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Page 1: SOUTH THE! REPUBLIC AN OFFICE 7.: • JERSEY REPUBLICAN … · ^Bill-Heads Statements Letter-heads Note-heads ---Envelopes Reasonable prices charged, always. W



The only newspaperprinted in Hammonton

$1.00 in the county.

Well equipped for

in all branches—

"PampEIetsJ""" "'^'~

.-— ..Business Cards '


. Dodgers



Letter-headsNote-heads ---


Reasonableprices charged, always.W<TwiII not do ch'eapwork, and can't afford •to do good workfor nothing

Promptness- • • - • • - JL •• • . . . . . .

a specialty. If wecannot do your workwhen you want it donewe'll tell you ao,and finish itwhen we promise to

The TribuneNew York, tho weeklyedition, and theRepublican, for #1.25 .A pile of good reading.for a little money

The PressFhiliidolphin, weekly, andthe Rcpublicim, (iforj)»1.2fi

AddreHH, call or phono UH —

HOYT & SON,ZQQ-U Jlollovuo Avo., HiiniiuoiUon

A Communication. '•MB. EDITOR :—Allow mo to oponU a

few words in iavor of Chamberlain'sCough Remedy. I Buffered "for threeyears with the bronchitis-and could notsleep at nights. I tried several dootoraand various patent medicines, but couldgot nothing to glyo mo any relief untilmy wife got a bottle of . this valuablemedicine, which has completely curedmo.—W. 8. Brockman, Bagnoll, Ho.This remedy is for sale by Orowell.

•MOTIOE TO CREDITORS.P. Sheridan Prcasoy, E^oontor of Jason St

John, deceased, by diroation of tho Surrogatoof tho County of Atlantic, hereby gives noticeto tho creditors < f the said Jauon St. John tbring in their debts, demanda, and claimagainst the estate of the aoid decodont, underoath, within nine months from this date, orthey will bo forever barred of any actiontherefor against tho aaid Executor.

Dated September 5tb, 1901.P. SHERIDAN P11E3SE*,


gHERIFF'S.SALE.By virtue or a writ of fieri facias, to mo di-

reotod, issnod out of the New Jerjey Court ofChancery, will bo sold at public vonduo, on

at two o'clock in the afternoon of naid day, atthe hgtel_o_f Louis Kuehnlc. corner of Atlanticnnd South Carolina Avenues, in tho City ofAtlantic City, in .the County of At'a.nlio and"Statoof New Jersey, all that certain lot ortract of land and premises, situate, lying, andbeing in the Town of Hammonton, County ofAtlantic, and St..to of New Jersey, boundedand described as follows :

Beginning at point on tho southeasterly sideof Orchard St. one hundred and forty-four footfrom tho noutberly corner of Orchard Streetand Second or Fay Street; thence extending(1). southwesterly along the lino of OrchardStreet twenty-seven foot to a point on cornerof lot formerly owned by Thomas Pasco ;thence (2) south-easterly along the line of saidPasco lot and lot formerly owned, by one Geo.W. Fay one hundred and thirty»Jontj'eflt_to_8.;point on said Fay 'ot; thence (3)~ northeaster-Ij on,a Jino_j);rfrallel j[o prqhaid Street andalong the lino of lot o'f-ono G.-'W. ProsenytwoDty-sovcn feet to a point; thence (4)norlh-westorly-on-a_lino-parttlloUwith-«ooond-ooiU60-ono hundred and thirty-four feet to place of"leginning. •

Being a part of the same lot of land thatWalter C.Horton »nd wile and W. Oscar K"r-ton and wife, by deed dated July let, 1876,recorded in the Clerk's office at May'sLantliugSew Jersey, in Book Si. 54 of Deeds, page282, etc., granted atid conveyed unto. the saidEliza Nestor in fee.

Seized as tho property of Eliza Neator ot a),and taken in execution at the suit of Ham-montcn Loan and- Building Association, andto be sold by

SMITH E. JOHNSON, Sheriff.Dated September 14th, 1901.

HENBT F. STOCKWELL, Solicitor.,„, „.-.» „ , '•""- Prrfee,-J(J.OO

A iullassortment of hand and machlnmade, — for work or driving.

, VaUses7~Ki3ing~Sa3~dIeij "Nets, ̂ ete.

la* W. CrOCrlalaHammonton. N.J,

JOS. H. GAKTON,Justice of the Peace,

Hammonton, N. J. '-—-Office at Residence, Middle Road.

O.A.OAMI'llBlfc H. BODI.LO. A. Campbell & Co,,

Real Estate & Insurance,Money to loan on mortgnuo. Parties Imvlng

liciviHcn to rent., or proiiortleH for milo or ox-nliunec. wll l i lo well lo cull, or write IIH.Olllco, 18011 Alluntlo Avo., Atlantic Oily.

Bros..,House, Sign,

Ornamental Painters

aiul J'upor

Hammonton, N. J.

How about that littlo

Tlmt wo uont ypu-In it .pultl yoU*

Stood Death Off.B. B. llunday, a lawyer of^Henrietta,

Tex., onco fooled a grave-digger.i HoBays : "My brother was very low withMalarial favor and jaundice. I persuad-ed hjm to try Electrio Bitters, and howas soon much better, but continuedtheir use until he was entirely cured. Iam sure Electrio Bitters saved ble life."This remedy expels malaria, kills diseasegerms, and purifies tho blood ; . aids di-gestion, regulates liver, kidneys, andbowels, euros constipation, dyspepsia,nervous diseases, kidney troubles, fo-fflalo complaints; elves perfect health.Only 50 o., at Orowoll's Pharmacy.

A Certain Cnre for Dysentery andDiarrhoea.

"Borne years ago I was one ot a partythat intended making a long bioycletrip," says F. L. Taylor, of New Albany,Bradford County, Pa. "I,was takensuddenly with diarrhoea, and was aboutto give up the trip when Editor "Ward,of the Laoeyville "Messenger," suggest-ed that I take a dose of Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.I purchased a bottle and took two doses,one before starting and one on the route.

felt any ill effect. Again last summer Iwaa almost con, plotely run down within attack ot dysentery. 1 bought aDOttlo of this came remedy and IbU timeone dose cured me." bold by Crowell,drugpiat.

ConfectioneryDnly the choicest.

Bread & CakesAlways the besl

XB.SMALL,Cor. Second and Bellevue,


ESli H. Chandler

Attorney&CounseldrAt Law,

Arlitz Building, Hammonton,Rooms 2S-27 Heal Eat. & Law B'ld'p,

Atlantic City.Official Town Attorney.

In Haminonton every FridayPractice in all Courts of the State.

Money for first mortgage loans

Insurance AgentNotary Public,Jommissioner of Deeds,

Office, 101 Ruilroad Ave.Hammonton.


1200 DTUOCNTO LAOT VtAHYIIU will t inl i i i i i rmtodlnour


nrrrnnicn ruiTlofj



Alirnnnflnilillllu n utmli'li nnil ilimnrllUlnir'ninrnuloklr Moarlnlil.uiir ii|iltilciil floo ttliutlinr nilInvention |« iiriitmlilr iirtloiilnliln. <:<IIIMIIUM|II«.llofiinlrlnOrixiiiMituntlal. lUiii1l)iM)Ri>ill'AI"iil«noiitrmo. (Milo«l rMOiHiy fil{ iiooMrljiil i.»l«nl«.

I'nUiiln I.Wou ll iri i i iull Mlllin A Co. ri>oolf«ifirMmtUtt, "llhoilt i:ljnruo, III llm

Scientific Bncricau.A timiiliimmlr lllmlrnlM wo<iklr. l.i>r«<i«t <ilf.••illnlliiil of our •donllflo jiMiniitl. Tnnul, Cl Kvimn fimr lilliullil, »1. |l

BlUNMCo.3010ifriiiicl Otaoe. to Jf HU W

. ,i»<»ir«i ln"»il"»lorj.1"1""' Now York

Wwliiii«lu». l>. O.

Better than a Knno, Organ, or MnrfrrBor.-for it sluggond talka as well aa plays, anddon't coat as much. Itreproduceatbemusicofanyinstrument—bandororchcstru—tella.glories and singa-rthe old familiar hymns as well as the popular song?—itisalwayarcody. •.'' - T V* >• _" See that Mr. Edison's signature la on every machine. Catallogura of on dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOflRAVlt CO., 135 Filth Avc., New York.

THE! REPUBLIC AN OFFICE 7 . : •Is well equipped for any kind of • " . . ' . '


These time-tables are not correctWEST JERSEY & SEASHORE E. R.

Subject to change.Schedule in effect June 29,1001-»OWH-TBArINBr- '- :

Bun. .Sun.

p. m.

43043844St 55505

8 008038208 298 3'j

5 16 8 67622 9045 S'l 9 12'534 *» 165 ;«| 9 21545558

9 28*93S0 51

6 23 10 176 35 10 30

tr Aoo, -E.ir Ex- ~Acc,


820028G 380 S36597097 157 217 80


428485415452501528585548«M7651(1UJ6 15823S-I2865


a. m.p.m,

8 00 10 453 (JO 10 62

11 0311 1011 2011 32118811 471151

11 601206

4 16

8 82839K508570079 209258 :«t

>!) 37II 43!> 4c059

100710 281040


....... I'Mladolphltt ..."...

. ........ ~Camden .. .............. Co)llns»vrood ............. naddonfleld ............. .. Klrkwood ..... .............. Berlin .......... .............. AIM .................... Waterford .................. .Ancora... ..........VlnilowJc. (!'»)„.....Hammonton .............. ElwM.d ................... Keg Harbor. ....., ....... ..AbBGCon.,.. ............ Atlantlc"Clty......

.«: A

7317 23827

urn. a. m p. m.

8 35 10 4010 82

7 08 8 167 00 SOU0 47 7 500 34 7 430 2 K 7 8 7

187S5127 IS

COS 7 11000703

6. r>S848030020




1 60B~271 42 0 191 801 23 668112



6275195 14510

12305034624 4 5

9 45 6 10937 6029255520 18 5 45


a.m. P-ra.

D O T8548488 41

427||7 614 15117 404


5346216166 OS

Sid 5 038 32 ••"8 2 0 48 IB 4H ( U

* Stops only on notice to conductor or agent, or on signal.

DOWN TEAIN8.Saturday, Jane 29, 1801

Subject to change. CP TRAINS.Bund Sund Sand Acp. m. B. DI. a..m. p.m. pjn, p.m p.m a.ni.

5005 125 19627540644558602C O S813619025632.689647656704

8 008 10

8 44


9 201

6 0 0 G S O6 12 0 426 216 29058

7 40. ._. 7 57

f 728 8 03

7 147 21

R 44 7 120 49 7 10700728705731709735

7 .33 8 08 7 08.7.417'49 8 218 02 8 83 7 318 10 8 43 7 41

6 40 5 406 52 5 50 10016 10624028639,646!0 4965116 1805916 22

7 is::;:::.;.... e 40205

6 55215

10080010 0 12

I! 21629(1410 4 970070S709114

1 43 7 217207 SI7 417'ill8028 10



....Went Colllngnrood..!!Iladdon IlrlgliU.....-Laurel Springs......

...\VllUaraitown Jnnc...

........Odar Brook-—..

........Blue Anchor-..../,

.."Wlnalow Jnnc. (1'To)..

..:..Hammonton„ _.l)aCo>ta

Elwood-...Egg Harbor

,....Brifmntluo June....,...... .PUaiantTlIle.........AtlaDtlcClty.......

Sun buna.m. a.m. a, n>. a. m p.m. p.m a '

6 25 8 JO 10.25 10 250 13 7 69606556540580527S21517B II) ....507730

^ m

7497 4 47887 327'2-r7 15705

1006 10 13ID GO9629 399 36» 289229179 12

» S8

023B17D 19900

0250 106036556 405301)28SSI6 106 10•1 SS4 ;i,i,4204 10no;3 COa so!



ii SO

8 25 6 55» 149 07858

1) S2 7 44


S 27 5 67

K 1(1X 128M750



7 M 4 527 2 5 4 4 17 16 4 82-

Snndny nlglit «xprcM up leaves Atlantic fl.,">0. Egg Harbor 0.52, IT.imnionlon 7.00, roachlnR Phlla. 7.5 o.Another Sunday nlfiht eiprcia np ItaTM Atlantic B:30, Egg Harbor 0:52, Haminonton IftO<i, reaching

Phlla. Ht:!>0. .Weekday morning down exprcsi learoi Phlla. 10:45, Wlmlow 11:21, rlammunton 11:29, Egg Hartior

Morning aecom. up learn Atlantic 6.25, PlroianttTlle 5.S5. Egg Ilartwr 6.64, EIwbo<l 0.02rTTaninionlon— 0.12, WlMlow^C.18, l'WUw-7.25. -. - .

Morning cxpreu up Iwivm Atlantic 11.00, Hammonton 11.30, and I'lilla. 12.1.'.. .,Afternoon down train loaves Phlla, .1:00, Hammonton ,1:41, EKB Harbor 3:51, Atlantic 4:13.Night accommodation down, leaving Phlla. at 8:00, reaching Hammonton 0:10. '

W. G.HESI.EIl.Gon.Bupt. KD8ON J. WKEKS,a»n.Pn»i!OgerARfnl

VOL. 89 HAMMONTON, N. J., OCTOBER 19, 1901.

At Oeo.Elvins Store.Wo groan in spirit for the reputation

jf our fair "City by'the Boa." MayGod bless such men as Judge Hen-irickson, and may he ever stand firmn upholding the right and in over-hrowing evil. / .

¥h«re—is—no—gre&tgr Btumhling->lock-to Gli urch-w.ork-.tnnn._the_fortl-_



ilng-Btones to perdition, the saloon."What is the ' Church doing to

jvcrtlirowthis curse of modern civili-ation ? If it would square Its profes-ion by practice at the polls, thelutlawry of the saloon would speedilyollow.""Those who say that prohibition

annot be enforced, confess that theiquor men are stronger thun the

government."PBKSS SUIT.

Seed Rye is

75 cents

per bushel,

at .

Philadelphia Weekly Pressand the

South Jersey Republican(two papers each week), for $1.25 a year

to any address in this county, or $1.60 outside.

The Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.

of Hammonton. ..

Rates can be had on implication.

The People's National Family Hewspaper.



i lny, In In roul l ty nlino, I ' rnnh, nvnry-n t l i -or-iluj' Dull:t ho I n t e n t n n w ntho duy of I n n u n , nn i l( iovarl t i f ( M n w 0 nl thootlior ihroo. It I M I I I *tn l i in nil lni|>orliuitfnrnlKn inihln I I O W Mffhlnh n | i i ionrn in thoDally Trillium nl llmr i i iun i lulc, u lno 1>«.


otin Itrtnn, in

Tri-weekly 'f"'"''"" "''»""'""»«""-'***• *»««*»*jr m,n,,ril| ,,,«t|nr», imij


n( i i i t )>r i )hnni lvo umlmllnli lo l lnnnalnl aniliiiarliot r i>IM>rtn .

MMH |>rloo, 91.60 |mr

Wo furnlnl i It n l r l itho U«ii i i l i l lonn /'nrt'i |ior your.





Pulil lnlioi! Thurncluy,and liinmii tor Hourlyn l x l v jnnr« In ovory

Kurt (if Ilio I lnl lai ltnton u B n Nailoiml

Vnnil ly Ntnvnpnper littho lil(;lio«i 'olnno, furfnr innr i i i i i i i l v l l lugnrn .It onntnl tm nil tlmnumt l i i i | i ' > r l n n t KOJICI-rnl Mown of tho DallyTrlhiniu ii|i to hour otK n l n i t . l n i>ro«n, nnax i l i i u l i un i l i lo | inrt .luoiit of I l io hl|ilio«lorilar, l inn un t t i r tu l i i -ln/( ro i i l l i iK for nvorynuiiiitirr of (ho fiuiillyold nn i l yiiuiiKi iimr-Itnt ropuru wn luh i»roann(i|il»il nn uutl i i i r l t j rhy f n r i n n r f l anil ooun-try m u r o l i n n l a , nnil Inolonn, 141 to ilnla, In-(oronll i i / ( anil lnnlruo-tlvo.

tldii, t( | uryoar

Wo liixilnh It wi l l ,thn IU|>iilil!oim furV I , 3D )iur your.

nil ordurH to tho "Kopublicivn," Iliiminunton, N.

Jalm FffaschB


Undertakerand Embalmei

TwolUn St., botwoon railroftila.

Hammunton, N. J.All ftrrftiiBoments for burials madeand onrofiillv oxocutod.



Funeral DirectorsAll buni»cPH in their lino

promptly »»tl carefullyattended to.

Embalming Specialty

Oflico. and llcsidonco,tiOK I»o(i«h Street,

1'hono i-r, l lnnimoiiton

House, Sign,CarriagePAWTEE

Doalor in 1'niiitn, Oil",mid Varuittluih

1 linvo 11 liU'X" nloii l i of

Jo l l I lT . l«V«Mlf i l l 'H

1'iiro Oil IViI iiuunmtoii t.o Im

till) Ill'lll. |MvlllI. llVOf Hlllll

l mid I ' l i iuuniil i Htrnot.H,

W.O..T.0.Thclmil*1" ImvB taken thlfl-ppncn by thoyear. nn<t are rcnpqunlblo for all Hint Hmny contnln.

Young People's SocietiesThlB snnno is ilcvoteU to the Interests ol

Ubutclie«i Special Items of Interest, aiulUDnouucem«nUs nru solicited.

Y. P. S. C. E.,—Presbyterian Cliuicb :Meets Sunday evenins/, at 6:30..Topic, "A bud bargain." Gen. 25:

29-34. Leader, Miss Pearl Adams.

Y. P. S. U. E.,—Baptist Church:Meets Sunday eveninu, at 0:15.Topic, "A bad baryiip." Ken- 25:

29-34. Leader, Mrs. Gt F. Lotiz.;Jr,,C. JE., .Sunday afternoon at 3:00:

- Topic,- "LessoQB from Bible prencli-orB" (Peter, Paul, Pliillip, Stephen,John tho BaptiHt, etc). Leader,


The usual committees were appoint-ed, und reported after a short recess.

Credential reported delegations full.Alsr>, reported u protest from citizensof fourth ward, Atlantic City, againstadmission of delegates named, allegingregularities, and because the ballotjox in that ward had been stolen after

about a hundred votes for delegatesiad been cast. A motion to. consider:ho protest was tabled.

The rules in force Iflst year were-rcpnrtcd-an d^ndopted. --------- ------- —

-The resolutions adopted, wej:.e_..asbllows :

1. The

Epworth League,— M. E. Church :Meets .Sunday evening, at 0:30.

29-34. Leader, Miss Myrtlu DieKio.Business muetinii ntxl. Monday eve,

Junior League on Sunday afternoon,at 3 o'clock.

Y. P. C. Ur,--Univor8iili8t Church :Mc«:in f j undny evunlng, til ti:'M,Toiiir, "UiMUirohity.: Give a* mnuhas

yon nan. Ol ' .wlmtV To whmii V"Maii. 10 : 8 ; Aeia 3 : 0 ; Hou>. 12:8.

A cordTui invitiUloiria ~oxliin"t1eil"lo ftllto atfond Iheno ii

Church Notices.

TdjiicH In Ilio vn i io i iH (JhurohoH to-niori'ow will bii IIH

M. E. Church,— Hov. V, l>. Jowntt,I'tiutor. lO. iKt A, M , "Tlio kejM In tlioliumlH of .lonrpli." 7.1 r> I'. M.,' Uniontciii|ioriiiu:i: nmutlim In 111" rCluiruh.

PrOHbytcrlun Churuli,—Huv. W. K.MoKlnney, 1'nM.nr. Hi:.')!) A. M., "Nowol<ith on mi old unrnioni.." V.Ki, UnionBotvlcn In t l i ln (Jl iuruli , In iiniiiKiotldiiwl l l i tlio W. (!. *!'. U. HiMiiilul nuiHli).Al l mo I n v i i o i l tit uuond.

BitptiHt Clniroh,—Ucv. II K. l.ouini",j'antdr. l u i l l l l A. M., "'Ilio nui i i iHi olin ii n 'd l lu j j jK." 7. Hi, l . 'nluii n i rvlwi i ithn Pruslryinr l i i i i I ' l i u ro l i , H, l.'i, M m i 'nil (it In/; In I l i o old Pout, OlUen l i u l l i l l i i K .

l )( l ( lg«TM, I ' l iHttU-H,

eld,, «•!('. ,

Printed when winded,ill ( d o l \ ( ) |»ul ) l i i ' an Odie.n.f

THE SIHGER•Sewing Machiuos

i i i i i . nOn Easy Pa3rments

l i i l i e r u l lor Canli '

Old i i i ix i l i ln i in tul ion In i i x o l i u i i K i i ,A f u l l lni" nl i< i i |>p l lmi mi l i i i n i l ,

A l HonHon '

Republican County Convention.

The Convention was held last Sat-urday, OctoUer I2th, in Ertell's Hall,

;g Hurbor City. Called to order byEdwurd S. Lee, chairman of the lastjonvention. "

For tlio first time within the recol-ection of man, the proceedings were

opened with prayer, by Rev. W. $.Kane, of Mays Landing.

elcctcd-ehairmaii ; 'E.-C.-Shanerr8ec-

bounty, in convention usseinh'ed, reiflirni* their ubso|utu faith in the prin-ciples of the lU-jniblifiin party, as for-nulnted in lf jo(i, tuii(l us exteiuled fromjnio to t ime to meet the changing

mdit iot iH of tht1 country.2. We uni ie with all people in de-

iloring the violent and untimely death>f our inurtyrod President, Hon. Win.McKinley, t han whom our countryias never hull a 'more valiant soldier,i more wise and j in l i t ' io i i t t statesman,aml'n grander example of "truu uiun-nooil. . . . • - .

3. We hea'rtily endorse the ])latforrnof'thc-Rcpubliriin- -purly, -as-mlopted-jy the State Convention of ScptemlterJ('i, !!«>]. ' .

•1. \Ve comnii'iid and approve theadiuin is l ra t ion of Slate aiiairs under[lopubllcun rule.

5. We declare our firm convictionthat., wisdom uml patriot ism alike re-

ident Hoo.sL'vclt should lie supportedIn currying out (he polii'y of I're.sidentMclCinley, by the Slates which con-tributed 'to his election ; and to thisend we pledge our f u l l and earnestsupport to the able clti/.en and tirelessworker, Hon. Frankl in Miirphy, aslint candidate of tho Hepiililican purtylor ( iovernor of th i s .Slate, and like-wise to all candidatcH named by thisconvention. . °"

Messrs. Lewis Kvatis and KdwardH. I.re, both of A t l a n t i c City, woremimed lor S t f i te Senator. On the llrstballot, Lee received iLM'volcs.'TlviuiSreceived "2.

Tho'ninH ('. Klvins, ;if Haminoiiton,and Hlchard C. (Jalie, of Meii ini Vistn,WITC nunu'd for AKseinli lyman. TheImllot .gave K l v l i i H KIT votes, ('ulct>, I I Ifrom llrst wai'd of A l l a i i t l c , Itrlgiinllrsl, wiinl I, Hiicna Visla .r), Llnwooil:i,—a total of Hi.

Albert (!. Slephan.v, of AthUll lc ,was nominated for Coroner withoutopposit ion.

The candidates were In t roduced andnpi

few appropr ia te r r t imrkH.l i n n . J u l i i i .1. ( I n r i l i l e r was eallei!

I'm1, und made", good Njieeeh, carefullyworded In ce r t a in purls, In te res t ingand e i i l e r l a l n l n g I h r n i i g l i o u l .

Vnlc i l to hold ( l i e nex t convci i t loiIII tmnt r plan'', then adjourned.

It, J DRAKE, Agont.

(?r l . l n l nl u i K i i i l l n d - l o r In iU i rn In tluHi in i i iHin lon I 'oHt O|ll™ on Wni lnrmluy(hi t . l l l t l i , I t l n l :

.liiliu ^iililiiiiHin r|iii^ I'! It Miillnrlc

.l,uil<>» ll.unl rriiul; i',,|.llllMr hicln MHIIII.. IM

l>'l l lt l< HJN

l.iiloiiliMi llii'Hih,' l'l«lni l.n.'nl ll imM|>|»> I'uliM'inii

I 'ornnnii n i i l l u i ^ I n r u n y ol I Im ubovilot turn \ v l l l | I | I IIIH'I) M I i l l d, Una II. lui"

t i i t n i i m l v o i ' l i H o i l .M. I,, .IAIMIHON. I1. M.

l l u v o H« l l l l l t i nn IIOMI||I|(I In ib> W i l lpnoplo you cnnnnl I r i l n l ; w h u n ( l »

I H I I I n l i V ^n in i i i l I r i iu i l l l / j l i l l y , anil j;nl

( i v c i It iin r a p i d l y an yon run.

Joy niulirn (in urlnvn Inr llm lii'iwily olIlln ; Kiinow ciuinim lin In lin woni'v ol Hit

Imiulh I <'iiro und Indiinlry ciin alonernnilin- It nn|i|ioiliibln.

Hi1 In riiihnnl who in cnnhinl with (In1

Inint; lor coiitnul In llm Wcallli ol


N i i l u i n i i i ivor l i i i i r l c n ; iil.oin by a lum,lIUlu by IHUo, iiliu i i i ihluvim Inn- work,

f A Shocking Calamity"Lately befell u railroad l>iboror,"writonDr. A. Knllot.r,, of Wllliford. Ark." Hlfl'oot was badly crpebed; but Buckliu'sArnica Halve . quickly ourod him. It, issimply wonderful for burns, boils, pilos,and all skin eruptions". I i ; 'Btl ie wnrlrl'scb am pi on healer. f!ure cuaratitood. 25centSi Sold by Crowoll. .

Working Night and Day.Ths buBiest und mightiest little Hung

;hnt over was made is Dr. King's New

into_ strength, listloRBiiesB into enargy,hrMn-fag into mental power. . Tuny arcwonderful in buildinc np-bnalt,li25 c. per box. Hold by


Josti \Vefithafer, af Loogootoe, Ind.,is a poor man, bnt-hn-says-that 'lo.wwild-not'be without Chamberlain's Paiu Balmif it cos: five dollars a bottle, for it savedaim from being a cripple. No externalapplication is eqnnl to this liniment forstiff nnd swollen joints, contracted mus-cles, stiff neck, sprainc, and rheumaticand muscular pains. It has also curednumerous cases of partial paralysis. Itis for sale by Crowell.

What would you thinkIf y6'u saw a man Bitting on tuff

bank of the Luke, watchine soroe.flBber-men with a drag .not, catcbinp all thellsh, and after they had loft, ho -wouldtako a cork line out of his-pocket, put a.worm on the lionk, a\ft it into tile water,then expect to catch a string of fish.

That is precisely whntBomeof ourHnmmonfcon mprchnntR are doing.


rske neiptrlmr, by a liberal :UHO of rniKTF.ns' IKK, cntcb all theeuatomers in tbpnejgliborboofl. thencomplnin because tliey don't sell

—their goods: ~ ~iron A i.

When yon are Bi'oh, go and see yourdoctor ; when bufinoes is pick, cull onyour printer. Take a dose each weelt>and thus prevent, busineps deprepsion.

We make no charge for advice.


People'sTBaniroT Hamniontouseof-biiBlnftBa-oSept. 30th, 1001.

$93512 436 84

69781 10

0300 0025oo oo

14685 80. 10724 42

152-90. 7487 14

RESOURCES:fiOannnnd DiscountsOvert! rnftsStocks, securities, elcBankinc House, furniture, unil

fixturesOther Renl estateBonds nnd Mortj-'iigvR ....Duo from other B;inl;s. etc '.....Checks and cash itemar.Cash ou hand .....

58208150 75

_t,IABILITIES: ,,..,._ck pnld In »... 83oooo oo

Surplus 17ooo ooUnillvldoil profits, less current

exj>crises nnd t n x P K p n H l ......... 3114.85Dun to other li i inkR, etc. 65519Dlvlilemlii unpaid 1338 70Ini l lvl i lut i l deiioslis Eitb. to chk.... 00512 33Jk-Jiunul-ccn.-pt.ilC4Jiialt_~™—. B280 00Tlmodi-posits 48327 43CVrlllloil clii'clcs - 12 00Canhlcr'H clieckB outHlnudlug 4 25


Lyford Bevcrsge

for Kew JniHcy,tenders IH'H sisrvici R.

Pension vobo.berH pxecuted.Hammonton. N. J.

Herbert G.HeiisonALI; THE



$208150 753TATB OF N F.W JKIIHKV, )

ruuDty o f A t l n n l l c , I "•H. .1. l iyrne« I'rcs't nn i l W. 11. THton.Cimhlerof I l io iihovo iii i i i i i ' i l Hank, bul i iK mwrnillyduly nworii. cnch lor l i l insi t l f nayn Hint tholnrcKi)l"K HUi tc in i ' i i l IH trim, to tho best of Ills

aiul belief.H. .1. I IYI lNKS. r r t 'K l i lon l .

W. H.Tir/l'ON.CiiBhlor.Suhsc'rlbcil und sworn In bufoni me,

this Mth ilny ( i fOnto l ior , A. n., llioi.I l A I I I I Y 1.. MoNrnltT.

i'liiunilHHluiit'r ui I)U(H!H."CoVroi'.ir A t l C H t :

-(i K HA.X IIIN,r. 1<\ OMtioop,

Confectioner}Only the choicest.

Bread & Cakes

Alwftyn the bcsl

J. E, SMALL,Cor. Second and Ilrllcv

l l n i i i i i i o n m n .

A lulUiiMorti iumtol hand und luuuhlniiiiitlo, — for work or driving.

Trunks, Valises, Whips,, Mota,uto.

dims, Cunningham, M,D.Physician and Surgeon.

\V. Miuioiiil Hi, , Iliiiiintoiitoii.Ollliin lloin-p, 7:!IO tn 10:110 A.M.

1 ;00 lo il ;OU tuiil 7 :0(l to U :UO r.M.

Onmplete stock of

Standard Patterns.

A. H. Phillips Co.

*ire Insurance*.„ MONEY'


Mortgage Loans.Correspondence Solicited .

1815 A.tlantioAvoimo,Atlant ic City, N. J"


you arc looking for

Wagons, Surreys,Buggies,

Spring Wagons,and Road Carts,.

now or.Nnrond-hiuid, call at

F. A.Lehman's Shop

Always a Good Stock;/ _


ShooH in ado to Ordor IH mySnooiulty, und- fu l l

Ropniring done.

l lollnviln Avini i iv ,

lianimonton. : : N. J

W'.W* SJjSSPWwyl ̂ fi» «f|w»*f«!«8j«'»SI3«Ji *^WWJ>«*«a>^f:*tfn^

Page 2: SOUTH THE! REPUBLIC AN OFFICE 7.: • JERSEY REPUBLICAN … · ^Bill-Heads Statements Letter-heads Note-heads ---Envelopes Reasonable prices charged, always. W

RAM'S HORNT.ing the bell and- let the curtainDYKEMAKINQ IN HOLLAND,'BOBBLETON PACKS UP. i»nrl; of n\ murctiircr's ianflt joothose Ivo cvea rising vm out. of the dark-MACHINES SURPRISED HIM.

Not louj* ago a prominent countrylawyer, becoming nettled at the rulingof a Judge, picked up Ills hat and start-ed to walk out of the court-room. Howas halted by the court with the In-quiry: "Are you trying to express yourcontempt for the court?" "No, yourhonor." was the reply; "I aui trying tocoiiival It."

An American once went to WindsorCastle and Insisted upon seeing QueenVictoria. lie was told that It WIIH qul ruImpossible, as an audience with theqneeii could be had only by appoint-ment. Still he persisted, and then they,tolil him tlat-footed that, before seeingHie queen, IIP must state the object ofhis visit. HP said he wanted to showher a new piece of furni ture—a thorne- jbed -n perfect tlirone by day and a per- 'feet bed by night.

-IJJiyI_nr_7nha_lViitg»ti-("Inn \Tnplnr.

en")"and others recently dined with~W. S. Calne. MTT: Sir? Calne ottered

to give 50 pounds to a hospital fundthrough the man who would make thebest pun on his name within ttve min-

njtes;—Bratmrroglrntert^orawhlle. andthen, just as the time was about to ex-pire and Mr. Calne thought he was to

' encnpe. John Watson said: "Don't heIn such a hurry. Cuine." If this storybe true, that $250.wan about the easiestmoney that Dr. Watson ever earned.

The speech'In thp House of Lords ofthe' Bishop of Hereford on the subjectof 'gambling recalls n story told of'HIsh-

traveling tln^ougji J-onisiana sotue yearsago. addressed inquiries to his fellow"pas

I'rencli Engineer Attoul«Iicd by Econ-omy of American Machine Shni>«.

An expert French observer thinksthat although we Americans may wastefood we certainly do not-waste-energy rA French ofllcer of engineers gave thofollowing account recently of what hohad seen In American fatitorlcs:

"1 have been In America six months,nnd have visited the mines and manu-facturing establishments In the East,West, North and Houth. I have seenthe most gigantic engineering opera-tions and the most powerful machineryIn the world, but I Khal i report to mygovernment that the biggest things luAmerica are the little thiugs. TheI'Ypncb people are experts lu domesticeconomy, ami live comfortably by sav-ing what your average families throw,away. Hut Americans are, on the otherhand, experts, in Industrial economy.'Yon make money by saving wastage inbusiness, and you lose some of It bywastage In your domestic eeonou"'.The attention paid to small details inyour big works Is amazing, to me. Inave visited seme establishments where

PVP the_pjojiis_nro not made Inthe manufacture proper, but In the sav-Ing of materials and liilior by close in-tention to details that are with us un-ronBldered trifles. For example, I sawIn your shops Just now a little grlud-none In-operatiou-autouiatieally sharp-ening lathe and planer tools. This ma-chine cost, probably, as ir4\ch as 100of our ordinary grindstones cost, but Isee thnt It automatically grinds all thetools for 300 high-priced mechanics,and It only works a few hours eachday. The skilled .mechanics in ourcountry frequently stop 'heir -egiilarwork to grind their jwu tj>pJs.jindJthen_they dcrrtnuiperfeetiy. ;'our ools ateal l accurately ground to the best ihapel>y the m:H'liini'.-Ro that they .do.moreAn d be 11 er work on this account In a

formation regarding the orchards andfruit Interest of the State. "Do you.raise pears in Louisiana'/" Inquired the

- bishop. "We do," replied the Louis,-lannu. who was a better authori ty onpoker than on horticulture, "if we havethrees or better."

Some years ago. a vessel loaded wi thguano worth several thousand dollarscaught fire In t h e South Paoltle. andwas abandoned by the captain and•crew, who came ashore In the smallboats and reported the disaster. One,

-of the "consignees thought t in - cargo•could be saved, as he knew t h a t guano'would not burn, and it was his idea thatthe-hulk of the ship might be foundfloating somewhere at sen. He char-"tered a small English t ramp tha t hnp-;gened Jo_bejH Callao, Peru, and startedout to search for The~derellct7 A'fter"cruising for two or three weeks hefound her. the wood-work burned tothe water's edge, but the hul l sound asa dollar, and the cargo n i l r ight. They•Btortcd to tow her In to Cnllao, hut t h eday before ronehlni; t h a t liurbor thetramp they had chartered began to till•very rapidly, and the pumps could•scarcely keep Iteration!. They narrow-ly escaped s inking wi th n i l on board.'The leak wan n mystery. They mop,aged to get her to Callno only by I l iagreatest PxK>rtlnn r .and .iuan,v,a. tJiu&Jt..|WOK f«ar<:d thiu-they_cuuldnot kceU-liLT.jafloat »<> long. When the ship Went jInto the duel: and was examined, It wu* jfound t h a t one of the plntcx about U n i tcenter had worn through. Kitrtber In-vestigation demonstrated i l in I tin- dam-age had been done by a l i t t l e copperrivet. whU'h had been accidentally leftIn the bottom, and hnd rolled buck andforth over the name- Hpot so often andno long t h n t the Iron p l n t e hud beenworn I hln, and tin- prcsxurc of the wit-ter bud broken through. The mlroh'av-<oun r ivet WOH there, and wan taken outana preserve-it UK » ournrmry:

Show* Hl» Wife How to Get Out ofTown In a Hu-h.

With nervous haste Mr. Bobbletonrushed Into his flat where his wife wasgiving the dinner n OnlHhlng :toueh. ---

'Well, Mary, my vacatjon .has comeat last and we are going to,stJirt to-morrow morning for the country. Ibought the tickets on the way home,and here they are!"

Bobbletou flourished two long greenslips of paper, nud marked at tbt> end,

""Good for thlrty^liiys." -------"The bnggnge expressman will be

here at C o'clock In tho morning for thetrunks," snld liobhlctou. "I'll pack mytrunk right n f t c r dinner , It won't takeme over an hour."Immediately after dinner Mr. Uobble-

ton went Into his room. For the nexthour or two Mrs. Kobbleton beard himslamming around, upsetting things,ami inutteriug.'to himself. '

"I wonder ' how Henry Is gettingalong?" thought'Mrs. Bobbleton.

Yet she did not dare go into his room,for there are times when Mr. Bobbletonbecomes highly irascible and conse-quently dangerous to approach. Abouthalf-past 1) Mr. Bobbleton— emerged |from -Ilia room tery hot, butumphant.

"That's the way to do," he said."Pack up In a hurry without any fussand feathers.- Why, l-could-gut- ready-to ;go to Murope Just as easily! Youwomen don't know ho_w to do anything!My trunk's all ready to go."

"So Is my trunk." snld Mrs. Bobble-ton quietly, as she banged down the l(dand snapped the lock.

Early the next morning the express-men were on hand for the trunks.

. _ . . , . .particular friend of mine." Bobbletonexplained to the .expressmen. "Justtell him. ____ to... check ..... these trunks toDalsytown and to hold the checks unt i l

liven time. 1 believe that that ma-.•lilne ha* bralns-the brains of the In-ventor and it has no doubt revolutlon-••/<•<( work of this kind in American.nachlnH shops."-American Machinist.

It Troubled the Customer."A funny thing occurred here th*

other day," said a barber as he was iputting the finishing touches on a Snt Iurday evening huir cut. "A fellovcame In to be shaved who was some-what under the iiifluence_ of InlpXk!cnnt8."""He~ took his"place in the chnlr,and nil proceeded well t i l l I had sh.ivedone side of bis face, when be stoppedme. . - .

" 'Hold on,' he cried, 'I want thisthing 'splalned.1

"I asked him what W»B the matter,and_ho_cep]l.cd: ..'J'lie.te'fi ,n_fly_jon_mjjchock, and you have tlinvei) the la therand whiskers off, hut the fly d idn ' tmove'. Now, whnt's the matter wi thhim'/'

"I told him there WBB no fly on him,but be pointed to the mirror nml snld:'You think I cnn't uec him. I ain't, nodrunk thn,t I can't see a fly.'

"I turned to the gluss, and there stoodthe fly on the mirror, and In such a poaltlon that from my ciiBtomer*H muni)of vision It seemed to be on bin cheek.He uf turward xiild tha t he bad felt t h a tfly. tickling.him. ttlLthe.time,.nnd.,won..dereiLhow_l_c.auld_shaA'e~under_lL_nndJnot cut ItB legs off."—New York World.


One of Dlckcus' Kiirl ler Home* to K«Dcmollnhcil.

With the Impendlui ; removal of Fur-alval 'M Inn. to innkc wny for modernresident ia l flats, one of the too few re-mains of Dickons' Liindon w i l l ( l lui ip-pear. I t wns noon a f t e r ho entered IhnK'allcrv. a t t in* age of 111, mid about therear IR'll , i b n l riiarle* DIcke i iH llrst

I reach the station. I want the trunksto go out on that 7:55 train. We fol-low on-the 8:40."

When the expressmen had departedMr. Bobbleton turned buck into his tintnml about an hour Inter Mrs. Bobbie-ton heard her husband stormingaround his room.

"I wonder what's the matter now?"she thought.

.lust then Bobbleton came out of hisroom very red and angry-.

""What's the matter?" asked Mrs.Bobbletou." '~~ •-—™

••nave you seen my blue1 serin- vest?""No. I have not.""Well. I can't flrid It anywhere. It

had two weeks' salary and the railroadtickets In It!"

"You mislaid It In your room.""Mislaid nothing. I didn't.""Th'en you~~pnek<Hl "it "iip-ln-your

trunk."Mr. Bobbleton groaned. Then he

Bank feebly Into a chair."By thunder, no I did.""Horary!""It's true. I haven' t another cent

wi th me. The tickets nre no good tous now. I ' ll have to get them re-deemed, I Ki ip jMKp, If we ever gi;t thembuck again."

Mr. Bobbleton jammed liis hut on hishead and went out. In t w e n t y minu t e she was back agnln.

VT'borrowed' $20""from TIIk-i>r. •'the'7rormir~drugglsr. I~/ot'ir~ get out—ofhere."

"I'm a w f u l l y sorry you piu-lted upth : i ( vest . Henry," sn f i l Mrs. Hobble-ton t i m i d l y .

"What do you t h i n k I feel like?"Bnnrled Mr. I tobblc i i in , IU he lutlled a jpassing cur

Where Half-Inch of Water !• Between. the Country and JUeatructlon.

Few people |have any definite under-standing of tho constant wrestling anastruggling thut-U-carrlcd -on In Hol-land with the waters of tho sen andrlvurH. There arc the common enemyof the people, who arc In hourly perilof their lives and property In conse-quence. '.

How serious Is the position of Hol-land Is fully demonstrated by the popu-lar say lug -that -the safety «f-tho~coun--try may be Jeopardized by only half anInch of water; the truth of the sayingIs accepted by 'all, and we cannot hcl|<admiring the people, who, noUyltli-stnndlng the gravity of the situation,go about their daily occupitfjbus.'wlthperfect coolness.

Nature, as though conscious thnt shehad acted unkindly by placing so muchof the country below the water level,endeavors to nsslst the -Inhabitants tokeep out the waters.

The Ural work, of dykemnking Is of-ten performed by her; layers of sandand clay are thrown up on the banksand the people take advantage of theseem bcyo euumTGfluuwyt s~-Tlit'tht'-formatlort-by-puHiug-uiats-of-wll-low on the deposits to strengthen them |and bind the earthy substances, and 'later they drive piles at the back, andso.-in_tinie_forin_tiie_hlgh_dykes_which_prevent overflows!

For something like 400 years the peo-ple have been fighting the waters andreclaiming the land; but even when [they have snatched n tract of territoryfrom the wute'r the tight Is not done.The work of draining these polders orlow lauds must go onHncei-santly— or'the, efforts, of the past would be qub'k-_ly nullified. Tho greatest work of thekind wns the. draining of the. Hnurle-tncr Meer, or Haarlem lake, the resultof which wns an addition at 41,(>75

"The Cradle Rules the World" ,and-a!|-wlse-i«otl«rsrmaka~


a household remedy for'thesimple reason that it always

Conquers Pain

ncres to Holian<n A .cairm w.-is dugencircling the Hnnrlem lake and n dykewns built on the inner side, then en-gines.were planted to pump the waterout of the lake. It took four years to

A little over half a century ago It"Was considered bencufirTITirdlgnlty 6fmany substantial concerns to adver-tise beyond the Insertion lu the news-uripenr'of an occasional buslneBs-cardr-

-Seme-of-tfae-eypttrlt!iices of that—Hmo-show how recently .advertising, as weknow It, has developed.

A retail hardware house In an East-ern city once found itself possessed of


complete the work; SOtUHKl . tMio ton's of j 'on times the number of articles of awnter wero pumped out- and the costwas ?20,CX)0,(XM). The ground wns thenIntersected by canals for drainage pur-poses and In two years the land wasbeing cultivated.

But the people of Holland have Inview an undertaking which puts thatof "thV'nuarrenrlakt' •"entirely "In1 ' '"theshade. This Is nothing less than thedraining of the SCuyder Xee, which hasnn urea of l,,'i(ir> «f|univ miles. The In i -tial -(tage-of-thls uudertaklug_would_he_|_unally_a_Brnnli_HUm_\vas_jet_apart_tothe construction of an embankmentfrom tun Inland to mainland: It wouldbe thirty-live miles long and 'Jlr, feetwide:—It- would -takc-teit-yenrs-to-biilldthis enibnukment , which would servenH a road for rai lway and general t ra f -llc. The work of draining and reclaim-ing the Innc l would take forty yearn'Mini the total cost of the under t ak ingwould be $750,(Ml(i,(l(lt). •

'I'Ue Triiotlcr'n f.nniytlit«<i.

Scbool children nre NO observant, saynthe Cleveland Plain Denier, especiallyof their t i ' i ichct 'H, mill more especially•whrti—they nfn-^Uttl—KltH'l-liiH—«»u«—lu.

Tlinlr Wit Hnv.-d Tlicin.The Hckll lHlicc In nn I n t l l l e n l l u l order

of (lervlsbi 'N which nn S u l i n n I I I IH everbeen aide to Hi ippreSM, r t - l i i l c n ibe SituFrunclsco Wave. At inn:, l imit \ \ b e l lthey \vere In excep l l n i i i i l l y liml oiloir ival ur i lerH endenvure i l lu Induce Snlt u n M n l i i n n i l i l I be Seciiml |i> Hi lp | i lvn-Illl I t l ' l . IJMllrr I I I " IMI I . | l 'MI \ lIlMlIf

m l i i K i l to pill l in ' u n p o p u l a r b re l l i r c i i tun I i - H l . . l l r nn HI c | | ] i ) ; l v |;m > ' n I I M m i i i e it o \ v h l c l i h e I n v l i e d n i l l l n < p r l m - l p i i ld e r v l h l i c M In ( ' o n N i j U i l l n < i | t h < . \S h;u wa-ithe u u r p r i H i ' of I I I * gues i i< I n I t i u l l l n i leach u ' l ih H i i | i p l l i - < l v \ l t h i i i . p u i M i I m v l h } ;n l i iuul l" n y n i ' i l l u i u ; ! ' l l u < \ l , , i . l , r , | n iI M I c I l u l l l r l ' I l l l l l - . |M' ( I ; ; .T , | |I,,. | | - i l i n l l l I

( I e l * M I l l l l l \\ i i l l l l r r r i l \ \ l l l l l I I W o u l d '

iiiuan. " * ' U I I H - . cu in i - , " r r l i f i H i - - . S u l i n nf rom | I ! M i h r u i i r n i MM i i | i | H > r nul ul t i n 1

room, "why du y n u i n n I ' i i i y u u i - p l b i f V "Till' lll'IIIUiyi'll l iM.I.K ,,l I|||- lliM'vL.lllMI

p h i i i i l y l i i i l l i ' M l r i l i l u | M i y / . l n l I ' . i i u h i I o nof t h e i r n i l i n l i i . H i n l i l i ' i i l y , t o t h e Intcn:ie i i i i u i m ' i n c i i l of l i n ' ' i j i n i u u i i i l r r ufthe l l l l l l l l ' l l l M l l l l I I I ' l i n ' ' U I H | i i | U y I I I |;,.|l

• V l t l , t h e l l l ' K l l l M l l c r l l r j ^ l l l l u tcr ' l e l l i ' l l

*th«H' n iu l i i a l l .v J i c i ' u M M Ihr. I j i l i l c w i t htii.-h K U l n l i i p i i n i i H . " \ \ i < l l , l .uu ! ' r r ln l(lir p i u l h i h a l i , I ' b i p p h i K h l n I m i i i l x \ v l l h<5l''Mirlll, "yilll III'!' Illlleeil pl'ip|(|-|'i|.||vn

mil l M C I I M | | I | I > men, oh h r l i i i i i i h i - « < , ,unl Ii lu i l l n i > l i M i p | i r i ' < r i n yum u n l i - r i n p lmMiI l l i ' l l i i l i l l i i l l l , U l l l l i l l " ;m i l l i l l of I M I I I I | I | I ) .Intuition."

Hoine jieopli* who I l l l l l l i i ln - j r nrf n\nt.ply porfect in'" 111 r ea l i t y |iiirfi-i:|l'y M i n iUle.

occupied chambers In the I n n . l ie did ,no t . It would Hi-oni, go i l ic r , i 'd i rec t f r imi i '"" , , ,Ihe parenta l home, for h i s oh tcHi mm ! A H u l « (,'levclaml girl nf 11 ye,,r» cameI I I I H (old IIH t h a i bis f i M h e r ' H ,„„,,„,„„. | home oiKMlay wltlH.cr mind t i l led w i t hl i f e begun In lodg ings » t l l u e k l n g h u m ll'>'" "(1W wonder, the Hcboolrooiii.sin-il l . S l rnnd . Mm I ' l i rn lv id 'H Inn W I I H "Howlilcl 'mm' I n l i n e d u r i n g the M o r n l n c jChronicle i ln .vn, anil hH curliest l one r ;i l i ' i i l l t i K v v l i l i I l l e n i i y mi l t tors I s w r i t - Ii on I ' l ' iun .No. ir>. |

r'l 'oin r ' u n i l v n l ' M I n n a r e i l i u e i l I l i e ,o r i g i n a l p re tnoos lo t h e "Ml ie lches by IIlo/." a m i l i i ' i ' r l ie In i ' , told UK l l n i l oned a y , when lie W I I H n y o u n g man of nvo io r i l i i i ' e ami t w e n t y , lie o p i ' i i e i l t l i o .i loor to M r . l l n i l , u p n r i n c r I n I b e l l i e nn e w l y e ' < i i i l d l " l i e . | | i n l . l | i . h l n i : l i n n o f( Mm I I I D . I n »V l l i i l l , u Im > i i n i e I n p i ' t i pn - i e" a - lo inc i l i l n > . ' l l n i l i l m u l i l I n - p u l i U ' . l i e i lIn , l i l l l m i : n i i i n l i e i • • . . " a ml " I ' l l I , \ v l . I ,"wn-i t h e r e -mi l I I i ' i ' iI M I I I I C I l l n U l i e I I I A p tH i n t I l l l l l i l i i ' l l u u i .111 >I . , M , I u l i l r h n i M i l c h i m l i n u i i i iI l i ' l i ' I l l ' l c l dc - l l M o l l \ \ ,1 -1 I N U ' I I . I I | r l , c i l 1

l e f i I - i i r i i l v n l ' n I n n I n M m v l i . I ' , ' I / , M i n ii n . H C i h : i i i t h i r t y ycnr . p . i i ou i l ere I nn" , .n i i i i n i i i i e i l I l n M i n n - - i . \\ h r i i I n i h ei n i m i i i c r n l ' I .S i l l t In - n l m v v e i l M r K l i ' h l i i ,i i ' i I n - i v ' im in ol i I n - l . i H e r , w i n "e IheI I I ' t lni i . ' .e of " I ' l i - l i w le l i " W I I N w r l t i o n

Thin I ' I r ln-im e h e r l n l i e i l p I c i i H i n t rcco l l e i ' I I n i m i l l ' l i l ' i c u r l y home U m n o pnp'ii' t t ' M , i i H n ( ' l m / / . l c \ v H " w h i c h p l c l n i eI h e d . ' I T ' l I l M of h o l l l ' M . I n l l l l \V c i l l I m l , 1

I ' i p ' l i i ' l u i ' i l u i i i i b e i M ' i n r e l y l i - n l l f . v . h u t" i i i ' M ' l a l i i i l n c i n i i i i ; l i l o '"•!' I n K u r i i lM i l ' . ' i I n n , " be t c l l a ir. "I l la a n l i a i l . v ,i l i i l o l place, e c l i o l i i / : l u t i n - r n o l i l c p ' i' i f l l i i > n l r n c K l c i n who l i n y e l i i i M l i i e ' i ni l i e i ' i - . n n d n i lber ino i io lono in i a n i lH l n o n i y on u i i i n i n c r ' ly i t t i ' i ign ." l .ni idnr

"81lB " u

»k.« >'°"r """•''

nlc'! te«i:l"-<r- '

doeuu't itnrak HO many of her \vonlnr ight . I nhonldn't th ink they'll lot hertench til l ahe iPiirned lo mijr t hem nopeople could l i n d e r H M i n d , "

"\\ 'hy, w h a t iloca alic miy H i n t IHwrong?"

"Wel l , yenlei 'dny M|H- HUH gn l i i i ; l on n \ ' . ' I V . M M r t ' t i i n (be rooin i | i i l e i | y , ' matw h i n i ln y o n l l i l n l , u l i c i l l i l m i y ' / H h c' i i i i l | n i \ \ - ' i . ' I mil l l l , i - l l n i l . I i ; i M ' " ii i u l i i n l v i l l i l n ' t i i i n l r i H I n m l her m ih" i l ,nod t h e n t h i n i i i»r i i l i i i r we were ' i i l l dn j ;l i l l i i l l l H I T - , I l l l l l n l i c h l l l l l ' I I I I I W I H ' l l c n '. I I M . n.a M I I I . , h u l l l i k e I l l l l l . S l i ' ' ' i , i l niceI c M i ' l l i T , b i l l yo l l I'.ol l o K ' ' l n u e i l I I I h e r

i > V I M ! can u i i i l c r r i l i i i i i l her Inn

The IClll l l l I 'M

hl:i f i n

M I - l l l . l u l l I K W t l l l P .

l l t l c b o y I I I K ! c i i n i c I n w i t h bbil o r n , b i n l u i l r I ' u l l ol' d u a l a m i

c l i c i i i ' l i i K n n i i i l i i l a L i i I i l e m a r l i M 'e - , - 1

Tim Point* of a Cat.A good cat—the kind you want to

mve lu the house. If a n y — w i l l have: A.•omul, stubby pug nose, fu l l fat .-becksI ml upper II]) ; a well-developed bnni | i

..in..-ton,of, the head between Hie earslMll.«!i«^.i!K_|{oo_d_ nn I lii-e. A "lilee'py e.Tft h a t liurrfni~KoTiil~denr IK "iTpl iTT"Iir~piny''11' "'"I good-natured. Hy n i lini'Miw to be avoided Is a cu t w i t h l l i l u ,r i l iarp nose nml t w l l c b l n g ears. I t mus tbe ii'UH'iiilx'rcd also thin n good ino i ix iTlu not ueccHsnrlly a g-'iille or i l cKh-^ l i l i|>et. A l though any gooil eal will cul t h'mice If f i l e la not over-fed, quirk, fu l l ,expresslvu eyes geiiernlly be|(i|;eii nmoilHlng eat. The greatest m i s t a k en n d probably the most common oneIn tile care of i lomcHilc eats Is over(ceding, i m r l h ' u l i i r l y tun inn<;h inent . Inthe wild l i f e a rat ban C\CI/C|HC w h i c henables her In i l lgVhl ril i i l l :—III l i l t ' Inzy-b n i i K e l i f e I lir same f u l l f e e i l l n i c Icinb-In Hlonn ie l l l l ' o l lb leH nml In " IhH."

Nn I t i t l iy Tu lU f i i r , l l l in ,Tw<i-yeni ' . i i ld I l i i r o l i l had never been

icd i iHlo i i in i l to hear "biiby t a l k . " Oneday when be \vnn ca l lb iK » n h lunI l l n l l l i ' l ' , the h i l l y of Hie h i l l lhe . I h l l l K ' . l l i ;l o i i n i l i H e the c h i l d , p n l n l e i l o u t a n l i ' i l t ui'::];llii' H l a n i l l n g on u r n H n m i l i r n r l . nutf u r I'rnin the l iu l ln r .

111 in yon MI'C t h e e l n i i i i-hoo, bub.v';"Mhe xal l l .

The Illtli- man luol.ril Ili-.l al her. (l ieua t (he engine, u'llh n Iroiilileil l"ul, 011III', l l t i l e I'lii'e. Then lie a -<K i ' i l . I;MI\ i'l.v:

"Ifo you mean I he luruiuol I \ >• V"

,\ not hcc Von nu, M i ' I n - m el".Mniiiinn," mild Hinall Wi l l i e ,

nlnli r Mnr.v liml t he limlharhc ,\her lo Ihe ili'iillnl Mini luui llilhln'l yol lV"

"Yi- i , \ \ ' l l l l c , " Mm rep l i ed ."Well," coiillniii'il Ilm Illlle illpii

" I ' ve c,ol the Mloiniii'lini'lic; ilon'iOh lo t i n

of ii i iovoro eon l l l i ' i . "ule i l l l l l l i ' i l .hl t l .(nol l ie I ' , , ".VU".. . Im V I - i l l r i obcyei l me a g i i l n . H o w o f t e n h a v e t'l o l i l y o n mi l l o I ' l n y w l l l i t h i l l v v l e l i c i l( l l np l e l ' o f i l boy-V" " .Mamma," m i l d W l ll ie, w t p l l i i ; t i n - l i l n m l I ' l 'oin b l a I I O M I - , "ilo1 look IIM I f ,1 l i m l I n p l a y i n g w i t hmiy body V" '

( l l ' n n l l l »l ii Nu l l ,Kor a l lnnor m i l l In roncli l lu fnl |

l o i iB lb , nn average of imven I w c l f l b i i ofnn Inch, from TJI to CIN dnyii of g rowthuro nnccumiry,

I l l l r \ V i i n I ' . l l n i l u l l ," .Miunnm," M i i l i l a |ne i 'o r lo i i

nf iri, who h a i l l i e i ' t i a i u i l i i i i i ' i l t her o i ' h l i i K t h e r r . u l l e c n n l a l n l i i K b i nI n n l h c r , "1C ( h e aii|(i'la b a \ e anyMibi lo g i v e a w a y , dnn ' l you l a l i o

l l i ' pen l i ince In I I I" 1 a i n n i o n l a ; n I l l ' l eof II |(oeti ii l uu i ; way when ll oilerml, rn l i o l i l .

rime In moillin nil olllclul..

W i t h tbo nbiM'ondlnn

certain kind that I t had Intended tobuy. As they had been ordered espe-cially for a new hotel and were of a pe-culliir. design, tbore seemed to be noway of disposing of them except at amerely nominal sum.

One of the younger men connectedwith—the—concern—offered™ to™ "move-them" tit a fa i r price provided he bepermitted to advertise. Tin- sugges-tion encountered much opposition, but

carry It out. The advertisement wasdra f t ed ' In an at t ract ive way. and thepeople soon began to buy the new ar t i -cle. —Finn ily "t he -boiiHp-wnjrnbHgod-to--icml lo the i i innufacturerH for more.When the next neasonV trade opened,the member of the linn who had most.ippoHod the experiment whispered toIhe young innn that he had boilerwri te out n few notlcon "and put iheniIn the papers."

From Niieh bpglnnlngH the udvor t l a -Ing practice lm» conic. TliotiHiinds ofilolliii 'H are now spent not only In ad-vor t ln l i iK I tHol f . but In i levlHlng clevercatch wonlH, IngonloiiH phnlHOH and I I -lus t ru t lo i iH wlilcb wHl Ht lck In * thememory nf iho render OH well im new^eneral n i i ' l h m b T Y m T T h ' H ( 'ompiinloii .


.Many theatre parties from Ih ln unitndjiicenl c l l len bnve nlreaity been form-ed for an Inspection of the Living ArtSimiles nt Keith 's Theatre. Phl lncle l -phli i . DurbiK* the i r former run theyw-ori more in l in l ra t lo i i from mir moHti l l H c r l t n l n i i t l i i K thentre-K' iers t han IIHHl iny other I b i - n t r l c n l n t t n i c t l o n ever( U e H c n l e i l In IMi l ln i l c lph l a .

The l i r t l i week of the cm-rent run( e l K b l h week of locnl p r e H e n t u I I o n ) ofIhe Ke i th Living Art H t in l l cH will lieKlnlo- inorrow nr tc inoon , Over 100,000 peo-•plr—rrrrs-r—nt-t^i—Hit-m-—ii**pmMlu«*4l4»nH—4be~I H I H ^ Ihreo weeliH, an i l no other a t t r ac -t ion nol ( ' Innle l . n f n i M nor f ' h h i K I . InKli'oo Inm proved HO prol l lnble nt t l i l abonne ul l l l i l i i H - i i nplcd hli; Imli inocHii .N n l b l m ; ever a l t r n c t c i l HO m a n y t b e n l r ep n r l l i ' M , more Mian I l l i l I V i n i H y l v n i i l u .NeW Jel'Hey Illlll I l l 'hlWIIII- cltll 'H I|IIV||I|!

l i i i l n f u r been ivp i cHcn lc i l In t h er i n u i l i i . r a r l l i ' H I'roin t h i n u i n ll o v \ H H l i re belli).; formei) , '

A new ple lnre . "I ' l iyche l le fnreT l l l u l n - o f Willis." W i l l I n - K l y e l l ,p r i i i n l t - i ' M lo be t h e inoMl e l a l h i r i i t en h o w n , 1 1 ' i i u l i hi); I he nc rv l r i 'H i r fwoni i i i i . Thin i i l c t n r e Iri n r ep io i l t nof on oil p u i n i l i i K by l l i ' i i r l e t i c

l i r l / .K M I I l m I l i - t l l n


l * r c o < M - u p a I Ion,"\\ l i y do yon speak I ' l g n l l g b i l i i K l y of

l i m l e m i n e n t c c l i ' l i l bit':""I d l i l i r l nieini to Mpcal t Hl | ; ; | i | lne, lv

>!' h im . " n n > \ \ I ' i r ' l I l n ' y u i i i i i ; t i m i i \\ I l l iH ie t i l l l p e i l " I l l i l I ' l ' i - l l l " H i l l I I i l o i - Hn m pn i i l l n r |o mi- l l i a l a man whot i i n u M In ,1 u l i e n I b e ncM cornel u ' l l li r i ' l ' * ! ' ami l l i ' ' l l ion ' l ' ; i i ' l l In In i h rami n i - l n i i i l i l he mi i i l l o r l y l ) ' , i n t r i i n t

lo a i | i n " > i Inn ofn i i e r o r \ \ b a l i ni i - i i e i i r e a i t own , "


I ' l i i i ' l l | inn . ,a . . . , . ,01 I . I n i l I I V I .

I ' l l lo l ' . l I l l l l l l ' H I n H l l l l l I ' H V I l l l l i ' l - l l V ' 1 I l l l l l

, ilium llnnn Inilli-r' loo, I'nM l>v all ilriuntl"''r°

I ' . i M c l l n u .T ' l iv i l H i immcr l l l r l l i b ! I broke i>lf

Ibe i ' i i | ;a i ; i ' i in ' i i l ! l i e wan no i i n i ' c a i i i i i i -able!

rlei'oml Hui ' i in ic t ' l l l r l Im lecd ll i ' l i n l H i i i n m c r l l l r l i ( l i t , yen I Why,

no u l i j ec lc i l on my KH|HK lo a i i i u o n l l i i l i ld r i v e w l l l i anolber i n i i i l i , I'ni.'k.

Re¥. Dr. Talniage.Bnb.lsci-.TIio.'Wny ornnntriiotloii—PltfttlU

Vat tiio Vliirary In the <3r°«t CItleg —Tlu> Tlilrrt Wtatcli\ of ' the Nlclit—ADrama in Ktvo Arm.

tCopJTigllt, 111(11.]—WAPIIINOTON. 0; C.~In_thia discourse—Ptv-Talniagc_describ!a_fl2jn<-' of_Uie ncenca

to be" witnessed Into nt nighTTm We gfcatrcities and wnrns the • nnwnry of many'pcri!s; text, Isninh xxi, 11, "Watchman,wlmf of the night?" '

When niRbt^cnmc down on Babylon.Ninevph and " Jerusalem,, they neededcnrcfnl watching, otherwise' the inncn-cnrctui wniL-i i i i i^ , ,,u,,,,...,,.. — ....diniy's lorch^nisrlit hiwc_jH;e.n thrust intothe very heart of the mctropoliliimrknien-dor. or cneniicK, narrhint? from the hills,might hnve forced the qates. ATI nightlong, on top of the wall nnd in front ofthe gates, miifht be heard th" mPUiuredatep of the Watchman on his solitary bent;silcncR huncc in air, save hs some passer-bv raised the question, "Watchman, whatof the niaht?"

It is to me n deeply sii^Rcsti'-e and sol-emn th iu j ' to EPP n man standing guardbv night. It thrilled through me ns at

_the_potc' of nn n.r*onal in Chnr'eston the~oiicstion (vice RrTOti!"Tncr7J^Vlio— comes

there."Advnneo and

Lrf -»har|>-comaiaiul>the countorsipn.

II1O.1C IVO vycn i in i . i i t , .... „.... «. „ness nnd out from tiie Btrmv in the corner,c.nroina: toward you, nnd as they comenenr you your Huht iroe» 'out. Stfiko" an-other itiiUch. Ah, this ia a bnbo, not liktthoso beaiitifnl children presented inbnptinm^-Tliia.littlei-oncjifiver Broiled, IInever will Bmilo. A (lower flung on anawfully barren beach. O Heavenly Shep'herd, fold that little one in Thy arms!\Vrap nround you yout'shawl or your coattighter, for the cold wind .sweeps through,

Strike nnothcr match. Ah, is it possi-ble that the scarred and bruised face olthat younff woman ever wnn looked intcbv maternal tenderness? Utter no scorn;

"l)ttcr-no harsh word. No - ray- o£. hoos

"lias 9n'vnFdJ~oiT trnrt^—hjow—fnr—mnny—4-ycar. Uo rny of hope cvpr will dawn onthat brow. But the li^ht 1ms gone out,Do not strike another liirht. Tt would beH mocltcry to kindle another light in suchft plft.'e an that. Pass out nnd pass downthe Bt.oet.

_ no you know it in in this third watchof the nittbt^tbat criminals-do their-worstwork? It in the criminals' watch. Athalf cast 8 o'clock you will find them inthe drinking saloon, but toward 12 o'clock,they RO to their Barrets, they get outtheir tools, then they start on the street.•»«-»„»,;„,, mi nithpr Hide for the Dolice.they qo to tneir work of darkness." Thisis a burglar, and the fftlse key will soontouch the store lock; this in nn incendi-ary, and before morning th^re will be ftlight on the nky and a cry of /'Fire! Fire!"

:This...iH^au-assaaHin^nnd to-morrow morn-

tap.Act the Bccond:' The m,arriagc altar:

full organ, bright lights; long white veil(railing" through the aisle; prayer and con'gratulotion and exclamation of "How wellshe looks!"

Act the third: A woman waiting forntaggcring steps; old garments struck intothe broken' window pane; merits of hard-ship on the face; the biting of the nailsof bloodless fingers; neglect and crueltyand despair. Ring the bell and let thecurtain drop.

Act the fourth: Three graves in a darkplace—grave of t'lc child that died forlack of medicine, grave of the wife thatdied._of n broken heart, grave of theinnn thnt died of "dissipation: Oh, What

TT5TnTrtoTl~lnnrHr-wTth-thTcc--BraveaM1lenty-of weeds, but no flowers. Ring the bellund let the curtain drop.

Act the fif th: A destroyed soul's etern-ity; no light, no music; blackness of dark-nc«s forever. But I cannot look any long-er. Woe! wbc! I close mV eyes,to thislast act of the tragedy. Quick, quick IKThf;"~the~ bell~and"iel^thcLcurtain drop,"Rejoice. 0 young man. in thy youth, andlet thy: heart""rejoice "in "the days o f ' thyyouth, but know thou that for nil thesethi'ig.s God will bring you into judgment.""There, is a way that seemeth right to 9>aun. but the end thereof is xleath."

"Advance and pvc. ^uv ..~ ,Every moral teacher r.tands on nicket orpatrols the wn41 ns watchman. His workis to-sound the alarm, nnd Whether it bein the first watch, in thi> second watch,in tlie third watch or in th" fonrt ' i watchto be vigilant un t i l the dnybron'c dings its"morning plorics" , of blooming c'.oudacross the trellis flf the sky.

The nncie.n'ts divided their night intofour parts—the first wntc l> from 0 to 9,the second from 0 tn 12. the third from12 to ,1 nnd the foUrth from S to 0. I

* snc'il: no'-.- pf t l i i> "ity 'ii the third-watch," or from 12 to-3"oV'.o;k. -...—.. ..

. - ' T never weary of lnoki'17 upon the life^x_r_- t:of~l lie_f>ty-in- -the..fu-sl.wa U-li..... Thnt is the

, hour' ^vlie^^^[^^'c HtniTT-Txre—<'lAHrui~_Thc.-laboriii'; i.'Pii. having ciuilted the pcaf-fo'ding nnd tlie *hop, nre on tli f-'ir wny

—JlpmP. It I'cinici's me. to give tht'm mysent in 'lTi'e"'cTly'"ga'fr "'Tli'C>r~'linvg~stoodand hnrnmcrcir nwny nil (hiy.—'ftrrfi—fcrt

Thev arc exli.'Uistcd with the

o^ u r n c the daytime these villains in our

cities lounge about, some aflleep and pomeawake, but when the third watch of thenight arrives, their eye keen, their braincool, their arm strong, their foot fleet tofly or pursue, they nre ready. Many pfthese poor creatures were brought up inthat way. They were born in a thieves'garret. Their childish tov' was n bur-glar's dark lantern. Tho first thing theyremember \vas their mother bandagingthe brow of their* father, struck by thepolice club. They began by robbing bovs"pockets, mid now they have como to dipthe underground passage to -the cellar -ofthe hank nnd are preparing to blast tae

'-vault, - .............~7ust -PoUonK..as_there are neglected ehil-dren of the street . jiisr"'-r6~l<w;ir"ivo -trill-

are wenry. '' "'

are wenry. iotug 'of work"' They are mostly cheerful.With appetites sharpened on the swi\vun apju-nut -n .->,„,,.- ..turner's -wheel and (ho carpenter's whet-stone they seek the evening men]. Theclerks, too. linvr- hro':en nwny from thecounter nnd n-itli hrain wc-nrv of the longline of figures, nnd the whim-* oi thosewho go-n-shoppinj^ seek tin- fnco of moth--cr or wife 'and. child. The streets arcthronged w i t h young men setting out

. from OIP ri'cnt centres of bnrcnin mnk-inir. Lot idlers clcnr Iho strc.ot nud civeright o f . wny to the lips\ventpd nrtisana

"nnd merchants! They -have earned theirbread nml arc now on their wny home

•—T-hn—1ialits._ia_Jiill jet hangTVafenla

ildrMih the

""tO-RCt—it-.- i-ll^—,.M ..-_.:;,. ,

over 10,000 evening repasts—tlieat either end of thp table, tl'p cbetween. Thank C'nd, "who ,;ctt(solitary in families!"

A f*\v-boi)r«J.itcE-a.nd_alLthe.J>ln_pe?_ o.fftmn^cmcnl, pood and hnd. nre in fu l l t 'dc .Tjovvrn of nrt. cnta lo^m-. i r i hand, strollthrough. the cnllericH nnd discuss tho pic-ture?. The ballroom is resplendent witlithe~ Ticb-npii.'iri-l-of-thoKi*--Avlio -mi-cithcr_side of the w h i t e , cl istcui-ig boards awa'it

t he orch .ince

.have these desjicrndoes. ^ome one. wif l l i -M . - _ . .

to quote a pas^nge of Scripture,s.u.vc in mis1tn g c f n Nrr in tura l passagi' m answer, .-.nir

to one of the«e poor Inds. past out andwrclehci'. "When your * .mother forsake you. who, then, will 'take,you up?" And the boy said, ""The per-

?p!" •T reioice before God that never are

Fymput l iP t io words uttered, 'never a prayeroffered, never n .Christian nlmsiiving iu-dulced in but it is blessed. There is aplace in Swit/erlnnd, I have been to!d.where the utterance of one word willbring back a score of echoes.'tiiul I hnveto tell you t h n t n .sympathetic word, akind word, n cencrous xvord, n helpfulword, tittcm! in the dnrk places of thetown will bring back- 10.0(10 echoes from



Lesson 3, October 20. Joseph Exalted.

Genesis 41: 38-49. (Read Geneslachapters 41-43.) Memory verses: 39-41.

Golden Text: Them that honf.c mewill honor.—I Sam. 2: 30.


The Qualities"ofca Prince.

1. The Humble Spirit: 7;

_ _ I t Is not in me (16). • 0:Am I In the place of God? (Gen. 50: W).Humble himself..greatest In the king-

dom -(Matt . 18: 2.)-2..The_Ins3Jgh.t.Qf-Oraith: •

God shall give Pharaoh an answer(16) _ _ ._."What ~Goi\ fs abo'ut" to do he hath de-

ixn'.tcd or debased, are the result ofirevlously attained character. In allInalltios God conducts affalra. Joseph,vas made head of a department be-jiuise In every 'relation he had shownfntecrlty, ability, a heart of hope, a'land of help, and In all Inconsequenceif faith In and communeTP-wIth God.Pharaoh perceived that God was In

ilm by his giving, him an Interpreta-Ion of his dreams. It had proved true

In the case of the chief butler, and.vould In the case of the chief ruler. Heperceived that Joseph was discreet nndivise (v. 39), from his conduct In thohouse of Potlphar, In his administra-tion of the prison, and In the adviceabout the fourteen coming1 years.

He had the honors and retinue to cor-TrpumrwIttrMs-posHlon;He took an Egyptian to wife, as did

Abraham, but he brought up his twosons as Israelites, and made them theheads of the two tribes, Ephralm andMannasseh.

What circumstances could be morebitter than those of Joseph's early life?whnt-fldellty and Integrity more con-stant? what reliance on God more firm?what final vindication and exaltationmore complete?

Examples of equal 'exaltalon as re-wards of fidelity abound in our landand day. Name a few, hot to dazzle withfalse hopes, but to incite to presentfidelity.—The Sunday School Times.

Something:,New In Mechanic".

Notes Calling th£ Wicked to-Repentance.

HERE'S no lyo-will wash out a.lie.

Praying' Is notpreaching to God.

Honesty alvvayathinks Itself In:debt. j,.

He who refftlea.to trust rejects,truth.

~Chrlst was tho"first great con-

structive critic.Though the vine be bitter the grapea

may. be sweet.No cross Is too heavy since Christ

bears His part.The darkness of trouble oft casts new^

light on the promises.The assent of l ife to Ills law gives It

ascent to His likeness.Men measure us by our mistakes; the

Master by our motives.

)he doesn't menu It—Great is the nerveTf"woaia u—whcti—she—doesnH—neAnd great nre the nerves of -woman—when It so pleases her. This combina-tion is blamable for the following: A/cry pretty girl sat iu a I^ong IslandRailroad train en route for ManhattanBeach. Suddenly the whistle blew. IIIs'perhaps not necessary to say that aLong Island Railroad whistle is moreefficacious than otherwise. It is tuned:o the key of W and Is operated withi groat diapason, giving out a differ-?nt brand of yelping shriek than any-thing -known to nature. To repeat, the

till' MJ^Ilnl f»-O!'l IIH- Ull l l -^,. . . . * „. • • ; • - ! rill '.il

hnllfl arc l i f t e d into cnchnn tmen t with | nn,| |the wnrb!e of one FnnRRtres* nr swept out 'on a nc;> of t i imul t l ions feeling by theblast of lirn'/i'ii im-trnni i ' i i ts . Drnwi i iTroonm arc li'lcil w i t h nil irrncefnliirs'* "fnpparcl. wi th ni l HWcrtnc.'<n of Konnd ,with all p j i l en i ln r nf manner.. Mirrors nrocntching up nnd nml l ip 'y i t i ' t the M'CIIP un-t i l i t spciiui ns if in i n l i n i t e , cnrriilorflthrrc were ^ar lani l i ' i l troops nilvaiicinj;nml rct.rc.'ilinn. Tin' nu t t lno r nir ritn:Mwith laiic 'hti-r and \ v i t h t h e moving tonnd fro of t h o n - - ; i ' n l M on the prc.it prom-cnnilc^i . Tlic- d j i s h i n p ( i | ian, ,'nlrin w i t hthe fiwm of t h e lotnr country riilc, r iMlienpn:<l nk"y' 'Vn' l i i i l f 'nr ' thp TnrhTtnnr.- - Mi r thrwplrv,—lic.unty— fashion, innirnifiecnec,miinrte in t i n - ercnt nui ropnl i tnn pictureu n t i l the t h i n k i n g innn imi>n ho^i tot h i n k more ferioiii . lv nml the prnvinu

,- mini to prnv moiv cn rne i l l v . A hean l i f i i lnml overwl ichi i i inr th in i ; it the c i tv intin1 f l f n l nml Hcconil wntchei of the n iuh t .

l i n t tl;e clock n t r i l t i ' N I'.', nnd thp th i rdwatch ImH b i ' - r i in . The t l i n m l e r of tho

, c i ty has rolled out of t h e nir. The n l i ch t -cut HonniUi cut t he n ie l l i w i t h tinch I | I H -t tn i ' lnex nn lo i i t t r n i ' t your n l t e i i t i o n .The l i i i l . ' l i n g of t he bell of t h e K t r l ' c t curin t h « - d i r i t n i i e c nnd Ihe b n v i n « of the don.The H ' a n i p of n horne in t h e n e x t street.Th<- i!ni"mi'!t; of n M n l i m l l dooi-. Tl--- hie-contih of the dninl . ' i i rd. Tlic nln I H ofthe h t c i t i n w h i t t l e live n i i l e H mvny. Oh ,liou* hU"v.""*t i \ ' i ' i niv fricnd.M, tlm third

— UJ1|(. **• ' *-— ' • •

T c'oiild" tjiye1 yon-1 lie-!iintor\v, in.,a.niiniitcof one of the 'hcst fr icmU I ever had.Outside of my own family I never hnd nbetter fr ipnd. HP wpleomed me to myliome- nt the_\Vi_<L He._\va,>-_oLsr!lcn<!iiLlicrsonnl npncarniice, but lie bad nn ardorof soul n n d . n wnr in th of alTecLion thn tmade me love him l ike n brother. I H.IWmen coming out of the saloons and iramli- .lin«-lifl!>*.-.:iiHl they -aurrouudcd.my_.f)'ipnd., In n d t l i c v tonk h im n t the wpnk p o i n t — h U

| f n c i n ! i r i t i nv -mid 1 K - I \ V hi in iioing down,liml n fa i r talk with him. for I

never yet *;iw n man von eonld nol talkW i ' r K on the f -oh jec t of hi* habi ts if yolltn lkci l w i t h l i i n i iu the r i^ht \vi\\. Ii-nid to h i m . "Why don't yon K I V C t ip vonrbnd lialiils nnd become n Chr i s t i an? ' ' Trcnicniln'i- nnw insl lnnv he looked, l ean ingover I I I M coini lei ' , ns lie r i 'o l ied, "I \vishI could. Oh. sir, I should l ike to be aC l i r i H t i n n , but I hnve cone MO t'nr n n t r n yI cnn'l (,'et lu ick!" So t i n - t i m e \vcnt on.A f t e r inv l i i l e the dnv of riifkness cjme. t>vn j H i i inn io i i ed to his siel.'hcd. I l i ; i - : tcned.It. tool; nu- In i t n very few m o m e n t s toircl Ihci'e, 1 \vas s i i rpriKed ns I \ \ i ' i i l in.1— MMV him in •hi i - -ordini i r \ ' d re r«^ . I 'nllydressed, lyini; on lop of the lied. I irnvehim n i v I m u d . nnd he M'i/vd i t c o n v u l H i v e -ly nnd Mi id : "Oli. \\ow n'ad 1 nm lo M-evon! Sit. down there." 1 nn t doivn, nndIn- M i i i d : "Mr. 'i 'nlinii^e, .just where youni t n o w ' m y mother tint h i n t n i g h t . Slipbus been ilciid t v y e n l v yenr.i. N o w . 1 don't\ \ . i n i yon In t h i n k I am mil of mv m i n di . ' t h a t I inn s i ioe rs t i t ious . I m l , -ir, "lieHat there I I I M ! n i n h t , nnd H| IC sn id , ' l l o ^ -wel l . 1 \ \ i s l i you would do b e t t e r . I wi*hyon would do l ic l ter . ' I H j i t d : ' M i t h e r .I \ \ i s l i I roiild do he l l e r . I try to doh e l l e r , l i n t I cnn ' l . Mother , you I IM- I ! lohelp me; \v l iy cun ' t \'ou hcln me noi\ '.'*A n d . "ir, I «ol ou t of bed, for il wan ar e a l i t y , nml I went lo h e r , n u d t h r e w my

M nround her ucck, n t n l I t i n i d : ' M o t h -I'l', 1 w i l l do l i c l l e r , lul l you mus t l ie l j i

\Vl in t (i M l i i i i o n d i M i i t l i o n g h l - a wholec i t v n l rest! We'irv n rm prepar ing forlo - inor r i iw ' - i t o i l , l l o l hn i in beiti|.T enoledll lT. I l i K I ' l Miu i i e l e - i r e l i iM'd . I 'A ' i ' i t i ' di iPlvi-H Moo tbed . Tlie u l i i t e h a l f of theoctogenarian i n l l i i u d r i l l n ncrons t hepi l loiv, f rchh f a l l of l l n l f e n on rom\y id-irmly fnlli-.n. (.'hi|i||iood, w i t h iu d i m -pled l i n i i d H thr iuyn out on the pi l low nndw i t h every b r c n t h t a l i i t i K in Ii ne\v Hto rcof fun nml frol ic . Third w n l c h of t hen iKbt l ( lod'rt nhi inhi ' i ' lcNH eyo wi l l look,I,et ono (iriMit. wiivo of I ' e f renh inn Klumherroll over tho henr t of the j(rcat town, fiuh-uirritini( c.nrr nnd nnx i e ty and worri inentnml pntn, T/el tho city nlccii.

Hut , my fr |pmln. hn not (lepclved. Therrwill lie lo niglit. l l i nUHiu id r i who wi l l milnleep nt n i l . ( lo up t l in t dnrk n l ley , nudbe c a n t l o n n where yon t rend lent you f u l lover Ihe p r o h l n i t c form of n i l i i n i l . n r dl y i n K on h in o\vn d n o i H t e p . l .on|\ i i l u u i lvon, lent von feel Ilm i t u r r o l c r ' n Im-.' I .ooKI h r o m r l i I I n - hrolien \ \ i ' i d n \ v t ^ i n e nmlMUI Him!. V im f u n nee. Von , . i \ " N ' u l l iI l l i r . " Then l i ' l l e l l , \ V l h l llielp mi!" No f i i o l l i n h t "i r l m n l l i e r n n d m i i t l i l i e r l l i^ ! l l ^ ^ i l l l ! ' t i i l | l ci er ecuno l i re no lin i l l , no InI h e e o ' i l . I I , i v I m v e l l ndt v l ' i ' i i r l i 'o ini . Y o n i - . i v ,l i i 'H 1 ' " ' I ' l l , v d u . ImlV i m m i v , "U'hv i l n i i ' l I I Il i e lve i o \ e l ' I n I I I " l l l n i n l l i i i l - e ' 1 "\ \ 'onl i | mi! , i 'i I l u l l if v < m r i ciI l i l l e l - C IV 11! n m u l l nl n e l i l l d

. he mi i . i l |!o lo I l i e n l m - d l o n ie. ' . . .n n y , " I l n v nr" v i i i p o o r , nnd I I ' lerrI l i u v d u n o l d c i i ' M c o u r t ' V l i l | i , i l In '"l h e \ r \ ' i i ' i o i i H ? No i m i r l i m i i i e i tv n i i r | i i l y . Tlie I ' h i ' i i i l l n n poof , ,',<i'il II l i i - i i i . "' '

l ' i i m I l i r i i m r l i t h e n l l c v K n i ' i i I l i ri l i m r . "Oil." nm M I V , " i l n I , i , ' I . e . I 1 " No,I I i n l i n t , lo r l i cd . I I I m n neve r l i een l o e l . e d .N i ) l i m i l . i i ' wou ld I np l cd lo no InI l i c n t l o i i l e i d i u i \ l h i i i | ( . Tim i l imr i ^ney i ' i ' l o i ' l . e i l , O n l v n b roKcn c h i l l ii . l i i l n l i i i i ' i n i i m l I l n ' door . N l n . v p i t l i n r K( In In . t ' l r i l i i i n n i i i l e h . Now I o n i c . I I . ' m i ll l l i e n . l n u d I ' H I t n , l i i ' i i I l i e i m u l i u o . K e v el i l i l l n . lie c n r i - f l l l mn\' ^ ^ l l l l l y o u m i y , l l un o t n i t e r n n V i u n u l l , d o n n l n t l u r > r i v nmi 'plclon, I f you va lue y .mr l i t e . Wlu i tliml red n in rk mi I l i u w i v l l f l l in the

b in n l wentTIT _nnd prnyed. Tha t n i g h tto the Lord who iiinib- i t ,

. \ t T n u n r i t i c n l n were innde Air t l i e o l iwe-oine-i. Tin- i | i i i ' N i i o n W I I N t f i i hcd \ \ ' l i e t l i e ri he \ ' h l i m i l d l i r i m r h i m to the c l i n r e l i .S ' H i t c l m d y mid, '^'mi entmot b r in t t Ni iehn d i s h o i l l t e i n n i l us l i m l l u l l ( l i e ehureh."I h n i i l : "You w i l l 1.1 in;', h i l l i l l e l l l i r e l l ,lie H|nod bv me when lie w i n l i v r , nnd Iw i l l H ! a n d hy him when lie x d e n d , Unimh im." AH I nlood in the | i l p i t nud K I I Wl l i i ' l n ' e n i r y l l l K Ih" Imdy up I l n ' n ih l e If e l l .1- i f I' cnnld weep l e . i i M ol III . . . . . I Onone n ide o f I lm p u l p i t mi l b in l i t t l e chi ldol r l l l l l l y en rn , ,1 n w c c l , l i e n u l l l n l l i l l l c| : i i l . l l i a l 1 l iml >,ccn h im him imu u l n i v e l ym In;, be l l c r m o i u c i i l s . Me pi l l on hern i l t e v M ' l s n u d | t i i \c her n i l p l c t u i c n n n dI O V M , nml ( l i e u I n - \vould n o n w n \ . n s i fI l i i l l l l i l e d t i y n t i e \ l | h p l l ' l l , t o I l l s eo|iri n m lI l i e l i o u n e ' o f i u l i t u l l y , n Inol lo i l l 'n ' I nm o| ( l i e n l o e l i n . She l u i i K e d il | i H i mi l . ' i n . i ; i \ . n l i e K i i e i y mi l \ \ l u i l l l n i l me. iol ;.lie \ v . I M n o l o l d c m n i K l i t n u u i l i T r ' i i i m l!"• r o r i u v v n l n u i i r p l n i l i ( h i t l i e o i l i e r

l idc : .it I l i e men w l m i i . i n . ' d h i m Theyv i ' i c I l i e u imi \v l io Imd/p .n i l ed Vi l e \vnrm-.100.1 l l i l u t h e n r | i l l . l f i H t u p , t l l i ' N ' \ v e i et i l e men i v l m liiu.l Imi iml l i n o I m l n l nml


('•"I I K n e w 1 1 1 . ' I l l l l n u i l ld I l i e v ..ei'lillo f e e l ' ^ Did I h e v weep' ' No Did t h e y

Wlllll 11 ( I l l y Illlll nil lO'lld'olli II

man • h i . n l . l he d e i i l r n v e d '!" S'o Did l l j , vl u l l i i ' | . i . | i l u i | ( l y over w l m l t h e y h n d d i m e ?

N o ; I l l t ' V M i l l l l i ' i e , loolv mi;, i l n V l l l l l i i e l ll i m l , n t t i n - r n i e n " " i l l n l i i m l i w l l u . e l l


t l i

I o u t . Sn t h e y m i l< n i n l i d , n m i i ' l o id

ol' C i i i l llpo'ii Hi. . . .| e " l i i i y e d ' l l i e i r f e l l o w i i Didu ' I \\ i i - i t o l d I he\' \\ el e ll

n f i n n m i l v l i m l n i |<M n l l e i^ 'ni l . I l l l l l I n ( In l inVn^ i - e m e t e i y

l i ] | n i | i l i e iued i i l l i l l l n ' \ ' i l i n n L .how mi ' t i ' l l i "" ! men me , i " i p e e t n l l vl i m y I m v e i l i - i l i o v e d yon! Do no l(o men I n r e n m l o r t o r h e l p

I t l l t I I t l ' l -' I ' l n I l l l l l l l\ Ih l

fo rm, l i e " I I V N , " I won ' t l e l i o i u , " \ \ 'e l l ,l l i i ' t i , Innv n i n n y i i r l u m e I l i m i 1 In nI r n m ' i l V ' ' I b i ' l i eye I hern me l i v e n c l n Inn l i u n i ' d y ,

Ael. I l i e l l r n l ol the !rn|(cdv: A y m i u i jmini n l n i l l n u nil l i m n Inmie ; p n r e u l n n m ln l n t e n i lyi 'cpii i i ; In I nun him t;o; wii^ourl i i lmr -iver Iho h i l l ; Innnvell k l n n l l u u u


^od hath made roe forget: ..truitiur(51, 52).

God d'id s«nd me before you (Gen. 45:n-7)

3. The Divine Indwelling:A man in whom the Spirit of God Is

(3S-. 39).The Spirit of God dwelleth In you

(1 Cor. 3: 10).Make our ntode with him (John H: 22).4. Forethought In Plan:

None so discreet and wise as thou art(39).

Gathered up all the food of the sevenyears (47-49).Therefore be wise, O ye kings (Psa. 2:

10). '..;i. Promptness in Action:" Joseph went..throughout all the land(40).Whatsoever thy hand findeth..thy

mlRht (Eccl. 9: 10).-Wr-musl-\vork-.-. while It is day (John.9:


- Vt'isPH-37,- 38.—Pha.roh-holda.a._consul-lal lon with his advisers. They decideboth that the advice which Joseph hasJust Kivon la Rood, and thnt he is theproper man to" carry it out.—The spiritof find: The'doctrlne of the one Spiritof God Is recognized in the Old Testa-mciu ns abundant ly , though not ascompletely, aa In tho Now. Yet .It ialioHHlblc thnt In the mouth of Phiirohthe phrase means no more lhan a. gocl-I lko sp i r i t ; t ha t IH. n mind of greatu h l l l t y .

Verses ,19. 40.—Pharaoh announcesthis dpclHlon to Joseph.—Over myhouse: This phrase Indlcntt 'H the odlcl-nl pniilllon accorded to J,oHCph, like thatof Ablshar In Solomon'H cnblnot, or ofKl l ak tm In Hexekiah's (1 KliiKS 4: 0; 2K l M K s 18: IS, :I7). Compare the positions'of lord Htownrd or loi-d prcnt chamber-lain under Ihe Knells)! orown.—Acroril-I I I K unto thy word Hhi i l l all my peoplebe 1'iili'd: ThlH translation IH in lHlcnU-InC- "I'pon thy month "hall nil mypeople kins." The kln« In a token ofliomiiKc. When Jonepli npoakH thepenlile wil l iln hoiiniKO, will treat binonlei 'H w i t h ri-Hpi 'ct .—Only In tho throne,eel . : He IH iiccond In rank only to 1'lmr-nob. but ' otltor hcaiht oC tlepiirtincnttil imy be of Ibe siiiiii ' rank.

V e i ' M i ' H ' I I -4B n.—The iinnoiincotnentW I I M followcil, Inte l ' , by an elaborate In-n i i K i i r n t U i n Intooll lcn, which the nar-r a tn r t lcHcrlboM In four Hi'iUlriiiH, KlrnlI ' l i i in i n i l i ' i ' Inrnt lon by I'lniraoh: "Sue,I 'i»"" ii"t—lb»i -<ivmi—ull—iho—IanKt- 'Vpl. ' Hi'coiid came, c o r t n l n cnre-moji l i 'x; Ibe Imml l i iK o\'(>r <>f thu u l .l l l l K . t i l l ' l lUTHl l l life W i t h t i l" OlMcl l l IK i i n n e n t H nnd Hold I'hnrn, the- chnrlol• l i b ' , and Ihe proclmimllnn, " t l iun t ict-l l i i K him over all the Inn i l of K(;ypt."Thln l cnme nmit l ie i - d( 'c lanint lon ofI ' b i i r i K i h : 'And wl t l i d i i t thce nlmll noi n n n l i f t np b u n d or foot In ntl the lam!nf MfiVpt . ' ' l- 'oiirtli , 1'hni'iioh K U V U himn nn tne nml n wife, "nnd he ciune Corlhbi ' l iuO over tho Inml of Kisypl." To|I|M Ibe n n r r n t o r i idiUi, "Joiu-ph tx- ln t f

t h i r t y yeiii ' ii old when be tilouil l iefureI ' l i u r n n b Idi iK "f lOcypt , " Secondc h a r l n i : TJm r i e i | U i < i i t i i u ' n t l o i i of

c l m i l o t n In t h i n n n r i ' M t l v i ' In one of icv-r f i l c i i n c l i t h l v o p r n n f n t l i t i l t b l n w n n n o l

Hie of t lm nhepl i r r i l l i l i i H i 1 , Iml nn Hit"in t h e c l i i l i l n c n l h d y i i i i n l y . How the

Uiie .e : The \yori l In u l i rek p e r b n i i M o r ig inn l l y I l i i b y l o t i l n n , n m l n l K i i l I ' V l i n t r e v e t -

I \ \ l r e I l l l l l l . I t l l i - ,'ici'l i n i l l ' K l l I o f t h ev l c t i ' d \ rcrnlon A n d I M * inade h ln i

r l l l i ' l : 111 t he I t e v l n e d i ' \ n.l.. 1. "nndI I I ' net l l l l l l . " Tile t l i ' V e r l l l cereI I M . n i c e w n u " I n j e t h i m ove in i l Iln- I n t n l . " — ' /"m| i l i i -nnt t l P l l l l nnh : 1'er-h i i p r i on l'!r,i'|il In n ei i n l y o l e n t of u l i r ek

A - ' i ' i m l b , Social i t t . i i i i l l i i i ; \vu i i ciuien-l l . i l I n . l i i N c p h ' n i i u i ' c c M i i I n b in i n < \ y dnt l i ' i i , e o I n - I n i n n r i l e i l I n t o n n l ' ) r ' , y i i t l i u il i . n i l h ul' l i l c l i nn i i i And .loim|i | i wentm i l i i y e r I l m l u i i i l : Tin ' \vonl l i m l n nn o l i i r o l l y i i i e i i n n ' i n i n e mi l . " A t I lmc l i n i i ' n T l i l n I I I U I I M I I I o l I n n . . I m u ' l i l i cnmeI n l l l l d u l y r.el U V . ' I I l i e I , l l n l I I |:i o f t e nu n l i t I l i i i l . l i im-p l i \ \ n . i i n i i d i i i t r n i i d \ ' l / . .le i 1 . l''ii|' i l i l i i their l ; i nn Pi mil'. l''nr HieI . I M l i i . n i ' n nl' b in d i ' i m i I n i i ' i i l bin n n l l i o r l -l \ I ' S i e i n l e i l o v e r n i l K i ; > | i l . Tin- nc -riillllt le l lernlei l Illln Kill Illeln I'l nil

l i l i i l l l i a l hi ' l i m l o i i l l i i i i I I v I'm m i v o l l i e i| l l l l l i i i e e . U l l l i ' l ' I l i ' l l i l o n f d e | i n r l i n e l l t l tm a y l i a \ i < n > c e l \ i . i l r d n i l l n r l i o i m i i i , n n dm a y , I I K < - h i m , l i a \ e i m e i l t h e r o y n ) t i l / ; -n i ' l .

V i ' i n e n 'Ift I i in A t n l . l i m e p l i w e n t o u t :I I . ' I I . ' i , " i i i i n e m i l . 1 ' Thin In mi l u re-i i i ' l l t l i u i . . I Ibe . Irni l " c l n t i M i i ,.f vonm -IIIIml an n . ' . i . m i l o l . l i m c p i r n e n l e r h n ; up.im Ibe w n r K l i m l bad licen appoin tedh i m .

s — ^Iblnk tho railroad company'would have

tivn. ' . j oiled. I t is an out rage."

leani to lift your_tho_ught:s upv"_ ic-Avlio-shuts-hls-Iienr4-on—hls-fet—

lows cannot open It to his God.Faith In Our Father may be even bet-

ter than the faith of our fathers.He who says what he does not mean

will mean what be does not say.They who have no desire for holU

ness will Ijnd no delight In heaven.A man's Ihiowledge Is seen In hla-

questlou more than lu his answers.The brilliance of the Bible depends on

the sotting you give it in your lifer" ]It Is not'necessary-to-act the fool-in -

ordci1-to-deiuonstrjitoabat..xou_are one.^_

you when you give up; your prejudices

Her companion had often beard of wet-ting whistles, but novel- heard before:,( oiling them. Think it over.—Brook-lyn Times.


Critical Hearer Gave Credit to n Pl.-i-Cj ' i i r iXin i r l-*renclier.

Itev. Or. B was what is commonlytermed "a popular preacher," not, how-ever, by d r a w i n g on his own stores, butby the knack which lie possessed of

•appropriating—.tlic.-j.ho_upclits and lan-guages of ihe great divines wh"o~lialt'gone- before him to his own use, and'.!>y_a sk i l l fu l splicing and dovetail ing ofpai-sagcH so as to make n whole. For-tunate ly fin: h im those who composedbis ai ldieiH-i1 were not deeply .skilled.lU.lUll.l'Jl..lP.ri-_li'ili w[lli_siich he passedInr n wonder ol' erudition.

It happened, however, that the doc-tor was detected In bis l i terary lilrce-nles. One Sunday a grave old gentle-man sea I i'd himself close to the pulpitand l i s tened w i t h iirol'umnl a t tent ion.T ln> doctor had snireely M u l s h e d bisl l i l n l sentence- before the old gentle-man said loud enough to lie beard byl l i i . s e i i i - i i i - h i m : "That 's Sherlock."

The doctor i rowned , but went on. Hebi i i l nut proceeded much f u r t h e r , whenIlls ; j rnv i - audi tor broke mil wi th :"Tl .a t ' f ' i ' lllotsnn." The doctor bit bisl ips n m l paused, but ;i(;nlii went on.At a l l i l n l exc l ama t ion ol' "That'sI l l n l r " l l u - i loc tor lost n i l pa t ience ami.l i a n l i i c . in er Ihe side of Hie p u l p H . heel-led: "Sir, If yon doij 'i hold yourt o n g u e .vntl sha l l be inr i ied out!"' W i t h o u t - i l l e r lng a muscle the oldi-ynlc. l i m k i n g t h e iloctor f u l l I t i t h eI'tii-e, H i i l i l . "Thill's bis own." l.iin.lonT l t - l l l t s .

MVIrau I t a l lvvny .The rgnni la l l i t l l \ v n , \ Is now open to

\ \ l l l i l n t i l n e l y - l l v e ml lcH o f V ic to r i a7.11.

The glory of the promises is not onlyin that they are many but that theymean much.

U Is "foolish to sing, Heaven Is myhome, if you are not providing any fur-niture there.


"5reat Colorc 1 Pianist Displays Re-luiirituuie *• ni^ui ***.?>••

Atlantic City coiuiiiues_lo_wonder_over blind Tom's wonderful, memory.'Xhe,£ame,of,.i.Lbus gone abroad in theland, so that not only at so'ine'of'"Tila~~—;™~™:™.~concerts, where an opportunity hasbeen given, but in the informal crowdsthat occasionally gather around hisi-liair there Is a manifest tendency tolest it personally.

To bnve f n l t b In (!od IH not only tobelieve Unit l i e died lo K I I V C you butUnit yon l i v e to serve l l l n i .

Tlie loun who c n v c l M l i l n neighbor'sl i n i iM ' w o i i l i l i l i n i i ) , ' ! ' b in i i i l i n l I f bel ini 'U 1 \ v l i i l l w n s in t l i e v lnHo ih ,

m' m Indigen t nn


A h n i m l nhvi iyr i the(lie moHt Kci icroun.

W i t h o u t i t imil co innnny ni l i l u l u t ll l n ' l i I rm. rell i i l l , nod, Illui pnlnl i i i l K i u m - nnre o n l y n i -cn , not tn t i ml .

N ' l o l e i i t t l i l i i K M nro i Uvnyr* M l i o r t - t l v e d .\\'e i i i u i i t be an cm r t c u n n to n nni i i

i i i > \v nre In n p l c l n ' e . \ vb l c l i \vc urcu I i l l n r . In i ; l \ . ' I l i e ml u n i i i K ' ' of n t ; imil

•nl n i u

, l.'im we |i

'ill• M i l ' ' '» Wl '

l l r l l n l n li,'i"


oi i i ' i i i l i i f i i i ' i u m - ir . num. in . I•." S". i ' , n l l e » of

the casual stranger can verify the ac-e-iracy of Tom's memory is that of pre-vious performances. So the questionst t t a t are asked arc all on that Hubject,and Tom's memory Is apparently In-fal l ible , lle'lms never yel failed to tellupon what date he played at a given•t ' lwn; or, If lie bad played thereseveral times, he knew it; and he knewwl|tm. A f t e r a concert career extend-ing ttver- nearly for ty yearn, one whichhas carried him over nil the continent,l i i te l i a memory seems almost mipcr-human .

When-l ine rnnslders f u r t h e r tha t t h l a 'is an absolutely uneducated man. withmi absolutely u n t r a i n e d memory, w i t h -out t iny great n a t u r a l Intelligence, ex-cept In bin i n i e x p l a l n n b l o musical In-stinct., and tha t one cannot call It lie-rcdllnry f in ing superior to elrcum-

nnces. but one eiix-unmtance rl .Mluusuperior to heredity, It becomes Htlllmore remarkable.

A f t e r one ol' bis recenl concerts, sayitthe r i i l ladelpl i la Inqu i re r , Tom mil TotHome l ime an n inrget I'or i iucHl lo im.They came t 'roin a l l ove r the honsi! Il l l l lTom answered w l i b o i i t hes l ln t lon , e.\-cepi I'or n r e r lu ln I n - H i l a n c y wbleh evl-i lenl ly belon^H lo bis N|>i-cch ra ther t h a nto I l l s memory, l i e speaks iwo or threewonlH and n pnuse. Iwo or three nuiri)nnd anolber piuiNo rather a u l n i n a t l -cul ly , ami never IH k n o w n to f a l l to lacka c iv i l "Sir" on 10 every nm> of bis repiles.

A man l i o i u I t l cbmond , Vn. . imkeilTom w h e n be bai l g i v e n , n concertthere . And Tom answi' l ' i ' i l r e ad i l y ,enough: "In IMI.'I, slf." l i n t In bu nexti|iic:.limi Ibe i n n n mn i l e t h e n i l M t i i k e ofM i y l n g : "Now, Tom, I 'm guliu; in fool, \ o i i ! Where i l l i l yon | i lay?" i ' \ p l a l n l i i nto t i e l ^ l i l i o i n I l l l l l l ie p n i l m l i l y l l i ou i ;h llie i d n y c i l In u t b c n t e i ' , whcrcnn be badp lay

T I ' l A C I I I N d Pi U N T I L

In l l u i l ' i i comli iel nC n f T n l r i i , iionltloiin,

ro \ \ i | n l \ \a \ ' i i IhlnliM wltl i IIH ,ivn i ' \ .'r \\ I t h II M renMn i.i l r - r v n m l iUi in | ipo lu l o e l i l n r en le l v lliillll|iel|tiali|n o Ilie Kl\ i ' , l/lll I l leV lun o f t •)!, \ 'ery of l i

i i \ v e r f i i l ii i l x l l l n r l e n .re I n - v e r y I l l l l i i i i l e l y n our e t io re lH i . I . . i n t i l n m l i l m l i n r j l n n[ Iml n | \ led I I I n new I m l m e l .i i i m n i l d l M i ' l ' c t l o n In mi l (in ion

I l l e i l l i \ ' n i i v e c n m l v l l i t ; I I m l i i l n U ei''l..'iilln|| II.IIIOI lll|l|i'lel) Ihlllli't. i

notw l b

A m i n i I I p rayerl l n - i i t i n i i a c h oT aniicctcd In I.oinlna,

Mink wnn r .n iml Ini m l r l . - l i I n l n l y ( l in-

ed III nI as llu

cl i i i rcb. I t n l Tom \ V J I M1 g r a v e u n t i l l i l n imi i la i ;er

"Tom, you Uinnv wbei'e yoll p lnye i li l l I d . I n n . m i l ; t e l l l i t e i t cn l l c i i i i i n . "

And ' I ' on i p n i i i i | i t l y ai i . -nv' i ' rei l : "1p l n y e i l In f lu 1 M ' r l e t i n M. I1!, r i int 'cb."

" l ie did. Indeed," M i i l i l b in i ines l lo i i c r ,"nnd \vc Wen' t h e on ly I w n \ \ l i l t e pen-pie l l l i ' l ' c . I bel ieve."

Olie.iil!.To|i|'« nio.ftl. I ' M ' l l l i u ; recent c\-perli ' lceil \ \ I I H b i n l l l ' i i l c l l l ' i i l l l l l e r I I I l l u 'l l o i l u A m e r i c a n r e n i l l t i f ; rooio \ \ ' l t l i ;ti ; r a p l m | i l i i i i i e and n l i u ' i ' i 1 m i l deal bo\.l i n o w i i nn i t "ri-);lmi," Tlie l a l i c r purI l i u l i i r l y rcdi i i ' i 'd h i m a l i m m l t o a i lel l r l u n i nl' e i ' M l n c y , l i e l i m l l i l - i e ln i l ir i i l l e d np c l i i i i o lo l | , nnd l i i ' d i i t e i l 'onl i n a r l i i f ; l l n e n t i r e r epc r io l r i ' , n n i l i i M l o nI n l i e i l l i l ' i i n n l i i i K c r n u d l ih i i n n l l e i i c i i b yK l v l n i ; M o i i i e M i ' l e c l l o t i i i I r n i n H u l l repel'l u l l . ' I n b i n u o \ l co i iccr l . I l l l m l ' I 'onir u l l l l n i ! ol)' t i n 1 l a t e n t p o p n l n r imi r i - . l i e i i ,I l l l n d Tom p l i i y ln i ; "l. ' lorodorn," wan nn o v e l t y .

_ _„

*. \ f t » t u i <r * f *?*' i'!t y i * A* *# i?/f fjSr I . iw&&wElli *

Page 3: SOUTH THE! REPUBLIC AN OFFICE 7.: • JERSEY REPUBLICAN … · ^Bill-Heads Statements Letter-heads Note-heads ---Envelopes Reasonable prices charged, always. W

TIME AND TIDEit for no man',.

especially in Life Insurnnce,when the tide which, takenat its flood, leads on to fortune.The policy taken out now will beyour mainstay later on.


PrudentialInsurance Co. of America.

tHomo Ollicc,

JOHN F. 0/IYD13N, President.

— EDGAR B. -WARD, 2d V.P. If Counsolr — 13JO

GEO. S. TRUNCER, Asst.Supt., WiHiamstown, N. J.. . ; • " " fr ....

[ Entered as second class matter. ]

SATURDAY. OCT. 10. 1001

EepuTblican Ticket.


COMMERCIAL PRINTINGBill Heads, Statements,- • . •

Letter Heads, Note Heads,

Business Cards, 'Etc., Etc.,

-•«*—-rr^ Done neatly-and-promptly-at the— -


il Stoves


"WILLIAM BAKER,No. 25 Third Street,


Veterinary SurgeonJ212 Atlantic Ai'onuo _

ATLANTIC CITYWill aiiHwor telephone culls

anywhfiro iu tlio Comity.

We will try to. fill every orderSatisfactorily^

. Heimcckcs

Horso ShoerWheelwright

Wagon Buildingnl ull kl i i i ln,

•Viiit ' .Hl'iot.loii ID nvoryboily.

Sho[) on t l io Comity lloitd.

Chas. WoodnuttJUSTIOE of tho PEACE


'Jommliwlonor of DnodoIiiHiiriinuu & Houl JOntuto Aftt.

Ofllooitt. ronlilciuio, <llir> l ln l lovni i Avo.

Sold by All Newsdealersi^/fHi^X.I .W. I»KI>PICH tefiK^Kfef7Z^W?s^rj£&^»

furnl*t\*m Month)* to nil lovera of Hong. and Uiulo ft vut Tdliuno of M«w, Cholc«Copyrliiht Compoaltlon* t>y (111) pioot |x)I>-

Imll Vocal, lioll liiilriiiiii-iilnl .«i CompUt*fl*c*m tar Clnna-OiKMi • UoiiUi lor IOC.mntf. Ymrlir llulx»rl|>U(iii, RI.OO. If TOUi v l l l Mnd tn Ina n«m« «iul ftA<1r«n« p( FIVMI'Unu (* Or»n I'lujcri. no will nun Jim A

• ix'l'jr of itio MABftBlut frmo.I. W. PBPPIR, Putill.h.r.


. ^F. A. Waas,BESIDENT


. H. Bernshouse

Insurance AgentNotary Public,Commissioner of Deeds,

Office, 101-Railroad Ave.


Some Sharp Talk,Do you ehave jourself ? We are agents for ••

THE GRIFFON RAZORSEvery one guaranteed. Prices, $1 to $2.50.

-Also have a i j f e e ~ l i r l e ~ o f . ~ ~~~-

POCKET KNIVES and SCISSORS- " •'. ol the best quality.

Special attention given to the examination of Eyes,either day or evening. , .' •*"

For Governor of Now Jersey, "FRANKLIN ,T. BHTKPHY,

Of Newark.

Comity Nominations.

For State Senator,Edward S. Lee,

Of, Atlantic City.

For Assemblyman,'Thornus C. Eivins,

Of"Httriiinoiltou." "

Fon Coroner,Albert C. Steiihany,

Of Atlantic Oily.

Our Next Assemblyman,

We congratulate the Conventionand the voters upon the nominationof—T-liotn ns—6:—Elrin s—for—llieAssembly... —There -is-not™a" belterknown young man in Ilanimontonthan he, and very few who so holdthe respect and eonGtlence of thecommunity. His entire life has beenspent here, and we doubt whetherthere lias been one deliberate net ofhis for which he would need to-dayto apologize. His natural ability isbeyond question; his educationliberal.

As 11 politician, he 1ms been nnactive worker for the Republican[>:irty since he was old enough tounderKtand the relation of the parties;his activity increasing with his years.His advice and aid have bejn soughtand valued by our party lundcrxever since he began voting.

, Jeweler,


Prmted^prQmptly, at ihe_KEEDBLicAN^office.

Just the thing you want,for this w_eather,-^our :._

Boiled Corned Beef and Ham,

SATURDAY. OCT. 10, 1001

Mail Time.."Malls trill olosp at the Hammonton

Post Oflico as follows:-LEA.VE—

DOWN ur0:10 A.M. Y:10 A.M.!5:85 i-,u. 0:40

3:50. —ARRIVE—^

•-- -D:5G-A.-M.- - 7:25 A'.M.^:22 . 4:10 P.M.'5:48 i\tn.

MelHTYEFS Market,309 BellevueAve.

IF you are in need of

'• JST O. A. B. Poat meeting to-nigbtKS~ Is Jlammonton lo bavo a foot-ball

team this year ?S&" Our railroad time-tables are now

-jcorrtet.-na-daled. _ , __________ '••-R KENT. Two nlc"ly furnished secondBtory rooms. w i t h or wlilimil board,

Inquire til No. 18 Central Avenue.In abjipdance, Sunday and


Monday,—ck-aring at night.Wju. Jl, Bernahouse 18 adding a

titchun .to-the. rear of hia bouse.S6T There are over flfty pupils en ;

rolled in the new First Road School.

WOOD FOR PALE nt following prices:pole wooii.Kl por load ; cord wood. 83 50.

Be-in poles, grope stakes, and stone. Ordersimiy be lea lit Mrn, llnllnrd's n i l l l l n n r y store

KKANK OUEIrf.Ker.JI. T. Taylor occupied the

Bnptist pulpit at Berlin, last Sunday.VVhite frost was visible, in spots,

morrow evening, iu thu Presbyterian•Church. '. .'-—


orcliurd'atrcct. Apply to K N. THOMAS,

112 N. Second at.

call and see our nickel-plated lamp, with ft. & II.

burner improved. No trouble iu adjusting wick.

For household use it has no equal.

Complete, $1.50.

JOS. H. GARTQN,Justice of the Peace,

Il i immonton, N. J.Olfioa at Ileaidcncn, Middle Hoiul.

c;. A , < ; A M I ' I I I C I . I . I I .Houi. i .O. A. <;iuni>licll .V. Co.,

Real Estate & Insurance,Monny hi Inaii on i i K i r l n i i i f n . 1'arllcH l i uv l i i x

l i i i i i H c H i o r n n l . i i r M-.i | im-| | i i«roi-nii ln or i.x-<i lnuin« , w i l l (In well In cull, cir ivr l l" nn.OllllMi, IWKI A t l i t l l l l u AY",, Allimllu t;lly.

At Baker'sMARKET.

Rump Steak, I N cuits. ' 'Sirloin, '20 contn.

e, H c.

Closed on Smuliiyiif t . ( V O-itohiir l u t ,

House, aig-ii,ANI l

Ornamental Painters

and l'u|><i

Hammouton. N. J.

Evidently tlio public night nclioolis to 1111 n long-fell want In Ilnmmonton,for on Monday evcninur, tho flr«t Bcfitdon,llioiigh llui wwillior was dlHiigreuahle,ovur forty |)ii|ii|n wi:ro prcnont. OnTncHiliiy cvi ini i i t ; t l ioru wore Illty-onu ;und by Tlmmdiiy ovenlup; sixty woruunrolled. TlNiv fiuigo In ut>u liom 12 to20 ymrH und ovi;r, - HOUlu learning toI'd,id, ol l iurr t In i t l i^uhru, etc.

TrTn-ilo who 1'ikWi ttrcrwiirtmwiH of H U M in iuHi in l oppor tuni ty huvu

no dn i i l i l ihti i i inbi t lon lo uiuku lliuof It, mid w i l l iicviir rugrot llm

and lulior n i c c f h u r y .

Tho Ini i i i i 'd l i i td inH'il nt tlio world litHUH moment In not moro ol' nn, hut, II' I .inuy IIMI the i x;iicMtl(Hi, a hcttur liriuulol I IH.

A Night ol' Terror.' 'Awl nl u i ix In ly WIIH Colt, for tlio widow

of tlm l i ruvn Oiiiiinal l l u i o l i iun , of Miuili-lun, Mo., wlii-n t.lid diictorn nnld nliowould dlo I'looi | i i iu i i i i io i i l i i hnfiiru iiiorn-MI ; " w r l l c H Mm. H II . I i l i i i iolu, wlioiitlmulo I her l lut l . h u u l o l nigl i l , hut nlutI)()),'K«<1 for I'i'i K l n n ' n Now Dlnnnvory,wh ich hud nioin t l i i in oncn nuvcd lim I l l o ,

uml (iiiidd hor of i ) i> i in i i i i i | iMon . Al'ii'rlu l l ing , nlui iild|il, nil ni|;hl.. l ' 'u i t l i ( i r lino( M i l h i ' l y c.iii 'nil Inir." ' I ' l i l n HUH v n l l i M l i ii n i ' i l l n l i K i In p i l i i n u i h ' i ' i l | ,o i i iu ' i i a l l t i l l-outn l i i ' M l u m l I I I I I K [ l l ' i ' M i m m , On ly .'illn. u m l> : i l . l l l l . T i l u l l i o l l l n i i lico ul Cunvi i l l ' i i

A CoinniiiiUoiillon.Mil , ICn iTou:—Al low inn to n|umlt n

Cow woriln In l i ivor ol ( ' l i iu i i l inr l i i l i i ' r i(!oii|tli lli ' iiicdy. 1 Hii l l 'c ird for llirooyoiti'ii wild Mm hroil i i l i l l ln und I'.nnlil not

Kij i ur, n luh ln , I ti lutl novorul d.)i>ti>|O,und vur lo i in I IUIDIII . n iodiol ium, l int ootiiugdl, iioi.liln^ to ()lvo mo iiny rul ldf unt i lmy *IC« Kot '• liotllo of l ldn viiliiuliloiiiddliilno, wldoli him ooiiiiilnftily onioilmo.—W. H. Uiooli i imii , I l i ignull , Mo.Thin Kiinrdy Id for nulo hy (JroWiil l ,

, Try a package of

Granulated Wheat Crystals.You cnn make six different diehefl,

nnd the price in only 10 cents.

At SaimeFsT

The only printing- housein ILaininnnton in

The South Jersey Republican Oflico.Wo are well equipped for all nortH of printing,Know how to do it, charge fair pricun,and finirih work j u n t when proiniHod.

Did you Bay CHICKENSl i o i i j j h t t l ic e n t i r e mtook ol' « 1'oultry Parm,

wo aro b u t t o r pn-parcd than over boloro to (111 ordorn.

Old, 1-1 c o n t M por pound. Spring, 1H centH.

Fine PrlHWBfrttuRJB) 'M c. iv pound,


JST W. C. T. U.'s "borne - madesupper" next Friday evening, 25th inst,from 5 to 8 o'clock.

- -CST lIaiTY-C.-Leomu<l -hae a newbaru and wagon ehed nearly completed,back of his residence. ;

Cgy Some of pur (armers report their— inu<)ility-«>— procure— bartels-enough-lor---tIiutr-fru'u-aud»p«itiU>c»., ----- _. ___ ........ „„

NOTICE. Kor Inrorinat lnn .relative tn (lio, purcnah'^ of ihi' J. t.J'rlcc. Jr., |iroycriy

in Nlntti Stri'ot uiiU scoontl It»nil, iipply to___________ W. It. SBEL.V. Agoiit.

CQyAnotber of those popular muuicalsis to be given by the EpwuTth Leaguein Union Hall.^uv. 15ih.

figy- Cocattt Crowell relumed., from a~liiititrtfjrtrfp'~ti>~Muiia'irqUttti; ThuraJay,"

with at least a dozen flue ducks.'CST Wo haven't seen that • iron Oro-

cscupo which the Board were authorizedto build, to connect the Central school-!)ouse and the annex..

5§y The- Volunteer Fire Company'smonthly business mcutin^ next Mondayevening. The ludupundent Companywil l meet with them.

A IWT'.KTIHKMF.NTH In t h i s Hi™ typo, onehul l C I I M L pi-r wonl lur I-MCII Inncrllon.

No rlmiL'i! U'BH thnn 10 ci'iiln.

fll^r Gut your supper in Jackson'sJIall next Friday evtuiiiK. The \V. C.T. I), promlxu you a nood "liomu made"nuppcr on thut occaiiluu for twenty cents.

Stay John W. Myers lout one jointof llU mlddli: tln^or, rl t-l i t I i i i iuj , III till)VreflB at the brick yard, l lo suyH ho Is•well RiillHlled, h o w f v u r , as ho n a r r o w l yescaped Inning the wholu bund,

ftjy-Tho LadloH Aid Society of theDiptlut Church wi l l r>|yo n dimo nnclu-|iln next Tucnday oyeiiliig. 22ud lnnt. ,

Edwin Adams, Chairman of theCommittee on Enforcement of SchoolLaw, is serving notices upon all parentswho are Illegally detaining theirrcn from school. Already^ the effectsof tlio Board's action are noted, Inincreased attendance.

'&SF Dr. Joseph McFarland, Prolessor of Pathology and Bacteriology IDthe Medico-Chirurejical College, Phila-delphia, has purchased the Jas.Traffordproperty, on Central Avenue, throus;h

Philadelphia. He will make extensiveImprovements. The same Drm havesold the fruit farm owned -by II. Craw-ford Coates to 8. B. Fisher, of Pitts-burg, who contemplates building a Qnehouse on the place. _ -

BSy For two weeks-we have statedthat there was an up-express on the oldroad at 9:50 a. m. This was correctaccordiog;to tbr official card of (jet, 1.AVe_ accident ally learned that anQtber_card 'was jsaned Oct. 7th, with Only tbisoue^train changed. It now leaves ourstation at 8:11. 0It .'.w.ojild seem to_be_to>tbu'coaJpany's interest— to~nOttfy:ihorr"jJuTroiiB promptly,., through ttie local":)npers, whenever a cjiaoge is made ;jut they doa 'L do it.

. E. Baxter & Co;, the shirtmanufactuiers of Philadelphia, have.made permanent arrangements withtbe Stenton Mfg. Co., to beep the shirtfactory supplied with woik, -and theonly question now is, Can the companysecure enough operators to run . thesewing machines, and make It a suc-ce:8Tf ?::'lt all "dcpe

"orelady will be there on Monday nest:p-filair,t..up*.:_ .\Vre_want futtories -in-tbe

lt>wi>5 — Hioae-thatnrrc-benrto stay, aud~as many more as will come. :,We hopotbe Steaton Company will secure thenecessary operators, and that a goodnumber will report for work next Mon-dayjuqining. _ _. __ ______

ItSF On Wednesday evening, • about8:30, as Frank Jenison, agent for tbeColouial Insurance Company, was re-urnins from a collecting trip to Water-.

\\\ thn rnnldonci) of Mm. Iloldrldire.rnler ta lnment and rofrctliiiHints. AllInvited.

d V I K W H . (H'IT lwnilor.011O lino lutw orl t i l iu i l i i h n l n u r i i p l i V | H W H , —< ' i i l n i , r i i l l l l p l n i ' N , K l . i i M l I k " i. in. T l m r i ' l i i l lp n c < i l B O v , . r J I 7 f t . Wi l l H I > I I I Ini lot Tor 8.H.WI.Apply ut Mm Knpii t i t lnui olllrn.

tt$r I'rof. A. M l n n t l l l i v \vun ordnlnedon Monduy uviinlii^, to Iho in ln ln l ry of(h» I>r i 'nl>vl(ir l i in Chiiroh. Tint Horvlcon•\viiru huld In llin I t n l l i i n (.'hurch, ofwhich Itnv. Mlni i l l l l ix In puntor, midlirovud vory l iUernntlnu,

Btj)- Notice thu now ilank ntnloinnnt,thlH wooU. Tim ono wn have pul i l lnhmllatuly lit tlio anniiiil nipol I l.o Htooldiold-«rii ; th in ono In r c< i i i l i t n l l iy Iho NlutoIl i inklni; ('oitiiii|niiloii«r, H I M ! In cidlmltor at any I lino ho may I l i l n l t propor.

Bt'tY- On 'L'liimilay, Mr. I m h nl l 'M l ino1,1'inn of l iny" worn l i ' l ^ l i l m i i ' i l l iy n l .nt l i i:ll T w c ' l l l l i Hl.rnot l i r i iHi i In i ; , n n i l i i t iulnd.it a tuvllt paiio I n w i i n l | ' 'O |HIHII , 'I'hoill ' lvor, wl i i i wan K i t t i n g on l l m holntnrof Ihi i mi)|)i.y \va non, wan th rown to theground mid tlio wluiula puiinuil oviu- lilubody. Jon. Murl. tooli him honn> In u<:urr|ugo, nnfl'orlnH from puln anil xliook,Dr. Illtlnr wiin iminniiinnl, inn! found nrib Irixiturc'l, ixlno Blight lucAnalonn onliln liiind, right wrlnt and luuid.

I i iKi i ro wltli Hio A II. I ' l i l l l l p n Co.,(ll)lft Atlnutli) AVII, , A l l i i u l l o City.

brd, just after bo-bad passed the newbrrdge'at"AhcoraV'he"was"attacked by|bot-pads, who knocked him off his bicy-cle, then robbed him of everything of

ralue, including forty-BovenToTiaF^lnmoney, and punctured his bicycle tires,o dolay his progress homeward. Two

weeks ago be was stoppod at the eaiuu>!aceLand_bjs moneyedemjiudtid^jiLli>roduccd a revolver instead. This

time they appeared suddenly and hithim on tbe head with' a Rand-bag. llolaid there in the mud -tor. an hour ormoro, then recovered sufficiently to walkslowly homeward.

jQy About eight o'clock last Mondayevening, Engineer Nelson discovered afew email itparks around the armatureof the allurnntor. Springing to thothrottle, ho quickly shut oil'steam ; hutbefore thu machinery came to a stand-still, the few small sparks had IncreiiHedto a circle ol-llre. Had It continued lora few m l n u t c H longer, tho entire dynamowould have been burned out, whichwould have ru-ceBsitaled a large outlayof limo and money lo repair. Ono ofthe li lndinu vvireaon lliu armature hudhrokdn, and uoiiDcqucnlly communccid tounwind, cuualiin thu trouble. Thoaccident in one that la unavoidable, umlmight occur In any power-house- In thucountry. Six ntun Immodlaluly coin-nielloed work nn rupalrliijr tlm dikmu.nur

Univorealist denominationhave undertakca to raise ono hundrecthousand dollurs ns a "Twc'nliotb Can

J-ury Puud" for Church' extension inAmerica. Lust Sunday was dcnomluated the "Twentieth Century Sunday.'The offering of the Ilanimonton Churchon Iho occauion was §180.

SSy' There ia to be a grand Republican Bally next Monday evening, in thoEmpire Theatre, Atlantic City. lionFranklin J. Murphy, Our candidate fry"tJovernoivS'ill bo one of the speakersA special train on the W. J.s & 8. willeave Uarnmonton at 7:!JO p. m., stopping at all station?, and returningleave Atlantic at 12 o'clock.

The Lyceum.The Lyceum meeting was well alien

ded, Monday evening, notwithstandingtbe disagreeable weather. Dr.BoardrnntReed~and DrrJ. C. Bitler ICdyocatc-d amodification of the right of free "speech,but Messrs. A. J. King and Albert L.jLackeon-eMdimtLv-had-thc-bucfc:of—I be.ariiument, nnd the prop'onitlon wasnegatived. OlDcer.i- were elected asfollows : •

President, A. I/. Jackson.First Vice Pres., Miss Eose Bodioe.Second " Mrs. E. C. Alcorn.Secretary, MISB Emma Hooper,Treasurer, C. K. Nelson.


..^Rev^ Mirmt S. ̂ Morgan, Pastor of thePresbyterian Church, ia away o"n~Ri¥

,.,MiflsJI.-1I..Beekniati.and-Mi88LyiliaBeekmnn nre viaUing—their- relatlvea-in.Chester.

Mr. Daniel Johnson and wifereturned to Brooklyn after a short visithere. '


a short stay with his cousin, Mrs. 1i. L.Holden.

Mrs. Eleauor Maurer spent a few

Which WIIH completed about two o'clockTuenihiy morning, and tlm dynamotontud lo nco that IL wan In good workingorder.

Leedom, the great temderance worker.Miss Eva Van«3erlip spent a'couple of

days in Philadelphia.-- Mr. L. L.JIolden, under_the_care_pfDr. Bitler, -of Itammontoo, is steadilyrecovering from his loug illness.

Miss Melissa Laycock, of Atlantic'City, is vieiting her aunt,.Mrs. G. H."JofTuionT "̂ "

Mrs. E. J. Eastabrook and daughtor,Miss Freda, of Hammonton, visitedhero on Saturday, Fredu remaining overSunday with her aunt.

Mr. Raymond Boznrth, who has beeniu Virginia for about a year, is now athomo.

Damo Nature is manifesting her lovofor thu buiutilul, iu tho exquisite color-ing of trees and shrubs. -

• Mies Jennie Smith is anticipating avisit with Irioudo in Red Bank.

Mlee Laura Bozartli was la Phitadol-phiu this week.

The Kpworth Loa«uo is nt work.Kuch member is trying lo earn a dollarlor the docility;—-They Will hold tm ox-poriunco muding Oct. 2Uth. This willdouuilut tN prove very IntortKtlnij. v.

M I K I U ' — M f U . K U . At tlm M. JO. par-(H)invgi'. on WiidiuiKilay IIVIMI n^;, Oot,l(lll>, ll)01, hy t l io H«v. F. L .lovvott,OlirlHl.oiif Mlolil linn Minn Mi iKKin MayMlllor, boll) ol' Il i iminoiiion, N. J.


Loaded Shellson hand to Holeut from.

( J i v o nn your order n o w , for whu.t you \ v i l l need

rin^ the eoniin^ t ic i imin, nnd lliey

Wil l bo he ml anido for you .


We have 16 first-class Bicycles,with Fauber Hangers,.

each.Call and see them.

Now is tbe time to buy your Quilt& and Blankets, whilethe assortment is complete. Don't wait until they havebeen picked over and the best styles sold.

We^expectto^ have .the largest trade,on .these goods,._ibJ8_y.eat,..that-we have ever-had ;-and "~"' " — ~

When--you-see-otir-goods and hear our prices/..!. yon wilLjotJTO3nder-W-e-are--k^pt-buflyni

Blankets, full size, 55 cents, 60 cte., 75 c., $1, $1.35,.$1.50, $2, $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.50, §4, $4.50, $5.Surely, these are prices to suit all our trade.

•—; QTfiirs7$TTo~$77 " " ~'Don't fail to Look at our stock before you buy.

If you are not satisfied with the. Coffee you are using,."

Have yon seen our JFiirniture 2We can fhow jyou anything from a Rocking

Chair to a whole Suite.

OurPuritan Oil Stoves

/nro giving satitfaction everywhere.



Uncle Sam's Coffee!

K-A. Cordery.

1 ' I O I H Inn O W t l

Hiiwii i i , Manila, Porto Rico,

lian a llavov peculiarly its own.

It. in very much l ike the licht. Mocha and Java,hut. yon would lik" i t , -be t te r .

Impor ted and roanlcd hy Thou. WootUi it ('o., HciMton.

For nalo in Haumioutou hy

. I .̂ Jackson & Son

... 4

,„- ,W,,,™^,,,,T,W,,,,W_,.-.-. w*^*^-*'™^^^^,»^vrfifl2iMa^flifsfeK^^it w^w«-"w*W-»&W»«W«*«9W?t f W V - ^"Ci *«T *»•!>* fc «S It.-HiirtiifiV >. WS*i.«n"i«("l

Page 4: SOUTH THE! REPUBLIC AN OFFICE 7.: • JERSEY REPUBLICAN … · ^Bill-Heads Statements Letter-heads Note-heads ---Envelopes Reasonable prices charged, always. W


You reckless south wind, rushingAcross the gorsy brae,

_ - - _The blossoms bright and, gny,

When you were crossing overThe crested billows white,

Did you perchance diaqovcrMy lover's ship last night?

South wind, be kindly hearted,— And let the -llowers-be;-

'Tis long Milieu we were portedBy leagues of Innd and sea.

Was his good ship still cruising?Now answer quickly, please,

And never mind amusingYourself among the trees!

Well, was his vessel comingHomeward, wi th sails outspread,

Or was she idly roamingIn foreign sens instead?

Ah. south, wind, stop .appeasing'The foolish daisies so

After your saucy teasing—And mind you whisper low!

have set your heart on seeing. If thcjcure you I shall rejoice; If they do notI shall loVe you all the more."

Netta looked up in his kind eyes Insurprise—Ills words were so- unexpectcd.

"No, no!" she cried. "1 will not takeadvantage of your Kcucrous offer,will never be a burden to any man!"

And all' the arguments be could usewould not Induce : l i c r - to -changeherin hid. —


B AM sick and tireJ of this life! IWould rather die now than endureIt year after year, without a hope

-f release!" Stella Mon! to threw herjrochet work to the other side of thejmall room. "If 1 could go to the sea-

. side like other girls; I might make asuitable match— one that would saveine froiii the bondage of poverty!"

Netta sadly looked up from herlounge.

The days wore slowly on. A.Kri tc icame from Stella:

"My Dear Sister—1 am'ashamed t h a tI have not been able to return ymitmoney; but he t ruth is. though my im.-i-band is Immensely wealthy, and 1 amdressed in the richest ol' gowns; amiwaited upon like a <]iiei-u, I have not :>penny of money under my own control.Everything I have Is ordered and paid-i'or afterward; but by-aml-by 1. slml)contrive a way to gel it for you."

"Poor Stella!" the mother Sighed. "1am afraid that In the end she wilHhiuk-Jjer summer trip a failure."

L- ̂ A i i (IZJVfirlln i a 'trlajie,"ZtoeVUii!.!^nwlXetta, "as all marriages not based GUtrue love prove."

"I huvi) some good news for .vuu"*Dr. James cried, as he enlci'ed theroom followed by a si range geniloman."Put a way your letter, Ni-tta...nud list-en."

Netta dUl his lilddlng, and the stran-ger Introduced himself as a lawyer. lieInformed them that an uncle of Mrs.Moultu's had, died, and le f t her heiressto Ills wealth—a goodly sum.

Several weeks later found Mrs. Mo-nito and Xetta en route for England.Dr. James' nephew intended to cr<;s.<the ocean, ..a ml "_'t Ji i.-. .doc to r- h ad

.dear Stella," she said softly. "Your"health— a beautiful face - "

"What— fc, — the , good— ofr—iiiy— bea-iity^Whom do L see uow'; No oue but Dr.James, and lie is old and stout, tutiknows our poverty too -well to think of.me."

ladyllke woman, entered the room andlooked from one to the oilier of herdaughters.

"What is the-trouhle?" she asked."MTrrrrrnTrr^Tcl lir~l ?n! rcrt; ~n u cl "\va in>r

to go to the seaside,"- Net t a . said softly."Tool- Stella is weary of this l ife, andI t h i n k I had be t t e r glvi- he:1 I ' l ie ie

TJbcrihfe-.s iril 't. ami then -K)IC-C:II I l i avuher way."

"Nelta!" exclaimed the astonished.mother.

"Yes; my money increases very slow-ly, and perhaps, a f t e r ' a-11. I may not gelbettor."7 At~t he~giTTsr"Tii s't IHr lida jrsi""t'hen7

mother's ru'othe.r had given each a hun-dred dollars. Stella had bought somehandsome Hnery wi th her money, butNet ta , who had been for yearn crippledby a fa l l , laid hers aside, Imping to saveenough to t ake , her to sonic celebratedphysician. Ilimyeil up w l l h t h a t hope.sin- bad pa in ted l i t t l e picture.* I'm- l ) i cstores, an i l save. I each dol la r careful ly;but Stella's cons t an t r ep in ing ^ waswearing, and she ih - l e ra i lne i l to g ive upher impi; and lei her. have her lunglooked I'or t r ip .

"Do you really mean i t , Net la V" .Stel-la questioned eagerly.

"Yes."1'hen I w i l l t e l l yiui w h a t I ' l l d.i,

you dean-si of sisters! I shall he sureto l in ike a c i > U i | i i e M t , and \v ln-n 1 ;i:nninirlcd 1 w l H t a l c e ymi to T-'r:inrivtnthe physician you wish In sec."

At dial moment noun*, one i a p p i > d a t(he door, a n i l n moment l a t e r Dr..lames, a t a l l , r a the r si out mini ofabout f o r t y - l i v e years of age, w l l h a

A Bone for Sclmo!,Some boys, when they come into achool

(And some si flu, too),I grieve to he obliged to say

That this is what they do: \They wiggle.And jiggle;Th«y hang their headp,And giggle:They twitter.And titter;

. They hounco and fjouncp'And flitter. . .

VhatBTcrthoiiglirrtlRlrmtrdnnay fill,rhcy'vo no idea of keeping still.

ome hoys, when t(And some

weep to be obliged to sayTliat tills is what they do:"

They batter them,They tatter them.They crumple,'rumple.Scatter them;They scrawl them;And maul them;They snatch and pullAnd haul them,

t makes me very sad to stateV school-book's is a wretched fato.

—St. Nicholas.

entry'. Then she took a newspaper andcovered the stand of plants. "Mamninsny» plants breathe through' thelileaves, and It Isn't good for them to gel•dusty/— she -remarked.

She put a newspaper over the littletable on, which lay grandma's workbasket and "Saints' Hest." She reinovwl from the rooiri the garments hang-ing thorn. Then she began to sweeptaking short, quick strokes. Not-a'spolAvas-left— untouelte& — AH-Mte-cornerr-

the lounge, under the stove.Last' of all she llfte:! up grandma'sfootstool.

"Why-ee!" she exclaimed In surprise,stooping and picking up a tiny roundyellow—something. "Here'it money! urenl gold dollar!" '

Yes." said Grandma Strong, compoxedly, though her black eyes twin-kled as 'she looked at Laura. "1'cs,

JU-sh-le. I put It there yc&terdny••morn-ing for some li t t le girl, who, in sweep-iiigjelca'n, should find It!"—Youth'sCoiiTpJinlon. " — -'—--—- - =^—^~


He Exonerates the General from the^ Clinrge of Stcallnc FpooiiB.

Lillle Preston's tnotliet-,very fond of Mlhgihg"~"t!6Queen," was liorrilied one day totin-ttTtljr-reltaw-s:

who was

irT-"mr<r(iod save the milk!"the milk!

ook him t(j task about It."Well, •mamma.", said I'rcstou,

ire always slnglu;; 'Ciod Save'ream.' and If lie doesn't saven l l k lli-st there won't be any en-


"yon'thet in


"God grant your aeares't wish maybe granted, Xetta!" lie s:ud to her w h i n

~ ..... TWo weel;s la ter Stel la M i i n l l o WaVboarding In an a r i s t o c r a t i c resort. Timewent by, and her l e t t e r s boine werenot very f re i inent . F ina l ly mm inornl i igt h e pos tman b r o u g h t o n e i l i n l runthus :

"My Dear M o t h e r and S l s i r i - I amnhmi l t" l i . . . . . n iTle i l , and bid nd l en toa l i fe of p o v e r t y forever. Mr. l,c|aml,m y f u t u r e h u s l m m l , I n l i n i n e l i s e l vw e a l t h y , l i e nwns a n i H K I i l l l i ' i - n l resli le i i i 'n In t b < ' . ' l l .v , i iml-vi ie on Hie M i n iinn. H u t ibere Is one t h i n g which Iam Horry lo i i i i < n i l o i i be dm-* not w l n l ime I . . . . . • l i i i o w l e d g i - my r i - l n l l v i - H n f l e rman- lap ' , i n ' m n n i o , | - . ha l l i m i i'ori;elyou, m o i l i i T mid N i - t i n , a m i H i m 1 1 re; i n nI In1 money i v l i l i - h b rough t I I H < here i l ll l m e a r l b ' M i o | i p i i r h i n l i y My l ' a i - i < I I I I Mbeen my f o r t u n e . N T K I . I . A . "

Mr:i . M i i i i l l n roverc i l h e r fi . . . . . w l l hIn- r t i a i i d - i

"My elillil IIIIM foi-iah-n mel" hln<erleil.

N e l l a eii i i ld In in l ly u l l i - r a \\drd nfc o u i i i i l a t l o i i W l u i l \ v i i - t t h e r e in m i . v VMbe l i l l i ' W h e r M i l l e r u o I ' M l l l p e i l I I I Ibei i h r b i e Ml ' u - i ' i i l i h , a m i eared mi l l n > \ vI I I I I I I . V h e a r l i i H h i ' bl 'olle I T n i l . . . . . . |y

I ' e a e l i e i l h r r l n i i i ; i ' i l ' l ' n r u n i i l .A l ' e \ v \ \ i - e l v - i J i i h ' l ' , D r . . I l l l l l i ' n I l l i l i l e

I b e l l i n \ l ; > l l u h h h t M i ; t im i , 1 1 I n l y | j i ,,


.•'M'Hii:'' I n - i - i i h l , i i l i i h i n I | O \ M I |KI.-I |I |Hher, "ymi r M l n l e r ^ i i i i i i i n m r r t r i p I I I I M ii'miI l i ' l I I h u n l i l l l l i l . I l - e i l i l | |ie l n , i l | h i ) ; , , n,,.I h - e I I I l l n - paper \ I ' M | rnb i .v . N o w , Il i a \ e u r a \ ' o l ' lo a i 'U of you. I inn I I r rdol l n ' l i i K i i l o i i e In Hie U ' o r h l ; I t v a n l aw i l e l o l a k e e a i e nl', M o i l I l i e f e I n I h i l ineebu' \ v l l o \ \ o l l l i l p l e i l ne me b i l l .von. Ih a v e l o v e i l you e v e r n l l i ee you weri iHu l l h igh" w l l h a m o t i o n of bin band"mid If yon w i l l ba\n me, I v, | | | i n K i <you In li ' rani 'e lo I b t i pby i i l i ' l an .you

partinMouths went by, ami Net ta was en

the road to recovery. 15y degrees sin-found her old strength reiuruin;;. amilit the end of a year was able to w a l kiliolit'"winio"uT"asslsfTince.

She was very happy, and to crownu l l . her sister Stella an1! her husbandvisited them. They were .making a

't o ur.juid_a sju?rjrelIgjiv:i.-s_w£re5veai .lll!/_now, Mr. Leltind had no objection tohis wife's associating w i t h them. TheyInsisted that Mrs. Mouito and ^-ett«•honlil--be-of-their-party."'"""

"For Stella's sake," ""Mrs. Monltosaid. "Netta, I wi l l consent. She Is un-Jmppy— eiiougih—SIie-Hold—herself—for-

;old. a;id only too late realizes whathat bargain-means;"Another six months passed away,

jii'l':1 hail_a _mnnber nf_5]1lt£I2.'Jl^tl^T1"loni1 <l id she give eiK'ouragfmeiit a'nil1'liC'u lore I)iiii<-ombe. Hie doctor'slepliew. Interpreted ( h i l t sign faVurahlc(..i_ h lmsi- l f ,

Hi- wrote to his il l icit ' t h a t N i - l t a ' sI i e a l l h w:is perfect, and her l i f e wasnow a happy mic: then In- l i i n i r . l t h a t ,In t ime, he i l rca inei l of w inn ing her.

"Theodore, is a good boy." the doctorwhispered, when he read the l e t t e r ."They w i l l In- a su i t ab l e pair, and Imus t forget nly wild dream."- l l i - v v < - n l - t o meet I h e i n when (bey re-i n r n e i l . ani l congra tu la ted Ndla on theI ' l i l l l l h n e l i l of her dearest wish. A f t e rI ha I be called bu t seldom, and wasgrave a m i restrained when they metby e l iunr t - .

I u inci i i i ihc ' s wooing i l ld not prosper,and a t lus t lie liegged of his uncle lon.-v t i l s 1 In l lupi ico for h im.

"She t h i n k s so much of your op in ion it h i l l she \ v l l l heed yon," lie pleaded. II I : K | t i n - doctor a t last consented. I

l i e wen t lo see N 'e l l a . and made l iNe r rand known. She looked nl h imw l l h ' a i l i i H l i i ' d fiu-c.

Johnny one day hail the toothache,and his faee was swollen Just a little-like this,.

May, aged ;!. was watching her mother knead some dough.- which si)iicalie Ias £h i -_a l r •hubhlc.s were pressed out."Aiamina." <|ile-i'U-d l l i e l i t t l e observer


—iTblin-Buddf-oId-nud quaint,- baa for-years been the toll-gatherer at tho endof the Wlacasset bridge! the longest Inthe State of Maine. A few days agdJBudd was sitting In the sun at the doorof his little booth, smoking his pipe.Two young niou, evidently city boys oh"

Tl~poile8rrlau~'toufr-caulir"ulong acrdaa"the bridge and stopped to pay their toll.They eased their knapsacks off theirshoulders, and sat down on a bench atthe side of the booth for a moinent'8rest. Budd'-naturally' asked- them'whence they .had come and whitherthey were going. .

"Our home is In New Orleans," saidthe older ot (he ypung men. "We areup here In Maine for the summer."

"1 stopped In New Orleans at onetime," said -Build.

"Whur was that?"_^i\Vheiu l-wns with General-Butler;"—

"Well you can't be very proud ofthat." . ,• 'And..why_not, you



"Because T tut ler was an Insulter orwomen, 'a tyrant, and an old thief—t h a t ' s what he was—and the boys ofXew Orleans who never saw hlui hatehim Just as much as the men and thewomen wlm suffered from his orders.And. besides, he stole all the spoons outof my grandfather's hotel?" .

"He did. cliY" snapped Uudd. "Whatwas the name of your grandfather'shotel':" _ ' • - ' "

''lYo'ii Just wait . a . moment,...young_-.tuan."


Poteraon, N. J., the ; Training Bciioo), lor Political AThere are more professed anarchlsti

u^^^"Vanse?' replied May. "I'' ~ hVa7"irr*u.(J "•°"sht-down-irheavy-cunvas bag.-l l l n iK i i i - <nni».-tHng I t ) I t "

. ..Mm* °n ;i t in!Wll l lL» (aged Ti)—Papa, d idn ' t ynu t e l l

if r

He opened It and took out a handfulof_ spoons. On the handle was engraved"St. Charles." ' •

"What do those look like?" demarjd-• j ed fiudd.

v . • ••

Pretty soon a ' f r iend came in, whospoke of Jjis swollen face. Johnny..lin-agined that It must look worse tlmnhe thought.

A little boy, in.passing, said: "Oh,look at that boy's face!" By tills t ime

ohnny thought the swelling must bevery large Indeed.

my dollar's would lake care of ilieiiijj _'^mhy.Jhosc_ar£_E!.m)e__Qf the^spDOlis__selves? i f rom niy grandfather's hotel," gasped

I'apa-Yes. my son. ) the young man. "Where did you comeWillie— Then why didn't your dollar .-1 on those?"

lal;e care of themselves Ihe other .'.ay | "1 stole 'em." said Budd placidly;

"I i - a ' n l i i i l iK'ccpl yo'nr nephew," she- n l i l i l c r i i l e i l l y . / ' I i ln imi cure for himi - i a w m i i a n s l m i i h l for Hie man she

niar r luM," •" I t a l l a l i m e ynu m l x i i l . "

| "Never! I sha l l nevei ' Inve l u l l oil ' (man . nml he has Innl m.y hear t n ln r r


"Vet In, I never i l rea jne i l I I | ' I | I I H ! " In• . i l l I . " W h o Is he1/ Tell i i ic!" ,

"N' i 'e i l I V " sin- askcil sol ' l ly . "Wlmrmvil I'm' me w h e n I u a s pimi' a m i afI l l r l e i l . n m l w i m l i l I m v e imr i l i -m- i l h i m• i - l f tv l l l i . me I lien'.' I f he I I I I M rh;uit;ri lI "

".Venn!" l i e i i p e i u ' i l 111" a r n i H In l u l u,MT 1 1 1 l i U I ' l i l h r i l r e . " I U c v e r l l a n - i l l i u j i eIT i I I I " n i m i i e i i I ! "

Tin ' n l n l ' i - I M l l l i ' i i l l l l i e l l h l nn l M l l l . V I n

I I ' M I I , U- ' - i \M' , | I | | I I | ; . l i n t M l i ' n i l a n i l h e .

. 1 1 , l u l l , I i - a l i l i ' I I I w l l l l i ' t u l I I .

Mny I imi l i h ' M - i v i m , my mi ' i e l lh i l i\- I r i ' ! " S l e l l a \ v l i l n p e r e i l In l l i e l i r l i l e

V i n l l u a l l H | I | > I ' ; I i i m r r t M In . i pray , - iI , a i i i i w i - r c i l . \ \ ' nv i ' i ' h .y , '

• nml I'.vl.lrnec.1 Al l ," limin'il l l ie |>lnvilulu-;|.,|. |n,|.

Ill;: I lie liMlnl i > \ er I lie Itllllip:, li|,,m I In

lliMll Hi' Ml' Ili'llpni II. "Hie element ii

l iaihi-ne.-. : . I . v e r y hiriM-ly ileiel

I " ,\ e ' " t illil Mr l lellpeel,. -11111 , , v,,,.,,

•lull yml lire imppn-ieil lu lie rriulin;.my I'hariii ' ler. nnl my wllVn," llnlll,i,,i.. A uierlean.

t mm I . U I I M In I n i l l i i .I i i e i i i n l i r r l l a l i a n l a l . r n n l l r m \K,\I\

i i | n n . i l n u a l l v i ' i i n f h i i l l a , i i r ' i i l a n yN i l e upon Hie I t i ' i i } ; ] ) ! ! . ,\n lemi l l i a nil . (11111,111111 i i n i h i r l l n i i are I m p n r i e i l l u l u( ' in i - n l l l l l l 1 ^ e \ iT.V y i ' M I ' .

I t t l t when 'h i s f a t h e r came l in ine am;said, "Why, Johnny, wha t ' s tbe matter w i t h your face?" . Inhnny fel l I l i a 'the largest part of h im must he aswollen Jaw.

'! he Hewn r ,'.Laura nml Itessle M I I H I I I I were spend

Ing a wi'cli at ( i r i i i i i l i n a Slronjffc.l i r i i i i d i i u i was a sp r igh t ly nhl l i i t l y , amia l l l i n u ^ h sn ngi' . l . she i l ld l i rr nwi;wnrlc an i l a lmnsl t h e last i l i l n ^ ; .Mami l i a Ma-.mi said when hi-r i ln l igh te rs li'l'llier was, ".Now, girls. 1 hope you xvnlftbe a eare In y n n r gnu id i im! I 'm sure IIymi try ynu can hel | i her In i imn.\

Tin- i i i i i r n l n g n f l e r I h c l r i i r r l v n l , u I I I - DI l i r . V l l i l l l I l l l l i ' l l r i l n l i c a r l y b rcak l ' l lMl n ll i n i l l c i l I ' l l l c K c l l nml k ' n i i l i ' l l rnl'll l • l l l i l •^w l l l i i l i ' l l i ' l n i i M nynip f rnm gnindma' inu ' i i nu i | i l c grove, HcMsle said, " l>o Idin help ynu i l u np i he wnrK. i;ranilina. '

l i n i n i l i n a h i i i l h - i l . "1 I I I . r to waul 'my r l i l n . i i n v M i ' i r , " t i l n - x n l i l , " l int I ' l lt e l l ynu , my I ' c i i r " . I f ynu re-a l ly \ v i i n lIn l i r lp ni l - , IM l l l i " In Inn r you n\vrc[:up i l i c l i l i i ' l i c n n m l i l l u l n t ; romn i<\ 'er .vm n i ' i i l i i ; < . V u i i r a n l a k e t u r n s a t (lolnj;I I . "

• • \ \ ' r l l l i ' l l l l i < i l u I I I h l - i I l l n l - l l l m ;I h e n . " ' - ' i l i l l . a i i r n . " M c H n h - J M M I I | iuK,\p a r M i ' i i l a r a l x i i i l i - \ r r y l h l i n : M i n i l il i i l , I ' M InT 1 ' i i i ' i 'Vr i 1 a n i l n i l n y ! A m i I ' nIn u hum I n run m i l a n i l pla.v!"

I . a u r a ^ v l ' n l \ l f ; i i r m i M l y lu w n r U t i nv l i u | - i i i l " l . v , i i i ' l ' h a p x , t i n - u l i c H n u i i ' i l I l uI I I I l l I l i l I l l l - ' l l | lu l l l l | l ' l l l l l l l I ' lKII- I I

J - I V H I r l n i i i l r t m i l l > n - l K ' r a m l i i i i i r u i i - r / . l na m i i i i m l i - Hie > ' l l l l l l ^ v cal neck 1 ' i ' l ' i l f C in i i ' i - r H M ' H l n v r , I d - \ \ i i M i r i 1 1 ' i i i i l i l c iH i i ' i ' i ' , I'm1 I i m i M i 1 ' i i i i l i ' i i t i H u l l I . n u ni l l i l n ' i n v v i M ' p nmlc r i l u < n l u v i : a l a l lMm n l l l t l l l r i l u l l l . - I p l a r i ' M , I n n . H i l l ' I c I( I n - l i l j ; I ' n i ' K I I I K r l l l l l l 1 n l n y \ \ ' l l i ' r n I Iw a n . mi l l i n i ' i ' i ' l . v n \ \ c | i i i i r i n i n i l l i ; " I nn r v i T l i H i k r i l l i n l i l i n l l.lic i l i i u r I'm1 l i l l rnl' l lm I ' n l l i ' i ' h ' i l Hi!1-!1!'; m i l a cni 'lTi-i ' warM V i ' p l , llm i l l i l " In 1 t a i l ' i ; r a i l i l m a ' n I'nnli i l i m l .

i i l ' i i l i i l i m i M l i ' n n i ; i l h l mil >ul.V n w n n ll i i i v v i ' v c r , H l n - w e n t mi \ \ n i i l i l i n ; Imip n - l l y p l n K mi ' l \ v l i l l n r l i l n a , n m l l i m nn i i ' i l h r r I ' a v m ' U i ' l > i : m , " A r i m i ' i ; i > l iKeep ! I l ine!"

Tin- m.'M ' n i i i f i i l n i ; I I w a n l l i ' i m l c ' rHim. li 'h ' i i l nl' n i l "In' i l i m l c i l t i ne l i n l i ' i i ani l imi I l i e n i In u i'nw mil In t i n

I n - N e w .Mexico is the oldest city ' w i t h i nt h e confines o f ' t l n - 1 'n l t e i l Slates, t i n -Alhtu i tU ' i -que t 'iti/eii brings, a newrlalmaiiT into rile l lc l i i I n ' t l u - fo l low ing

"Nnw conic a Mr. l l l l n i n m - r , \ \ l i ngives t in- da te of se t t l ement ol' Tucson.Arl/.,, as l."i."i. some hal f a c e n i i i r yearlier l l i an Ihe f n m n l i n g nf Xt,i\.;i I - eor St. Augi i s t lne . l ie lias,-s his c h i l mupon a u t h e n t i c i lnc i in icn is . inc lu i l l i i ; - ; apa i ' eh in i ' i i l dlscnvereil ammr: i l n - i e r -nrds of the old inlsslmi nf San X a v l e r .d a l e i l - l.~i,VJ, when t h e s e i i l i - m e i i l wa :<ordered In be es l i ib l lshei l , nml a i i a i - h n lto wh'leli Is an accni inl nl' the I ' n i m i l h r :of TiK.'Non. W r l t l r l i . l t ) t h e hand uf .\UiiVcll.i ilc Nlzii, who explored Arlxoin i . "

In former refcri-nees in HH- i l l spn ie i lc l n l n m of HI, A u g u s t i n e ami Sama I-V.says Hit- Mucky . M n u n l a l i i .News, I h ispaper has always m a l n t a l n e i l H u l l San-ta I''c was Ihe nldrsl cnni I n n m i s l y In-ba l i l t ed c i ty In .the I ' t i l l e i l Sui tes . SI .Angus! hie WIIH loeiite.l liy-1 lit* Kpan ' i i i ' i l nIn |riil."> nml then a h n m l n n e i l . Sania J.'eW I I H fonmlci l In I f i N I an i l bus been i ,nl l n n n i i H l y I n l m l i l l i - i l ever s l i ue . l l s a. '-I nn l imin le lpu l rcennlH l i i > K l i i n l n : 4 I n11101. A f t e r t he f o u n d i n g nf San,a I-VSI . A n g i i s l l m - wns n- ln ra lml . 'die M i -

nsk of ourWHICH IS THE OLDEST CITY? i lives, for, If Cyicral Bnller had known...- -•- -- • •".. " T i f -he woii i i i have had us Htrung upl'.Tucson, Ariz , Claims the Honor Over ' Nnw. you lake back what J'OU Bald

St. AtiBiinti i ici i i i - l Santa l> ;Ih..m "fi lm. T.-iiccHt back-, or 1 will-Iteferrlng to the d lspuie as to whe tb - j . lump you i m t l i over the rail there."

( t h e nl i l 111:111, Hie boys apologlzccTfor' • !iHr li. ' isty \yoi:iN. Then the older said;j "Hlr, my f a the r will pay any price for' t l i i i s e nld spoons. J^ lionet Uncwjust.iTinw much money I lmve^vTtb~tix>, l iutYTi wi l l iiivo li to yon, every cent, if you 'I w i l l g ive nil- those memorials of my! i i rani l fa l l ic r . They can be worth noth-

ing more to yon now.""I,el nie t e l l ynu,' ' replied Budd, "that

ymi couldn't bring money enough In atwo-horse wagon lo buy one of them.I 'm nnl a t h i e f : I 'm not t rying lo make

1 i i imiey by steal ing. I took those spoons[ a s p lunder nf w a r , and I'm going loI keep 'cm You can't buy 'em and you!i aii ' t tease 'cm away. No tine to try.i . v in l . If ymt wint to nave your spoonsj t l i n t you've U i i l now down there, don ' t '

i ver i l e e ln i e war i igalnsr the Northagain . These spnniis s l ay ing up herel i t 1 M a i n e w i l l l ie a Jog lo yoirr iiirio-

l''e W I I N fn l imie i l there > \ l l s I ln Si. A 1 1 ^i is i lne. . ludh ' la l I ' l i m l n r v v m i h l nrr n'll( I n - . -h i l in nf iigi- In S i i i i i n l-'e.

As In t h e c h l l l l l In I ' l l V n l 1 nl' ' I ' l lMi l l .(here a re i ; ra \e i l n i i l i l s a-i In | IN i n : 1

rer tncMs. I I a l w a y s I I I I H h i -e i i en iu ' e i lI ' l l t h a i I h e HpanVli e \ p i ' ( l i l I n n - * a m i « , - i -l l e l l i e l l t s a f l e l ' Hie rnlH| l : i" . l n f M r N V ,n.v ( ' . i i ' l i - / , eMcmled m i l h u a i ' i l . r e i i e l i m ll l m I t l n ( i n i l i i l e i l l 101 I ' a x n a n i l I I I 'Ho-nlnlit," t h a i r ive r n r r l v e i l n l H a n l i i I'.-.t - < n l i M > i | l i e i i l l y l l i i ' l r n e i l l e m r i i i h 1 I - M I m lml \ \ i n l \ v a n l i i e i ' i i M S Ar l ' / .nua In - u l iem I ' a l U ' i i l ' i i l a . I f I h i - - n e w l y i l l - e n v i - i i i ll l u e l l l l i e l l l hi I ' on l l i l I n be I l l l l l l i H I le h il l ' i H l a l i ' i i i e n t i i I I w i l l hr. '11111,• i i ' T e iH i i r y I n re\ ' lhe I h e l i l n l i i r y nl ' t h e - ^ i | i i h\ v e n l IIH II hi l l n V t l l r e c p l e i l . T l i r i | ,i | IH ' ) , l nl' Mex ico li.v I ' l i l ' l i " / , i ieel l ln i l heI \ V r n l l I T i l l l I l i n l l.'i'J.'i a m i J l h< e \e

l i i K l y i l o n l i l l ' n l H m l mil}1 ' h l r i y y . -n r - .la ter a i n - l l l c m e n l W«H inmln In A ' ' , / I , I I MTlie i l r n l i a l i l l l l y I n l l n i l I h e i l a l e him i ncoiiu' mixed . ' • ' ,

V l i i l i i l i ' i A II I ' l cri 'il, t i l ."I 'hlr i in r e i u a i ' U a l i l r , I r i i l y imnirl i

i i l i l r . l " i - M ' l a l m e i l Hie I n l e c . r i i p l i r i l l l man Im h i ' l i l up a i l l n p a l - ' h , " I I I n i m i i i nce i l en le i l . "

" W l i a l ' i i Hie l u n l l e r V " i i ; i l .e i | I l n 1 l i l c h l

i mini n \\ I 'e i ' t t l i .v l l i i ) : i ; l i i i ; a t r a i n u l l l ian apron ,"

" W d l V ""Well , w hern W I I M her red i i c l l l c i i n i ?

T l m l ' i i w I m i I w a n I l o l i i m w , " (!li |cni;ol < i M < l l l l i | t I ' n n l .

l l u r . l l , i n I , .t i l d e r i l i n w Manar . r l 1 ' I ' l i n n in i l l l ed mm.

f e l l ami l i rn l ic I l l i l leg.1 ( l l r e i n i M a i n i i t c r T l m l ' ' Uurd l i n k . -Ohio ( l ln te .Inurmil.

And In spi le nf al l t h e i r i i rgn inentH•mil |iriiii*-lr.. ( l ie—young---men -werei.bilged in t r udge a w a y w i t h o u t Iho^ p i i n l l H t h a t l ie lnngei l I n I l l e l r Ki ' i l inl-I 'Mther . A u b u r n i .Me.i OnrreHpondenceNew York Tribune.

HIc l i cNl ill' Cai'veil I'lpCH.I ' rnl i i iHv i l i i * Hum! e la l ior i i le meer-

- I ' l i a i i m |>lpe In Ib i s enun l ry hi imw Inpnieess of coloring by a .New YorkMcreh i in l , wlm bnng l i t i t I'rnm ji Inraln i a n n f i i c t i i i er recently for V l . M l i u . The( i l p e Is l i i i m v n lit, M "r l ianir l r r" pipe InHie I r a i l e , n m l Is a \\ n i i i l e r l ' i i l l y curved

| i i - p l ' n i l i i e l l i I' l l i e p a l n l h i g "M. .InlmI t I l l s I t a l l i . " I t i - l 'presei i ls six ma id -ens gr.nipcil I ' l i m u i l a I n n n l a l n , ani lr l l l i e r M l , . l i i l l l l I s enneealed behindHie I ' m i n l a l i i nr In l i ; he IH innin sight, at any rale. The llg-i ires are chiseled f r n m a un lM pleee nfnicerHchni in i , w h l e l i wan I m p n r t c i t fromTurkey. The labor expended npmi Ite x t e n d e d over a perlm! nf t w n years,; ind Iho umbel ' mnu l l ip l eee n l m i c eiiHt

A m n i i K r e t a i l dealers I t I M mi ld Hin tl l i e demand I 'm m e e r n e l i i i i i l i i plpoi andI m h l e l s I I I I M i ; l ' e a i l y deei'ciiKcd I I I HieIn i l l 'e\v y n i i i ' H . M i i n i i l ' a c l u r e i ' M deelai'e,I u . u e v e r , I I m i I Imy I in v e a l l t hey can do

M I l i l 11 u •! r n idd 'H, a m i H i n t Hie (| mi I l l yand l l i e w iirk i l in i i ' i l i lp of Hie I'niidx. t r u e d m i l l iy I l i e m Is t i l l per cell! bel lei 'i l i n n t ' l i r m e i ' l y . They a r rmi i i l I'm' l lmappa ren t I ' a l l l i i K "II1 lu l lm demuni l loHie lue reaMi 'd i are a mini I n k c i i nf a '•nml n i e e i - M i ' l i a i i n i . "1'enple hern lire

l i i ' l u i t e i l n e a l e i l , " Mi ld ime m a l i u l ' a c l I I I 'e r . "Tlmy H l n l n l H l a l n l H u l l a gnnd pipee i i l l l i n l h e I I I l i ' e a l e d , a n d l i m y l i reI n l l l ' l i l n i ; I n l a k e prnper care n l l l n ' l i i ,Dim plpn M i i \ v n d a . v a \ \ l l l lm,| a i i i a i il l i l ' e o I l i u e i l Hie H i m - ( h e n a m e pipewou ld » few .\eani u/;n." New Y o r kl i v e n i n g I ' n n l ,

The iilder a imlii i;eln Hie luirdei' II InI'OI' him In feel nnrry Inr a Wnlllan\vlinnn (ill); i|n|t IIIIM Jll'il died,

I I hi cinder In pi 'n ieet n l l e ' i i f e l l Ci'mtmi c i i e i n v t h a n l i ' i u u a I'.ml f r l r m i

.Jn.Patoi-Ko«::than-ln any otherthe United States. The "silk city" biNow Jersoy Is.tho capital of all tin"rodj" in the country—the scat.of ikind of university for the training o:regicides. Here Bresel, the assassin ol

~tving<Hiimi)erT,"wii'iT traliiel and wlfei.he "as.saHNin'g knife sank Into the breas3f Kmiiress Ellzaheth of Austria, tinjccnit service bureaus of Kurope senextra men to Patersou as tho fountalilource of anarchy. U is In Patcrsoilhat La Question Sociale, the loadlnj Iorgan of anarchy In this country, lipublished, and to Its columns tho notorlous Euima Goldman, the Insplrer o.the demon Czolgosz, contributes Inceu

^fllary articles.This crime-inciting paper Is published

In thevrear of the top floor at 8r>!5 Market street, and here may be found It:

—Wlltoi- and tlie-Ieadet^f'S.nOO-Hallaiis


wh<> 'comprise tlie-local_Hoclcty_knowE.as the Hlglil to Kxlsti-iice. The edltoi

' la a Spaniard, I'eilro Kstevi-, the mosljn'onounced nnarcl i ls t in the hind."Ivll l lng a -King'," this man said afteithe assassInTTtron "of KIng~1lntnbcrr"makes people t h i n k . We Want to exterminate evils by force. We neveirrtilsliler conseiinciici'S. We are opposed

"My hair was falling out veryfast and I Was greatly alarmed. Ithen tried Ayer's Hair Vigor andmy hair stopped falling at once."—Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O.

The trouble is your hairdoes not have life enough.Act promptly. Save yourhair. Feed it with Ayer'sHair Vigor. I f - the grayhairs are beginning toshow, Ayer's Hair Vigorwill restore color everytime. - 11.00 bottle.

If your dcugcfst cannot supply, you,£ond ua onu dollar and \te wlllexpressyou a. Iwttlc. lie Burn and give tbo narnoof your nearest cxprenB onToo. Address,

J. C. A VKIl CO., Lowell, Mass.


Frightened Mare Jumps Clear Over aFull-Blzed I-'relcbt Car.

While working near Green River,Wyo., a Utilon Pacific repair -gang hadlts"cars Bet~on^a"spur,-nnd-all- aroundthe spot on1 both \ldca of the.track w.asline pasturage for the work hprses. Onemorning while the men wero roundingup the horses the bunch took fright at

eil-l-Q nip. _ In •! wllll riml.i tli

swooped down on the corral, ami onemarc, which seemed to have been thor-oughly frenzied. Unshed directly towardthe train, t^fine of the nien, seeing thefright of the anlniiil, tried to turn her,but she weni on, heedless of the ob-struction.

"I Btirntirnirm front oftlieMrs. Ftnrrja. R. Felch, Treasurer Fond

ol these instrunieHTs, so tut. as tlnTslavohoiaers of Kansas arc concerned,than In 100 bibles. You might Just aswell read the bible to buffaloes as tothose fellows who follow Atchlson andStrlngfellow." So the weapons tookthe name of "Beecher's bibles" nnd by:hls they were commonly known.

Ing ens," said Clinrles Anderson, "andfelt sure she would butt out her brainsagainst thl> car. Just as she reachedthe edge of the shallow cut at which

I the. cars stood she stopped an instant,flrmly planted her feet In the ground,and -gnverone— mighty leap. The carwas cleared a» cleanly and perfectly asthough the animal had been n trainedEnglish hurdle horse Instead of a com-

mrgraile team: - ̂ •-|"'"• ""i»

Mm. Wln«toiT'» Soothing Syrup Cor childrenteething, Boftou tbo gums, reduces inflamma-llin,all»y« pain, curea wind colic. 2fic a bottl c


I Ftae CommUaion for the BenntlfnlKnahne Bererldge.

— Miss Knehne Bcverldgc,-the.talentedaerlcan—seulptressr-hfts-ftgaln—been-j-^valHn

brought Into prominence by reason o(the fact that thocity of Leeds hascommissioned her to

a" bust—ofKing Edward forI t s library.. MissBeverldge I s u ndoubtedly the fore-

tyranny. \Ve do not believe In religionlaws or Ind iv idua l ownership of prop-erty."

I'mler Ihe tutelage of Btrieve men nr«' trained In the business of assassination

<iliil from I'titerson they go forth asvropagamllsts of Ihe gospel of hate.

In the rooms on the top floor wherethe paper Is published the anarchistshold their principal meetings. Herothey gather to approve nnd gloat ovoithe murder.of King or President andto lay plans for fu tu r e assassinations.Should an nlllccr or suspicious persontic present Ihe, meeting resolves ItselfInto a pol i t ical a f fa i r which discussesconditions In I ln ly , but wi th none saveHie f a i t h f u l around nimrchy and assas-sination are the subji'cts.


Knn«n« Hny OUroreni Hhnrp'c Hide• hliH>c<l We«it l>r Fmiintin Prencher.ItecollcctloiiH of the days of John

llrown and the times when Kansaswas the Hinge on which Homo excit ingneeiit-H were i-nnctcd have, been reconllyreralleck At I.eeomploli, Kan., (he olh-• T day a hid puddl ing around In theuliallow wilier" of the K n w found nSharp's rll le of Ihe iiaeleiK pat teni of; l f l v \ ' en i 'Hago, Someone hntt HliggcrttcdH u l l It IH one of "lleccher'H bibles," thein l ine given by the curly sett lers to t h i sweapon , nml t h e suggestion r"calln acurious t i l l nl' ear ly I d M l i i r y . When (hitIl l ' - i l e i n l g r n n l N nei i l n u t by Hie Newl l n g l n m l Aid "nil n lhc i ' Hoele lh-H of I l i cNm",h I 'nll l ld I h e l i ' s e l l l e i n e l l l H liesel byl i n n i l H ni' pi 'oMlnvei 'y men from M i s -, -nnrl I hey called upon t h e i r K i iH lc rnI ' l ' l r l i d n I'm' a rum w l l h w h l e l l lo defendHie i i iM- lvcs . and many s ldpmeniH ofN l i a r p ' H I ' l l les wei'e made In I hem fromI m l i i I t n h l i u a n i l N e w Y o r k , l l u l t i l lgui lds shipped to K a n s a s lu id In enmeup the Ml ' i imi i i ' l nml l l i r m l K h "Ihe ene-I U . V ' M c o u n t r y " and Hie M i M H o u r l n i m hadH I ' l i sh ln i i nl' r n i i l l i i e a H l i i t M i l c h weapnmian I hey I 'n l l l ld . Nn l l i e I ' l l l en were shippi'd II,1' l l n l l m l l l l n g rl:'n III pae l l l lgeNi.liaued In i le re jve . l-'or example, InIN.i. ' i A I I I I I I I l . u w r e m ' e wi 'nti . f rom Hon.li/ti lo b i n a i ; cn l u l l l a r t l ' i i n l , Culm.' " l t e i | i i en l Mr. r a in i e r In h a v e leuM l i a r p ' s r l l l i " , p u e k e i l In eane'i l i k e l ia i 'dware nml to r e l a l n Hiem M i i l i j e i ' i i n myiirder. Abm In i ieud Hie l i l l l In me, Iw i l l pay I I c i t h e r w l l h my mile ill 7 pereenl I n l e r i - M l or In eaidi."

A n d Ihese r l l l e i i w.el'e tdi lpped to L a w -I' l ' l iee nml gal .MnnM^tttliri 'iilgh, mi dida l l i e ra , packed In a \ \ ay In deeelve. I tWlm ehiii'|(ed H i n t Henry Ward llei-elierhud iieul n box nf t h e r l l lei i mni 'kei l "bl-hlen" nml when npproaebei l by n NewYork I ' nu t lepni ' ter be n d m l l l e i l I I tolie a fact . "I bellnve," Ilu ttahl, "HintIhn Mharp rl l le In I r i i l y a moral animi'ynnd Ihern In more moral, power lu on*

most"sculptre.ss of- t h e world, her pot. t ra i t busts of emi-nent men' of Eu-rope and America K U E I I X R j i rvEiunac.adorning some of the most wealthyhomes. She Is the grand.daughter of for-

-mer governor—Beverldge—of—Illinois.Her mother Is the Baroness Von Wrede,wi fe of a (ierinnn nobleman, and thefair sculptress has spent much of hertime abroinl. In 180:PMlB« Beverldgcwas married to ('harles Coghlan. theactor, aftcr.a very short acquaintance,'1 bo marrlnge was opposed by th«young artist's mother and by Mr.Coghlan's Bister, Rose Coghlan, but thelovers were obdurate. Af te r oue yearof married life i hen! wan a divorce.Most of Sllns Hcverldge'K life tins beenspent In New YorU-niul Callfom'v He-cently she has been abroad,

nrnfnr** Cnimni IIr Curedby locol applications nn tbcy rnnnnt rcnch theillni-nneil portion of .Ilin rar. Thcr« II only onetray to cur<> ilxafurtii, and that In br conatitii-llonal rnninlifn. Dcnfncnn i» canned by an in-llamcil i-onilltlnii of the mucous lining of ther'.iintnohlnn Tube. When thin tube in Inflamedyou havnn, rumbling "omul nrlmperfoathear-InK. anil when It in nntlrelv uloneil DeafncBH Inth<i romilt, anil union the Inflammation can hetnknn nut and thin tulin rf ntoroil to 1U normalcondition, hearing vrlll lie ileitrnytd forover,Nino caiieii nut of ten nrti cauaed by catnrrh,irhli'li In nothing but "n Inflnmeil condition ofthe mucoiiN nurfuneH.

W* will give One Hundred Dollari for anycnin of Dcafneii (cnuHdil by catarrh\ thai can-not lio cured by Ilall'n Catiirrli Cure, Circular!•ent free. F. J, CIIKNEY * <lo., Toledo, O.

Hold by DruffgUiU, 7Bu.Hall'i Family 1'llln uru th« belt.

Tin-re |H. liowev<-i\ l imit ut whleh- eeawcH i7i~ln» u vlrTlle


u t M i n i( ' i i j i u e l t y

In l l l l lp more l i m nfor rceelvliiK1 i l l H e l -

riio'n Cnro In llm bent mmllnlno nn nreir iiimlfor nil HtTnolliinii «f throiit unit hniK'.—\Vu.O. K N I I U I . K V . Vnal i i i r ru , 1ml., |,'oli. 10, I'JOO.

Tulen tH iiri- In- l i t i m r l m < ' d In M i d l t u d e ;chiti ' i ieter Is lietit rnrmcd In Hie n i n r n v yh l l lnwi i uf the \vnr ld .

To jui l f t i ' of l l i e renl Impnr lu i i ro nfan I m l l v l i l m i l we i i l im i l i l H i l n k nf theelTeel hln death wimld priiilui.'e,

llrcny.r l l i u l n r t i i k l n u .Mllnl is I hear you ni ' i- i i l i nu l lo s l a r i

il new llnper, W l t t i l nre ynu m'lni; inenII I I ?

J l i l k n I hint I l i n u g l i l Mei'loiudy of r a i ltug I t Ihe I tug le .

M l l n k N l i n n i l ! ,|uiiI l l m H i l n g I f ymil u i \ ' e f u l l y i i i i n l n up your mind In b lowynunicir .

| . 'l 'hl|ii 'riniinnn:lv I ' l l r i ' i l . Nn I l l n nr n n r v o i l n -urim i i f l n r llnil i l n v ' i i u im ut Dr . K l l n n ' t i ih ' rnlN « ' l v i i I l i - n l i i r m . i': I i l n I l i n l t l l i i i i l i l t r n u t l n n f l 'n i lDr. II. II. Ki.ru , I,til., |i;i| Aii'li III,. I'ldln. I'.i

A 1' lrnle I n c l i l r i t l ," M l l l i e r U n i t ymu ig rdlow i lnwn (he ro

w l l h l i l n i i l l '1 I" li l i a r nr I 'm n n l h l i i i ; , "r emarked Ha- ml v e i U i i r n i i n cn l i ' i p l l l u ra > < he prnceeiled lo Inw'er l i l l i l n r U ' on hMn l l k e i i I h i ' i ' i l d .

" \ \ ' l u i l i ln ynu menu?" Inqu i red l lmlive |nml.

"1 . I l i n l hciml h im le l l her H i n t n n l l llli |( , alle ml|(lil be 'n i i i ' e , wouhl everenme between I l ium." Ph i l ade lph i aI'rctiii. Tlin K l n i l .

W r i t i n g love lel lern rni||ilren a greatCOVnnnMT «„- at.. TCCTHI OK« mimlnl eirm't," nn l i l l l u n l l i i K .blUUUUHl for (ho TfctTEI £6C ,.YoHi r le l l tlnu-n(iil ," ad.lc.l l .arUln.

• I

standard-gauge Hut, loaded with steelrails. .The hank from which she Start-ed was not more than six Inches abovethe ties, and Ihe other side was lower.Apparently the animal was not injuredly her wild lcnp.< The foreman of thepang saw her make the leap and houghther from the man who owned her, andsnys he proposes to keep her for a fam-ily pet hecause of her feat. She Isapparently of Canadian copper-bottomstockfund weighs abbtiF 1,050'pounds.""

ACluTi. -'-•-,-• • - - . - . - - |.—YellowJy—What!——Are—you —going thome already? . |

Brownly—Yen-;-I-uiust go. "Wife

du Lac, Wis., Social Economic Club, TellsHow She was Cured of Irregular and Pain-ful Menstruation by Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound.

-- "DEAR MRS.".PINKHAM.:—r I'..haYcT.used Lydia E. Pinkharn'3 _sgetable—Gpm pound—for—iprcgulat-and—painful—menstruationr-and-

wds entirely cured after using two bottles. , I can truly say it is aboon to suffering women, and I would recommend'all suffering fromthe' above troubles to try a few bottles and be cured. Very thank-fully yours, EMMA E. FELCH, Division St., Fond du Lac, Wis."$5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE.

When women are i troubled with irregular, suppressed or painfulmenstruation, weakness, leucorrhcBa/displncementroirttlceration~of-the-

.•womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of .the. ov.a.ries, backache,bloating, (or flatulence), general'debility, indigestion, mid nervous pros-: t'fatioii; or"afe beset"-wilEi-¥ucKW™l''̂ ffl^^:^zz*n'eB^>"*1™*ness»^a8S**lU^e»:-:

excitability, irritability, nervousness,_sleeplessness, jiela-ncliply, "all-gone" and "want-tb-be-left-alohe" feelings, blues and hopelessness,^Sey should remember there"is'orle trie'd and triie femedy> Xydla E.

• '" " ~ ' ' Ie-€ompoiin«l-at-once-removes-8uch—troubles.-Yellowly—My wife helongs to a wo- |

man's club, anil when she,goes out to It jin an afternoon, I never say a word If ,R^O Htnys 'awny'sl j j hours, so she never 'says^unythiii(f~tcrinc~if"l~aiirout~irllttlc"1 itt-r than UHtml. Don't your wife be-long to a club?.

Brownly—Xo, hut there's a club thatbelongs to her, and It Is the knowledgeof that facFTEnTTjniurrjFlng ine~home.—Boston Courier.

Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need tne beat.No other medicine for female ills in the world has received

ouch widespread and unqualified endorsement.Mrs. Pinkham invites all sicjc women to write her for advice,.

'She has pruided~tlfovisairds"to"heilthi—Addressrty111** Mass.

— : From the- .ni l to .-^ocictr. . . . . . . .Marmaduke—How do you feel about

Oils muchrdlsciissed man:W.lth:the-hoe?

Courtney—Oh! He's all right. Inthree getrerattonR-lie—wIll-bwUh-the-tallyho.—Puck.

Few things rimke a poorer appear-ance than the kin at an average wed-

Good for Bad TeetHi

lilnntincd.An ohl colored woman was "tnklnj»

on" yestcnhi.v afternoon over thedi -n th of "her bnhy as Hhe was (,'olngfrom vliurch to tht- hack. A white\vomnn who know her and happened toIn- passing wild, sympathetically:"Which one- of your children Is dead,Aunt Kllzn?"

"The one In the henrne," moaned them-gre»8. ^ '_ •

A. pretty. K'r'. who wears n perpetualHinlle may lie Jolly, but the monotonyId Homethlng tierce.

f^loW wlddoin It sometimes bcttctthan sudden lrtolratlon.

Hcvorul MeaU llelilatl."Is It true," iiHked the 'hcnevolcin

la<ly, "Iliiil you often have to so w i t hout it mciilV"

"It I«, ma'am," replied Tatterc-dThompson. "Thl« breakfast j'Ou havegiven mo \VHH dm- on the morning <>'

7, 1HHI)."—I.I-H||«'B U'eelily.

SoKOdont Li<xuld 35c. L>Br|£o Liquid and Po\vd«r75o«At all stores or by mail. Sample of the Liquid for the postage, jc.



. Jfor Mora TJionayunrler of a CenturyThe reputation of W. L. J3oUBlno'.83.00and S3.CO shoes for style, corolort nndwear haa excelled all other makes sold atthose prices. This excellent reputation hasbeen won by merit alone, w. L. Qouglaishoes have to give better aausfactlon thanother 83.00 and S3.50 shoes because hi)reputation for tho best *3.OO nnd 83.BOshoes must be mainlined. The standardhas always been placed so high that thowearer receives more vnliio I or. h!» snoneyin the W. L. Uoimlas S3.00 and 83.60shoes than bo can net elaowhero.

W. L. Douglas sells more »3.0O and 83.60•hoes than any other two manufacturers.

IV, i. Doualai $4.00 Ollt Edge Unacannot 60 equalled at any price.

A Mttlc Dvrnrr.»M*'f'ttfai

;*.! ,i>-̂

i—tfeffiipnper f e r . t h a t dog you found. Th«man wot OWIIH him offcm n reward.

.Mm Mow dyV know ICH u man','

.lake 'I'll' paper HHJ'H "no ( |ncHl lon«nsked." New York Weekly.





— «• **!*••-

/ I / / / / OII-E.D> /• nr/' CI.OTMINC-

or I M I I A T I » H I i noM-un AMivr m/ini: MAim

What of the Future?Have you trtr constdercil what will becomeof your IOTCI| onei ndcr you nto gonrf Or,what will become of yon In your old «gefWe h«ve made prorl»lon [or you In eitherciiic. Ou' niiK booklet, "The How anil theWhy," glveaour plan. Write for it.

PENH-MllTUAL-LlF l̂NSURANCE-COr031 Chcitnut St., Phllsdalphla.

NBW DJSOOVEBT; (In.flulok r.ll.l .n4 our.. «o««

|O dnya* tr«Ktm«aftB, Atu*t», a*.

$900 TO $1500 PER YliAR.We wiint lu tc l l lc r t i t Men *ml Women m

njj l teprr»rtiUttvrrt or I^ic»l M«no({rra;i to >^'x> H year •nil *!) cxi>cn»c»(to rx|icrlriice «n«l ul i lUly Wo ulao

wttnt litcdl i c | ) i f i t n t « t i v r f t ; nnia iy fa tn f i p mweek oml fomui i f i ton , ( IcpcuiUnK muni the time

vutcil . H<-n»l fit it HI |i for lu l l (mti lci i luir t nml««! ")i)iUlou [ M n l r i r J , Ailttrettd, Dcpt. IITIIK Illtl.I. COMPANY. rhl tNtlclpl iU. l'«.

ni) Cull I Itv. of (i(M1inrnt%.TOWCR

M E M O R I / V L LIFE OF M c K I N L E YI" I M i i j n i n l i v In I ' l i lnui i l A. li . .I l i iClin o,l l m l l n l i o l l i i l l l l l i l l l n l I .nil lul l ( I v o r Hml l i i m r n iIVIM llm Illunliiil limn I'opilllviilv llnMiinnt luillii'iil In

>• \ \ i i H l M l l n - n I l i h l l m L.ioli u l l l l l n l M Ui l l ) i i r r i n i n l n l A K H I » I > I | I I , | | I nn , I h t n l l i m i l l l ' ' i l i l i - l i l l .•nnl In mi Im l lm I n , i I n i i i l , I ' I . I N I M , , l i m 1,11 lr

«I,M,I|,I |,,,,,,, |.,,,|K,I.. All. l l ,>,, , H III.I/I'll )IA-

1 . 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 ( i l l . , I , I N n i l l i I l l i l M l . , I ' l i l ln . , I'll.

W. L. Woi/f//n« i>:l.lltl anil fll.noahoom aro ttimli? o/ if/to mama htQharmla luntliara tiaafl In $H anil 9tl•/lona anil nra lit*t n* aaail.

Mold l iy Hi" I'l 'nl M l i d c i d c h l i i r n iwi i rywl inrr i , •lllHlr.1 ll|iull Innllli; \V. I., llnllnlltn xlllIrM

\vll l> iliiniii unit l» li'" nlinii|i<<il oil hiilliiln.II,.., lo »•• hv M u l l , i r W. U l lmiulni l

Rlii i i -n inn nnl f i l i l I I I y i 'n i ' I m t l i , M- in l nnlcr i t l l r r l Inf n r l i i i y , ,'ilii-rt " ' - III l u i v t v l l r i o n i l l f i ' r l | i l i > r |>llro iill'l

• / • * ., \ v n i ' l i i . i i . l . l l l l 1( .Mint).-. MrjLtl^l-1- A i-ui-l mil lii-i'iu l nil-ill ull l inn Im vmtil

^^aaa'"\ l-."li Hun "III r,|iiiil»n unit fit i'im.•A*"'̂ \ i,,in inn.I,.»!,,„•», in riylf, III nml

~ 'I'nl.n 1111,̂ 111, in, nl« ,,li n n h i H M i i i l l I l ini l i- l 1 h l n K il i u l i H I M ' , l | n l / « i i i n i U \ l i l l l iI I M I I i i l l y w i i l l l l p l i i l l l n r

i-iui Inm l i r u v y , MiniN. l inn in U n l i t mim

"Tln^nnpn Il inl muiln Went I'oliu (niuoim.*


\ FOR FI^FTY_YEARS!i; MRS. WINSLOW'S; | SOOTHING SYRUP' ; | ,nn l i i-cm il l i v in I l l i n i u m ' I hvli l f u r l l l i - l ri , , ' l i l l i l i v i i H l i l l i i t i - i ' l l i l M i i l i i r i i t r r l ' l f l .y Vi ' i i rn.' U „ lii 'nlliiM'llll i l . Milieus I hi- HIIII I I . nil,IMI

' al l | i»lll. r l l i o n " I l l i l . . i l l . ' , mill In I I I " Ix'iil.

SOZODOtJT Tooth Powdor 25o


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I'liono, l-U-Od A. 1'Mll.A.

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MUNICIPAL.CLKRK. J.L.O'Donuoll.COLLECTOR & T r t E A a o r t E n . A ^ B.Davis. "JUSTICES.' Chna tVooduut tVuos II G.irton

-• K L Caufmon . . . . . . .CONSTABLES. GjioJBprnnhouso.O C Combea.

HionwA Vs . Elias~A~Toslyin>FTni5 Poon. Goo.Bornsb&ufio

Nionr POLICE. Uobt MoC MillerATTOUSEY. E II Chundler.Finn CHIEFB. J Wulther, H M PhillipsVoLDKTEEH Fins Co. D. 8 .Cunninghnm>

preeldorit ; Win 0 Hnyl, secretary. Moots onJro* Monday evening of each ruonth

dny ovehine in oaoh month.Town COUNCIL. Michael K Boyor, Clim.

E \V Btttoholur, J E \Vntki8, Vf D DePuy,Andrua B Holmnn. Juhn Hothfus. Moots lastSaturday eve each month.

BOARD OP EDUCATION. "C. F. Osgooa,presi-dent; D. 8. Cunningham,clerk; Edwin Adnma,J it O'Donnoll, Mrs J Ii Ilnnsoui, Mra KirkSpoir, Mrs E A Joslyn, Thomas C ElvinsrDr J A Wans. Moots first Tuesday, eveningeach tnontb.

OAiuToFllKALTrTr] M."L.' Jn'eVKbji'i^Pr_e»t":l e n t ; Dr. Charles C u a n i u R h n m , Inspector;lohn T. French, .J-. C. Amlorson, Wm. Cun-

BELIGIODSBAPTIST. Uov H F Lonmis, pastor: Sun-

lay services :Proaohing 10:30 Sunday-Bch<>ol1.30, Junior C. E. 3.00p.m., Christian En-

doavor 6.15, Preaching 7.IS Weokdayprayermoet inp Thursday oveuin(.',7.30.

• Ilnraca Uiiion-uiceiinjz, for ni-jn only, in oldlost office bu i ld ing . Sunday eve. 8.45

ST. JOSEPH'S, K C. Rev J P Rohlcdcr,R M, Kefltor Supilnv M n s p Q H nt 3.30 and

Tho following is from President Mc-Klnley'a lubt mess'uuo to the Amoricunpeople, delivered at the Exposition onthe duy before bo wns shot down :-"Lot UB-ovGr~rernernbor- that our in-

terest is in concord,' not conflict, andthat our real emioeace rests In thevictories; of pence, not thoso of war,We hope that all who are representedhere may be moved to higher and nobler

gootj:, that out of tbiB city may comenot only preuter commerce apd tradefor us, but, more essential than these,relations of mutual respect, confidenceand frieudhhip which will duepon and^mlTiro^ Our oarueat prayer~"ls~tt'God will graciously vouchsafe prosper-ity, happiness, and peace to oil ourneighbors, and like blessings to all thepeople and powers of earth." . . - ; . .

10.30. Af ter the lott Jlasp, Btncdiction wi th.he -Most liUsscd—Saciamont. ._Kosary ..ati^l_

i tany at 4 p m Ou each weekday, Masses at6.30 aud 8 ain.

:H-AnK's—'-Bev--K<l»in ClelYrBti(in-9f_U«ly-EuohariBt

st and 3rd Sundays at tO:30"a.in". Other Suh~"lays, 7:30 n.in. Mnrning Prftjcr, Li tany,nnd

Svonson^7:aO p .m. Sunday School 9:30 am.Friday Evooaong. 7.:tO. Saints Day Colobra-ion. 7:30 a.m. Special services in Advcntaod

ni.METDOIIIRI Episcor*!.. . RerP L Jcwcttstcr— Sundaj—services-j—olass- S«iU-u.-ni-

preachinp 10. '.'•(<, Sunday, school 12. OOnoonEpworth League 0 30 p. m., preaching 7 15.Olasf Tne tdn j ' .nnd \VednMdnyovoningf7 .30Prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 j).m._p^nE_snYTE^RiAj^._Rev.\VKMcKinney, pastor.

Sunday services: preaoTung, I0.3Ua m.,"5un"Hay school 12.00 noon, proaehing 7. IS p m.

3. E. prajor meeting Sunday, 6 3 0 p . m .Jhurch prayer mooting Thursday 7.30 p.m.-Missions ut -Folsom and.DaCostn- ____ ____ M_^_..Italian Efaayelical. Rev A Miitotil lu,

Pusior. Sunday School at 9:30 a m. Prejich-ir,'g at 1,0.30-iTm. C E Soeioty at 0-30 p m[-r*-aching-at-7:15-- ---

UNIVEHSAUST. No pastor.Prcuching at 10.30 a.m.; Sunday School,12:0.1 noon , Y P C U. at 7,:3fl p. ui. Sociablesal ternate Thursday evenings.


.„,„.-_...-.. Stood ^KTli. Mut day, a lawyer of • H e n r i e'tfl,,

fez , otice-fi>oied .a-.gravo.diggerl—Hoays: -'ily.brother was very low withuii i in i ill' fejmr-arjdjMUidice^^LJLpiirsjifld^ed him to try Electric bitters, and hewas soon much, better, hut continuedheir iiai- uutil be was entirely cured. Iui sure Electric Bitters saved his ifo "

nh.i»_reti)i:cly ex pels tnalaria, kills di^oasejcrms,_uud purifies the blood ; nulsjJNjdstiou, tegulatuB liver, kiduoys, anrl>owel8, cures constipation, dyspepsia,

Durv.ius discaprs, kiduey troubles, fe-male complaints ; ctvea perfect boakh.July 50 o., at t rowell's Pbarmncy.

A Certain Cure for Dysentery andDiarrhoea.

„ ."Some years ago I,was ono.ot-a partybat intended mivktnj: a long bicycleTip," Mys F. L. Taylor, of New Albany,Bradford County, Pa. "1 wns"t;ikVniiiidetily-witb-diai'rhoearaiid-wa*aboutro nivo np the trip when Editor Ward,

_.f tbo Laceyville "Jlessonpmj1," BUKgonl-cd. thut I take a done of Cli.il.l>ei Iain's5olic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea •j i t-mudy.

Mrs. Charles Smith, president, Mian M Dunncor aoo'y, Mrs-W-K Qowdy.reo sec ;_.MrjJE_S_Tilton, trcueuror.


A P Simpson, M A ; -A 11 .Dnvie, Seo'y.Uoets first Tuesday evening in each month intlechanios' Hall .

WIMSL'OW LonoE, No -10, I.O.O.F. ManlojAus t in , N . O . j At V. W. Hotloy, SeorolnryMeota Woilncsduy eves, in Odd Fellont Hall

B I I A W « B H K I H TniiiK. Imp 0 K M. RtevoWonlliort, Sftfhein i Chat W Aus t in , Chlel olRocorila . Meotovery Tuosday'saleop lu-Roil^^onB' Hnll .

M. H. TAnon l.ol>aK, F. i A. M. I> CHni l iu r t , W M a a l o r j Al .mio 11. Davle. Roc'yI n i l u n d 4tb I'rldny nights In MuHonio H u l l .Ju . O I M I B R l l N i r k n A M B H I O A M M E C i i A N t c n

, Coun. j A T Lohlej, Hcerotary.Mt i i ' t fon i ' j r Krlday evo In Meoluii'loii' Hall.

( I K K . 1), A, Hti»Kti.i . POUT, 0. A. Ri Ottoflr"l», rn«t Cdmm.tnilor; Ohis-A—lientiurd,Ai l ju tn i i t , II. 1'. K i U n l l . Q . M . Meets In l and

•H Satunlay t i l g h l n In Aloolmnloi Hal l ,W I U A N ' H Uni . tKV Ciii irH.OKU. 1). A. K U M H K I . I . C A M P S I I N H OK V K T K H -

A I M , N o , li . Cu|.i, Chiirlin 0 t'miibo j K l t n ti^i . , H n t r y C I.i'onuril. Mni ' t a Uml and 4th

" o»o«, Mcolini. icI . l u lu l la l lu Commit', No. 27, I), of P.

Mrn Wn lt'"l«"i I'"i-nli H U N i Mm Oarrl" AKin , ! ( nl U. Mmtn M i i n i l n y ovmi lnc In HudM U I I ' » I I . I I . '

)..111.1 I,. .I.UP. No. 12, rillll-1,11 of l lnpl l . l l .i , r l h > . V l u - l i . i , Tin.ii H U l m i u i ; K . H . , Jin IIr t ' . n M'.'iiln - . ' ' I uiul - I l l i Tl inri i i l i iy

ih.ilr hull.

LOOAL BUBIHEQS HOUSES.A i l v r r t i n l n r I n l l io I I K l ' U I I I . I T A M .

I ' l i i l ^V Ori/ . i l . l . ' i , 1 ' l i l l i t i l i lII .1 K r u l u i . ^ i m l r i • i n i i iK . lno il u i i . cn . l l . i l i f ' r , ni i ' . i l n i ' i r l i i lK i i f n i r l ip ' I I . . r - | . i t n l i in.1. i l . ( l u r J i i - i l i ' i - .. Ion . I . ' Iny l i i r . | n i l i i l i r ;I I . < l . n i n t h , » p | n r l i i . i r y imrni' .ni.D l l l i r t , \ V < . l ) l l l l l l t l , J I I H It'll.M M . . . I A H im, u i , . l . : l l i , l l « r r .II N Knl i i ln r , Knioi i r ln i iI, l lnvtiniK'1 , n i i la ry | iu l i l l . iiv I.. I 'lild'H, l i l r v i ' l i ' n .j;. \, O i i r i l n ry , l.li\vi'l«ii.l l u y l .1 H u n , |iiililUlnirii, prlntrri i .I'.ll I I . Olnti i i l l i r . u t i i i r i i r y .Jn l in I ' r ' iH i i l i , .1 r., i n i ' l n r l i i k r r .W i n . H . i l i> r , t l n n i i i l l l i .

.l.iiiUmiii <i Hun, inniii >ini| iirniliincI., W, ()i.Kl''y,li.iriiti|in.\V . II. Ilitrnnliniii'", notiiry, IMIIU. if.Mi.lnDr.-I. A. Wm.n, .loiillnl.lulm Miinli.n'i,»liiMin.( J i i i i r ^ i i l C l v l i i f l , i l r y ^ i io i ln , | ( r i i ( i iu l«1,nto ..1 itiu.li Kiil i luiri l l , i nn i i i ami p r i i i l n n r .

.1 , I I , H i n n l l , l ia lutr utul i i i i i i f i i n l l n i i o rI I . I,. M o l n l y r n , nioiil utul | i rni lunn .W i n . 1". I l lnoh, dry J(IIIM|», Kruimrloi , oto.

lliiiilnnmi OriranhiiUliinii.l l . i i i i i in i i i l i . i l In.mi nni l M i i l l i l l i i K A n n n n l n l l o n

W, 11 .Ti l t . in lo iornlnry. IMi in t i u v c r yTlinriiiliiy In Klri i i i ini i ' i i Hu l l .

\V..rhlM|(intin'« 1,111111 iinil l l i i l l i l l l iK Arn i in ln l lo i iW. II . llorntli.i ' i io, iMii i r i in i ry . MII»|D ovaryI X AlnniUy In Klr i i inon ' i i M u l l .

l'o..rlo'o llniili. W. U. TdPui, nunl i l r r .

.... Put _a_ scfil uppu your lips and forgetwhat you have done. Alter you havebeen kind; aflur 'love has stolen forthUilb"thc'-~wo~fla"anil~~dofferltB "-^beautifulwork, co back into the shade ngu.in and

ve-hiduB-even-from itself.

Pome people are l ike clocks ;, they are;oin2 all the time, but noyer got any-

where. 'Noble natures Tpny cotifldenco with

aratitude ; inuubleoues, witTi treuchery.

Decision of character will qfien givelib iuferiur niiud cuiuiiiTnnt~ovi;r-or


onu bel'ofo MtartiugMindoiio on the route.: mntle the trip-BuccosFful y aud nc.vcrolt any ill eiTdot. Aguiti last nurnmiir I

waa iildit.it completely run .down withan attack ot cly«entcry. I bought abottle of this pamo remedy and lliiw timeone dose cured-mo." titfld by C'rowoll,

TO CREDITOKd.Thpiuiif C. Klvi tn. AJ ' J i in in t ra tor of Fred-

erick Moimluy, S7., drcfiued, by direction ofhe Si i r rngi i tu nf t ho (Joirity ol At l an t i c , horo*•y gives n'Uiro tn ih« cnd l to rn oT thrt un t i l.''ruilotick Meiu lnv , Sr., to liriiif; In the i r dobtHI t l uu r . i lM un'l uuiinii1 agl i i l lHr thu cn ta tu nf thosaid decvtk'nt, unde r un th , w i t t i i n nin.o nionthnmm th in dmc, or tl iuy wi l l 1m forever l.nrri'dI any lu'lii.n t h o n l o r ag i i in« t thu mini Adinin-

8 ' r i i o r .tinted Au t i i ! ( 3Dlh , A, I), l l l l l l .

T H O M A S C. K l . V I N H ,Admin i s t r a to r .

N OTIOK TO OUEDITOIW.. 1', Bliti ' l .luii P r i i H u n v , K x n i i i i t u r of J imnn H i .I n l i n , i l i ivri i ini i l , liy i l l r t io l ln i i ol thi' r^urroK 1 1 1 "of i hu Cui i i i ly of A t l i i i i l i c , luiruliy ^r lvi .n n . i t icc*o Ihu u r i i i l l t i . r n < f l l io snlil .lan'.n SI, John to

jr ln i f in l ln ' l f i l i i l i ia , i l i m n m ' D , n n i l i > l u l n i i >iK.i lnnt llin ortilto of Iliu f|il''~iIi'i1"'.1'T^iiT7TnTiTiirn i lh , w i l l i l n t i i n i i i i i i i n l l i n l i . . i i i i i . i . i l i i i . - ,Ll i i .y w i l l I I M t t . r cvur li.irru.l > i un> 110 IonL l i r r o f n r n j ( n l n « t l l io miiil l - ) x n < ' i i t < i r .

Dit tui l Hr.p|r i i i l i«r fu l l , I III) I.P. rtllKHHiAN P l l K I - i S D V ,

Kli H.

Attor ney & CounselorAt Law,

Ari l* / . Hul l i l l i iu ; , I l iuninonton,K I I O I I I M 'Jfi-"7 H«'iil KM! . >Vr. Law M'ld 'xi

A i l i n U n Clly.Olllolul Town AUiirniiy.

In l l a i i i i i io i i ld i i ovcr.v I ' r ldnyri'iKillcr, In n i l C l i . i i r l h of I l io Hlut i i .

Moii"y for fin-t 11101 t,ir:\m' \unnr/• < • /

"'"•• • BO YEAflQ1


CopvinoMTa An.Annum ni'in'lnil ""ki'luli niirt iln'iirliill'in mnr

.lulohlr iinuiiiliilu ""r uphill.n fiuii whi'tliiT nnhiviiiilliin l» iinilinhlir imliiiiliililii. j iiinnlni.l l i j imi i l r l c l l r l ' i i n l l l l i i l l l l i i l . H n l l O I K i i i l l i M I I ' l i l i . l iU.oi.l (i.i... ( ihl tmt iiii i i i inx f i i r n i H i i i r l i i u i i i i l i i i i i i i .

^ l 'nl«Mil« t u U n i i I n n . n u l l Miinn /i I u. riunilTii~rfrriiil MoMrtf, wl l l i ' in t iilinruo, In Hi"

Scientific HmeriCttN.A linililninjnlr Illililmlnil wnnklr . l.nrm^l iilr-oulitlliiii nf uny miliii.llllii liinriml, Tiir (.1 *»i.nn r .n i r ni i inl l i" , »l. Hulrt liy nil inm«ili'»liir«.

MUNpCo,30111"""1 -̂ Now Yorkllmnuli (iniiiii. «-.1 li' III., Wxlilnulnn. 1>. 0.

THE REPUBLICAN OFFICEIs .well equipped for any kind of


These time-tables are correct

[Schedule in effect Oct. 7,1001DOWN TRAINS.

Subject to change.W TH/INS.

ly ou autK'u lu ooiiduntor orJ B HUTCHINSON. Gon'l MnnnBcr.

roil Hcillll. —J U WOOD, Gcn'l 1'asn'r Acu

POWN TBAINS.Tuesday, Oct. 1,1901

Sn)>j(-ct tochan^o. UP TRAINS.Suud

5 1219

5 275 106 445 5li 02(I OSU(HPII 2,~>(1 32n :i!fl 4'H SB7 0«

9 12

AC Ip.m.lp.ni. p.m

7 12ISB7 j.••'* /f'/>"lll *" ' ,


HI 3DI) 46or>!

lp.ni. p.mip.riiSunil

8 12 (\4'2 6 i'lU IDitSSHiSuli Illi......I8 Si 0 B8;5 43j !

7 2010 lli ..7 Ml 0 1S! '..7 X, li iS!| ;..7 Will V7| ja


10 05 0 «!110 0.1

III '.'0 111 1010 si)1 in ail.

II 4:10 41)II .Ml7 IIS7


':i inii:: y.'

STATIONS. a.m. a.m. u.1 ni, a n. p .m.

S 10ll .

S 24'.


(I 40'I I4H!


.... Ilmldnn.,„ J.nutcl....... Clfirenton.... ........\Vllllnnjilown June.......... Cfdnr I)roo»_ ............ Pino Anclior........

June. (I've)..

l.'l 8i, OGii 55 ...:ftiu5:«i;SE7I

21 i

............ Klwood ...........'.. ..Iff U»rl.or ..... •......rrlfmmli.p Jonr ...... ... rlt-nmntvllli. ........ . . . . . . AtlintlrCltT.

10 2RII) 1U10 11,.M.5iJ,o r.iII 4HP 411ii. :'">ii :»•

-H-HIK 45S 119

.« M

s i f i^(i 3D



..6 -10T,:«;

S'Jlr. if

ii in-t-£K•i v.i4 w4 IIII Id^ fill.'! Wl i f t !«

li (r, (, 07X f* S fiO

(• SU»• 57>• VI

.'A 7 44 4 SB7Sf,






4774 15

Suniliiy nlplit oxproiw up IPBVM Atlant ic 7.SO. KKK II»rtKir-7/>5. Iliunmontoo.8.11, ri'aclilng I'hlH. 11.00.Wrohtloy uvenlng exprran iluwn Irnvctt rblltttl*. at 7.16, letting od Hammotitob iiafltctiKrn nt 7.M.- ;

W. n.JlESI.En. Qtn.Bupt. ' EDSON J. WErKS.Oon.l'oiiTnKor A K rn t

Philadelphia Weekly Pressand the

" South Jersey Republican(two pnperH each wenk), for $1 25 n yoar^

to any uddrt 'HH in t l i iw county, or {f5l.5C outr<idu.

The Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.

of EammoLton.

YOL.39 HAMMONTON, N. J., OCTOBER 26, 1901. NO. 43

At Geo.EMns Store,

Rutcfl can,lie had on upplication.

The People's National Family Newspaper.



|>,,t.|inlii«l M.nnlay,AVi"lin-mli».V.'mi»l I'M-t iny t In In riuilKv KIlli", In »li, *»v<T3F»nl1i-ur- i l i iv l''«II.V, iflv!ii((

">iwt | ii Mi" t ii«wii onIhn il.i^ o f l(titnn, ntnli>uvci inr ' ntvt> d( Hinmhnr »hr*'« ll con.tulntt nil |tii|ni|iniil| < [I'lj.'M <Ml l i t * f i n W H

W | ( l < ' l i .pl ' I ' l l fP Itl t t l O

lhill> TI||>IIM< of HIMfi i i t>n iliid , H I f f ) !><>-in. M i r i iml 1 'ur t ' ln t ttmi i r r - | u ) i i i | i i tcti, n ' l u r lH"|l«n. t!liif,''ilH ti-llfIon*) t Iliif irnilouri,l l l l l i H M n l i r - l l ' H,'*' I I I

hil Infillff. . -j 1 n/lHlhil lliliilli.il i,



i ' M i | < i i ' l i i ' n >1\ r Hin tl l t t l i l o I ' l n t ' i i n l i i l un i t

U'n I n r r i M i U w I M iI l i n HI p n h l l t i n n /or





I ' l l l i lMiml Tl.il!»lny,n n i l l in . .nn lor i .-inlyi -u iv j « i i r « In i very( i . l t l "' I I I " I l l l i lO"!S l i i l u n u« ii Na. Ion u I. 'n l l l l l j N r l - i - | i n p o r 111I'..i. h l i th i " 1 '•l«'«, l'»rI ' n r i i i i i i i ' i i i i ' l v i l l « K « r n ,ll i :iuilulin uil Ilicl i i l in l l in | ioi t 'Hil. Ko l > ( > < >

nil i HI 11 n . . I i l .n l lnlly' I ' l i l i i i n i ' u|. i" hour nll i n ing In I ' l u n n , ani i f j T l r i i l u i i i t l i lti | inrUi n i i i i i nl t i n ' l i l f t l i o n t< i r i l i > r , l i n n i n i i i i t i i l t i -l l i / ( i n - i H l . | ; l o r u v u i yi... i n l i n r ol I l i u I'liiullyul|l n n . I .ti.ui.i!, ill ii r-luil i i i j i i . i i f ^v l i l r l i i.ronr i in | i tn i l i.r. n i i t l i n r l l yI.) I I I M I I I I I H mil l iiolili-l r > un t i l l i n i i i M ^ u n i t l anlilllli, tl|t to llittll, 111'l i u m i i l i i K iital I n n l r u i ' *11 vn .

I l i ' ^ u l u r Mitiiuirlp*l i n n , i l l | r r y n u r

U'n l u u i k l i M i i l lhllio l ln | iu l i l lo i l l l fultl/JS |..'i j.uir. i

Hcnd nil onl(fvn to t l io "Jh-publinui," HuiHi i i r i i t o i i , N. J-


home, o'f the individual j the cause ofwar and strife, of the breaking up ofhome?, tlie-crushing of noble natures,and the breaking of loviug hearts.

The setond speaker, the Rev. Mr.Jewett, Pastor of the M. E. Church,had for bis topic, "Why?" Becausethe rum traffic is a legalized traffic.

-Any-By»tem- that-will^put my boy onthe block, a system that will sell soulsand bodies, belongs to perdition.

Rev, ftlr. Lpptnis, Pastor of the Bap-tist Church, gave "The Remedy-.1'

3*1.11.8 evil can be_exterminated byTKe"ballot.' Let us gird ourselves forlia M'nnint.. The Ohiirch of God Can

75 cents

'per bushel,.




Undertakerand Embalmei

Twolltn St., between railroads.

Hammonton, N. J.AH arrangements for burials madeand carefully executed,'



Funeral DirectorsAll buHJneKB in thoir linopromptly and carefully

attended to.

Embalmin^ a SpecialtyOflico and Keeidonco,

208 Peach Street,r> Hammonton.


House, Sign,CarriagePAINTER

Donlor in t'aintH, Oiln,nndnf

John T. FroTurc Oil 1'iiintH,

I ({iitinuitun to tintlio hunt (mint ovor noltl,

floounil uiitl 1'liiuuiuil. Btrniitn,UAMMONTON.

W. C.'T. U.little taken this space by the

yoar, and are rospoualblo for all that Itmay contain,

Union services were held in thePresbyterian Church, on Sunday eve-ning, Oct,20th, under the auspice's ofthe W: C. T. U.

7 RevTM r. McKiririey, PastoTTir thePresbyterian Church, portrayed in^crmft^-of—power^"Tjin etirac of intern;peranee " Intemperance the curse of

destroy this evil..The male quartette sang "Is it none

of our business?" Mlsspilbert sung"I heard the voice of Jesus.'1 Otherappropriate muHlo was rendered bylie combined choirs.



r8?jQpJ^(^x_Lftyei_v?ired_back to Winslow for the express to runcautiously. Messrs. C. D. Jacobs andJohn T. Asb secured a carriage andstarted bach, fully expecting to find tbecorpse of ibeir friend, but were happilydisappointed. It was learned that tbemomentum of the train threw Claudeforcibly, and drove him gome distanceon thorough road bed. la a few min-utes he aro^e, walked to house .near, by,and asked for water to wash the bloodfrom»biB-face:—Trnrrbatidaged' him npto_tha_best_oLj.heir_iibili ty,Tandlin_a_[ittle time bad .hina-in-Dr.-CrowelDaofllce. ' Examination showed that, to

' tbTTBttrpfise of an, no bones were bro-keu ; his bands and arras were bruised,his face and forehead abraded,, withone bad cut above bis right eye, requir-ng_'. two surgical Blitcbes. After .tbe

wounds wore dre«8ed, Claude wan taken, and on Thursday morning was

evidently feeling much better than anyone expected. As an indication of the

TulH space Is devoted to the Interests oltue Young Peoples Societies ill H I D vuriousOhuiOheBi.-8p«Hilal Itenm or-lutorc8i,aua,uunounoeineuts are Bundled.

Y. P. S. C. E.,—Prtabytenan Cbuich :~Meetff SuudayeveniuimitrO:30.Bible reading. Topic, '•! will make

it tbe rule of uiy lifu to read theBible every day." 3 Tim. 3: 1-17.Leader, Mies A~uuirWallhurV

'. P. S..CrE.,—Bfi-ntiBt Church :Moots Sunday cvtnlnc. at 6:15.Bible readintz. Topic, "I will make

it thu rulu of my lil'o to read tlieBible every day." 2 Tim. 3 :1-17.Li-utlur, Mrs. W. N. Lytnun.VuBiuusa mooting Tuusda> evening.

Jr. C. JE., Sunday afternoon at 3:01):Topic, "PlpdRo meeting No. 5 ; mySociety; duties." Horn. 12: 0-11.Leader, Cllll\jfd Small.

Epworth League,—M. E. Church :,.Moots Sunday evening, at 0:30.Topic, '•Dally Blblo reading, a health-

ful habit." Acts 17 :10-12; 2 Tim.,3:14-17. Loader, W. It. Tlltou,

Junior League ou Sunday afternoon,nt 3 o'clock.

Y. P. C. U.,—Unlvorsivllst Church :Meets Sunday uvuulng, at <i:30.Toplu, "Whiit IB the unu of being

tto'od V" Rom. 141 : 7 jGu l .U : 2-5.

A cordial invltntlon IB extended to allto attend Ihuno ii

Church Notices.ToploH III tlio various (IlmrnlioH to-

morrow will llo IIH follovrn : >

M. B. Church,— Uov. K. L. Jowott,I'nntor. 10.MO A.M., "Our Uomnilntdou,"Flrnt of two Hiinnuim on tho tr iumph oftlio Ulitiroh. lloHpnnnlvo I'mVIni 7. 7,in

M , I'nmelilng liy Itov. 11. K. I.oiiinln.

Tronbytorlun Churoh,—Hov. \V. 1C.MoKlnnny, 1'iintor. l(i::i() A. M., "I,otHid Ahrnlium in tlinlr mipikniltoii." 7,in!•. it,, "Mini uitdOod In llnilr ooumiol utulworkt." ' ' • • •

Dilptldt Ohurol),—Hov. H. l''.Loomla,{•untor. 10:80 A.M., "Fullli plui tvorkn,"7,10 r.M., Hiw. V, li. JiiwtiM will pconoli.

'* t v M . , Moii'n nuiotliiK In tlio old I'unt

HAB.MESSS.A (ullnanoctniunt of liuiul uud mixctiln

" iiiiulo,— for work or

Trunks, Valises, Whips,Itidiny ttoddlou, Nota, oto.

i. twr.liuiumonLon. N . J.

A Marvellous Escape.

On Wednesday evening, as the Hnm-montoD accommodation train was near

'Murphy's Crossing, Messrs. GeorgeWilson and. Claude Myroee attemptedto cross the platform from one carloanother. The wind caught'Claude'shat, and be, apparently rattled, handedGeorno bis book, apd made a flyingleap alter big bat. , The train was thenHearing Uammonton, and an express

force which drove tbu young man alongthe road-bed, we note tbat-uvory buttonwas toro from his vent, and a stone'rotn tbe balluat forced into an uppervest pocket, How he escaped death IBJeyofld hutnan_ctiniprehi'.usinn.

Given a Surprise._ JCieJ/adieHLAid.Soclety.QLtlie.iLE,-

Dhuroh on lust Tuestltiy ^veiling gaven "surprise" to Mrs! "" Jesse Treat [it\vna her sixtieth birthday], who hasserved ns President of the society foreight years. The occasion wna'one ofenjoyment to all who were present.Mr. Treat happened to meet the partyon their way to hiu home, hut wnspromptly "corralled" and kept indurance in order to prevent him fromgiving information in 'advance.

Pastor Jewett, on arrival at tho resi-dence of Mr. and Mrs. Treat, in a fewupproprlato and hinnoroiiH remarks,[>rc8<mted~'tho hostess with a beautifulliver cake basket, and a cut glasn bon-

bon dish. Mrn. Treat attempted toreply, hut. fulled on account of. toomuch "surprise. " Among those pres-ent were —

Mr. n u i l M ™ . 0. R. RnhiirtK, Ciipt. nndMrx. O. A .Hin l t l i , Mr. uiul Mm. f.ovi 11.JnHlyn, Mr. nnil Mm. A. I,. Jiiolinon, Mr.uiul MTH. 1*. H. Jiioolw, Mm. Win. llorim-hniiHn, MrB. 1J( MotiTurl, Mrn. Ctmrlon 1>.l.nwlnn.1, Mi'H. Clmrlrn Monfnrt , Mm. 10.

— JWHTmryTTatTl l loi i , Mm. W. II. llnriinhniiKi!. Mm. M. UJnokHiin. M|H« Nottlo Munfort, Minn Ha-inurln lluniHhottnu. MluH Myrtlo Dlolclu,MIHH JdiinloTntniird, M I H H t luu imt i Hnr-di 'ii , MlhH \ l i t i l«Monli in, M l f H Ai l i l lo Mor-l l tnnr , M|HN Kllr.ii Murtluuir, M|HH Anna(lnu'ili'y, M i n x An IIH Dul'iiy, Mr. Alfrn.lT.'rniir.int, M. iMt i . r M l l t ' i n .Ii"v<'tt.

Mrs. Taylor, of Maryland, mother ofMrH. W. If Hoi'MHliouw, alHo annlHt«!dt h < ' home ptti ' ly nn tho occasion. Tlt«

t i l l c t i H ' i i prrHctil complain that theywe i'n Inv i t ed to i l o i t l l tho heavy work,currying puckagCH, etti,

;ST~ Mm (il ininikUnil-lor lottni 'H In llinl l iuimii i i i i lon 1'oiit Oflluu on Wmhiumlity,Oct., 2!lrd, IU01 :

l l u v l i l Ktl lxir l l lnv lli'iulII M I . i inl twiiml A lnn in rnnwI'orlliti ' lt A c<i I 'U'lro I ' lni iI'VIUi.i rulu.'ol ( l u l i r l u l l IV.IIiioonmOil|i*ii|i|>r M l n l l l u K K l l l i i H i i i i l i i l n u i t i i l n o ,

t l i i lHi 'p | in Amiui i l i i l l i l ill Al l lnu lo

I'limnim aul l l i iK for uny of [lin uliovnI n t t u r n will plonnn nt «U> tlua It lumhouit mlvortluod.-s

M. li. . I A O K H O N . 1>. M.

Ohas, Gunniughain, M,D.Physician and Surpoon.

W, Hoiioml Mt,. I l i iMilHOiitou.Onioo Hoimi, 7:110 to 10:00 A.M.

1:0(l to 11:00 ,»nil 7:(l(l to l);00 i-.M.

DodgorH) Pouters,lit the Republican Oflico.

A Shocking Calamity

Dr, 4. Kellett, of Wllllford, Ark." Hisfoot waa badly crushed, but Bucklin'aArnica 'Halve quickly cured hl.tn. It issimply -wonderful for burns, boils, pilns,and all skin eruptions. Jt'a the'.'w.nrldlflchampion healer. Cure enarabteud. 25cents. Sold by Crowell.

Working Night and Day..The bnelest and mightiest little thing

that efrer was made is Dr^Kine's NewEife^Pillsmiese pilliTchangei weaknessinto strength, llBtleBsness into angrgyDrMn-fag into mental power. v They arewonderful in'bnilding np health. Only25 o. per box. Sold by Crowell.

Josh Westhafer, of LoojfOor.op, Ind.',is a poor man, bat he says that he wouldnot be without Chamberlain's Pain BalmIf it cos: five dollars a bottle, for it savedhim from being a cripple. No externalapplication is equal to this liniment forstiff and swolleu joints, contracted mus-cles, stiff neck, ''sprains, and rheumaticand mnsoniar pains, • It has also curednnmerons cases of partial paralysis. ItIs for sale^by-Growell—-—^—•"----—==


People's Bank of HammontonAt the close of business on Monday,

Sept. 30th, 1901.

RESOURCES:Loans and DiscountsOverdrafts...Stocks, securities, etcBanking House, furniture, and

fixtures... Ronl PBtntn , ,„....

893612 436 84

69781 16

9300 00

Bonds and Mortgages. ..- 14385 80Due from other Banks, etc 10724 42Chcoks and cashJtejas....̂ ............ . 152 90Cash on band ........'.7.n.r.7!1....7.;....~..r"'748714

18208160 75LIABILITIES:

SurplusUndivided profile; less current

expenses and taxpji paidDue 'o other Banks, etc.

Individual deposits sub. tocliU..Demund cert, of deposit...............Time dopoBllsCertified clicckflCaihler'a checks autoloading

SSoooo oo17ooo oo

. 3114 85055 10

1388-7O. 00512 33. 8 2 8 6 00

48327 4312 004 25

$208150 75STATE OF NF.W JERSEY,) „.

County of Atlantic, /""•K. J. Byrnes 1'rcs't and W. 11. Tllton, Cashierof the above namc<I..Hank, 1)cine severallyduly sworn, oncli for"hlniRcir says that tlioforoKnliiK Htatcmuot Is true, to tlio bout of bisknowledge and belief.

H. J. HYRNKfl.Pronldont.W. R.TILTON.CuHhlor.

8tib«orll»otl and sworn to boforn mo.ttilulltli day of October, A.T>.. lllul.

' IlAlutr Ij. MONKOHT,CommlMlimtr ul Deeds.

Oorroot, Attest:GKOIUIK

' DlrcolnrH.KOIUIK Kl .VINH, }« K. H A X T D N , M

(!. V. O.sooot), )

Confectioner}Only the choicest.

Bread & CakesAlways tho best


Cor. Second and Itollovue,

Unmmonton. -

THE SINGERSewing Machines


On Easy PaymentsLihoral DihCDiint for Canh

Old ninolilncn tulcAii In oxaluiiiuo.A full l l u < < <>f nnp]illon on Imml,


ll. J. DRAKE, Agent.

—If you saw a man Hitting on the

bank of the 'Ijnke, watching Rome fisher-men with a draff net, car.chinK all the-fish, and after they bad left, ho-wouldtake'a cork line out of his pocket, put aworm on the book, ca«t It into the water,then expect to catch a string of fish.

That la, precisely what some of ourHBmmontorjr~tnerchnnts~Tmrdoln£.They sit In their store", see somewide-awake neighbor, by' a literalUBO of rniKTEns' INH, catch all thecustomers in tbo neighborhood, thencomplain because tlioy don't selltheir goods.

MOHALWhen yon are sick, go and see yonr

doctor; when bupinoss is sick, call onyonr printer. Take a dose ^aoh week,and thus prevent .business depression.

We make no charge for advice.

~SpeofBliat8~iii^Paper and

Lyford Beverage: Public

for New Jersey, "*~.tenders bis services. ;

Pension vouchers executed.Hammonton . H . J.

Herbert fl, Eenson



Complete stock of ________

Standard Patterns.A. H. Phillips Co.

Fire InsuranceMOt^BY


Mortgage Loans.Corrospondoncu Solicited.

1815 Atlantic Avonno,Atlantic City, N. J

you are looking fot

Wagons, Surreys,Buggies,

Spring Wagons,and Boad Carts,

new or tHvond-hund, call at*

F. A, Lehman's Shop

SHOES.Always a Good Stock

tlio Best IShoefl miwlo to Ordor is my

Specialty, nnd fullHiitirifnctiou in guaranteed.

Repairing dono. "^

Itollovtir Aviniiio,

Hammonton. : : N.

r*i:T=?y?,>*KS=Li:;JS3S5l Wt?Sr\1 « o *-rf

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