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  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    ForewordYou 'll notice her e that I ha rd ly make mention 01 grav ity, if at a ll. That 's because in a c t u aa v ~ y doesn' re a lly ex is t What is known as v ~ y is actua lly mag net ism , by which

    heavenly bodies out in space attract and repe l each other an d estab li sh com plex magneticre lat io nsh ips. On Earth , much 01 the so-

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    Name : NibiruEquatorial diameter : fro m 165,43 1 to 179,02B kilometresMass : 3.34 (3 to 4) Mj ~ e r masses) or 0.00 319 Solar massesDensity : unknownComposition : unknownType : unknown o bject. Compa rab le known objects : hot Jupiters , brown dwarves and reddwarvesOrbiting bodies : seven planets or meons , innumera ble asteroids andlor comet sForward velocity (speed): 25,B90 mp h or 11, 57km/s at ~ e r and lB, 124 mph orB, 1Okm /s at Saturn orb itRotation : clockwiseRotational velocity (spin speed) : 36,030 mp hOuter magnetic field diameter : 2,442,371 ,253 km or 16, 326 AUInner magnetic field diameter : 27,45 2,490 km or 0, 184 AUCore magnetic field diameter: 9,799,461 km or 0,066 AU

    Magnetic field s trength : 208 . 15G or 20 ,815 uTOrbi t : eccentric , long periodInclination : 0.00"Perihelion : 0.482 AUPerigee : 0,232 AU

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    Nibiru's ouler magnel ic f ield span : in Goog le Sky d raw ing a d iagona l l inel ru ler lrombottom lef t 01 44 Leo to Regulus measure s 21 ,740 arc seconds : sinc e t arcsecond =30,856,780,000,0 00 km, th en 2 t ,74 0 x 30,856 ,780,000,000 = 670 ,826,397,200 ,000,000 km;and s ince 10 tr km = 1 light year, then = 67 0,826,397,200,000,000 1 tO ,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO =67,082.63972 lig ht yea rs o r 416,832,000 ,000,000,000 m iles.

    At the t im9, 28 May 20 t t, Elen in's distance to Ea rth was 1.836 AU or 274,66 t, 928 km (i.e .t .836 x t4 9,598, 000 km (1 AU or Ea rth -Su n distanc9) or 92 ,955,888 miles . Th e refore670 ,826 ,397,200,000,0001274661928 = 2,4 42 ,37 1,25 3 km or 1,5 17,619, 137 mile s or16.326 AU or 0.000244 l ight years. Therefo r . Hibiru's enlire magnetic f ield spans adiamelerof 2,442 ,371,253 km or 16,326 AU , wh ic h is almost as far as the N ew Horizonp ro be is from the Sun. Therefor .. the rad iu s of the magnetic field is 16.3261 2 = 6 .163 AU ,wh ich is almost t he same as the distanc e be tween the Sun and Saturn (9 to 10 AU)In GO()9le Sky dr aw ing a d iagonal linel ru ler across the purp le fringes (th e edges of th e outermagnetic cloud) of the massiv e ob jec t (viewab le on ly in inf rared u sing the Ira s te lescope,and invisible other w ise) located at 09 47 59 +1 3 16 50 me asures 21,740 ar c seconds ,precisely the same as o ur 28 May 2011 Elenin 10 Regulus measu rement above I

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    Nibiru 's inne r m agnet ic s pan : Ihis ha s Iwo co mpononts, Ihe black sholl an d the bl ue-t}ree ncore. Drawing a line ac ros s Ihe black sholl measures 1,961 o r a ppro ximate ly 2,000ar c second s : 196t x 30,856,780,000,000 = 60 ,5 10, 145, 580,000,000 km . On 16 June 2007,the object's d islanco 10 Earth wa s 14.734 AU or 2,204, 176 ,932 km . The re fore tho d iamete rof the black sholl is 60, 510, 145 ,580,000 ,000 / 2,20 4,176 ,932 = 27, 452,490 km o r 0 .184 AU.

    a lso in arc seconds 21,740 / 1,96 1 = I I . Th e refo re from Ea rth 's pe rs pe c ti ve Nibiru'so ute r ma g ne tic fie ld is wider t ha n its inne r mag net ic s he ll by a ra tio of ' 1:1 as viewedin mid 2007 . That me a ns in order forlhe inner magnetic she ll to appea r as ",Ode as ils outercounterpart, Nib iru would have 10 move I I tim e s closer to the Earth by mOd2011 than it wasin mOd 2007. We shall us e the d istance of Elen in as a re lo ronce for this caK:u lat io n asmaintains a relalively constarn d istance from Nibiru (aboul8 AU) throughout Ihe period of 28May 2007 to 28 May 20 11 (beca use Earth was in the oxact sa me position on both dates fouryoars apart - an d also because it bo th simplifies and increase s Ihe acc ur acy of ourcalc ulat ions). On 28 May 2007 Ele nin wa s 14.555 AU away from Earth and on 28 May 2011it wa s 1. 836 AU . However, remem ber that Elen in's trajectory is not a straight line as isbe ing pulled by Ihe Su n lowards the inne r so la r system . If had kepi moving in a st raightline from its trajoctory on 28 May 2007 , it wo uld have kep t on a course that wo uld have ilskim ming past Ih e Su n right on the rim of Mars ' orbit al a point that is about 0.5 AU fromEart h's orbit. So we could say has been devia ted by Ihe S un's pull from a sl ra ig ht Irajectorypass Ihe inner so lar system and in slead into Therefore we have to s ublract 0.5 fromElenin's 1.836 AU distance to Earth on 28 May 2011: 1.836 - 0.5 = 1.336. Weca n nowcalc ulate 14 .555 /1 .336 = 10.89, which is ap pro ximate ly 11 . The refo re Nibi ru was ind eed10.89 (o r a bo ut 11 ) times c lose r to th e Ea rt h o n 26 May 2011 th a n it was exac t ly fou ryea rs ea rl ie r o n 26 May 2007.Th is is why o n 28 May 2011 the inner black ma g netic sho ll appea red 10 have a d ia meter of2 1,740 arcseco nds (as measured from Elonin al tho 8 o'c lock po s ilio n and Reg u lu s at the 2o 'cloc k p o s ~ i o n ) whic h is 10.89 timos ils original apparent wOdth of abo ut 2,000 arc seconds

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    in the 2007 Goog le sky infrared image . Indeed, 2000 x 10.89 = 2 1,780 arcs""s, This meansit was th e black magnetic shell (N OT th e oute r magnetic fie ld) th at was distorting thelight from Regulus as seen by Dr Byron Glen (Cru41) on the consec utive nig hts 01 28, 29and 30 May 201 1 in Missouri, US A. l i st e n to lh is aud io d ip of his lestimony 01 what he sa won those lhree nig hts . Th e in ner black sh e ll o n 28 May 20 11 appeared to have the sa mespa n (2 1,740 arc seconds) as the outerl ield on 28 May 2007 be ca us e had mo ved cio se rt othe Ea rth by about 11 times in lour years . liste n to this interview w ~ h a guy wh o has seenthis objec t via Nasa's Hubble telescope. His description 01 the object and magnetic fieldpe rlec tly matches bo th the thing gli mpsed by Dr G le n and the o bject we 're a n a ~ s i n g here_The oute r magnetic field ha s also 'expanded ' si ""e 2007 as it has also moved 11 timescloser in that same pe riod,

    Drawing a line across the blue -g reen core measure s 700 a rc seconds ; 700 x30,856,780,000,00 0 = 21599746000000000 km 12,20 4, 176,932 = 9 ,799 ,46 1 km o r 0 ,06 6AU; 27452490 /9 79946 1 = 2.8. The refore the inner black she ll is 2.8 times wider tha n the

    I is: 0 .066 /2 = 0 .033 AU,

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    We se e that Nib iru's b lack mag netic sh e ll rep re s en ts a protective reg ion w ~ h such de nsemagnet ism that it perm its no light, visi ble or invisible, to pass thr ough it, except fo r theintense rad iation from the cor", The core, at the cent re of wh ic h resides Nibiru itse lf, appea rsto be a seH-contained a rea that, re lat ive to the a bsolute coklness of the shell , must be veryhot or rad ioactive (m ea ning high luminous or light activity), Indeed, it is so rad ioactive thatis em itting very powerfu l radiation beams o r ga mma ray bursts from both poles , which a reac ting as re lief valves to eject any excess rad iat ion being gene rated within th e core ,Ty pica lly , only same of the universe' s most powe rful ent ities or events de tected by mo demsciance, suc h as su p ernovas , neutron stars , pulsars , guasars, 'blac k ho les' an d ev e n e ntirega lax ies, a re know n to emil gamma ray bursts . Nibin,ls GRB s a re s lill minuscule incomparison with those of thos e hum ong ous ste lla r objec ts, but the fact that it em its them ata ll is ext raordin ary lThat the certa inly warm space within the core mayor may not harbour hab itable planets or!!!.Jl..!!!!..! is beyond the scope of this ana lysis to te ll (co mpare with the red dwarf Gliese 'sp lan etary system ). Only by sending a probe, provided o ne ca n be made that coukl poss ib lysurviv e the im mense ene rgies a nd cokl nes s of the black sh a ll, in to the core ca n th is beascertained . Tha n aga in such a n attempt has p ro ba bly a lrea dy bee n made, with deep spacepro be P io ne er 10 , bu t which failed miserabh! an d was comp lete lv lost en route to its miss ion,We 'll lo ok fu rther in to the mystery of the P ionee r miss io n later in th is inves tig ation,

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    Warning from Satu rnAs lor the outer magn et ic fie ld, is now close e no ugh fo r the lell edge of it (from Ea rth 'sPOVj to co mpl et e ly overtake Sat urn. It reac hed the plan et on abo ut I Dec em ber 2010 ,causing luper-massive storm to rage across its atmosphere and forcing the solarIystem's second largest planet to lilt away from normal by almost 9O"!

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    Th. m_. "orm c i r , qS . " , n, .mmph . ,. Vi>ibl. (1illi. lin, ",,,,,,,,dS"'urn Til< , " " ' , orbit i, tiltod21 " " " .,from th o pi ..... ", ain ,in C pl"""- Th . blJl< aU , , ;n ,_ ... 3.1 milion mi.. , (6 " , ~ i " " 1an1_"'!I,om th o pi . . . . . IItHI. . . . . 1

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    The form idabl e magnetism 01 Nibiru ha s indeed tilted Satu rn , the second la rgest planet inour so la r sy stem , by up to 90 away from its nat ural inc' na tion. Compare the se pa irs ofimages, the le ft anes show how Sa turn should appea r as viewed from Ca pe Girardea u,US A, on t Ju ne an d 30 J une 201 1, respeclively, while the ones o n the right show how farSa tu rn ha s lilted from normal, a lso as viewed from Ihe same localio n du ring thos e dales(btw, the s hols were by Or Byron Glen, aka cru 41) , Note : Ihe times in the SI9Uarium im ag esa re based o n GMT, wh ich is five hours ahead ()f the loc al time in Miss o uri an d Ihe rest ofMidwest US, So always re mem ber to go back f ive hour s (GM T -5) from Ihe ti mes ldatesshown on the Ste lla rium im ages 10 get Ihe loc a l ti me at the locations indicated.Another th ing W9 've observed is that the lilt of Sa tu rn is notic9ab ly mo", pronounced inso me ea rlier images more than later one . This may be beca use Nibiru's ma g netis m pulse s ,bot h increasing a nd receding in s teady ca dence like waves hitting a beach, an d like wavesso me are stronge r (caus ing a more seve re lik) than olhers (causing a slightartiH),

    Ste llarium shows how Sat urn should look 00 1 June 2011,22:15 pm loc al time, Cap" Girardeau, Missouri (note th edates and lime in the picl ure is basad on GMT . The localtime in Missouri is GMT -5,

    above given the lime, date and viewing loc_ tion .

    Rea l pic ture of Sa turn show ing has tihad upwa rds byabout 35 degrees , Nibiru is to Ihe righl of Sa turn in Ihesky. Im aged by Dr Glen using his telesc ope. Time slamp:22:1 5pm (local lim e), Cape Girardea u, MO , USA

    30 June 2011. 22:06pm . Saturn i. liked in the o p p o , ~ e direction and by a 'lO degree an gle aw ay from ~ , n o r mindination . Thetilt h. . more Ihan doubled in the .poce ofa month !

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    from GI.n', 50turn ima, . , lok,n from Cop'on 1 Ju",lobov.I, )O Jun, (top n,hll "" d

    loc.llim, on 5 July l 'i,htl. Noli Ih , tilt . in Ih,,about 90 d. , , , . , ,

    i, lh , m.. mum in d in otion Nibi,u',.. Ion 50tum from wh" , rt i, in SP""

    il furth,,_Thi ' i, confirm,d in Ih , m0>1July 8 ond 10 im .r;., ,howin, Ih . hun 'l

    b""u, , you draw. >I".,hllim th,ou,h Ih , middl. of Soturn in th , 51 ..-""

    imo, , ,, you will ' " Ih , pl"".t ho , -45 d"". norm 01 t i ~ b.low Ih . lin. 10 +45

    Further confirmation from GlP Observalory's 25 May 2011 footago of Sa l urn , taken fromEgl in AFB, Flo rida (screo nshot of GlP Observatory's vidoo on the right, Sto flar ium left):

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    Moro co nfirmation from obsorvations by th e British Astronomic a l Association

    Right: about 15 degree till. The unde"ide of I ~ e rin g. i.vi.ible beco".e e liH i. b o l ~ fro nt-back and .ide-.ide.

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    _ ""'--- -

    ......-,_ ..,.,-..,-__ r. ! '' "__ ' ' ' ' ' '""_ ...._ .--..., oo___ ._ ,o-"'--_ ................

    The Pioneer Anomaly

    , "

    " ' - _ . ~ " " " ' __ ....._._ ..._._ ..... ,"'... ..""- ...... , ........._-"

    1dI: Pi""" .. 10'.trojoctor; from S." .n orbit '0 Ur.,..,. bi t...... PO'" wh01 , _ t vpu>hc,.m .b o .. To b. pri" ' ,usin,JPl d . .a ...d """'ircforw..-d trv _..-. v_ 'from I J ..... 1911 (m -'.)'06 M",/19S4. fl l d ... N i I I ~ " ~ " " " w " ' B AUf ....h . > J N ~ ti l ... . . . . S8.561 .92.'lSS .sS S SA43,SI9,H1 or 5.4 billion milo . Thi< pr"".,bgoond .. doulJt ,h . 101.,. I= ._ ! m o w nolio .. an d b.. ""'kinI''''''' olljoct, sine. ..lus t 19S4 i l

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    It is inte resting tha t the Pioneer case reveals that N ibiru ha s a much la rge r magnetic fiekl ormagnetic affect t han the one tha t extends 8 AU from its centre. The h ur ricane ana logy wi llserve useful he re to beller understand what we 're see ing here. A hu rrica ne ha s four basiccomponents : the eye, the inner eye wall, the outer eye wa ll and the pe riphera l ra inbands.

    We can see tha t the eye, a completely ca lm ci rcu lar area around which the e ntire hurricaneis centred, i. very t iny compared w ~ h the rest of the sto rm's structur .. Surrounding the eye isthe red band of th e inner wall, where the fastest and most vio lent w ind s ci rcl .. and istherefore the most dangero us pa rt of the mae lstrom . Beyond th is you ma y have an o utereyewa ll, another larger area of c irculation whe re the wind s thoug h strong are not as bad asin the inne r eyew all. Then at t h . ou term ost pe rip hery stretc h out the wide expanse of thespiral ling rain bandsTh is is the same thing we are seeing w ~ h Nibiru , except in stead of la rg.. y a play of waterand wind we ha\{e here a turbulent circu latio n of imme nse elect romagnet ism and intenserad iation with proportions only measurab le on an astronomica l scale. We ca n describe the

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    b lur'1:jreen core shown in the infrared im age as the eye , the black shel l with the s trongestmagnetism as the in ner eyewall, the purple cloud with mediu m magnetism as the outereyewall and the rest that is not vis ib le w ~ h wea k magnetism as the pe ri phera l rainbands .The Su n is s imilar , with itsell as the seH-

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    Nibiru 's magnet ic s trength : Nibi ru 's d istance from Elen in (assuming it is one of itsout ermost satell iles thought of as a com et ) is 2442371253 12 = 1,221,165 ,62 7 km (Nibiru'smagne tic radius, or roug hly Elenin's fart hes t ~ a l po in t from Nibiru) , Ju piter's fa rthe st moo norb its at 29,540,00 0 km. Therefor . 1221185627 I 29540000 = 4 1.3. Thus Ni biru' smegnetK: s t re ng th is 41 .3 times J u pi te r 's . O n a side not . : p i detectable magneticfield strength (4.28 gauss o r 428 microtesia) is officially 20.4 time s that of Saturn (0.21 G or2 1 u T). However , Saturn's magnetic field reaches as fa r as its far thest natural moon, Tita n,at 1.221 .830 km. Therefore 29540000 1122 1830 = 24, which mea ns J u p i t magneticstrength is more accu rately 24 (no t 20. 4) times that of Satu rn (assuming Satu rn's mag neticstrength is acc ura te). Th erefore J upite r ha s 5.04G or 504uT. S ince Nibiru is 41.3 timesmegneticelly s tronge r than J up iter th en it s detec table magnetic s trength sho u ld be208.15G or 20,815 uT. Th is a lso gives Nib iru about 1000 times Sa turn's magn etic streng th(2 4 x 4 1.3 = 991.2) - no wonder it could ti lt the ri nged plan et so easily over th e past sevenmonths sinc e Decemb er 20 10 when its mass ive magn etic fj .1d ove rtook it

    Th e Sun's magn et ic field reaches as fa r out as 7,31 1.000 .000 km (about Pluto's fa rthestd istance or a ph e lion) . Therel ore dividing th is by Nibiru 's ma g netic field spa n: 731 1000000 11221185627 = 5.99. Thu s th e Su n 's magnet ic s trength is 5.99 t imes Nibi ru's , and sho uldthen b e 5.99 x 208.15 = 1,2 47 G or 124,700 uT (or ap prox 125 miliite sia/mT).Th erefore Nib iru ha s to com e 5.99tim es clos e rt o the Ea rth than the Su n to have an equalhold on our p lane t as our st a r, a nd cioser than that to exceed the S un's hold. That distanceNibi ru nee d s 10 r .ae n is 149,598,000 km (1 AU) / 5.98 = 24,974,624 km . However,accord ing to Nasa, on 17 Octobe r 201 1 Ele nin will reacn a perigee of 34 ,706,736 km (0.232AU) from Ea rth. Sinc e Nibiru is trave lling on Elen in's orbita l pa th at about th e same speedand 8 AU be hind it. we've es timated tha t will reach perigee to Ea rth exactly on e year afterElen in's own perigee, on 16 Octobe r 2012 . Its distance 10 the Ea rth the n will a lso b . moreor less the same as Elenin, 0.232 AU or 34,706,736 km. which is 1.39 times th e distanc eneeds to reach to equa l the Sun's gri p. At th at distance it will on ty be ab te to exert a bou t0 .72 or 72% 01 the magne tic power 01 th e S u n, relatively speaking , on the Eart h. Th ismea ns should po te ntia lly be ab le to tik the Earth by an ang le up to 72"'\' away fro mna tural inc lination during that lime period (72% 01360 ' is 259.2' ). In add itio n . bearing inmind Nib iru's b laek ma g net ic sh e n ha s a radi us 011 3,726 .245 km means on that date th eEarth could come within 20,960 ,491 km 01 it - peritously close by astronomicalstandards! See Ihe tim elino 01 Nibiru's approach fu rther be low,

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    However, we go by the recalculated 0 .0004 AU o r 59,839 km pe rigee accord ir.g to a Nasaastrophys ic ist on Nasa 's now closed Bun Room and assume Nib iru com es as close asthat, mea ns it could approach 4 t 7 ti mes closer tha n the required distanc . of magn eticequal ity and il it g et s that close could therefo", relativ e ly an a in 417 tim es th .. ma g neticpower of the S un. How ..ver , Nibiru ha s a solid radi us of at lea st 80 ,000 km (s ee below) so ilit ..ver com es that c los e wouid d irect ly co llid .. and o blite rate th . Ea rthl We ca n reso lveth is by sugge sting that the 0.0004 AU perigee is tha t of th . relative ly minuscu l . E le nin , asstated by th . sc ie ntist who calculated it, and th e 0 . ~ 3 2 AU perigee offic ially pu blis hed byNasa's J P L is actua lly tha t of Nibiru in Octobe r ~ 0 1 2 , not El en in befo re in October 20t I.Calculat ing th .. m ea n o f the two extremely disparate perigees yields a dista nce very etos . toour dista nc e of m agn e tic equal ity : 34706736 + 59 83912 = 17 ,383,288 km , which is o nly 1.4times or 7,591 ,33 6 km closer tha n the dista nc e 01 magnetic equal ity. At this mean distance01 approx 17 mil li on km, Nib iru s hould ac hieve abo ut t.4 4 times o r 144% of th e S un'smagnetic inf lue nce, with th e pow ..r to com ple tel y fl ip the Earth through 518.4".Nibiru's sp .ed (forward velocity): the objec t 's speed a t J upite r orbit is 25,890.05 mp h (at1,000 ,000 km a day or 41 ,667 km lh or II .57km/s) . J upite r 's sp ee d at o r b ~ is29,236.76 mph. Differenc . be tween J upite r an d Nibi ru sp ee d : 3,346.71 mph (A). Its s peedat Saturn is 18 ,123.53 mph (at 70 0,000 km a day o r 29,167 kmlh). Sa tu rn 's speed atits orb it is 21 ,675 .91 mph. Differe r.c e between Sa t urn s pee d and Nibi ru sp eed : 3,552.36mph (8 ). Dffl erer.ce be tween Nibiru speed at Sa t urn orbit and Nibiru speed at p ~ e r o r b ~7,766.52 mph (C). Diffe rer.ce betwe .n J upit .r s pe ed an d Satu rn sp ee d : 7,560.85 mph (D).

    be tween Ju pit .r vs Nibiru sp ee d (A) and Saturn vs Nib iru spee d (B) is equal tod ifferer.ce between Nib iru 's acce le rat ion from Saturn to (C) and speedd ifferer.ce between Jupite r and Saturn (D):A (3 346.7 1) . B (3552.38) = ~ 0 5 . 6 7 mp hC (7766 .52 ) . 0 (7560.85) = 205 .67 mph. Therefo re A 8 "C O.Th erefore Nbirus acce le ra tion from Saturn o r b ~ to J up ite r orb it is equa l to (hypothetica l!J upite r acc . eration Iro m Sa tu rn orbit t o J upiter This sugges ts : (I ) that Nibiru hasmore ma ss than Jupiter and Saturn as it is slower than either of them a t their orbits;and (2) th e mass ratio between Jupiter a nd Saturn (3 .34:1 ) is proportional to the massra tio between N ibiru and Jupiter.Nibiru 's spin s peed (rotat io na l velocity): Jupiter sp in speed is 28, 148. t 1 mph. Saturn spinspee d is 22,05 8.68 mph. 28148. 11 122058.68 = ~ 8 , thus Jup ite r spins 1.28 times fastertha n Satu rn . Perha ps Nibiru sp ins at abo ut 36, 029.58 mph, which is 1 . ~ 8 tim es fas te r tha nJ upite r we assu me the 3.34:1 mass ratio pre sup pos ed above holds.Nibiru's solid mass : Based on the ir ",Ia tive speed diff erer.ces, we hypothes ise that theNibiru Jup iter ma ss ratio is sim il ar to the J upite rS aturn mass rat io. J u p ~ e r m as s is 317.8Eart h masses or 1110 47 Sun mass . Sa t urn mass is 95.152 Earth mass es . J upite r is 3.34Sa tu rn masses i. e. 317. 8195. t 52 = 3.3 4. Therefore Nibiru is hypotheticelly 3.34 (o r 3 to 4)Jupiter ma sses = 11 . 1556 Sa tu rn masses = 1061.452 Eart h ma s se s = 3.3411047 or1/313. 473 o r 0.003 19 Su n mass . This is close to sc ientist s' estimate of the m ass of apos s ible planet detected nea r or within the so lar syste m called Tyche : Whit mire and Matesespec ulate tha t th e hypothesized planet couid be up to four times the mass of Jupit er." Viewth is video, th is video and this video of the Tyche super planet.

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    left: Ty

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    We can ge t a good idea 01the size 01 Nibiru b y loo king at other p lane ts and objects withmasse" greater than p ~ e r ,

    r o m p ~ r ; , o n of 2MI207b wtth Juprter ,Mas" 4 (+6 to -1) Jupiter " e , (MilRadius: 15 Jupiter radii (Rj)Type: extr . olar ga , g i ~ n p l ~ nDetectio n: infrared

    Compari,on, betweeft th e recentlydiscovered K.",ler " " o p l ~ n e t ' an dJuptter and Earth ,R. mean, Earth radiu,Th e ma"e, of th e plan eI ,th an Juptter r ~ n g from K ~ l e r0.433 Mj to Ke ple,Sb', 2.114 MjType: ga , giant, and hot Juprter,Detection: variou ,

    Cha 110913-773444 (middle)com pared to the Sun (left ) an dJu piler (rigflt ). Read Ihi' a , ~ inloMa,,: 8 (+7 to -3) Mj

    Typ e: althe higfler end of tt,e

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    Nibiru's so li d diame te r : estimated 102 ,794 mile s or 165 ,431 kilometres (1.157 Jupile rd iameters or 12.97 Earth diameters) ac ross eq ua to r. This is 13,948 m iles wid"r than

    t e ~ s diam"ter of 88, 846 miles or 142,98 4 k i lom"tres , which is the same width diffe renceb etween J upite r and Saturn.N ibi ru has a m inimum poss ible diameter is 47,559 miles or 76 ,539 km (6 x Ea rth d iameter,p rovided it has the same com posit ion as ou r h()me pla net , as per this wiki entry on p ~ e ~ s mass ) and a ma x imum possib le diameter of 296,746 mi les or 477,566 km (3. 34 x Jupite rd iameter or 37.4 x Earth diameter or 0.3 43 Su n d iam eter).Ano ther, p erhaps more acc urate, way to estim ate N ibi ru's siz e is to us e that of 2M 1207 b,g iven tha t its 4 M j m ass is the clos est to wha t ",,, 've approximated lo r N ib iru , 3.34 Mj.2M 1207b has a radius of 1.5 Rj i.e. 1.5 x 71492k m ~ e r ' s rad iu s) = 107,238 km. ltsd iameter woukl t hen be 107238 x 2 = 214 ,476 km. W"can then calculate based onlhed ilference b etw ee n 2M 1207b and Nib iru's mas s Ihe d iameter ol lh e lalter: 4 /3 .34 = 1.198;therefore 214476 1 1. 198 = 179 ,026 km (111 ,2 43 miles ), which is close 10 o u r relat ivelyconservative 165,431 km (102,794 m iles) est imate above.

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    EleninElenin's solid core and magnet ic field : We know the Elen in ob ject ha s a nucleus (so lOdcore) with a diameter 01 up to 4 km and a co ma (composed of magnet ic , e lec t ric andluminous (light) l ields) spanning up to 120,00 0 km wOde as 01 12Ju ne 20 11, However itscoma wil l contin ue to expand at an increas ingly rapOd ra te 01 20 ,000 to 160 ,00 0 km a mo nthas it leeds off the Su n's magn etis m until it reac hes perihe lion on 11 September 20 11, whenits magnetic fiekt shouOd have inllated to at lea st 400,000 km in d iam ete r at p erihe lion. Someastrop hysic ists have rec a lculated Ele nin's orbit and have determ ined it wil l com e as close as0,0004 AU or 59 ,83 9 km, Thus when Ele nin reaches pe rigee a mon th late r on 16 Octobe r20 11 when its proximity to Ea rth will be only 0,0004 AU o r 59 839 km, will complete lye nvelo pe the plane t and the Moon within its ma g netic/electriciluminous fieldThe Elenin herbinger object(s) moving directly in front of Nibiru at a distence o f about8 AU marks th e leading edge of th e giant object's magnetic radius . Th e Elen in ob ject (s)wa s about 8. 17 AU away from the Sun on 16 October 2009 and therefore equidistantbetwee n th e Sun and Nibi ru on that date. Exactly two years later it will reach its perige e tothe Earth o n 16 October 2011 , which is 23 months to the day after it wa s equOdistantbetwee n the Earth and Nibiru on 16 November 2009. We will us e the So lar equidistance of16 Octobe r 2009 as the start of o ur cou ntdown until El en in 's pe ri helion o n 11 September2011 an d the Ea rth eq uOd istance of 16 Nove mber 2009 as the countdown ti ll its pe rigee ,However, because Elen in is fly ing adjacent to an d a round the Su n. witho ut flying directlylowards ii , the lead ing edge of Nib iru's magn et ic cloud will envelop the Su n a litlle ea r,e rthan Elen ins pe rih elion a nd the same with the Eart h prio r to pe rigee becaus e our p lanet 'sorb it can bring it 1 AU closer. p rovOded it is o n t he same sOde of the Sun as E len in , or 2 AUfart her . if is di rectly on the op posite side of th e Sun lrom Ele ninTh e evidence that Elen in is moving with a huge magne tic field is se e n in the an im at ion shotsof the object (s) tak e n by French astrono mer s on 4 and 6 March earl ie r this year.Watch this a nimation close ly : c2010x l 20 110304 an imat ion 800 b82 Notice that thes maller st e rs di m (a nd even disappear!) as Elenin and its companion objeclsepproech. Th e a nimation ca n a lso be viewed here (scroll down) These com pa nion ob jectsappear to be pus hed alongsOde Elenin by Nib iru's magne tic fieldHere is a nothe r an imation (scroll down) showing the same d im ming 01 stars in the vic ini ty 01the Elen in ob ject(s) ,loo k at this s mall vOdeo at the middle of th is page (scroll dow n a ~ Keep your eye on thefo ur sm a ll stars in front of Elen in . Se e how they fl icker and dim as it a pproaches them , Th ed im ming ellect is a bit more s ubtle than in th e two ani mations above but it is dear to se eonce you know what to look forTh is further p rove s that the magnetic fi e ld is no t only present but it is mass ive an d is sostrong even the o uter fringes 01 whe re Elen in trav e ls , ca n absorb and snufl out the light 01background stars , The strength or exlent of the field se ems to wax and wane such thatsomet imes it a llows the weak lig ht from the Ele nin objec t(s) to be visib le and other time scomp letely enshrouds and concea ls the light fro m E len in. ma king it virtua lly invisible. Th is iswhy astro nome rs have dillic uky finding Ele nin: at tim os it is clearly visible and other timescomp letely im pe rc eptib le , caus ing much pe rplex ity ,

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    Top cenlre ima ge: [lenin i, Ihe barely per

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    The fa ct tha t Earth 's a lignments with the Elen in ob ject(s) ca use s increa se d se ismicity an dthat despite current, at time of writing, t .395 AU proxim ity to the S un (we ll Mars 'orb it an d fas t a pp roach ing Eart h's) ha s yet to ignite in to a big bright o bjec t with lo ngta per ing tails as comets norma lly do te lls us that it possesses a dense ma gnet ism (pe rhapsinduced by Nibiru) that is formKlable in its own right and mus t in no way be underestimated .You may liken Elen in to a miss ile carrying a pay lo ad . That payload is but a foretaste , awarning s hot if you will , of the power of the warshi p tha t launc hed The question then is:what is the warsh ip an d when wi ll a rrive?That the re is another, muc h larger objectlollowing c los e beh ind an d on the hee ls of theElen in o bjec t(s) is a fact that has bee n confirm ed by both sc ientist s using powerfu linstru me nts and ord inary fo lk like you and me us ing the power an d inte ll igence of our ownminds:Sc ientists says Comet Eleni n ha s massive UFO Flee t followi ng in formation in its tail : Basedon reports pub lis hed by China' s space agen cy , S e rgio Toscano. director lor Astro nomi ca lResea rch in Miss ions, sa Kl that beh ind the co met Elen in could be approac hi ng a UFO"Beh ind the co met , discovered in Decem ber last year. Chinese scient ists sa y that isso meth ing they ca l led c luster whic h mea ns g lob u lar clus te r, or pe rhaps a lie n s pacec ralt ."saKl Toscano. Accord ing to the re port qu ote s the astronomer mission the sp ac e body wouldbe lou nd in the c omet's ta il an d was a na lyzed after the mysterious sig nals that came off ofan unknow n lorm ation ' stra nge an d ob scure ." In the wo rds of Toscano, the C hines e ha vesa id that the s pa cec ralt is stationed in the sam e place for ninety days , "tiefor e that lO Okedlike it was com ing /rom an extra terrestria l civiliz abon ." sa id Argentin e sc ientist . According tothe Daily Chronic le , this pheno menon wa s corrobo ra ted by Rosi e Redfiel , th e new director ofthe P rogram 01 NAS A's Astrobiology . "Bu t whe n NASA beg a n to make ca lculation s an dprojections of of the co met, they rea lized t hat so meth ing was wrong and the first thingthey d id was remo ve th e websrte which provi de d in/orm ation on th is iss ue : sa id Tos ca no.The Come t Elenin The P lanet Sa turn and . . "There is s ome evKlence that e leni n is nota lone in its path t owards the inne r so lar system . . _ o ne thi ng is for sure, s omething ROCKEDthe 6th planet, wh en eleni n was a lmo st to mar s r th is suggests tha t eitho r com et eleninis fa rther away an d muc h, muc h bigger, or that SOME THING ELS E is com ing , that it isMASSIVE and that wa s in the vicinity of sat urn around the beg inning to midd le of may20 t t ."

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    Nib iru 's o rbital path and time lineWo aro al l very fammar with tho orbit an d timeline 01 the Elenin objec t(s). W" now know thatthe much moro mysterious Nib iru ob jec t is lo llowing be hind at a d istance of 8 AU on thesama orbh l pa th and tha t the Elen in 'comet' m arils the lead ing edgo 01 Nib iru 's massivemagnatic liold. W e will now oxtrapo late tha time lina of Nibiru 's ap p roac h towards us basedon Elen in's own ti me line an d a pp roach. Note: t he timeline is a 'guesstimate' ba se d on thepro pert ies wove ca lculated 01 N'biru as we ll as the Ele nin o r b ~ a pa th provided by JPl. Theobjec t may indeed a rri ve e ar liar or co me a la ter tha n outl ined here.But belora we do that, tha ro is one moro th ing we noed know abo ut Nibiru 's o s inspaco rolat ive to tha Ele nin object{.). Th e ce nt re 01 Nib ir u is situated right on th e ec lipt icpla ne end th us ha s a O inclina tion , whoreas Elen in is ap pro ac hing us Irom ba low theec liptic at a stea d ily decreas ing inc lina tio n of abou t -t .8" .

    - - c : - c c - - - : - : - - = - - : - - - ~ left: thi' image wa , t aken from the WorldWide Tele,cope. It is the , am e objett , eenin GoogleSky a, the {oordinate . are""act ly th e . ame . It looh different betau ,ert i, an improved repro{ein g of the rawIr. . ,u rvey image ~ i ' ) The line goin g righ tthrough the middle f tt delineate, theeclip tic plane, or Ihe SU " " path aHO the'kyoleft: ,ame bject in Google Sky. We can.e e that [lenin, on 16 June 2OCJ7, i, Iutedright beneath the cor e of the objed, a.in dicated by the 'qu are marker. From theWW T image abve we know the eclipticline ru n. righ t throu gh th e cre of Nibiru,confirming the object ,tt, righ t on theecl ip tic, ju t like th e Sun. Elen in appea"beneath th e centre of it becau,e rt i. belwthe ecliptic.

    l eft: thi' ,how, the Sun', path, or ed iptic,ru n, , t raightth rough the middle of Nibiru ,fu rther confirmin g th e object i. right on th eeclip tic with ab,lut ely , er in din ation .Th i, inform ation will prove important I.teron when we loo k at the way Nib iru willappra

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    Th is Goog le Sky image sh ows us N ib iru's cu rre nt p o s ~ i o n and app roach path based onElenin's pa th (shown by the yellow pin ma rk ers) becaus e the y're practically th e same exceptthat the former is rig ht on the ecliptic slightly abov e the latter. E len in reaches th e ec liptic on11 Septem ber 20 11 at the fa rth est lef t-hand corner of the yellow curve path (the yellow b rickroad , ff you will) in the picture, breaks through it from then on and flies higher and higherabove it (above th e Sun fro m ou r pe rs pec tive) . N ib iru , h owever, w ill no t do thaI. It will rema inon the ecliptic plane th rougho ut the leng th and duration of its approach, even t ill it pa sses usand moves awa), back into inters tellar space

    The Elenin ob ject(s) crossed Saturn 's orbit on 29 May 2009 with N ib iru 8 AU behind it andwell into Uranus ' r Orb it Diagram

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    About two years later, at time 01writing, 30 June 2011 . the core 01Nibiru shoukl havecrossed Satu rn' s orbit. eve n as harbinger, Elenin, crossed Ma rs' orb it abo ut 8 AU aheadThis te lls us that Nibiru is about two years behind Elenin . However, we shoukl becarefu l with th is conc lusion because we must keep in mind that as they approach the Sunthese objects are accelerating laster and laste r due to OU f star's magnetic pu ll. Thus Ihistwo-year gap batween them will undoubtedly be decreasing at sn ever increas ing reteas their proxim ity to the Sun and Earth also decreases. Let's assume their velocitydoubles by the time they get here , halving the length of lime it would take Nibiru 10reach Earth. Th is means Nibiru could then reach us one year alter Elenin, instead 01two years. Orbit Oi agr3Ol

    On 4 July 2011 , Saturn was well within the radius and grip 01 the outer magnetic f iekl..-- ~ - -~ . - - " ' ..

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    The image below sh ows how Nibiru's magnetic fiekl shoukl appear to a viewer on Earth inthe sk y of 26 Ju ly 2011 he co ukl se e it. The approxima te p o s ~ i o n s of Nibiru an d Elenin area lso shown. Notice Ve nus to the right of - and behind - the Su n e ntering the magnetic fiekl.The Su n its elf is not in the fiekl beca us e is far the r away from it (orelose r to us) than Venus- think three-

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    Nibi ru's magnetic field reaches the Su n around 18 August 2011 , jus t as the Elen in objec tc rosses Ve nus ' orb it. Perhaps solar activity would begin to erupt at this s tage .

    3 September 2011 : Su n comp lete ly ec li pses Nibiru, obscuring it from all possib le view fromthe Ea rth. This a lso marks a d irect a lignment between the Earth , Su n and Nibiru. The onlygood aspect of this is tha t while we are at the ot her s ide of the Su n from Nibi ru , the Su n'smagnet ism may act as a sh ieid to te mporarily protect us from Nibiru's e lect romag net ism .However, once we orb it ove, to the other side of Su n ove, the course of the fo llowing sixmonths , we will no lo nge, be able to be ne fit from the so lar sh ieid and will thus be tota llyexposed to Nibiru

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    Nibi ru is abo ut mi d way be twee n Satu rn and Jup ite r's orb its on 11 September 201 1 even asElenin reach es pe ri helion and Irom tha t point b egins to hu rt le back into Nibi ru 's magnet icsphere as it is hurled in that d irection by the Su n's antic lockwise-ro tat ing mag net ic Held .From this po int , E len in c an no lo nger be used as a referenc e point fo r the leading edg e ofNibi ru 's magnetic f ield bec a use it is faling farther and farthe r into in a direct ion d irect lyopp os ite that of t heca .. which is sti ll moving towards the Sun and Ea rth. At this point, theEart h is stil l outside the f ield but is se t on an in escapable collision course w ~ h it.

    The Earth p lummets into N ib iru 's magnetic field on 27 September 2011 , Th e Earth is sti llbe hind the Sun's shield at th is point so the in te nsity of Ni biru's magn etism ma y be lessened ,be ing sip honed of f by the Su n, whose magnet i sm we calc ulated is abo ut 6 tim es strongertha n Nibi ru 's. Th is me ans the eflects on us may be cut down to about t l6th 01 the inten sitythey should be if we weren' being protected by our sun,

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    On th is same date , Elenin is flying between the Sun en d Earth in an alignment that alsoinvolves th e Moon, Mercury and Uranus , The re are othe r secondary alignments and nea ra lignments that together create e grand conjunction involving directly or indirectly allnine planets in the sola r system!

    The 27 Se pt ember 201 1 date continues to be an increasingly one . Too ma nythings lite ra lly lin e up on or a round that day lBelow: Ihe point of view from the morn ing of 27 September s howing the alignmenl of Eart hw ~ h ils moon, Ele ni n, Su n a nd Mercury (a nd Uranus toc, which is 'b ehi nd 'i h e Ea rth) ,Nibiru 's magnetic shell (p a in ted red here) a nd core (cya n an d wh ile ) should look a bou t thaibig in Ihe sky from 8 AU away they were vis ib le 10 the naked eye of Ihe observer on Earth.Notice th . 'min i' gamm a ray bursts from bot h poles of illoo k like wings from the ob s .",er'sPOV - lik . the winged disc or red horned su n described and depicted by the ancients. Th .Earth is now within the oule r magnetic sphere of Nibiru, ind ica ted by the red h ue upon it.

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    16 October 20 11 : Eleni n rea ches perigee. Nibiru increa s es in accele ration towards Sun.

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    11 March 2012: a repea t 01 Elen in's alignment with the Earth an d Su n exactly a year earl ierthat caused the Ja pa n qu a ke, With Nibiru many orde rs 01 magn itude more powe rf ul thanElen in, we ca n only speculate what carnage th is alignment will cause, espec ia lly conside ringthe Earth is right be tween the e lectric connec tions ('magn etic portals') flow ing to an d lrom itan d the S un, This is also the closest Earth gets to Nibiru until perigee,

    20 March 2011 : Nibirucloses in on Mars an d at the same time linallycatches Jupite r in itsmagnetic net

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    28 June 2012: Nibiru finally lets go of Saturn. Th o ringed planet had bee n in its magneticgrip/or over a y .ar and a haH. Ma rs continues to Ilee Irom Nibiru even as the o bject, right onthe red planet 's he e ls, crosses o r b ~

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    11 September 2012: it reaches perihelion to the Sun. This marks the mo st intensestage of the long bail ie between these two titans. The ir magnetic, electric and evenrad iation (light) l i ekls come into direct oppos ition and the effects 01 such a monum ental clashwill certainly reve rb erate across and be le lt by all the pla nets in t he vicinity.

    27 September 2012: Nibiru comes dire-ctly between Ihe Sun and Earth. Unlike Elenin ayear ag o, it is right on Ihe ecliptic and will tharefore completely aclipsa tha Sun . TheEart h wi ll now be very much at the mercy 01 this immense object"s magnetism. At th is poi ntand si"" e several days prior as Nibi ru drew nearer. Earth shoukl already be tipping severelyand abnorma lly as its north pola is repalled by Nibiru's at tha same tima it s southerncounterpart is attracted .

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    Sun , The Earth i. nowcompletely expo .ed to it.r ever

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    m ~ g n e t i c ~ t i o n . h ip b e t wSun an d Earth .Left: Th i. image .h ow. how,everely t he Earth ', magnetic fieldwill be th rown into d i . a r r ~ y du ring t hi. period. The magneticline. are twi,te d in a ~ n g l

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    21 December 2012: the infamo us date sees the Earth approaching an alignmentbetween the Su n an d Elenin , an d Nibiru also aligning between the Sun an d Jupiteral l from th e same general direction in space. It's as the objects hav e co nspi red togetherto pul l at the Sun . The magnetic stress on th e star must be immense, especial ly w ~ h thecomb ined forces of the two largest bodies (next to the Sun) in th e so lar sy stem , Nibiru andJupiter, involvedl Note: at th is stage the d istance between Nibiru and Elen in should bedecreasing as El enin is decelerating while Nibiru is acce lerati ng as has ju st been f lung outof the inner solar system by th e Sun.

    28 December 2012: the double elignments are perfected.

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    28 J uly 2013: Nibi ru ap p roaches Jupiter in wha t looks like a head-on collis ion cou rse!

    5 Au gu st 2013 . Nib ir u's magnetic s hell s la m s in to J up iter ! This ma kes J upi ter th e lirsta nd pr o bably on ly p lane l in Ih e enl ire sola r sy s lem to ex perie nce Ih e full br uni of Ihest rongest a nd mos t intense mag ne tic lorces whir ling within Nibi ru's ' inner eyewall'.Note that this is NOT a so lid o n solid coll ision becaus" th" so lid core 01 Nib iru . th" plan"titseH. is more tha n 0.1 AU ( t4 .95 9 .800 km) away from Ju p it" r. whic h is s till a consid erabled ista nce (a lmost ha H he distanc e b"tw""n Ve nu s a nd Earths r ~ s Of course. ~ e r willtry to put up a (futile ) fig ht with its own mag n etic /i ,,1d but with Nibiru 's mag n" tism being 4 1.3times stronger th is is no contestllt 's therefore a com ple te no-b ra iner who wil l win th is matc h_

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    20 August 2013 : Jupiter is tryi ng to escape from Nibi ru's inne r eyewall. II may be ableto do so because Nibi ru is thankfully losing forward mo mentum a t Ihis point J upiter, beingthe larges t planet in the so la r system , is the only one capable of at lea sl surviv ing (a lbeit notunscalhed) this extremely intense encounter.

    3 September 2013 : J upiter is slowly but surely dra wing away from the c lutches of the inne reyewall, ev e n as Nibiru ilself crosses Ihe J ov ian plane t's orbit at a pproximat e ly o _ ~ AU or29,919,600 km h i n d ~

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    11 September 2013: Jupiter finally escapes . This might bo a good ti me to obsorve thodamago dealt to the gas giant.

    22 November 2013: The inner so lar system is sti ll within Nibiru's magnetosphere.

    Orbit Diagram

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    7January 2018 : Nib iru an d Eleni n a, e both on thei,way out of the so la, system. Nibiru'smagnetos phe, e fina lly beg ins to ,ecede I,o m the inne, sola, system and should co mpl et,,1yde pa rt f,o m it sometime du,ing ~ O I 8 . afte , w,ec king havoc ov", th" co u,s e 01 sev"nundoubtedly tum uftuous yea,s sinc "The weake, an d larg'" pa rt of Nib i,u 's magnet ic lie ld (the out", ',ainba nds1, how"v",. sh o uldcontinue to affect us 10 ' ma ny yea,s to com" ju st as it dOd in the yea,s and decades leadingup to ~ O I ~ . The on ly diffe,enc e is that instead 01 the effects getting wo,se. because Nibi,uwa s then on a n inbo und t, a jectory, they wil l be wan ing. because the co lo ss a l pla net isout bound at th is po in t.

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    Nibiru revealed

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    distant objed th at i, otherwise invi,ible in th e vi,iblelight spectrum i, {ompleteiy vi,ible in infrared.left im age: vi,ible light spectrumRight image: infrared

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    Top an d left: E enin look. l i aminiatu,e Nibi,u

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    AddendumRavis iting Old Naws Artic ln About tha 10th Plana!, AKA Plana! X, Nibi r u, Namnis ,Wormwood, Oas!royar, Ma rduk, Tycha, Ha rcolubusLUCUS 7108110 http://r. bbtthole1.com !forum{v iew!opic.php?! 12us NEW S WOR LD REPO RTSop' 10 . 1984Plane . x I. I Really 0uI The",?Shrouded from the .u n'. light " 'yd "rio u .1y tugging allIle o mil . of U".., u. "n d NeptUflO . i n unHtln Ioree IMI rano .. ... . . . . . pe e t "" Y be Pl . . . . a 100h re.ident of the Ear th'. ""iestial ne igllborOOod. L. . )'tI , heInl.. _ _ ' ra"" . c. 1. . .IIMe ( IR"'S), cl

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    NEWSWEEKJune 26t h, 100 2

    Doe . Iho Sun H . ", , , Dw k Companio n 'When ociomi.t. n o ' i < ~ " " 't U Jar1u . _10' following pre dolar . yll. m onop po . i le .ide. of the . un.ASTAOI>K)MY MAG AZIN EQc , 19112Sean:hing to,a 10I h P lanotThe hu nt 10, new wo rid . hmn ' e_d Both Uranu. an d Ne p,une IoItow , " "gula r I" 'th. thrn ob", ,,,,,,, can. xplain o nly by anum"" " ' " p" , . eoce oj an unkoown body wOO.e gravily ' ug ' at the two plane" . A , trono"", , ,originally tOOugh P kl to m i:Jh1 be the body b i n g il l nei:Jhtx lf. , bu' Iho combine d ""'" oj P km a n d ~ . moon,Ctn ron. i. 100 " "a ll fo r . lJC h a ",10 . W hilo a. t",no"", . . belie"" ,hal. some 'hing .. ou t ,he "" they a ten ' .u rewin! i. TIll"" p J ' , ibililie, .Inrid o ut Firs1. !he o bjecl couki be a plane! . but any workllargo: am co" , "oough10 affect" ' " o rM . 0 1 Umnu . an d "' " P'u,, " .OO uld already haYe bee n .p o tted Sean:herl mi:Jh t haYe mi.. d theplane ', though, . unu .uaIIy dark o r ha, ..., od d o r n ~ NASA hm bee n ", cording "",Ioc it", . fo r a ye'" now an d w iUcon t in " " to, a . iong a . """en", ) , . Th i. I " '. t .pring. t"I '1I""",d 1hat b ~ ' cuts migh1lon:e ,he 00 0 of t he Pionee, pro jec t The . " " " " _o c y J"-.mAl . "'"_lor C . h _ ~ . 1 0 < p ,.p.IoI'" "" . . . "1'.,.._ I_IIOfI ..,...._" .... ....-,. todJ. _ _" . ._" . . . . . . lJPI . . . . . .

    --- .... '',.1-~ _ t . n I ... Io=.ks1loOO t lM." ,, , ,_ . .IN p ........... _ . ." " " ' . . . nI11OII km.n;1o .1.1..., _ il lI' ' ' ' I. . . . . . . .,!l.-...._ .k M. ____M_....... ,,,.loOOM.- .. .. .__" " ' * " . . . , . . . . , . . . . . ..._ -1'1 ...

    _ . . . . . It It. .... Dr. J . . . .u . .....,...,..I'" IRAS_....... ..,...., ""',Is ., ...ad . . " '"""" .. . b no_._H .."........ . . . . . . _ _ ~ . . -' " -_ . .." I ... 1I"0 .... , . . . . t. ' . . .-1.1.... . o, ....__ . -....... ..... lf KlI"btoo'ILo ._,..__...... _ "'01 ' .....

  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


  • 8/4/2019 Space Objects


    *"oge" OPlical telesco p" ' . Already. 1M 1OO-inch d " mete r " , " . cop e '" Oem> de l Tololo "' Chile hi>. begun ....,anoh...-d tM 2O()-inch te le scope at Palomar Mounjajn in Ca lilomia hil i em .. r1. pinpoin1ed Is po. itlon.

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