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Naval Surface WarfareCenter Dahlgren Division(NSWCDD) will recognizeover 400 military personneland civilian employees in thecommand’s annual honoraryawards ceremony today.

John AdolphusDahlgren Award

Two employees are re-ceiving the John AdolphusDahlgren Award, the com-mand’s highest local awardestablished to recognizeindividuals with significantachievement in science, en-gineering or management.The award is named in honorof Rear Admiral John Adol-phus Dahlgren (1809-1870),inventor of the Dahlgren gunand considered the father ofmodern naval ordnance.

Robert Dibble from theEngagement Systems De-partment (G) is commend-ed for his contributions toNSWCDD’s rapid develop-ment capacity and capability.These contributions includeestablishing a governmentrapid development projectslab; the emphasis in the useof warfighter inputs early inthe development; an abilityto manage extremely com-plex projects and still rapidlydeliver a product; and theability to exploit the reuse

of standard integration soft-ware.

Marshall C. Baugher, headof the Electromagnetic Ef-fects Division, is recognizedfor superior technical leader-ship as a topside design engi-neer, program manager, andorganizational leader. Hehas devoted his professionalcareer at NSWCDD to ensur-ing the technical superiorityof electromagnetic environ-mental effects (E3) capabili-ties and that NSWCDD con-tinues to be the “go to” orga-nization for all things E3.

C. J. Rorie AwardCmdr. Marc Williams and

Lt. Cmdr. Jason Fox are thisyear’s recipients of the C. J.Rorie Award, established torecognize military person-nel assigned to NSWCDDwhose excellence in the per-formance of their duties hascontributed significantly tothe effectiveness of the divi-sion’s military operations.

The award is named inhonor of Rear Adm. C. J. Ro-rie, commander of the NavalSurface Warfare Center fromMarch 1975 to September1977.

He was instrumental inleading the center duringits early years, following theinitial merger of the NavalWeapons Laboratory and theNaval Ordnance Laboratory.

As project manager forGriffin Missile integration onCyclone-class coastal patrolcrafts (PC), Williams’ techni-cal expertise, communica-tion skills, fleet knowledgeand steady leadership wereinstrumental in the successof the program.

Fox is recognized for hisaccomplishments as the Ae-gis Ballistic Missile Defense

Flight Test Mission (FTM)lead systems engineer (LSE)for FTM16Event 2a andFTM-18. His technical understand-ing of the Aegis BMDCombatSystem and leadership of thegovernment/industry teamwere instrumental in the rig-orous preparation and suc-cessful execution of this criti-cal weapon system.Bernard Smith Award

Three NSWCDD employ-ees are receiving the BernardSmith Award, established to

John Adolphus Dahlgren Award



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Ceremony honors Dahlgren Division employees2012 Year-End Honorary Awards

Baugher Dibble

See Awards, Page 2

C. J. Rorie Award

Fox Williams

NSWCDD Honor Awards Issue

The Special SensorTechnology (SST) Group iscited for their innovationin systems design that en-abled a U.S. Navy combat-ant to employ evolutionarycollection, processing andcloud architecture capa-bilities in new ways thatbrought impact and rele-vance to tactical cryptologyand cyber warfare that havenever been experienced inthe Fleet.

The Battle ManagementSystem Integration andDeployment Team was re-sponsible for production,integration and deploy-ment of a 30mmGunWeap-on System as well as for de-velopment and integrationof the SDB onto the DragonSpear platform.

The Riverine and Inter-

coastal Operations Teamis cited for their work todevelop and field a game-changing system of net-worked sensors and com-

munications for deploy-ment in adverse riverine,jungle and intercostal envi-ronments.

The Laser Weapons

System (LaWS) Team suc-cessfully installed a proto-type Laser Weapon System(LaWS) on board a U.S.Navy Ship to participate in2012’s Black Dart Test Ex-ercise, demonstrating the

system’s capability to track,engage and shoot downmultiple unmanned aerialsystems while the ship wasunderway.

Technology to Sea Excellence Awards

Riverine and Intercoastal Operations Team: JoeCampillo, Patrick Dezeeuw, Bryce Janson, JshuntumeMcCollough, Shawn McDonald and James Flippen.

See Sea, Page 9

Advanced Concepts Group: Diane Bozenbury, Mea-gan Hom, David Hurley, Craig Martell, Dr. Robert McDe-vitt, Joshua Shiben, David Shuttleworth and ChristopherZuchowski.

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recognize individuals withexceptional, significant tech-nical contributions in engi-neering or science, particu-larly contributions that areaccomplished by exceptionalpersistence and competencein the face of unusual oddsor significant opposition.The award is named in honorof Bernard Smith, technicaldirector of the Naval Weap-ons Laboratory from 1964 to1973.

Kenneth Armstrong, se-nior systems engineer withthe Electromagnetic andSensor Systems Department(Q), will be honored for ex-traordinary persistence inthe furthering of a real-timespectrum operations con-cept that is critical to achieveeffective operations of RFsystems within the complexshipboard electromagneticenvironment.

Dennis Larsen, combatcontrol senior system engi-neer in the Warfare SystemsDepartment (W), is recog-nized for his leadership ofengineering initiatives sup-porting the Aegis, Ship SelfDefense System, Coopera-tive Engagement Capability,Shipboard Gridlock System,CommonData LinkManage-ment System, and AdvancedHawkeye programs. His ef-forts have increased the ex-tent and effectiveness of na-val sensor netting, improvedtactical data link consisten-cy, reduced the occurrenceof dangerous combat ID dis-crepancies, enabledmore ef-fective force level interoper-ability testing, and paved theway for further functionalenhancements to Navy andjoint interoperability.

Anthony Nicoletti, prod-uct director for protectionprograms in the AsymmetricSystems Department (Z), isrecognized for his expertisein leading numerous pro-grams in addressing techni-cal issues while two distinctorganizations merged andwent through several sub-sequent reorganizations.His technical and leadershipcapability has helped ensurethat the Navy will receive ef-fective chemical, biological,and radiological (CBR) pro-tection systems.

Navy MeritoriousCivilian Service Award

TenNSWCDD employeeswill be presented with theNavy Meritorious CivilianService Award.

Paul Atkinson, a seniormechanical engineer with GDepartment, is recognizedfor his work to develop inno-vative solutions to complextechnical problems for naval

launcher programs and hisdevelopment of launcheranalysis techniques.

Bradley Hanna, leadmechanical engineer in GDepartment, is recognizedfor his innovation and dili-gence in pursuing new tech-nologies and partnerships toprovide the warfighter withmore innovative initiationsystems that enable safer,more effective weapons toachieve the desired missionobjectives.

Craig Bouchard, leadSEMS system engineer in theStrategic and Weapon Con-trol SystemsDepartment (K),is recognized for developingthe widely used Ship/Sub-marine Environment andMissile Simulation (SEMS).

Dr. Christian Wahlquist,fratricide and nuclear ef-fects simulation and analysistechnical expert in KDepart-ment, is honored for his ex-pertise and contributionsthat have been invaluable tothe evolution of the fratricidecomputational methodologyand will enable Navy andAir Force strategic programsto meet the expectations,schedules and requirementsof USSTRATCOM as theycomply with the provisionsof the new START Treaty.

Blaise Corbett, seniorengineer for Q Department,is recognized for his effortsto provide the Navy with animproved, effective, low-cost design for a cable shieldground adapter that will beinexpensive to reproduce,environmentally robust, andeasy to install and maintain.This innovation will ulti-mately save the Navy over$640 million over the next

50 years and ensure that ourships are able to effectivelyoperate in a complex electro-magnetic environment.

Ronald Flatley, high-en-ergy laser (HEL) area direc-tor for the Directed EnergyWarfare Office, is honoredfor his contributions to thedevelopment of directed en-ergy laser weapons, and hisefforts that achieved the firsthigh-energy laser weapon

demonstration aboard aU.S.Navy surface combatant.

Anita Kirkland, humansystems engineer in W De-partment, is honored for hercontributions to the MineResistant Ambush ProtectedVehicle Joint Program Officeas the lead human systemsengineer.

Mark Vogel, AMIIP NavyTest Lead with W Depart-ment, is recognized for his

leadership supporting theAccelerated Mid-term In-teroperability ImprovementProgram (AMIIP). He di-rected all AMIIP test activi-ties, which included defin-ing force level test plans,scenarios, configurationsand metrics used to executenumerous strike group leveltest events leading up to andincluding the Trident War-rior (TW) 2012 Fleet exercise.

Robert Fitzgerald, seniorengineer in Z Department, islauded for his achievementsin the Pentagon Shield Pro-gram. He voluntarily as-sumed the daunting taskof constructing the largest,single chemical and biologi-cal sensing network in thecountry.

James Flippen, lead lo-gistician and trainer for theidentity dominance systemand Navy non-lethal effectsprograms of record, is rec-ognized for his leadershipin providing over five yearsof program managementand logistics support for theIdentity Dominance System,the Navy Non Lethal Effects,and Riverine IntercoastalOperation programs.

Dr. James E. ColvardAward

Three NSWCDD person-nel are receiving the Dr.James E. Colvard Award,which recognizes individualswho, through their leader-ship, have made substantialcontributions to the devel-opment of theDahlgren Lab-oratory as a technical institu-tion. The award is named forDr. James E. Colvard, whowas technical director of theNaval Weapons Laboratoryfrom 1973 to 1974 and theNaval SurfaceWeapons Cen-ter from 1974 to 1980.

Brian Seay, Aegis ProgramDirector inWDepartment, iscited for his leadership in theAegis program. Through histechnical direction, the Navyhas been able to define thenext generation Aegis Com-bat System with NSWCDDproviding the technical leadin forging the way ahead.

Awards:Continued from page 1

NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards

Bernard Smith Award

Armstrong Larsen Nicoletti

Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award

Atkinson Bouchard Corbett Fitzgerald Flatley

Flippen Hanna Kirkland Vogel Wahlquist

Dr. James E. Colvard Award

Buhr Dodd Seay

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Dr. Tony Buhr, seniorbiologist in Z Department,is recognized for his techni-cal leadership in developingreliable spore preparationprotocols and quality crite-ria that challenged outdatedtest methods to improve thequality of the biological de-fense products fielded to theNavy and the other Services.

Jeffrey Dodd, Deputy ZDepartment Head, is rec-ognized for his efforts toestablish NSWCDD as arenowned irregular andasymmetric warfare institu-tion, work that has resultedin numerous achievementsthat are extremely relevantto today’s warfighters, emer-gency responders, and theoverall Global War on Terror(GWOT).

Dr. Charles J. CohenScience andTechnologyExcellence Award

Five employees are re-ceiving the Dr. Charles J. Co-hen Science and TechnologyExcellence Award given toindividuals whose work hada fundamental impact onscience or technology and ameasurable impact on capa-bility.

Dr. Luke Martin, engineerin G Department, is citedfor his work to pioneer anddevelop a custom randomvibration procedure for con-ducting multi-axis vibrationtesting of an encanisteredVertical Launch Missile Sys-tem (VLS). Implementingthis new tailored, multi-axisvibration procedure will re-duce the testing time for theVLS system from 117 hoursdown to 39 hours.

James Thomas, seniorsystems engineer with K De-partment, is recognized forhis efforts to address a needfor interoperability betweennaval systems to supportNet-Centric goals. He envi-sioned that adapter software(middleware) would greatlyreduce the cost of integra-tion of legacy systems.

Dr. Jeffrey Solka, seniorscientist in Q Department, iscited for his sustained com-mitment to advancing bothinternal and sponsored sci-entific research at NSWCDD.

Philip Irey IV, S&T andcomputing architecture leadscientist in W Department,is recognized for his leader-ship in the design, develop-ment and integration of auniversal network gatewayprototype that substantiallyimproves warfighter accessto information across systemboundaries while providing asignificantly improved Infor-mation Assurance posture.

Timothy Bauer, seniorengineer in Z Department,is cited for his efforts to ad-vance the state-of-the-art inCBR hazard assessment. His

efforts have improved theavailable hazard assessmentcapability and defense prod-ucts for the fleet.

Award of Excellencefor SoftwareEngineering

The Award of Excellencefor Software Engineeringwas established to recog-nize software engineers withNSWCDD who have mademajor contributions to theDepartment of the Navy orDepartment of Defense inthe field of software engi-neering and to NSWCDD’srecognition as a softwareengineering organization.There are seven recipientsfor 2012.

Joseph Gowarty, Jr.,serves as the Gun ControlSystem Independent verifi-cation and validation leadin the Engagement SystemsDepartment.

Shawna McCreary pro-vides software engineeringfor the Submarine LaunchedBallistic Missile (SLBM)Weapon Control Systemacross the program frommodeling and simulationof the D5 missile to tacticalsoftware responsible for mis-sile launch.

Andrew Orzechowskiserves as the leading soft-ware architect for the Tacti-cal Tomahawk Weapon Con-trol System (TTWCS) and hasalso made significant con-tributions to the softwaredevelopment of the TacticalService Oriented Infrastruc-ture (TSOI), a Marine Corpsproject.

Michael Urann is thegovernment software leadfor both the Networked Fed-eration of Models (NETFED)and the Naval Integrated FireControl-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) Federation, responsible

for guiding the developmentand implementation of thesearchitectures in order to sup-port end-to-end system-ofsystem analysis.

Selma Alsalam is cited forher leadership and techni-cal excellence in the devel-opment of the Story FinderV2 Electronic Intelligence(ELINT) system.

Michael Kelly redesignedthe Joint Expeditionary Col-lective Protection SystemPerformance Model in aneffort that resulted in thetimely and within budgetdelivery of robust softwareand is a strong candidate forother Chemical and Biologi-cal Defense (CBD) systemperformance models.

Eric Lorden is recognizedfor his service in support ofthe Defense Counterintel-ligence and Human Intelli-gence Center.

The Technology to SeaExcellence Award

The command’s Technol-ogy-to-Sea Excellence Awardis given to an individual orgroup whose science andtechnology base work hasmade a notable impact onthe Navy’s warfighting capa-bility. Individual recipientsfor 2012 include Keith Bow-ers, Devon Clark, Christo-pher Bara, Nancy Haymesand Frederick Heller.

Keith Bowers has sup-ported Undersea Warfare(USW) fire control programsfor 35 years, most recentlydirecting a diverse technicalteam to upgrade older U.S.Navy cruisers with the lat-est Mk 116 Mod 7 Build 12AFire Control System allowingthese ships to take advantageof the newest Mk 54 Torpedoand Vertical Launched AS-

ROC (VLA).Devon Clark has served as

the integration and test engi-neer for the Littoral CombatShip (LCS), Surface Warfare(SUW), Mission Package Ap-plication Software (MPAS) toinclude the installation andcheckout of MPAS on boardUSS Freedom (LCS-1) andthe operational support forthe conduct of SUW MissionPackage (MP) Developmen-tal Testing.

Christopher Bara is rec-ognized for his role in the de-velopment of the ImprovedPoint Detection System(IPDS) - Lifecycle Replace-ment to ensure that the sys-tem’s form, fit and functionaldesign allowed for a smoothinstallation as it replaced theIPDS to continue to protectthe Fleet from chemical andbiological threats.

Nancy Haymes has

served as the acquisitionengineering agent for theFleet’s chemical and biologi-cal (CB) detectors, and hasdeveloped innovative tech-nical approaches to supportstakeholder decision-mak-ing and standardized andstreamlined key processes.

Frederick Heller’s workhas been directly responsiblefor saving Marines and Sol-diers as the Sharana Region-al Support Activity Site Leadfor the Joint Program OfficeMine Resistant Ambush Pro-tected Program.

His efforts were a directenabler in fielding the ve-hicle armor kits that signifi-cantly increased personnelsurvivability from IEDs.

Paul J. Martini AwardThe Paul J. Martini Award

was established to recognizeindividuals whose dedica-tion and excellent perfor-mance in a support functionmade a significant contribu-tion to NSWCDD. The awardwas named in honor of PaulJ. Martini, head of the Engi-neering Support Directorateof the Naval Ordnance Labo-ratory from November 1951to December 1973.

There were 19 recipientsfor 2012.

Joan Fridell is recognizedfor her service as executiveassistant to the NSWCDDCommander.

Jane Scott was instru-mental in the developmentof NSWCDD’s overheadbudget and has worked withNSWC Headquarters to sup-port many other efforts in-cluding Base Realignmentand Closure (BRAC), Tech-nical Capabilities HealthAssessment (TCHA), andIntelligent Workbook (IWB)updates.

Debra Coppage-Graybealis cited for her work as ad-ministrative/technical spe-cialist for the Strategic andWeapon Control SystemsDepartment (K).

Adrian Ward is recog-nized for excellence in ad-ministrative support to theStrategic and Weapon Con-trol Systems Department.

Katrinia Cox is recog-nized for her service as exec-utive assistant in the Warfare

NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary AwardsDr. Charles J. Cohen Science and Technology Excellence Award

Bauer Irey Martin Solka Thomas

Award of Excellence for Software Engineering

The Technology to Sea Excellence Award

ClarkBowers Haymes Heller

Alsalam Gowarty Kelly

Lorden Orzechowski Urann

See Awards, Page 4

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Systems Department (W).Judi Allen is cited for her

dedication as a security spe-cialist for the AsymmetricSystems Department (Z).

Adrienne Phaler providesadministrative support tothe Chemical, Biological,and Radiological Defense(CBRD) Concepts and Ex-perimentation Branch (Z21)of the CBRD Division (Z20).

Cherry Johnson is recog-nized for her customer ser-vice and initiative in supportof the NSWCDD workforcedevelopment program.

Susan Tubman is citedfor her dedication and excel-lence in the field of HumanResources.

Debra Johnson leadsbudget operations in theComptroller office and ac-cepted the responsibility ofsupervisor during NSWCDahlgren Division’s transi-tion to Enterprise ResourcePlanning (ERP).

Linda Deshazo is recog-nized for her service as a fi-nancial analyst supportingthe financial needs of pro-grams in the EngagementSystems Department.

Michelle McDaniel is cit-ed for her sustained efforts toimprove financial manage-ment in the Warfare SystemsProgram Office and acrossNSWCDD.

Angela Creasey led a teamthat physically inventoriedover 27,000 assets, enabling aclean conversion of propertydata to the new EnterpriseResource Planning (ERP)system.

Wanda Shanahan is rec-ognized for her work as theBattle Management System(BMS) configuration man-ager for the EngagementSystems Department.

Betty Kniceley has men-tored interns assigned to theNSWCDD Contracting orga-nization, and she has consis-tently excelled in her abilityto transition her knowledgeand experience in a mean-ingful and effective manner.

Michele Curtis is respon-sible for safety and envi-ronmental compliance thatmitigates hazards for di-rected energy projects in theElectromagnetic and SensorSystems Department (Q).

Kimberly Green is citedfor her leadership and sup-port in the advancement

of special program securitypractices at NSWCDD.

Larry Gallup is recog-nized for his service in pro-viding cross-departmentalleadership in special securi-ty requirements and imple-mentation.

Mark Carter was the ar-chitect of the effort to reduce

the Mission Assurance Divi-sion’s (Z30) IT infrastructureby approximately 50 percentwithout impacts to the sup-ported community.

In-house LaboratoryIndependent ResearchExcellence Award

Dr. Kevin Boulais and Dr.

Francisco Santiago from theElectromagnetic and Sen-sor Systems Department (Q)are receiving the In-houseLaboratory IndependentResearch (ILIR) ExcellenceAward, granted to an individ-ual or group whose researchresults exhibit outstandingtechnical or scientific merit,

are relevant to the missionand thrusts of NSWCDD,and will have a positive ef-fect on other efforts in thecommand.

Boulais and Santiago arecited for their project titled“Behavior of a Semi-Insula-tor in a Tunable Split-RingResonator Configuration,”

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Paul J. Martini Award

Allen Carter Coppage-Graybeal Cox Creasey

Curtis Deshazo Fridell Gallup Green

C. Johnson D. Johnson Kniceley McDaniel Phaler

Scott Shanahan Tubman Ward

NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary AwardsAwards:Continued from page 3

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which deals with the explo-ration, identification andcharacterization of funda-mental processes insidesemiconductor materialsthat produce photo-capaci-tance effect.

Until this work, photo-capacitance was a tool tocharacterize electronic prop-erties of semiconductor ma-terials in the laboratory envi-ronment. Boulais and Santi-ago found a way to constructa generic circuit equivalentmodel where the circuit pa-rameters are produced fromfundamental charge trans-port properties that emergewhen a semiconductor is ir-radiated with light.

As a result, for the firsttime there is a way to modeland extract design parame-ters for any electronic deviceapplication using photo-capacitance. This will enablethe creation of a new class ofcomposite materials knownas tunable artificial dielec-trics and will enable the real-ization of fully tunablemeta-materials systems.

Leadership Award forEmployee Development

Four NSWCDD employ-ees are receiving the Lead-ership Award for EmployeeDevelopment for 2012. Theaward recognizes individualswho, through their leadershipand commitment, havemadeexemplary contributions tothe development of others.

An individual receivingthis award is recognized asa role model for creating apositive and supportiveworkenvironment for continu-ous employee development,building employee commit-ment to the organization andits core values, and fosteringemployee motivation andoverall well-being.

Nancy Taylor has sup-ported employee develop-ment through her leadershipas the Gun Weapon System(GWS) software architectureand design group leader andas the Lead Data Analyst forvarious MK 34 GWS and MK160 Gun Computer Systembaselines.

Catherine Ray is cited forher ability to take a new con-cept or tasking and lead per-sonnel to develop a strategyto implement and executethe tasking, with her majorareas of influence being insoftware development, sys-tems engineering, processimprovement, metrics col-lection, new technology in-sertion, and ERP Leadership.

Shellie Clift Q has pur-sued numerous collateralduties beyond her dailyresponsibilities as deputydepartment head for theElectromagnetic and SensorSystems Department (Q),taking a proactive approachto mentoring that has had adirect impact on the success

of a number of senior leadersacross NSWCDD.

James Lee has promotedan atmosphere of diversityand creative thinking in ZDepartment’s Nano & Ma-terials Science Section, con-tributing time and effort tomentor other researchersand support efforts to de-velop the next generation

of science, technology, en-gineering and mathematicsleaders in the government.

Award of Excellencein Systems Engineering

The Award of Excellencein Systems Engineering wasestablished to recognizeNSWCDD’s systems engi-

neers whose leadership hascontributed significantly tocustomers getting what theyneed and to systems engi-neering as a discipline. Thereare 15 recipients for 2012.

Matthew Shoffstall hasbeen responsible for up-dates of current hardwareand software designs withthe virtualization of theBattle Force Tactical Trainer(BFTT) Operator ProcessingConsole (BOPC).

James Sharp, Jr. has sup-ported fielding the 5”MK186High Explosive Multi OptionFuze (HE-MOF) projectile,successfully addressing re-quirement fluctuations,technical challenges, per-sonnel changes and financialpressures.

Aubrey Bland providestechnical and managerialleadership for all WeaponsSystems Engineering Branchactivities, including plan-ning, system and softwarerequirements, system de-

sign, testing and externalinterface, and has served asthe chief systems engineerfor requirements engineer-ing and management activi-ties in the Strike WeaponsSystems Division.

Keith Melkun has beeninstrumental in fielding highquality systems and softwarefor the SSBN fleet, includinga major overhaul of the TRI-DENT II guidance system.

Robert Newton is citedfor his technical contribu-tions to system engineeringfor the SLBM SubmarineWeapon Control System.

Bruce Saller is respon-sible for system engineeringfor the SLBM/SSGN Subma-rine Weapon Control Sys-tems and development ofthe Launch Control Systemfor the SSGN Attack WeaponControl System to continuedefforts in the Ohio Replace-ment Program.

Dr. Gregory Balchin sup-ports the advancement of

Surface Ship Integrated Top-side Design (ITD) and archi-tectures for current and fu-ture naval and Departmentof Defense platforms.

Alan Tolley is recognizedfor his systems engineeringleadership in the develop-ment of theDual Band Radarand the Air Missile DefenseRadar.

Vincent Basuino au-thored the update to theSoftware ConfigurationManagement (SCM) Con-figuration Control ReviewBoard instruction and ledthe successful transition toa new priority/probabilityscheme for computer pro-gram change requests acrossall SCMprocesses, databasesand computer programs fornumerous Aegis and AegisBallistic Missile Defensebaselines.

Pamela Littleton is rec-ognized for providing out-standing systems engineer-ing leadership to theWarfareSystems Engineering Tech-nical Team (WSETT) andthe CVN 78 Warfare SystemsWholeness Study Effort.

Cindy Montrief has beenresponsible for the simulta-neous development of threeseparate Aegis Ballistic Mis-sile Defense (BMD) base-lines and a significant capa-bility upgrade to the AegisWeapon System as the AegisBaseline 9 lead for BMD in

NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards

In-house Laboratory IndependentResearch Excellence Award

Boulais Santiago

See Awards, Page 8

Leadership Award for Employee Development

Clift Lee Ray Taylor

Award of Excellence in Systems Engineering

Basuino Balchin Bland Hernandez Littleton

Melkun Miller Montrief Newton Saller

Seely Sharp Shoffstall Teague Tolley

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Group AchievementAwards

Over 20 groups ofNSWCDD employees are re-ceiving the Award of Meritfor Group Achievement andTechnology-to-Sea GroupAward for accomplishmentsduring 2012. The groupawards are intended to pro-mote the spirit of teamworkamong employees and recog-nize group effort where coop-eration has contributed to thesuccess of the group.

The Ground/Air Task Ori-ented Radar Software Team isreceiving NSWCDD’s Awardof Excellence for SoftwareEngineering in recognition oftheir tests of operational soft-ware for the USMC Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) Program. As a resultof the team’s efforts, the AN/TPS-80 successfully conduct-ed SystemPerformanceQual-ifications andentered into theDevelopmental Testing 1B forOperational Evaluation in Au-gust 2013.

The Warfare Systems De-partment New Employee Ori-entation (W-NEO)CommitteeTeam is receiving NSWCDD’sLeadership Award for Em-ployee Development. Thecommittee is cited for itsdem-onstrated initiative and lead-ership in providing numerousopportunities for W Depart-ment new employees to gaina technical understanding ofthe department and improvecommunication among newemployees.

Awards of Merit forGroup Achievement

The SimplifiedAcquisitionProcurement Group is rec-ognized for outstanding pro-curement support providedto the technical community atNaval Support Facility Dahl-gren and its tenant organiza-

tions,processing1,167actionstotaling approximately $29million during FY12.

The Laboratory andChemical, Biological, Radio-logical SafetyTeam is cited fortheir collaborative efforts inestablishing a culture of qual-ity and safety in the ChemicalBiological and RadiologicalDefense (CBRD) Division(Z20), and Test & EvaluationDivision (G60) labs.

The BFTT Fleet ReadinessSupport Team successfullysupported USS Carter hall(LSD 50) in preparation fora FST-U event, guarantee-ing the Battle Force Train-ing Team (BFTT) system wasfunctioning properly and thecrew understood the systemand its operation.

The Emergent ResponseSpecial Sensors Team is rec-ognized for their support toa Presidential response to anemergent crisis (OperationODYSSEY DAWN), overcom-ing numerous obstacles tosuccessfully complete twoshort notice overseas instal-lations, delivering a neededcapability on two platforms.

The Patrol Coastal Grif-fin Missile Systems Develop-ment Team developed andfielded an Anti-Surface War-fare (ASUW) defensivemissilesystem for U.S. Navy PatrolCoastal combatant craft with-in a nine-month period.

The Precision UniversalMortar Attack 81mm Devel-opment and DemonstrationTeam was responsible for asuccessful GPS guided flighttest and for leading theway inprototyping of gun launchedguidedmunitions.

The344SLBMFireControlSystem Development Teamincorporated software up-dates that interface with theMark 6 Mod 1 Life Extension(Mk6LE) Guidance System(GS) to extend the weapon

system through the end of thelife of the Ohio-class subma-rines and serve as the initialweapon system for the OhioReplacement Program.

The Shipboard Data Sys-tem (SDS) Development

Team successfully designedand developed hardware andsoftware enhancements tothe mission support systemonboard the SSBNs and SS-GNs, an effort that involvedintegrating software from

multiple Strategic SystemsProgramsbranchesdeployingWindows 7/Windows 2008operating systems onboardthe submarines, and imple-menting software solutionsthat aid operators in main-taining and troubleshootingshipboard equipment.

The Electromagnetic Ra-diation Hazard (RADHAZ)Environment Characteriza-tion Group is recognized fortheir support of Hazards ofElectromagnetic Radiation toOrdnance (HERO), Person-nel (HERP) and Fuel (HERF)onboard all U.S. Navy surfaceships and shore facilities.

The Data AdaptationProcessor (DAP) Develop-ment Team for the AN/SLQ-32(V)6 Electronic WarfareSystem Surface Electronic

Warfare Improvement Pro-gram (SEWIP) successfullydeveloped the Data Adapta-tion Processor, a critical com-ponent of the SEWIP Block 2system.

TheAcceleratedMid-TermInteroperability Improvement(AMIP) Trident Warrior 2012Team was instrumental inengineering a set of softwareupgrades toAegis, SSDS,CEC,SGS/AC,CDLMSandtheE-2Cthat successfullymitigated theFleet’s most significant in-teroperability problems.

The Littoral Combat Ship(LCS) Common CombatManagement System Feasi-bility Study Team is cited fortheir technical contributionsto the Navy’s development ofLCS combat system capabili-ties. The team’s technical fea-

NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Group Awards

Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR)Cost Team: Mukesh Amin, Abby Anderson, BartonClark, Curtis Klugh, Danny Mudd, Gregory Pillis, MaryAnn Strock, Tzawe Wang and Dawn Chandler. TSC: TimArmentrout, Jon Hoyle and Henry Palmer. ioTechnolo-gies: David Mann.

Warfare Systems Department New EmployeeOrientation Committee Team: Diana Kolodgie, KarenKinter, Emily Lockett, Allison Popola, Wendy Schaefferand Carly Torisky.

Simplified Acquisition Procurement Group: CherylAshton, Sharon Baylor, Daniel Belcher, Bret Coons, Kim-berly Curtin, Dora Fauntleroy, Karen Jenkins, Diana Mo-ses, Doritha Newman, Janice Pilkerton, Pamela Shelton,Jean Smith and Susan Staples.

Laboratory & Chemical Biological RadiologicalSafety Team: Courtney Baskeyfield, Sheran Phin, Mi-chael Simulcik, George Clotfelter, Andy Lehoskay, BrianTalbot, Christopher Bara, Meredith Bondurant, AmandaClark, Amanda Dean-Wilson, Brian Flaherty, Ryan Kelly,Dr. Derrell McPherson, Nancy Haymes and Jeff Smith.Chugach, Inc.: Susan Straughan. Cryphon Technologies:Dallas Clavier and Lee Ward.

Precision Universal Mortar Attack 81mmDevelopment and Demonstration Team: ThomasDel Guidice, Kevin Green, Michael Irwin, Timothy Josey,Nathan Joswiak, Hillar Lago, Thomas Long, KishorePamadi, Matthew Scott, Sanford Steelman, Michael Vit-toria, George Wiles and Wayne Worrell. Army ResearchLab, Aberdeen: Dr. James DeSpirito, Rex Hall, Mark Ilg,Ilmars Celmins, James Maley, Pete Muller, Doug Petrick,Dr. Sidra Silton and Benjamin Topper.

Shipboard Data Systems (SDS) DevelopmentTeam: Robert Blader, Sandra Blader, Mary Brown, Rich-ard Buckwalter, Martin Capone, Penny Crabtree, SamDelgrande, Diane Ditko, Linda Drescher, Brandon Hag-gard, Mitchel Laubach, John Patten, Calvin Pham, NancyRaines, Joy Schoenberger, Sachin Sharma and DanielShimko. CACI: Dann Burrell and Anthony Noonan.

RADHAZ Environment Characterization Group:Robert Bozarth, Tamera Hay, Richard Magrogan, RobertNeedy and Steven Springer.

DAP Development Team for the Surface Elec-tronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP):Stephen Hagewood, Adam Stultz, Kenneth Thomas, JoelGillespie, Scott Granger, Alan Thomas, Thomas Turnerand Nathan Schmidt. URS: Michele Dudley. Simventions:Jeff Kraisser. SDC: John McAlexander and Ken Venable.IO Tech: Jim Tharp.

BioWatch Quality Assurance (QA) Sample Stan-dard Laboratory Team: Amanda Dean-Wilson, Aman-da Clark, Lorena De Los Santos, Shelia Hamilton, AndreaHarvey, Amanda Miller, George Payne, John Thompsonand Wynn Vo.

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Friday, April 19, 2013 7The South Potomac Pilot

sibility and cost analyseswerecompleted within a highly ag-gressive schedule to supportFY13 ship acquisition deci-sions and strategic programplanning.

The NSWCDD Integrationand Interoperability Groupis recognized for their efforts

that will change the way theNavy evaluates and procureswarfighting capabilities nowand in the future as a result oftheir evaluation of specific killchains provided by the Fleet,development of an IntegratedCapability Framework, modi-fication of Systems Engineer-

ing Technical Review (SETR)and Gate review criteria, andparticipation inMission LevelAssessments andEvaluations.

The Marine Corps Warf-ighting Lab (MCWL) Teamis cited for their support tothe Marine Corps Warfight-ing Lab Team for the Limited

Objective Experiment con-ducted in concert with BOLDALLIGATOR EXERCISE 2012,which helped shape futurewarfighter capabilities in sup-port of Enhanced Marine AirGround Task Force Opera-tions (EMO).

The NSWCDD BioWatch

Quality Assurance SampleStandard Laboratory Teamprovided quality testingstandards and services toDepartment of HomelandSecurity BioWatch Programparticipants who monitorthe environment for releasesof bio-warfare agent near

population centers and keyassets. The team establishedthe infrastructure, deliveredthe initial samples ahead ofschedule, and is now deliver-ing over 25,000 Quality Con-trol samples annually for useby29 laboratoriesnationwide.

NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Group Awards

Patrol Coastal Griffin Missile Systems Development Team: Lee Adler, OmayraBerrios, Scott Beszczynski, Carolyn Blakelock, Thomas Bohlmann, Kurt Chewning, JimChisholm, Jessica Difilippo, Charles Flemmings, Katie Hall, Bradley Hamilton, JasonHough, Sally Huxtable, Kevin Jackson, Rachel Kennedy, John Kylander, Feliz Lopez,Dennis McCauley, Mary-Kathleen McShane, Dr. Joseph Plaia, Walter Reel, Jim Rinko,Emily Robison, Martin Sanchez, Dr. Carl Sisemore, Traver Sutton, Marcus Tepaske,Ben Tritt, Mark Turner, Dan Vavrick, Eric Wheater, Lisa Haas, James Puffinburger andKrista Mikula. NAVSEA 05H: Shane Sorenson. IWS 3: Chris Mitchell. NAVAIR 5.3.3: SamSchrader. NSWCDD Crane: Gabe Brucker and Tim Lang. NSWCDD PHD: Jeff Burland,David Gutierrez, Rick Lomeli, Ralph Malpica, Robert Massell, Christine Nicholson, Al-fonso Robles and Edward Vega. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard: Bill Vonessen. SPAWAR:John Yen. Kratos/DTI: William Carver. NGC: Sandra King. SCCI: Brian Derr, Mark Fisch-er and Matt Wilson. TECOLOTE: Malachi Gray. URS: Christinanne Spousta

344 SLBM Fire Control System Development Team: Mark Anderson, JasonAbraham, Kevin Arnold, Hank Ball, Pam Baylor, Josh Bellamy, Sandra Blader, JodiBoyd, Mary Brown, Martin Capone, Sandra Capone, Dave Cook, Ruth Darnell, MattDuggan, Jared Eskey, Jim Fitzgerald, Chuck Freeman, John Graham, Jennifer Graves,Evan Greenacre, Susan Hall, Pam Hale, Eric Halter, Kevin Halter, Rebecca Jackey, Pa-tricia Johnson, Gladys Jones, Richard Jones, Carolyn Klopp, Jim Maroney, ShawnaMcCreary, Brian Medved, Keith Melkun, George Miller, William Morgan, Bob Newton,Cynthia Norfleet, Bonnie Oliver, Rolando Pancotti, Theresa Pitts, Jerry Pfenninger, Cal-vin Pham, Jon Posch, Vickie Quann, Brandon Roberts, Andrew Robinson, AnthonyRoss, R. Chris Scranton, Jason Stewart, Dawn Semich, Deb Silber, Peggy Thompson,Greg Treakle, Michael Wehrle, Linda Wood, Mary Wood and Elissa Zizzi. CACI: DavidBosworth, Jonathan Bradshaw, Tom Dandridge, Jim Flickinger, Dennis Markle, JohnOlszewski, Johanna Payne and Brenda Wilder. URS: Ollie Smith.

Accelerated Mid-Term Interoperability Improvement Project (AMIP) Team:Bill Both, Martin Bottinelli, Anita Butler, John Colon, Le Dang, Scott Darkow, Phillip Hall,Elodie Knoeller, Megan Kozub, Steve Marple, Patrick McGee, Bradley Morris, JimO’Sullivan, Joseph Pendergrast, Derrick Sears, William Swartz, Albert Todd, Rodney Tu-ten, Mark Vogel and Richard Waters.

Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Common Combat Management System Fea-sibility Study Team: Kirk Brandts, Jeffrey Brooks, Dr. Jonathan Brown, FranciscoBustillo, Amy Collawn, Mark Giewont, Daniel Heaney, Ben Holmes, James Hudson,Michael Mayros, Alvin Murphy, Dwayne Nelson, Donald Page, David Perrussel, JeffreyPollard, Eric Rocholl, Terry Sheehan, Jeff Truslow and Michael Bizier. NAVSEA 05C:Eric Hundley and Harry Sherman. NAVSEA 05C/NSWCCD: Paul Sjoberg and MatthewVetting. Delta Resources: David Hipkins. Strategic Insights: Dawn Martell-Shade andMichael Wilkerson. Tecolote: Benjamin Costley, Kevin Jackameit, Remy Muriel, TomSchaefer and Michael Warlitner. Valkyrie Enterprises: Preston Poore.

NSWCDD Integration and Interoperability Team: James Moreland, David Hoote,Robert Larose, Matthew O’Connor, Barry Stevens, Greg Little, Nelson Mills, Sara Wal-lace, Greg McHone, Charles Tatum, Greg Albertson, Emily Antos, David Clawson,George Durling, Stephen Haug, Charles Hein, Laura Jones, Linda Learn, Alvin Murphy,William Ormsby, Joseph Pack, Jeffrey Peters, Huong Pham, Joel Washington, WalterBengtson and Rudy Catahan.

Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL) Team: Terry Banks, Gil Garcia-Rodriguez,Phil Hefner, Steve Heintz, Julius Jaskot, Sean Locker, Anthony Madalena, Nick Mastro-kalos, Brandon May, Richard Oh, James Smith, David Veit, Will Webster, Craig Yachuw,Daniel Veit and Marcos Dejesus.

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8 Friday, April 19, 2013The South Potomac Pilot

theWarfare Systems Depart-ment. Owen Seely has madesubstantial contributionsacross a large portfolio ofMarine Corps programs thatinclude the Ground/Air TaskOriented Radar (G/ATOR),the Common Aviation Com-mand and Control System(CAC2S), the Defense Com-monGround System-MarineCorps (DCGS-MC), the JointLight Tactical Vehicle (JLTV),Marine Corps EnterpriseIT Services (MCEITS), theEmergencyResponse System(ERS) and the AmphibiousAssault Vehicle (AAV).

Jorge Hernandez is citedfor his leadership withinthe Joint Project Managerfor Protection’s Major De-fense Acquisition Program(MDAP) Support Directorateand his efforts to standard-ize the implementation ofsystems engineering pro-cesses to ensure that chemi-cal, biological, radiological,and nuclear survivabilityrequirements are supportedby sound analyses and effec-tively addressed throughout

the MDAP’s lifecycle.Cory Miller is recognized

for his efforts as lead me-chanical engineer for Hy-dra Hunter. Technologieshe has helped develop havesaved American and coali-tion lives and have provideda sustained positive impacton the United States’ abilityto deliver the right systemsto address Combatant Com-mander operational needs towin the war on terrorism.

Richard Teague is citedfor providing quick responsesolutions for the operationalcommunity resulting in nu-merous high prioritymission

successes for the CharadeRed program.

Award of Excellencefor Program Leadership

The Award of Excellencefor Program Leadership rec-ognizes project managersand program directors whohave made major contribu-tions to the Department ofthe Navy, the Departmentof Defense, or other govern-ment organizations as a re-sult of demonstrated excel-lence in program manage-ment.

Five NSWCDD employ-ees are recognized for 2012.

Awardees are commendedfor their technical breadthand depth in the subject areaand as leaders in programmanagement. Excellence incustomer satisfaction, dem-onstrated corporate per-spective, and a significantimpact in a Dahlgren-widerole are primary criteria forthis award.

Ralph Stewart is theBattle Management System(BMS) program manager forthe Engagement SystemsDepartment (G), whose con-tributions have includedaddressing financial man-agement, organizationalstructure, and contracting

challenges that occurred asBMS began to grow.

Barbara Boyce is citedfor her leadership withinthe Strategic and WeaponControl Systems Depart-ment (K) to successfully de-liver numerous revisions ofFire Control Software for theSubmarine Launched Ballis-tic Missile (SLBM) WeaponControl System.

Theresa Gennaro led adiverse team of engineers,scientists and techniciansthrough a project to installand operate a prototypehigh-energy laser (HEL)weapon system onto a U.S.Navy ship for a test of the

ability of the prototype totarget and engage an un-manned aerial system.

James Venable is recog-nized for his technical andprogrammatic leadershipto place NSWCDD in thecritical path of the DDG 1000program.

Dr. Rose Hayden led aprogram to provide the Fleetwith critical rapid diagnosisand biological warfare agentdetection confirmation ca-pabilities. Her efforts led toher selection as the Navy’sNext Generation DiagnosticSystem, Technical DirectionAgent and Acquisition Engi-

Awards:Continued from page 5

Award of Excellence for Program Leadership

Boyce Gennaro Hayden Stewart Venable

NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards

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Friday, April 19, 2013 9The South Potomac Pilot

neering Agent for CBR Medi-cal Systems.

DistinguishedCommunityService Award

NSWCDD’s Dist in-guished Community ServiceAward recognizes individu-als and groups who makeunique contributions totheir communities throughvolunteer service. The awardfocuses public attention onthese outstanding and in-novative volunteer efforts.There are six recipients for2012.

Matthew Zurasky hasbeen an advocate in thecommunity for people withintellectual or developmen-tal disabilities, mental healthissues and substance abuseproblems, and has servedpresident of the Arc of Rap-pahannock, vice chairmanof the Rappahannock AreaCommunity Services Board,as a member of Rep. RobWittman’s First District In-

dividuals with DisabilitiesAdvisory Council, and as acoach for the King GeorgeLittle League.

Joyce Hill has volun-teered with youth services,education, workplace activi-ties, and health and humanservices for 20 years, and hasserved as a Girl Scout leaderand as a math tutor.

Deborah Shelkey-Lawsonhas committed to make adifference in her work placeand community through vol-unteer efforts with the Com-bined Federal Campaign,the King George Relay forLife, King George Parks andRecreation, and the KingGeorge Trinity United Meth-odist Church as youth groupleader.

Randall Strock is recog-nized for several years of ser-vice to the Fredericksburgarea through the Boy Scoutsof America, as a leader withBoy Scout Troop 170.

Eileen McConkie volun-teers for the Science, Tech-nology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) pro-gram and other organiza-tions with the goal of engag-ing students in discussionto lead them to think aboutthe opportunities and possi-bilities of pursuing scientificdegrees.

Timothy Thomassonhas coordinated numerousvolunteer aid teams thathave helped develop theinfrastructure for promot-ing health in developing

nations. He has also coor-dinated three teams to sup-port U.S. communities inneed and helps coordinatea local community disasterresponse program.

Human AwarenessAward

This award recognizesthose individuals who havebeen instrumental in im-proving interpersonal rela-

tions and/or in recognizingindividual worth and dignitythrough creativity and per-sonal initiative.

For 2012, three NSWCDDemployees are receiving thisaward.

Timothey Patrick Sr. isrecognized for providingleadership and expertise forall systems engineer activi-ties in the Strike WeaponsSystem Division.

Dr. Valerie Stewart is

regularly requested as a key-note speaker at governmentand non-government con-ferences and events to helpothers deal with challengesand barriers to personal ef-fectiveness such as fear, fail-ure, shame, and depression.She has authored three moti-vational books and multipleseminar curriculums, andleads a non-profit organiza-tion that provides ministryand aid to underprivilegedadults and orphaned chil-dren in multiple countries.

Dr. Aimee Ketner is citedfor her leadership within theChemical, Biological, andRadiological (CBR) Conceptsand Experimentation Branchin fostering good relations,respect for all individualsand a team atmosphere. Shewas instrumental in estab-lishing and maintaining aTeam Building Committee;she organized social activi-ties, and created a positiveand supportive working en-vironment for the Branch.

Distinguished Community Service Award

Hill McConkie Shelkey-Lawson Strock Thomasson Zurasky

Human Awareness Award

Ketner Patrick Stewart

NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards

The Guidance and Con-trol Algorithm AnalysisTeam improved the flightperformance of the Stan-dard Missile through theirengineering and researchefforts to develop and testrevolutionary guidance al-gorithms, leading to signifi-cant improvements in thewarfighting performanceof the Aegis Ballistic MissileDefense (BMD) WeaponSystem.

The Advanced ConceptsGroup is cited for its sup-port of Flight Test Mission18. The group conductedpre-mission testing andanalysis to establish shipstationing and weaponsystem parameters, pro-vided underway training toship’s force, and conductedweapon systems grooms toensure optimal ship perfor-mance. Group AchievementAwards

Over 20 groups ofNSWCDD employees arereceiving the Award of

Merit for Group Achieve-ment and Technology-to-Sea Group Award foraccomplishments during2012. The group awards areintended to promote thespirit of teamwork amongemployees and recognizegroup effort where cooper-ation has contributed to thesuccess of the group.

The Ground/Air TaskOriented Radar Soft-ware Team is receivingNSWCDD’s Award of Ex-cellence for Software En-gineering in recognition oftheir tests of operationalsoftware for the USMCGround/Air Task OrientedRadar (G/ATOR) Program.As a result of the team’s ef-forts, the AN/TPS-80 suc-cessfully conducted SystemPerformance Qualificationsand entered into the De-velopmental Testing 1B forOperational Evaluation inAugust 2013.

The Warfare SystemsDepartment New Employ-ee Orientation (W-NEO)Committee Team is receiv-ing NSWCDD’s LeadershipAward for Employee Devel-

opment. The committee iscited for its demonstratedinitiative and leadership inproviding numerous oppor-tunities for W Department

new employees to gaina technical understand-ing of the department andimprove communicationamong new employees.

Sea:Continued from page 1

Laser Weapons System (LaWS) Team: Tara Aboy-oun, David Carter, Dave Czako, Emily Martin, WilliamMurdaugh, Nga Pham, Carl Sisemore, Gunendran Siv-apragasam, Eric Wheater, Joseph Barrasse, Chris Behre,John DeRiggi, Philip Dodson, Theresa Gennaro, Shan-non Layton, Melissa Olson, Scott Phipps, James Puffin-burger, Dr. Robert Pawlak, Jose Roman, Dr. Peter Wick,Gerry Dallara, Scot French, Ken Morris III, Paul O’Campoand Dennis Askew. Penn State Electro-Optics Center:Larry Meyers, Peter Kazunas, Thomas Lehecka and Dr.Jake Sames. Vision Engineering Systems: Brad Griffis,John Lehman and John Stryjewski. L-3 Brashear: MarkMcEver and Kevin Mikulin. Bosque Computer: ThomasMorgan.

Battle Management System Integration and Deploy-ment Team: Christopher Castell, Ralph Childress, RichardDarago, Lucas Delozier, Ashton Engledow, Thomas Fronzo,Stephanie George, Jason Green, David Hosie, Jason Hough,Michael Indseth, John Kylander, Dennis McCauley, Ever-ett Lefeave, Timothy Peng, Keri-Anne Peyton, Walter Reel,Edwin Regan, Marc Santoro, Robert Schroeder, WandaShanahan, Gary Shearer, Chris Shoaf, Mark Sizemore,Scott Soderlund, Gerald Sopher, Matthew Spruill, RachelVan Buren and Michael Weisman. SCCI: Kathy Bell, RobertCrowder, Sheila Fortner, Mark Fischer, Alexandra Gill, CarolParker and Doug Schremp. DTI: Eugene Bowie III, CharlesBrooks, Timothy Burcham, Derek King, Raymond Price, Bry-ant Ryals and Walter Smith.

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12 Friday, April 19, 2013The South Potomac Pilot