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  • 1. South Africa

2. Introduction 3. Sawubona Molo Hallo Thobela Dumela Avuxeni Ri a vusa Lotijhani HELLO 4. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. Nelson Mandela 5. Geography 6. When you shoot a zebra in the black stripe, the white dies too; shoot in the white and the black dies too. South African Proverb. 7. A 35 000km animal kingdom 8. DIVERSITY Diversity is our greatest gift. By seeing the full potential the creativity , ingenuity and energy that combining our diverse characteristics can unleash, them we will be a wealthy nation. 9. HOME TO: The worlds largest land- based mammal The worlds rarest amphibian The worlds oldest living fish 10. History 11. A new Coat of Arms for South Africa We have or own history, our own language, our own culture. But our destiny is also tied up with destinies of the other people Mangosuthu Bethelezi. 12. Population 13. Habits 50 millions of habits: 79,4 % are blacks (Zulus) 9,2% are whites 8,8% are mystics 2,6% are Indians 14. South Africas wildlife overwhelmed me. Its not just the 300- plus bird species that we saw. Its also that so many of these creatures are endemics, found only in South Africa Bill Thompson, III 15. A nations culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people. 16. Politic 17. Few would have imagined, almost a decade ago, that this collection of colorful shapes could become s 18. Few would have imagined, almost a decade ago, that this collection of colorful shapes could become such a potent symbol of unity and progress. But then fewer still would have thought that a country torn apart by decades of racial oppressed could transform itself into a beacon of democracy and hope - Nelson Mandela. Poucos teriam imaginado, quase uma dcada atrs, que esta coleo de formas coloridas poderia torna-se um smbolo poderoso da unidade o progesso. Mas, ento, menos ainda teria pesado que um pais destruido por dcadas de opresso racial poder se transformar em um farol da democracia e esperana - Nelson Mandela. 19. Economic 20. Dados Bsicos Nome oficial: Repblica da frica do Sul Chefe de Estado e Governo: Jacob Gedleyih-lekisa Zuma. Independncia: 31 de maio de 1910 Capital: Pretria (administrativa) Cidadde do Cabo (legislativa). Bloemfontein (judiciria) rea:1.219.090 km Populao: 49,99 milhes de hab. Moeda: Rande (ZAR) PIB: US$284,8 bilhes(2008) 21. It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela.

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