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MOBILE MARKETINGAn in-depth guide for integrating SMS and Push into your cross-channel programs using StrongView technology and strategy


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Table of Contents

WHY IS MOBILITY SO IMPORTANT? ................................................4R U Ready for Mobile? ......................................................................5

SMS MESSAGING .....................................................................................6Getting Started with SMS ...............................................................7

PUSH NOTIFICATIONS ...........................................................................8Getting Started with Push ..............................................................8Beyond Push and SMS .....................................................................8

MOBILE-OPTIMIZED EMAIL ................................................................9Mobile Optimization Options .................................................... 10Are Your Emails Mobile Ready? .................................................. 10

MOBILE ENGAGEMENT REPORTING..............................................11

MOBILE MESSAGE RENDERING .......................................................12

SEE MOBILE MARKETING IN ACTION ........................................... 13Mobility Solutions for Hospitality ............................................. 13Mobility Solutions for Retail........................................................ 14

MOBILE MARKETING USE CASES ................................................... 15

SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 16

ABOUT STRONGVIEW .........................................................................17

4 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


Mobility. No other technology has moved across the globe so quickly and been adopted so widely by so many. From a marketing perspective, the ability to create meaningful connections with customers in so many more places provides a greater opportunity for your message to rise above the clutter. It’s pretty safe to assume that from the moment your customers wake up to the moment they go back to sleep they have at least one mobile device with them – which they are checking almost compulsively, making them reachable at any time of the day or night. Due to this increased intimacy and higher sense of urgency, mobile has the unique ability to convert purchasers in real time. As a communications enabler, campaigns implemented on a mobile device have a significantly higher likelihood of reaching their targets on a timely basis. Just how significant is the market opportunity?

Mobility has gone beyond being pervasive to being the global environment for consumers who are shopping, looking for information, socializing and more. For many of today’s consumers, their mobile device has become an important tool in the purchase process with over 84% of smartphone owners using their devices while shopping9.

172 Billion The amount of mobile spending (USD) expected in 20131

102 Billion The number of mobile apps downloaded in 20132

15 Billion The number of legitimate emails opened daily on a mobile device3

6.8 Billion The number of global mobile subscriptions4

3 Billion The number of SMS-enabled smart phone users5

1.7 Billion The number of smartphones being shipped every year6

150 The number of times the average mobile user checks their device per day7

34 The number of hours a month spent using mobile apps (US) 8

1 Gartner, “Forecast: Mobile Payments, Worldwide,” 2012 | 2 Gartner, “Forecast: Mobile App Stores, Worldwide, 2013 Update” Sept. 2013 3 Radicati Group, “Email Statistics Report,” 2012 | 4 ITU, “ITC Facts & Figures,” 2013 5 Microsoft Tag, “Mobile Marketing,” 2012 | 6 Gartner, “Market Share Analysis: Mobile Phones Worldwide 4Q12 and 2012” 7 T-Mobile, 2012 | 8 Nielson, Dec. 2013 | 9 Google, “Shopping Marketing Council,” 2013





HigherSense ofUrgency

Key Benefits of Mobile Marketing

Figure 1. Big numbers. Even the small numbers are big.

5 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614

R U Ready for Mobile?What does this mean for marketers? Like Willie Sutton, who robbed banks because “that’s where the money is,” marketers need to sharpen their focus on mobile – because that’s where the customers are.

With most consumers now sporting a smartphone and over 50% of commercial email projected to be read on a mobile device in 2013 10, it’s more important than ever to have a mobile strategy that enables you to effectively engage on-the-go customers. While this may sound straightforward, it’s not. Not even close. There are wide permutations of mobile devices, operating systems, browsers, regulatory requirements, etc. – and that’s just on the technology side.

How can you prepare for this environment, and where do you begin? While email remains the preferred communication channel for consumers and brands, there is a new paradigm of customers using email on a mobile device and an increasing use of SMS and push notifications for marketing communication that adds a layer of complexity requiring genuine expertise and experience to navigate gracefully.

StrongView’s comprehensive mobile marketing solutions offer everything you need to embrace today’s mobile consumer.

10 Knotice, “Mobile Email Opens Report: 2nd Half 2012,” 2013

Image Source: Tap for My App

Figure 2. Looks complicated? It’s easier than you think.

6 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


Approximately 8 trillion text messages were sent in 201211 (yes, trillion, not billion). As an enabling technology, SMS has enjoyed staggeringly fast and vast adoption and is now a critical component of how you should communicate with your customers. Care to know why?

That last statistic alone should have your attention. Knowing how important this is to a well-rounded customer communications program, StrongView has fully integrated SMS messaging capabilities built into our email and lifecycle marketing solutions. With StrongView SMS messaging, you can easily create stand-alone SMS communications or orchestrate cross-channel conversations to drive a whole new level of engagement.

Adding SMS to your marketing mix can be an extremely cost-effective way to communicate valued time-sensitive information to consumers and keep them engaged with your brand. With over 90% of consumers globally owning a mobile phone15, and 76% of them sending and receiving text messages16, now is the time to integrate SMS messaging into your email marketing programs and begin delivering personalized messages that drive customer engagement, conversions and brand loyalty.

With StrongView’s SMS Messaging capability you get:

• Real-time inbound and outbound SMS programs • Automated SMS alerts • Full integration with StrongView’s Message Studio for interactive cross-channel programs • Real-time tracking and reporting at program and keyword levels • Global support in over 190 countries

SMS is not only a global standard for communication; it is the primary means of communication for the highly targetable youth market. Having an SMS strategy is absolutely required for consumer-oriented businesses, as it can add significant value to your existing marketing initiatives.

11Portio Research, 2012 | 12 Nielsen, 2013 | 13 Mobile Marketer Report, 2012 | 14 Mobile Marketing Review, “Mobile Statistics,” 2013 15 Ericsson, “Mobility Report,” 2012 | 16 comScore MobiLens, 2013

94% Percentage of Americans with a mobile device12

95% Percentage of those devices that are text enabled13

97% Percentage of text messages that are opened and read within 15 minutes14

7 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614

Getting Started with SMSIntegrating SMS into your marketing programs doesn’t have to be a daunting experience. Here are some common SMS mobile programs that are easy to implement and will get you started with embracing today’s mobile consumer:

• IMPORTANT ALERTS – Notify customers of emergency or important time-sensitive information

• INTERACTIVE INFORMATION – Enable customers to text a KEYWORD to a short code to receive a variety of information

• COUPONS & OFFERS – Attract prospective customers with timely coupons and other offers

• SCHEDULING & REMINDERS – Remind customers of upcoming events or appointments

• EMAIL LIST GROWTH – Allow customers to subscribe to your email programs by automatically capturing email addresses sent to your short code

Figure 3. Orchestrate cross-channel programs that leverage both email and SMS to maximize results.

8 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


Like SMS messages, push notifications allow brands to reach their customers wherever they roam – in real-time. And these on-the-go customers are accustomed to getting news, updates and alerts on a continual basis. In fact, the average consumer checks his or her mobile phone about 150 times a day.17 Moreover, 50% of all mobile phone users download apps (up from 22% in 2009),18 fueling a surge in mobile app usage that is rising at the expense of mobile web surfing.19

All of these findings highlight how valuable push notifications can be for engaging customers through their most accessible devices. Using push, marketers can advance customer dialog and engagement through a permission-based channel that can deliver content to customers when they need it the most and at the very moment of a purchase decision.

StrongView’s Push Messaging Module integrates seamlessly with Message Studio, enabling marketers to effectively introduce push notifications into new and existing cross-channel marketing campaigns.

With StrongView’s Push Messaging capability you get:

• Delivery of targeted push notifications (batch and triggered)

• Broad mobile support ranging from Apple iOS devices like iPhone and iPad to the innumerable devices running Android and Windows Mobile

• Full integration with StrongView’s Message Studio for interactive cross-channel programs

The permission to message customers on their mobile device can be revoked at any time, which makes it even more critical to respect this privilege by delivering contextually relevant content that is welcomed and valued. In order to maintain permission, brands first need to make push notification part of a comprehensive cross-channel marketing strategy. StrongView’s integrated push notification capabilities enable you to effectively introduce targeted messages at strategic moments that benefit both the brand and consumer.

Getting Started with PushPush notifications can be effective for sending deals, coupons and special offers to customers, but if that’s all you’re using push for, you’re missing the point. Push notification can help sophisticated marketers build stronger relationships by delivering:

• CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTIFICATIONS – Keep your customers updated on real-time customer service issues like flight delays or shipping notifications

• REMINDERS & EVENT PROMOTIONS – Send a helpful reminder to keep customers informed of time-sensitive purchases like concerts and hotel stays

• NEW PRODUCT UPDATES - Alert customers when there are new products or services available based on prior purchases or interests

• PROXIMITY NOTIFICATIONS – Let customers know when they are nearby one of your physical locations

Beyond Push and SMSEffective push and SMS message programs are just the beginning of a comprehensive mobile strategy. StrongView offers multiple mobile solutions beyond push and SMS to ensure marketers are maximizing the performance of all their channels. The following sections will drill down on what you can accomplish with our solutions and services.

17TomiAhonen Almanac, Feb. 2013 | 18 Pew Research, May 2013 | 19 Flurry Analytics, “Apps Continue to Dominate Mobile Web,” April 2014

9 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


Mobile email is the core driver of global communications between brands and their customers. Need a sense of size? As mentioned earlier, over 50% of commercial email in the U.S. will be opened and read on a mobile device this year. Emails prepared for a desktop experience usually don’t translate well to a mobile device, and if your emails don’t display correctly on a mobile device nearly 70% of consumers will delete it immediately20, killing your marketing performance and ultimately reducing revenue. It is therefore critical to dynamically optimize email communications so they look as compelling on a smartphone or tablet as they do on a desktop – and perform just as effectively.

StrongView is a leading expert in the latest responsive design techniques and other types of mobile optimization, ensuring your audience is always able to engage with your email communications, regardless of their channel of preference. With StrongView’s mobile optimization capabilities you can:

• Ensure relevant, clickable content on mobile devices, without worrying about device specifics, OS requirements, or browser variability

• Automatically adapt screen width with elastic layouts and hide backgrounds to load messages more quickly, driving a more meaningful experience for your customers and prospects

• Automatically adjust font size on mobile devices so people can actually read what you’ve sent them

20Digital River/Flagship Research, “Consumer Views of Email Marketing,” 2013

Figure 4. StrongView optimized Scripps Networks’ Travel Network email template to dynamically adjust and hide content within a one-column layout, increasing click-through rates by 30%.

10 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614

Mobile Optimization Options StrongView leverages three different approaches to email template mobile optimization. While one approach will not work across all email campaigns, it is possible to use techniques from all three optimization options to create the best experience.


Responsive email design uses the same markup languages that you’ve always used for your email design. It uses CSS3 media queries to display different layouts of an email depending on the size of the viewing screen. You can display or hide elements for a true mobile experience.


This is the simplest, most effective way to approach mobile optimization development. A scalable layout starts early in the design process. It is readable and clickable no matter which size environment it is in. It is a single design with only one HTML version.


This layout approach will automatically adapt to the width of the screen the email is being viewed on. It relies on no media query. Similar to scalable design, it will wrap copy length to the appropriate width of the screen.

These capabilities address the core requirements of mobile email readability. Our mobile optimization and design methodologies do the heavy lifting so your customers don’t need to figure out why emails aren’t displaying, enabling them to spend more time buying your products and services.

Are Your Emails Mobile Ready?With smartphones and tablets on the rise, it is safe to assume that a large portion of your customers are already viewing your email campaigns via mobile devices. If you cannot check off all these statements as “true” you may want to consider revisiting your mobile design.

� You provide your customers with the most relevant clickable content in a mobile environment.

� Your email width is less than the screen width of the mobile device it’s being displayed on.

� Your font is at least 13px for text and 25px for headlines.

� You have touch-friendly buttons – a minimum of 29 x 44px (with 10px padding).

� Your email campaign looks good on both iOS and Android.

11 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


As mentioned earlier, there are wide permutations in the mobile device ecosystem, and having a firm grasp on how you deal with them to effectively connect with your mobile customers is mission critical. With StrongView’s Mobile Engagement Reporting, you can quickly understand what platforms and mobile devices your customers are using to engage with your marketing initiatives.

Most marketers have no idea what percentage of their email communications are being read on mobile devices. With StrongView’s integrated Mobile Engagement Reporting, you no longer have to be in the dark. Easily see which mobile devices, tablets, mail clients and web browsers your customers are using to engage with your email marketing messages. With StrongView’s Mobile Engagement Reporting you can:

• Break down engagement metrics by device, mail client, and web browser

• Easily trend desktop, mobile device, and tablet engagement metrics

• Distinguish engagement between mobile and tablet devices

As Sir Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is Power.” Knowing what you’re dealing with when stepping into a fast-moving ecosystem will take you a long way towards a successful engagement with your customers.

Figure 5. Get detailed, customer-level information on devices and email clients used.

12 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


Knowing what your message is going to look like before you send it is critical to ensuring a meaningful response rate (there’s no point in sending a message that can’t be read, right?). With StrongView’s Mobile Message Rendering application, you can quickly and easily test how campaigns will render across multiple mobile, desktop and webmail clients.

You can verify that your links and images work, validate your code and visually ensure the construction of your message through an extensive range of mobile, desktop and webmail screenshots. With this powerful tool, you can take proactive steps to correct any issue with your email template prior to launch, allowing you to properly safeguard your brand and message. StrongView Mobile Rendering capabilities allow you to:

• Test mobile device rendering and fix any issues prior to launch

• Ensure an optimal user experience on an extensive range of mobile devices, email clients, web browsers and operating systems

There are wide variations in what your customers use to receive communications from you; it is absolutely critical that everyone sees the right message, regardless of what type of device they’re using.

Figure 6. Correct rendering issues prior to launch and safeguard your brand and message.

13 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614

On departure, Lola receives an SMS and push notification to check out via


Lola uses social media to find hotel recommendations for an upcoming

business trip

Lola books a room and receives an email and SMS confirmation

A day later, Lola gets an email inviting her to download the hotel’s app for real-time info on local events and


After installing the app and enabling push

notifications, Lola receives a message about concert tickets and makes an in-

app purchase

Based on her purchase, Lola

receives an SMS message with a link for booking

a limo

The day before her stay, Lola receives an SMS informing her she can check in via the hotel’s

mobile app

On arrival, Lola checks in via the mobile app and

uses it as her room key

After checkout, Lola receives a push message about her reward status and points required for

a free stay

One day later, Lola gets an email with a survey and promo code for a

future stay

Lola raves about her experience

on social media, prompting a friend to book a room at

the same hotel

Figure 7. A mobile marketing use case for hospitality that drives customer service, loyalty and engagement.


After making the case for mobile and showing you how StrongView enables you to embrace it, we would be remiss not to provide you with some examples to help you get started. The following vertically oriented examples will give you an idea of how mobile can play a critical role in successful cross-channel lifecycle marketing programs.

Mobility Solutions for HospitalityA well-designed mobile marketing strategy allows you to engage with your customers throughout the product/service lifecycle, resulting in a richer and more fulfilling experience

– and a much stronger set of metrics for your marketing team. As your customers move through their lives on a mobile device, you want to make sure you make it easy for them to interact with your products and services. With StrongView’s Message Studio, you can fully engage customers and prospects as they move through a sales lifecycle.

In this example, Lola has received a seamless experience that not only responded quickly to her needs, but actually was effective in anticipating her requirements. Customers who have a rewarding experience are more loyal, more likely to recommend or endorse your products and services, and can become a major driver for your company’s bottom line. And as can be seen from the above example, this type of positive experience can actually become a viral driver of new prospects when done correctly.

14 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614

Mobility Solutions for RetailBeing able to reach prospects and customers as they evaluate and consider purchasing your products is one of the most powerful capabilities of email, SMS and push messaging. The right message to the right person at the right time at the right place can mean the difference between a sale or abandonment. Whether you’re dealing with a satisfied, loyal customer or an (at best) indifferent one, using mobile messaging effectively can be the fine line between success and failure for your business.

The beauty of this type of marketing is that when done correctly, the consumer takes control of the relationship and becomes an enabler for other prospects to buy your products and services. In effect, you have just crowd-sourced your marketing and created an opportunity to have demand for your product go viral.

Figure 8. A mobile marketing use case for retail that drives conversions and referrals.

Lola sees a product

recommendation while browsing a social media site

Curious, Lola finds the product on the retailer’s website, puts it in her cart, but doesn’t make

a purchase

The retailer adds Lola’s cart abandonment

action to her profile

Lola downloads retailer’s app on

her cell phone and gives permission to receive push


The retailer emails Lola a 5% discount

for the item she abandoned and

invites her to download its mobile app

Two days later, Lola’s proximity

to the retail store triggers an SMS

message offering an additional 5% discount

Convinced, Lola purchases the product and receives an

email receipt

Lola starts seeing mobile display ads for related

products based on collaborative


Lola “Likes” the product on


Lola receives a push message notifying her of shipping status

Lola’s buddy Emma sees the

Like on Facebook and the cycle begins again

15 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


Not sure how to leverage SMS and push messaging as part of your overall cross-channel marketing strategy? Take some inspiration from the use cases outlined below. And keep in mind that these are just a few of the many ways you can use mobile messaging to reach and engage on-the-go consumers.

LOCATION-BASED OFFERS. Take advantage of nearby shoppers by automatically pushing or texting a coupon or promotional offer to a customer when they come within range of a retail store or target location.

NOTIFICATIONS. Schedule regular updates to keep mobile users informed of valuable information like news, weather and offers.

REAL-TIME ALERTS. Automatically trigger messages to provide alerts about breaking news, service changes or limited availability offers.

TEXT RESPONSE. Allow you customers to send you feedback via SMS. They get to easily send you their ideas and points of interest, and you get the opportunity to text them back with your response.

TEXT FOR AN EMAIL. Enable customers to text their email address to a short code to automatically receive a desired document or file to the email inbox. This can work with PDFs, PPTs or any kind of media.

TEXT FOR A BROCHURE. Enable readers to register their interest in a product or service by featuring a SMS promotion that will automatically send a brochure to their phone while they’re still engaging with your brand.

TEXT FOR A CALLBACK. Qualify potential hot leads from your campaigns and enable your advertisers to call back to verify requirements. This could be useful for loans, insurance, auto quotes, etc.

TEXT FOR CUSTOMER CARE. SMS can provide an immediate response for time-consuming customer service issues, giving you time to find a resolution and respond by call or text.

TEXT FOR LOCATION. Allow your customers to find your nearest store by sending a text from their phone and receiving an immediate SMS in return with a clickable address.

TEXT VOTING & CONTESTS. Enable participation in surveys and contests while collecting valuable information that can be used to improve products, services and retargeting efforts.

TEXT TO MAKE PAYMENT. Make it easy for customers to pay their bills by accepting regular payments of membership fees, magazines or subscription-based services by text message.

16 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


As mobility’s influence continues to expand and touch every aspect of our lives, having a mobile strategy is no longer optional. There are literally billions of consumers out there with a mobile device that is always with them and always on. Mobile email, SMS and push are incredibly efficient ways to reach both your existing customers and new prospects, and when done correctly can lead to crowd-sourced marketing enablement.

The top five reasons to go mobile with StrongView include:

• Email, SMS and push are proven to be the primary and most effective way to reach a customer with a targeted message; we are leaders in integrated email and mobile marketing.

• Your customers are mobile; this needs to be a core part of how you do business. We are leaders in mobile email marketing.

• Having emails that are readable across a wide range of devices is critical to your success. We are leaders in responsive design, which is a core driver of successful email programs.

• We are leaders in mobile email security, providing that critical extra level of comfort for both you and your customers.

• A properly executed mobile email campaign can generate viral results, effectively crowd-sourcing new prospects and customers. We enable you to drive interactions across the entire lifecycle, ensuring a rich experience that can turn your customers into advocates.

StrongView empowers marketers to achieve their acquisition, retention and loyalty objectives with powerful email and cross-channel marketing solutions. With StrongView’s market-leading solutions and services, brands can quickly, simply and effectively employ these vital communication channels to expand both reach and revenue. StrongView provides marketers with the tools they need to drive more value from their marketing programs: a drag-and-drop interface for lifecycle marketing, real-time testing and optimization, dynamic reporting and unparalleled data access. StrongView has a proven track record helping leading brands with sophisticated data needs boost the performance of their marketing initiatives across email, mobile and social channels.

17 Solutions Guide: Mobile Marketing Copyright © 2014 StrongView Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. SM-DN-30614


StrongView is the cross-channel marketing software provider that gives enterprise marketers a stronger view of how to acquire and engage customers across email, mobile, social, display and web. Combining the strongest technology and proven marketing know-how, StrongView provides enterprise marketers unparalleled insight into how to deepen customer relationships and maximize results. The platform is offered as both SaaS and on-premise, allowing companies to deploy StrongView’s technologies in the manner that best fits their needs.

Based in Redwood City, CA, and backed by leading venture capital investors, StrongView has been helping global brands in retail, travel, finance, entertainment and online services overcome the limitations of other marketing platform providers for more than a decade.

For a stronger view of marketing go to www.StrongView.com, and follow us at www.twitter.com/StrongView and www.facebook.com/StrongViewInc.

StrongView Toll free U.S. +1 (800) 971-0380 Toll U.S. +1 (650) 421-4255 Toll U.K. +44 (0) 118 903 6068 [email protected]

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