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South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014


Volume 50 No. 30, September 2014



12 October, 9am

Busy Bee at the club

Sunday, 5


Social Play begins

- 2pm

Web: www.tennis.com.au/southperthtennisclub

Email: [email protected]

Address: Cnr McNabb Loop & Murray Street, Como

Facebook: www.facebook.com/southperthltc

President’s Report

Continued on Page 2

Whomever says tennis is a only a summer sport, does not play at our fantastic Club. Tennis has continued with barely a break this winter as we have had increasing numbers participating in Thursday Social Tennis, barely a court free on many Saturdays and both Junior and Senior Pennants teams competing four days every week.

18 October

Opening Day - 2pm onward -

Opening ceremony


During the winter, we have welcomed new members and Canning players as visitors and we look forward to ex-Canning members becoming full members of our Club from October 1st. Sunday Social Play will be added to our calendar, commencing from October 5th. The AGM on August 5th was very well attended and I am pleased we have new members volunteering for Committee roles for the 2014/15 season. I thank retiring Committee members, Eddie Stone (Facilities) and Geoff Cohn (Competitive Play) for their excellent contributions last year and heartily welcome Howard Robinson as our new Facilities Director. I thank Andrijano Jareb as Club Coach and Director of Breakpoint Coaching for taking on the role of registering Pennants Teams and assisting Damian McCague and his team of volunteers with the registration and management of Junior Club and Junior Pennants.

20 December

Club Christmas



South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

President’s Report (continued)

Congratulations to Deb Mason on being awarded "Club Member of the Year 2013/14" at the AGM, for her tireless contributions as Social Director. Many of us have enjoyed the 'feasts' she has organised and, although retiring as Social Director she is remaining on the Committee - multi tasking! She is currently the 'go to person' for Club T Shirts and is passing on her social expertise to Areta Sumana, our new Social Director. Congratulations, Areta on your election and your highly successful inaugural social event, the 'Meet and Greet' BBQ attended by over 60 people on Saturday 21st September. Thanks also to Canning for providing the meat and buns and all members who concocted delicious salads and sweets for the first social event of Areta's reign.

I also thank all the 2014/2015 Committee who have agreed to volunteer their time to manage our Club in the upcoming season. Please ensure that as a member you give the Committee your full support, as they work hard for your benefit! Remember you can access the club website for up to date information, including the electronic calendar for court and hall hire availability or email the club, indicating which committee member you would like to respond to your query.

This newsletter contains much information from many of our diligent Club Directors and Committee, so read carefully! The main events I wish to highlight are the Club Busy Bee on Sunday 12th of October and the official 2014/2015 Season Opening Day on Saturday 18th October.

I look forward to seeing everyone - and remember your afternoon tea 'plate' to celebrate the 2014/2015 Opening Day.

2014/15 Committee

President: Keryn Zeeb Treasurer: Richard Chyne Secretary: Vere Berger

Club Captain: Lorraine Chyne Social Director: Areta Sumana Junior Director: Damian McCague

Club Coach: Andrijano Jareb Facilities Director: Howard Robinson Sidelines Editor: Phil Smythe

Bar and Liquor Licensing Director; Jeff Foote Membership, Court/Hall Hire Director: Keeva Verschoor

General committee: Bharath Kumar, Deb Mason, Julie Fuller


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

Opening Day - 2014/15 season

Opening Day for the 2014/15 season will be Saturday October 18. Social play will commence at approximately 2pm and the official opening ceremony will be held at 3.30pm. Various dignitaries and club life members will be in attendance for what should be a great day.

Social Play Director Lorraine Chyne is requesting those attending to come along dressed colourfully, ie T shirts, hats, etc to make the occasion a bit different. An afternoon tea will be held in conjunction with the opening and members are asked to bring along a plate to help provide a variety of snacks to consume with your cup of Amgoorie tea.


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

Social Play Report

Strong attendance over the winter season resulted in an approximate growth of 30% attendance for Saturday play 2013/14 season compared to 2012/13. This is a great result for our club’s future.

Now to the coming season and the key dates are:

Thursday 2 October - Canning players officially join the Thursday mid week group. We welcome them to our growing mid week social play.

Saturday 4 October – Canning players officially join Saturday play group. Many Canning players are already playing on Saturday adding to the enjoyment of Saturday tennis.

Sunday 5 October – Sunday Social Play commences. This afternoon is open to all. Maybe this day will suit your family commitments better or you have the energy to play two days. So come along and add to the numbers.

Saturday 18 October – Official Opening Day.

Make this a great day by attending and WEARING something you love to add to your normal attire for tennis but that says something about your other interests. Bring out those tee-shirts, hats and other paraphernalia that reveals the other you. But no inappropriate shoes on the courts please.

To more serious matters - dignitaries’ and Life Members will attend for the official opening at 3:30pm. Please bring a plate.

And a couple of reminders to all – when you pick up your racquet to come down and play make sure you’ve got some small change to pay your ball fees and any other anticipated small purchases and also to take your name off the round before you want to leave to ensure at end of day there are not rounds with one player short.

Lorraine Chyne

Club Captain


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

Coach's Report Tennis League

Welcome back to all for the new summer season of tennis at South Perth Lawn Tennis Club. As a club coach and a new junior league coordinator we are proud to announce that SPLTC has record 11 junior pennant teams nominated this summer season. Sixty Tennis League SPLTC junior pennant players will be competing every Sunday morning against other clubs in the metro area.


Break Point Tennis coaches will be running a variety of coaching and fitness programs throughout the summer season which include: Cardio Tennis for adults, Pennant Squads for juniors, organised adult pennant team training, Hot Shot junior Tuition and Private Tuition for all ages and standards. Please visit our website for all information www.breakpoint.net.au.

Racquet Re-Stringing and Re-Gripping

Break Point coaches also offer racquet stringing service with variety of international and local strings available. Please call Andrijano on 0412 922 212.

In this edition of Sidelines we offer some advice on serving

Doubles Tip for the Server: Serve up the middle to the receiver's backhand. For most players, the most difficult return in tennis is the inside-out backhand used to hit crosscourt on a serve up the middle. Against right-handers, you'll use this serve on the deuce side.

Doubles Tip for the Server: Come in behind your serve. Although serve-and-volley has become rare in singles, it's still the standard and best tactic in doubles.

Doubles Tip for the Server: Warn your partner if you are about to serve out wide on either side as they need to take extra care of their sideline in that case. GOOD LUCK!

Kind Regards

Andrijano Jareb

Break Point Tennis, Coaching Director -TA Professional - Tel: 0412 922 212 www.breakpoint.net.au


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

Busy Bee to get the Club ready for Opening Day

Your Tennis Club Busy Bee needs your help on Sunday 12th October at 9.00am Please register your name on the list at the clubroom office if you are able to come along. Bring any tools you think you may be able to use on the day. Shade cloth over the pergola needs some reattaching to the wooden rafters Club house windows need cleaning General whipper snipping and edging of grass edges around shrubs, fences and brick paving. Brick paving needs pressure washing clean Repair rubbish bin gate next to coaches shed Repair of Damaged Playground Shade sails With the help of Vic Singleton I was able to contact the original installer of the shade sails over the playground and seats facing the hard courts, Brett from Better Outdoors company showed prompt action by coming the next day and removing all the sails and is going to repair and reinstall them all for 20% of the nearest quote we had from 2 other companies. Better Outdoors Shade sails and blinds produce a quality sail as can be seen from the 7 years of wear and tear on the tennis club sails, which are never taken down in winter, so anybody needing a sail for summer contact Brett from Better Outdoors on 0404 464096, mention you are from SPLTC and you will get a good deal for a quality product. Coaches Green garden shed A combination lock has been put on the coaches shed so only coaches and a few committee members have access to this shed, this was needed as a security measure as there is a lot of valuable equipment in the shed. Reminder to everyone parking your car in Murray street or the carpark do not leave any valuables in your car as we had a car broken into on saturday 13th September. Facilities Director , Howard Robinson


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

Social News

Social Director, Areta Sumana

Since joining SPLTC over a year ago I've been really enjoying my tennis and also the social aspect of the club, as I've got to know some interesting and genuinely nice people. A brief introduction about me; I'm originally from Indonesia and have been in Australia for more than seven years. I work as a Flexible Learning Officer at Curtin University in partnership with Open University Australia. We recently had our get together to welcome Canning members to join our expanding club. With our Opening Day coming up soon and then Christmas hopefully we can all join in for the social events, have fun playing good tennis, enjoying tasty food and meeting new people from our newly joined club. News of interest: Participants of the Thursday morning tennis had the pleasure of enjoying a musical performance and afternoon tea at Gordon Dunlop's residence in July where they chilled out and appreciated the fine music and views over the city. Gordon played the piano very finely including his Beatles medley performance; also performing on that day were Philippa Thorne, Max Francis, Vic Singleton and Anne Reid who were leading our merry sing along, as well as Brian Underwood who recently was made an honorary citizen of the City of Perth for his years of dedicated service to the City of Perth Band.

South Perth's version of Peter, Paul and Mary (Max, Vic and Anne)


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

Off Court Action

It must be something to do with baby boomers hitting retirement age, but it has been noticed that quite a few of our members, particularly the mid-weekers, are making the most of their hard earned new found leisure time to travel and tick off items on the bucket list.

Mary and Terry Bishop have just spent a week in Paris and are now touring the French countryside. Mon Dieu! Gordon and Christine Dunlop recently went cruising in the Baltic after some time in London, and Brian Underwood is having another look at the Rockies in Canada. Lesley Moon and her husband recently travelled from Sydney to Perth on the Indian Pacific.

Others too have been on the move: Sue Klein took herself off to Broome and the Kimberley, Areta Sumana has just returned from a lovely holiday in Bali, and Club Secretary, Vere Berger, is in Italy for her niece’s wedding, Alison Brokenshire is in the UK visiting her Mum and closer to home, the Chynes, Lorraine and Richard, recently took off for Lorna Glen Station somewhere out from Wiluna (serious Woop Woop?) to participate in a bird survey and enjoyed lunch at the Sandstone pub en route. Meanwhile Roger Reynolds jetted off to Canada for a wedding (not his). Afterwards he toured the east coast of Canada and the USA.

Once again the Opening Day will be without those two fools in their long whites, Mike Parry and Phil Smythe. Mike is walking the Bibbulman Track. If you think that's crazy think again, because it's the second time he will have done it. Meanwhile Phil will be in Japan for a month. But he won't be missing out on his tennis while he's there, though it took a bit of organising. Assuming that tennis clubs worldwide operated like South Perth where a visitor can simply show up for social play, register and play; Phil emailed the Shonan Lawn Tennis Club near Yokohama to see if that was okay. Almost immediately he got a reply from Mr Suzuki, the manager of the club saying sorry but visitors were only acceptable if introduced directly by a club member, so no dice. Undeterred Phil emailed the nearby Samukawa Lawn Tennis Club with the same request. Their Director, Kaneko san, explained that their club too only admitted visitors accompanied by members, but as Phil was coming all the way from Australia they'd make an honorable exception. Phil'd better be on his best behaviour and play some decent tennis, Australia's reputation's riding on it.

No doubt others are planning sojourns abroad, interstate and intrastate, and will mysteriously disappear for a time. We just hope they remember to come back to regale us with travellers’ tales.

Samukawa Lawn Tennis Club a bit snowed under in February this year


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

Desk Roster 2014/15 Date Desk team Date Desk team

18 Oct Lorraine & Richard Chyne 6 Dec Tracey Hough & Fiona Johns

25 Oct Anne Reid & Vic Singleton 13 Dec Helen Treloar & Sharon Mundy

1 Nov Jenny Crawford & Des Moran 20 Dec Vere Berger & Patrick Smythe

8 Nov Hisham Makerim & Mary Bishop 27 Dec Howard Robinson & Areta Sumana

15 Nov Max Francis & Lyle Kenny 3 Jan Ted Hatton & Terry Standring

22 Nov Stephen Zeeb & Deb Mason 10 Jan Phil Smythe & Mike Parry

29 Nov Julian Gale & Keeva Verschoor 17 Jan Michelle & Brendan O'Neil

Meet & Greet with Canning Members A get together with Canning Tennis Club members was held on Saturday September 20 with everyone enjoying a great day of tennis and socialising.


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

Canning Assets moving day a great success Report by Howard Robinson On early Sunday 21/09/14 a dedicated group of Canning and South Perth Tennis club members all turned up at Canning Tennis club with utes, trailers, vehicles and their muscles to load the remaining assets from the club rooms and grounds. Chairs, net posts, a large bar fridge and assorted other garden tools and items were loaded in fine weather and the convoy headed for SPLTC. Even though it started to rain as we arrived at the club rooms all present worked as a team to unload, clean, reassemble and position all the assets brought over the group of helpers. At the conclusion some of the members enjoyed a light lunch of the left overs from the Meet and Greet barbecue from the night before. A big thank you to all that attended this morning, bringing along their vehicles and trailers, this shows that team work goes along way to making the work load light and the morning was a great success. An extra thank you to Howard and the 20+ volunteers who helped out (from the Pres.)!

Court Redevelopment Update

Report by Matt Raison

The new court development is currently awaiting the finalisation of the formal funding agreement between the Department of Housing, City of South Perth and SPLTC. A draft agreement has been prepared and reviewed by all parties, and we are now working to finalise the arrangements to ensure the funding is administered in a way that is practical and doesn’t place the club at financial risk. The total amount being committed to the development by Department of Housing is $850,000.

The intention at this stage is to procure the new courts as a priority, and then apply any surplus funds towards upgrades to the clubhouse. We hope to finalise the agreement in the coming month to allow the lodgement of a development application with City of South Perth and then tendering the construction of the new courts. Unfortunately it has taken longer than originally anticipated as the parties involved and providing the funding have changed, which has meant the process for procuring the development has also changed. The good news is that the commitment remains and we are working as best we can to move the wheels of government to deliver the new courts.


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

What is my My Tennis ID? Our affiliation with Tennis West and Tennis Australia provides our club with competitive opportunities for members to play pennants and compete in tournaments and allows the club to enjoy a lot of support for voluntary committee members.

Tennis West is now providing, directly to club members, special offers and discounts to tennis events. To take advantage of these offers members must have an active My Tennis ID obtained through membership of their affiliated club.

The Tennis West My Tennis system has operated now for many years. In prior years our club simply assigned the My Tennis ID through the My Tennis system. Tennis West now require members’ consent to Privacy and use of contact details for activating new and existing IDs.

Our club respects the privacy and wishes of all our members and will only provide details to Tennis West and activate members’ My Tennis ID with each member’s consent. We are therefore asking members who wish to activate and use their Tennis ID to read carefully and sign an agreement form. The Treasurer will distribute the form to adults when membership subscription invoices are sent at the end of September and to juniors through the junior club. The Treasurer is happy to answer any queries or concerns about the My Tennis ID.

Good News on Fees and Charges The good news in this year’s budget is that not only are the adult membership subscription fees remaining unchanged for the fourth year in a row but also the cost of playing for members is coming down. Check out our new ball fees ($3.00 for Saturdays with new balls and $2.00 for other social days) and use of lights on hard courts ($5.00 per hour). Furthermore there is more incentive to stay for a drink after tennis as the cost of drinks is unchanged.

Membership categories for Junior pennant and social club players have changed and Junior members receive a club shirt as part of their membership.

There are significant Increases in charges to non- members for joining our social days and for hiring of courts. We hope this encourages visitors to join our club and enjoy tennis and club benefits at good membership rates.

Membership fees are due by Opening Day (18th October)

Thank you for supporting our club.


South Perth Lawn Tennis Club (est. 1898) Spring 2014

FEES AND CHARGES - 2014/2015


Family (2 Seniors + 3 Juniors)

New member – first year¹




Age at 1/10/14 for pennant players & academic year at 1/10/14 for social players²

16 & under Pennants 10 & under Hotshots Pennants

Social Years 8 to 12 Social Years 5 to 7 Social Years 1 to 4 Social Pre Primary & below



$ 90

$ 75

$ 50

$ 30


New member – first year¹


$240 Mid-Week (including pennants)

New member – first year¹



Tertiary Student (full time)

New member – first year¹



Social/Country $ 70 Junior 19 & under (Senior Social play only) $110

Midweek Pennant (1 season) $145 Weekend Pennant (1 season) $215

¹ 33% discount for first time members ² Junior pennants and social include club shirt


Saturday Social



$ 3.00


Thursday Social



$ 2.00


Sunday Social



$ 2.00



Synthetic Courts with lights¹

(per hour)




$ 5.00

Synthetic Courts without Lights¹

(per hour)





Grass Courts (per hour) ¹





¹ Check web site for availability

South Perth Lawn Tennis Club 2014-15 Sponsors

Premium Sponsor:


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