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Page 1: Some Easter - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1897-december-1900-september-catholic-journal...1 Daring the past week the annual retreat for the men of the congrega tion

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tKtuwsStag Budget « f Happ«abts»aa*h-

«rad by Oar City Bcjiartwr*.

1 Daring the past week the annual

retreat for the men of the congrega­tion has been in progress, and at the morning and evening services of each day the church has been well filled. The closing exercises of the retreat will be held at 7.30 o'clock to-morrew evening. Tomorrow, also, will be held the first meeting of the new so ciety for the men of the parish

The following order of services will be held at the Cathedral daring Holy Week:—Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock the Tenebne. Confession. Holy Thursday:—Holy communion at 6, 7 and 8, a. m.; blessing of the holy oils, Pontifical high mass, and pro cession of the Blessed Sacrament to the repository at 10 a. m.; Teaebra and Stabat Mater at 4 p. m. Good Friday:—The singing of the Passion, according to St. John, uncovering and veneration of the cross, procession of the Blessed Sacrament from the repository to the high altar, and mass of the pre-sanctraed at 9 a. m. Tene­bne at 4 p. m.; confessions. Holy Saturday—The blessing of the new fire, the babrismal font and holy water, singing of the Prophecies and Litany of the Saints, followed by solemn high mass at 9 a. m.; confes­sions afternoon and evening.

The Ladies' Aid Society held their final business meeting Friday after­noon and the officers submitted their reports. Miss Maud M. Penny, sec­retary, reported that during the past winter the society had assisted 84 families. Miss Emily W. Joyce, treas­urer, reported cash on hand Nov. 12, '97 ,116,06 . Received since,$678.41. The disbursments were $447.04, leav­ing a balance of $147.43.

The pedro party which the Laidies' Aid society was to hold Thursday, April 14th, has bean postponed until Thursday, May 6th.

Carmilla Moffa died Wednesday morning at the family residence in the rear of 386 North St. Paul street, aged 64 years. Funeral was held Friday morning at 8.30 at the house, and at 9 o'clock at the cathedral


The funeral of Joseph Biel, the un fortunate man who was crushed to death on Tuesday morning, was held at 8.30 Friday morning from the house and at 9 o'clock from the church. The deceased leaves a wife, three small children, mother, one brother, Frank, and three sisters. The remains were buried by the Knights of St. John and C. M. B. A., of

flwhich the deceased was a member


Branch 81, C. M. B. A., attended ,Holy Communion last 8unday morn ing.

Mary A. Leimgruber Groh, wife of Roman J. Groh, died Monday, aged 40 years. 8he is survived by her hus­band, two sons, her mother, two sis­ters and three brothers. The funeral took place from the family residence, 81 William street, on Wednesday morning at 8.30, and at 9 o'clock j-om the church.


[On Monday evening at the regular ting of "the Cardinal Newman ding circle the Rev. Thomas A . drick read an able paper on "The rious Life of George El iot ." A

ittee was appointed by the presi-j Mrs. K. J. Dowling, composed ?JS B. O'Rorke, Miss 8. R.Quinn Miss Ella Gerraghty, to tender ympathy of the members to Miss

Hahn and Miss Louise O'Con-n their recent bereavement.

hereafter Branch 27 , L. C. B . A . , hold its meetings on the first and

'•d Friday evenings of each month end of fortnightly as heretofore. as taken a lease of Augustine hall another year. ugustine, son of Mary J. and the James O'Connor, died at the fam-

-esidence, 163 North street. The aral was held from the church on 'dnesday morning.

8T HIOHAXT/S. rhe funeral of Mrs. D . LemietLx, who

ed on Wednesday of last week in rjenver, Col., took place from the

"home of her sister, Mrs. Althoflj 690 North Clinton street, a t 8.30 Tuesday morning, and from the church at 9 o'clock.

SS. PETEB Aim PAULS. Justina Miller died Sunday morn­

ing at the residence o f her daughter, Mrs. Frank G. Wagner, 23 Orange street, aged 68 years. She is survived by two daughters and one brother. The funeral took place Tuesday morn­ing at 8.30 from the hoase, and at 9 o'clock from the church.

Branch 82, C M . B . A., received their annual Easter communion at 8 o'clock mass last Sunday, 100 mem­bers being present. A very instruct­ive sermon on insuring j o u r soul as well as your life was delivered by Rev. Father Sinclair, the spiritual advisor of the branch. Miss Effie Yawman and Mr. Joseph Webber sang "Panis Angelicutf' at the com munion.

Sunday the blessing of the wilt take place before high mass, after which there will be a procession of the school children, the JCnighteof SS. Peter and Paul, arid delegates from the various other societies of the church.

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J ther ear association Irthe i^-i$m&/ PfFUtWiP < a n f T I ? T T l ? « ^cq6tof&ebene8te«ndprivUeg^8 t - A I U U J u l t / Q U V J J B I J L E I O * which its members enjoy, itsiosux-

What t» Transpiring to tb* MffnaM Fraternttlea — Gnrrvnt C»I«a#.an.

Knlghti of St, John

8t. Bernard's Coiamandery, No . 272, Knights o f St John, held its an, nual inspection Thursday evening-March 24th, a t S t Francis Xavier Hall, in the presence of Col H . N . Sohlick and bis full staff. Col. J. J. Nunnold inspected the Commandery, and put it through a very rigid schedule, prepared by him, foi the inspection of the first regiment of the state of New York. Dress parade and review was held immediately after the inspection, Surgeon F . W . Ma-loy, M. D.,acting as reviewing officer. After the review Cols. SchUck and Nunnold spoke in high praise of the commandery's appearance and pro­ficiency. The different manoeuvres were executed under the command of Captain Edmund Braun, assisted by lieutenants J o a Krapf and Chas. Bachman. Special praise is due Mr. Paul Guggemoa for the elaborate decoration of the balL

Gen. Henry J . Worst, of W a p a -koneta, O., Inspector Gen. Peter Paulus and M . J. Kane Supreme Secretary, of Buffalo, were here this week on business connected with the order. They were the guests of the local officers here-.

Colonel J. J . Nunnold, assisted by Colonel H . N. Sohlick, inspected the Koighta of S a Peter and Paul, Commandery 28 , Knights of St . John, Wednesday evening at the society's armory on Litchfield street. The r e ­viewing officers were Surgeon-General F . W. Maloney and Major John P . Smith. Regimental officers present, who assisted in the review, were Major Joseph Heslinger, Joseph Stall-necht, Domi nick Kraft, Rudolph Vay, George Lingle, Frederick Schlib and Henry LaCasse. Al l were Mghly pleased with the excellent work of the company.

The national convention of the order o f Knights of St. John will be held in Detroit in June, and it is proposed that the Rochester organization, con­sisting of over 400 members, attend in a body, instead of holding an annual field day here They would compete for drill prizes there.


Knlghta of Colombo*.

The general committee of the Knights of Columbus of Massachusetts having charge of the memorial services in honor of the late Hon. James E. Hayes, supreme knight of the order, met last week and decided that they shall be held on Memorial day, Mon­day, May 30, at 10 o'clock. The rector of the cathedral in Boston has kindly placed that great edifice at the disposal of the members of the order, ana the offer haa*been gladly accepted.

The Knights of Columbus building in Brooklyn is now assured. The first $10,000 was pledged five days ahead of schedule time.

State Deputy Delaney has divided the New York jurisdiction into twenty-one districts, and the lines have been approved by the national directors. This district is known as District 19, and comprises of the counties of Wayne, Seneca, Ontario, Gates, Livingston, Monroe, Orleans and Steuben. James L. Whalenis district deputy.

Ten candidates received the first and second degrees on Wednesday evening. Hereafter meetings will be held at the Union club rooms in the Triangle building, opposite T H E JOURNAL office The new rooms are being elaborately furnished, and when completed will be the • finest in the state.

Third degree members desiring to attend the new council in Batavia, Sunday, can leave here at 9.55 and 2.25 over N. Y. ft, returning at 12.40.

Council 25 C. R. & B. A., are pre­paring for a card party to be given Easter Monday. They have lately purchased thirty handsome card tables, which will be first used on that evening. The committee on this oc-•casion will do their best to entertain their guests, and an enjoyable even­ing is anticipated. They hope to see all the members with their friends present.

The following ladies will represent Monroe county at the convention of tjie Ladies' Auxiliary, A. 0 . HL, to be held in Albany on April 11th: Mrs. Anna Powell, state secretary; Mrs. O'Hara, county president; Miss Jennie Kavanaugh, Miss Mary Gar-vey,;Mra. R , Campbell, Mrs. J . Quinn, Mrs. Redding, Miss Agnes Egan and Miss Hackett. '

anee feature is a great attraction, «uid one of the most liberal and yet fair, that is offered by any fraternal or» ganization. The social advaatageaof the C. M. B. A. is not the leass by any means. The thousands of meetings that are held by various branches throughout the country are. one of the gnat educating and bar* moniring agencies of the present time. The beneficiary element of the asso* elation has brightened many homes, and is educating many of tfcw rising generation that would, without assist­ance, grow up in ignorance*.

All in a quiet way our noble asso­ciation is effective, and create* many an ideal home. Read how a popular journal describes an ideal home. I t said: "The ideal home is the one that ministers to the needs of all who make it; it is the place where sym pathy, interests, intelligence, under­standing of even the mooda of its circle, inspiration, and above all, re, pose, are found. The ideal home ministers intelligently to the needs of the spiritual and intellectual nature as well as the physical; its development into perfection depends on the com* bined efforts of its reeponubUe mem-hers; the ideal home was never at­tained by the efforts of one, but by the co-operation of all. This does not mean that each shall fit himself into a mould, A perfect home islijfeea per­fect moeaio, where each part with i t i individual difference fits tn ifcaplice, to make a perfect design.'* The jousr* nal also saya, "the comer itone of the ideal home h love; it is love tfentiaitt life; love is its inspiration, ita 'defense, its crown of victory; sorrow,: defeat, shame itself are vanquished wheieldve has its perfect work. 'O worlds where is thy sting? O poverty where w t h y victory?' hi the pcaan o f him who i f sheltered in love that is pure and of * Christian nature. That makes the ideal home."

Now, dear brother*, can there b e such an ideal home that la not pro­tected by the Catholic Mutual Beief it Association?

(To be continued.)

EUb«ratM Rtfla*. The armory,, and, in fact the gen­

eral aspect of headquarters presented an uncommon scene for description when the poet Eheinberg wrote the ««Deserted Mili" .and said:

••Within its hull* Silence and caim reign only; "

In it illy night resound* no stralo For All was still and lonely,"

he must have been looking from a Es­tonian standpoint at a similar scene. The only ercuse the boya can give at this conjecture is the retreat given for men at the cathedral this week for the poor attendance at drill OD Tues day evening, and even this will hardly be a good excuse, as the roll call showed not over a * corporal's guard responding to the call at 8 o'clock, and the delinquents were not the men living at the longest^ distance; hub i t seems that those living in the imme­diate vicinity of the armory were the ones who could attend church and come and were theones not to be absent. However, the captain deferred any remarks until the next meeting, when he will be heard from in a manner that will make something drop, time is coming when we must be ready and some measures must betaken to not have this state of things occur again. Even the retreat was not suf­ficient grounds for their absence, as most of those present were first to church and then to drill. It showed the absentees up badly, and it maybe expected that at the next regular meeting some measures will bo taken to compel the members to attend or resign, because the boys who always attend feel as though it IB better to have thirty good members than sixty who do not attend regularly. .

There was mentioned atlastmeefc ing somethingto the effect of meeting John Daly on his arrival in this city and escorting Mm to City J&ilf, where he will speak, and the sogges* tion met with the general approval of those present. "

The next regular meeting will be held April 5th, and, all nxembecs are requested to be present; •

A , a. H, cowvawTioa.

viHdafie cjtiicileao» April 12, *Tw are td^faed-.^f iffi^ 'jbeciujte'if yen;

)iwmw0 ^rij)«tothe«pe«i«l agents wprival, you, eanuothaye the' benefit of the redaction on the noma journey, ^^lioijr , If yo» arrive at the meeting later than April 12, after the special agent has ieifc, you cannot have your certificate validated for the reduction returning,

6,—8o as !»• prevent disappoint* raeut, i t must be uuderetood that the reduction on retain journey is not guaranteed, but in contingent ou au attendance of tot les» than 100 per* sons holding certificates obtained from ticket agonta at starting poimts, show, ing payment of. full first-clais fare of not loss than 75 cents on goiugjourney; nrovtded, however, that jf the ew» tfSeates preaented fall short of t^e re­quired rainirnum and it shall appear that round trip tickets are held in lieu of certiScatea they shall be reckoned in arriving at the minimum.

7.—If the necessary mipimum ia in attenda4uce,and your certificate is duly validated, ^on inU he «ntitl^d up to April l©toac#utiauou*p*s«tge ticket to your destination hy the route aver which you njajke the goingi journey, at one-third the limited fare,

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Littile d a ( > » «x|«ect W^HW**»ter«i „&* Blflryfll* 4 » | | 1 5>nox four years ago, that w 189$ we should be « b l » | * f l # i n wfeoel as & » l o r «$0V ^ B # l ^ r t have.beao In Bioyole building, and here'* the acme of Its aoeeMt^l lDn Leooac for $80 , , -\ ^ ^ ^

We claim for the Lonox to^ay what w© have claimtd te%1*<\

year* «»3 experienc* h*» *xdxtfbfam ^ r c j a i f f c - r ' °" ' * * ^

3}HB BEST BlCXOm ^Aj UR OK tTER lUiXSft . Sttlotl^ high-grade, «^IM»t4 fa ****? pirt, H*liiof

wheel at »uoh a price Is only poeaible thrpog^ our mfthod* the Bicycle business. The manufacturer mm hi» m&mf ord^ am} tt»« a large oaft, He figure* doae. W« do ao don** haTe lo p»y 1m old wlieeli with-profiti on the new.

The buyer of a Lenox g«U hU money'« worth' to hoaeet T*lue» , * ""

:;- - Urge front wid w « •prookata, both «H*ly one is « beauty. . It'i attached to shaft «eage by »U«1 lug, whiph take the atrain end prevent i M ^ g

. Lenox oranki ace m»a» of - high oarboa ernolhie ;0H';*fi^t "85rM^ .|0; # *j^l^g. : t^0p^r| : - «»a^W|i t^Mal

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^j*^;.Bjta^ftf*t-'Wrf*t?e6ii.\ :•

'frtaHiltatie-Xr«n C»thoU» f Aintir tm \hi ih*«3i a * f • oat.

Wear WoiiC * Sbuceir H»t«.

None better. An»Easter souvenir with every

ot St,; A i thia year marki the

nlveriary,of ttlvot^teation l tev ,3 toop | | ^ M « » a'|>tt*e4taija

Me i toiljr^ to'lhidJEoceie Ihoiilaijehi poaBeswon-'ofourboautifuI large photo­graph (notififcho»a^h}t %&14 W^d Of the BfcIBM &h%6% J B pioture wiH oe g^^/t^.eyfiry awfelfter uf !fis»OA^HPUQ 4W0*** * ^ n t t t i i further : n o ^ | « ^ e m -fidl j jurfa 'm¥ aoriptiott for #$w in #dy«tM '- »ttdl send UB fifty c^t»" ejptra to oover part' of j J i a ^ t i ^ t t i i ^ ^ ; - ; ' . ' ' ^ : photograph is * ren^nntloiik of the nictoreof the Bighen whiek fiai>|p|in It. Bernard's Seminsry attot l i jger*

tainly a work of arfc It was m$fo bf Mr* E. E . Nler, the oelebrated ar ife of Powers Block. The photograph will be handsomely framed with • » elegant gold bordered white fraud*, glass and back. Those who Bave ceived the premijini are mm jfcan satisfied, and say that they do not see how wa can give so much for so little mone^ INow n* the time to »end in yoBrirottterj,

The Ladies' Auadflajy• ..Ko,T ff„of the A. O H., have adopted resolcitions on the death of Miss Mary .Arthur^ %• charter member of the association. A requium high mass was held Thurs­day morning at 8 o'clock at thp Im­maculate Conception church.

jroatK VALV xo> t,mvtv»m. '

JohnDaly will deliver his leetnre on "Peraonal Experience in Eaglish Prisons" in Mtzhugh hall on April 2(Mh. A committee compoBesd of MessKj. & E Henry, Michael l>oyIe, Patrick Olaffey," JBdward McSweeney and, Dr - Owey jirill have charge- of the arrangements.

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, The right crank; sprocket, flange and axle left crank atUohing with »loajf, tqnare taper right and left threaded nat—a style of oo;

crank; nothing to work bee or deretepe

properly tempered and ground true, gauged bsfort being aeaeiabied,

new deeinL bein£ betf mwm feature you will. appreciate, ae i t Is moeh ' «w%Ja 9v\- ^Riae4 ik tf*SMee e ve^a ve^Le^ h" <itiM hs h M fre a ^K

w^^^fa w < * ^ n ^ Pwaa fl'awpja iir ^ drat we ^ a ffcp#<>e ai w

' We might continue detail* .indaftaiteV^, Bicycle is as it should be. It is a wheel o f l^tlys^Wk^dl*'/* • . _ • * • • / • - " ' "* """.

"We uullraiitee Ltenox Bievoles lbr the »*t*»AM*-

^$Ui$**'*'f„ r } • ' • • ' * •• :-' - ^ •••-.;.

. %)!M..'..4lKltO



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H yon eome as a visitor yon will re­main M a cujjtottier. Factory Shoe Store, 2 9 7 State street. •,

H a v e brains tnjbeniw lt&(h tihjsrf AK» brains in Meng A ShaferhaU—brains in making tliem and brains i n wear* ing thorn. The new E w t e r and sprin stylee now on sale. It's a * i»e he that wears a tizm <fe S H A J E B .

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All kind* of Wriogw* JRepairedj VtotkcullettoiuniAemtpi.

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Cattery asif Mm Supplfei, Ettcfrlcal W s r ^ r t l f | p | ^

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