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Some Work on Information Extraction at IRL

Ganesh RamakrishnanIBM India Research Lab

IBM India Research Lab

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India Research Lab

Problem: Information Extraction

Extract all instances of schema <E1, E2..En> from an unstructured source S.- Company names, Designation, Person names, Date, Time

October 14, 2002, 4:00 a.m. PT

For years, Microsoft Corporation CEO Bill Gates railed against the economic philosophy of open-source software with Orwellian fervor, denouncing its communal licensing as a "cancer" that stifled technological innovation.

Today, Microsoft claims to "love" the open-source concept, by which software code is made public to encourage improvement and development by outside programmers. Gates himself says Microsoft will gladly disclose its crown jewels--the coveted code behind the Windows operating system--to select customers.

"We can be open source. We love the concept of shared source," said Bill Veghte, a Microsoft VP. "That's a super-important shift for us in terms of code access.“

Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, countered saying…



Bill Gates



Bill Veghte



Richard Stallman


Free Soft..

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India Research Lab

Rule-based Information Extraction

Statistical Rule Mining- Inductive Logic Programming and its simplifications

Rule Engines [I will mainly talk on this]- New paradigms for speedup and expressivity

Rule Consolidation- Rule ordering, RDR, SRL, etc

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India Research Lab

Information Extraction:Document-at-a-time Paradigm

ML / Hand-built rules

TokenizerPOS Lookup

Gazetteer Lookupetc…
















A SingleNon-annotated




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India Research Lab

Example: Rules for identifying ORGANIZATIONs

How to identify?

B.P. Marsh PlcThe U.S.B. Holding Co.U.S.B. Holding Group

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India Research Lab

Example rule for identifying ORGANIZATION instances

Regular expression macros

Dictionary attribute

ORPart of speech






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India Research Lab

Problems with Existing Grammar-based Approachs on large corpora

Repeated computations for multiple occurrences of same token:- Dictionary-lookups- Regular expression matches

Large over-heads while- Re-annotating a corpus after changing dictionary entries

The user realizes that “Group” is a too generic word to be included as an ORGANIZATION:CLUE and want to remove its entry

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India Research Lab

Problems with Existing Grammar-based Approachs on large corpora

Repeated computations for multiple occurrences of same token:- Dictionary-lookups- Regular expression matches

Large over-heads while- Re-annotating a corpus after changing dictionary entries

The user realizes that “Group” is a too generic word to be included as an ORGANIZATION:CLUE and want to remove its entry

- Re-annotating a corpus with slight modification in rules The user realizes that the optional “The” at the beginning introduces too many wrong

annotations and modifies the rule

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India Research Lab

Problems with Existing Grammar-based Approachs on large corpora

Repeated computations for multiple occurrences of same token:- Dictionary-lookups- Regular expression matches

Large over-heads while- Re-annotating a corpus after changing dictionary entries

The user realizes that “Group” is a too generic word to be included as an ORGANIZATION:CLUE and want to remove its entry

- Re-annotating a corpus with slight modification in rules The user realizes that the optional “The” at the beginning introduces too many wrong

annotations and modifies the rule- Making incremental annotation updates by adding new rules

The user wants a new rule that identifies “C.B. Fairlie Holding & Finance Limited”

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India Research Lab

Problems with Existing Grammar-based Approachs on large corpora

Repeated computations for multiple occurrences of same token:- Dictionary-lookups- Regular expression matches

Large over-heads while- Changing dictionary entries

The user realizes that “Group” is a too generic word to be included as an ORGANIZATION:CLUE and want to remove its entry

- Re-annotating a corpus with slight modification in rules The user realizes that the optional “The” at the beginning introduces too many wrong

annotations and modifies the rule

- Making incremental annotation updates by adding new rules The user wants a new rule that identifies “C.B. Fairlie Holding & Finance Limited” The user wants a new rule that identifies acquiring organizations:

“AT&T Wireless, Inc. ” (that purchased Alaska Communications System in 1995)

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India Research Lab

An alternative approach: Operating on the Inverted Index (EMNLP 2006 & ICDE 2008)

Inverted Index- A compact representation of the collection- Captures redundancies/repetition information

Many applications required annotations to be reflected in the index anyways

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India Research Lab

Index Based Entity Annotation[EMNLP 2006, ICDE 2008, InfoScale 2008]

An order of magnitude speedup by converting

regex matching to operations on index

A further factor of 2-3 speedup by deriving

optimal plans

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India Research Lab

IOPES and System-T

IOPES (IBM Omnifind Personal Email Search: http://


-Enables users search on concepts and relationships while retaining the simplicity of keyword search.-Comes pre-bundled with concept taggers such as person, date, time, phone number directions, schedule and address -Users can also personalize their search engine to their needs by defining new concepts and relationships

SystemText (


-Unlike previous systems for information extraction, System Text incorporates AQL, a declarative rule language that makes it easy to express precise specifications for complex patterns in text.

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India Research Lab

Capture the voice-of-customer by extracting important (and unimportant) repetitive discourse patterns from (noisy) call center conversations

Approach1. Assumption: Conversations proceed in the form

of questions and answers.2. Named entities such as CAR-TYPE,

DISCOUNT-TYPE, RENTAL-AGENCY, LOCATION, DATE, TIME, etc., abstracted away to types for increasing feature density.

3. Canonical “question” and “answer” types determined by clustering questions and answers, using non-consecutive sequences over entities and tokens as features. A canonical type is assigned to each cluster

4. Learn a discourse model as patterns of non-consecutive sequence of canonical “question” and “answer” types.

Identification of Conversational Discourse Patterns[Anup, Venkat, Sumit, Ganesh, CIKM 2008, TextLink 2006]


#better rate#

Customer: < CAR-QUESTION> ok. do you have a midsize</CAR-QUESTION>.Agent: ya. sure for a <CAR-Type>midsize car</CAR-Type> you are paying just <AMOUNT>309.49$</AMOUNT> alright.Customer: I am <NEGATION>not interested</NEGATION> I think I can get much better rate from the web so I think go with that.

Mining “horizontal”


Mining “vertical” patterns

Greeting segment and the conversation relating to the agent asking for the pick up and car details are repetitive

More interesting patterns: discourse relating to the agent presenting the rate and the customer raising an objection to it would not be present in all the calls

Also interesting to capture how the agent overcomes the objection to make the sale

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India Research Lab


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India Research Lab

Structure of Index

Example:The company said that it will acquire the other company









sid first last

Posting List

sid: a sentence identifierfirst: beginning position of an occurrencelast: end position of the same occurrence

Basic Entities Orthographic properties



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India Research Lab

Experimental Results

Data sets- Enron email: 2.3 GB- Reuters+20NG: 93 MB

8 rules for 4 annotations- Person name, company

name, location and date

Data set GATE Index based Speedup


Enron 4974343 374926 13.26

Reuter+ 752287 92238 8.15

A greater speedup is achieved on larger corpus Incremental annotations achieve even larger performance gains

Data set GATE Index based Speedup Factor

Enron 1479954 62227 23.78

Reuter+ 661157 17929 36.87

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