided or 5 or more sided areas.

12.) Boundary is much like loft except that it does treats the first and second directions equally. Loft profiles have influence over the guide curves which sometimes produces un-predictable and undesired behavior. It also can match adjacent surfaces curve continuously on all sides.

13.) Freeform is for modifying an existing surface by pushing and pulling on it with control curves and points.


1. Face Settings – identify surface or face to modify. Optionally assign symmetry (if applicable)

2. Control Curves – create control curves or optionally assign matching conditions on boundary tags in SolidWorks Window

3. Control Points – create Control points on previous assigned curve or on existing boundaries if they are moveable.

4. Display – optionally control visualization of mesh, curvature etc.

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Fig.3) Plane Selecting

Sketch Commands:

Line Rectangle Polygon Spline Circle Slot Arc

Create a part

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Draw a sketch

Select the Rectangle Command on the sketch toolbar and draw a rectangle on the screen. The positioning of the sketch in relation to the origin is important. ( your

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sketch must be attached to the origin in some form in order to fully define the sketch)

Tip: By positioning the origin in the centre of the square by using a construction line the origin is positioned in the centre. This enables you to place the circle in the centre of the cube very easily later on.

Also you Front and Right Plane split cube about the centre.

Using Extruding And Selecting surface command :-

1. Dimension the Sketch 100mm X 100mm using the dimension icon

2 Conditions of a Sketch.

Select the extrude command and extrude the 2d Profile 100mm

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Fig.5) Extruded View

Shadow view with isometric:-

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Fig.6) Shadow view 11.Select Top Face of the Cube and create a sketch by selecting the Sketch icon

12. Select a circle command start the center of the circle at the origin.

13. Give the circle a dimension of 50mm.

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14. Select the Cut Extrude command form the Feature Tool Bar.

15. Cut Extrude Blind into the cube 20mm.17. Create a Sketch on the Front Face of the Cube.

18. Using the Centre Line command sketch a centre line across the diagonal

19. Using the Polygon Command, sketch a polygon starting on the midpoint of the centre line.

20. Select the top line of the polygon and add the relationship of horizontal in the Property Manager

21. Dimension the top line of the polygon 30mm.

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22. Cut Extrude the Sketch 20mm

23. Add a chamfer to the Polygon. 24. Select the Chamfer icon from the Features Tool Bar

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25. Select all 6 edges of the Polygon. Distance 5mm with an angle of 45 deg.

26. Apply the same chamfer to the edge of the circle.27. Add Fillet to all 8 edges as can be seen in Picture.

28. Select Fillet command from the Features Tool Bar.

29. Select all 8 edges as per picture apply 10mm fillet. Preview of fillet will show before accepting,

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30. Apply a material to the Candle Holder. In the Feature Manager right click on add material and select brass and say ok.

31. Save the Part File.

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Create A Drawing

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Create An Assembly

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. Open the Candle Holder.

2. Select Make assembly icon form the standard toolbar icons.

3. Select the Candle holder in the open Documents box that shows in the

Property manager

4. Select the Green tick to place the Candle Holder in an Assembly.

5. Open The part Candle Found on the file.

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6. Tile Windows Horizontally

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7. Drag and Drop the Candle into the Assembly leave float in mid air.

8. Add mates to position the Candle in the Holder. On the Assemblies toolbar select the paper clip icon.

9. Select the Two Cylindrical faces to align the candle to the hole in the holder. Use concentric mate.

10. Select the bottom face of the candle and the top face of

the inside the hole and apply a coincident mate.

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11. Now you have created your first assembly save the document.

12. Now Create your own drawing of the assembly following the part drawing example.

3D or Feature Commands:

Extrude Swept Revolve Loft Extruded Cut Lofted Cut Revolve Cut Pattern a. Linear Pattern b. Circular Pattern Shell Rib Draft

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3D Design

3D Features

These 3D ( Feature) commands used as the requirements of the design in Solid Works software. Every command has its different use with specifications . Commands like extruded bose , revolve bose, swept base , lofted bose , revolve cut rib , draft etc are used only in 3d sketch .

Features Boss and Cuts

Assembly Design:

An assembly design consists of two or more components assembled together at their respective work positions using parametric relations. In SolidWorks, these relations are called mates. These mates allow you to constrain the degrees of freedom of the components at their respective work positions. All components are created as separate part documents, and then they are placed and referenced in the assembly as external components. In this type of approach, the components are created in the Part mode and saved as the (.sldprt) documents. After creating and saving all components of the assembly, you need to start a new assembly document (.sldasm) and insert the components in it using the tools provided in the Assembly mode. After inserting the components, you can assemble.

Assembly mates : After designing the parts , now they are assembled by using the mate technology. While doing assembly the mates are the main point to be remember. In Solid Works, mates can be applied using the Mate Property Manager. Choose the Mate button in the Assemble Command Manager or choose Insert > Mate from the. Select a planar face, curved face, axis, or a point on the

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first component and then select the entity from the second component; the selected entities will be highlighted. The names of the selected entities will be displayed in the Entities to Mate selection box of the Mate Selections rollout.

3D mechanical design applicationsSOLIDWORKS Standard

SOLIDWORKS Professional

SOLIDWORKS Premium provides a suite of product development tools mechanical design, design verification, data management, and communication tools. SOLIDWORKS Premium includes all of the capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Professional as well as routing and analysis tools, including SOLIDWORKS Routing, SOLIDWORKS Simulation, and SOLIDWORKS Motion.

SOLIDWORKS Education Edition provides the same design functionality but is configured and packaged for engineering and industrial design students.

Design validation tools

SOLIDWORKS Simulation is a design validation tool that shows engineers how their designs will behave as physical objects.

SOLIDWORKS Motion is a virtual prototyping tool that provides motion simulation capabilities to ensure designs function properly.

SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation is a tool that tests internal and external fluid-flow simulation and thermal analysis so designers can conduct tests on virtual prototypes.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard is a new FEA module for 2014.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional is a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) design validation tool with Thermal, Frequency, Buckling, Drop test, Optimization that can handle some multiphysics simulations.

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SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium is a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) design validation tool that can handle some multiphysics simulations as well as nonlinear materials.

SOLIDWORKS Sustainability is a product that measures the environmental impact of designs while they are modeled in SOLIDWORKS.

Product data management tools

SOLIDWORKS Workgroup PDM is a PDM tool that allows SOLIDWORKS users operating in teams of 10 members or less to work on designs concurrently. With SOLIDWORKS PDM Workgroup, designers can search, revise, and vault CAD data while maintaining an accurate design history.

SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM is a PDM tool that allows SOLIDWORKS users operating in teams at various separate facilities to work on designs concurrently. With SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM, designers can search, revise, and vault CAD data while maintaining an accurate design history. Enterprise PDM maintains an audit trail, is compatible with a variety of CAE packages (AutoDesk, Siemens, PTC, Catia, etc.) to maintain interfile relations, and will manage the revisions of any document saved in the vault. Enterprise PDM also uses a workflow diagram to automatically notify team members when a project moves from one stage to the next, as well as tracking comments. Enterprise PDM is capable of interfacing with various MRP/ERP systems and can be used online to interface with customers and the supply chain.

'SOLIDWORKS n!Fuze' is a cloud-based PDM tool that allows users operating in different locations to collaborate while providing many of the features of SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM with less IT infrastructure in-house.

Design communication and collaboration tools

eDrawings Professional An e-mail-enabled communication tool for reviewing 2D and 3D product design data across the extended product development team. eDrawings generates accurate representations of DWGgateway is a free data translation tool that enables any AutoCAD software user to open and edit any DWG file, regardless of the version of AutoCAD it was made in. SOLIDWORKS Viewer is a free plug-in for viewing SOLIDWORKS parts, assemblies, and drawings.

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'3DVIA Composer', now known as 'SOLIDWORKS Composer', is a technical communications software that allows 3D views of models to be integrated into documents such as work instructions, internal or external manuals, marketing materials, or web applications. The 3D views can be updated automatically when the design updates, reducing the workload of the employee creating the technical document, as editing for changes is not as severe.

CAD productivity tools

SOLIDWORKS Toolbox is a library of parts that uses "Smart Part" Technology to automatically select fasteners and assemble them in the desired sequence.

SOLIDWORKS Utilities is software that lets designers find differences between two versions of the same part, or locate, modify, and suppress features within a model.

File format

SOLIDWORKS files use the Microsoft Structured Storage file format. This means that there are various files embedded within each SLDDRW (drawing files), SLDPRT (part files), SLDASM (assembly files) file, including preview bitmaps and metadata sub-files. Various third-party tools (see COM Structured Storage) can be used to extract these sub-files, although the subfiles in many cases use proprietary binary file formats.

Solidworks 2010 SP3.1 opens/saves following file formats:

SOLIDWORKS Files (*.sldprt, *.sldasm, *.slddrw), Part Files (*.prt, *.sldprt), Assembly Files (*.asm, *.sldasm), Drawing Files (*.drw, *.slddrw), DXF (*.dxf), DWG (*.dwg), Adobe Photoshop Files (*.psd), Adobe Illustrator Files (*.ai), Template (*.prtdot, *.asmdot, *.drwdot) STEP AP203/214 (*.step, *.stp), Catia Graphics (*.cgr), ProEngineer Part (*.prt, *.prt.*, *.xpr), ProEngineer Assembly (*.asm, *.asm.*, *.xas), UGII (*.prt),

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Autodesk Inventor Part (*.ipt), Autodesk Assembly (*.iam), Solid Edge Part (*.par, *.psm), Solid Edge Assembly (*.asm), Add-ins (*.dll),

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