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  • 1. Objective for Lesson Three By the end of lesson three, students will have learned about podcasts, and how to make them. They will have learned this by writing and recording their own one minute podcasts, written about one issue in their school that they would like changed. They will record and post this podcast in class to 100% accuracy, and play it for the class after it is posted on the school website on blackboard. As a side project for extra credit, students will learn more about FDR and post Twitter posts on FDRs Twitter page.

2. Lesson Three (Three Days) On the first day of the third lesson, the students will listen to a podcast on FDRs inauguration and then listen to the full speech. The students will dissect the speech into its separate parts while listening to the speech. On the second day of the third lesson, students will be asked to write a one minute speech and record it as a Podcast on the school website on blackboard. The speech must be about one issue that should be addressed about their school. They will also post updates as FDR on a Twitter page under his name. On the third day of the third lesson, students will complete their Podcast and post it on the school website and the class will listen to them while the instructor grades the Podcasts. 3. FDR Podcast and Twitter To be used in third lesson 4. Objective for Lesson Four By the end of the fourth lesson, students will have learned to use photo shop to create an effective visual aid for a speech. They will have learned this by practicing a tutorial online and completing their own image based on the speech topic that they have chosen for their final speech. To evaluate their work, the class will have a class discussion on the effectiveness and clarity of each students visual aid. 5. Lesson Four (Three Days) On the first day of the fourth lesson, the students will be shown an example of a photo shopped picture, then they will find a tutorial online and complete it in the classroom. On the second day of the fourth lesson, students will be assigned a photo shop in which they will merge two pictures to make a visual aide for one of their class speeches. The computer lab in the school will be reserved. On the third day of the fourth lesson, students will present their visual aides to the class, printed out, to the class and they will explain how it expresses the point of their chosen speech. Then the class will have a class discussion on the clarity and effectiveness of each visual aide. 6. Photo Shopped Example To be used in lesson four 7. Objective for Lesson Five By the end of the fifth lesson, the students will have combine all of the previous lessons into one five minute long speech for each student on their chosen topic. The topic will be well-researched and have important significance to the student. The speech will be presented with a well-constructed visual aid and clear message. Their outlines will also be turned in so the instructor can follow along with the speech and grade it. This will be completed with 100% accuracy. 8. Lesson Five (Three Days) On day one of the fifth and final lesson, students will begin on their final speech. They will choose a topic that is important to them, and to familiarize themselves with that topic they will use google.com/blogger to blog about their topic. They will then research their topic thoroughly and begin the outline. The students will discuss the topics of their speeches on the class Facebook page to help each other. On the second day of the fifth lesson, the students will complete their outlines, complete with citations, and use key words to transfer their speeches onto flashcards and work on their visual aids for the speeches. On the third day of the fifth lesson, the students will present their five minute speech, with visual aides, and maintain eye contact with the audience, pace themselves, and not fidget to a degree of 100%. 9. Link for Blog Website and Facebook Snapshot To be used in lesson five BlogSpot This is the page where students will write about their speech topics. Facebook class speech page snapshot 10. Media and Materials Needed A computer lab with twenty computers that contains Adobe photo shop software Available printer with printer paper Flashcards Large poster paper with poster printer Projector for the classroom A television that is connected to the computer to show the PowerPoint Access to Blackboard to post the Podcasts Microphones for the computers to record the podcasts Internet access for research. Microsoft software 11. Websites Used Google.com/blogger Zunal.com Facebook.com Twitter.com Blackboard.com http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/speech/

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