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Page 1: Southwest PA/Wheeling Sub-Area Contingency Plan

Southwest PA/Wheeling Sub-Area Contingency Plan

Status Report 9/13/2011

Marjorie Easton, USEPA OSCCDR Richard Timme, USCG MSU Pittsburgh

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SWPA/Wheeling Sub-Area Counties

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Plan Overview

• Purpose and Objective

• Statutory Authority – 40 CFR Part 300; CERCLA; CWA (OPA)

• Scope of Plan – Oil and Chemical

• Plan Format – Text Revision/add Geographical Response Plan Mapping component

• Concise and Focused

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Plan Revision/Overhaul – Progress Made• Organize Workgroup

o Specific Invitees – USCG, PADEP, WVDEP, WVDNR, PA Fish&Boat, TRPRC, etc.

o Other participation not excludedo Meet at least once per montho Iterative review processo Industry partnership (TRPRC)

• Developing Table of Contentso Reviewed numerous sub-area plans/models/TOCso Workgroup helped decide on best TOC example

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Plan Organization

• River Oriented – not exclusive of other sub-area geography

• Organized Macro to Micro (Federal down to local, except for notification)

• Describes and references resources rather than reinventing wheel – no dead ends

• Includes section on Elected Officials

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Other Components – Information Sheets

• Revising County Fact Sheets – need to be updated periodically due to changing representatives/information

• Developing FRP Summary Sheets – Physical review of each FRP – will be available via hyperlink in GRP mapping component

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Geographical Response Plan (GRP) Mapping Component (breakout workgroup)

• Format (PDF, then ArcReader/Google Earth)

• Data Layers to be included – based on 19 Essential Elements - initially to map potential sources and targets

• Scale to be used

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GRP Issues and Concerns

• Substance without clutter

• Sensitivity – separate version for general public

• Data ownership

• Maintenance – living document

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