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Very Early Spain

Early Spain and it’s military have been around for 2200yrs. As a base in the western Med, many battles were launched from there. At the same time Spain had it’s problems with invaders & instability from the ‘Visigoths’. Spain's biggest problem was being on the front lines; after the fall of Rome in a religious battle between Christians and Islam.

Spain’s build up

Wars wage back and forth everywhere. The rise and fall of the Christians or Muslims was in flux and the rest of Europe was also. It took Spain several centuries to get out from under. When they did it was because they had become the military superiority of Europe. They had some ideas.

Spain’s Land PowerSpain’s land power centered on a military unit called a ‘Terico’ that is an infantry term of a regiment of 3000. They had 2 weapons that helped a lot. The top one is the ‘Arquebuses’, a muzzle loading rifle that had a sharp turning stock. Also their battle sword the “Tizona’. You can see how sharp it is. That kept it from becoming stuck in someone's ribs!By 1492 the Spaniards under Isabella & Ferdinand II won after 8 centauries freedom from Islam.After all the fighting in Italy and the low lands the Spanish were the toughest guys around.

Spain’s navy 1500-1700You can’t say anything short about Spain’s Navy. Their greatest Admiral Alvaro de Bazan was famous for the battle at ‘Lepanto’ against the Ottoman Empire 1571 his Spanish marines played a dominate role. The Spanish Armada’s defeat in 1588 lead to reforms thru-out the service.After 1589 the Spanish Navy had to deal with raiders of all kinds against their treasure fleets along the Spanish-main & the west Indies

Spain in declineFrom 1570 the Dutch rebellion always challenged Spanish & Portuguese sea power. Big attacks came in 1607 at Gibraltar. Small Dutch vessels would go after Spanish Galleons This war took global dimensions, from the Philippines to the west Indies.At the battle of Downs 1639 the Dutch delivered a massive blow to the Spanish, and their troop-carrying fleet.In 1650 the English also with the French started a campaigns against the Spanish. Bottom ship is a Dutch warship used to sink the troop ships of the Spanish. See the top ‘Little ship?’ that’s a Dutch Pirate ship at Gibraltar.

Spanish defeatsAfter fortifying Havana, Veracruz, and Cartagena de Indies, they lose Jamaica to the British.They did keep their treasure ships going for another 200 yrs.In the last decades the Spanish Habsburgs neglected naval affairs. With an explosion of piracy the Spanish lost efficiency. Losing a number of islands in the Caribbean, with other losses it would be the Dutch to help them keep their territories in the Pacific & Mediterranean linked together.

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