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Page 1: Special Report: Natural Hormone Therapy - What You Need To Know

Defining the Terms: Bioidentical and naturalWhat’s the difference between bioidentical, natural and synthetic hormones? The difference is in the chemical structure.

A natural hormone has a chemical structure that is identical to the hormones naturally produced by the body. Natural hormones are also referred to as “bioidentical” hormones because they are biologically identical to your own.

A "synthetic" hormone, on the other hand, has a structure similar to, but not exactly the


Bioidentical Hormone Solutions for PMSpages 2, 3

Perimenopause: A Positive Changepage 4

Menopause and Beyondpage 5

The Restore® Program page 6

WHA Self-Care Planpage 7

Marla Ahlgrimm, R.Ph.Founder and CEO

Women’s Health America

• Compounded prescription medications tailored to your individual needs by our pharmacy, Madison Pharmacy Associates.

At Women’s Health America, we recognize and respect each woman’s individuality. We know that no one else will experience hormonal changes in exactly the same way as you. Your hormonal profile is as unique as your fingerprint.

We also understand that no one else knows your body as well as you. We began listening to women long before the term “women’s health” was even coined. That shared history and experience—listening to what women tell us they want and need—forms the foundation of all our products and services.

Our professional staff includes specialists in natural HRT—including nurses and pharmacists. With over 20 years experience in natural HRT, we have been working in this area longer than any group in the U.S. We take pride in serving women’s unique needs, working with their healthcare providers, and offering a full range of hormone options. It will be our pleasure to work with you and your provider.

Please call us at 800-558-7046, or find us online at www.womenshealth.com

To your health,

Women’s Health America, Inc. 800-558-7046 www.womenshealth.com

Different chemical structures: bioidentical progesterone (top) and medroxyprogesterone

acetate, a synthetic (bottom).

Our unique story began in Madison, Wisconsin in the late 1970s when we worked with one woman who suffered severely every month with symptoms later defined as PMS. At that time, there was no diagnosis and the only treatment options for her symptoms in the U.S. were tranquilizers, antidepressants, or a hysterectomy.

As pharmacists, we worked with her physician, did extensive research, and compounded a progesterone therapy for her. She was the first woman in the U.S. to use natural progesterone therapy to manage PMS.

PMS soon became a household word, and news of our work began to spread to thousands of women across the U.S. In 1982, we founded the first pharmacy in America to specialize in women’s health,

As time has passed and women’s needs changed, we have continued to evolve with our patients. Today, we are Women’s Health America, Inc., a dynamic international organization dedicated to meeting women’s complex and unique health needs.

same as the hormones produced by your body. These chemical differences can mean synthetic hormones interact differently with your body, producing substantially different effects.

For example, let’s look at the difference between the synthetic progestins and natural progesterone. Synthetic progestins like Provera®, are similar to the progesterone your body produces, but the subtle chemical differences can significantly influence the hormones action and effects in the body. Synthetic progestins can cause irritability, nausea, depression, and water retention in some women. Natural progesterone is identical to the hormone made in the body, and many women find it easier to tolerate.

Dear Friend,

By contacting Women’s Health America, Inc., you have taken a very important first step toward learning more about improving your health with customized, individualized care We are proud to provide the latest information on:

• Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and what distinguishes “natural” hormones from other types of hormones.

• PMS, perimenopause and menopause— prescription and non-prescription plans for symptom management.

• State-of-the-art hormone level measurements you can do at home.

• Our own specially formulated prescription and over-the-counter products.

Special Report: Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy What you need to know

• Madison Pharmacy Associates Compounding Pharmacy

• Restore Clinical Services• Madison BioDiagnostics Lab













Page 2: Special Report: Natural Hormone Therapy - What You Need To Know

PMS is a hormonal disorder characterized by: • A regularly recurring group of

symptoms which occur from two to 14 days before your menstrual period, usually disappearing after the period begins.

• This is followed by a symptom-free time in each monthly cycle.

These regularly recurring symptoms and their timing in the menstrual cycle typify PMS.

Do You Suffer From PMS?There is no laboratory test to diagnose PMS and symptoms are as individual as the woman suffering from them.

You can find out if you have PMS by taking the quick symptom survey on page 3. While more than 150 symptoms have been associated with PMS, we have narrowed the list to the most common. Add up your score to determine which action steps would be best for you.

Charting Your Symptoms An even better way to determine if you have PMS, and assess your symptoms, is to keep a daily record of exactly when symptoms occur, for two (2) to three (3) consecutive cycles. Daily Symptom Records are available from Women’s Health America.

Charting Hints

• Keep the record daily. Writing down your symptoms every day will make your record most accurate. Set aside a specific time each day if you need to—you’ll need only a minute or two.

• After you’ve charted your symptoms for two to three cycles, it’s time to discuss your findings with your healthcare provider.

• Continue charting after you begin a self-care or prescription treatment plan. Charting is the best way for you and your healthcare provider to judge how well the treatment is working.

What Causes PMS?As of yet, no universally agreed upon cause of PMS has been identified. Some suggested causes include:

• Vitamin-mineral deficiency • Nutritional factors • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) • Progesterone deficiency • Fluid retention • Excess prolactin (a pituitary hormone) • Stress

Managing PMSThe first step toward taking charge of your PMS symptoms is a self-care plan that includes a healthy diet, regular, moderate exercise, stress reduction, and a nutritional supplement. How to get started? See The Women’s Health America Self-Care Plan on page 7.

Some women find that self-care isn’t enough to manage PMS. Bioidentical progesterone therapy is an option in those cases.

Your healthcare provider can prescribe bioidentical progesterone. Usually it is taken during the second half of the menstrual cycle, from ovulation until your period begins.

The HormoneHow does progesterone work? When produced by your ovaries, progesterone prepares the uterine lining for a fertilized egg. Progesterone means “for gestation” and is the hormone of pregnancy. If fertilization and implantation do not occur, your progesterone level falls and your period begins.

Your progesterone level fluctuates in a monthly pattern. During the first half of your cycle, from day 1 of your period to ovulation approximately 14 days later, your progesterone level is low.

Which Hormones Do I Need, and How Much?Estrogen. A category of hormones that includes estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3).

Protects against: • Osteoporosis • Heart disease • Alzheimer’s disease • Colon cancer • Urinary incontinence • Tooth loss/decay

Enhances: • Sleep • Mood • Mental sharpness/memory • Digestion • Sex drive • Skin tone • Key brain chemicals like

serotonin and endorphins

Progesterone (P). The word means “for gestation.”

• Necessary for fertility and maintaining pregnancy

• Has a calming effect • Enhances mood • Regulates fluid balance • Increases energy and sex

drive • Stabilizes blood sugar,

thyroid function, and mineral balance

• Relieves perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms

• Decreases risk of endometrial cancer

• May help protect against breast cancer, fibrocystic breasts, and osteoporosis

Testosterone (T). A male hormone, also produced in women in substantially smaller amounts

• Builds and promotes muscle tone

• Increases energy • Decreases fatigue • Increases sex drive • Enhances well being • Strengthens bone

Source: The HRT Solution by Marla Ahlgrimm, R.Ph. and John Kells. Avery, 1999.

Bioidentical Hormone Solutions For Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

(Continued on Page 3)

Every woman is unique and as such there is no set combination or dosage of bioidentical hormones that works for every woman. Generally, a natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT) regimen will include:• A form of estrogen• A form of progesterone• And, if needed,


Let’s review the key hormones, and what they do in the body.

Women’s Health America, Inc. 800-558-7046 www.womenshealth.com — Learn more about HRTPage 2

Page 3: Special Report: Natural Hormone Therapy - What You Need To Know

After ovulation, your progesterone level rises. Progesterone is produced by the ovaries during the second half of the menstrual cycle. If you become pregnant, the placenta takes over the output of progesterone, producing high levels after Week 9 or 10 of pregnancy. High progesterone levels may be one reason some women feel especially good while pregnant.

The MedicationThe hormone progesterone is prescribed to supplement a woman’s production of the hormone. Bioidentical progesterone is identical to what your body produces.

Add up your total number of points on the chart on the top left, then take the suggested action steps in the chart above.

Synthetic progestins, found in oral contraceptives and frequently prescribed for menopausal women, can suppress ovulation and lower your body’s output of the natural hormone. Synthetic progestins often intensify, rather than relieve, PMS symptoms.

Bioidentical progesterone and synthetic progestins cannot be used interchangeably. They have different chemical structures and very different effects in the body. If your healthcare provider prescribes progesterone, be sure to ask for a prescription for the bioidentical form.

Bioidentical Progesterone Therapy and PMS ManagementProgesterone Prescription Options

Points To Remember • Progesterone replacement therapy

must be individualized for each patient.

• For women who are menstruating, typical recommended dosing is two times per day, days 14-28, based on a 28-day cycle.

• For women no longer menstruating or post-hysterectomy, dosing is daily.

Progesterone therapy: Commonly prescribed dosage forms1. Even Release Oral Tablet: 200 mg,

300 mg, 400 mg. Contains progesterone in an even-release tablet. This form produces consistent progesterone blood levels, which is

important for symptom management and to avoid drowsiness, menstrual irregularity, or breakthrough bleeding.

2. Micronized Oral Capsule: 25-100 mg. Capsules are absorbed and metabolized more quickly and may cause drowsiness or a woozy, light-headed feeling.

3. Rapid Act Sublingual Tablet: 25-100 mg. Tablet is pleasantly orange-flavored and dissolves under the tongue in less than one minute for rapid absorption.

3. Cream or Gel: 15-30 mg/gm. Deliver continuous, consistent absorption. May not be as effective as even-release tablets for symptom management.

4. Suppository: 25-400 mg. Progesterone suppositories, used vaginally

or rectally, contain progesterone in a wax base. They provide consistent, even absorption. When used vaginally, some women report leakage, and when used rectally, some report bowel stimulation.

5. aplía™ a Metered Transmucosal Applicator. Can contain one or multiple combinations of hormones for precise, and sanitary application directly to the labia or vaginal opening. Clean, convenient, precise.

What to ExpectSome women feel immediate relief (within hours) from PMS symptoms of irritability and anxiety and in two to three menstrual cycles, they feel like their bodies have adjusted.

(Continued on Page 4)

ProCycle® PMS and ProCycle® Goldnutritional supplements are available from Women’s Health America. Order online at: www.womenshealth.com/shop/catalog/

Women’s Health America, Inc. 800-558-7046 www.womenshealth.com — Learn more about HRT

SeverityNone Mild Moderate Severe

0 1 2 3

PMS Symptoms

Anxiety IrritabilityCrying for no reasonCraving carbohydrates, alcohol, sweetsMood swingsDepressionBreast tendernessHeadaches or migrainesFatigue/lack of energyBloating/weight gainDifficulty concentratingSleep disturbancesAcne or oily skinLack of libidoUrinary incontinence


PMS Action Steps

Total Score 1-14 15-30 31+

ProCycle® PMSNutritional Supplements

Diet & Exercise

Non-prescription Progesterone Cream

Prescription Progesterone

Saliva Hormone Level Testing; Urine NTx

Page 3


Page 4: Special Report: Natural Hormone Therapy - What You Need To Know

Most women tolerate bioidentical progesterone therapy very well. Occasionally, your monthly period may be delayed. If your period is more than a day or two late, discuss it with your healthcare provider—your dosage may need to be adjusted. You may experience flushing (a brief feeling of warmth) when taking progesterone. This is normal, because progesterone raises body temperature about a degree.

What About Wild Yam Cream?Many wild yam creams contain little or no progesterone. Wild yam doesn’t contain progesterone, and your body doesn’t convert wild yam extract into progesterone. If these creams contain

progesterone, their manufacturers added progesterone USP to them. The amount of progesterone in these creams can range from none at all to as high as 10%.

There are two preferable options to wild yam cream: • Have your healthcare provider write

a prescription for a cream containing micronized progesterone. You will know exactly how much progesterone you’re getting. Many insurance plans will reimburse for prescription progesterone creams.

• Women’s Health America’s bioidentical progesterone cream contains 960 mg in a 2-ounce tube, and is available without a prescription at www.womenshealth.com/shop/catalog/ Perimenopause: A Positive Change

Defining PerimenopausePerimenopause refers to the years surrounding a woman’s last menstrual period. Between ages 35 and 50, a woman may experience physical and emotional changes, although perimenopausal symptoms vary in every woman.

Managing Perimenopausal SymptomsPerimenopause is more than symptom management—it’s about staying healthy from head to toe after age 35. Self-care

is the place to start for mid-life health: nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and nutritional supplements. The Women’s Health America Self-Care Plan on page 7 has a lifestyle plan you can really use.

Some women combine self-care plans and natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during perimenopause to feel vital, energetic, and mentally sharp. Getting the care you need during perimenopause ensures a smoother transition into menopause and lays the groundwork for

healthy decades ahead.

When Self-Care Isn’t EnoughNearly two-thirds of women find that self-care is enough to manage hormonal symptoms. For some, however, self-care isn’t enough to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms, or to provide long-term benefit to the heart, bones, and brain. In those cases Women’s Health America offers customized prescription options.

Non-prescription progesterone cream is available from Women’s Health America.

Order online at: www.womenshealth.com/shop/catalog/

Add up your total number of points on the chart on the right, then take the suggested

action steps in the chart above.

Women’s Health America, Inc. 800-558-7046 www.womenshealth.com — Learn more about HRT

Perimenopause Action Steps Total Score

1-14 15+


Fatigue/lack of energyAnxietyIrritabilityDepressionBreast tendernessHeadaches or migrainesMood swingsWater retention or bloatingVaginal drynessMemory loss or changesHot flashesSleep disturbancesIncreased facial hairAcne or oily skinLack of libidoUrinary incontinenceRisk of heart diseaseRisk of osteoporosis


SeverityNone Mild Moderate Severe

0 1 2 3

ProCycle® PMS & Gold

Nutritional Supplements


Non-prescription Progesterone Cream with or without Phytoestrogens

Prescription HRT

Saliva Hormone Level Testing; Urine NTx

Page 4

Page 5: Special Report: Natural Hormone Therapy - What You Need To Know

Women’s Health America, Inc. 800-558-7046 www.womenshealth.com — Learn more about HRT

Bioidentical Hormone Solutions for PerimenopauseYour perimenopausal transition is unique—no other woman’s experience will be the same. That’s why a natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT) program needs to be tailored to your individual hormone levels, lifestyle, medical history, and preferences.

Which Hormones To Take During Perimenopause, and How Much?These factors help determine which hormones you need, and how much:

• The symptoms you want to manage. • Your hormone levels (see page 6, the

Restore® Program). • Your risk factors for heart disease and

bone loss. • Your medical history.

Prescription Options During Perimenopause Your body and psyche go through a dynamic process as you transition from perimenopause to menopause and beyond. Some women start using one hormone to manage perimenopausal symptoms and add other hormones as their bodies continue to change. Women’s Health America will work with you and your healthcare provider to determine what’s right for you.

During perimenopause, your natural hormone replacement therapy program may include one or more of these hormones:

• Bioidentical progesterone. Some symptoms occur when production of

progesterone slows down, and the ratio between progesterone and estrogen is out of balance.

• A bioidentical form of estrogen such as estriol. Used vaginally, estriol is especially helpful for vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence. Taken orally, estriol may help manage hot flashes. Women sometimes ask about estradiol during perimenopause. Typically, estradiol is not prescribed to women who are still menstruating.

• Bioidentical testosterone. Enhancing libido is just one of the benefits of using bioidentical testosterone. This hormone also increases energy, builds muscle tone, and increases bone strength.

Menopause and BeyondMenopause, technically, is a woman’s last menstrual period. The average age for a woman to reach menopause is 51 and a woman is considered postmenopausal when she has not had a period for 12 consecutive months.

More than one-third of your life is ahead of you after you reach menopause. It’s exciting to contemplate how you want to spend those years! Where to start? If you haven’t already adopted a self-care program, see The Women’s Health America Self-Care Plan on page 7. You’ll find nutrition, relaxation, and exercise tips that you can adapt to suit your lifestyle.

Menopausal SymptomsEvery woman’s transition into menopause is different. Some women have few symptoms, and only very mild ones. Other women find the quality of their lives significantly affected by changes in

mood, memory, and productivity, and by uncomfortable physical symptoms.

Use the list below to check any symptoms you are experiencing. • Anxiety/irritability • Fatigue/lack of energy • Depression • Hot flashes • Breast tenderness • Headaches or migraines • Lack of libido • Vaginal dryness • Sleep disturbances • Memory loss or changes • Acne or oily skin • Increased facial hair • Water retention or bloating • Urinary incontinence • Risk of heart disease • Risk of osteoporosis

Bioidentical Hormone Solutions for MenopauseNo “one-size-fits-all” hormone regimen works for all women. Our PCAB accredited pharmacy, Madison Pharmacy Associates, can compound a prescription for bioidentical hormones tailored to your individual needs.Today, scientists and researchers understand that women produce, absorb, and metabolize hormones differently.Your individual hormone levels, preferences, lifestyle, risk factors, and the symptoms you most want to manage, all must be evaluated in the formulation of your hormone prescription (see Restore®

page 6).

Prescription Options for MenopauseYour bioidentical hormone therapy program may include: • Biest (oral oil capsules or transdermal

cream). A combination of 20% bioidentical estradiol and 80% bioidentical estriol, this ratio offers maximum therapy benefits. Taken once daily, in the morning.

• Estriol (vaginal cream or suppository). Bioidentical estriol, used vaginally, can relieve vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence. Typically used 2-3 times per week at bedtime.

• Estradiol Patch. The transdermal patch

Menopause: Healthy Steps1. ProCycle® Gold nutritional supplement. Taken daily,

this special formula provides significant relief from menopausal symptoms.

2. Diet and exercise. See The Women’s Health America Self-Care Plan on page 7.

3. Prescription hormone replacement therapy. Talk with your healthcare provider about your symptoms and your natural hormone replacement therapy options. We are here to help work with your healthcare provider!

4. Saliva hormone level testing and urine NTx bone density testing are both available from Women’s Health America and frequently covered by many insurance plans.

Restore BIOBALANCE ProCycle® Goldnutritional supplements help alleviate:

• hot flashes & night sweats• insomnia• irritability & fatigue • energy & mood• mental sharpness

Order online at: www.womenshealth.com/shop/catalog/

acts as a reservoir for continuous hormone delivery.

• Micronized progesterone, see page 3.• aplía™ metered applicator. Contains

one or more combinations of hormones for precise, and sanitary transmucosal application directly to the labia or vaginal opening. Clean and convenient.

• Testosterone (oral oil capsules, cream, or transdermal patch). Bioidentical testosterone is often prescribed to manage low libido, low energy, and fatigue. It is taken in the morning to mimic the body’s natural pattern. Oral dosing is preferred for low libido.

(Continued on Page 6)Page 5

Page 6: Special Report: Natural Hormone Therapy - What You Need To Know

Staying Healthy After Menopause

Healthy Heart, Strong BonesHeart disease rates increase in women after menopause. Why? Estrogen levels fall during perimenopause, even when a woman is still menstruating. As a woman approaches menopause, estrogen production declines and she begins to lose its protective effects on her heart and bones.

Estrogen Protects the Heart by: • Increasing beneficial HDL

(“good cholesterol”). • Decreasing levels of harmful LDL

(“bad cholesterol”). • Keeping smooth inner lining of

coronary arteries elastic. • Preventing arteries from constricting.

Continuing Estrogen’s Protective Effect“I exercise and eat right—my heart and bones are fine,” some women tell us after discussing natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with their healthcare providers. In many cases, that’s true, however, we still recommend they consider natural hormone replacement therapy as a means of extending

estrogen’s protective effect on the body.

The Women’s Health Initiative raised questions about hormone therapy’s protective effect against heart disease in older women. Other studies have shown that estrogen may have a protective effect against heart disease in younger women. In one landmark trial, the Postmenopausal Estrogen and Progestin Interventions (PEPI) trial, a form of estrogen combined with natural, micronized progesterone provided the best cardiovascular protection of all the combined hormone regimens tested.

Preventing OsteoporosisAlong with its protective effect on the heart, estrogen helps keep bones strong. Bones are made up of living cells that continuously grow (remodel) and dissolve (resorb) throughout our lives. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone work together to form and protect bone.

Estrogen helps absorb calcium from the intestinal tract, helps deposit calcium into bone, and helps prevent bone from being broken down in the remodeling process. Progesterone and testosterone stimulate cells that build bone.

When Self-Care Isn’t Enough: Restore ®

Q: What is Restore®?

A: Restore® is a customized hormone measuring and monitoring program, exclusively available from Women’s Health America. Restore® has 3 (three) components:

1. Testing: Analytical measurement of saliva to determine hormone levels as well as of urine to measure rate of bone breakdown.

2. Individualized Prescriptions: Customized bioidentical hormone prescriptions from our PCAB Accredited pharmacy, Madison Pharmacy Associates. Your individualized prescription will be based on your test results and the fact that your body produces, metabolizes, absorbs, and responds

to hormones in a way that is as unique as your fingerprint. Our pharmacists use pure, pharmaceutical-grade chemicals to hand-prepare each prescription. These bioidentical hormones (derived from soy) are biologically identical to the hormones your body produces.

3. Ongoing case management: Our pharmacists and nursing staff will assist your healthcare provider in evaluating your needs and adjusting your care plan and hormone prescription to attain the best outcomes.

Q: Why use the Restore® program from Women’s Health America?

A: Because Restore includes saliva and urine testing, interpretation by specially-trained professionals, individualized prescription compounding, and ongoing case management—all in one program.

Q: What is the difference between saliva and serum (blood) testing?

A: Saliva measures “free” hormones. Free hormones are bioavailable to stimulate

receptor cells in your body and carry out the functions they are designed to perform. Only 2% - 5% of the hormones circulating in your body are “free.” The rest are bound to proteins, and unavailable to stimulate cells. A blood test usually measures “total” hormones. Total hormones include free and bound hormones in one number. A total hormone measurement in blood does not tell you or your healthcare provider what percentage of your hormones is actually available to stimulate your cells.

Q: How do I get started in the Restore® program?

A: Just follow these simple steps:

1. You need a prescription for Restore® from your healthcare provider. She or he can complete the Restore® Enrollment Form and fax it to Women’s Health America.

2. We mail your Restore® home testing kit to you with complete instructions for collecting saliva and urine samples.

3. You send your samples back to the lab for testing.

(Continued on Page 8)

These products can be ordered on-line at www.womenshealth.com/shop/catalog/. If you are interested in reading more about studies on hormone therapy, see the “Resources” section on page 8.

Bone loss, or osteoporosis, results from a combination of factors:

• Decline in calcium absorption. • Less Vitamin D in the body. • Drop in estrogen, progesterone, and

testosterone after menopause.

Here’s how to protect your bones: • Enjoy regular weight-bearing

exercise for 15 to 20 minutes, four times a week (see page 7 for examples).

• Take 1000 mg of calcium citrate and 600 mg of magnesium as well as 2 mg of boron daily; ProCycle® Gold contains the right amount of each.

• Take Ostivone twice daily. When taken together, Ostivone and calcium result in significantly greater bone mineral density than taking calcium by itself.

• Take 800 IU of Vitamin D daily. • Talk with your healthcare provider

about regularly measuring your rate of bone loss with the simple NTx urine test (see page 6).

Women’s Health America, Inc. 800-558-7046 www.womenshealth.com — Learn more about HRTPage 6

Page 7: Special Report: Natural Hormone Therapy - What You Need To Know

Many women can manage hormonal symptoms with self-care—a healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, and nutritional supple-ments like ProCycle® PMS and ProCycle® Gold.

Taking great care of yourself doesn’t have to be complicated, overly time-consuming, or expensive. You can get started with these simple measures today. Whether you are experiencing PMS or the transition from perimenopause to menopause and beyond, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll see results—fewer symptoms, more energy, and renewed mental clarity.

STEP 1: YOUR HEALTHY DIET Eat Early and Eat Often Make healthy changes in your diet. Instead of “three squares,” try eating three small meals and three snacks daily. Frequent small meals keep your blood sugar stable and avoid energy highs and lows. As you plan your meals and snacks, include a mix of these “staples.”

• Whole grains and legumes (beans) • Lean sources of protein—

most women do not eat enough protein • Raw and leafy vegetables • Foods with soy protein (soy nuts,

soy milk, or tofu) • Fish with Omega-3 fatty acids

(tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines, salmon, shellfish)

Foods to Eat • Lean meat, fish • Low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt • Whole grain bread, cereal, and pasta • Legumes (lentils and beans) • Green, leafy vegetables • Fresh fruit (moderate amounts—it’s high in

sugar—best with small amounts of protein or complex carbohydrates. Example: 1/2 apple with 1 small handful of almonds)

• Plain popcorn • Unsalted pretzels

Foods to Avoid • Salty lunch meat, sausage, bacon • High-fat cheeses such as brie • White bread, cake, cookies • Jam, honey, molasses • High-salt snacks like potato chips • Caffeinated drinks, coffee, tea, soda • Alcohol

STEP 2: GET PHYSICAL! Moderate outdoor exercise is great for overall fitness and helps reduce stress. There are other benefits as well: • Raises HDL (“good cholesterol”) • Reduces triglycerides (fats) in the blood • Builds strong bones • Increases heart and lung capacity • Causes the release of endorphins, nature’s

mood elevators • Increases oxygen and blood flow to

muscles, reducing tension • Reduces fluid retention

How Much, How Often? Research shows even a moderate amount of exer-cise provides relief from PMS symptoms. As little as 1 hour and 10 minutes per week of aerobics (that’s only 10 minutes a day), 50 minutes a week of running, or 1 hour and 20 minutes a week of swimming relieved symptoms, according to one study. A brisk 20- to 30-minute walk three times a week is a favorite exercise routine among many women who contact Women’s Health America.

And, because walking is a weight-bearing form of exercise, it has the added benefit of building strong bones. Other forms of weight-bearing exercise include: dancing, tennis, certain yoga poses, running, and weight training.

The quantity and type of exercise are less impor-tant than the commitment to exercise regularly. To feel well consistently, you need about 20 minutes of exercise three or four times a week.

STEP 3: THE RIGHT NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS FOR YOU ProCycle® PMS Specially developed for women with PMS, ProCycle® PMS is a therapeutic nutritional supplement containing a balanced combina-tion of B vitamins, magnesium, and calcium. ProCycle® PMS contains a beneficial 2-to-1 ratio of magnesium to calcium. This ratio is important to help regulate muscle relaxation, blood sugar, and to promote sound sleep. Also, magnesium may have a role in reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and hypertension, and in preventing migraine in pregnant women.

ProCycle® GoldProCycle® Gold is a complex vitamin and mineral supplement designed exclusively for women during their menopausal years. It contains a precise ratio of Vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and boron. The calcium in ProCycle® Gold comes from calcium citrate, which is easily absorbed.

ProCycle® Gold is ideal for women who can’t take estrogen for health reasons or prefer to manage their menopausal symptoms by combining diet and exercise.

Each ProCycle® Gold tablet consists of a blend of vitamins, including Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12a, C, E, D3, beta carotene, folic acid, niacinamide, biotin, and pantothenic acid. Minerals in ProCycle® Gold include calcium citrate, magnesium, iodine, copper, zinc, manganese, potassium, selenium, and chromium.

ProCycle® PMS and ProCycle® Gold contain no animal products, sugars, starch, corn, dairy, wheat or yeast products, fish oil, kelp, artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

STEP 4: STRESS MANAGEMENT The hectic pace of women’s lives can make it dif-ficult to find time to relax. It’s important to set a regular time to slow down. Relaxation lets you tap into your own personal mind-body connection, by activating an inborn physiological response.

Are you a person who says, “I don’t know how to relax!”? No problem. Your body knows how— this ability is always there, waiting for you to learn how to use it. For most women, relaxation isn’t just one thing—it’s a balance of social, physical, creative, and spiritual activities.

Make a point of doing things that help you feel relaxed on a regular basis. Spend time with family and friends, read, or watch something humorous. Enjoy a creative outlet like cooking, sewing, music, art, or writing. Pray, meditate, or practicing deep breathing. Simplify where you can and look at relaxation not as a rare luxury, but as something you need to stay healthy.

Remember, if you experience physical symptoms or illness, don’t assume they’re “just stress.” Always have a health care provider check them out, to eliminate possible physiological causes.

STEP 5: EDUCATE YOURSELF Take time to learn about your body and options for healthy living and healthy aging.

The HRT Solution by Marla Ahlgrimm, R.Ph. and John Kells. Avery, 1999. Self Help for Premenstrual Syndrome by Michelle Harrison M.D., and Marla Ahlgrimm, R.Ph. Random House, 1998. The Power of Perimenopause by Stephanie Bender. Three Rivers, 1998.

Better Bones, Better Body by Susan E. Brown, Ph.D. NTC, Contemporary Publishing, 2000. Menopause Without Medicine by Linda Ojeda, Ph.D. Hunter House, 2000.

The Women’s Health America Self-Care Plan

Women’s Health America, Inc. 800-558-7046 www.womenshealth.com — Learn more about HRT Page 7

Page 8: Special Report: Natural Hormone Therapy - What You Need To Know

P.O. Box 259690 Madison, WI 53725-9690


“The HRT Solution should be the bible of hormone replacement for any woman who is on hormones or considering taking them. Any other approach just isn't good enough."

- Christiane Northrup, M.D, author of The Wisdom of Menopause and

Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

Everything you and your healthcare provider need to know about why synthetic hormone therapy has not worked for many women—and why natural hormone therapy does—is right here. Marla Ahlgrimm explains the differences in clear, concise terms illustrated with real-life stories from patients.

The HRT Solution introduces a new approach to hormone therapy that is as natural and as individual as you. Testing to assess and monitor hormone levels is combined with customized, low-dose therapy using bioidentical hormones, identical to those your body naturally produces.

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by Marla Ahlgrimm, R.Ph. and John M. Kells, with Christine Macgenn Rodgerson

We wrote the book on hormone therapy 4. A Women’s Health America case

manager individually evaluates your lab results and then sends the results and their considerations for your prescriptions and care plan to your healthcare provider.

5. You follow up with your healthcare provider to discuss the Restore® program’s results and considerations and to get started on natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT)if needed.

Q: Will insurance cover the Restore® program?

A: More and more insurance plans, including Medicare Part B, cover the testing. We require advance payment, and provide you with information to submit to your insurance plan for reimbursement.

Q: What are the Restore® program benefits?

1. Testing: Baseline saliva testing determines which hormones you need and how much.

This baseline hormone information, with the results of the bone breakdown urine test (NTx test), gives you and your healthcare provider a more precise view of your health, and allows you to make informed decisions about natural HRT.

2. Specialist Support: You and your healthcare provider will benefit

from the support of our certified and specialized staff who are highly trained in natural HRT.

3. Follow-up Testing: Follow-up measurement after you begin natural hormone replacement therapy takes the guesswork out of tailoring your prescription to your specific needs. This careful dosage adjustment avoids side effects. As long as you maintain your HRT prescriptions through Madison Pharmacy Associates, there is no charge for scheduled follow-up testing.

4. Restore® tests are convenient, painless, and noninvasive (no needles).


The HRT Solution. M Ahlgrimm and JM Kells. New York: Avery Publishing, 1999.

Effects of estrogen or estrogen/progestin regimens on heart disease risk factors in postmenopausal women: The PEPI Trial. JAMA 273: 199-208, 1995.

Effect of estrogen during menopause on risk and age at onset of Alzheimer’s disease. M Tang et al., Lancet, 348:429-32, 1996.

More reasons than ever for HRT. TL Bush et al., Patient Care Nov. 15, 1993, pp. 103-132.

Estriol, the forgotten estrogen? AH Follingstad, JAMA 239: 29-30, 1978.

(Continued from Page 6)

End theconfusion about



“The HRT Solution should be the bible of hormone replacment for any woman who is on hormones or considering taking them. Any other approach isn’t good enough.”

– Christiane Northru, M.D., author of THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE and WOMEN’S BODIES, WOMEN’s WISDOM


A comprehensive, personalized programof natural hormone replacement to relieve

menopauseal symptoms and restore vitality,sexuality, and health...for life

Marla Ahlgrimm, R.Ph., and John M. Kellswith Christine Macgenn Rodgerson

Healthcare as individual as you!

REV 11-2009 Ref #: SRMINS_02

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