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Page 1: Special Interest Group - European Commission · Project is co-financed by UE from European Social Funds within Malopolska Regional Operational Program for the years 2014-2020. Interregional

May 2019

Special Interest Group Active Healthy Living and Aging

Page 2: Special Interest Group - European Commission · Project is co-financed by UE from European Social Funds within Malopolska Regional Operational Program for the years 2014-2020. Interregional

We are a community of scientists,

entrepreneurs, doctors, business

developers and policy makers.

We suport innovations for Health and

Quality of Life.

about the cluster

Who we are

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the culture and modern science

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We promote and support collaboration thataim to bring innovations in life science fieldWe collaborate to grow and strenghtenregional innovation eco-system.


Networks Platforms


Innovations ‚Made in Klaster’

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Active &

healthy life

Special InterestGroup and Living Lab:

• Regional challenges in the context

• of an ageing population

• Silver –economy

• Quality and availability of health-care

for elderly patients

• Designing products and services for

dependent persons

• ….


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Key partners and theirs roles

The Senior Activity Centre (SAC) :

• provide recreational and social activities for seniors who are at least 60 years old.

The City of Krakow, The Marshall Office:

• activities related to maintaining the activity of older people, including older people in social life, promoting a healthy lifestyle;

• supporting activities in the field of supporting social functioning and preventing the exclusion of older people;

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• A living lab is a user-centered, open-

innovation ecosystem integrating concurrent

research and innovation processes within a

public-private-people partnership.

• The concept is based on a systematic user co-

creation approach integrating research and

innovation processes. These are integrated

through the co-creation, exploration,

experimentation and evaluation of innovative

ideas, scenarios, concepts and related

technological artefacts in real life use cases.

• Such use cases involve user communities, not

only as observed subjects but also as a source of


• This approach allows all involved stakeholders to

concurrently consider both the global

performance of a product or service and its

potential adoption by users.

A living lab is a research concept


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AHATHON is a combination of Hackathon with Active Healthy Aging (AHA) and AHA.LivingLabprograms implemented by Klaster LifeScience Kraków in cooperation with Centers of Senior Activity and the City of Krakow.

The goal of AHATHON is:quick definition and presentation of practical ideas for solving small and large problems and needs of older people.

These problems can affect their everyday life both at home (place of residence) or away from home, ie in places where they are resting, learning, meeting friends, healing, having fun or traveling.


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Life Science Open Space 2019

Short and focused presentations aimed to buildpartnership in specific theme

CHALLENGE: have development or technology problem – looking for innovative solution

COOPERATION: have an idea, a promising concept – need prospective collaboration

DEMO: running project, launching new product –need to showcase or test market

Pitching sessions 26-27 NovemberKraków Expo• present the results of the


• support businesses and researcher groups interested in developing their innovative ideas targeted at elderly people

• accelerate ideas in cooperation with a target group

• connect people, ideas and projectsto easy cooperation and development

• foster collaboration within and amongst SIGs

Active Healthy Living on #LSOS19

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Follow us to stay updated

Kazimierz MurzynManaging DirectorKlaster LifeScience Krakowtel. +48 12 297 4 605mob. +48 504 106 466

[email protected] [email protected]://www.lifescience.pl/

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Jolanta Perek-BiałasAssociate Professor

Jagiellonian University and Warsaw School of EcoonomicsDirector of the Center of Evaluation and Public Policy Analysis

in the Jagiellonian University

Challenges for

age-friendly city:

policies, actors and... decisions

Age-friendly environments in Poland

9-10 May, 2019

Cracow, Poland


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Age friendly city


Figure 1. The eight domains of an age-friendly city (WHO, 2007)





DECISIONS are taken



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Policies (National level)


ProgramSecurity – Participation - Solidarity


Care 75+

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Policies (Regional level)


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Source: Perek-Białas, Mysińska, 2013,Perek-Białas, Zwierzchowski, 2014, 2015 and the web page of theUnited Nation Economic Commission for Europe, report from 2015

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Policies (local level)


PASIOS – Local Program of Social Participationand Integration of Older Persons 2015 – 2020(voted in March 2014)

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Many actors




NGOs CITIZENSExpert Groups

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Examples of actions


24 hour Phone for Senior- 12 417 63 58

40 Centers(April 2019)

Age friendly places


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Age-Friendly city


Source: Van Hoof, J.; Kazak, J.K.; Perek-Białas, J.M.; Peek, S.T.M., The Challenges of Urban Ageing: Making Cities Age-Friendly in Europe. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 2473.https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/15/11/2473,https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15112473

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Example….just a few• Free public transport for all 70+… but not

only for children up to high school

• For only 1 participation in Centers of Senior Activity – various educational, cultural, physical activity options

• Cracow’s Council of Seniors – since 2014


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What can be done?

• Less only talk - more actions via studyvisits but not only to see success story

• „Real” collaboration in joint projects(example universities and policy makers and NGOs)


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Thank you!

[email protected]


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Sieć współpracy

Systemowe rozwiązanie powszechnie dostępne

Staranna analiza efektywności projektu

CAS-y prowadzone są przez organizacje


Wiara w rozwój człowieka przez całe życie

Uwzględnienie potrzeb rozwojowych osób


Każdy CAS prowadzi zajęcia z udziałem

młodzieży i dzieci

Page 28: Special Interest Group - European Commission · Project is co-financed by UE from European Social Funds within Malopolska Regional Operational Program for the years 2014-2020. Interregional



Na 759 tysięcy mieszkańców 200 tysięcy to osoby w

wieku senioralnym, co stanowi ponad 26% populacji


Średnia wieku dożycia prawie najwyższa w Polsce i

jest to 81,5 dla kobiet i 73,7 dla mężczyzn. Średnia

wieku mieszkańca Krakowa 78,2.

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26 % starszych mieszkańców Miasta to ogromny

potencjał mądrości, doświadczenia i dystansu to

zasób czasu i ciepła emocjonalnego.

Jakie i jak tworzyć przestrzenie dla emanacji

owego potencjału.

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Podmiotowość osób starszych – budowaniepozytywnego wizerunku osób starszych – Kraków dlaseniora z seniorami.

Rozwój osoby trwa przez całe życie we wszystkich jegosferach.

Proponowane rozwiązania uwzględniają potrzebypsychiczne osób, szczególnie potrzeby uznania,szacunku, akceptacji, afiliacji.

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Naturalnym środowiskiem człowieka jest

środowisko zróżnicowane pod względem wieku i


Wysoka jakość życia osób starszych wiąże się ze

świadomością sensu życia – działania

pozwalające doświadczać, że życie ciągle ma sens.

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Zintegrowana sieć 40 CAS - miejsc wszechstronnejaktywności i integracji i dobroczynności starszychmieszkańców dzielnic.

CAS prowadzone są przez NGO - skupiają ponad 3 ipół tysiąca osób – koszt ok. 3 mln 300 tys. rocznie.

W każdej z 18 dzielnic miasta działa przynajmniej 1 CAS

Planujemy do końca 2000 uruchomić 54 CAS.

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(II KADENCJA 2016-2019)

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Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Rad Seniorów

Rzecznictwo na forum Parlamentu

Szkolenia dla rad seniorów w Polsce

Współpraca z Sejmową Komisją Polityki


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Rady Dzielnic

Uniwersytety Trzeciego



Spółdzielnie Mieszkaniow


Domy Kultury

Szkoły/ przedszkola

Centra Aktywności Seniorów


Pełnomocnik PMK ds. Polityki



Rada Krakowskich


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Silver MałopolskaActive and Healthy Ageing Policy on regional level

Aneta Widak

Department of Sustainable Development

The Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region

10th May 2019, Kraków

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Management Board of the Region

– statutory tasks

The Management Board of the Region takes up actions

in many areas:

• Promotion and protection of health,

• Social assistance,

• Supporting families and the foster care system.

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The Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region

• The Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region - an organizational unit

of regional government carrying out statutory and its own tasks for the

development of the region,

• Structure of the Office: 8 Departments, including the Department of

Sustainable Development.

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Strategic approach

2010Challenges of Malopolska in the context of

an ageing population

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Project „Malopolska Tele-Angel”

Malopolska Region supports its inhabitants

who are not fully independent



➢ 24/7 possibilty to alert in the case of life, health or safety danger emergence.

➢ Life-guard bands with SOS button

➢ Trained medical staff: paramedics, telecare system assistants,


Providing support in the place of residence - in the form of

neighborly social care services


Digital Card

Report an accidentvia SOS handband

Paramedic’sassesment of the incident

Providingfirst aid ornecessaryassistance

Mobile connectionwith MedicalTelecareCall Centre

IncidentProject budget: 38 mln zł

Project is co-financed by UE from European Social Funds

within Malopolska Regional Operational Program for the years 2014-2020

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Interregional Cooperation

Interreg Europe Programme

Aim of the Programme:

Improvement of public policies

and regional development


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ThemeBuilding and developing ecosystems for active and healthy ageing

What do we want to achieve?

Implementation of innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing,

including activation of elderly and disabled people in healthcare and

social care.

Innovation in approach

to the issue of

demographic changes

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• Self-Assessment of existing

solutions and potential in smart

healthcare and social care

• Preparation of the Strategy for

boosting innovation for smart

healthcare and social care – with

involvement of all types of

stakeholders (quadruple helix –

public authorities, universities,

business and 3rd sector/NGOs)

• Action Plans – regional


Using new tools, such as facilitation

workshop, design thinking, open space,

world cafe etc.

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Mutual learning – stakeholders

• Regional Partnership consisted of

key stakeholders

• EEPE – Exchange of Experience

and Peer Evaluation Events in

each partner region.

• International workshops

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EEPE in Malopolska25-27 February 2019

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HoCare 2.0

Delivery and deployment of Innovative solutions for Home Care

by strengthening quadruple helix cooperation and applying

principles of co-creation in territorial innovation ecosystems


1. Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Non-profit Ltd. (HU)2. Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (PL)3. BSC, Business support centre Ltd., Kranj (SI)4. Carus Consilium Saxony GmbH (DE)5. National Healthcare Service Center (HU)6. The Malopolska Region (PL)7. Institute of social services Prague (CZ)8. Dresden University Hospital (DE)9. DEX Innovation Centre (CZ)10. Cremona Chamber of Commerce (IT)11. LOMBARDY REGION (IT)12. Local community Tržič (SI)13. BSC, Business support centre Ltd., Kranj, (SI)

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HoCare 2.0


➢ Transregional network of CO-CREATION LABS,

➢ Common Strategy

➢ Regional Action Plans

➢ 2 Tools (SME and Policy Tool)

➢ Pilots as Good practices, involving 12 SMEs and 6 Public providers of public services,

using co-creation.

11 partners from 6 countries (including 5 Public partners) joined forces to be the catalyst of change towards Open Innovation 2.0 ecosystems and to boost implementation of RIS3 in their territories.

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The Incubator for Social Innovations


support and strengthen social innovators – NGO’s, citizens, education, business -anyone who can see the potential social change and is willing to test his idea in the field of seniors and disabled people

➢ The innovations can be products, services or models addressing unmet needs

more effectively.

➢ The micro-innovations

➢ Grants up to 23 800 Euro

➢ Period of testing – up to 6 months

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"I love Krakow with reciprocity" – The Festival

Main Square Market, Kraków

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