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Apache Spark | Spark SQL

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At the end of this module, you will be able to

Introduction of Spark

Spark Architecture

What is an RDD

Demo On Creating RDD and Running sample example

Spark SQL

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What is Spark?

Apache Spark is an open source, parallel data processing framework that complements Apache Hadoop to make it

easy to develop fast, unified Big Data applications combining batch, streaming, and interactive analytics.

Developed at UC Berkeley

Written in Scala , a Functional Programming Language that runs in a JMV

It generalize the Map Reduce framework

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Why Spark ?


Run programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop Map Reduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk.

Ease of Use

Supports different languages for developing applications using Spark


Combine SQL, streaming, and complex analytics into one platform

Runs Everywhere

Spark runs on Hadoop, Mesos, standalone, or in the cloud.

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Map Reduce is a great solution for one-pass computations, but not very efficient for use cases that require multi-pass

computations and algorithms ( Machine learning etc.)

To run complicated jobs, you would have to string together a series of Map Reduce jobs and execute them in


Each of those jobs was high-latency, and none could start until the previous job had finished completely

The Job output data between each step has to be stored in the local file system before the next step can begin

Hadoop requires the integration of several tools for different big data use cases (like Mahout for Machine Learning

and Storm for streaming data processing)

Map Reduce Limitations

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Spark Features

Spark takes Map Reduce to the next level with less expensive shuffles in the data processing. With capabilities like in-memory data storage

Spark has an advanced DAG execution engine that supports cyclic data flow and in-memory computing

It’s designed to be an execution engine that works both in-memory and on-disk

Lazy evaluation of big data queries which helps with the optimization of the overall data processing workflow

Provides concise and consistent APIs in Scala, Java and Python

Offers interactive shell for Scala and Python. This is not available in Java yet

Spark support high level APIs to develop applications (Scala, Java, Python, Clojure, R)

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Spark Core


Spark Sql

Blink DB

MLlib Graph X Spark R

Spark Architecture

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Spark Core


Spark Sql

Blink DB

MLlib Graph X Spark R

Spark Architecture

Cluster management ( Native Spark Cluster, YARN, MESOS )

Distributed storage ( HDFS, Cassandra, S3, HBase )

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Spark Advantages




Easier APIs Python, Scala, Java

RDDs DAGs Unify Processing

Shark, MLStreaming, GraphX

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Multiple data sources Multiple applications Multiple users

Reliability Multi-tenancy Security

Files Databases Semi-structured

Hadoop Advantages

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Spark + Hadoop







Operational Applications Augmented by In-Memory Performance

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Resilient Distributed Datasets

RDD ( Resilient Distributed Data Sets )

Resilient – If data in memory is lost, It can be recreated

Distributed – Stored in memory across the cluster

Dataset – Initial data can come from a file or created programmatically.

RDDs are the fundamental unit of data in spark

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Resilient Distributed Datasets

Core concept of Spark framework.

RDDs can store any type of data.

Primitive Types : Integer, Characters, Boolean etc.Files : Text files, SequencFiles etc.

RDD is fault tolerance.

RDDs are immutable

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RDD supports two types of operations:

Transformation: Transformations don't return a single value, they return a new RDD.

Some of the Transformation functions are map, filter, flatMap, groupByKey, reduceByKey, aggregateByKey, pipe, and coalesce.

Action: Action operation evaluates and returns a new value.

Some of the Action operations are reduce, collect, count, first, take, countByKey, and foreach.

Resilient Distributed Datasets

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Spark Sql

Spark Core

Spark SQL allows relational queries through Spark

The backbone for all these operations is SchemaRDD

Schema RDDs are mode of row objects along with the metadata information

SchemaRDDs are equivalent to RDBMS tables

They can be constructed from existing RDDs, JSON data sets, Parquet files or Hive QL queries against the data stored in Apache Hive(*)

Spark SQL

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Spark SQL

Spark SQL lets you query structured data as a distributed dataset (RDD) in Spark, with integrated APIs in Scala and Java

Shark Project is completely closed now

Earlier it was Shark but now we will use Spark SQL


Spark SQL Hive on Spark

Development ending: transitioning to Spark SQL

A new SQL engine designed from ground up for Spark

Help existing Hive users migrate Spark

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Efficient In-Memory Storage

Simply caching Hive records as Java objects is inefficient due to high per-object overhead

Instead, Spark SQL employs column-oriented storage using arrays of primitive types


Column Storage

2 3

john mike sally

4.1 3.5 6.4

Row Storage

1 john 4.1

2 mike 3.5

3 sally 6.4

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Demo On Spark RDDs

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LIVE Online Class

Class Recording in LMS

24/7 Post Class Support

Module Wise Quiz

Project Work

Verifiable Certificate

Course Features

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Course Topics

Module 1 » Introduction to Scala

Module 2» Scala Essentials

Module 3 » Traits and OOPs in Scala

Module 4 » Functional Programming in Scala

Module 5 » Introduction to Big Data and Spark

Module 6 » Spark Baby Steps

Module 7 » Playing with RDDs

Module 8» Spark with SQL- When Spark meets Hive

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